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The Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 4
`:. ,.,Rv,-�F�.�,�. ��..,"r�„"''�r''�'_.`"�`". �, •t ,, ..� .,,. .lr,(,,,,-_.-�,,.� .„�:•e...,�,n..... ,�,w,..4... .�,,. { ��. �, �,,,„r. ,•_Y .s�.— ,�..,��„ .�zr ;�r...ro....��,�,,,�r cps.`. �.cnn �.=.. �y��z,.. t V which contain "favored nation" clause* A Rio Sale are liar}le to a reductlou of 25per cent, e 7 on the Conservative side, rbnd Messrs. ew, and the net result of the resolution A F."I.endly Rogers and Frost spoke in support of L J01 In M11S1� iliRy be that there will bl, a fuss of one the resolution, ' i 1{ , ?� "" quarter of the revenue derived fro r� p The gist of all the Conservative We are putting our Music down In'p 13, its It is learrltad from the (ion- d 1�7* speeches have been that the Govern. at 6 for a week or two, you should troller of Custouls that he tae no in- Went in forroulatia(t Its policy has +,%.;•?kfrq terttiot of rescindin his order to col- In small accounts there . are rnade It so indefinite ttlat, the ministers This is the complaint of r n 4 take the musicuuity to secure themselves do not appear to he able • some good music. lectors of custouls ut22ud April to allow several thousand dollars over - a reduction of uuu-eighth of the duty due THU NEws-RECORD, We to agree as to the tilanner in which it thousands at this season. Eat ���� ��d (in British goods. Mr. Fielding inti- ►s la be interpreted, while the Dower They have no appetite; food Our Now Bicyles ruatt+a thin the whole question of an dislike dunning, but we must which Parliament is asked to delp a e y need the toning upof y n g t does not relish. The reduction nuns be considered if the trek for prompt settlement. It to the Government is so great that the stomach and digestive organs, which y-� Will be in in it few days and we British Government decides that Can you are Indebted to this office duties can he either lowered or raised a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give I �®��7- e �° will be able to supply oto' ('us- ada hits uot.the. power to discriminate remit the amount by P. U, fly an -order -in and the pre. them. It also purifies and enriches the V ni" s Comers with the best wheels thtat I in favor of Great 13citaiu. 'chis seems ferenre tvhi4h is now professed to- blood, be bought. to clean that. tilt, final fate of the now Order or Registered Latter at wards Great Bi itain may be withdrawn blood, Duren that distress after eating and f fatuous prefeteutfal tesulutior will be our risk. During the past at any tnutvyut and au a retmens Internal misery only a dyspeptic canIi!(1i11om ®� �i1 J 00000•O00• that it will be withdrawn next session, week we have been compelled imide with the United States bywhichknow, creates an appetite, overcomes that 1 p � f Bicycle and Music anti tire Government will have the to place several accounts that country alone will receive pre.- tired feeling and builds up and. sustains EMERSON S pleasure of refunding to importers ferential treatment. Shirt Waist Sets in Sterling House, in court for collection and this the whole physical system. It so prompt- g Silver, j610"IMLrl +Lod Other goods the excess of AIANUFACTURRUs GET A LITTLE. ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- Rolled Plate, Enameled White nuts which it the res on such gouda will he our only option in a 'rhe general trend of the than es tome and cures nervone headaches, that it Metal. Also Belts, Belt Pins t uruig the tints the resolution is acted number of other cases, we re- in the tariff resolutions indicates t at seems to haveaimost "a magic roach." and the fittest in all kinds of 6 on. gret to say, If these small mat. Mr- Fielding has been susee tible to V Queen" 91k. L'()liTUR'S ABLE: AROUMENT. the influences of man o p �Jewelly, Watches, Clocks, e !VI tern are not promptly intended Y f the deputa- 'Oiloah, o Wednesday till'. Foster showed to• tions which have waited on him dur- The best Of WOrli clone bel cot kelusivel y the hot lowness of the pt e- Ing the past three weeks, and that the ` , "A ma nificent specimen of the Color tended preferential treatanent of iur - ---- --- stern logic of closed factories Rud idle in all kinds of repairs; g P ports Erato Great Britain and pointedJ0 workmen has had the effect of c:wsiug tit IOWBSt prices Printers Art." out that once Parliament delegated to % him to make some concessions to the , and the Controllot• of Customs the right to manufacturers. He has made no con• guaranteed t0 give sat- A handsome picture to mal'k K cessions to the farmers iu response to Sarsaparilla 1 aP4iaN tvlutt countries were entitled to i�sfaction. { the commemoration Of preferential treattlent, there was moth- the urgent representations of the west- �• Ing to prevent, hitt front withdrawitlg ' ern members, but realizing hove much Isthe.best-In fact the OneTrue Blood Purifier, her most gracious ,-Ij- his order to admit British goods at it harder the agriculturist will have toare the beat atter-dlnner preferential rate, and the Government work undera tariff that keeps up the Hood, S PHIS pills, aid digestion. M& eSty'S Diamond Jubilee. would their tie free to dicker with the CLINTONduty on his implements while it taxes United States for recipprocity in tariffs, 9 the farmer oto pay bounties, has re - Size 161-X2`� 1, by which impor-ts feour the United duced from 20 per cent to 10 FFlee cent. sit. A description in detail of the States would be given 25 per cent. the duty on grindstones. �erhaps the splendid specialties given by the Par - Five of the most important proferenre in rettuu for CiLiliLdiRn turn- TUESDAY JUNE 22 change which will give most satisfac- kor-Partello Troupe will be made pub- " Iter, ant (t few other articles heing ad- ! 9 tion is t hat tnRde in whta;t is known as lie in a few days. � events Of the Queen's illitted free to the United States. in the "combines". resolution and which, In the evening in the town brill a other words he contended that, inst(ypd 00000000000w as originally introduced, racticall CLINTON. P Y rendition' of the popohtr play "'rime life are shown and are as oY being a eco -British tariff, this pref- rogrammo Of Sports that gave the Government the power, to ruin and the Hour," will, be produced by the follows : et•enti d `'131.1,e put it in the power' of p b p troy manufacturer, at any moment Guderich Amateur Dramatic. Club, an z` the (loverniltent to convert it into an Wi�I not bd a called in any out Warning by simply declaring 6 organization possesses of unquestion- •t ��� It and pt•o-United States tar- t11aG these was a "combine" in any able ability. 1 I. The Coronation in Westminster iii with a disctiminattor duty of 25 th1S (listrlct CO1lSlStinn particular industry. Abbey, 18'39. The Archbishop of Can- per cent. against Great yBrit� n. Ill ' vides that in applying tithe anti- o o- There will be a most delightful en- te[tRinment on the park rounds, coil- Packages. n Q terbury placing the Crown on the view of the position always taken by of" bine. feature of the tariff, reference g �.���� V�- young Queen's head. the United States Government that shall first be had to the courtsto deter- sisting of competitive drills ; possibly a a. 2. The Marriage of Her Majesty to no redlf )VOcnty au'I'angetnent could be Fancy Parades, - ^ mine how far an alleged cnmbinecoines great Sham Battle, the specialty per - Prince Albert in St. James' P"Ince, made with Cauadit which did not in- Bicyclists, Horsemen, Boys' Bri- within the meaning of the law. This forinitnce of the Plarkor-Piartello 1840, valve disc•rinnratiou t ainst Great removes a ver Troupe; band contests, etc. In taking Kt gado, Societies, Firemen, &c. y objectionable feature ( a5 stook we found we had Britain, the force and importance of of the resolutions as at first Proposed, As a finale, arrangements are being Bicycle Races, Drill Com etition, Atli- and gives the manuftcturer tit least a made for a magnificent display of rro_ 1,644 packages of 1 Turkish Dye, ;f 3. 'rlre Queen proclttfnred Empress till; arglunent of Mr. Foster will be at p of InJin by the Viceroy before the once apparent. &Ir. Foster also dealt 1Pt1c ( antes, Acrobatic Perform- chance which he did not have under dern fireworks, together with it monster every color, We offer these at 4 assembled Chiefs, 1877. with telling effect upon the meddle. ante, Base Ball, Lacrosse, Font the first resolution, Jubilee bonfire. 3 packages for 25c, 4. The brilliant pageant outside surteness of the resolution, and the Bull, Tugs of War, Band Concerts, , p g AN Aatrxn9rElvr VOTED DOWN. The splendid Exeter band has been Westminster Abbey on the occasion of trouble which it. wits likely to cause'- ElectricErtertainuient,Fireworks, � Clinton Citizen's &c, &c. The modification of the Govern- engaged, CuCitizens Band will be �iamnnd DUs, theJnbilee, 1887. the Mother Country in carrying out mom's policy exhibited in the resoltt- on duty, and the Music Committee t' tleaGy obligations with furei rn coun- New and novel featutes will he given, tions as amended to-d%y, drew fiottl yesterday secured the Blyth brass 3 packages for 25c. tries, and generally criticized tare taction Elaborate Decorations Sit- Charlet Tl ler a vi recoils bind,so that there will t e abundance 1 g Price of the Government in dealing with the • )�} f, protest. of inspiring, music. tariff. Mr. John Ross Robertson matte Delightful DZusfc. He law in t e admission that the Markpi our date for Clinton, June Magnetic Dye " a charReteristic N. 1'. s errh, in which treatise may apply air abandonment of Ill beautiful gilt flame p the principle of Preferential trade. 22nd. We tire providing a good pro- te cions out strongly in Payor of Pro- �ti 8 want you here t0 Sir Charles ventured the opinion that gramine, and we want you to celebrate 6 packages for 25c. IVa are out i 1'ca[ly for shipment,75C. Craig, •uui ryas followed by, illi' the Government will find itself in the with us. Our day is your clay -and of some of the colors in this Dye Orsi}„ who while favoring bel llS celebrate, In a g preferential p position of applying to nearly that dR 'is the `12nd of Jnno. y trade within the repose w:f opposed �r y tLll Of y but in order to clear out our stock to the nue-sided ppropOSrtl of the Goy- fitting manner, this mem_ Europe the itavantages which it pro ----• -• - ernlnent. Air. I3ell of Pic•tou rnade a Poses to be willing to extend only to It is one of the greats,t marvels of this. lar- we efie^ this 10c package for 5e, capital short speech in which he cap;_ orable and ,joyous (lay. policy, ir (;hatit prnesteag;instiet'as Mini ago-, June 3rd Out. stlt. ll'own Each package will dye 2 pounds tulaled the Government on 'having When we do it -we do it well." silent declaring that the sweeping re_ of Wool or Cotton. !tons sor corrected' in the second tariff resolu- duction Proposed in the tariff will int - me of the errors fallen into in 009000000000 peril the industrlal interests of Canadla, News Notes. we ' the firstresoliitions, butregretted that, and is in prfncf leu ' in doing It limited amount of justice to d p opposed to prefer- It is likely that the plebiscite on pro - iron and steel rnanufactower•s, it had MAYOR HOLMES, Chairman. entia.l tra e, The amendment affli'ins hibition will also contain a question re- CLINTON. been thought necessary to do so at the that the desire for preferential trade is girding direct taxation as the result of ��� Combe expense of Nova Scotia producers of J. P. DOI3ERTY, Secretary, general through Canada, and c • • loss of revenue. • H. � asks s Iron by reducing the duty oil the raw that the Bi itish Government be ttdvis- + ed that as soon as the treaty diflicnl- Burglars broke into Hunts bank at Chemist and Druggist. nratecial of the manufacturer without Braekbridge, Ont., on Wednesday ggist, t'lV t1VCkXl ItliXf'ti.l Increasing the bounty on iron ores. A year 1895-96, but they will occasion Inn to enter into ties tire I a tridearrangeeet prepared with night, and ltheut $1,000 to cash, and new point, and one of considerable tilt- increase in axpenditure in 1896.97 over the Mother Country, It also protests $9,4,W. worth of bonds were stolen, Paints -Harland Bros. penance wits raised at the close of the 1895-1)(3. against env arrangements involving Lieut. Peary has obtained at five The Bing of the Belgians has caused Wanted -Nelson Bogue. debate by Mr. Ives, who called the at• changing o same excitement, b paying Clothing -Jackson Bros. tention of the Minister of Finance to (h) As every branch of (tie service g g f tariffs being effected by the years' leave of absence from the Unit• y p ying a visit to Alarm clock -P, B. Crews, the fact tbat there Wats no provision continues to expand it would he advis- Governuleut without, the sanction of ed States navy in order to organize London, incognito, travelling to Bial - Bargains -A. J. Holloway. tirade for the withdrawal of preferen- able in each year's appropriati(ins to Parliament. To this the Government another expedition in search of the m°cal to see the Queen, anti then tie. - will goods-Hudgens Bros. tial treatment from any nation which melons I� sutra for the extension of the replies. flu ough Mr. Davies that it has North Pole. parting from Glasgow in his yitteh tit A big sale -Geo, F. Emerson. might withdraw preferential treatment service, and have such extensions decid- not receded from its policy of pre- The Ottawa Free Press, Liberal, says rilidntght. Every student -W. J Elliott. from Canada. As wits pointed out b ed upon with reference to such special ferential trade with England. He that the changes to the tariff show Rev. B. F. Austin, for the past six- Jnbili'e ;cods -A. J. Morrish. Mr. Ives, a country which now treats appropriation::, other wisp there fs dan- ,argues that the treaties do not apply that the Government is working stead- teen years Principal of A11na Colle c, Rooms to let --Lack Kennedy. Canadian exports air such liberal terns yrer of unauthorized and unprovided because they have not been ratified by fly in the direction of wi to out St. Thomas, has resigned, and Rev. ]t, Novelties:-1io W. D. Fair Co. as to induce the Controller of Customs for necessary expenditures,Bn being ui Canada, and 1t he is wrong, then he tcction. wiping pro J J. Wat•ner, late professor of modern The Queen -Wm. Cooper & Co. to give the product of that county ciertaken ; and a consequent laxity in contends that as a reciprocal arrange- languages,has been appointed Prin- Furniture for sale -Mrs. Whitt. preferential treatment °right errs° a the itdnrinistration of the financial af- merit this is outside of the treaties. Mrs. Grace Moore, aged 86, mother• cipl. I Sheep di}Ppinl;-Allen &Wilson. its tariff R month afterwards and nKe fairs of the department. The debate was continued all the week, of Ur. A. N. Moore, died in Lockport, DIillinery-IA. . H, Beesley & Co. cl'inlillate against Canada, and there except Thursday, which was a state- N. Y•, on Wednesday night. Her re- The Rttempt to capture Aluligtp' 5 lectRcles-()oo er's Book Store. FAST ATLANTIC SERvrc.l . for holiday, and the house did not plains were taken to Georgetown, Voice, the Indian murderer. bias proved p does not appear to be any provision in Sir Richard Cartwright on Friday sit.y Un Wednesday acount was taken a, ditlicult task, and has resulted in the Cin wanted -Capt. H. B. Combe. the rPsnlut.iun for the Uentroller of night, brought down the contract sign in On on t+ir + Ont., for• biu'ial, death of Corporal Hocken and Cun• Cinematogt•aphe-St. Paul's Choir, Customs withdrawing the privilege he ed by hint on 18th Vlarch with Peterson amendmen Charles Tupper's Lord Aberdeen was motorman Thurs- stable Kerr, of rho N. W. M. i'. snit Bicycle furnishings -T. Jackson, Sr. has (,nee grnntecl. 111r. hiPliling aa- Tait & Co., of Newcastle, Eng., for :i for to t which teas defeated, 4L day on tan electric car which'auRde a Mr. Ernest (rrund ostnrast(+r 74 against. trap front Aylnler to Ottawa, with the p' p he Jubilee celebration -The Cottuittee• rilitte(i that the paint was an impar- Flist Atlantic service. The c•ontrtu•t is Duck Lake, who attempted to rush thof e Pins and Souvenirs -Mrs. Biddle- taut one, but thought that the question for ten years fur a subsidy of i(154,:i(!0 ['o miss seeini til( ('inemator,• Government House party. They went bluff where the Indians are. Rein- combe, was a legal one and nut likely to be per annum of which the.l3ritish Guv- t anheie to t to name the new park the Queen's torcements, with field guns, have herll raised. + half the value of a life time. -Toronto World, park. ® Gold dust washing powder -Ogle ernntent pays one-third and the Ctana- cJ''t. l�lh. TOwta hall Clinton, June 3rd rand sent to the scene. The wmPs brtvv`een' Cooper & Co' P09T OFFICE AFFAI.Rs• cLlul Government two-thirds, 7.110 ;til' Acoording to the report of the De- Duck Lake and Regina, are down. on Massey -Harris bicycle -The Onward - g• Bicycle CO. The roport of the Postmaster Gener- contract has to he approved by Partin- - - partroent of Fisheries, the value of the Suuday Almighty Voice was shot al fill. 1596 shows the gross revenue for "tent. Liv+rpuOl is to be the terilrit it ill Canadian fisheries for 1896 is cornputed through the head and killed along the year to have been $4,004,2191, an in point in (,1 eat Britain. Daring the at $20,199,.18, heing a decrease of more with another Indian. `-- - .- — crease of $1&S,8'4) over the yield of the summercontinuation to �0 than halt a million dollars as cent pired Quehoc tvitll andin rt previous year; and the total expendi- Montreal, is to be the Canadian port with the previous veal-. The- Hlir ca News-Reeora tare $4,705,281, stn mire rise of $88,96'3. a ld in winter either Haliffax or St. It is evident from a report which has 81.?6 a Yest-81.00in Advance The excess of expenditure over, gross Klin at the option of the Uompany, been presented to the Dominion Par- Cook'S Cotton Root Compound reventre is $700,000. Compared with The vessels tare not t0 teach ninny 1'or- r liaaneut that the British Government Is the only safe, reliable ten pears aero, the valve of money or- sign port :and the Company is not to ii0 W WE CELEBPIATE THE has refused and is riketly to persist In It monthly medicine on which dens issued' has increased front ten receive any subsidy from any foreign ( refusal of the Rpplicationof the United ladies can depend in the _WEDNESDAY, Jt;xE 2nd, 11897, millions to thirteen millions; the saw government sir municipal or other gov_ DIAMOND JUBILEE. tit,at,es to reopen the seal uestion at - ernment and should an 1 R hour and time of need, ----_------ - -_�- �lgs bank deposits from $7,645,000 to ' Y such subsidy t110 pres0nt tithe. Is prepared in two degrees 8,138,947 ; the net revenue from two Ile received the a►nount deducted from The United States Court of Appeals of strengtil. EAST �7;0�' ; l an.l It half to fourmillions ;rile number rho• British subsidy. The steamers are Few of the Attrftetions in Clinton• has sustained the decision of Commis- No. 1 for ordinary cases -`-- of letters from 71 UUU,00U to over• 115, to be 10,OW tans register and must stoner Fairchild, who directed that isby far the best dollar medicine known Last Friday one hundred and eighty- 000,000 and the number of postofiices maintain an average speed of 500 knots Mrs. Sterniman should be turned over eight Liberals met in convention at in the country from 7,205 to S),1(>3. Of a day or 21 knots an hour. They are COME, JOIN THE OREAt THRONO. to the Canadian authorities, Ana -sold by druggists, one Dollar per boa. Brussels and selected. Air. A. Hislopthe experidlture of 1896 no less than, to be Ii20 feet fn length and to be eq ual p- No. 2 for special cases-io degrees 1 peal will now be taken to the Supreme stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Of Grey as the :audidate fo$2°2.37,(100 was paid for the trrtnsporta_ In every respect to the best vessels Tho Court of the United States. tion of Ill ails by land and water, while such as tine Campania or Lucania, ClintonQueens Jubilee Celebration in Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars, East Huron by sixty majority They must have accommodation for Cion the 22nd Junb promises to The fifty-seventh annual meeting of No. r, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of $1,'L49,(1t10 was paid in alma ells. The be greatest the and most populrtc event the Upper Canada Bible Sot iety wits pros and two 3 -cent stamps. Over illi. W. H. Kerr of the Brussels amount of money orders pastel in Can- '�� first, 200 second and'8OU steerage in the histor of our wn held in lerrnrto Thursday Post. Mr. Thomas Gibson, the present ada was $`2,12-1,558,. while those trans- ppassengers. They must carry 1500 to y p loyal people• reports presented shows nigh s he 'The Cook Company, metn11pr, was nominates along with Irritted toforeign coantricsfromCanada •L000 tons freight of which 1500 ie to be Already thousands of citizens from Windsor, Ontario. coal storage. The fleet will consist of far and near have signified their in- factory progress had been made during amounted to $'L,35v`,L00' tertian of comm to Clintongnifed and tan- tlae past year. Mr. George IV. Allan i11W13old in Clinton and evorywhoro in Canada several others, but declined to four steamers two of which are to he g An interesting feature ist of Mr. 11Iuwas unanimously re-elected president. by all responsible druggists. again be a candidate. Mr. Hislop lock's first blue book is theroportofthe two ready other Ing part in the proceedings. is It member of Huron Connty ex Pert accountan ts, MP3Rrv. Cross and Y Y The several Committees have been Council, a young Oran of more thlau Munro, upon the dnraMess s. Cie of the fortnightly whale there are only two bard at work arranging a very at - ordinary ability, and will doubtless departnu+nt, which they examined into steamers and weekly When there arc; tractive and brilliantrdprograrrune and Prove a strong candidate. From the at Mr. Mulock's request last autumn. four. There is to be no discrimination in a few days every detail will be given Jackson Jackson, speeches delivered at the convention The conclusions are as follows ; Rgttinst tiny Uanadian Railway. As it the general public, there is not that hRrmon ninon the guarantee of good faith the C'a ompany Many hl.nndreds of dollars will be Reformers of East Huron in the i lore_ (al At the beginning of the fiscal utast deposit £10,000 in cash and give: IegitimlLtely expended to give Her {- a�t and ment of Mr. Gibson that the general year 189,-06, as the revolt: of the deficits £10,000 guarantee. Fines are to be ill- Majesty's subjects it day's enjoyilient Boots Cli.B Ld Shoes, g of previous years, there were outstand- flitted for any breach of contr act• unparrallPle(i to the history of this public is led to believe. If there. ever Ing liabilities of the department, in the was a chance for the Conservatives to shape of unpaid accounts, to the FRIDAYS SUSSION. grand old County of Huron --and we win Past Huron now is the time. aruount of $616, U12.i,A. The distinctive feature of Friday's Wright add that the "wherewith" has Chin •�- •� debate, was the abandonment by the all been subscribed by the loyal ...ton. • - (b) At; the close of the fiscal year 1895- �the liabilities f t,h Government of its policy of silence,and people of ClinEon. Ottawa News Letter.+ es oP department, in the delivery by Mr. Laurier of a very g 0 - excess of all parliamentary appropria- pretty little s eech, the peroration of p In the bicycle para a will street. ' tion appli'crable thereto, amuuntecl to p parades, bicycles parades 360 cotlsist- • From our own Correspondent. the stun libabl47A3• which especially was one of the finest Ing of all neighboring towns We want to make the month Of May a big one for ShoO i Ottawa, Ont., Ma 29th. -At twenty Ministoratorer efforts to which the Prime find Clinton: the great Veteritns y (c1 Thus the liabilities had increased Minister has treated the House for parade, men who fought and bled selling, with such a fine, up-to-date Shoes as we now have lvc minutc+s to six, on Tuesday, Mr. Field- duringg'' the year 1805.06 to the extent of some time. But there its rneeib ended for Queen and Country in pears are prepared for a busy month. r Ing rose to make what wits practically 868,734.04• far, Its Sir Hibbert Tupper, who follow- Bone by; the Bops Brigade, ars % second bu(1 ret vpeech, dealing only200 ra with the taxi side of thesubjecteali, and (d) The actual cost of maintenance of ed him pointed out, he dr9 not answer strong, under command of (,,apt. If you buy your Shoes from us you will be sure to get giving details of tbechanges which the. the department In all its branches for one of the arguments adduced by Mr. Cumhe, one of the most inspiring the 1'luht styles. Government, has decided, atter three the year 1895-90 was $4,985,327.53. Poster in the short but telling speech scenes ever witnessed in this section; b y weeks' incubation, to make in the tariff (e) The revenue of the Post office De- with which he opened the debate. Mr. local parades of great interest; the Our Prices this season are less than any previous season. Partment for the fiscal P Laurier, however, mania ed to contra- loeal Sons of Englhnd and neighboring resolutions introduced on the 22nd year ending g g g April. Mr. Fielding's second effort is June 30th, 181x3, amounted to the sunt dict Mr. Paterson in a Very important brethren will be on parade; our noble The many Not -by Shoes that are seen 011 the streets of in some respects, an improvement on °f $3,957,798.51; which deducted front particular. Firemen will be on duty; and a grand his first attempt, inasmuch as in sever- the above named gross Cost of plain- When cornered by Mr. Foster as to army of horsemen will be 1n the ranks; Clinton are nearly all from our store and the wearers have al instances specific duties are restored, tenance, namely $4,985,327,53, leaves a how he was to decide what countries grotesque floats thrilling with marvels not paid too much for them. Although ata lower rate than under deflcit of $1,02'!,529,02. were entitled to preferential treatment, of beauty and splendour; Her Majestyy's the National Policy, and in other in- (f) Heretofore it has not been theprac- the Controller of Customs said that he ship Terror;' and many other worthy We study the Shoe Ttrade, we study your interests. stances raw mater iRl is either put on tics to treat the amount expended tin- would examine the tariffs of the differ- Retractions. free lint or the duty reduced in proper- der the head of civil government, as It ent countries and decide whether or.» In the afternoon there will lie big -<2!�A call is always appreciated. tion to the reduction on the manufac_ charge against the department, rtnd not they should receive preferential and keenly contested lacrosse matches tured article, so Its to recdgnine the were such practice adhered to the treatment, but to -day Mr. Laurier said between Clinton and Lucknow; �,� �,� _,• `,� principle of protection, but the second deficit of $1,0'17,529.02 would be reduc- that the hrovernment had "looked all baseball between Goderich and Ort - tariff resolutions on the whole are still ed by $21(3,!376,&3 leaving the outside over the world" and found that only ! ents of London, which will be far from being an itnpruveroe fer n the service shortage, one country, Great Britain, was en- I cite i tss best contested gamey la JACKSON JAOKSON National Policy. As the preferentialear titled to preferential treakrmmnt, al- ever witnessed here; bicycle races, tags- }hf resolution is retained in a modified :were increases the a perm anent96hahace Wal©�hmi ht Rlsc> comesible t uancierwthe ire of-waPerfo'rmaree fly rho welt kn(rwn ' form the whole imports, not only from ter to the cost of the service ; such uireroents of the resolution. re. form C� Great Britain, but from all countries increases were not in existence qq Purkor-Partello Troupe, who are tom- ...Fine Shoe Dealers. with which Great Britain has treaties throughout the whole of the fiscal and Mr. Bennett follHibbert owed Mr. ICIl ter eashere t res an big expense -all n of which ell of keen iYttel- CLINTON.