The Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 3t i • , ', , ... .� a ...,.. � t s lNEss DIRECTORY Orange. . V ., o • L. 0. L. No. 710 TH 101SONS BANK. meets se]" NrolN of eve, month. Hall tui flat, MSKI gMoaday block. Visiting brethren alwu facorporaced by Aatof Parliament 1866, made wolaowa. J. P. SHEPPARD, W. M. P. CANTELON, JR. Seo. THUS. BEACOM, D. N CAPITAL, - $2,000,000 REST, - $1,400,000 2i1I1u1��. Read Office. - MONTREAL. I CLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. moat ovary Friday, on or after the moon. vial J, H. R. MOL$ON, President. V. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Ing brethren cordlally anvitad A.J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao Notes discounted, Collections made; Drafts Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. — --- --- issued, Sterling and Amer•ioap ex- K. 0. T. M. change bdught and sold. INTHRHBT ALLOWHD ON DHPOBITS Hearne Te°t No. 89, Knights o/ the Maccabees o. SAVINGS BANK. the World, $1.00042,00t; and $8,000 Policies. Mem bershlp over 100,000. Assessment principle -hat 1 rest allowed on sums of $1 andup. no at exceeded 12 asseasmsuts In a year. Cheapesi and Safest in existence. Moats in Orange Hall, Olin. �,.AR7kllliilrS- ton, first and third Friday of every ruunth. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes withono or tpory endorsers. No mortgage re• qu'r yuired as security, --- COOK'S FLOUR L� H. C. BREWER, Manager, N December, 1885. ULINTO. FEED STORE, G. D. McTaggart Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or n BANKER Small Quantities. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Oats ANSACTED. 1J , �. COOK. CLINTON. TNT0 N. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. 762•tf Interest Allowed on Deposits. PRODUCE EXCHANGE Clinton, June 8th, 1891 658y — HILL & JOYN E R, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Dia w/. �i`U N N etc. THas a specialty. 1 R. C. P. trid L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Office- Ontario stred Clinton. Night calls at front door of Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety Of Seeds. T residence on Rwuenbury street, opposite Presbyter- inn church. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of grain - taken in exchange for Goods, same as Cash. DR. TUIRNBULL. HILL & JOYNER. '• J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. M. D. ; C. Central Butcher Shop. y!' M., Vittorio Univ. M, C. P. Ce S. Ont, ; l• flow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late )f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:- Dr. Doweley's stand, Ratten'•ury St. Night calls COUCH & WILSON answered at Office. Subscribers desire to notify the public that they �', ---- -- have bought out the Luteherlug business lately con- ®Gy SHAW. pA 71Y tAt ducted by Alr• Sas. A. Ford, and will continue the ■ w•+ ■ same ander their personal Supervision. Orders will x have prompt and c•urerul attention. Fresh meats of Office -Ontario street, opposite English church, formerly occupied by t•. Appletolt. all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. i; ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. Jas, S. Freeborn, 11-D, CLINTON. L. K. °' P., I., M.0 P. & S. ,4 &e. Graduate of Hdnfi'e Queen's College of of Physicians, CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Mambo, F College of Council, Great Surgeons, rhysloiana Bed SuL•geona, Ontazlo, Formerly rosi• • i- FORD & MURPHY, tient o be Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynte- eological), Dublin. Special attention to disesses of (Successors to J. W. Langford.) women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door -to Ontario St. Methodist personage, Having bought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash prineipleQ end will Supply 820-1y our customers with the beat meats at the lowest pay- ayng ngprices. FORD &MURPHY. Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. LIVE HOGS WANTED, OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pec- -- servation of natural teeth. Highest Market Price Pald, - N. B. -will visit Myth every Monday, and Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the D. CANTELON, Clinton. Bummer. 1198-tf. ' . Agnew, J. E. BLAOKALL, Veterinary Surgeon DENTIST. and Veterinary Inspector. Office hours - 9 to 5 Ofttco on Isaac street next New Era office. Iitesidenc:e, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, At Zurich the second Thurs- VETERINERY SURGEON, day of each month, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. '.ege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveyancer, Oftleo-coiner Hamilton , .ho. and St. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. Geo, Trowhill, 888 Lf C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Office, corner Horseshoer and General Black- - North Street and Square, near Registry Office, Goderich, Out. e7. Smith, sdr Money to lend at lowest %tes of interest. Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. J. SCOTT, Woodwork ironed and first class material and Barrister, c c.. rebuilt work guaranteed; farm implements and machines and repaired. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. TO THE A E. CAMPION, Q. C, _FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get BARRISTER, • - - SOLICITOR., Reliable 04 Harness, NOTARY, (kc., I manufacture none but the BRST OF STOCK. Goderich, - Ont, Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live &T Call and got prices. Orders Office -Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. by mail promply attended to -_. -140 ]ESL _N B E L I.t, r Irl.• 0• JOHNSTON, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, — GO TO THE 'a COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderich, - - - Ont. Union Shaving Parlor office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. For first-class Hair -Cutting W. BRYDONE,, and shaving. BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton .1, EMERTON, Proprietor. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4c, r'T OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK CLINTON. WATTS lXj CO•, 8174f CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS I �,N Oltlry to gfud. Great Northwestern Telegraph office, - --_ Albert Street. - Clinton. JOHN RIDOUT. PUMPS! PUMPS! (iONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. If you want a first-class, well -mode pump, one the +ire InRura»ce. Real Estate. Money to lend. underaig°ed. will give yon Ratisfaotion, send your order to th He will dig and clean wells and do it a _ the 'Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON. closest prices. He also handles a first•olas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Cantelan Bros Uppoett Qoeen'a Hotel • High Street Clinton. 809-tf 0ENERAL GROUERS &PROVIS- Jr C. STEVENSON, ION MERCHANTS. Furniture Dealer, &c. Groekery, Glass& Chinaware THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 62.1y l Op?osite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont t i • , ', , ... .� a ...,.. � •r.'. + F , u . V ., o • Moved by II. N. Anderson, seconded _ The Metk'i/io,a Mutual Fire Biliousness by Mr. Ge"' Drl,le, that the expenses of the Legislative C'm unittHe while in the Insurance Company, Isoatised by torpid UYer, which rerents d, es• Prhe motion s Carrtheiie duties, be paid. , p g rho motion was curried, tion and permits food to forment nod putrify In , the stomach, Then foUow dizziness, headache, The Association ►.hen on motion ad y Farm and Isolated Town Proper- journed to t4eet fit ! he Cal! of the exe- ty only Insured. i cutive. _ GEO. W. Ip40LbIAN, OFP[CHRe. Alec, rI'Hit9. George Watt, Proaldout Harlook P. O.; James I Broadfoot, vice -Pros. Seaforth P, O.; W. J. Shan, •» -- -- lHoods nun, 8eey. Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; Michael Murdle 1psomma, nervousness, and, Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. If not relleved4luous "'ver �' Truth In a Nutshell. i DIRHOTORS. or blood poisoning. Hood's Lnpure Mood is the nntural result of James Broadfoot, 8eafortb,Michael Nordic, Sea- Pills stimulate the stomach, I Is close confinernent in house, school r•r.,Om forth; George Dale, Seaforth; GSdrge Watt, Harlook rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- of she Thomas E, liays,Seatorth; Alex Gardiner, etlpatlotL, ¢te. 26 cents. Bold by all druggists. p• Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Klppen. • The only Pills to take with Hood's sarsaparilla. Blood is purified by Hood's Sarsa- �eHNTB. parllla, and all the disagreeable .estilts Thomas Ne11anS,Harlock; Robert Modlfllan,¢ea• -"— of itupnre blood disappear with the use forth and James oumminge, Egmondville, The Association then adjourned to 9 of this medicine. Parties dealroub to effect Insuranqe or trans • ,L. m. Saturday. act other business will be promptly attend- If yotl wish to feel well, keep your ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- EVENING. blood pure with Hood'sSlLreaptt['H la. dressed to their respective pout offices. In the evening it very successful en- --- tertaintnent was given in the Opera HOOD'S PILLS are the best f:Lmily NOTICE. House. "Sixty years a Queen— a Re- cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, trospect," was discussed by five of the r'ellable, sure. teachers. The Exeter Mail Quartette There being some misunderstanding with re- —Messrs. Martin, Senior. Popplestone gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood and Ross and Misses Hicks, Johns Alex. Grange, of Newburg, Ont., fell that If any person takes posseeetou of any kind Dempsey, Brown ttnd Martin.-[tbl ' overboard from a yatch near Indian of wreckage and tails to report a me I shall of y Point, and was drowned. The deceas- once take proceedings. Remember this is at Contributed the musical part of the ed, who wits in his 23rd last warning [Shall [rive. CAPT. WM. BABB. progr•anitne. Mr. S. J. Boyd performed year, bad been Receiver of Wrecks, Ooderich, the duties of chairrunn very satisfac- attending Queen's College, Kingston. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. tot ily. May 22nd, 1897. For Over Fifty Years FORTWENTY-SEVEN YEARS The Association met As per, adjourn- MRS. W,NSLOW'H SooarrllNG SvRur has boon Illent, Mr. S. J. Boyd to ills Chair. used by millions of mothers for their children N"S Minutes read and confirmed. while teething. disturbed eight and t by a sick child ild sufrering L)U NThe election of officers Was then pro- broken of your rest P and crying with pain of Cuttin�gTeeth send at Ceeded with and resulted as follows once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- Pres., S. J. Boyd, Belfast; Vice Pres., Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will i.e. Miss Kate Watson, Goderich; Sec. Novo the poor little sufferer, Cheris mistake out pend upon it, mothers, there ie no mistake about SAKINC Treas., Mr. G. W. Holman, Seaforth ; it. It aures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach POW' Executive Committee, 1e Bti Hagen, and bowels, ourla Wind Celia, softons the DER Dale, McKay and Misses But'ritt and GumH,reduces [ntlammation,at>vgivastonoand E. Watson. enorgp to the whole Hysta[n. "1llrs, �yinHlow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pica. Moved' by Mr. H. I. Strang, second- Hant to the tanto and iR the prescription of one THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ed by Mr. 11a en, that the See. Treas. of the oldest. and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Price twenty-five LARGES -f SALE IN CANADA, lay' before t e Association Itt each Cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through - meeting, a copy of the annual Ilegport out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs. of the government, re receipts anti ex- WINSLOW S SOOT111NG SYRUP Wanted—An Idea �° eaII think penditure. The motion was carried. of some simple Protect your ideas• h. shey may brlth4c, t patent? On nlotiou of Mr. G. Baird, seconded The tramp who drew a revolver upon Write JOHN wEDISERBCRN s co., Patent Actor• by Mr. J. S. Delgaty, the Secretary Detective Ross near Avr On Saturday neye Washington, D. C.,for their $1,800 time cosi was instructed to gget cards printed in night, When asked for his ticket On the and flat of two hundred Inventions wanted. compliance with tl,e regulation of 189.2 C. P. R. train in which he was riding, of the Education Department. has been captured at Drumbo. West 1lurou Teachers' Associa „ Mr. Geo. Dale then took the lesson —_ bort A Little Stray -Away" with it second class. as highlyLve a splendid lesson, A HUNTE, R lS STORY Exeter, May 21st, 1897. which was highly appreciated by the 11 jr 1 Lj1U [ teachers. The West Huron Feathers' Associa- The next subject on the programme, - tion [net to -day pursuant to the call of "Solving Complex Fractions," was ably the Executive. President, S. J. Boyd, discussed by Mr. C. H. Russell. This Exposure " 13rought on all occupied the chair. Devotional oxer- subject providedinuchdiscussionwhich Attach Of iiheumatism, vises were conducted by Inspector Was taken part in by several teachers. Tow. The following committees were All expressed their appreciation of Mr. then appointed, viz : Russell's method. Resolution Committee: Messrs. Tom, Mr. W. F. May of the Mitchell High NERVOUSNESS AND STOMACH TROulILEs Lockhart, Gregory, Misses VOsper and School was present, and on invitation FOLLOWED—BLEEP AT TIMES WAS Wiggins. took part in the discussion. IMPOSS113LE-13EALTH AGAIN RE. Program Committee: Messrs. Dale, STORED. g The Question Di then open - McKay and Sanders. ed and the questions answered by J Auditors: Messrs. A. McPherson and Messrs. Strang and Delgaty. W. H. Johnston. Mr. A. McPherson of Usborne then From the Amherst, N. S„ Sentinel. On motion of G. W. Holman, second- exhibited some ingenious devices for rhe little village of Petitcodiac is ed by Inspector Tom, the following teaching mensuration to junior classes. situfatad in the south-easterly part of gentlemen, viz.: Messrs. Delgaty, These different devices included cubes, New Brunswick, on the line of the Halls, Kilty and Lockhart, were ap- etc„ and a miniature house complete, pointed a Legislative Committee to the latter was used in teaching paper- Intercolonial Railway. Mr. Herbert presents the resolutions, etc., of the ing, carpeting, etc, Yeomans, who resides there, follows Association to the local members of The Association then adjourned to the occupation of a hunter and trap. the Provincial Legislature that the meet at 1.45 p. In. per. His occupation requires him to views of the Association may be AFTERNooN SESSION. endure a great deal of exposure and drought more directly to the notice of the Minister of Education and thereby The Association met its per adjourn - hardship, more especially when the ensure greater influence in shaping the ment, snow lies thick and deep on the ground educational legislation of the Pro- The minutes of the previous session in our cold winters. A few years ago vince. were read and confirmed. Mr. Yeomans tells our correspondent Inspector Tom then proceeded to dis- The President then read a very ex- .that he wits seized with a severe bilious cuss Vocalization and Visibilization of haustive report on the proceedings of attack and a complioation of diseases, the phonic system. the last Ontarin Teachers' Association such as sour stomach, sick headache Mr. Tom claimed the following as to which Mr. Boyd was the delegate and rheumatism. list. Yeomans' ver some of the chief advantages of the from West Huron. phonic system, viz: The report contained an epitome of (1) It provides the children with the chief papers read. means by which they can help there- On motion Mr. Boyd's report was ac - selves. (2) It makes thein more inde- cepted and the expenses of the deleg•Lte J pendent from the beginning. (3) The to the 0. T. A. paid, also the usual fee> pupils do original work. (4) Observa- to the Janitor. 1` tion and reason are cultivated and the 1 1 work is done by the children. Moved by Mr. Delgaty, seconded by t (5) It Mr. Hagen that. the ec.-Treas.' salary ! cultivates distinct articulation. (6) Itremain as at present.—Carried. prevents confusion by presenting but one difficulty at a time. Mr. Baird was appointed on the reso- lution Committee instead of Inspector i The question Was further discussed P , I by Messrs. Dale, Delgaty and Boyd. Toni unable to act, and Mr. Gowan Mr. S. R. Halls, M. A., of the Code Was appointf-d auditor instead of Mr. McPherson absent. I I ich M. S., then read it carefully pre- pared paper on "ThP Effects of P. S. Mr. H. I. Strang then read an able training on the generld deportment of paper on "The effect of the High School the children." regulations on the Qualifications of In the course of his address Mr. Halls Public School Teachers." Much infor- mation was given and many valuable dwelt particularly on the point. that as hints thrown oil „t. Bion of the facts are:—"I became very children are apt imitators, teachers , ill and suffered the moat excruciating cannot be too careful of the example The matter of Mr. Strang sepaper and they set in language, habits and even the hints thrown out were pretty thor- pains in my arms, legs and shoulders, dress, oughly discussed. so much so that I could not rest in The Association then adjoutned to TheAuditor's report was read and any position, I frequently could not meet again at 1.30 p. m. on [notion of W. H. Johnston. second- sleep nights, and when I did I awoke ed by J. S. Mr. W. McKay was with a tired feelin and very much de - AFTERNOON SESSION. adopted. S The Association met as per adjourn- On motion of G. W. Holman second- pressed. My appotite was very poor, ment, the President in the chair. ed by Mr. J. S. Delgaty, Mr. S. J. Boyd and if I ate anything at all, no matter The minutes of the last session at was re -appointed delegate to the On- how light the food was, it gave me a Goderich and the morning session were tarso Teachers' Association. dull heavy feeling in my stomach, then read and adopted. Moved by Mr. Delgaty, seconded by which would be followed by vomiting. Mr. E. Simpson of Crediton then Mr. Johnston that the next meeting of I suffered so intensely with pains in Rave an able address on "Nature the Association be held at Goderich. my arms and shoulders that I could Study for Pupils,” which was well re- The resolution was adopted. scarce) raise m hands to head. I ceived. Several teachers further dis- The Resolution committee then re- y y y cussed the subject and on motion of ported and their resolutions as attend- tried different remedies, but all to no J. S. Delgaty, seconded by Mr. San- ed were adopted as follows :— purpose. A neighbor came in one ders, Mr. Simpson was requested to evening and asked "have you tried hand his paper to the Executive, to RESOLUTIONS. Dr. Williams' Pink Pil1s4" I had with as they saw fit. 1. Resolved that this Association not but then determined to try them Mrs. Robb then took "Reading with bonus one paper one-half aney find a copy of , 3rd class. the minutes be sent to each member and procured a box and before the The lesson assigned was "The Farm- er and the Fox." A class front the Exeter Public 'School made this lesson very interest- ing and much interest was manifested in it. Several teachers further discussed) this Class exereise, all expressing their high apppprecfatlon of the manner in which Mrs. Robb took the work and also the manner in which the class ac- quitted itself. Mr. J. A. Gregory then took up "Ca- nadian History with 3rd classes.' Mr. Gregory showed by the manner In which he handled the subject that this branch of school work received careful attention in his school. - Mttny teachers took part in the dis- cussion which followed and expressed appreciation of Mr. Gregory's methods. '•P. S. Leaving Euclid" wits then dealt with by Mr. W. McKay, of Hen- sall. The subject was discussed by several teachers. Mr. H. N. Anderson moved, seconded buy Mr. Delgaty that the bunusing of periodicals a dispensed with and that each member of the Association be fur- nished a copy of the minutes of the O. T. A. instead. The motion referred to the resolution committee. 2. Whereas a promise was made last !i year by the Minister of Education to give fair representation of Public and High School teachers on the Educa- tional Council, and whereas such prom- ise has not been fulfllled, Resolved that this Association, that the public schools, the Higb Schools and Univer- sities be given equal representation. 3. Whereas there is no stability in the Public School Teaching Profession, and whereas the tendency of salaries is downwards and whereas there is a surplus of teachers, Resolved first, that third class certificates be confined to the county in which issued; second, that model school examiners be more stringent in examining model school candidates. 4. Resolved that arithmetic and En- Flish grammar be substituted for one language on Junior Leaving Course. 6. Resolved that Resolutions passed by Local Associations be sent to the Secretary of P. S. Section of Provincial Association to be put on file and brought up for discussion at the next meeting. 6. That the P. S. Leaving Examina- tion be divided into two parts either one of which or both of which may be taken and no preference given to the order of these parts. Signed GEORGE BAIRD, SEN., Chairman. pills were all gone,I began to improve, This encouraged me to purchase more and in a few ,weeks the pains in my shoulders and arras were all gone and I was able to get a good night's rest. My appetite came back, and the dull, listless feeling left me, .I could eat a hearty meal and have no bad after effects and I felt strong and well enough as though I had taken a now lease of life. My old occupation became a pleasure to me and I think nothing of tramping eighteen or Ewen• V miles a day. I know from expor- fence and I fully appreciate the won- derful results of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a safe and sure aura and I would urge all those afflicted with rheumatism or any other ailment, to fry Pink Pills as they create new vigor, build up the shattered norvous system and make a new being of you. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People." Proteet yourself from Im- position by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. r Gfi There doesn't seem to be very much the matter with yuur child. Ile doeb:)'t ilc_ tually lose weight, but thL': is no gain. Ile belongs to that large class of clliidren that don't seem to prubper. You look at him a little more thoughtfully than you do at the rest and say "IIe is not doing well." failure' to gain in weight in a child is a danger signal. Scott's Emulsion should be taken at once. It puts on tat where health demands it, strengthening the digestion. SCOTT & BOWNE, Bedevillc, Ont. A :7wr%FEC;T TE.A rAl", 0 N S 0 0 N mwm� THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TtA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Ind;itn rens• Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original Packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence, Put up in j, lb., r Ib, and 6 lb. packages, and never sold in bulls. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL,•HAYTER & CO. ., 11 and 13 Front Street East. Toronto. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. rj TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS dto. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention to probably patentable. Communications strictly Confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents In America We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of anuy�cientifto Journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a ,Ear; 0 six moll le Specimen copies and No W60$ ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. 40 - THE O • Great Offer 01 -OF -.0 • The London Free Press), The Free Press, desiring to greatly increase its subscription list, makes the following Brent offer to the farmers and Stockmen of Canada whereby sub- scribers to Weekly Free Press will got One Year's Paper Free. The Free Press haft made arrange- ments with the Veterinary Science Ptlbldshdn Ln. fora numberof copies of their book"The Veterinary Science," the price of which is $2.[10. Thiy book treats fully and in plain language the Anatomy, 1)1soeses and Treatment of Domestic Animate and Poultry also containing a full description of Medicine and Receipts, so that every farmer can be his own veterinary. ZD3.00 FOR $2,00 The Weekly Free Fress and Farm and Home for one year (price $1.00) and acopy of the Veterinary Science (price ($•1.00). Both wit) bn mailed to any ad- dmss upon the receipt of Two Dollars. Do not miss this chance. We cannot attbrd to continue I his offer indefinitely. Our object in making it now is to secure Rn immediate response which a lose liberal offer might fail to attract. Re- mombor, by sending $2,00 for the book V get the Weekly Free Press and farm and Dome ONE YEAR FREE. Agents wanted everywhere. Address all cornniunicationS to the Free Press Printing Co., London, Out News Notes. Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, who lived about one mile west of Fort Erie, Ont., was found drowned in a cistern. It is supposed she committed suicide. It is thought desirable that the Can- adian fund for the relief of the dis- tress in India should now be flnally closed, and the lists of the etrllscribers are now being prepared. LIMB PAINS. Contract Rb6umatism and You will Suffer Untold Agonies—Use, South American Rheumatic Cure, and You will Have Relief in a. Pew Minutes, and a cure in Three Days—Testimony Proven'. it. "I was for three years a great suf- ferer from rbeumatisrn—pains in my limbs were partieulai ly distressing. I had tried almost every known remedy, but received no benefit. I was advised to give South American Rheumettin Cure a trial. I purchased two bottles. When I had used one and a half bot- tles I was perfectly Cured. I consider it a wonderful remedy, and take pleasure in recommending it." F_ Nugent, Niagara Falls, Ont. O •M