HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-06-02, Page 2�, ■: + ... - � m. I wsrxnv��P,=Tmw,K171. -- 1 0 y .. . :1. i�a....- r EQUALITY, smooth Ice for the whole distance; but BITTER RAIDKSWEETi - ­_ . -- it would also talke hi -m longer than, to ' • rledly, ' and play some of those, soft i All men are equal In God's sight; strike diagonally across' the lake from 4re4my bits you were practicing yes- of oxo � Forget'Us There is no black and tilos to no white; where he then was, The Bitter plan Tile apple that groves highest la the beat terday." �./ would take him over a coo upon the tree Ethel w'aa well pleased, for the one • y� ,� There is o hien and s here h, no low; Pie of miles the ;orae that iq'Imosk fragrant always Pleasure her .dreary life afforded was ''hell in 1�TeeC1 Thera !s no Prleuti and there la uu Ci aY ice of which he would nok be sure, has the sharpest thorn; that of keeping up her music. It was • And earth!) Vasalva and earthly pride but he would thereby save, nearly halt The pearl that Is the purest lies with'u one of the few things on which she an i The glance of the Uudhead canitet abide. an huu[ of valuable time provided the tho deepest sea, e The felly distinction of rauk and ,•u,tc i Mrs, Staunton were of the same mdnd.---�Ol. Are shritellud and shrunk la the furaacm Lee held And ins deeds that live the longest ore Ide- She did not glue a thought it her town A couple of minutes oY debate the hurdtM,t efforts bong! fn's strange manner, but, sitting clown Lawn Mowers Spades and Shovels Rakes Of God'ctf, teat love rvheu the a❑g�.t Iroatt � clded Lim, The Globe needed the at the piano, did as she had been bid- • .C' , Has stilted the heart beats uad stoped slit "story,' as the man had called It, as The love that's won too lightly is not den. 1�7 breath; soon as possible. He had un:iertaken treasured tie it gem; After a while her thoughts and Hoes, Poultry Netting, Spray Pumps And the gates of heaven as wide du smug to see that It got through quickly, He The words that tiow top freely never have awe from the music net his &,Lrae d gf p Irur the lowliest peusuut or the lurdlic°t felt that If a regular member of the up greatest is viet; g I Y Window Glass Building Paper, Wire Nails Icing, Dilu uppredates his Uh!ssln s 1t he has to producing and she Yell to dreaming of , And the fires of )tell burn Just as hr!;;Itt staff of that paper had the matter In sirlve for them, the halcyon days, when, in the deal QQ�� QQ icor the rich or livor, for the black or white, hand he would not weigh his conve- But never knows their value if they're old home, her Father sitting near with Cut Steel Nails, Thorold Cement, tJ C., CD C. yy, l 1 �, [[ nieuue, or even some danger, against passed up on a plate! book or paper, she had sung to him in we al's lIl it Us1t1Of1 t0 supply At verV.!✓lOse figures. UV1J' it li�Tl�L�,1L�� 1(11tn doing the ,service speedily. - `, the twilight, to p �. , He swung around, and started out 'I'll 1 r v 1 / Her fingers wandered slow! over th,e on a straight course for the town. The 1 HhJ A� 11J` 1L1/1 111. Her striking mournful chords here �P•Q• /h �I� •�� Such a snowstorm Lakeview had wind was on his back, and if he had -• ------ and there; then, without her volition, ,F.�i.�Y.ii Y-� ■ ��®• Stoves and never experloriceu. b'or Lwu days and skated fast before,he now was ring- The sad eyes of the girl standing at ,they strayed Into one oP the old songs .i.R •I(,J as wane 111911W is had raged ,uutiuu_ Ing along at a pace which made his one of the windows of Mrs. St'aunton's her Pathe[ had most dearly loved. A Hardware, ously. Lre})thing was btu•l,'d• in a earlier efft•rts seem slow. In five min- mansion were not, as they seemed to wave of emotion swept aver her, and -_—.----_ _ bht,nrtet of wu11e several feet deep, ex- ' uL'es he was entirely without the shel- be, fixed on the last falling snow. the tears welled Into her eyes and fell .- _ - `___._ �Yy, cepL the laky. its glassy aurtace had ter of the high grouxtd, Ethel Matherson's thoughts were far slowly one by one. Shee ceased play. New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Sho been kept flee by the sweep of file The ice was still firm but almost ' away, She was dreaming of the days Ing suddenly and buried her face in �g f wind; but It had not been very cult!, transparent under the light which the before her father's death, when, In her her hands. I have opened out ou Raltenhur b and, e�tt i.t slung shore, the ice re as moon occas!onally gave, as It struggl• distant former home, Cul. Matherson's O, what a change has come into her I p y 'trees, next door to Tedfoi bloc i not thick, ed from between clouds. It had slop- idolized only child, she had been so life since those happy days ! The dear sttiith shop, and am !prepared to fill orders fat' Wagguna, Carriages and all other t is o Hh lived on the shore w. the light, powderyut flakes! now iandnds of then edges, But srded in the fromlife's slifehhei present,father gnothing So look forwarlittle to d in vehicle,) Repairing and repainting promptly tattended to. Satisfaction guar - lake a, the outskirts ! Lakeview. Hethe future. I anteed and prices the lowest cull,jatent with good wotk. Call and see me be - •was a s ocktly bulls lad p about 15, s Fried across his path- father had been snatched from her by She did not hear a step behind her, fore you order. and very fund h outdoor i sports. When For some reason, which a, could not death, y CHARLES WALKER. at first explain, Bert began to grow So little remained for her of her and it was not until a gentle hand was _ not ,g school he was nearly always, unea'>y. He strove In vain to drive father's once large fortune, when aill laid upon her bowed bead that she during daylight, rorviug,tlssea-' swim ; the fear from his mind. The Ice look- his debts had been paid and ,she had started up�and saw Maj. Horton, whose �p//�� ming or =s great as 'he season per- ed no thinner; there was no break in so signal'! failed in givinglessons In eyes, bright with tears, were bent up- �sP C �AibLlA1 __�tt/S cri}kited. His great ambiUun was to be- It; apparently it was ftrm and capable music and fancy work, desite her own nettle a newspaper man. '1"here was a an her. � villa of bearing his weight. B'ut somehow . proficiency !n these arts, that this little My dear cbJld," he sold, taking her TEAS, TEAS TEAS Coylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs, good g' paper in a weekly, n Courier, i the "feel" of It told him that he was had soon disappeared. hand and drawing her gently to him, ' but was orply a weekly, and Seri's in danger. As he swept forward he ' It was at this juncture that her "what is troubling you ? There is Young liyson for $1 or 150 per lb. ideas ranged above this, I seemed to be rising and falling wiith wealthy cousin, Julia Staunton, widow- something wrong, I am sure I have Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. What he had In mind was a place on each stroke, He had been on rush ice ed and childless, had dawned on her noticed your sadness before. Tell me, the staff of some big city dally. He have I guessed aright that your lite before. It bent under him i waves, horizon as a possible helper with an g g Just to hand one ear fit' Muutreal Sugars. No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raw's felt tl-at if he could only have a start, and he knew that if there had been offer of making her a companion. Ethel here is unhappy?" SPECIAL PRICES. he was bound to succeed. The previous She stood at his side }n silence, a in We., one hundred pound and dollar lots, springhe had more light, by looking over his should- had gone to her wt'th misgivings. for graduated from the vii- the letter in which the offer was made delicate flush upon her cheeks, the WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE lege school with honors ; during the e[ he would have seen It undulating tears shining on her long lashes. How summer he had done some odd obs; in long swells, just like the water of �)' far from cordis) kind! ,1 j the lake on a calm da Her fears had not, it prorted, been Y his brown eyes, and how strong COUNTY. hn)net`, .1'ea, and Bedroom Sete, saucy China and Lampe. but thhre was no place for him in Lake- y' without cause, for she had been made his arm to lean upon ! 25 per cent, lees view which promised promotion in his ! The ice was too thin to boar his With a sudden movement sfhe Lid 1 1'tlgular prices. Call and see our Goode end et weight if he stood still for an instant, b veritable drudge. Mrs. Staunton held !•ices. g chosen .line• been quick to seize upon her skill in her face on his shoulder, the tears fall- P It was in the early part of the even- ' The skimming speed of his flight alone p Ing unrestrainedly, and told him all— r ing on the second day of the storm that kept him from crashing through it. when not engaged in reads g so that, aloud or all the trouble, the unhappiness , the EDS lace -making and embroidery, •— .i - lty, R and Alsike, plover, Turnip and :Mangold. All Sett heard of a bad accident that had Would It grow thinner? If it d:d there otherwise amusing her, Ethel was kept grieving for her dead father. hes) au new seed. occurred on the railroad line,two miles was little chance of his elver getting constantly busy with fancy work of "Ethel," he said, excitedly, "there is Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— out of Lakeview, The express, safely to land. He was nearly in the a home I know of runic) needs a mss going the most delicate and intricate pattern. Eggs. -- West, had encountered a snowslide Ina middle of the lake, and there,ptesum- Thus it was that manya night, with tress to brighten 1t ; a• heart which h gorge and been thrown from the track. ably, the ice was weakest. He knew aching heart and smarting eyes, the has silently chosen one, but feared to J. W. IRWIN. Clinton Several people had been kilted and it way a race for life. make known its desire lest. Its owner Sudenly, back of him the panting girl had cried herself to sleep. fell too far short of a young girl's which ha many others druto seriouslyhurt. on a 3 dinginat 'nhafternoon the n boy heard' an ominous crack. It did her she had gained dream of a lover. Thathome nd Lakeview, was at once despatched to not need a glance behind to tell him brief respite due to the fact that her heart are mine, a,nd you are the one the place of the disaster with doctors what had happened, The Ice had cousin had gone on a shopping expe- on which that heart is set." I READY FOR BUSINESS.-- on board. And now, as hehe,ard. they broken there, as It rose,released from ditfon. Suddenly there was a tap at She started back quickly and gazed ! ,Q��r op �-Y� were bringing the dead and the injured his weight. A chill struck through the door, and in response to Ethel's at him In wonder. He released hei i Sheppard �J Beacom The Clinton Family Grocer Into the village on a couple of flat cars, him; but the fear merely made him Invitation ,to enter, a trim maid came hand and turned sadly away. I j y y, Bert dashed off to the station, Sure Increase his efforts. He knew that he in, 'bearing a lar'I°rp with a rose tinted ,. -Forgive )avec he, sajd trem01Ously. Are now ready for business with a new and aelect stock of Family Groceries, enough, there they were, the injured was goins• at a tremendous rate, yet glow through the room. pained you. I was ' Fluor, .Peed, Provisions, &c. NV a guarantee our values to be the very best in being made as comfortable as possible dangerous space it seemed as tP the d"Shall I draw the curtains. M}ss wrong to think one so young and Pair the Market. Tef1p' � `y' S a s ecf alt Terms Cash or Produce. at hosiers nearby, the dead entrusted to would never be passed. . Ethel ?" she asked with a kindly glance could entertain a regard for one as ofr I the undertaker's care, while the re- ' But now, through the dankness, the I and ugly as I," ( SHE6'PA�i®& SEACOiV!• ONTARIO ST. CLINTON. g at the sad -faced girl, r , 3naining passengers were slowly being lights of. Pine Bluffs began to twinkle, "Yes, Mary," Ethel replied, as she Suddenly he started. A little ban, ] only a Pew miles awe . Bert no long- sank into a chair. "M.•s. Staunton has i was laid timidly upon his arm, and a _ acc'ontm vlated with shelter and' Pood y T' sweet pathetic voice was speaking. by the villose folks. Bert was very er Pelt that terrifying rise and Pall of not returned yet she questioned. CLINTON SASH DOOR and BL/ND FACTORY much interested, and stood listening the ice beneath him, and skated with "No, miss, but I think sh-e will soon I menld and ugly," St said. "Not to eagerly to the stories told by the pas- new confldence. Tired though he was, be Here, 'Tis getting late." He turned swift! and t r sengers. A stranger was talking to the his speed did not slacken, He had The girl Withdrew, closing the door Into his arms, pressing agki i on her telegraph operator. . reached safety at last. after her. Presently. Ethel 'heard a lips.g --0 "Can't you get a word through?" he ' He struck the shore near the steam[- carriage stop in the street below, fol- know naw," she whispered, "that was asking. ; boats wharf, and it wus only a min- lowed by the clang of the hall doors, i I have almost worshipped c (�'� "Not a )word," the operator answered. ute's v.crk to pull off his skates. Then, She heard the rustle of her cousin's 'the first. But it rues file wars)! f one I S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. "Wh the railroad swinging them over his shoulder by a garments as that lady came up the P 3 people would do gives to heroes. I scarcely dared own anything to send a message to the city, strap, path, waded through the anew to stairs and to her door. it to myself, you seemed 'so far remov- the path, which had been partially She entered with a smile which, when General Builder and Contraetor.`-�� but the wires are down. The Connor- shoveled clear. Five minutes later he object on which her ed from me ; so brave and strong." tion vas broken' hale an hour before Ethel rested, the ob I "And I, dearest," he responded, the accident occurred." was at the telegraph office, eyes rested, she was 1n se happy a I 'yooked upon you as something t This factor has been under the personal supervision and ownership for "Are ,the wires working?" he asked, mood that she even failed to note that g a be Y "4V hen will it be ftxed." her companion's hands were, far once, admired only at a distance. When- 'eight years, �'Ve Carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and "Not before morning at the earliest, breathlessly. p ever I called here it was -let me whir- On short notice and On the All open," returned the official, idle. give estimates for and build all classes of buildin�a c, and perhaps not then. It's •10 miles r "Such a delightful time as I have per a secret to you-wtth a lope of o to the city, and the line runs through I "Thank goodness." ejaculates Bert. !" g seeing you. To -day, as I sat alone I closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction For a moment he had thought of the hhd she cried, with vivacity. "I e lot of cuts in which the snow is deep. g met him down town and we had a very heard you begin to play, and it was ! guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. We'll be lucky If the wires are working awful all his possibility of being slapped here c almost more thlinI could at tog - Lumber Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Etc. atter all his work and danger•. He un- pleasant lunch together -Maj. Horton, giro}n from steeling1n a:nd catching a b , , by e sir buttoned his coat and pulled out the you know." glimpse of you, When you played The stranger uttered an exclamation 'I am glad you enjoyed your trip, of anger and disgust. "And there's no preselcus manuscript. "Send that Cousin Julia," Ethel said. that last sweet song I could restrain Agent for tLe CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK" manufactured through to The Globe as fest, as , chance of getting a message through g you "Ills attentions are becoming quite myself to longer, for it was one m- I at Waterloo. Call and et )rices and estimates before placing your orders. in any other way?" can. please," he said, handing it to the marked, don't you think? Why, he dear sister used to play to me, SOnr1P.- , 8 1 The operator smiled. "You see the oper.ar. "And here's my card." has already been here twice this week V thing I could not resist impelled me condition of things," he said, " How -The ofierator glanced at the btt oC to go to you. I saw you crying, I determined from the first to win that Y Y ng, and I - many people do you think wpudd try pastelward and then ]coked curiously g q knew that, as I had often suspected, ������� P1 4P�A��r�® man, for, will you believe It, at the ppy, And C driving or tramping through this snow? at. the boy. "Arg you one of The beginning of our ac uatntance he actu- your lite was fax from pna � , Berton is the nearest town, and it's Globe men?" he asked, ally seemed to avoid me." now• let ue, think no more of the cheer - eight miles away." I am to -night," Bert answered For some moments she was silent, less past, but rather of the joyous fu W® have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crockery and Glarsware The stranger turned away, lit a cigar promptly, "I brought that message her eyes fixed meditatively on the tore." this month as we propose giving up keeping those lines. Inteudigg and began to smoke savagely. Bert ap- across the lake." floor. Mrs. Staunton, after bidding Ethel The man ;utttered an edaculaatan, go into the music -room, returned to her purehasara will find the prices very low as the goods must be sold, preached the operator, w•ho smiled "Ile has invited me to go driving own boudoir. After what seemed a knowingly as the boy came up, "well, you new•spaiper fellows beat, with him to -morrow and asked that Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. - - - - _ "There, Bert," he said, "there's one all." you might accompany me. Your com- judicimis wait she stole clown, enter- Terms, Cash or Prod of your professfon, and he's in a bad Soon the message w^as speeding over ipanion. I presume, will be that odious ng the drawing room with one of her G. J. L+TEIes�p-I� fix. He has an account of a railroad the. wires, and to Bert the clicking od Mr. Thompson. By the way, Ethel, I sweetest smiles ori her lips. She star- A ret.t for the I cions Tea. S w e1 . ace•}dent and he can't get it through to the Instrument was the sweetest sort Mr. you would leave off Balling me ed blankly for the room was empty. t, — of music, He leaned on the sill of the 'Cousin Julia.' It might be better that It was then, tea, that she noticed that the city. He's a member of The Glabf the music had ceased. She sank down . •--- -- -- -- _____ _ _ staff and was on the train that was , office counter and eagerly lisltened the major did not know of aur rela- weakly. Whatever did It mean '? _ wrecked," until the last word had been transmit- tionship." Suddenly she rase and went to the Cheap1Bert was all excitement at once, and ted. T) -en he suddenly realized that •Must I go ?" Ethel asked, pleading- 'floor. Surely, issuing ff•onn the music�1 Cheap- he regarded the stran er with curl- he had to return that night, and that ly, "It hurts me to take part In any expi. rrxpm she he;inl trices. \With swift • oslty mixed with awe. He felt a great he should be starting, for he would gaiety. It seems disloyal to poor papa. steps she cro.'sed the hall. entering the sympathy for the man, too, and h and go back by the longer way. Cannot some one tet) in my stead Aiii RE FENCING '���� Y room just as :lits:, Horton had finished by. plucking up courage, he walked As he reached the dor of the room, ,rhe widow eyed her with displea speaking, over and spoke to him, the telegraph instrument again began ,sure. Ile stepped forward, his arm encir- SELVAGE. It's hard luck to click, and the operator sang out to I do wish you would give up that you can't get your cling Gthel. "Congr•ntulate mc, dear account through," he said. him: "Here! hold on there, Globe; 'sentimental nonsense," she declared. Mrs. Staunton," he s'ald, "On having; ©00O�0000�0�b0cap•o• ©•C-, "Yes," answered the Other, moodily. they're sending a message to you from "It is only in books that such things teen for my wife the sweetest rt,oman "It's a splendid 'story.' I wouldn't miss the city office." And Bert halted in occur, Major Horton has asked You the sun shineq on," , ,,�making .a 'scoop' fi ft for $20. But it s Afters• on my account, as my companion, to To say that Mrs. Staunton was stun• try'���must ire in the office by 1.30 to -night, After a minute the operator said: go, and go you must.' ned would but faintly express, that I or the chance is gone." "They say send 500 words on your trip Her sharp eyes fell on Ethel's idle lady's feelings. Suddenly she tallier!.Bert did not reply, but sat down on across the lake." hands. : For her own sake It would not do to'.he short bench beside the pian anti 'How'd they know anything about You have not finished the viollets on betray her aston,i:rhrnent. so, with aI -udgeled his brains Por a way out of that?" asked Bert, fn wonderment, that scarf which you began yesterday, bravery worthy of much connmenda"It ryas in your account here at the haveyeti ? How inconsiderate ! You tion, she did con ratulate them both. ldby the difficulty. e he could only devise g � ��� end," explained the operator. "Don't know I want it just as soon as you Ethel,, In her ha THE ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., LTo. same plan to help The Globe reporter. happy home, ch,erlsh,•s • o you remember?" Beet did not re- can possibly flnish it. Pray get it at Piaton.Ontarla All at once he jumped to his feet. "I'll no ill will toward her cousin, oar do I as take that message fol member, but he understood. The once. I think, even were sl:e aware of hrnv � e'i-�®ICE STEEL WIRE I�E�-TIIaJUs g you and tele- Ethel comp lied with a half uttered jj� jj1 1 graph it to the city," he said. Globe man had added aline explana- p that lady designed her for a tool to C I'JUJIBES tory of how his "story" was :A be put sigh. and presently her cousin left her, accom lash her own ends, she could a177771111uu llllvUllll FOR TRELL15 POULTRY YARDS The mean looked aft him keenly. .,you P will?" he said. "How'?" on the wires. For a moment the young with many instructions' to hasten the find it in her heart to condemn her, f "I'll take It down and cross the lake aspirant for newspaper honors did stare's completion. since through it, by a Jest of fate, she LAWN FENCINGS ETC. The da ended as had so many of on my skates -or at least I'll try. I not !loco just what to do. Here was y gained the noblest husband in the his chance, but It was so unexpected Its predecessors. Ethel. with aching world. -The Princess. can telegraph it from Pine Bluffs tP the heart and weary eyes, oried herself to ARE SOLD very MUCH LOUVER this year, than ever before, wires to the city aren't down there, that the surprise of 1t bewildered him.--..�----... , too." But he managed to answer: "All right. sleep. - '" THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them, The man slapped him on the back. Tell them they shall have It at once." One honest DI111. _ "You're a trump, youngster," he ex- The experience he had so recently Mrs. Staunton, standing before her I • _��-_-_— _ -_ _._ _._-_-_____-_ .. ,_ __ __� claimed. "I'll have the story read in been through waq still Avidly clear to mirror, surveyed hfrself with critical Y his miT,d's eye, and he gave It in a eye,-. Every detail of her handsome Den) L'di.tor.--Please inform your The 11 lit Rev. C. C. McCahe, While Mn. W. Mussell, of Rattle - 15 minutes. How croon can you start?" costume was dwelt upon. readers that if written to confidential- snake harbour, was driving through Rattle - " Ag soon as I can get home and hack. straightforward, simple story. The 500 , Bishop of file h'Iethotlist Episcopal g f, "Yes That will be about half an hour. It'll words were quickly written and dis ," she suddenly announced to lv, I Will mail, in to sealed letter, par Church, says that Dr. Depew inisre- Simcoe his horse hecatne frightened at, take an hour to patched. signed with his name. Then her reflected self, "it is just the thing." ticnlars of a genuine, honest hofne presents American feeling to describ_ one of the bicycles in a lantern parade get to the Bluffs, for She was so dee In thought that she I g i g } I'll probably have to skate around a Bert, with a good night to the opera- P corp, by which 1 turas permanently re- ing ib ars anti-British. The Bishop has and ran away. 141r. Mussell was, tot, trudged with a light heart down did not know she spoke aloud. "Maj. stored t.O health tint! titan! vigor, after thrown elft head foremost and died lot of thin ice. It's 8 o'clock now, I'll Horton is extremely fond of music r y g > written to Lord Salisbury at length, l , be in the Bluffs by 9.30." to the frozen lake. More than once I have seen him move,3 year's o, suffering from nervous dehil- assuring him of the kindly feeling in two hours afterwards. "Yon won't lose by it, if you put the It was a long, hard pull back, for I it;y, sexual weakness, night losses and the 1Jnited States toward the Mother story through for me," said The Globe he hal to make a bigdetour to avoid to tears by it. When he has arrived I will have Ethel go into the music rut+ak shrunken parts. I was robbed Country. man, emphatically. "I'll wait for you t'he thin Ice, and It was 12 o'clock room and play some of her most touch- sand swindled by the cjnarks until I PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. )ern," when he reached home, Iifs rather Ing selections, in the midst of which I I nearly lost faith in mankind, butthnnk --- --" --- But Bert thought little of what re- w'as waiting for him; so was The will go down." I Leaven, I am now well, vigorous and No Caae of Catarrah Too Acute. or turn he might get for the task. The Globe man, and many were the worsts She paused, giving the image In the strong and wish Po snake this certain TO CONSUMPTIVES. of Too Long Standing but Dr. Idea that he was enlisted In the ser- of praise he got for his pluck. mirror a knowing ned. means of cure known to all sufferers, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Can vice of The Globe -the biggest of the But ha.ppyas these made Bertfe-el, Well," she resumed. "music has I I have nothing The undersigned, having been restored to It was a letter which came a weep: later n t6 sell incl want n0 a R Allay and Cure—When All Else Baty papers—was t•eward enough for done greater things than move a heart health by simplB moans, after suffering for him. The thought of the possible dan. that made his joy the greatest. It looney, but bring w firm believer in the several ears with a severe lun • atreetion, Fail it Cures -Try It First and to make a declaration of love." y t Save Experimenting. gt+r ahead never entered his mind, was from the managing editor of The Ethel, in her room, had let the lace universal brotherhood of than, I am and that dread disease Cn,ura,nptiwr, is p g. either. Full of his project he made his Globe, and it Offered hdma chance to she was malting fall into her lap as, desirous of helping the unt'Ortunat'e to anxious ss tomake n known t,o Te fellow — arangements and came back without work for the paper with the promise, with clasped hands and far -away gaze, ; r•egniu their health and happiness, I "Five years ago my little daughter if he did well, that he would be regu- , who desire it, he will cheerfully Bond stopping to explain to anybo ly, but she sat dreaming, j rurmse you pnr-fect secrecy. (free of charge) a copy of the prescrip- as attacked with catarrh of a very when he had received the bundle of larly enrolled on the staff. Yesterday had been the day of the tion used, which they will find a sure euro for evere type. We.' used all known t n - written sheets from The Globe man Of "course, Bert wrote a prompt ac- driving expedition, and a somewhat Address with stanip : Coaa,euiptibn, Asthma, Catarrh Bro whNs tarrh cures, and treated with most and was leaning, a sudden thought ceptance, with his father's approval, amusing Incident had taken place at and all throat and Lung Afaladiea. He !ropes and how much he made of this upper- Vnt. T. b1tJLFOILD, Agents Supplies, all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is im•a.ht- skilful physicians for Over three years, that he could not possibly return till the very outset. Ort leaving th•e house ahle. Those dosir ng the perceription, which and her case was pronounced chronic late made him call to the telegraph tunity Ia shown by the fact that he Maj. Horton had asked Mrs, Staunton P. O. Box 59, St. Henri, (,Zoe. g P will cost them nothing, and may provg aBless- and incurable. Last winter we heard operator to send word to his father' now has a responsible place on The which seat she preferred, and she, se- -. }ng, will please address, worrderfnl cures effected by Dr. of the where he had gone. Globe force, and is one of that paper's cure in the faith that he would d,rlv'e, Rcr, EDWARD A. �i'IL90N, Brooklyn, Now of the s Catarrhal Powder. A bottle Final Instructions were given him by most trusted workers. had answered In all sweetness : Oh:, The, fruit crop around Stratford pro- York. the newspaper man, als6 a card to the front, by all means 1" The Major raises to be a good one. Apple tree9 wits proctired, and I here state for show the operator at the Bluffs In A French Veiretable Soup, handed her in, and then, to her sur ;are faitly loaded with blossoms and _ _ _�... -. _. ___ _ _ the benefit and encouragement of all default of money to pay for the tele- Cult a large onion into thin slices and prise, "that odious Mr. Thompwon" took nliltn treeti, which gave apo,)r crop the 4 sufferers from this dreadful malady gram. Ten minutes later 'ie had put them 1n a pan with three table- the seat beside her, and the major, est year or two, look well. A section of the Canadian contingent, that after using two bottles my child clamped on his skates and waq off. spoonfuls of butter ; let them, simmer with a bow, took that beside Ethel. that will form the guard of honor t0 was Completely cured, Land I consider The breeze blew directly across the together half an hour and add two Little did he dream of the storm that --------------- Mr. Laurier at the forthcoming die- it my duty t0 the my testimon f ' was raging In the breast of the out- g l g lake from the northeast. It struck him quarts of water. Have prepared one the )eneflt of like aufferers." tlr. wardly smiling widow. WITH INVALIDS. Mond uhilee celebration in London on his right side, and while It did not !dont of white turnips cut into cubes, J Geo. Graves, Ingersoll, Ont. actually impede him, made breathing the same amount of How I tel had enjoyed the drive t r assembled o Toronto Tuesday, and potatoes, half a Yes I with invalids the appetite is Quebec, where they were no easy task, But the ice was flrm and pint of carrots, half a pint of the How kind the major had been, and haw proceeded lcp Interestingly he had talked, How eia t the r nod needs coaxing,,, that is p green and as smooth as could be, and white part of the' leek cut Into thin ,joined by the other members of the P. - he swungalong at a smart pace, for slices, add one clave of handsome he wa4, with big strong, just the reason they improve kO rapidly The election of Dr. Marcotte, ., as g garlic, one under Scott's Emulsion, which is as escort. elect for Champlain count there was not a better skater In Lake- e9chalot, one teatvpoonYul of sugar, one- • noble fare, his graceful, well -knit fig- p y, Qtte., has view, Flve miles were covered in short third of a teaspoonful od pepper and urs and his flnely-turned head, with palatable as cream. been protested, one of the allegations Its iron -gray hair. Poor Ethel 1 It had - ------ in the petit -ion being undue clerical order. Then he slankened his speed salt, and cook slowly one hour, adding p g indeed been a red-letter day in her --• .- influence and intimidation. and began to consider what c•)urse he some chopped parsley fifteen minutes Fruit collate is more profitable t0 should adopt, before the soup to removed from the calendar. She was aroused from her reverie by It, is stated that the Latin Republics the farmgi�s now than his other crops. Postmaster Glenerid Mulock announ- If ha went all the way dawn the lake fire. This soup may also he used for Co.,} (, toa p(,hnt o a vegetable u the sound of her cousin's voice at the of Crentral and Mouth America, are Brown Bros. Cthe most extensive cid Thumda to the Dominion House opposite Pine Bluffs and cut puree by pressing 1t door• y straight across t0 the fawn It would through a coarse slave and to a pint ripe far revolution, and they would nursery novae in Ganadrt,have a vacan- thatjabileettampa of various denomin be safest, for he would have thidk, aR' thick soup add a pint of boldlllg milk. „I with you we th " into the mw9f0 Britain'! become colonies of Great 14 this section. Write them atBrown'e theatio6s will he issued to the publicon loam at once, Ethel," erne said, hvr- Britain 'if it could be arranged. 1Vnrseries, Ont., for their forms. the 10th prox. 0 r I %, . I I �, I I � I I . , � � I . . 11 1� ,­�­� � �L, "I , .1� 1 1. . - , . . �, �'', �. . I I I . I I � "I I I I '', , , , - , ,. I'll . , I I � L � - � ,�� �� (J` q sl.. -...•m,dee�znak= _,Isl_.:-+4 _r.�.�e.YlMv...nYnMlLi,,.._1 ---- .. id ... d ::{:. _ �4- __.:.& _.__Md1i; ;_ __eWtWr■ulYll�l _ _ — Y.It'