HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-18, Page 3The Rightf1 lleir
".(11,1 you - '611 Hetet, mi 1 c, ant of De (emit?
a etrno; yeti sesisive all th,_, ,re0, neither Earle nor his companion spoke
e u'_ fie liuu to tht eio!: )lues eel again during the renteimien of- their
yew.'" Int tee lean Vital (20 earnest, drive.
wee,loritig cyto to the. erenti face ,1t his Tont 1/rake (vent immediately to his
sod, rooms w'lu•n they teethed the holtse, and
not 000 but himself and his 'Maker 1:mew
how he passed that solitary how' that
followed his return,
Petrie gave the reins to a groom. and
went to the library' to see if there were
anyt letters, but a servant met hi,11 on
the wry and handed him u t le,ran (hat
hid just 12(:r;cd, 11 wee 20 cubic desp',tch
front the 1.(10 tell States.
1 'inn 1 lei 101'0 rye it nil Earle
• 0(111. but his face gree( pale and r tulle
pained at, the rcmeub„ace of all Deese
cls called up; "01111 I sh11.1 ., t2(,.
tl xpesienee wits not p1 vain if you do
not disappoint by expectations. if you
2(;b faithfully and houe0t1y' strive to
overeo(00 whatever there to of evil with-
in you, or whatever may tempt you ;n
tie fetttre, 1 shall feel that; your ch,u•,Ie-
tt.. iedai1ned is the 'good' that has conte
out of my'sof[,gw.' Tom will you strive
to make nn hbuest nail, God's noblest
work ,of yourself? I want your prone:
1'Lr teleg nut ems from Paul Tress:1(0,
and extremely startling 0tei imperative
in its nature.
l(0, Dalton can live but a Shona tine;'
it said, "acrd belts nn,tuimlly for you.
hie, from the bottom of my heart I'd Cone' at once T d;tha oho d • se it."
Ws, to be 00 honer( man, but 1'n eeriewe, deeply 100ited by what 11,,
afraid 1 can't stand it," lie said, lank- react
tl , George Sumner Dalton dying! -face to
'Cart stand what, Tom!" Earle use:- Lae ,
,t l.te;t with the tcuihle ase. n+,,.r
el with a fools of perplexity and ((11x1- who, s0Vncr_ or later, coulee, to Stn11mmi
ell all!
Were the tenptatim(s 1uc1 habits of Ile was asking for h;1 .-
the oldaifo so strong that he could not e 1 longing for
6, the sun whom hr bird crrotlgeet soil mated
reliegeteh or oyereeme them? n' his Ii'eelongl
"1 feel its if a millstone had crushed For the moment Earle's heart 1i 0
me; len afraid 1 can't stand it to- 1000 i t la e
I 2(t the th0ti 1tof ora to him; for if lie
you day after days. wyth' 11he.menfo'y Iv( 111, ho felt h going
MUM, be prepared 01 dt;ve
of nil 1'vr, done staring rine i)iahc ince." him comfort
liar e's face lighted -this w;as the hest o o his lust hours; lie ;trustb u ;Ilv to n
fei'c 0vcdcthiul; las own
prop( he had had of the man's sincerity. ,ural his mother'n w:ong:0 and be at n .t'e
'Teal, I want to tell you a little stony; with the m;1(1 who (v 1s 1,1(021 tin 01am1
you will recognize it, perhaps, esy00 01(11,' the Supreme Judge to answer for
say your mother is a Christian woman, his enrtl1y' career,
There' Watt 01100 It 1\10n alio WAS 00110hed Could he do this in all s;n210By?
• beneath the sins of 0 world. lie wore He "061 111010 in t1,10 (
a trow•n of (1(0010, and the purple robe 1 and h•i,l of
of scorn and 1100isi011, His tender flesh
was pierced, bruised and mmuglr11 by his
enemies, and his oily cry was, "leather;
forgive thous, for they know not what
they do.' There curate a time when 1 real-
ized that my sins had helped to do all,
this, lend 1 felt something, as yea tiny;
as 11' a 'millstone hod crashed me,' and
as if 1 could never live in his presence.
with the memory of it ever in sty mind,
But. 1 read in his word, "lily sins are re-
membered no moe against thee, forever;
they +2(r blotted out.' The same words
tells me to 'forgive as I aur forgiven.'
Of course we cannot actually forget all
that we have suffered, nor who was
the immediate cause of it, but 10')) 01110
cherish 110 evil -we can regard and treat,
as 110111y 111080 who have injured Its as
if it land never been. That is the way
T want to 'blot out' all the past between
you and tine. Do you understand ale,
"Yes, sir," Tom Drake said, in scarcely
audible' tones, but his face was full of
• feeling and of an earnest purpose.
"Nati I feel, then,. that I can trust
you fully from this hour?"
"You may, sir," very decidedly the res
ply came; and, after n nlortfelit's hesi-
tesi-totion, ire continue4 in a resolute tone:
"till not waste 1113' breath 1101' weary
yon witli promises; but, sir, 1'11 begin
to live from this moment."
1/0 oeceetors,with bent heap) and ,tern,
cur Iid ,brow, asking'hiiiuelf ,these
fah •
len" over and over a0I1;n.
"That i3 right; and here is ray hand to
seal our compact," and the ,young Mar-
quis' of -Wycliffe grasped the hand of
poor, degraded Tom Drake as heartily
as if he had been another peer of the
ile had won an enmity -he had con•
( hear
pored 0 reckless, defiant human t,
with neither sword nor spear, bot by
the power of love and kindness:
Thrice blessed Marion Vance( Out of
her sorrow ]rad grown her Chl'istianity,
out of her Christianity had, grown the
education of this noble man, and out of
his nobility' the salvation of another.
Who can estimate the mighty intim
.nee of a pure example and faithful pre-
1)i11 she, pow looking down upon this
scene, realize toward what all the dark
and winding path of her desolate life had
She had learned to trust while, here,
where the way 1000 so dark that she
(meld net see; and may we not hope
that, frith 1011 now ended in sight, and
tethe joy she had missed on earth
ten the words as he had spol.en'only-
a little 1(11110 before to Tout DrakecameIf, his mind;
"Forgive, Its we are forgiven."
It was as if Na'ion's gentle spirit, teth-
ering over him, had whispered the words
in les ea --as if front the 00111010 of
11-1ee. ,Then she dwelt, she had brought
Mai at olir( branch to bear across ties
water:, to the erring, dying one.
I hill go he said nt.laot, a pitiful
exptcesio1 ,epleefng- the ,0tern look, n
greet), hough 1htdly', Iiglit` bcaeing from
his eyes. 1 will go, and God help m10
l0 a in ti+e right ((pifk lIdith,t, too,
ii err it, lie repeated, reading from the 1
to egn,r0, "and that of itself should 10010
me v !lint.."
And ret, much as lie longed to seethe
beloved one 011ce more, he felt as if lie
coned never endure 0 Second parting from
her. 'Thea graver thoughts presented
if -te. Dalton should die, what would
become of,'Edltha? '
She had not a friend in th0 world on
whom to depend; (wild she feel that she
eculd 11010• return with him and share
his home?
The matter troubled him deeply, and
yet he clearly felt that it would be his
duly henceforth to protect and 0nfe for
11e went into the library and eo(st0lted
the iia pus.
1 eteemer would suit the next day
from London, and he decided that he
would go at once.
11" might not be ;n time to sec Mr.
1)nitee alive, but he would not delay; he
would (10 his best to grant his (•coned,
let the result be what it might.
lle disliked very much leaving Tom
just , He knew that d
u1t at this time, e e-
p ihd-d upon ham ,for mlcoung
ement, and
woultedoultless be very much depressed,
if not discouraged, if 1,0 (rent away for.
any length 'of time.
But it (mutltisnot be helped, and the
test (night ete beneficial. It would at all
event, teach him self-reliance, and per-
haps prove the man's sincerity better
`-than in any other way.
'v: ITe went at once to hint. and said:
010(21, T am very unexpectedly railed
away. 1 am sorry That it happened just
at this time. but it carrot be helped.
Cat' ;yin manage with only the .servants
for etenpeny until your mother arrives?"
was increased a hundred fold in the bete `Yes, sir; but. will yon b0 gone lo11g?"
Don't neglect your cough.
• 1.
Statistics show that
alone over 200 people
nk'C r
'Q' And most of these
in New York City
de every week from
consumptives might
be living now if they had not neglec0 di the
warning cough.
You know how quickly Scott` ,7
Ell-MI.1 on enables you to throw off a
cough or cold.
LIW t TERMSSi7G?'fIi`,7fa
f s
"I do not know how long; I cannot fix
any definite time for lily return, as it
depends upon others rather t1,on on my-
seil. Yon will be quite lonely, and I am
'( 1y 611 your account.'
r sir;b
t 7: hope i
ee trouble on nit uen11u " and he glees -
,,d anxiovoly lei the telegram, which
eferle .,till I,od in his hand.
os -el, no. I may toll you, 1 sip -
11 t 10 more treble for Miss Dal -
tell , her father is dein}, and they have
sent for wee Earle explained.
Tu tee L rated States 02(' -" 'Torp ex-
cl.l;pm'dr fu dismay, and feeling- as if
some strong swpp0tt 501(0 0111111111.g foam
11111101' 11i111. -
"1'e s, .rut I tiny have to bo absent a
month or tied, perhaps longer; but y'ou
must, try to make he best .of.11. Your
mother will 'probably arrive. by io•mor•
row. and 1 would be glad if she could re-
main with cou until I return;" Earle
said, thinking las mothers influence/
and love, nal else ((•olid be the best
guardians he could possibly leave in Ids
"Thaek you, sir," Tom anskered,
heartily; then, after thinking for a
element, he added, wistfully: "I tun
getting strong and well so fast that I.
would like to begin to do something
sir, . If you could leave 01e some w;rk
1 shotild be glad, and the time woul t
not seem to 1011{;,"
Earle t bought n and thenmoment, e
Are you good at accounts?"
I usedto be fair at them. I teethed
Comer's meteod atter- 1 went to Amer.
thinking to male ,v business mail
of myself." ••
"Then if you would take the trouble
to (traighten out some accounts that
lot badly mixed during the last year of
the old martinis' life, it 1001111 a01p we
Tam's face brightened at once.
"1 811001d like it," he said, eagerly
and Earle felt better at once about le:ty
.101) 111111, knowing 1401 if he bet he was
imk;ug himself useful, he would be more
The next day found hint on the
Ethiopia, bound for New York, and
.ea,('en' able to control his impatience,
0(011 though the noble steamer, with fa-
(ur.tbie 0(1(01, and wenthen, wits plowing
the pathless waters with um1afu1 specie,
At the end of eight day's ho stood once
noyr'e 1111(111 A100010011 soil, and an 181111'
orawo later found 1101, again ascending
the steps of elle Daltons residence.
710 haul trembled as he pulled the
bell, and his heart beat with heavy,
painful strokes,so many memories, both
sweet and bitter, agitated him,
Is.,llr. 1)altoo living' he asked.
les, sir, but very lona' (1)0 the re-
tie ledii1,o to the sane 11i:tle, rceeie
tion: roont.where. he 1(21! (ern Edit1a on.
that day ,before Christmas, and where
she bad given him that little 111111011 of
holly, and wislted him, not the stereo.
typed 13,1 eery Cin'istmns," hid; ''p0000,
geed.will to mon," inatend.,
Lt rouse to hint 11010, that sweet 111(55-.
age, with strange vividness, -and he grew
suddenly 001111 and solemn its he realized
that lie had imiee11 00100 with "peace" in
his heart, and "good -will" toward one
wile had ben its life-long enemy.
11e gave his card to the servant, and
then sat dorm to hair. Would Isditho
conee to greet hint? be .asked 'himself,
mud would he he able to meet. her as a
brother should 1neetet sister Y
Fifteen n» Bute, elapsed, and then a
door softly opened lignin. Earle turned,
his heart (10.piug to his throat, but it
way not Ed;tha.
Ile saw • (5 strange but noble'loolting
1.0(1(00 coming toward Linn, end•wouder-
e duo sec her there, •
lee bowed comrteously,,bet she cordial-
iy cxteede l Iwo haute es het eyes sought,
his card, which the servant had given
hey. ane upon which w'as 01(11(1y eugray'-
en the two 1111 110'9 11e had always borne,
lie iunde no display of Its tide, 000 of
his new position,
:'\h. APayne.' she said, ''00 hardly 0x;
peeled y on to 110y; but 1 sun very glad
Sort have a'0(500. M yilaine, r, Sylves-
ter, nut 1 ant the only one at liberty
to come to You just not."
Earle returned her greeting, wondering
(v110 Aire Sylvester could he-eette why
not the housekeeper, for her manner and
bear(nte sorbed, 1(11(0 to mimes seat she
occupied that• position; and he had of-
ten heard letith, 5(17' tette' had no near
Ich,1ives hieing.
She might be some hived or neighbor 1
come in to reliei'e for ant share her lone-.
viguds. he thought,
iTe inquired if Miss Dalton was well;
ant noticed that a queer little smile
wreathed that lady's lips, as she replied:
"Ii'ditha is quite well, and is eleept )1
,I ((, lei Dalton niton bail an extremely
distressing night, and she weufl pe slat
;n silting up with him until nearly morn-
ing, The poor darling has been Momen-
t ing in her cane, rind is nearly wort) out;"
Mreeeylvester concluded, speeklttg with
peel. iteitepuss,
eleille then inquired linceutil;; elo.
)ellen s illness and its cause.
"That i' n R1,,, ling snout( and I Wilt
loam it for Edit ea to tell you;vhen she
wakes, and you ere rested. 1 will one
'+:n tied: it was brought on by excessive
rxutemrnl.. dleriug nhicl, he 1111(1,21rot a t
bieo d (e el."
;Earle eX;pressed 1':t< 111 (1' at this
ami uuduu e lltuuuli
le 11'001'01'0d souiewl„1 from 1),,' feet
titlark of bleeding, and We were hoping 1
hie ue(yctl;v would be tier anent., when
he h,d .mother, since whuh he he Leon
reppU3 failing, is soon as he beuenle
0011,u0no that. leo• tenet net live, he
scented to be exceedingly troubled e•
;ending 0m0 nphv which he lint tone
vee 1unl visited you scat for im ned(-
nttl 111 sill be Much relieied to know
oP on :u•.ri, ., 1, for he ht, been very
moths, 0 11 11 ane,ouus ever srnec ;111'. res-
sah e emit the tolhnriL"
"le there ,to possible hope of his re -
ea very
e.eavery 9'
No, there 10 1101 the'slighteet ht0(c cif
that..The physic:nn does not think he
can live many 11039, Now, 1t ('011 will
excuse me, 1 will go and 000 if he feels
able to 000 011, 08 he wished to be told
the moment you arrived," madam con-
cluded, using, and with a graceful bow,
left him once more alone, -
She had u1.t been rmu many minutes
when uu u 12((n2(t-u entered, bearing trey,
o ten 11 (('ii+ arranged .t mngt tempting
Lira aireeted tide to•be- served
he 1.0, 1, o l 011'. n',eutt, and again
Eerie woniterul who. this cultivated
vveimn 00(111 he, Who 102(9 00(101111y a
(0(eer in the liouse.
110 partook of the lunch, however,
with 0(010111 relish, fur he V1,1111 hungry,
having i11'11 too eager and excited to
do junket et his breakfast that morning.
11a11 ,u1' hour later madam returned,
101 iug tied 11e. 1)1111011 10010 ready and
dn010118 to see hint
Ic arose and followed her to the sick
mel e Chamber; 1uu1 almost wondering it
it could be trite that he was ahxmt to
stand at his own father's deathbed, luta
if ever before a sou stood in such strange
relatio 15 toward 11 parent. '
He was shocked at the change fu i\ir,
Ohnetly, woe, and panting with every
breathe, he lay bolstered up with pil-
lows, and Earle knew at a glance, that
ho could not live many days.
An expression of ,pain convulsed his
features as the dour opened and his
:11iviuus eyes rested upon -the young
man's handsome face and noble form;
and then, with a slight motion of his
head, he signified his wish for liar to
come and sit beside bio,.
It was a strange, sad uncetieg of a
father and son.
• 'lie one so strong and manly, and in
rho full vigor of life; the other pale,
omi I0i111,'d and dying, and neither ex.
periencing nor expressing any natural re -
glad for the other,
101(11 , humanity was touched as soon
a, he.saw the sulkier. He forgot all his
cast bitterness, he forgot that this was
me, who «fanned to be au implacable
Pie, (fine, had said that be "h.}ted
hint and all that ever belonged to
him." 11e mile, thought of hint now as
a sick and dying man who heeded sym-
pathy and 0000,
You did nut expect when you went
away that when next 0)0 met you would
find your enemy laid so low, diel you?"
Mr, Dalton asked, in 0 hallow voice,
yvleu Earle tufa seated, and searohi ig
his face with a keen glance,
"I ha0e never wished you any 111, s2(;"
he replied, respectfully..
"1 caunut say the same regarding you,
for there was nothing I would not have
done, for the sale of the hatred 1 bolo
your mother. to have burled you from
the proud ((onion you occupy."
"-h1 11 u drop 1
"Shall ill e got 1 op al this -now and
forever?" Earle interrupted, gently, fear-
ing he i(uuld 1econne exe;t011 11 this topic'
was renewed.
"Nu; I must have ay^ say mut new.
I've been saving my 0(0e1%th `dor this,
and 1: have much to tell you, and the
sooner it is aver with ,clic better for.
me, One's sentiineut0 change whet 1t
body feels life slipping Irani his grasp;
and 1. felt that 1 would like you to
kuo(0 •before -1 die that I realize at•last,
instead •0f• injuring others only, 1 have
1een'1ny own worst 01(0013'. 1 don't know
telly I should railways have hated °there
fob what has smelly been my own fault;
for all through any- lite my telly has
been the (muse of all lily dliappiiut-
"I have son a child get angry with his
toy's -tris top or his hall, when it would
not spin or bound as 110 10(51(01 11 -and
vent his anger by destroying thea, when
it was only his Own 10012 of ,judgment
and skill that prevented his enjoying
then(. 1 suppose it was that (nee 11-11 11
in me, only in it tenfold degree, that has
made me wish to d00110y every one who
epl>nsed 01' disappointed me in my
schemes or ambition."
He pausal a moment, and Earle watch-
ed him curiously. Ile had never heard
anything so strange b0foe.
"Hod I lived for ten, twenty, or even
forty years 10000, 1 suppose 1 should
have gone on in the sante way..' 1h
Dalton 0051111101 "1 suppose as long as
1 kilo1 y00 were enjoying the position
and possessiune 1 bad so coveted, I
shuuhl have continued to hate you, and
(driven to do you injury. 11u1 1103'
0111 doyu 110further harm now, mor me 1
any good where I am going; ((0ithe0 mon-
ey (tot' position, the two thi., that 1
1,111')) must coveted 1111 my lite, eau ben-
efit me further. 1 have never believed ;n
a. Cod. have tried to believe that mar
MIS like the brutes, and euusequenll1' 1
most get all the en,103(((00 possible out
of. this life; int now that I have come
to this"-IBtfug his wasted lural and re-
garding it with 1t strange expression of
sonde', and perplexity, and regret --"T
to' not feel quite so confident that Ii
and eternity are not solemn truths. s. That
the 1(11011 is something greater than the
body, and will probably exist in another
stat( 11wt at lust convinced; but f have
no time to discuss metaphysics mow. -1y
life has been a failure, for 1 have miss-
ed everything for which I sought most
eagerly. 1 have eeatee known what 1t is
to be welly happy, 1 have done 1great
deal of evil, apd 1 do not know of ei sin-
gle human being that is the better for
my haling lived ;n the well& The, Duly
good thing that 1 can think of connect-
ed with myself is, dint 1111 010' 11'.111 sole
row fly be made unhappy by my drill( 1"
011d Ina smile that aeconpained these
weals Ives intensely: hitter.
"T have told eget hew T disliked er.,
front the first, simply bemuse Riciard 1
'Forrester urns interested in yam. and 11
was jealous of any one who wipe likely 1
to ((12( anything from him - Yen Enos i
how 1 ecorned you because Tsditha look a
girlish fancy- o sem, and 11110 dared t 1'0 (1
ler le ;f you considered yourself her
aldl 1 was; s0' angry that clay in
cont thvt 1 could knee blotted you out
of existenee had f possessed tee power,
and lht,t4led leo, who, she stood up so
(0,1feu feesely iu,1,i4t) trewde d tenni and as-
ecried yen 'leeo' nce. I Ives' afraid she
would leator you, nal persist ins
0111' n mg you , I la1oav'"thut RI!dtard
Forretoe,wes nett, and that ole'(00(111
have 1111 his money; but 1 meant elle
er its case of Leo Corrigan
^111,'l ch,,c;6 that skin di'eascs here-
.err11 hopeless can be euerel.
e L ;;!'rood, ].co Corrigan had
.alt .0 ,
vel t the hurtling e •r I
rail ' 1 i oxer ;' Hit 1„rc3-1n.
i r ereat deal of motley in eon -
stet t tett, ions and buying medicines
-het t 1I to 1(0 purpose.
lte grew older he sought other
dectoisestiones of them specialists. Ile
((0501,2(1011 y ek0 to (1T000nt° hospital -
eight weeks in bed. At tunes the irri-
tation nod pain caused by the Eczema
were so severe, life was a burden. He
would get so bad he could not walk.
Several wintery he could do no warm,
He wrote, on February 20, 1906:
"In Novernber, mp5, 1 had another attack,
and wss 10,iscd t0 use Mire Ointment, (I
thought this would be like the other remedies
Iliad tried, and of no ase to me). But, to my
great delight, a few hours after the first
application I felt meat relief.
I have use,, it, now, two and a -half months,
and unhesitatingly state that it is the hest
remedy I ever used. It has worked wonders
for due. Since using Mira Ointment I have
been able to work every day -without irritation
or pain -nn stiffness of the limbs or soreness.
1 feet a new person.
"Prom n state of great irritation and some-
times excruciating pains to freedom 00,0 all
such, being capable of doing hard work every
d,^.y, i n marvelous change. Mira Ointment
has effected it.
I Strongly eecommendnny person afilleted
wit'( this terrible complaint-0czeurs-to use
Airy Ointment."
1 int this wonderfully effective Oint-
ment hen done in thisesereinnehrotic
'1») it can di in 1)01)01' 80011110 1y Meet's
'tete. coed,uons, If you suffer from any
'1''•.n of skin -disease, don't delay.
-t,. I. lrvief and cure is waiting you 111
M• -s ointment. Geta boa t0 -day. eoe,
0 for 1 'n. At dial!-otnres -00 from
11,,. 0'',',,1 ts' Co. of Canada, Ltd.,
011(01l1 get more, by nmkh,g a wealthy
nun nage. 1'he more she had, the move I
thought 1 .should have, and stand the
hieher in the world for it.'
Again he 'Mimed to rest, and Earle
,voeld have been ;clad ;f he would ee•1e0
entirely, I10 knew all this, I0111 he could
(net 0e (1,e good of its all being releas-
ed, neither could he understand toward
whet it was drifl10g; but he was soon to
know and a great snrpr;01' awaited lune
tTo'he continued.) -
Christmas on the
Bilis of Bethlehem
(By the Rev. dames .lolnts1u1, hi Noe
York Oescvvcr.l
The greatest of French historians has
declared that every important event ;n
the history of the world has. sprung frim
the eradle of some new birth, and 1e110e
over ever)' cradle the st:u• of love
wattle's ao111 the star of hope 8hiues.
On Christmas day, one 110ame ;s en every
lip ,rad in even'y heart--Jesus-rind
throughout aid -lands, multitude ;rill 00-
-m0u1600 Bethlehem, beneath the Syrian
I ms, where the Saviour of (10urkin1 was
la.n •:.
Bethlehem iu Jaden, the birthplace o1'
King David, the borne of Llfnueleoh mat
Boaz nod the Ephratah i0 the history of
Jacob, 10 001)rcely more than a village in
our own (fates, nmvalled, with white
stone houses, situated in a pleasant amt
inviting country, six miles south of Jere-
salwtn. Its ponplation of 3,00 souls come
prises: Latins, Creeks and stemenians, in ,
whose 1i.ttle town is bull the Church 01
the Nativity, deur to millions of the
Christian faith, covering the supposed
site of Christ's birth.
If you were. in Jeuuaiem, fire miles
from Bethlehem, when the Sun's ('0110
had sunk over western Judeau hills, you
would see on (hn;st1m15 eve couutloes
1-' o'wof
lights gleam from the �small0(a
the house in Jerusalem's narrow, wind-
ing streets. 'Within those homes yea)
would find women making earnest prcpli.
rations for the Feast of the Nativity, le
fore joining other pilgrims the sante
evening, on their way .to the cite
,Much as Eastern seamen delight in yew,
elry, yet on this apodal Benin* they hfy
aside armlets. bracelets, 2(e I Nees, and
every 1:;(111 of adornment, and clothe
•c r. white veil in
themselves in simple ,
place of'trinkcts and S,_Idy colored
dresses. Long ere midnight comes they
join the throngs from their own and dis-
tant 'ands apprmlching the ballc;wcl soil
.1 1'br.st',t Jro•th, .
N;11.'10(01 i•0l,l0E/0.; eatlt^t' 11'1'1' 111
from the feast traveller) a part of the
very ec Fond (roads h
stldum <:1,angiu•,
their course in ]:astern countries), fol-
lowing the bright star to Bethlehem!'
manger. On their route thither, says a.
legend, after being interviewed by Herod'
art Jerusalem, they lost the guiding stay=
Where they paused to water their ant -
male. They were greatly troubh'ol, but
to their surprise and joy cite of them
noticed the image of a larger star in the
water, and, looking heavenward, saw
the star itself, which "event before then,
till it came and stood over where th •
young child was."
On climbing the pebbled, .stony hil
and entering Bethlehem, poor and (br-
ayed in appearance, not very clean or
sweet smelling, there is descried on the
south side the d010 of the Church of
the Nativity, one of the oldest Christian
edifices in the world, The Church of
the Nativity, within the large ,egifdte
building of the Convent of the Nativity,
is subdivided among the Latin, Greek
and Annenisn worshippers, co prevent;
rivalry, or ('ou1IIct, at what should be
earth'; most peaeeuble ground. To-
wards this structure, the pilgrims from
all gna,t005 of the globe eagerly loa0'-
1'rtn'ellers make their passage through
the historic church and descend into the
crypt where Christ's birth is reputed
to have taken place. Here the walls: are
hung with bright, gaudy drapery and
other hangings, amid which glistens a
silver star inscribed 'Ilic de engine Mn-'d'
ria Jesus Christos nates est' (here of
the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ was
born). The manager is in 0 low' recess
cut in the rock, reputed to have been
an object of veneration and pilgrimage
since the 00(0011 century, A. 1),.11ither
have toiled pilgrims for nigh on 2.000'
years, who find it hard indeed to real -
100 that they are gazing on Christie
birthplace. Yearly, tons of , thousands
in number, the pilgrims prostrate them -
soles, ki0e the very stones admin, and
again and shed tears in the world's
most. precious shrine of adoration. -Marry
are the pathetic scenes witnessed. At
the midnight hour of Christmas eve,
when crowdshave gathered in Bethle-
hem, the Latins celebrate the anniver-
sary of the august event with a pooh
and ceremony' wIdel1 nntfer fails to im-
press the westerns who may differ from
their beliefs and erode of worship.
'[lie view of the landscape also from
Bofhelehem's hill in th morning hours
is one of unimaginable charm and at-
traction. `Far away,' writes n. 10;10011er.
'01 the left we see the hazy outline of
the blue mountains of Moab, stretching„
away on the other side of the Jove.'
den. Occasionally we catch It brief
glimpse of the Dead Sea, lying far''be-
low the ridge of rugged Mlle, its pleptd
waters shimmering in the sunlight with
,t beauty that surprises the travelleee
Mei associates the salt sea with gloog',
and death."
Remarkable to add, Bethlehem is the
only place in all the world which, cele-
brates Christmas three times each, yejar.
The Latins, or. Romans, keep it 00
26; the Greeks, twelve days later,. ail
the Armenians observe the Fenet (f'the'
Epiphany instead of Christmas; : and,
consequently, the pilgrims in Bethlehem
on Po: 2. are m0stl,1' of the Patin
Church. In Bethlehem, the Bible city,
the true hone of Christmas, the celebra-
tions are always picturesque and note-
worthyrecalling the 00mise-laelee
tenets. "-lied thou, P, Bethlehem, in the
land of'Jmla, are not the least among
the princes of Jude, for out of thee
01(1(11 come Governor, that, s11a11 rule
Illy people Israel,' and wonderfully has
1110 word been verified that "the handful
of corn upon the top of the mountains'
shall cause the fruit thereof to shake
like Lebanon.
The Nativity in Bethlehem has been
represented by a 11051 of great painters,
and is the inspiring theme of a large
part of Handel's noblest triumph, the
'111essialb' 1'le very title of Christmas
bears n name which is above every name
while the years of the centuries are not
dated from Calvary, but from the cave
of Bethlehem. 1'110 Child Jessie not only
takes a place in history, 'buil ell' Ilk -
tory takes place in him,
----o"1'- ,.�....xf,
Sin est, came to bring pence to the
earth. He would make peace 1)etween
man and mon, The inflnefeo of 11 14 life
is softening all life. Tho 'world yields
very slowly to the gentle infl 1101100 of
love, but it ie yielding nevertheless.
Christian civilization, with its 11(111m
tions of •p'hilanthropy and duuit,t, 11,1 it.,;
refinement of feeling and all its gentle
humanities, is the fruit of ChtistChrist'slife,
teaching and redemption.
Peace is ono' of the great key -words of
the Bible, It has inane; shales 1':0 mean-
ing. There is peace with (lot, which)
Comes to all who receive forgiveness.
There is the place with Cod, wh;cln
p000eaes the heat of hint who has
leaned to"•c1jtrust hie liif0 with all de
perplex0tifcs and cares, in the halide of
God. 'Ohrist'left as 0 bequest to Iles
1 el!scipli;,blls own-peac.0, anal we know'
i what w' erft1 ,peace 11E0 was. De
I never (00 ieflo Nothing ever disturbed
I for 0 moment the tedet of his heart. '
Even on the cross 1129 pesee (110± not
1 broken, This peace Hr Jseo 00 HiS-
friends, if they will receive it.
'?'hen there ;s ponce 111uon,e 0100) wielttl`
was part 01 the Moaning of the a' "
cru( 11111.00V00 the lore of (lout'
it 1,illili he 0'111, together ther un urate.
I detied lie 0 .r.: et tide 1'hritau tide
I song, "C
,sir, r lin to bho am,s
earth poet'," Mid 11 lot its holy strain
oti,i 1.1p,nh, ora 110,11
t, vii. w;l! b2(
lie t, ext. and beet Christmas is 1 -aping*.
t 0 (((''.1 a11 path it the glad (lay 0eceild
hi Ole to is o ,y a few pro"011ts 100111
rien ,, the music 01 01,111,10 1030(10 envois,
11 11.:1 .,n air of gladness, and should not
!cave in Dur hcaots t new gift of pewee
end a hely uplift of life toward thing's
ter' ace more c •tenure, --J. Il. (..tiller,
D. D.