HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-05-19, Page 7•Sociptpre tna$,ht that all wero•to hnv4
Uniy one eeteatvhean Q, otianoot'" Ro here thoi#; .
4 `. �e es � T[iA 'INTP49HPIATO STATE.
lie,), William Copp, whose father The only natural explanation of the
matter was that of an interm,ed'iate
'Was:l physician xor over fifty years, state. Such an explanation rested not
ill I 41ew.4ersoy, and who himself alone upon common sense, but also
t%lit`ntxmlliy j'e4rs preparing forthe upon the warrant of the scripture.
1ar;tetice of medicine, but subse-
I . Without such a state what would be-
gI1eptly entered the ministry of the
I'd., E. Church, writes: "I am glad come of the myriads upon myriads in
to testifythatIhaVe savage and civilized lands who had
never come under the teaching of
v had analyzed all the Christ? What would become of that
r sarsaparillaprepara vast company, conapiouous neither for
tions known in the virtue npr vice? 'people, kind -
p trade, but ly in their families, and friendly to
6 %, ' AYER'$ their neighbors, yet nor ardent Chris-
- tains; charitable from pity and free
i is the only one of from
vioe because of sheer disgust for
I them that I could
it. What about the youths who were
te, %yet"recommend as a out off before they had time to form
i �""` b blood-purifier.Illave
i' a sober judgment; Take the case of
given away hundreds of bottles of the young. English lads, with perhaps
it, as I consider it rite safest as well unformed characters, who had fought
t', 43 the best to be Lad."-WM. Corp, to keep Larissa, and who hf d been
I'astpxr4.41,Chttrch,Jackson,Minn. killed by the Turks. Were they con-
�- ,Am& ;� ' signed to an endless bell? What about
the billions born in ignorance, to
whom abominable practices and super-
ir stitiona had come with the venerable
M OALY WOg�,g PAM sanctity of ancestriai belief I Were
all these to suffer conscious torment
_�1 for evermore I How few, in reality,
When In doubt, askforAyer's Pills were fit for Heaven. Either the be
lievers in the commonly accepted
�,'` theory of eternal punishment intended
the'Huren Nevus-Reeora to debase the standard of Heaven, or
else they were bent on multiplying
41.25a YW-41.00111 Advance the population of hell out of a)1
butands. He did 'not b,%lieva that
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1897. such do uujustice as wholesale damna-
- tion would ever be done, and he felt
" equally assured on the basis of scrip-
'", Hope in the Next World• tare teaching that all who had not
had ample opportunity in this
"�- world would receive it later
q Important Sermon by Rural Dean on. Christ said, "Woe unto
r,, �ae�ellZle. thee, Chorazin 1 Woe unto thee,
Betheaida ! for if the mighty works
which were done in you had been done
I SALVATION FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT in T3 re and Sidon they would have
€','. HEAR
ETERNAL PUNISHMENT. repented long ago in sack -cloth and
;` ashes." Was it credible that dwel.
:1': --- lore of Chorazin and Bethsaida were to
Brantford, May 3. -Rev. Rural be given more opportunity to repent
. Dean Mackenzie has just concluded in than the dwellers of Tyre and Sidon?
Grace church his series of sermons on Was it credible that a merciful and
g "The Wider Hope." The final ear- just God would give lose chance to
f`, mon on Sunday night was listened ;to some than all I Who cared what
by a large congregation. The rev, petty sectarian platform went to pieces
t:• gentlemaw-chose- as his text the follow- if the gloripus truth prevailed that
N. ing passAgeli:--St. Peter iii., 18 and 19: myriads of- souls which hid
� "For Ct tjitalio hath once suffered not hid the opportunity of find
for sins, t'he. jaet for the unjust, that ing Christ in this world would
o" he mi ht ,brill us to God being put be Even that opportunity in the
xs g B' [l P t3 pp Y
to death in the flesh, but quickened by next? Let them think of the
r. the spirit; by which also He went and unequal chances of people in this
' presohed unto the Spirits in prison." world -the woman brought up amid
11St. Peter iv., 6: "Iro�i this cause was vicious surroundings and led to lose
the gospel preachad also to them that her chastity in her youth, and the
are .dead that they might be judged woman brought up amid careful Chris
,2,1 according to men in the flesb, but live Cain influences, and taught from the
"saccording to God in the spirit," first to honor her God, her parents,and
t`' The rural dean observed that in the herself; the heathen knowing nothing
ht the
creed every Sunday the belief was ex -
11 . truths of the Gospel with.the first un-
;,! dinded
sed that Christ decended into hell,
�` real interpretation was that he derstanding of childhood. Hundreds
i. into. the intermediate piece, of similar contrasts could be afforded.
"k and hones the reference to the fact Would God, the God of infinite love
.r ° and mercy, never bridge* over these
that He preached to the souls in prison• chasms? Did not even the best, as a
Christ Said to the dying thief on the matter of fact, need purification to fit
(:: crosThis day ebalt thou be with tbem for Heaven I
-=9ff'in .paradise." Yet after His resu.
z rootiou He said to Mary Magdalene, THE DOOTRINE OF PURGATORY.
. "Tough we not for I have not yet as- "Oh some one exclaimed "you are
tended to my father" -thus showing y
�' that he.had spoken of all intermediate teaching the Roman Catholic doctrine
of purgatory." Well, if there is any
];. state when giving the pledge -to the truth irn that doctrine,° by all means
, thief. Hades constituted this waiting, let them lay hold of it and reject the place spoken of in the parable of Dives error. As a matter of fact he aonsid-
/ and Lazarus as "Abraham's bosom. ered that the scriptures cotidemned
Some people believed that at death the idea of purgatory, but not .of an
tthe soul either went straight to hell intermediate state. The aoule' of the
ti.' or to' heaven. That was not the teach- departed would be amended, instruct-
s" ing of the Scripture, nor of the priori• ed and purified in Hades. This was
x'- tive fathers, nor of the Church of Eng what was involved in the statement as
land. This doctrine of an immediate to a good work having been comment
hell for millions of souls was un ed, and the path of the good shining
n scriptural, unreasonable, and God dis- more and more unto the perfect day. ,
bonouring. St. John taught that "no THE TALK OF RIINNIN4 CHANGE.
I man hath ascended up to heaven" z
and nowhere in Scripture was it stated Ho, was told that some young men
that souls went direct either to hea. in Brantford had said that if the due-
' ven or to bell. If it were true that trine of the Wider Hope was correct
the would have a good tilne now and
1P the ,good went direct to glory and the Y g
1 evil direct to everlasting misery, what run their chances of becoming saved
would be the use of going through a after death. He did not believe any
form of judgment on the last day when young man could seriously say that.
+ reward ands punishments had already If they did they showed that they did
1:1' not possess even a faint glimmer of
AN EQUAL CHANCE. Christ's teaching. They were of the
�class who simply regarded the gospel
- Take the case of two children. Let as a fire escape. When the suggestion
one child be born with all the evil was made to St. Paul, "Let us con -
D!" promptings derived from the degen. tinue in sin that grace may abound."
orate natures of vitiated ancestors, the Apostle ejaculated, "God forbid."
"�i with vice and profanity as its earliest In the same way be would say to these
lessons; let the other child be rich in ecoffets, "God forbid," and utter to
'a' the noble heritage of the charactreis- them the solemn warning, "For us
iI tics of clean and honourable ancestors, who know tke gospel this is the day
;' with its infant lips taught Jat the ear- of salvation." Continuing the preach-.
■1lieet moment to lisp a little prayer, 'er said he knew of nothing in the Bible
�, and with all its to denoies.by birth, from end to end and no school of
precept, and example turned towards teaching which sanctioned the idea
k' God, Would any sane person olein that men could reject the Gospel and
� that two such children were on an deny Christ in this world with the idea
equal footing as regarded their rola, that they would be afforded another
tionship to God? Would anyone chance in the next. That was not his
with the ordinary instincts of human- teaching. A,ny mon who knowingly
,''; ity believe that the child brought up and wilfully trampledunderfoot the
j,`. with sinful tendencies and amid sinful blood of the everlaeting covenant
k ` ' surroundings would not be afforded would toms under a just condemna-
other chance? It was absurd ,God- tion, but to those who believed the
1. le s, and cruel to think otherwise, for good work would be continued unto
6such a ,theory ' involved the doctrine the perfeat,day, and to those •,; ho )rail`
that God hilly intended to save an elect never had the opportunity of belief; or
few, and that the vast majority were the eurroupdinga calculated to load to
pre ordained, to eternal miaery-a belief, a merciful God would yet ox -
belief horrile beyond oredenGo., tend the ,,opportunity qf, ,,$i$_, @girl lig
0. 'I Somowhor6.,�and somehow these in. grace,
oqualities would be adjeuted. Was
that not roa'sorlalile'1 Mon "who ro• Health- nfid, vigor. aro 4iontlal fo
` presented matters otherwise were limp suc„er1s. Thr refdre �' wake` yourself
ly doing the wdrk of Col." Ingersol, strong and healthy by taking Hood'
and leading men to throwaway their sarsaparilla.
Bible4 in disgust and despair, The
... ., ,:. . ,w r , r
1f .."; ,!r , ATJI r mills, ' _ ' . pplay spoakor, 'he a'hould 1+e :here to,
+ , ' ; i tiischar o rho • dutiee,for whiob, he won,
rpt that of the k ettkerr andht}ottrn+a
gently oritly touch a nettle, 9
An vy iitia,g th8oforthY pains; oaitrpon tv4l 1nu411 th
Gras it like a man of mottle, latter ,
, ,And it soft as silk romniva," could not take pltrt in lett, with-
I 1 r out Incurring general c9ndernrin0on,
Program are these wards with meaning Where then was, the excgp,o fol' thiw
In this crisis of thy fats„ gentleman desortin '
Hued 1 P, hood t to rhythmic iiuinhere ; g the , duti'ee for,
Trost their warning come too late, which he was paid, and bringing the
' Thou hast feared the wayward Kaiser; J' office he held Into disrepute?• k4.ir
11 ISullen OV -shoot from 04yY thTono ; Claatloe read a message he had receives
Dead to all filo floe of kindred ; ell ;frcani stili, Bergeron, as illrietrittIpg
Ho hath seeds of discord sown the me4hods which the Government
. was using to defeat its oppouefits,: The
and Tu mine is no only a popular Mengg thy Dutch ad prod children, lasses e` Stated that An Old slid valu-
Linseed a 4 p Dwellers of the torrid zone ; g
S[Jt i 1'
remedy, but the best known to medical science Raised a tutnult'mong the peoples ., able loekmaster on the Beattharnoia
for the treatment of nervous membranes of Thou hast garnered for thine own. Poultry NewB. canal )tad been discharged, -and his
respi'rato'ry organs. place had been taken by tt Genn, who
DR CHASE compounded• this valuable Tpqu hast feared the Boar lain.
Russia, -�-- was serving }i uor in a bar -room on
At hie fent Bast d the Bear
lana. g 9
syrup so as to take away Rise I and face thy foes Britannia. SOME NOTES OF INTEREST. the day of the • nominations, The
the unpleasant taste of the turpentine and Rleo I and shako thy lion maue. 'r --' -
linseed. It was the Doctor's last and greatest statement was also made that the
remedy, ar 1 more of it is sold in Canada than Hast thou lost the ppower of feeling i DAMP WEATHER AND ROUP. ---Ther a canal employes were told they would
all other cough medicines combinedr Art thou dead to human woes is more roup in the spring mepths forfeit their positions it they voted as
While thy rulers sit debating than in winter, due to spring rains and they wished. Sir Charles expressed.
A Banker's Experience 9090 Christian blood in torrents flows. dampness. While the drafts of air in the hope that every independant
HEREAFTER HE INTENDS TO Wilt thou pArley with the Paynim the poulty-house may not be cold, yet member would support the motion
While he plies his fiendish work the are dam and chill rendering to strike out the salary, and show Ilii)
....1E HIS OWN FAMILY DOOTON O Britannia I thou the honored I y P y'
"I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup +j Wilt thou bow before the Turk; the fowls eery uncomfortable. It is disapproval of tris desertion by the
Z4naead and Tu,pentfne for a troublesome at night that fowls seefn to take dis- Deputy Speaker of his high and im-
affection of the throat „ writes Manager Thomas Break the bonds that hold thee fettered I ease. During the day they are active portant duties.
Dewson,of the Standard Bank,now of x4 ldeibourn• Once again, in Christ -like, ire, and at work, but at night they cannot
avenue.Toronto. "it proved effective. I regard the Rise to crush the power of Satan; change their OaitlOna On the roost, Mr. Laurier said he would not ob-
remedr as simple, cheap and egcoedinsly gootd. ft In this Moslem despot dire 1 g p jest if the Hoose now laid down the
has hitherto been my habit to conrnit'a p ys elan and;are consequently helpless to avoid
In troubles of this nature. Hereafter, lhow•va. l Let not greed of "fllthy luore" damp drafts of air. The longer days rule that the Deputy Speaker should
intend to be my own family doctor." Hold thee from the cause of right, and warmth at midday induce the observe the same strict neutrality GIs
Rise again, O fair Britannia, fowls to remain otitaiflo during the did the Speaker. That rule had not;
In thyglory and thy might! however, prevailed heretofore. The
do not season, and they consequently late Da ut S Baker had not only par -
I O rise 1 and let thy loaim,e do not resort to shelter in damp spells. P Y P Y p
glow the Grits Favor Canada. Muster to the trumpet sound It is then that the ttre fie acct) ticipated in local elections, but, what
Hear the blood of the Crusaders y q Y was worse, had stumped in the Domin-
The facts re Aydin the bank note Crying from the hallowed ground, attacked by roup. A little extra at- ion elections.
g tention until dry weather sets in will
contract which was given by the Laur- Where the Saviour's feet have wandered ; greatly aid in preventing roup and the Sir Charles Tupper -Is the First Min-
ier Government to it Net, York con- Where His outcast head has lain, liability of disease. ister aware of such a thing having
cern, were disclosed on Monde week Hear the wallingof the martyrs I Y
Y HATCHED ON PALM' SUNDAY. -This taken place before as a Deputy Speak-
itemb the production of the corre5 on- Have they died or Him in vain? d
Y pp p er do plain his duties, an stn orfs
dente. The documents establish that Once the friend of the oppressed I comes from Niagara Falls, Out;:
a provincial election, while the )3ouse
the American Bank Note Company of- Wherefore dost thou idly etatnd t On Sgnday 13 little chicks were us- teas in session?
fered it cut rate to the Government to Once the arbiter of justice I hered into the light of day, and were
Why withold thy giant handl immediate) proclaimed a portion of Mr. Laurier replied that the scandal
get a foothold in (:tnitda, that it die- Y of
tated tet ms to the Goveinment direct- "Gently, gently touch a nettle." the chattels o it would-be prominent of the Deputy Speaker taking part in
ly in violation of the specifications, This, thy policy of years, poultry fancier, whose hennery is near provincial elections did not appro.•tcit
the British American Bank Note Will not aid thee in the future, Niagara Falls. These chicks, which in magnitude that caused by the in-
thatWhon thine oyes are wet with tears, will henceforth claim Palm Sunda as terference of such an official in Do -
the contract at the same figure its its When thy blood is poured like water their birthday, are what the ladies minion elections.
American competitor had named, and lit the struggle yet to come, would call pretty and intelligent -look- Mr. Davin regaled the House with
Gainst the fury of the forces- in creatures, of various shapes, sizes g
that the contract was afterwards Leagued to grasp thy Island Home. g p the languftge used h Sir Richard
awarded to the American concern ata Glad colors. It is this variety savoring Cariwri h
1894, when th la'tter
greater cost to the country than it Clinton, Ontario, of barnyard ancestry which has brought asked what this country nee ed with
would have done by. the Canadian to light a base and dirty plot of the fifteen or sixteen Cabinet inisters
company had its revised offer been ac- owner to cheat a neighboilbg poultry and two Speakers. That language, Mr.
cepted. . The Outlook. ( breeder. The substance of the scheme Davin said, he echoed on the present
is that one man coveted the handsome occasion. He objected, on principle,
--'��'-`- The country is being overrun by pen of Buff Cochins owned by another. to a Deputy Speaker, and thought the
A LONG NERVOUS STORM. travellers representing American fac- He gave a boy 75 cents to steal him a House might well revert to the old
___ tories in almost every line. These setting of the eggs, and the boy went system, under which the Speakercali-
gentlemen are stumbli❑ over one an- to the other man and got 25 cents for ed upon a member to act for him oc-
If you ever war hed a dentist draw a P
other in the rush for orders, especially not stealing thein. He then spent lOc casionall whenever he quitted the
nerve out of a tooth, you will remem ff y
in ii on wares, under the new Gari of his gains for asettin of large brown chair. With regard to the practice in
her how much it looked like a.little P
suip of wet, white cotton thread. How Besides the advantage which those store eggs, which anti yesterday dis- Englaed, he said the Deputy Speaks]~
can so contemptible a thing inflict concerns have in manufacturing on a guised the punishment that was being or chairman of committees, took no
such a mountain of agony? Arid why large scale, there is just now a special meted out to the would-be thief. An part in partisan warfare. If they
does it do it? "Disease '�you say. Ah, slaughter of prices by the big manu- arrest wits almost decided on, but the must have a Deputy Speaker, whit$
surely. A simple and Obvious answer; facturers in the effort to crush out man's humiliation in the discovery he disapproved of, he thought that
yet in what way does the true nerve- the smaller ones. This occurs period- 1,bat brown eggs do not always hatch gentleman should conduct. himself as
fibre, wrapped up and coated, as it is, ically, and is now on in full force, out rich, cream -colored, downy -backed did the Speaker.
like the wire pi a .d coat rine cable, which serves to explain the headlong chicks, was deemed sufficient reward The amendment was lost by a vote
get to a diseased 7 rush into Canada to unload their sur- for the small boy's tempter. of 50 to 32, Mr. Craig voting with the
plus, and paralyze our local industries
P p y Government.
Yet, somehow, these soft strings do m the same lino so as to remove them } tl On the motion being again put
become fearfully out of order, or our from competition. To do this more Grit Partisans All Right g g p
friend Miss Hunt, alluding to the speedily and effectually special cuts ■ Mr. Foster moved that the salary be
neuralgia from which she once suffered are given, with the result that the reduced from $`2,000 to $1,000.
would not say, sometimes I was almost Canadian traveller is forced aside ; The amendment was lost by, a vote
mad with the pain." And that is but one while the American secures the trade. The Laurier Party Say So. of 36 to 51, Messrs. Douglas, McInnes,
of many forms of torture imposed on The Canadian manufacturers and -- Stubbs, Pettit, and Lewis voting with
us by the. nerves; yet without these those in the jobbing trade,are to -day BUT THE MISERABLE TORIES MUST BE the OPPOsition.
nerves we should be but lumps of clay filled with consternation at the out- SACKED. Mr. Laurier, by way of a comment
-lacking feeling and power of motion. look. Discouragement bordering on on the proceedings, reminded the
How can we cure these dreadful panic is spreading right and left, and House that the late Mr. T. Gorman, of
nehve-pains? The' drug -shops abound the railwayys are sharers in the gen- The other day while the Dominion the Free Press, had once been censored
in 'so-called remedies for them, yet the eral distudiance and depression. House was in Supply an interesting b the House for commenting on
Y --.�.---- discussion took place which goes to
are only as a bre%th to cool the air of a show very plainly the inconsistency t e fact tbttt Speaker White had take))
torrid summer day. The real cause f3Cttrfy $@aCl• part in a political campaign,
secrets. Can - a find Nature's; deeper co -- and by ocritiy of the Laurier party as
and care aro among If a child's head is scurfy, do not to partisanship. It is well worth read- h3r. Hughes said that the charge
d them ? against Speaker White was not that;
comb the hair, which is apt to scratch ing- ( he had taken part in an election, but
"Nearly all my life," says Miss Hunt, and irritate the scalp, but brush gent- Mr. Taylor moved to strike out the that he had attended a convention dur-
I have suffered from indigestion of ly. After washing the head thorough- item of $2,0CJ for the salary of Deputy ing recess. There was not, he said,
an aggravated kind. I felt low, weary ly, dry it, and apply Dr. Chase's Oint- Speaker. He said that Mr. Brodeur, one word of truth in the charge.
and weak, having little or no energy. ment. who filled that office, was away elec-
My appetite was variable. At one tioneering in Quebec instead of attend- The item was then passed.
time I would eat voraciously, and at Ili=ht-About-Face. ing to his duties, and as the office ap-
other tirnesI couldnottouch it morsel of peared to be unnecessary, he moved One of the best evidences that Ayeeq
food. THE LAURIER PARTY NOT CARRYING to strike out the salary. Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional
"'After eating I had great distress at OUT THEIR ELECTION PLEDGES. Mr. Rodgers said the Conservatives merit is the fact that the demand for.
the chest and around the sides. I suf- had shown no disposition when they it is constantly increasing. No one
While i❑ Supply one day last week
fared martyrdom from the ho: rid sin were in office to abolish the office. Be who uses this incomparable dressing
Y P at Ottawa there was it right -about- suggested that the salary be reduced n
in ink stomach and limbs. As the gt; Y thinks of trying any other preparation
face on °the part of the Laurier party.
years passed by my nerves became to- Instead -of reducing the expenses they to $1,(:,). for the hair.
tally unstrung, and I endured untold Mr. Foster said that the Deputy
are increasing them and continue to
misery from neuralgia. My lips and uphold a great deal more than the Speaker occupied a similar position to .
-half my face were almost dead from this P g Y that of the Speaker, hnd therefore The Annual Camps•
denounced while the,, Conservatives P
distressing malady," should adopt, a impartial attitude,
were in power. especially while the House was in ses- The special general order, given the
[Tho lady will pardon the writer, In P y
the ser_se of being objects of use and On the vote of $17,OC�, salaries and sion. What would they think of the details of corps, which are to go into
contingencies for the Senate. . Speaker if he went out and en g ed -in camp for 12 days' training, has been
pleasure, they were in truth practically p g
dead • bu't in another sense they were Mr. Hughes enquired what truth elections? The Government ad laid issued. The following are the Ontario
horridly alive, as the sky is when it is there was in the rumour that the office ,down the doctrine t hat its own officers corps ordered out: -
pierced and rent with the lances of the of Black Rod was to be abolished. and officers of the House should not act District 1, London Ontario, 14th
lightning.] N, Sir Richard Cartwright -Does my as political partisans, yet the Deputy June, 1st Hussars, R. R. C. i., of No. 1
"I consulted," she adds, "doctor af- hon. friend covet the place? Speaker had deserted the duties for Regimental Depot; 26th, 27th and 32nd
ter doctor, but in spite of all their Mr. Hughes --I have a much better which he was paid $2,000, and had gone Battalions. London, Ont., 28th June.
medicines and applications I found lit- one; I am not in search of an office. off to Quebec to stump for the Lib- 1st Brigade Field Artillery, 6th Field
tle or no relief. Sometimes I was almost Perhaps the rriembars on that side who erals. It was a most indecent spec- Battery, C.A., R.R.C.I., of No. 1 Regi -
mad wi6h the pain." are so solicitous for positions may be tacles, and for his part he would sup- mental Depot, 28tb, 29th and 33rd Bat -
Not a Scabs of it. Under such cis provided for in that way. porta motion of this kind every time talions,
ht was proposed. District 2, Ningara-on-the-Lake, 8th
cumstances the body is a poison-bouse Sir Richard Cartwright -I think that Mr. Mcisaac thought it was not a June, A squadron R.C.D., 2nd Delay
of keen suffering, and people have, not bulwark of the constitution is not yet q
infrequently, taken their own lives to to be removed. (Laughter.) serious offence for the Deputy Speaker goons, 4th, 7th and 9th Field Batteries,
escape from it. Only acute rheumatism The item passed. to take part in the provincial elections. C.A. R. R. C. L, of No. 2 Regimental
es gout can it compared with neural- p` The Deputy Speaker of the last Par- Depot, 12th, 20th, 34tb, 36th, 44th and
gig, and (please Observe) the whole liament, who was a Conservative, went 77th -Battalions.
three are for me of the same thing -re- Peterborough, Oct. 22, 1896. On the stump in the provincial else- Districts 3 and 4, Local Heaquarters,
sults of the same cause. Hence suffer- To Messrs. ' Edmanson )dates & Co., tions in Nova Scotia and spoke in the Sept:'15, 2nd Field Battery, Kingston.
ers from the former two ailvhents will be Toronto. County of Antigonish. Ont; 8th June, 3rd Dragoong, 16th,
;vise also to read this essay to its end.] Gentlemen, -I take great Pleasure Sir C. Hibbert Tupper said the Con- 40th, 41st and 56th Battalions.
"In June, 1886," continues the letter, in testifyin to the merits of Dr. servative party did not adopt the ex- Kingston, Ont -June 15, A Field Bat-
a book was left at my house in which Chase's K. g y p treme course in regard to political y R.C•A
& L. Pills. The rove ter 5th, 8th and 14th Field
I read of many persons who had been themselves to be just what they are re- Eputy
rtisanship that the Liberals did. Batteries, C.A.
erisive Ministerial cheers.) The Kingston, (Jct.. June, 22, 42nd, 46th
cured by a medicine called Mother Sei commended for, and are one of the ,
gel's Syrup. I bought a supply from a best selling pills that I have ever hand- Speaker of the last Parliament 49th anti 59th Battalions.
chemist in New North Road and soon led. did take part b provincial elections o
my indigestion got better," the pain in J. D. TQLtZ*, Druggist. Nova Scotia, but the House was not
my head and limbs was easier, and I sitting at the time. Here was a case, "Ten people out of a dozen are in -
felt stronger than I had done for years. however, where the Depputy Speaker valids, says a recent medical author
"I think it only right that others The annual meeting of the teachers wife absent while the House was in ity.' A t least eight out of these ten,
should know of what has done so much of West Huron will be held in Exeter session, `and w hen his presence was it is safe to allow, are suffering from
p on May 21-22, -this being the onlymeet d8manded for ,the perfor mance of his some form of blood -disease which a
far me: lion have', therefore, iti.y jeer- y g duties.
mission to make this statement pu lie ing they will hold this year. The pro- persistent use of. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
if you like. (Si nod) (M�iss) S. Hunt, gram is an interesting one, and a sub- Mr. Taylor remarked that he did not would, be afire to cure. Then, don't bo
57, Dale View ,Road, tBtamford Hill, jectthatwillbenottheleastinteresting object to the Deputy Speaker taking. 'an invalid.,
London, June 30Th, 1896." rs that by. Mr. H. I. Strang on Effects. part in provincial politics while the -
,of the H. S. Regulations on the Quali; House alts noteitting. $ut rho House , Thomas Woods, who was sentenced
Our correspondent is a schoolmis- ++
fi¢ations of P. S. Teachers. The evens had been sitting .six weeks and the,
tress, and, as her letter shows, awoman • Friday in London, Eng., to five years
ing public entertainment will have as- Deputy Speaker had been here scarce',
fine intelligence: At the outset she its chief feature a discussion on "Sixty ly n, week in all. During the remainder penal servitude for fraudulently adver-
names the radical, and only real disease Years Queen -a Retrospect," in which. of the time he had been stumping in tising loans, had previously served ten
she bad-ninmely,indigestion; or, as we six Lyell known members of the teach outrage there years in a Canadian penitentiary.
indifferently call it, dyspepsia. Starv- Quebec. It would be
ed from 'want of nourishment, and ing profession will speak on the de- fors to pay him this salary. Mrs. Boyd, wife of the late Governor
ed fr m by the products of food con- ve opmerits which have marked the Mr. Maclean eld the opinion that of New Brunswick, died at St. John.
poisostantly decomposing in the stomach, reign of the Queen. to the Deputy Speaker the same rule Harold Fetherstonhaugh, the seven -
her nervous system was thrown into In connection with the approaching should apply as•. to the Speakoh He year-old son of Mr, F. s set railW y
wild di9order, and protested and cried .Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty, the ought not to enggage in electlbna, and hau h, was killed on the street railway
out with the thrilling voice of pain. Minister of Education has issued a cir- he hoped that 11dr. Laurier would say track on Spading avenue, Toronto, +
No applications,no emollients are effee- cular to school inspectors throughout the scandal should not be committed Friday evening._,__ ycr •i,,
tive to remedy symptoms springing the province suggesting that they direct in the future.-JnOUdarci
from a cause so profound and firmly '£herr respective teachers of their in- Mr. Crtiig aid not intend to support LOCK THE DOOR,po 10 R.&I
seated. spectorat divisions to devote the Fri- the motion, but thought that the Before the horse is stolen.iffrh61:y*,1%1N*.►-n-
Would we stop the writhing of the• day afternoon proceeding the 21st of Deputy Speaker should be debarred rich and vitalize our ulontllt 04 h� l
June to a consideration of the most from taking'hn active part in politics. u our physical a ateift/ beforpli414'ru ,
trees Suri a gold? Ah; they cannot P Y P Y p
be boon or held. We must employ, notable o4ente of Her Majesty's reign, He should confine himself to the duties ease attack you.i;gridiBoTfWXI9tiRi()U99fii>,+,.
if w� sages it, a ower which can say particularly those bearing upon the for wbich he was paid. comes. Hoodts+�$orsatpRrillarlllill R II..
unto the wind, "Peace, be still." progress made int science, invention Sir Charles Tupper thought no re- you strongi�an1d yr cystis agdiiriV 4
Somethin akin to this Mother Sei- and education. In addition to this, solution was more deservingof Sri ort el frOW> rolthnbl6oa t, I-AtbpuuittriigA! IOIS)o;
r I
Mr. Ross says, the history of Cantata than that moved by Mr. Taylor. TIE gepmri;;of ddis&aso; ; tTakui:l Dfi,d'syt4ATh;' +
gel s Syrtisp did When it abolished the in relation to the Empire might with y
r di estive'irouble, -It enabled the sto- t advanta,gg"e be considered in brief were many per who believed the sspiaidi}lr+i r>Cov1i e. •:+U y'ii<l,ri& titti.li•„ t
,m4ch to feed thfl feeble body,`and With ,addresses b rho trustees and others. House could get along without a DepdJ' o er, '199!1)() iii r:r tttftR,51 „lt d.iiw iui.,-
returnfn "strength the nervous storm Mr. Ross also.su eats that.a ortrait ty Speaker, and that the abolitibil'tdf?r °y Hd7►0115�'l`I'lIIrliSiioer•e dAr f k -909m ,
gg p the office Would mean it sttviff irifttl f truly cathartic. Easy.att1�11tEkle•Keitli-+r+
subsided into the calm and, harmony of of Her Majesty appropriately framed.
Health, be placed in every school room. country. If they were to have a De- t o, mild, 25 tante,
. ,ME
11 I
..-�:-_� A%.a�r t_ - - .kms
. -
• .k,
T, ,
. .
., t
•Sociptpre tna$,ht that all wero•to hnv4
Uniy one eeteatvhean Q, otianoot'" Ro here thoi#; .
4 `. �e es � T[iA 'INTP49HPIATO STATE.
lie,), William Copp, whose father The only natural explanation of the
matter was that of an interm,ed'iate
'Was:l physician xor over fifty years, state. Such an explanation rested not
ill I 41ew.4ersoy, and who himself alone upon common sense, but also
t%lit`ntxmlliy j'e4rs preparing forthe upon the warrant of the scripture.
1ar;tetice of medicine, but subse-
I . Without such a state what would be-
gI1eptly entered the ministry of the
I'd., E. Church, writes: "I am glad come of the myriads upon myriads in
to testifythatIhaVe savage and civilized lands who had
never come under the teaching of
v had analyzed all the Christ? What would become of that
r sarsaparillaprepara vast company, conapiouous neither for
tions known in the virtue npr vice? 'people, kind -
p trade, but ly in their families, and friendly to
6 %, ' AYER'$ their neighbors, yet nor ardent Chris-
- tains; charitable from pity and free
i is the only one of from
vioe because of sheer disgust for
I them that I could
it. What about the youths who were
te, %yet"recommend as a out off before they had time to form
i �""` b blood-purifier.Illave
i' a sober judgment; Take the case of
given away hundreds of bottles of the young. English lads, with perhaps
it, as I consider it rite safest as well unformed characters, who had fought
t', 43 the best to be Lad."-WM. Corp, to keep Larissa, and who hf d been
I'astpxr4.41,Chttrch,Jackson,Minn. killed by the Turks. Were they con-
�- ,Am& ;� ' signed to an endless bell? What about
the billions born in ignorance, to
whom abominable practices and super-
ir stitiona had come with the venerable
M OALY WOg�,g PAM sanctity of ancestriai belief I Were
all these to suffer conscious torment
_�1 for evermore I How few, in reality,
When In doubt, askforAyer's Pills were fit for Heaven. Either the be
lievers in the commonly accepted
�,'` theory of eternal punishment intended
the'Huren Nevus-Reeora to debase the standard of Heaven, or
else they were bent on multiplying
41.25a YW-41.00111 Advance the population of hell out of a)1
butands. He did 'not b,%lieva that
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1897. such do uujustice as wholesale damna-
- tion would ever be done, and he felt
" equally assured on the basis of scrip-
'", Hope in the Next World• tare teaching that all who had not
had ample opportunity in this
"�- world would receive it later
q Important Sermon by Rural Dean on. Christ said, "Woe unto
r,, �ae�ellZle. thee, Chorazin 1 Woe unto thee,
Betheaida ! for if the mighty works
which were done in you had been done
I SALVATION FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT in T3 re and Sidon they would have
€','. HEAR
ETERNAL PUNISHMENT. repented long ago in sack -cloth and
;` ashes." Was it credible that dwel.
:1': --- lore of Chorazin and Bethsaida were to
Brantford, May 3. -Rev. Rural be given more opportunity to repent
. Dean Mackenzie has just concluded in than the dwellers of Tyre and Sidon?
Grace church his series of sermons on Was it credible that a merciful and
g "The Wider Hope." The final ear- just God would give lose chance to
f`, mon on Sunday night was listened ;to some than all I Who cared what
by a large congregation. The rev, petty sectarian platform went to pieces
t:• gentlemaw-chose- as his text the follow- if the gloripus truth prevailed that
N. ing passAgeli:--St. Peter iii., 18 and 19: myriads of- souls which hid
� "For Ct tjitalio hath once suffered not hid the opportunity of find
for sins, t'he. jaet for the unjust, that ing Christ in this world would
o" he mi ht ,brill us to God being put be Even that opportunity in the
xs g B' [l P t3 pp Y
to death in the flesh, but quickened by next? Let them think of the
r. the spirit; by which also He went and unequal chances of people in this
' presohed unto the Spirits in prison." world -the woman brought up amid
11St. Peter iv., 6: "Iro�i this cause was vicious surroundings and led to lose
the gospel preachad also to them that her chastity in her youth, and the
are .dead that they might be judged woman brought up amid careful Chris
,2,1 according to men in the flesb, but live Cain influences, and taught from the
"saccording to God in the spirit," first to honor her God, her parents,and
t`' The rural dean observed that in the herself; the heathen knowing nothing
ht the
creed every Sunday the belief was ex -
11 . truths of the Gospel with.the first un-
;,! dinded
sed that Christ decended into hell,
�` real interpretation was that he derstanding of childhood. Hundreds
i. into. the intermediate piece, of similar contrasts could be afforded.
"k and hones the reference to the fact Would God, the God of infinite love
.r ° and mercy, never bridge* over these
that He preached to the souls in prison• chasms? Did not even the best, as a
Christ Said to the dying thief on the matter of fact, need purification to fit
(:: crosThis day ebalt thou be with tbem for Heaven I
-=9ff'in .paradise." Yet after His resu.
z rootiou He said to Mary Magdalene, THE DOOTRINE OF PURGATORY.
. "Tough we not for I have not yet as- "Oh some one exclaimed "you are
tended to my father" -thus showing y
�' that he.had spoken of all intermediate teaching the Roman Catholic doctrine
of purgatory." Well, if there is any
];. state when giving the pledge -to the truth irn that doctrine,° by all means
, thief. Hades constituted this waiting, let them lay hold of it and reject the place spoken of in the parable of Dives error. As a matter of fact he aonsid-
/ and Lazarus as "Abraham's bosom. ered that the scriptures cotidemned
Some people believed that at death the idea of purgatory, but not .of an
tthe soul either went straight to hell intermediate state. The aoule' of the
ti.' or to' heaven. That was not the teach- departed would be amended, instruct-
s" ing of the Scripture, nor of the priori• ed and purified in Hades. This was
x'- tive fathers, nor of the Church of Eng what was involved in the statement as
land. This doctrine of an immediate to a good work having been comment
hell for millions of souls was un ed, and the path of the good shining
n scriptural, unreasonable, and God dis- more and more unto the perfect day. ,
bonouring. St. John taught that "no THE TALK OF RIINNIN4 CHANGE.
I man hath ascended up to heaven" z
and nowhere in Scripture was it stated Ho, was told that some young men
that souls went direct either to hea. in Brantford had said that if the due-
' ven or to bell. If it were true that trine of the Wider Hope was correct
the would have a good tilne now and
1P the ,good went direct to glory and the Y g
1 evil direct to everlasting misery, what run their chances of becoming saved
would be the use of going through a after death. He did not believe any
form of judgment on the last day when young man could seriously say that.
+ reward ands punishments had already If they did they showed that they did
1:1' not possess even a faint glimmer of
AN EQUAL CHANCE. Christ's teaching. They were of the
�class who simply regarded the gospel
- Take the case of two children. Let as a fire escape. When the suggestion
one child be born with all the evil was made to St. Paul, "Let us con -
D!" promptings derived from the degen. tinue in sin that grace may abound."
orate natures of vitiated ancestors, the Apostle ejaculated, "God forbid."
"�i with vice and profanity as its earliest In the same way be would say to these
lessons; let the other child be rich in ecoffets, "God forbid," and utter to
'a' the noble heritage of the charactreis- them the solemn warning, "For us
iI tics of clean and honourable ancestors, who know tke gospel this is the day
;' with its infant lips taught Jat the ear- of salvation." Continuing the preach-.
■1lieet moment to lisp a little prayer, 'er said he knew of nothing in the Bible
�, and with all its to denoies.by birth, from end to end and no school of
precept, and example turned towards teaching which sanctioned the idea
k' God, Would any sane person olein that men could reject the Gospel and
� that two such children were on an deny Christ in this world with the idea
equal footing as regarded their rola, that they would be afforded another
tionship to God? Would anyone chance in the next. That was not his
with the ordinary instincts of human- teaching. A,ny mon who knowingly
,''; ity believe that the child brought up and wilfully trampledunderfoot the
j,`. with sinful tendencies and amid sinful blood of the everlaeting covenant
k ` ' surroundings would not be afforded would toms under a just condemna-
other chance? It was absurd ,God- tion, but to those who believed the
1. le s, and cruel to think otherwise, for good work would be continued unto
6such a ,theory ' involved the doctrine the perfeat,day, and to those •,; ho )rail`
that God hilly intended to save an elect never had the opportunity of belief; or
few, and that the vast majority were the eurroupdinga calculated to load to
pre ordained, to eternal miaery-a belief, a merciful God would yet ox -
belief horrile beyond oredenGo., tend the ,,opportunity qf, ,,$i$_, @girl lig
0. 'I Somowhor6.,�and somehow these in. grace,
oqualities would be adjeuted. Was
that not roa'sorlalile'1 Mon "who ro• Health- nfid, vigor. aro 4iontlal fo
` presented matters otherwise were limp suc„er1s. Thr refdre �' wake` yourself
ly doing the wdrk of Col." Ingersol, strong and healthy by taking Hood'
and leading men to throwaway their sarsaparilla.
Bible4 in disgust and despair, The
... ., ,:. . ,w r , r
1f .."; ,!r , ATJI r mills, ' _ ' . pplay spoakor, 'he a'hould 1+e :here to,
+ , ' ; i tiischar o rho • dutiee,for whiob, he won,
rpt that of the k ettkerr andht}ottrn+a
gently oritly touch a nettle, 9
An vy iitia,g th8oforthY pains; oaitrpon tv4l 1nu411 th
Gras it like a man of mottle, latter ,
, ,And it soft as silk romniva," could not take pltrt in lett, with-
I 1 r out Incurring general c9ndernrin0on,
Program are these wards with meaning Where then was, the excgp,o fol' thiw
In this crisis of thy fats„ gentleman desortin '
Hued 1 P, hood t to rhythmic iiuinhere ; g the , duti'ee for,
Trost their warning come too late, which he was paid, and bringing the
' Thou hast feared the wayward Kaiser; J' office he held Into disrepute?• k4.ir
11 ISullen OV -shoot from 04yY thTono ; Claatloe read a message he had receives
Dead to all filo floe of kindred ; ell ;frcani stili, Bergeron, as illrietrittIpg
Ho hath seeds of discord sown the me4hods which the Government
. was using to defeat its oppouefits,: The
and Tu mine is no only a popular Mengg thy Dutch ad prod children, lasses e` Stated that An Old slid valu-
Linseed a 4 p Dwellers of the torrid zone ; g
S[Jt i 1'
remedy, but the best known to medical science Raised a tutnult'mong the peoples ., able loekmaster on the Beattharnoia
for the treatment of nervous membranes of Thou hast garnered for thine own. Poultry NewB. canal )tad been discharged, -and his
respi'rato'ry organs. place had been taken by tt Genn, who
DR CHASE compounded• this valuable Tpqu hast feared the Boar lain.
Russia, -�-- was serving }i uor in a bar -room on
At hie fent Bast d the Bear
lana. g 9
syrup so as to take away Rise I and face thy foes Britannia. SOME NOTES OF INTEREST. the day of the • nominations, The
the unpleasant taste of the turpentine and Rleo I and shako thy lion maue. 'r --' -
linseed. It was the Doctor's last and greatest statement was also made that the
remedy, ar 1 more of it is sold in Canada than Hast thou lost the ppower of feeling i DAMP WEATHER AND ROUP. ---Ther a canal employes were told they would
all other cough medicines combinedr Art thou dead to human woes is more roup in the spring mepths forfeit their positions it they voted as
While thy rulers sit debating than in winter, due to spring rains and they wished. Sir Charles expressed.
A Banker's Experience 9090 Christian blood in torrents flows. dampness. While the drafts of air in the hope that every independant
HEREAFTER HE INTENDS TO Wilt thou pArley with the Paynim the poulty-house may not be cold, yet member would support the motion
While he plies his fiendish work the are dam and chill rendering to strike out the salary, and show Ilii)
....1E HIS OWN FAMILY DOOTON O Britannia I thou the honored I y P y'
"I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup +j Wilt thou bow before the Turk; the fowls eery uncomfortable. It is disapproval of tris desertion by the
Z4naead and Tu,pentfne for a troublesome at night that fowls seefn to take dis- Deputy Speaker of his high and im-
affection of the throat „ writes Manager Thomas Break the bonds that hold thee fettered I ease. During the day they are active portant duties.
Dewson,of the Standard Bank,now of x4 ldeibourn• Once again, in Christ -like, ire, and at work, but at night they cannot
avenue.Toronto. "it proved effective. I regard the Rise to crush the power of Satan; change their OaitlOna On the roost, Mr. Laurier said he would not ob-
remedr as simple, cheap and egcoedinsly gootd. ft In this Moslem despot dire 1 g p jest if the Hoose now laid down the
has hitherto been my habit to conrnit'a p ys elan and;are consequently helpless to avoid
In troubles of this nature. Hereafter, lhow•va. l Let not greed of "fllthy luore" damp drafts of air. The longer days rule that the Deputy Speaker should
intend to be my own family doctor." Hold thee from the cause of right, and warmth at midday induce the observe the same strict neutrality GIs
Rise again, O fair Britannia, fowls to remain otitaiflo during the did the Speaker. That rule had not;
In thyglory and thy might! however, prevailed heretofore. The
do not season, and they consequently late Da ut S Baker had not only par -
I O rise 1 and let thy loaim,e do not resort to shelter in damp spells. P Y P Y p
glow the Grits Favor Canada. Muster to the trumpet sound It is then that the ttre fie acct) ticipated in local elections, but, what
Hear the blood of the Crusaders y q Y was worse, had stumped in the Domin-
The facts re Aydin the bank note Crying from the hallowed ground, attacked by roup. A little extra at- ion elections.
g tention until dry weather sets in will
contract which was given by the Laur- Where the Saviour's feet have wandered ; greatly aid in preventing roup and the Sir Charles Tupper -Is the First Min-
ier Government to it Net, York con- Where His outcast head has lain, liability of disease. ister aware of such a thing having
cern, were disclosed on Monde week Hear the wallingof the martyrs I Y
Y HATCHED ON PALM' SUNDAY. -This taken place before as a Deputy Speak-
itemb the production of the corre5 on- Have they died or Him in vain? d
Y pp p er do plain his duties, an stn orfs
dente. The documents establish that Once the friend of the oppressed I comes from Niagara Falls, Out;:
a provincial election, while the )3ouse
the American Bank Note Company of- Wherefore dost thou idly etatnd t On Sgnday 13 little chicks were us- teas in session?
fered it cut rate to the Government to Once the arbiter of justice I hered into the light of day, and were
Why withold thy giant handl immediate) proclaimed a portion of Mr. Laurier replied that the scandal
get a foothold in (:tnitda, that it die- Y of
tated tet ms to the Goveinment direct- "Gently, gently touch a nettle." the chattels o it would-be prominent of the Deputy Speaker taking part in
ly in violation of the specifications, This, thy policy of years, poultry fancier, whose hennery is near provincial elections did not appro.•tcit
the British American Bank Note Will not aid thee in the future, Niagara Falls. These chicks, which in magnitude that caused by the in-
thatWhon thine oyes are wet with tears, will henceforth claim Palm Sunda as terference of such an official in Do -
the contract at the same figure its its When thy blood is poured like water their birthday, are what the ladies minion elections.
American competitor had named, and lit the struggle yet to come, would call pretty and intelligent -look- Mr. Davin regaled the House with
Gainst the fury of the forces- in creatures, of various shapes, sizes g
that the contract was afterwards Leagued to grasp thy Island Home. g p the languftge used h Sir Richard
awarded to the American concern ata Glad colors. It is this variety savoring Cariwri h
1894, when th la'tter
greater cost to the country than it Clinton, Ontario, of barnyard ancestry which has brought asked what this country nee ed with
would have done by. the Canadian to light a base and dirty plot of the fifteen or sixteen Cabinet inisters
company had its revised offer been ac- owner to cheat a neighboilbg poultry and two Speakers. That language, Mr.
cepted. . The Outlook. ( breeder. The substance of the scheme Davin said, he echoed on the present
is that one man coveted the handsome occasion. He objected, on principle,
--'��'-`- The country is being overrun by pen of Buff Cochins owned by another. to a Deputy Speaker, and thought the
A LONG NERVOUS STORM. travellers representing American fac- He gave a boy 75 cents to steal him a House might well revert to the old
___ tories in almost every line. These setting of the eggs, and the boy went system, under which the Speakercali-
gentlemen are stumbli❑ over one an- to the other man and got 25 cents for ed upon a member to act for him oc-
If you ever war hed a dentist draw a P
other in the rush for orders, especially not stealing thein. He then spent lOc casionall whenever he quitted the
nerve out of a tooth, you will remem ff y
in ii on wares, under the new Gari of his gains for asettin of large brown chair. With regard to the practice in
her how much it looked like a.little P
suip of wet, white cotton thread. How Besides the advantage which those store eggs, which anti yesterday dis- Englaed, he said the Deputy Speaks]~
can so contemptible a thing inflict concerns have in manufacturing on a guised the punishment that was being or chairman of committees, took no
such a mountain of agony? Arid why large scale, there is just now a special meted out to the would-be thief. An part in partisan warfare. If they
does it do it? "Disease '�you say. Ah, slaughter of prices by the big manu- arrest wits almost decided on, but the must have a Deputy Speaker, whit$
surely. A simple and Obvious answer; facturers in the effort to crush out man's humiliation in the discovery he disapproved of, he thought that
yet in what way does the true nerve- the smaller ones. This occurs period- 1,bat brown eggs do not always hatch gentleman should conduct. himself as
fibre, wrapped up and coated, as it is, ically, and is now on in full force, out rich, cream -colored, downy -backed did the Speaker.
like the wire pi a .d coat rine cable, which serves to explain the headlong chicks, was deemed sufficient reward The amendment was lost by a vote
get to a diseased 7 rush into Canada to unload their sur- for the small boy's tempter. of 50 to 32, Mr. Craig voting with the
plus, and paralyze our local industries
P p y Government.
Yet, somehow, these soft strings do m the same lino so as to remove them } tl On the motion being again put
become fearfully out of order, or our from competition. To do this more Grit Partisans All Right g g p
friend Miss Hunt, alluding to the speedily and effectually special cuts ■ Mr. Foster moved that the salary be
neuralgia from which she once suffered are given, with the result that the reduced from $`2,000 to $1,000.
would not say, sometimes I was almost Canadian traveller is forced aside ; The amendment was lost by, a vote
mad with the pain." And that is but one while the American secures the trade. The Laurier Party Say So. of 36 to 51, Messrs. Douglas, McInnes,
of many forms of torture imposed on The Canadian manufacturers and -- Stubbs, Pettit, and Lewis voting with
us by the. nerves; yet without these those in the jobbing trade,are to -day BUT THE MISERABLE TORIES MUST BE the OPPOsition.
nerves we should be but lumps of clay filled with consternation at the out- SACKED. Mr. Laurier, by way of a comment
-lacking feeling and power of motion. look. Discouragement bordering on on the proceedings, reminded the
How can we cure these dreadful panic is spreading right and left, and House that the late Mr. T. Gorman, of
nehve-pains? The' drug -shops abound the railwayys are sharers in the gen- The other day while the Dominion the Free Press, had once been censored
in 'so-called remedies for them, yet the eral distudiance and depression. House was in Supply an interesting b the House for commenting on
Y --.�.---- discussion took place which goes to
are only as a bre%th to cool the air of a show very plainly the inconsistency t e fact tbttt Speaker White had take))
torrid summer day. The real cause f3Cttrfy $@aCl• part in a political campaign,
secrets. Can - a find Nature's; deeper co -- and by ocritiy of the Laurier party as
and care aro among If a child's head is scurfy, do not to partisanship. It is well worth read- h3r. Hughes said that the charge
d them ? against Speaker White was not that;
comb the hair, which is apt to scratch ing- ( he had taken part in an election, but
"Nearly all my life," says Miss Hunt, and irritate the scalp, but brush gent- Mr. Taylor moved to strike out the that he had attended a convention dur-
I have suffered from indigestion of ly. After washing the head thorough- item of $2,0CJ for the salary of Deputy ing recess. There was not, he said,
an aggravated kind. I felt low, weary ly, dry it, and apply Dr. Chase's Oint- Speaker. He said that Mr. Brodeur, one word of truth in the charge.
and weak, having little or no energy. ment. who filled that office, was away elec-
My appetite was variable. At one tioneering in Quebec instead of attend- The item was then passed.
time I would eat voraciously, and at Ili=ht-About-Face. ing to his duties, and as the office ap-
other tirnesI couldnottouch it morsel of peared to be unnecessary, he moved One of the best evidences that Ayeeq
food. THE LAURIER PARTY NOT CARRYING to strike out the salary. Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional
"'After eating I had great distress at OUT THEIR ELECTION PLEDGES. Mr. Rodgers said the Conservatives merit is the fact that the demand for.
the chest and around the sides. I suf- had shown no disposition when they it is constantly increasing. No one
While i❑ Supply one day last week
fared martyrdom from the ho: rid sin were in office to abolish the office. Be who uses this incomparable dressing
Y P at Ottawa there was it right -about- suggested that the salary be reduced n
in ink stomach and limbs. As the gt; Y thinks of trying any other preparation
face on °the part of the Laurier party.
years passed by my nerves became to- Instead -of reducing the expenses they to $1,(:,). for the hair.
tally unstrung, and I endured untold Mr. Foster said that the Deputy
are increasing them and continue to
misery from neuralgia. My lips and uphold a great deal more than the Speaker occupied a similar position to .
-half my face were almost dead from this P g Y that of the Speaker, hnd therefore The Annual Camps•
denounced while the,, Conservatives P
distressing malady," should adopt, a impartial attitude,
were in power. especially while the House was in ses- The special general order, given the
[Tho lady will pardon the writer, In P y
the ser_se of being objects of use and On the vote of $17,OC�, salaries and sion. What would they think of the details of corps, which are to go into
contingencies for the Senate. . Speaker if he went out and en g ed -in camp for 12 days' training, has been
pleasure, they were in truth practically p g
dead • bu't in another sense they were Mr. Hughes enquired what truth elections? The Government ad laid issued. The following are the Ontario
horridly alive, as the sky is when it is there was in the rumour that the office ,down the doctrine t hat its own officers corps ordered out: -
pierced and rent with the lances of the of Black Rod was to be abolished. and officers of the House should not act District 1, London Ontario, 14th
lightning.] N, Sir Richard Cartwright -Does my as political partisans, yet the Deputy June, 1st Hussars, R. R. C. i., of No. 1
"I consulted," she adds, "doctor af- hon. friend covet the place? Speaker had deserted the duties for Regimental Depot; 26th, 27th and 32nd
ter doctor, but in spite of all their Mr. Hughes --I have a much better which he was paid $2,000, and had gone Battalions. London, Ont., 28th June.
medicines and applications I found lit- one; I am not in search of an office. off to Quebec to stump for the Lib- 1st Brigade Field Artillery, 6th Field
tle or no relief. Sometimes I was almost Perhaps the rriembars on that side who erals. It was a most indecent spec- Battery, C.A., R.R.C.I., of No. 1 Regi -
mad wi6h the pain." are so solicitous for positions may be tacles, and for his part he would sup- mental Depot, 28tb, 29th and 33rd Bat -
Not a Scabs of it. Under such cis provided for in that way. porta motion of this kind every time talions,
ht was proposed. District 2, Ningara-on-the-Lake, 8th
cumstances the body is a poison-bouse Sir Richard Cartwright -I think that Mr. Mcisaac thought it was not a June, A squadron R.C.D., 2nd Delay
of keen suffering, and people have, not bulwark of the constitution is not yet q
infrequently, taken their own lives to to be removed. (Laughter.) serious offence for the Deputy Speaker goons, 4th, 7th and 9th Field Batteries,
escape from it. Only acute rheumatism The item passed. to take part in the provincial elections. C.A. R. R. C. L, of No. 2 Regimental
es gout can it compared with neural- p` The Deputy Speaker of the last Par- Depot, 12th, 20th, 34tb, 36th, 44th and
gig, and (please Observe) the whole liament, who was a Conservative, went 77th -Battalions.
three are for me of the same thing -re- Peterborough, Oct. 22, 1896. On the stump in the provincial else- Districts 3 and 4, Local Heaquarters,
sults of the same cause. Hence suffer- To Messrs. ' Edmanson )dates & Co., tions in Nova Scotia and spoke in the Sept:'15, 2nd Field Battery, Kingston.
ers from the former two ailvhents will be Toronto. County of Antigonish. Ont; 8th June, 3rd Dragoong, 16th,
;vise also to read this essay to its end.] Gentlemen, -I take great Pleasure Sir C. Hibbert Tupper said the Con- 40th, 41st and 56th Battalions.
"In June, 1886," continues the letter, in testifyin to the merits of Dr. servative party did not adopt the ex- Kingston, Ont -June 15, A Field Bat-
a book was left at my house in which Chase's K. g y p treme course in regard to political y R.C•A
& L. Pills. The rove ter 5th, 8th and 14th Field
I read of many persons who had been themselves to be just what they are re- Eputy
rtisanship that the Liberals did. Batteries, C.A.
erisive Ministerial cheers.) The Kingston, (Jct.. June, 22, 42nd, 46th
cured by a medicine called Mother Sei commended for, and are one of the ,
gel's Syrup. I bought a supply from a best selling pills that I have ever hand- Speaker of the last Parliament 49th anti 59th Battalions.
chemist in New North Road and soon led. did take part b provincial elections o
my indigestion got better," the pain in J. D. TQLtZ*, Druggist. Nova Scotia, but the House was not
my head and limbs was easier, and I sitting at the time. Here was a case, "Ten people out of a dozen are in -
felt stronger than I had done for years. however, where the Depputy Speaker valids, says a recent medical author
"I think it only right that others The annual meeting of the teachers wife absent while the House was in ity.' A t least eight out of these ten,
should know of what has done so much of West Huron will be held in Exeter session, `and w hen his presence was it is safe to allow, are suffering from
p on May 21-22, -this being the onlymeet d8manded for ,the perfor mance of his some form of blood -disease which a
far me: lion have', therefore, iti.y jeer- y g duties.
mission to make this statement pu lie ing they will hold this year. The pro- persistent use of. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
if you like. (Si nod) (M�iss) S. Hunt, gram is an interesting one, and a sub- Mr. Taylor remarked that he did not would, be afire to cure. Then, don't bo
57, Dale View ,Road, tBtamford Hill, jectthatwillbenottheleastinteresting object to the Deputy Speaker taking. 'an invalid.,
London, June 30Th, 1896." rs that by. Mr. H. I. Strang on Effects. part in provincial politics while the -
,of the H. S. Regulations on the Quali; House alts noteitting. $ut rho House , Thomas Woods, who was sentenced
Our correspondent is a schoolmis- ++
fi¢ations of P. S. Teachers. The evens had been sitting .six weeks and the,
tress, and, as her letter shows, awoman • Friday in London, Eng., to five years
ing public entertainment will have as- Deputy Speaker had been here scarce',
fine intelligence: At the outset she its chief feature a discussion on "Sixty ly n, week in all. During the remainder penal servitude for fraudulently adver-
names the radical, and only real disease Years Queen -a Retrospect," in which. of the time he had been stumping in tising loans, had previously served ten
she bad-ninmely,indigestion; or, as we six Lyell known members of the teach outrage there years in a Canadian penitentiary.
indifferently call it, dyspepsia. Starv- Quebec. It would be
ed from 'want of nourishment, and ing profession will speak on the de- fors to pay him this salary. Mrs. Boyd, wife of the late Governor
ed fr m by the products of food con- ve opmerits which have marked the Mr. Maclean eld the opinion that of New Brunswick, died at St. John.
poisostantly decomposing in the stomach, reign of the Queen. to the Deputy Speaker the same rule Harold Fetherstonhaugh, the seven -
her nervous system was thrown into In connection with the approaching should apply as•. to the Speakoh He year-old son of Mr, F. s set railW y
wild di9order, and protested and cried .Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty, the ought not to enggage in electlbna, and hau h, was killed on the street railway
out with the thrilling voice of pain. Minister of Education has issued a cir- he hoped that 11dr. Laurier would say track on Spading avenue, Toronto, +
No applications,no emollients are effee- cular to school inspectors throughout the scandal should not be committed Friday evening._,__ ycr •i,,
tive to remedy symptoms springing the province suggesting that they direct in the future.-JnOUdarci
from a cause so profound and firmly '£herr respective teachers of their in- Mr. Crtiig aid not intend to support LOCK THE DOOR,po 10 R.&I
seated. spectorat divisions to devote the Fri- the motion, but thought that the Before the horse is stolen.iffrh61:y*,1%1N*.►-n-
Would we stop the writhing of the• day afternoon proceeding the 21st of Deputy Speaker should be debarred rich and vitalize our ulontllt 04 h� l
June to a consideration of the most from taking'hn active part in politics. u our physical a ateift/ beforpli414'ru ,
trees Suri a gold? Ah; they cannot P Y P Y p
be boon or held. We must employ, notable o4ente of Her Majesty's reign, He should confine himself to the duties ease attack you.i;gridiBoTfWXI9tiRi()U99fii>,+,.
if w� sages it, a ower which can say particularly those bearing upon the for wbich he was paid. comes. Hoodts+�$orsatpRrillarlllill R II..
unto the wind, "Peace, be still." progress made int science, invention Sir Charles Tupper thought no re- you strongi�an1d yr cystis agdiiriV 4
Somethin akin to this Mother Sei- and education. In addition to this, solution was more deservingof Sri ort el frOW> rolthnbl6oa t, I-AtbpuuittriigA! IOIS)o;
r I
Mr. Ross says, the history of Cantata than that moved by Mr. Taylor. TIE gepmri;;of ddis&aso; ; tTakui:l Dfi,d'syt4ATh;' +
gel s Syrtisp did When it abolished the in relation to the Empire might with y
r di estive'irouble, -It enabled the sto- t advanta,gg"e be considered in brief were many per who believed the sspiaidi}lr+i r>Cov1i e. •:+U y'ii<l,ri& titti.li•„ t
,m4ch to feed thfl feeble body,`and With ,addresses b rho trustees and others. House could get along without a DepdJ' o er, '199!1)() iii r:r tttftR,51 „lt d.iiw iui.,-
returnfn "strength the nervous storm Mr. Ross also.su eats that.a ortrait ty Speaker, and that the abolitibil'tdf?r °y Hd7►0115�'l`I'lIIrliSiioer•e dAr f k -909m ,
gg p the office Would mean it sttviff irifttl f truly cathartic. Easy.att1�11tEkle•Keitli-+r+
subsided into the calm and, harmony of of Her Majesty appropriately framed.
Health, be placed in every school room. country. If they were to have a De- t o, mild, 25 tante,
. ,ME
11 I
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