HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-05-19, Page 20 M 12 •Don't Forget U is tWhen in Need.... Lawn Mowers, Spades and Shovels, Rakes and Hoes, Poultry Netting, Spray Pumps, Window Glass, Building Taper, Wire Nails, Cut Steel Nails, Thorold Cement, &o., &C. We are in a position to supply at very close figures. H A.RL.A 19D RR,OS, Stoves and Hardware, Well Satisfied,*t When we started Business in Clinton we expected to get a share of the trade, but we are more than satisfied with the share we are gett- ing and at the way our business is increasing. The LARGE STOCK we carry, QUALITY of GOODS and LOW PRICES we are offering our GOODS at has increased and is still increasing Our Business. Space will not permit us to quote prices but we invite you to come and examine our STOCK and get prices. UNDERTAKING. secs ed`a ;y WRere Asa o> r chavrges good ro a low service thesloowest Broadfoot, ]fox & Co., Clinton. J. W. CHIDLEY, MANAGER. Night and Sunday cane answered at Residence of our Funeral Director.—J. W. Chldley, ging St. opposite Foundry. New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop 1 have opened out on Rattenbury street, next door to Tedford's black- smith shop, and am prepared to fill orders for Waggons, Carriages and all other vehicles. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices the lowest consistent with good work. Call and see me be- fore you order. CHARLES WALKER. VPO'SPECIAL BARCAINS.__,../► TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs. goo3 young ilyson for 81 or 15c per lb. . . Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. Just to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and R,aw's in bble., one hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN'THE COUNTY. Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and Lamps. 25 per cent. lose than regular prices. Call and see our Goode and get prices. SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— - - J. W. IRWIN, Clinton. THETOP NOTCH In the manufacture o f Pickles has been reached _p Heism's Sweet Pickles in bulk Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles but are Extra Spiced and preserved in a Pure Pickling Vinegar of their own manufacture. By their method of curing, the pickles retain the largest percentage of their' natural color and vegetable flavor. THESE HIGH GRADE PICKLES are for sale at THE UP-TO-DATE CASH GROCERY. Phone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Sugar by the barrel at close prices. READY FOR BUISINES,S. Sheppard & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, &e. We guarantee our values to be the very best in the market. Teas a specialty. Terms Cash or Produce. SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST., CLINTON. CLINTON SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY --o S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor. - This factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for eight yeare. We terry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior.and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles; Litre, Sash, Doors, Brlinds, Etc. Agent for tt.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. CLEARING SALE._.=, We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crockery and Glarsware this rnonih as we propose giving up keeping those lines. Intending purchasers will find the prices vory low as the goods must be sold. Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. - - - - - . Terme, Cash or Produce. Agent for the Izolona Tea.----==, G. J. STEWART. Cheap I Cheap I Cheap I BEST STEEL WOVEN WIRE FENCING These WINS WIRE ROPE SELVAGJL - O•c1-ops©Q-o'0.0�©�o�•oq•o ^!y F E NCINGS •�m�m •de bm �•�'m•A �m •meQ• O ltifannfE Qt WIRE FENCI y • s as well as TMt ONTARIO WIRE FENCINQ CO., LT0. Pldton.Ontaria �Icullens' CHOICE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS FOR TRELLIS, POULTRY YARDS, LAWN FENCINGS, ETO. ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before. THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them. door yuloklY behind him, he cried till THE LOST CHILD.— TOO LATE. the tears refused longer to now. He friends and nothing more."' was kneeling with his elbow leaning 's ''It cannot be, my dear young lady, He was my frlegd—b.ut I was busy, on the window sill, looking toward the A winsome child Ila former years, E lased In her cottage door; that so young a maiden should have given away her preference without the Yea, I was antln at my glad;, toil! 1r The duty whirled tlAl they made me playhouse—h trembling little r? -me i!9 spasmodically convulsive AHis the tired mother hears consent or knowledge her guardian? ,y dizzy, And all me I their spoil. yielding sobs —when he saw to his astonishment His baby voice no more. Answer me candidly : Are ,. your aP- : factions around piled that Mena w4a trying to attract his at- The tsunuy 1pcka that clustered round Ills head, ah, where are they? alreay engaged?" lire color surged into Irma's cheeks He luso my Prlell4—we were bus together; Y eau© to remindthla soine day; mindtuim of teation through the hole in tl; fence l by means o)! Che ribbon signal. He No child's neglected toys are Pound and left them pale again. She g arced AI u s y Meant to ask"blm, •qulte out of my way. rushe,l down and was at his post in an Strewu through the house to -day, at Frau von Wolde. Therd was na help for her there. "This is aquestlun !natant. No more the pu[terin g tittle feet which you have no right to salt, Count He want my friend—a dart struck through "Hello, Mena, !s that you?" "Yes• Are heard upon the poor; The mother'a heart can beat Reitzenberg, and which I refuse to an- me-- "He is dead!" came the sudden cull! it's me, Jimmy—I got an awful lipping. Here, Jimmy, take this. Good never With gladness, as of, yore. I ower. I must beg you to excuse me." "Baroness !s right 1" burst He is dead!—aud he never knew me— Never know of my Tuve at all► yey' bye." She hurriedly thrust something The child is gone, and In Its place in Albrecht. "Sha has Suffered enough "She h through the hole and was gone in- A raw-boued fellow stands, at our hands already. She shall rust He was. my fr•ieud—I thought about him, stantly. With reddish whispers on his face be thwarted in her will. If she honors But gavo up mpelf to fortune'a toss. Jimmy picked it up. It was the little And big sledge hummer hands. me with her friendship I accept it Nowoto my death I must do without him! Now 1 am aching 1 know my loss! gold locket that had hung on her neck. It hal always been, In Jimmy's eyes, Yes, he's too strong to work, so she gratefully. Listen to me, my uncle. I refuse to be a party to your scheme." i) �T` `, p �{ �7 the most beautiful thing in the world, Must toil with all her might, That he may eat, drink chew and be An MANS'FO for In the center it had a real ruby At ease from moru till ulght. The forest spread its wide wings ,MATION. that sparkled; and then, too, it opened Alas! fool! She's crushed vvlth care, even as far as the castle garden. Irma and on the inside there was a tiny poor But let her slave away— loved the green paths and quiet shades, They were a pair of lovers, respec- miniature in water color—of Mena.He was the child with sunny hair and here she came with her book the rivals 6 and 10 yearn old. The feminine The next day Mena's family went That 'round her used to play! morning after her Interview with the budg.•t who acted the part of sweet- to the seashore for the summer, and count, and pretended to read. But, heat t ir. this drama of extreme youth when they returned the West family v f f though she kept her eyes on the pages, BE I RU I HAL. she read there only Count Albrecht's cheeks were like rose -tinted velvet, About twelve years atter the parting parting words—he accepted her offer of and wire hung about with heavy curls, of t'hEse childish lovers Mena wag In one of the tu6t rooms of Reitz- friendship gratefully ! Driven to bay, (the color of burnished gold; and whose made suddenly aware of the fact that enbelg castle a young girl arrayed in as it were, in order to save her. that was what he had said. During the long, dark lashes fringed a pair of big brown eyes that could sparkle with big through a chain oL Misfortunes thea family exchequer was so reduced that simple dress and white apron sat At last three months she had come to un- anger or melt as by their own she vias obliged to earn her own living g Mewing industrious! y' the sound of footsteps she paused in her work ; at hisderhightand something of his uprightness, his high horror. FIe fire h:to languid, irresistible looks of I Immediately, Her education had been the sight Of a huissar-officer In uniform aen•ee of would never marry a woman—though she love and tenderness, Mena—Por that was her name—had carefully directed and had opportunl- I ties been at her command, she could she reddened with vexation. Yet there was nothing In Albrecht von Reitzen- were a princess—to whom he could not left the nursery on the pretext of go- easily have made herself Independent. berg's appearance to annoy her ; on give his love. "It was my fortune," sighed Irma, Ing :o play in her doll house on the But accomplishments cannot always be the contrary, he was young, very good "that made him nearly hate me at lawn. It was a pretentious affair of turned into money at will, so she was looking, tall and of dignllied bearing. flrsL" Did he hate her now ? several rooms, built by a real carpent- obliged to look for Immediate employ- "Will you allow me to come in ?" he She shut her book and wandered still er, and fua•nished as completely as the ! ment of whatsoever description, so long asked, standing on the threshold. further into the woods, drown a hill - paternal mansion. The playhouse stood as it would bring immediate pay. The girl took up her work again. side covered with fern and moss, to - at the rear of the yard, very near to I It is an unspeakable shook to a sen- "You can come In if you wivh," she ward the stream that ran between high the high boatel fence that marked off sitive girl to be thus forced to grapple sold Indifferently. rocks, chattering and foaming on its the lawrr from the back street. Mena with the sordid business of life, but "He walked across the room. "I way, On the further side of the stream went through the house and out of the Metra was built of strong moral ma- have a proposal to make to you, Bar- was a tract of open country, dotted back door as quickly as possible. Then terial and braced herself accordingly oness Irma. Will you give me your with clumps'of trees and Underwood she pc(ked through a hole in the fence for the misfortune. Her farnlly had attention for a little while ?" and bright with heather. The step - it -hat had been made by punching out a lately removed to a large city, a con- She looked at him indignantly. She ping -stones %erre half covered with wa- knot in a board. But as this monk siderable distance from her old home, had a sweet, oval face, and deep gray ter today. ®rhe current was running telescope was not an adjustable affair, and that, at least, seemed something eyes. fiercer than its wont. She bethought her range of vision was limited, and of a relief, for among strangers her 'I Prefer not to ljsten to you, Count herself of a rustic bridge a few yards she resorted to other means of eom- change of fortune was not quite so Albrecht." further down. munication. Just inside the door of hard to bear. ' "I thought that you would say so!" The bridge hung high in the air, her playhouse there was an apple By accident she heard of a wealthy (there was something like a ring of "but supported by rough pine stems; it was twig, on which was tied a long, red commission merchant who wished th• triumph in his voice) indeed my a picturesque but a fragile affair. Half ribbon; it was kept there for the put- help of a young lady for light office- proposal !s very harmless. Let us way across Irina put her hand on the pose of signaling. She pushed it work, and knowing that no especial I tetra to understanding." haw noisy the stream was through the hole, and wound It around experience was necessary, Mena re- a There' was uncertainty, distrust, in snap snapped off at her touch, one wooden den violently. It was soon seen and in- fOr a pair of rough-. solved to try for It, Her misfortune her eyes. Yes," continued the young Officer, fellnw•ithtta splash into theewa water another e shalstantlbStn assert Peet hastened to the was not yet enough to betray Itself in her wardrobe and when she presented "I know that you have every reason low. She had plenty of courage ; she spot. herself at the office of Beck & Co. no to be offended. You have been most untairly treated." was light and active. She knew, more - over, that she could easily leap that Hello, Mena," said Jimmy, pulling out the. twig, and softening hia voice one vnould have suspected by her ap- "I have been invited to this hoose formidable lookinggra and to the to the most gracious tones of gallantry. "Hello, pearance that she was in need of em- ployment. On the contrary, she taus- under false pretences. I came here because I thought that the visit would bank. She was about to make the attempt, when she was stopped by a Jimmy." There was a silence for a moment. ed quite a flutter of curiosity, prompt- ed by admiration, as she give pleasure to Frau von Wolde, who fills, peremptory shout : "Gently, An embryo gust of lovers' modesty passed through the main room Into the private or is supposed to,fill, the place of my mother. I am sorry to speak dis- gently I Jump from that projecting stzvn ; it is cafe!" seemed to embarrass conversation. resumed: office. The senior member of the firm, respectfully of yotrm cousin, but—" She looked up ; cthe edge of the at "Are you there, Jimmy?" u Mr. Beck, was not In, but she was ptet "Not at all. You are perfectly right, heather -covered rock stood Albrecht "Yea, I here." by a fine looking, dignified young man and my relative, Frau von Wolde, is Reitzenberg. "Well, I there." !s you'd help me who introduced himself as the junior In the plot and has been from the be- She Paused uncertain, half Inclined over the fence, mebbe I'd come over memter of the firm and who said he ginning. I know all about it now. My to retrace her steps. Perceiving her could act for Mr. Beolc In his absence. old uncia has just enlightened me. I, hesitation, he raised his voice and to play with you." Mena was seated and then began to as the heir of Reitzenberg castle—you shouted still louder above the clamor Jimmy was delighted, and hastened Inquire about the nature of the post- will excuse me mentioning my nama of the rushing water : to unprop a board which he had lately tion. After considerable interrogation first—have received orders 'to offer my "Can you hear me, Baroness Irma?" loosened for just such occasions, from the young man she told film hand and my debts in marriage to She nodded assent Jimmy's yard was In sad contrast to something of her circumstances. ( Baroness Irma von Buchow, who, on "Step there—to the left. Do not look that of his little butterfly playmate. During the conversation her eyes attaining her majority, will become back." The West fam4ly lived in a Small frame had erected on a small gold lock•tt that possessed of so large a fortune that Involuntarily site obeyed. lie held house that spoke principally in the hung from his watch chain. she could free the Reitzenberg estate out his arms. The gulf yawned be - language of neglect and decay. The "Pardon mei" she said, looking up with. a stroke of her pen. Now, hear twpen them, He could be of no help. father of the famiby was a shiftless and smiling, 'for staring so at your , me out ; this lady waa to have been "The stem will bear your weight- eightma.n, man,who eked out a living for himself locket. It lcoks so much like one I kept in ignorance of the plan, 'but Do not be in too great a hurry." by odd jobs, and left the main support used to have." that her friend and chaperon could not "Why does he look so grave ?" of the family to a hard-working wife. "Dees it, Indeed?" said he quietly. resist the temptation of giving her a thought Irma. "Is he still angry?" In his miserable surroundings, Jimmy "It is one I have had many years." He hint as to how matters stand after slava "I had better return the way I came, was like a flne vexlety of hot house stopped a moment, as if to give his had become the:guest of the castle. Count Albrecht. Do not trouble on plant that had accidentally come up thoughts time to back to his Is this so ?", my account." In an uneared for garden of coarse go child- hood, then looking up half ss.dly, he "Yes." She stood by his, side now, 'the No ; do as I direct you. You see vegetable growth. He was fine fea-, said: and sunlight just touched the coils which is the best place to stand ? Drop Lured, well mannered, sensitive and" When I was a child I was very of her auburn hair. "I have been de- your book—it might be in your Way— proud. But he was only a child, and poor, but one of my playmateq was a eeived ; cruelly deceived." and jump as far as you ca.n. Now!" few people had occaasfon to consider little girl whose father was wealthy, Under the circumstances, nothing One spring, and Irma. was safe on h•iart very deeply, and theca commend- and whose mother was a haughty Vr - remains for me but to give you the the moss and heather, while the plank able traits were obliged to wait for r•e man, who forbade her coming to play i opportunity ppo y of expressing your opinion this on which she had thought to stand but Into the cognition till maturity should bring with me, .because we' were pear and as to tyrannous famil compact y even more decidedly than have slipped .low! sural y y foaming water. Albrecht held her :them to prominence. The playhouse on Jimmy's side.of the had ro social position. But she used to you done ahead Baroness Irma o1 Bu- Y• Stands clasped in his. crude Bence was a very crude affair. The t'ttrt away and come, even though she was scolded, whipped, and even lock- chow, will you consent to give me I '?'hank heaven that you are safe !" "Oh, roams were laid oft pieces of stone ed up for it. I remember how it hurt your hand in marriage ?" "Count Albrecht of Reitzenberg, I he cried. Irma, my .'Irma, I could not stop you ! I came just too 1 and broken brick—and there eras no such thing as a wall or covering. me to think she was Punished on my thank you for the honor which you late for that. I could only look on r Chunks of wood and small boxes serv- account, but I loved her all the more for It. She was an Idol to my childish have shown me. I will not." They stood facing each other, and as agony. Are you frightened ? Are you hurt ?" ed for chairs, and the cupboard was heart, and I loved that child as I shall Irma looked at her strange wooer she "I am not hurt. I did not know filled with bits of broken dishes, pieces never love any living creature again. saw a faint smile in his eyes- Her that it was dangerous. I did not, ro- of tin bent up at the corners, and glass We were finally separated, and I have own anger was beginning to evapor- deed." goblets with the standards knocked off. never seen her from that day to this; I ate ; he really was behaving well, con- She saw him turn pale at the thought Put to Mena's childish fancy it was but she has always been a kind guar- ( sidering that the Rettzenbergs were re- of her peril, and the tears which she like a palace of the gods. There, she than angel to me, and I have never nowned for their hasty tempers. had not shed for herself fell fast for and Jimmy kept house, and there loved a woman because I could never "You admit." she said, after a pause, his distress never was known such 'ideal domestic find one who equaled the sweetheart "that I have been awkwardly placed." "The bridge should have been de - concord as was preserved by usage in of my childhood. This is her picture," ( "I admit that you have been inhos- stroyed long ago. I did not dare to this small, make-believe household. said he, opening the locket. Pitably, abominably treated ! I blush join you or to speak to you until you Mena went into raptures over the But Mena scarcely needed to look. to think that a member of our family had passed the worst. IP you had new r.ay of getting through the Pence. ' "Is this really you, Jimmy?" she , could have dreamed of such a scheme. been killed --ah ! I cannot bear to think Now she could step through comfort- said eagerly, her hands stretching out In order to show you how penitent I of it—I �ihould never have known an - ably without tearing the embroidery Involuntarily toward him, am now that I have received my dis- other day's happiness, and It would off her frock—an accident that used Invariably to accompany the route "Yes, Mena—didn't you know me?" His were shining amid the sparkle missal, .I will immediately leave this house, and rid you of my presence." have been my fault—mine! How could I let you wander about alone when I over the fence. But Mena's fortune eyes of tears—partly from wantonness of "If you do that Count Albrecht, I was longing to be with you ? My seemed to be counterbalanced by joy at seeing hgr• and partly, perhaps, shall be worse off than ever. You Irma, my best beloved! Thank heaven Jimmy's ill -luck in getting the board becauso of the pathetic reversion of don't know your cousin, Frau von that I have You safe at last. Surely back in Its place. their circumstances. Wolde. She will insist upon my re- we have played at being friends and "Oh, Jimmy, you've smashe;i your "Mena, do you remember the last m'a•ining here for three months, as was enemies long enough ! Look at me and say that love me !" finger!" cried Mena in much distress at day you came to see me—the day you arranged, she will reproach me for you seeing a few drops blood. "Does it p brought your bank?" said he-, crossing your absence, she will argue and make When he had made her an offer of hurt awful? Come here, and let's tie It the room, and opening the heavy doors me dislike you more than ever, If—" "If marriage three long months ago she had been'ready with her refusal. Now up." Whereupon she drew out- a tiny point lace handkerchief (ones o! her of a large sale. "You remember, I ' possible?" His good humor was irresistible ; when her whole heart was his, she mother's she had gotten by mf�tbke), didn't have a bank in those days. I she burst into a merry laugh, exult Ind no words amid her tears, and with a doleful look tied it around have never forgotten that day, Mena; it was the happiest and the snidest of For another half hour her rejected except : "I love you ! I love you!" "My the Injured member, life." my e.i suitor remained In conversation with It was enough for him. bride, in Jimmy stood speechless during the the heiress, and at the en of that my wife!" het said, and held her operation, and when Mena said, "There, He had taken -a jewel box from one time they, too, had made a pfat. Al- his arms. now, St's all eight," there was no fur- the drawers of the safe, and took brecht was to remain at the castle. The green ferns rustiled and whir ther question about St in Jimmy's from it a dainty handkerchief of fine fr He and the Barones Irma were to ( pered, the beeches tos=.ed their boughs mind old lace. I pretend to be on amicable terms, and in the sunlight, the red squirrels played my bank," she said, k," "See, I broughta ""Do you recognize that, Mena?" he holding it the two conspirators (the count and 1n the oak trees, the whole wood was se support, seating herself along seby asked, up. . I And here is the little gold dollar I the chaperone) were not to learn until the last day of the visit expired that full of life and joy at that moment when the lovers plighted,their troth.— bricks at the ends, and that was supposed to be the sofa in the parlor you gave me to buy the gun with. Do their hopes had Patted. Woman at Home. of their house. you remember that. I wouldn't have "I will endeavor to make your visit Jimmy sat down with her and to- I spent It for forty guns—not after that as little Irksome to you as possible," Shakespeare's Hamlet. bother they spread the coin along the day! I wanted to keep everything you ' explained the heir of Reltzenberg ; "and The history of Hamlet is found in hoard. There were nickels and quart- had given me. They have always been we can behave as if there were the Danish historian, Saxo Gramma era to the amount of several dollars my most valuable possesslon•s." j Mena, began to laugh and talk about no enmity between us." no, (and there was still a little I ticus, who died about 1204. His works ' ' and several pieces of gold. Jimmy !their housekeeping days, and all the in her voice and manner). ' I are In Latin, and in %hakeapeare's thought of his own bank in Its dis- ,doubt good times they used to have, utterly , think I can trust you." time had not been translated into any 's tressing state of insolvency—not a capper in it—and Its doors closed even forgetting her present self. But final- . i ly she remembered where she was, and, I "Come," he said, gently, "Baroness , Irma, is It a truce between us signed I gu ge. T'he story modern language. ty to be found In Belleforeat's eeollectfon of to its was lost, and for the kwhile very min serious, she said and T' I inun 1564,lish an lish- he was penatvecoking at coldly' Ant those days are over now, I Hesealed took her hand in lits, and, bend- translation of story( was pubd "The Hysteric lin the plentiful spread of coins before 'have and you remember I came here on bust- Sn over it, raised her fingers to his ed entitled of Nile, him. It seemed wonderful to so ; Ilea Frin•:e of Denmarke," Horvendtle, in many! His eyes rested for soma time on nesg." "But I cannot realize it so" said the novel, is the name of Hamlet's fax a small gold piece, and picking it up. I Jimmy. "I cannot set down the rest- g The master of the castle was the then, Fengon that of his uncle, and bo said: "I know what I'd do with tnah if I est pleasure I could have hoped for, p that of finding you—In the cold tate first to begin hostilltles. One day, to, ward the end of the three months' GeruRh that of his mother. Fergon Gerulb that slays Horvendile and mar - 'had St " "OVhat I I 0 of business." g � visit, Irma came fnta the drawing- rtes his brother's wife. In the second would you, Jimmy?" "Oh, "Oh, I'd buy there 18 down looked at her a moment, hesitat- room to find the whole rt awaiting party g chapter Hamlet counterfeits the mad - man to tAi tyranny of his uncle. a gun town." ed, and then a'ald, slowlly: "Miens; when we were children, you could have her arrival, and in an instant she per- refved that something was wrong. escape Through the machinations of his uncle Would you, really, Jimmy?" 'Yes," he said, no2tohalantlt, ."'you I given me all you had in the world. I ' Frau von Wodde had been shedding tears, the old count's brow was cloud- he fa tempted by a woman, the uncle thinking thereby to undermine the could shoot anything with it!" Now, may not I do the dame for you?" I During the next few minutes there g ed With anger, and Albrecht—Irnia princz and find out whether madness '"Geoid you, reallg, Jimmy?" queried were refusals and entreaties, tears and hardly dared look at him, so changed is counterfeited or not. In the third the little maid, "stile never fa!led to vi'bratz In sym6athi , with ^all his wishes. smiles• all sweetly blended in the con- i as his aspect. It was too clear that the termination of the pleasant com- chapter Fergon, the uncle, tries asec- and time to entrap Hamlet in politic "Then you can have it, and get the versation of two lovers; and when the senior member of the firm came Into panionship of the last sew weeks was madness and causes one o1 his coun- gun, Jimmy," geld she, pushing the the room, he was formally introduced to be war. "My dear Baroness Irma.," the cillors to be secretly hidden in the behind the coin tr,tvard him. I to the charming fiancee of his business said his queen's chamber curtains, hear between Jus: then ,r•me one was .heard call- partner, Mr. James Weat.—Florence count advancingto meet young "I to what speeches pass Ing liana's name, and hastily putting Bowers1n Detroit Free Press guest with ceremonious politeness, Hamlet and the queen. Hamlet kills the (o ns ba c^k, all except the gold one , . am exceedingly pleased to see you. him and thus escapes danger. In the she left for him, the two sat like bank Your visit here has given me great fourth chapter Hamlet Is sent to Eng - robbers on the alert for detectives. In Basket Making. satisfaction. You honored this house land by Fengon with secret letters to a moment the nurse was peerIt,g over Baskets are made both by hand amd with your presence, with the full con- have him put to death. While his com-. the fence,. and In angry, voice doom- by machine. Very fine qualities of sent of your guardian and my esteem- panions sleep, Hamlet counterfeits the manned Mena to go home. After severe- baskets come from China, Japan and ed cousin, Frau von Wolde. I had letters "willing the King of England ly &-olding her $or disobeylnX her India, being made of peculiar vasletles � hoped, rtbt without grounds, that the to put the two messengers to death." mother's command not to go 'Into the ' od grasses which grow in those parts friendship between you and my heir Here ends the resemblance bertween West yard again—much to Jimmy's of the world. Willow baske4ts are wits gradually ripening into, a deeper the 'history and the play. The Hamlet pain and embarrassment, but none the still being made by band, although and more lasting feeling. The alli- of the history returns to Denmark, less to his sympathetic little admirer's maehlnery has been extensively intro- ance is one which must give satiefac- slays his uncle, burns his palace,makes —Mena was lifted over the !erre and duced in dietr manufacture. Wird tion to all interested In our families• Imagine my distress on hearing today an oration to the Donee and is elect - out of sight• baskets are machine -made. f m my nephew that you have re - ed king. He goes back to England, Jimmy stood motionless for a mo- mart; his grief had not yet come to Taking Notes at Night. sed his proposal of marriage," kills the king of that country, returns wives, Denmark with two Ethe the surface. Suddenly, ba turned and A tiny electrte light, attached to a ma lo6ked toward Count Albrecht ; (qpm that she read in his wx th- treachery and finally fatly through the treachery arid -r.n toward the house and. up the ryas- pencil, enables French reporters to .thing fol mien made her hesitate a9 erbe 01 one of these ladles. This Is the aup- row, uncarpeted atafrs to his own lit- take notes at ndadit. answered : "It is quitm true • we are posed source of the plot of Shakes- tle bedroom, where, after shutting the ! : pew-a's Hamlet, 12 •Don't Forget U is tWhen in Need.... Lawn Mowers, Spades and Shovels, Rakes and Hoes, Poultry Netting, Spray Pumps, Window Glass, Building Taper, Wire Nails, Cut Steel Nails, Thorold Cement, &o., &C. We are in a position to supply at very close figures. H A.RL.A 19D RR,OS, Stoves and Hardware, Well Satisfied,*t When we started Business in Clinton we expected to get a share of the trade, but we are more than satisfied with the share we are gett- ing and at the way our business is increasing. The LARGE STOCK we carry, QUALITY of GOODS and LOW PRICES we are offering our GOODS at has increased and is still increasing Our Business. Space will not permit us to quote prices but we invite you to come and examine our STOCK and get prices. UNDERTAKING. secs ed`a ;y WRere Asa o> r chavrges good ro a low service thesloowest Broadfoot, ]fox & Co., Clinton. J. W. CHIDLEY, MANAGER. Night and Sunday cane answered at Residence of our Funeral Director.—J. W. Chldley, ging St. opposite Foundry. New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop 1 have opened out on Rattenbury street, next door to Tedford's black- smith shop, and am prepared to fill orders for Waggons, Carriages and all other vehicles. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices the lowest consistent with good work. Call and see me be- fore you order. CHARLES WALKER. VPO'SPECIAL BARCAINS.__,../► TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs. goo3 young ilyson for 81 or 15c per lb. . . Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. Just to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and R,aw's in bble., one hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN'THE COUNTY. Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and Lamps. 25 per cent. lose than regular prices. Call and see our Goode and get prices. SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— - - J. W. IRWIN, Clinton. THETOP NOTCH In the manufacture o f Pickles has been reached _p Heism's Sweet Pickles in bulk Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles but are Extra Spiced and preserved in a Pure Pickling Vinegar of their own manufacture. By their method of curing, the pickles retain the largest percentage of their' natural color and vegetable flavor. THESE HIGH GRADE PICKLES are for sale at THE UP-TO-DATE CASH GROCERY. Phone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Sugar by the barrel at close prices. READY FOR BUISINES,S. Sheppard & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, &e. We guarantee our values to be the very best in the market. Teas a specialty. Terms Cash or Produce. SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST., CLINTON. CLINTON SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY --o S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor. - This factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for eight yeare. We terry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior.and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles; Litre, Sash, Doors, Brlinds, Etc. Agent for tt.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. CLEARING SALE._.=, We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crockery and Glarsware this rnonih as we propose giving up keeping those lines. Intending purchasers will find the prices vory low as the goods must be sold. Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. - - - - - . Terme, Cash or Produce. Agent for the Izolona Tea.----==, G. J. STEWART. Cheap I Cheap I Cheap I BEST STEEL WOVEN WIRE FENCING These WINS WIRE ROPE SELVAGJL - O•c1-ops©Q-o'0.0�©�o�•oq•o ^!y F E NCINGS •�m�m •de bm �•�'m•A �m •meQ• O ltifannfE Qt WIRE FENCI y • s as well as TMt ONTARIO WIRE FENCINQ CO., LT0. Pldton.Ontaria �Icullens' CHOICE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS FOR TRELLIS, POULTRY YARDS, LAWN FENCINGS, ETO. ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before. THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them.