HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-05-19, Page 1T11111 Elit RON d NEwS- R,ECOR,D, IN TPMRMg-$1.%6L)er Anuum,s 1.00 In Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALLTHINGS-NEUTRAL IN NOTH'INQ A. AI TODD,DdlloraudOwner VOL. XIX CLINTON-. HURON COUNTY, ONT. WEDNESDAY MAY 19, 1897 WHOLE NO. 965 tit Ul season OpUUIJ ` - Town Topics. A-Godertelt. Goderich. • TO THE ASYLUM. -Oil Wednesday ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. -The MUTUAL ASSISTANCE. -The follow- Ben Collingwood, the man formerly meeting called by town clerk Mitchell haahO�O�hahh in letter from a leadin member of known as Nilson, was taken from for hast Wednesday evening to nonlin- the Goderich Citizens Ommittee is the count ail to the Loddon lona- ' 7 Y j ate candidates for the vacancies in the A Ladies Beverage. much appreciated, and THE NEWS- tic asylum. g RECORD can almost guarantee in to- Y council and public school board caused 600941110000000 turn the mutual assistance cit our THE BOILER WORKs,-Chrystal ship- by the death of the late James A. Reid, When housecleaning, itud tired citizens for Goderich on the first of ped on Wednesday a boiler and smoke was attended by very few people. F. send down your pail and get it quart July:-- stack coin to the oatmeal twills, J. Pridham was the only nominee for only 10c, fresh and nice, contains only GOI)Eltruu, M.tv t4't•u, 111'9'7. Ripley and had the water works boil- councillor in St, George's ward, and b per cent. of alcohol, and is now Dl a.'1'uo . JAcicsux, CLrnroN:_ er at the dock on Monday and in place Capt. John Crltigie for school trustee greatly used by ladies, Send your pail on Tuesday. for St. Andrews. or pitcher, pem, jar, or anything else, Dear Bir, -Mr. R. S. tVilliams Informs mo `� ,1 you desire to know •legal ftCtlen \YE+ at'e taking TIIE ,STAND RIPE. -Hunter Bros., CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS. -Mr. Luke it is nobody s business but your own. Bore respecting the conning mblic holidays, os the contractors for putting n the Maddi ran the contriaetor for the break - j peeially June Ned. We had a nice of cit.i- P g P g vena last night at which it was reNolt'ed to hold stand pipe, are in town, and the last of water improvements, has been in town our Jubilee,on July Ist,as we beard your people the. ii on re wired for the job reached the past week, and has now made a Lack Kennedy, had arranged'tocoI prate on 22nd, * * the station last week. The work of start on the job. -The fruit blossoms I presume our people will go and join *your citizens for the day which we placing the metal in position has start etre nearly as plentiful as they were last Clintonhope will result meet Nnccessfulvly. * 4 ed and will be pushed until the job is spring. -Grass has had a wonderful The CLiquor Store. J � - � - finished, growth in this district ._The sewer con- tractors made good headway the pant Bi•ICf Town Topics. )low in training by Mr. Cuff fora week. -The schooner Youill atrTved in The FI p - grand promenade concert in the West pport on Saturday with 300,OW feet of Clinton poultry pens are still tf 0w- street skating rink on the evening' of K'rrnber for N. Dyment,-The schooner in g. June 22, Jubilee Daty, is making fine Kolfatge sailed on Saturday for rile W. p(ogress, and a real uutsicial treat (nay river. -The town epuntil was photo- k &eyele.,.. Mr. J. W , Irwin was in Kincard ine be expected, graphed last week for the sou venir.-Tbe Iast Wednesday. c carter sessions will open on Illonday, Miss Musgrove of Bluevale is visiting GivlNo UP BUSINESS. -Mr. J. T. June 7th, -The base ball club will play 'i g' Acheson announces that lie is going to the Orients of London on the afternoon Which we intend to give away friends in town, give up business here and when he has of the 24th, and in the evening the on the evening of June 30th is it Town Cleo k Coats is it great hortieul sold his stock will go west to Manitoba Goderich amateurs will present the prize worth trying for, especially tura! fancier. He has 848 tulips. and other sections on a prospecting draniat, Time and the Hour, for the when it costs you nothing to do Miss Mary Wilkie left; Monday to tour. His large stock of dry goods benefit of the club. -Miss McCaughan so. We have already registered spend the summer in Winnipeg. and millinery is to be sold in a hurry. has been appointed collector for the Many ppople admire Mr. Thos. THEY ELECTED. -Oil Wednesday York Loan society. -Mr. Horne has many guesses and many more y replaced Mr. Deacon In the Bank of will be recorded before the cop- Cottle's beautiful collection of tulips. morning, Wm. Preston, Thos. White P Miss Smith of Bayfield was the and Frank Stewart, the three islet) chicon have Mrs. and the Misses Hot- test closes. There is positive) Y ter's n have arrived home from a win - test positively guest of the Misses Freeborn on Sun- chtarged with placing obstructions oil tee's residence. in Mon tretal.-Pickerel no deception about it when Ave day, the 0. P. R., near Gorrie, were before may now be legally caught. -Perch state that the Hist person who His honor Judge Masson for election, i Miss C. Dayuient was the guest of were caught in thousands the past guesses the nearest how the Mrs. Wm. Riehrnond of Blyth hand being severely arrainged, pleaded ist not uilty and elected to be tried b• week, a large number of anglers having figures week. the gCounty, judge. The indictment enjoyed the sport. -A meeting was 1-2.3-4-5-6-0-1`2-14-20 Miss McIiellar Of Glencoe was the containes two charges, one of intended held in the town hall is Thursday eve guest of Mr. and Jas. Fair, jr., for a injury to property, mug and arrangements started far the are arranged in the sealed save- �+ j y p ; p y, and the other of jiltpilee celebration. -The teachers of lope attached to wheel will ew days. intended injury to passengers. The South Huron will meet in Exeter on receive it free of charge. Lawn mower exercise has taken the trial will take place on Friday, the Friday and Saturday. -A. ISI. Rohert- A cash purchase of only 50 cents en- place of snow shovellingand attending 21st inst. g - son, M. A., of this town, has added titles you to register your guess the furnace. FROM DISTANT CHINA. -Rev. Donald another medal to his list, having taken i and it duplicate coupon is given to Rev. Deihl and Mrs. Deihl :are` the McGillivray arrived home the past one for Modern language at Kingston. you with every guess. We don't guests of the lady'.; patents, Mr. and week after a, sojourn of nine years in -The 'Varsity base ball team will play ask you to guess the exact ar- Mrs, MvGarva. the Cele tial Empire. His return is a game with the home team on the r%fiil eat of. figures but the J. 'W. WPatheralil is selling a coirnb; the result of a needed change, his long agi (cultural park grounds early in NEAREST guess will tvin the nation chair and isselli that 1s a residence ill the flowery lana having Jtine.-The contractors for the addition wheel. household necessity. tindevinined his constitution, and a to Knox church are pushing the work. Someone is sure to win. Try it. Harland $ms, have the colptract fur short stay at the old home and a few -The remains of Mrs. Kedslie of the —o-- a Harland furnace for theMr. on actf Poster, 111011ths on the European eontinent it States, who died on Saturday were Ma le street. is hoped will re -invigorate his systern: brought to town on Monday and in - Maple The rev. gentleman seems little Chang- terre l in Maitland. Mrs. Kedslie re - T. JAOKSON9 SR., Harry Read left this week for Calu- ed by his long absence for he has alter- sided.in Goderich four years since.- Cluthier Furnisher and Hatter. niet, Mich., where lie will follow elle ed -little in personal appearance and David Wilson, who left, town for De- VICTORI A BLOCK, CLINTON. drug business. s►niles as pleasantly as in the daysgone troit five years since, was killed by iL Mr. Henry a✓trle was last week calling by street car on Monday of last week, and on friends at Constance riot to his de- on Thursday the remains were brought p TENNIS IN GODERICt'I.•-A meeting to Goderich for interment in Maitland. fB�T . M- 5kY'-� 18,97 parture for Michigan, was held and a tennis club for the on, ._It is reported that the steamers Cam- .SvA! MON 7Fie. Ii'sa ry gRr„ Xi r. AGENTS WANTED. -If you want a good suing season organized, the following grits and Uorlpona will be placed on 4 nuorr Me- U00 -W „-,�, selling specialty write AT ONCE to J. W. ofilcer: being elected:•- n. Pres„ J .0 rn ma t+. era r WEATIMItALD oder-ich. , this route, and that one of them will t. T. Garrow, Q. C,., M. P.P., Hon. Vice- give it triweekly trip to and from Sar - 2 ey ¢ � 6 � 8 The Clinton Oddfellows exemplify Pres„ Dr. Holmes; Pres., E. H. Bird; nia and Windsor. -A lady, Miss Bru- 9 ro rr 12 1� r4 r5 the 2nd degree at. the District nleetulgy Vice -Pres., Dudley Holmes; Secy'- den, lectured on health to ladies in in Exeter in Jane. Treas., Chas. Garrow ; Executive Com. It 'r8 19 20 21 22 -Dr. Thomson, C. Shephard, F. M, Temperance hall three days the past .G6 `, 28 , Several delegates from Clinton will week. 1 2 attend the' Conservative convention at Dunham, L. M. Maybes. Gentlemen s Smith's Hill to -day. tickets were placed at $1.50, and ladies Blyth. -- Mr. Geo. Dewar of Glencoe was the at 75c. The ladies to be allowed to Y TOWii Topics. guest of his sisters, Mrs. Jas. Fair, jr., play every morning and the whole of BnIEFS.—Sacrament of the Lord's Tuesday and Friday. and Miss Dewitt- over Sunday, n Supper was administered in St. An• College S ii h of Huron l le , Rett. E. rr t g Cantelon Bros. made the first ship- CHARGE of ARSON. -Our readers drew's Presbyterian church on Sunda preached very acceptably. in St: Paul's p- y y' went of i he season of butter to eastern will remember the burning o£ the barn church last Sunday. He is a very gen- -Dire. Lynn of Goderich was visiting tie and impressive speaker. markets last Sitturda•y and Monday. of Arch. Johnston of Ashfleld a couple P p of months ago, suspicion for which fell her stator, Mrs. Heffron, Dingley St., Large boys are robbing bird's nests i upon ayoungwoman, it neighbor on Sundav .-Mra. Hayes of Seafurth WILL BUILD.- Mr, Albert Morrell, and killing the young. they should P g y named Elizabeth Doyle. For a iong was visitingrelatives in town for a few who purchased the property oil Albert he noti tied to desist and prosecuted d street recently occupied h the late time she was dangerously ill iuld caul p Y if they do not. days, -Dir. Alex. McKellar has a gong _ Mrs. Harland, Sr„ has decided to build not be interferred with, but c Wed stud has let the contract to B. S. At times too much Witter Is placed nesdray last, she was brought before P. Of men converting the old public Cooper. on spots of Albert street by the water- M. Seager for a preliminary hearing, school building, which be purchased ing cart. It makes much nutd and and committed for trial. Thursday some time ago, into two dwelling BOYS, BE CAI1 tl•17L. 1b is a la• wheeling dapgerous for 'cyclists, she appeased before Judge Masson tot houses. -Our avoullen mills- under mentahle fact that some of the youths , election, and chose to be tried by His of our fair town are making a practice It has remained for Mr. M. C. Cam- Honor, May 28th being fixed as the new proprietorship intend to start of destroying birds and birds' newts in eron to attack Rev. Mr. Fairlie in day; she was admitted to bail, E. running this week.-Wettlaufer & a most wanton ina.nner. There is a Parliament. Mr. Cameron does not Campion will conduct the defence. Willford intend starting to make beayseem to be well posted, else he would who penalty for thiscrinle, and boys have been ruore accurate, TEACTIERS' HOME. -Miss I-I'elenKim_ brick !n a few days.—Ye editor of the who are indulging ifl this, ppasting° bet one of the vice -}presidents of the Blyth Standard comtemplates shortly should beware lest they are 1prought The store Itottse used by C'antelon Interuational School Teachers' associa to move his plant into the building before the Magistrate to answer for it. Bros. toppled o.ret and as luck would tion, who was here last fall, is in town former] occupied b the Electric have it no lives were lost, Mr. Win, Y P Y CHICAGO V3. CLINTON.-There is til i completing of the Association's f imine C,lntelon had been in the building a ;n one of the Association's Summer Light Co on Dinsley St. -A wedding some talk of getting up a big day in minute or two before, The ficin lost is g o Clinton some time daring the sunirr,er, lite uantity of c grs and lasswiue. Homes in Mmes. tuna Park. The in the Methodist church today, (Wed- Clinton is an opportunity, we under- e q g g quantity of ]land thus far secured is not negday.)-A concert is to be given in PP y, We question if the �Iotvn would not enou li as the want fort acres, but stnnd, to arrange it match between have been responsible fur accident or g ' `• Y Y Indugtry hall on the evening of the 1 aL start well he made b the erection of Clinton cricketers and a crack Chicago death. y 28th inst., in aid of the India Relief team. THE NEws-RECORD would not t temporary central dining hall and at least it dozen cottages. Miss Kimber fund, under th9 management of the hesitate to place Clinton against Chi- Holmesville. says that of tall the places selected by different churches in town. -Messrs. sago on the grounds here and we would like to have the match arranged. T)IFD.-On Saturda tat the residence the association, Goderich is most fav- Wataon & Emigh shipped four carloads We are sure the people of this town Y rn'iibly re larded by the people of the of cattle to the old country on Mon• and neighborhood would well patron- of her daughter, Mrs. G, Huller, South anti South-western States. The ize the Clinton cricketers and make HOlrnesville, Mrs. Potter passed to her beginning once made will without day. -The Agricultural Society has a the day an 'Outing and pleasure for reward, She leaves five sons, Thos., doubt develop into large proportions. machine levelling our new fair everyone,. Give us a day of cricket Elias, Oliver, Philip and John, and RAN Orr TiiE TRAcx.-Last week grounde.-Our poet R. Sellars had a with Chicago. six daughters, Mesdames Holdsworth, the shunting engine, with seven loaded bee the other evening for the purpose BoLIi ROBBERY. -Early yesterday Cook, Gliddon, Huller, and Kemp. and cars attached, left the elevator for the of putting up a new stable on his lot Miss Alice to mourn the loss of a lov- station, and was getting up speed for on Mill St. -On Saturday a number morning thieves catered the residence ing mother. The family have the the hill's ascent. As the engine neared Of Mr. Alex. Ewing, Huron street, by entire sympathy of the community, the switch just south of the lumber of our citizens attendrtd the funeral of way of a window and ransacked file which was shown by the large atten- mill, It was seen that it was open. Simon Peter, the youngest son of Mr. house. They secured some six or seven dance'at the funeral. Stearn was shut off and the engine re- Win. Hallahen in Eset Wawanosh, dollars in cash, proceeded to the cellar versed, but the train had gained such _ ,t and satisfied the inner man, left their NOTES. -Miss K. Mureh, of Clinton, seed that before it could be stopped marks and decamped. The home of sent Snnda with friends here. -Mr. heaforth. Miss Eva Stevenson was also visited, `, Y -geed engine, two cars and the rout entrance beim gained there throe It '" ►Imott Andrews has returned to the wheels of the third had left the rails. FIRE. -At 2 p: m. Sunday lire was g gparsonage.-Miss Rattray of Clinton, Soon after the mishapthe wrecking discovered in the merchant tailor shop a window. After taking in all the spent Sunday with friends here. -A train was sent for, and between three of Henry Speare in the Whitney block, inner surroundings and securing a number from here took in the League and four the Alen attached to it were V': dollar trom it pocketbook in the side- anniversaryin Clinton, on 'Sunda but was soon got tender control by the board, the were startled evident( b Y re -railing the train, a job that took firemen without doin much damage y Y y and Monday. -Mr. H. Williams, Of less than two hours to complete. to the. block. Mr. goeare's stock is one of the inmates who had just Ie- Toronto, spent a few days with his damaged by water and smoke. Insur- ti rued from Goderich. Chief Wheat- sister, Mrs. G. W. Andrews. -Epworth AN EARLY DEATH. -Miss Grace Lee ell in the Western: Henderson's ley wag notified, but up to the time Of League was held on Tuesday evening, after an illness of two months' dura- studio next door was badly disturbed. }. going to press there was no definite the subject "Uhristains Addition tion passed peacefully to the world Origin of fire unknown. clue to the bold robbers. Table" being taken by Miss A. Steven- beyond on Saturday, a ad eighteen DWItLLINO BURNED. -On Monday son. -Miss L. Stanley. of 'Toledo, paid years and nine months. The deceased DEATH BY ACCIDENT, -•-An accident i, y it visit to her uncle, Mr. W. Stanley.- two months since was attacked with a which terminated fittally occurred forenoon of this week, about 10.30, the Mrs. E. Acheson wits appointed as de- severe form of la grippe, and caught a Sunday evening on the farm of Mr. residence of Mr. Wm. Murphy near ligate to the W. M. S. convention in severe cold when recovering from its Jaynes -Hayes, ex -reeve of the Township Clinton was discovered to be on flee.. Clinton, on Wednesday. -Don't forget attack, which developed into a form of of McKillop. Mrs, Hayes in attempt - en in the field noticed smoke ascend- the concert on Monday 24th, given by consumption, that was incurable and ing to drive one of the youug cattle Atfront the ridge at the north end of the Holmpsville Choral Society. Every- rapid. The young lady knew that down the lane was struck by the ant - t )e building and the alarm was given. body is expected as a good time is an- death was near and during the past mal iti passing, knocking her insensible l illing hands were promptly at work ticipated and only a -small admission week bid her friends the last farewell. to the ground, and without regaining ;iiid performed her work once it fee charged. See programmes for The funeral took place ,on Monday to conaciau�nege she died five hours after woes determined the flames could not further particulars. Maitland cemetery, Rev. Mark Turn the accident. lie Attbdued. Considerable of the fur- bull conducting the church service, NOTES. -Master Willie Cline had the niture, etc., was saved, but Mr. Mur- `- "-' ' - - and Messrs. C. R. Shane, John Carrier topsof two of his fingers taken of in )h 's loss will in any event be above Mr. D. D. Yule, Principal of the f on F. LawrenceJr.,Chits. Harper, B. 1 Y ' ' 1 the Broadfoot Box & Co s. factory last the risk. On the house and con- Lucknow Public and High School, D. Grant and Chas. Shannon beteg the Tuesday -The Beaver lacrosse club in- tents, there is $000 in the Me- hereby challenges any junior team pall hearers. The young gentlemen tend Sending abeam to Detroit on Killop Mntnal. The cause of the fire in the village of Lucknow or vicinity, I who carried the casket were selected the 24th, to compete with a team o wits more likely from mice than any. to play a bilge ball ruatch against the 1 by deceased Some time before her that city. -Mr. T. Biekle, while ;amp t.11ing else, as everything irndicates that club of the said school, the game to be 1 death. Great sympathy is expressed ing overs fence on Friday last tell an the flame started where it could not played in the village of Lucknow, on for Mr. and Mrs. Lee and relatives in broke his right arm. well be from any other cause, the 24th of May. their bereavement. �" "'THE TWO A. PS._.,,�> organized chut•ch, tion resigned, the greens, planted, have f d Straw Hats. TOO busy to Vire have this week added to our I Write Ads. already saleot stook several lines of Straw Hats. They are Come in and See for Plain and Fancy, yourself, we have the And will be aold ac prices that Suitings that will Suit should make fast sales, you. Felt Hats, Our $20 Just in ; among them some very nobby lines in the latest Ameri Worsted can styles, which makes our I3st Stook without doubt the best Is a header. assorted in the trade. 1f4�Ask to see the Geisha. The Summer Underclothing. Readyrnades A special Line of Yialbriggan at going Are join out fast, The $I a suit -great value. Other lines lower and higher in price. Prices are selling then], 00000000 99699�t•• A, J. MORRISH, A. J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. CLINTON`_ East Wawaaosb. -- ` _ Saltford. BRlErrs.—A junior choir is being in connection with Trinity ITE31S,—AIi8s Straughan is viiitiilg Belgvave.-Miss McClelland, her sister Mrs. J. T. Goldthor e.- who has, so successfully filled the posi- The Connell pros. have started to burn of organist in the church, has their that kilu of bricks. Intending her place being taken by buildeis please notice, -Messrs. Ilow- Miss M. McCrea.- •-Migs L. Young and Miss Mary Agnew of Wingham spent the home hatter.- sou and Cullis have moved their raw mill to this ills e. They have a Y g Sunday at of ,the Arbor clay was observed as usual at splendid gang of men for that work.- ;. S. No. 8. After iL thorough clean- We understand Mr. Jacob Kuut•r, of ng of the school, woodshed and yard Auburn has purchased the breivery school was decorated with ever flouvbeds were made, trees hs: e. -The blcEiven saltxorks have &c. -Most of the farmers here again commenced operatiuo. \i r, finished seeding. Peter McEwen -dosei ves every success for his continued perseverance. MOVING.—R'very.thiag is booming here, all the houses in the village be. ing occupied. -Mr. Peter McEwau, jr., has moved down from the hill to i ,1111m Robt. Ellie' house. -Mr. Geo. Sym - I onds has purchased -the cottage from Mr..J. Beck arid is moving into it. Mr. J. Burly is moving out of it to day. - Mr. C. Walters moved into another 4 house here and Mr. J, Whitmore has h moved into Mr. Bobt. Symond's hou?e from town. IDEATH. -We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. R. Fritzly, jr., at the early age of 16 years, nine months. The funeral last Friday was very large- ly attended ; her husband and mother, Cfinton'slgDaym rs, J. Carroll have the sympathy of the entire village. BclgraVe. LOCALS, -David and Walter Scolt were in Halton last week attending Ill Honor of Queen VietoPia, the funeral of their brother-in-law, D. McColl. -John Roos left on Monday for Montana, where he has, we learn, JULIE 22 IS THE DOTE, secured a good employment, his broth• er in-law being road commissioner for a county besides having large business _ intereats.—The mill is shut down at EVERY DETAIL BEINO ARRANGED- present and a number are out of worn( COME TO CLINTON AND BRING in consequence, -Sydney Farrier loft YOUR FRIXNDS. last Tuesday for Northern Michigan, where he will settle on a farm. -D. On Weduesdayeveninglasthynotfce from the Mayor there was representa- Dlotlalejohn has about recovered from tive meeting of citizens in the Council his recent illnesa.-W. Ferguson is Chamber to consider the matter of the still very poorly, -Mr, and Mrs. Dr. Jubilee Celebration in Clinton on June McAsh attended the funeral of the 22nd. After duly considering the im- tatter's father at Prucefield last Wed- portance of the event and taking into account every detail., the meeting un- needs Tobacco users here now a animouslypay decided to celebrate the six cents for plugs which were formerly clay in it manner entirely in keepmb five cents• --John Scandrett anticipat- with the long reign of the greatest andel ing an increase of the duty on liquors most noble nionarch that has ever swayed the great British laid in a small stock a couple of weeks Empire. before the duty raised the price of that before A nominating committee was ap- pointed, comprised of Dr. Shaw, John pointed, article. The Government evidently intend that these luxuries ahall be tax. Wigeman, A. Potter, At. D. McTaggart ed and we don't find much fault as far and J. P. Doherty, who have selected as these articles are concerned. and,last night submitted to -- --- -- the meeting a t strong list of There is Always 1, comers a»ci 'll committees. Two Sides to a I The canvass- + ingcommittee, Story 4i Messrs. J. C. Gilroy, Fred. Just so with the---=• Jackson, J. Taylor and J. B. Hoover, V.LW Special 1 . have inter- viewed many l./ Wash Board Wash citizens and q business men, and have re- Both Bides tell the same Story ceived every -entire satisfaction. encouragement, financially and other- When you wear out one side all yon wise. have to del is to turn over the It is impossible to give the pro- board and begin again. gramme, but the outline may be laid ._..-Have you tried— down for lacrosse, base ball, foot ball, bicycle races, specialtie9, concert, fire- Plymouth Rock, works, and doubtless many other lea- A titres will be added. Gelatine l Doubtless the Town Council will give substantial assistance to further If not call and get a salnple- tire necessary work for a grand cele- package. bration. bpi In the meantime we would ask the citizens of Clinton, the surround. Thg Cash Grocery --==Z;= - Ing country and neighboring towns to 'itget r t further announcementsand OCLE , COOPER & C0e to come here on heclipise of June. r The day promises to —'Phone 'Phone 28, I all previous demonstrations.