HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-18, Page 1VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. No. 18.1 .,._GREAT REDUCTIONS FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. 'snr ►.Y.d E i c9z,7:2C]► The big Put niture Dealers or Clinton offer special reductions to the people of Dlyth and vicinity, Your crocuses paid both ways And the goodsdelleered to your deur without txtra charge as we eav a our own rips for the purpose, Wo guarantee you A saving of 20 per cent, which means (420 on the (41(10 purchase, Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3,90. Carpets, 32o per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00. 1 NDEE "3C'. 3►.XIII11TCr We have theboet equipment in Western Ontario, the beet rubber hearse outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a seeing of tt2Q on the palm. Our 'phone number Is 28. Night or day any call will reel) v,i immediate attention. 1:"1.14.NTC]0'„ ► A.11TD 0►7E$Cir/slifiT We handle the bent. General repreeentettves for the Gourley, Winter to Learning, Your credit Is good. any tends you want. Be sure and !tont us up when you want onything In our flue. We will make it toy you. WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, YOUR MONEY BACK W YOU ARL NOT SATISFIED, 'Phone 28 Now for Xmas; Santa Claus for Young and Oid, Santa Claus for Alf. For the next two weeks this store will bristle with Ices' Goods --the ftlneet as. $erpmentment in town. A dainty line rt -- PERFUMES it Out glean containers. The very latest edges in Bulk Perfumes, Speofale, Yu - nom, Ideal. Steern'e, Seely, Pinod, giver, Roger and Qe11et. JAPANESE GOODS in Ebony, Rosewood, Whitewood and Red Cedar, Leather Cele Perfumes, Glove, Watch, Jewel and f3andkerchict Cases, Perces, Chatelaines, Hand Dap, Bab Booke,. Wallets `til Wetrus, Turtle, Seal, Calf and Burnt Leathers. Gar Optten( department is complete— Gold, Silver, Rimfeae Mounts, Our line of Root Ebony Mirrors and Bracken is the beet manutaotured. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. (J MILNE For the Grippe try our Bust•up•a•Cold Tsblete. REArrtite ads, in THE STANDARD 1 ive Practical Gifts 10 Cents gets The Standard balance of year MONTHLY FAIRS AT B LYT H Friday, January 3rd, - 1908 Friday, February 7th, 1908 Friday, March 6th, - 1908 Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 AIL the leading horee and Battle buyers are •pectallyp invited to attend. Let everybody mune. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOAN, President. WM. JACKSON VIoe President. J. LESLIE KERR, Secretary. It 18 diMoult at utas time to know just what to got for the men and boys, but sonietbing useful is always appreciated, Our store is full of ode' as well as beautiful things suitable for gifts, Look over this list. It is sura co suggest Something you want. Neckties Neck Scarfs atom Cuff Buttons Mufflers Handkerchiefs Suits Hats Fancy Shirts Fancy Vests Umbrellas Underwear Mitts Overcoats Sweaters Fur Collars Belts Hose Caps Suspenders Pants Bargains for everyone at the Popular Clothing House. S. H. GIDLEY 3E3 L 'r II By=Law No. 6 A. D. 1907 By -Law to repeal By -Law No. 8, A. D, 1904, entitled a By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor in the Town- ship of HuUett, Soafocth. Postmaster i)irkson has had the in- terior of she postoIIice newly papered, which brightens it up considerably, All 1 1 members of the present staff of teacher's in the public school have been re•engaged (or next year, A number of our poultry fanciers have birds of exhibition at the (luelpb show last, weelr, The hamar tanner the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. 'Phonies' church, held ill the town !loll ares a')lost, decid- ed success. The proceeds amounted to 5260. Wingham, Plat 8111111111 Scotch concert, hold hast Friday evening was a decided ,recross. L. Kennedy has moved his restau- rant to the Wilson Block, and lits an elegant shop. Elliott Fleming lett for Brantford to tait0 a position as operator in the (i. IL, Freight sheds under L, 1toiold, late of Wingliam, .1. 1:, Swero has 901c1 111.8 floe re-vh• deuce on Diagonal street to William MacPherson, who spent some years itt rho Yukon gold fields, it. will stake a convenient and comfortable (tome, The schedule of hockey games 1u•• ranged by the Northern 1.oagl(e which will be played in W ing'hanl will be as follows ; Jam, 3, Palnlelydmt ; 14, Luck - now ; 'L1, Battista') ; Feb, ;, Mount Forest ; 90, Listowel; y • Walton, )Miss 1lamio Bennett left Wednesday tot Toronto where she will visit friends for the next. week or 00, Jas. Simpson and Peter and Jos, Gardiner were among those who at- tended the Fat Stock dhow at (Guelph, The Union S. S, Convection held here last week was ,t decided success. At the evening session excellent papers were given old the addresses delivered by Ices. Mr, Powell and A. 11. MoRay, of Brussels, were also good. Anniversary services were held Last Sabbath in Duff's ch (troll conducted by Rev, E. H. Sewers, of I3rncefield, On Monday evening a )'owl Supper was served in the basement, at the 100 - elusion of which a good program was rendered. Addresses beingdelivered by Revd's Messrs, li'fhhnrt, of Brus- sels ; Small, of Myth ; Carswell, of Winthrop ; and (Jurrie, of Walton ; recitations by Mrs. Greig, of Seaford), and Roe. 11 Small. lel nsic by Miss Dickson, of Atwood, a reale quartette and others, WHEREAS a petition signed by at least twenty-five, per cent of the qualified elec- tors of the Township of Mallett, entitled to vote upon the Ry -Law under Ube Muni- cipal Act, hoe been presented to the Conned of the said Township expressing their desire that such 13yLaw should be repealed AND WHEREAS it le desirable that the Munletpal Counoll of the Township of ]Iullett should comply with the request of the said petttlon. '1' RF,RI'.1r0RE be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the said Township et Hallett, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. (1) That By -Law No. S, 1004, which wee passed by the Municipal Council of the said Township of Hallett, on or about tate 0111 day of February, 1405, 1n pur- suanceof Section 141 Of the Laver, Li. cense Aot, entitled 13y -Law to prohibit the Salo of liquor In the Tosneblp of Hullett le and wall be repealed. (2) That the vote of the Electors of the said Township of Mullett will be taken on the 13y -Lew on Monday, January 0(b, 1008, commencing at i) o clock in the morn- ing and continuing Sill b o'clock 01 the afternoon, at the following under/nen- timed plaoee, t;x.:— Eleotoral Division No, 1, 'Temperance hail, Wilburn. Electoral Division No. 2, School House No. 0. Electoral Division No. 0, School House No. 2. laeetoral Divisloa No. 4, Foresters' llafi, Londesboro. Electoral Dirislon No, 5, School Mona° No, 12, Summerhill, Eleotoral Divialon No. n, Township Hell, Londeeboro, Electoral Division No. 7, School Ilouse No. 1). 13 That on the 31st day of December, 1 , at the Township Clerk's oilloe In the gnat Township of Hallett et the hour of 3 o cloak hu the afternoon the Reeve shalt appoint In writing signed by himself two persons to attend at the Boal summing up of the votes by the Clerk and ono per- son to attend at each potting platoon be- half of the persons Interested in aud de- alroua of promoting the passing of this By.Law, and a like number on behalf of the perfume interested to and deoiroue of opposing the passing of thie 3iy•Law. (1) That the Clerk of the mild Menial - pat Counoll of the Township of 1luflett shell attend at hie ounce at the hour of t0 o'clock in the forenoon on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1001, to sum u5 the num- ber at votes given for and against this By -Law. (5) This Ily-Law eha11 901110 tato opera- tion and be of full lb, ea and effect QS and after the first day of May next after the Mud passing thereof, Counoll Chamber Haat, 10th November, 1009. NOTIC 11, Take notice that the above Is a true Copy of a proposed Ry Law which has beau taken Into ocnsidereli0n by the Municipal Council of the Township of 10111911 and which will be llnally passed by the Feld Council In tho event of the aenent of the eledtons being obtained thereto after one month from the Ilrst publication thereof In the Blyth Standard, the date of which publication was Thurs- day, the twelfth dey of December, 1009, and at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. Subscribe for Tax STANDAR Only tQ More Shopping Days Till Christmas ?,nil ave aro going to make thein 12 days of wonderful buying" opportunitietfor you all, Remember and use to your Own personal advantage the fact that all Furs, ,Men's Overcoats and Wornon's Coats have been reduced in price, Don't, mis8 (his opportunity to fix yourself mut comfortably for the winter, or probebly you know someone who would appreciate one of these as a Christmas Gift. Christmas For Housewife Chenille Curtains Chenille Tall, U,vors Tapestry Curtains 'tapestry Oovers Ruga Carpet Squares Bien kete Lace Curtains Comforters Fanny Linens Pablo Clothe Table Napkins Carpets For a Girl Iinndkerchtots (cloves 11(140104 Dress Goods Grey !mall 1Ruf1'a (lauutlets Caps Hosiery Combs Coate Fancy Coeds Presents for All For Ladies For a Baby Bar Skin Coate }loads 118(39re :althorn( }-looties Dresses Cepa Shoos Rubbers Stockings For a Bay Suit,. C1 rwants Nsektlee Multisra Ntrk Scarce Shirts Shoes ltubhers (laps Gloves Mitts For Men Neckties ,Peck Scarfs Mainers Gloves Umbrellas (kippers Fur Collars Fur Coate Par Cape Nitta fancy Suspenders num Swim Handkerchiefs Cardigan Jackets Sweaters Shoes Overshoes Rubbers Cutts overcoats underwear Cott Buttons Shirts Sleeve Holders Men's Companions Shoes Fur Neok Runk Fur Muffs Fur Coats Fanny Collars Fancy Belts Haudkerch(ets Fanny Combs Calendars Pin Cushions Chatelaine flags Blouses Gat fine Golf Jackets Feather Run's Wool Scarfs Kid Cloves Lined Gloves $1d Mitts Stylish Cloth Coats Slit Dress Lengths Silk Waist Lengths Silk Umbrellas Fanny Wool I11oue- Inge Dread Lengths Sl 1ppero Houde Shoes hosiery G. M. CHAMBERS & CO be dissolved in the near future, 11r. An advcrtiaement fn '1'(l0 STAN1it O Todd will continue to run the paper, pays, Brussels. Miss Lily Sharpe, nurse, is waiting; on 91'180 11.11b,y Clegg, near 800shin5, who is ill with typhoid fever, Robert 7'homson has shipped?6,0110 pounds of choice dressed Spring cluck - elle this winter from Brussels, ' Last weak John Galbraith purchased tato livery business and barn of George Robb and is 1)0w in possession, Leet week John Currie sr„ was thrown to the ground tvhile lending 0 cattle beast and lied his right 060111(100 dislocated The dog poisoner has been busy and 1 not a few caniu0s are dead, Arneug the number is the well bred greyhound the property of A. Strachan. After an 111/001100 from town for the past two vents at Gnelph John Colter 08.1110 bmc1t to Brussels 031 purchased the carriage business and shop of Robt. 11'ra11ois, near the 'Powe, Nall, Flora street, and is now in possn8-inn. Mrs. Cober, Norman and Miss Elsie are expected to move to town tad will be heartily welcomed hack, Alfred J. Lowry, R. 1{enderson and G. T, R. agent IQeil were at Stratford test week as witnesses in a suit in which a sale of a oar of cement, said to be sold to 5, man malted Iiawltins by the Atwood Co., was 1)0itl7 heard. Tho defendant acknowledged that Bawitins was a fictitious individual and was ler off on suspended sentence by paying 511 costs. The goertorly 50ss1ons, which Should have been held hast week, have bee0 de- ferred until January 14th. The High Court 5008117(5 avid open on January 2001. The appointment of 11', A. 1loI%iln to the town (doll:ship will mean his re- tirement from the drygoods 140ine5in which he has been engaged for nine years in Goderich. The following mariners are home for the winter 1—Copts. 51eKn.y and Me- Bownld, of the "`Faro Macs' ; Capt. E. Robinson, Ed. Craig, J, Roberts, 1). Graham, Rod. :McDonald and Malcolm McDeonld. At the regular meeting of Huron Lodge Na. 02, 1, 0, 0, IP., the following brethren w000 duly elected for the com- ing term ;-0, 0. Bre, iT. U. ILeed ; N, G., 0. C. Whitley, .1. 1'. G. ; Bro. C, Exeter. Fred White has gone to London whore he has accepted a situation as uouductor on the plectrio (inc running from tint city to St, 'Thomas, Miss Nesmith, who has Neon visithlg the Misses Johns, returned to fuer home in Woodstock. Hiss Amy Johns tic• co+npanied her as Gtr as Loudon, The friends of Alfred Coffin now of ?e7rolen will be sorry to hoer of his anginas 11111080 :which necessitates his going to a sanitarium, i0.8, Lang w115 in town last 'amok looking eller his apple imeiecss. 11e was accompanied by (1, ;d. Sherr, of Glasgow, representative of C. A 11, Allen, oft at city. The following Exeter pupils trim are taking 71)0 examinations at 111e (lode - rich 5lodei, live obtained sehunls:— - Missess Winnie and :Martha Carling, Dashwood ;• ,Miss Daisy Hodgson, Brig - den ; Miss Margaret Coward, Strang- field ; Miss Ida Atmstrong, Sodom ; Miss Mary Murray. Grimsby Centre ; Wm, L. Treibner, Stephen• Codorioh. Dr, Macklin wis11e0 to anw ettwe drat he 10 in the 'held as candidate for the MA'S MO. tty, The firth of Mitchell & Todd, pub- Ii hers ami printers of the Star, will Dnulop, V. G. i P. 0.13,0 g• C, A. 1(oid, Rec. Secy. ; Dr, Clark, Per, Secy. ; 11, Edwards, Treas. Hensel,. Wo understand that quite it number of candidates are likely to run for the (iount+tl, K1hi(e cutting wood Robert Yuill 24,4!..1*aeN.*....11.1« had the misfortune friends to cat his foot, 1 CENTRAL 2 Phe ouu friends of Roy NOcfa, will bo pleased to learn that he utas 1 Stop a Moment and consider. Do your glasses GI you Accurately and give you perient eye rest? 11 not, COME TO LONDON and have your eyes thoroughly examined by oar specialists. We time every modern seientifin instrument for testing the errors of dye cyst. Our success in eye testing is the result of years of study and practice, and you will benefit by nor free' consultation, THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS. 237 Desist Strict • • • Lotion, Oat. Open Daily 9.50 to 9,00. Evenings, Tussdq, Thunder and Saturday, 1.00 to 10.00. been promoted to the position of tote BUSINESS t WW1 of the Purls Review staff. . •Councillor John Stewart is to he ♦ Gia highly commended for having; All alae- • COLLEGE w tris, Ii1ht plated on the end of his ver• • of Toronto hat started thousands •• 14(7(1x11 in 81011 n way the it lights ftp , of young men and women on the the street for a nice diotauco, ♦ easy way to independence and sue. 2 The citizens of Ilens/t11 will be pleas- 1 case. Let us give you the right start. Write for catalogue and ed to learn that :' e foundry is a paying ♦ plan to spend the next six months 1 t f . the acct o notch of I o 0 id• institution,with us. Pater any timt, A which is due to the able illaltagemont • dress, W. II Shaw, Principal, • of lir, Brandt, • Voage and Gerrard Ste„ Toronto. • ••••••••• ••••••4• •••••••• Clinton. After n two -weeks' shut down, op- erations were restaffed at the organ factory on Monday, The members of the )Model School ROHM whose term expires this ,)rear aro J. W. Irwin, J. W. Moore, L. Ps, Doherty and A. E. Turner, Walker & Ross have been awarded the contract for the entire interior fur- nishing of the Presbyterian Church, 111oo3•ale, n'hich tuck dos pulpit chairs, carpets, chairs for basement, etc. As iudiaatittg Got 5aletno end purity of water in a 000(1 (11teylnn aveli, it. may be stated that the pomp at Stsplo- (0w WAS 18/45113' kept going for n ('11010 week, 10 hours n day for root' days and 12,1 hours the balance of the time, without the slightest perceptible decrease in the supply; and what is equnity important is the fact that Dr, Sh;tw declares the water to be obso- letely 7(7(70. When it 15 1.Ot10mbered that Mr, (01400 oro gets his` supply through 01 inch pipe, and it is intend- ed to use an 8 inch pipe for the town, 1,0 fears tined be entertained n9 10 0e- r,ut•ing n sufficient, supply. $1.35,, in 'advance secures Tttr. S'rAswu7D and Weekly Oloke, with iilustrated magazine section, from Dow to .Tan, 1st, 1909. This is ecvtSilly a cinch you should not miss. A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a be hair- dressing. Something to make die hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, foe,; that will feed the hair at tit`= same time, a regular hair -food. Well-fed hair will be strong,and will remain where it belongs— on the head, not on the comb' The best ktn4 of a testimonial — "add for over sixty years." Iga4 i e r tro a•viril seeatroLte. NUS hers groom 1tIB um&