HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 8Life the
Young Lady . .
At the recent dance who called
her partner an Indian because he
was on her trail. We are on
` your trail and won't be satisfied
until we have secured you no a
f` customer for one or more of out-
urgreat eleven oent Cup and S%ucer, i
Aou are
To call at any time to inspect
these exceptional values apd we're
p sure you'll admit you never saw
h, anything as good for the price
aeked—eleven cents. You may
1" have as many as you want of them
regardless of the chance we have
missed to make a big profit. Our
desire is to serve your interests
and to make you our friends.
We've got both the goods and the
prices and we hope to win your
trade and confidence by meriting
it, Our Six Cent package of
square envelopes, coutaiuing
twenty-five, is another of our
specialities. At all times you
will find us "Often the•Choapest,
Always the Best."
Thb W. D. Falf Co.,
Agents P%rker's Dye lforks.
The Huron News -Re. ora
1 26 a Yaar—$1.00 in Advance
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1897.
to and Around the Hub,
11141VIT 111111.
Highest price for butter it nd egg8—C'AN,rLL0,
_'6'b&--oqr Bedroom Suites at $6.50. Ureal
Snap.—BROADFOOT, Box 8r. Co.
Mies ANNE FREEBORN, pug it of Prof, Tor
rington, Toronto College of 114mic, is pprepare,
to n000pt pupils in Vocal, Guitar and 1 ianq
Will accept Concert Engagements.
SORRY TO PART. -Rev. Air. Harris,
who has filliM the pulpit of the Baptist
church here so acceptably,leaves to -day
(Wednesday) foci Clifton Springs, N.
V., where he will undergo treatment
for his eyes and. take complete rest.
Air. Barris made a great many friends
while here who will wish hiin success
in his new home and a speedy recovery
S. A. DRUM TAPS. -The "drunkard's
home" before and after conversion is a
true, touching and thrilling represen
tation of A drunkard's life. It will bE
shown in five scenes upon the platform
at the Army Barracks on April 28th,
at 8 p. m. Officers from Seafol th and
Stratford will take prominent part=
and a grand time is looked for. Don't
miss seeing it.
ANOTHER FRAUD. -One of the most
bare -faced frauds travelling through
WListern Ontario at the present thue IE
styled "The Canada Banner Corm
pany." The "company," comprised of
two, is a man and widow. They visit
towns, secure the good will of prorni•
hent hotel )nen, solicit advertising
which is almost valueless and for which
a. good price is paid,4n_4 then swindle
the printer. , The woniar s most of
thr. canvassing and collecting and hag
lots of cheek for the business. lu
E3inton she had several names -Mrs.
Beestelle, Mrs. Slimmon, and probably
`other names. They were also in Gode•
) ieh. She is a low set woman of s
pleasing manner, and good address
the man is taller with short grey
Iward. Exchanges would do well tc
pass the frauds along.
PROMOTIONS. -The followingpupil.
have been promoted to the Third Book
-Albert Prout, K. Scott, F. Akam, M.
Fraser, 1. Jackson, M. Steep, C. Brew.
er, L. Hoover, R. Andrews, C.
Moore, E. Potts, L. Manning,- F.
Everett, L. Gunn, M. Coats, S.
McConnell, T. Carter, E. Welsh,
V. Grantham, H. Watts, J.
Mltnning, L. Coats, T. Fremlin, M,
Wiseman, H. Grigg, L. Cornish, G.
Duncan, G. Kingg, W. Stewart. Il,e-
vo�mmended-L. Toa dd, M. Fordan. In
.neer to arrange the classes to best ad
vantage, about ten others are put in
the class. When a new class is start.
t4, in June, these will be put witt
them. Promoted to second book: -E.
Bruce, M. Stewart, G. Miller, V. Rod.
gers, 1. Johnson, V. Walkingshaw, R.
Pinch, H. Stevens, W. Mitchell, S. G
Ftleeborn, J. Cooper, L, Eagleson, M.
HTtntofF, R. Moore, J. Trowhill, J. Ship
iti-y, L. Johnson, B. Johnson, M.
Duntord, A. Cudmore, H. Porter, L
to. learn of the very sudden death of
Mrs. Alexander Dodds, of WinRKham,
aired sister of Mrs. Wm. Rattenhur•y,
Nf this town. It seems that Mrs,
Dodds went to Kincardine on Thurs,
ataiy of tst weweek. withthe intentioc
ot'speudil+ng the Easter holidays with a
married daughter there. On Saturday
e, ening she seemed to be in her nsual
xtateofheatlth. In fact she appealed
inorethan usually cheerful. After re•
tiring for the night, she complained o1
it choking sensation, and at the re•
grteet of her daughter got out of bed
stud sat on a chair. She hag only beer
in the chair a few minutes when her
head fell forward and she died almost
instantly. Mrs. Dodds was sixty four
ymrs of age. She had not been enjoy,
ing the best of health for some tinge
1►ut nothing serious was anticipated
itntil she was so suddenly cut down,
Her maiden name was Margaret Town.
send. She leaves a family of four- sons:
and five daughters, all of whom are sur.
viving. She was a most estimable wo•
n»tn and was greatly beloved by all
who knew her and especially by
the members of her oyvn family, tc
whom her sudden death will be it very
severe bereavement,
DONATION.—Theppeopleof tit. Peter's
opening item of the programme was
9hurch, Summerhill, last week donat-
ed a load of oats and other seasonable
given by rhe orchestra, Peri Waltzes.
)roduce to their pastor, Rev, Wm.
It was thoroughly enjoyed and the
taut, in kindly appreciation of his
members obligingly responded to the
services among them.—The Vestry
enthusiastic applause. Little Edna
meeting held on last Thursday unmis-
Foster's r'ender'ing of Maiden Ruth was
takably indicated marked success in
unique. The little cream -clad figure
all departments of church work and it
and the clear child -like voice charrued
cordial co-operation between ,be
+ill and thegenial approval wasdelicate.
ly expressed by the
clergyman and parishioners.
presentation of two
y boquets. In her encore, the
THE WHEEL. -While THE Nsws-
little waid'6 attention was divided be -
RECORD was on press last night &I
tween the audience and her flowers.
meeting of those interested in wheel-
The recitation by Mr. Harris, and the
ing was held for organization put -poses.
i eadings by Mrs. Irwin and Mr. Hous -
There is no reason why Clinton should
ton, were very different in character,
not have an a -to•date Bicycle Club
bl{t all extremely interesting. Mr.
with proper untform or distinguishing
colors. There area
Harris gave "The Welsh Parson", Mrs.
Irwin, "Bridget's
great many wheels
in town and it proper bicganization
troubles with the
Yankees", and Mr. Houston read Ian
would certainly be in the hest interests
McLaren's account of the death of
of Clinton anti our wheehnen its well.
Wm. McClure. Miss Mary Lough and
and in the course of a few days you
Miss, Hallie Combe each gave au in.
MONEY ORDERS, -The Dominion
teresting piano solo. They were very
Express Co. have reduced the price of
brilliantly executed and thoroughly
moneys orders as per the following
appreciated. The remaining iteuis of
the progran)me were vocal, and all
$3 and under ................... 3 cis,
save one, solos. This exception wits at
Over $ 3 to $ 5 • , • • • , 4
duet, "Deceivers Ever" by Miss Me-
" 5 10 ................. 6
Whinney and Miss Freeborn. It was
` 10 " W ............. ..10 `
full of repartee and the animated ren -
2U " 30 .. . . ..............12 "
admirably expressed the idea.
" 30 40 ................. 15
Litter Miss McWhinney gave two
90 N) ....... . ......... 18 „
brightselectigns, "The Bonny Banks of
„ 50 " t10 ..................20 '°
Lock Lomond" and "Polly's Revenge."
" 60 " 75 ..................25
The former, like so much of the Scotch
" 75 • 100.......... .. 30 '
music, was rather pathetic and seuti-
Over $1M.00 at same :,ates.
mental; the linter was serio-comic, and
I very quaint, Miss Freeborn also gave
Tim TRAVEL CLUB, --Daring lust
a very prelty solo, "The Dream Allgel"
year a number of ladies organized a
with violin obligato by Ails. Watts.
111 rAuu proveent society, known
Mr. Downs, Ln his capacity of eorvic
as Travel Club," Outside
soloist, caused much merriment. The
their own immediate circle very little
heen known
Indian quack doctor, lauding; the
has about it. At present
inerits Of Ja," was as different in
its membership is quite large; their
meetings are held from house to house
character asinCpsturue,fromtheinourn-
fill young roan, sentimentaltzmg over
of its ineinbers, and many interesting
the relies of his del'arted 'Liza, who so
programmes have'been rendered.. On
quickly seceded him. The two re -
Monday from 3.30 p, in. to 0, Mrs. IV.'
S. Harland
maining soloists were Miss McMrirrav
Miss Croll.
entertained the members
and The forn)er sang very
of the Club and their friends to an "At
sweetly of the heroic little news girl
Home," Miss Boles gave it very in-
Maggie, whose news -boy companions
teresting and instructive paper on
touch their hats like 'restierms, when
"Canadian Birds," reading by Rev. Mr.
Maggle, passes by. Miss Croll's selec-
Harris, "11Trovator•,"feomVerdis'opera
tion "Waiting," it picture of it inaiden
by Mrs. Watts on the violin, ac-coulpan-
waiting in the darkenit.g woody fur her
ied by Miss McWhinney, solo "C'on,ing
belated lover was very sympathetically
of the King," by Mrs. Manning, Mr. N.
rendered. .Before "God Save the
Yellowlees, accorlipanlst. The pro-
ceedings were varied by it delightful
Queen" closed the evening's entertain-
i))ent.,tllereocellt'red an incident unit lie
repast which all thoroughly enjoyed.
in our experience of concerts. he
Souvenir hand -painted programmes
proceeds of the concert were devoted
were presented to each inemher of the
to the purchasing of the scenery then
Club by the President, Miss MCWhin-
decorating the hull. Mrs. Irwin in it
ney, whose departure from our town
short address presented it to Mr.
is deeply regretter) by the members of
Holmes as representative of the town,
the Club. These social "At Homes" in
and Mr. Holmes briefly and gratefully
connection with the various societies
appear to be a move in the direr.-
' replied. There appears to have been a
I slightmisunderstanding to the
Lion. Many persons are brought, to-
at these
s origin and ownership of this scenery.
It was by Miss
gether socia,rgatherings and
pleasant acquaintances made which
painted McWhinney
otherwise would not have been formed.
This concert was planned in order to
The rough corners of human nature
ire polished off and we ixiauy felinespractice
give enthusiasm and purpose in vocal
to her class of eight boys. As
find thatour neighbors a.re not as black
it further inducement to work, they
as some have painted them.
were promised whatever niOney night
be cleared by the concert. And these
BENE T CONCEIT. - The audience
boys being members of the mission
gat eyed in the town hall on the
agreed to devote it to missions.
evening of Thursdity, 22nd, thou1Wll not
This conce'i't was very successful, and
very large, was ver',y appreciative.
notwithstanding heavy expenses the
The prograrmne, provided entirely by
aniount of $10 wits cleared, and
Clinton talent, plainly proved that
wits handed to the boys, and, by them,
reciprocal entertainment like recipro-
to the Presbyterian Mission hand.
cal trade leaves everyone the richer.
The in+pression of some that t lie seen -
As Mr. Holmes was obliged to leave,
ery also gel )nged to the boys, is, en -
Mrs. It. Irwin took the chair. The
I lire u)istake.
'See OC,
ur Display of
Is complete and is beyond doubt tho prettiest assortment ever
shown here, you would think so too if you saw it. You'll want
a Hat let us supply your need. We are sure we could
please you.. Our '1lillintas have the requisite taste and skill to
trim to suit you and your purse as well. You'll be surprised at
frill'" tirrong of buyers at our Showroom) every afternoon and at
tire number of orders given; why not leave yours? You may feel
sure of having your wants promptly met.
KID Gloves.
The Great Kid
Glove Store.
The largest stock and the biggest sales are here. Our new Kid
Gloves for Spring are here ; direct from two of the best French
Glove makers of Grenoble, France ; and are, beyond doubt, the
best assortment and values ever offered to the trade here. In
the gat we show a range of nine new lines.
At 58c we offer you a 4 button Glove in tans and browns, worth 75o.
At 65c and 75c a No. 1 Children's Kid Glove, sizes 4 to 6.
At 75o a Ladies' 7 hook Lacing Glove, worth 90c, tans and browns.
At 95c is a Glove that has given every satisfaction, 7 hook, new shades in
brown, cheap at $1,15.
At $1 a 4 pearl button Glove in Tan, black stitched back and fancy to match.,
At $1 a 4 button guaranteed Kid Glove in Black. We have sold not ss good
for $1.25.
At $1 a cream washable 8 -button Glove,
At $1.25 we show a superb line both in black and colors. In Black Kids we
show the following colored stitched backs and facings with pearl buttons
to match : White, M'anve, Green and Gold. In colored Kids, Browns,
'.ns, Fawns and Gold, with stitched backs and facings in White, Brown,
Fick and light Blue, with pearl buttoha to match.
At tl .25 a I plain Biack or Tan Kid Glove, guaranteed.
At $135 the new Derby Glove in colors or La Chartrease in plain Black or
colors, ful l range of sizes, 5i to 8.
Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium. I
��a� *. ,y P•ll �;Iir l";i �M':h Mlr�i( c►H.li L,7i �'7J M1�k' AMMy..:; �,. NOT M r, Read
They are changed every week and contain important news to every reader. We al
ways nave something to say about our Business that is of interest to you. We are aiming
to make this t lie biggest store of the kind in Western Ontario, (if we have not already) and
to do so means big buying and big selling. When we can buy from the manufacturer in BIG
quantities we make a big saving, when we sell for Cash we can sell ou small margins. There
never was a time when people got such value as they are to -day, there never was a season
that we have done such a big business, we account for it simply because people realize they
call get no better value anywhere than they can from us. We are noted for ctirry ing, first.
class Goods and an old established House like ours can't afford to lose it's reputation by sell-
ing anything else. We want you to believe every word we say through the columns of this
paper- it's true.
Sijec I*al Purchase n
We tools advantage of an offer last week to clear out a big lot of
Children's and Boy's Suits .
at a big discount for Cash. It just suited us and they are here, just in the time when boys need to be fitted out. \Vo
can save every buyer in Boys Clothing who buy from us. The 3 Pc. Suits are great value at $3, $3,50 and $4-27 to 32.
Our 2 Pc. Suits, 22 to 28, 2$, $2 50 and $3, will be duly appreciated when such good wear can be got out of them.
This is the time when .a lot of nobby things can be got in 'PIES, we have all the new things,
Bicycle riders should come to us for everything they require. We have all the new things in BELTS, SWEATERS,
BOY'S CAPS IOe, 151x, AND 25e, Children's Tams in new style, assorted colors, 25c and 50z
18& -Everything we have mentioned above are New Goods just in. -VA
uim� 0
TA k5UN 11 8
The Famous Clothiers, Clinton.
u re0000 mge®eo
Of Dry Goods trews is worth your reading. It is printed to
tell you what we have to sell,
and how we sell it, That it is read by many we have ample
proof from the way the lilies
advertised every week are asked for and bought. Few stores keep the range of everything
in Dry Goods you find here. Few give you the variety to select from ; few keep the uni-
formly good qualities ; few give you the all round good values.
A big turpover, cash buying
and cash selling enables us to crowd prices for reliablequalifies down to the lowest notch.
What you buy here is good, and you don't pay too much for it.
Stylish Spring Hosiery
I Linen
stove the haveest,good d in
the hest values we have ever had in
Millinery -wow I e best values
Ladies' and Children's Cashmere Hose
It is an acknowledged fact that we
are now on our counters. Our Oash-
mere Hosiery is bought direct from the
have curried off the palm for the swel.
inak'ers in England. We pay no
wholesale house a profit, and are sell-
We sell good Linens and sell their)
itt close prices. These values erre spec -
lest Millinery Clinton hits ever seen,
Each da the
ing better goods for less money than
ever- before. These values are right,
ial and under regular-.
since opening our show-
y p g
try them.
Full bleached Damask Tabling
room has been crowded with custom-
Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, all
88 in. wide............ •........ 60a
ere, and the Easter rush nearly emptied
wool,full fashioned,sizes, 8h, 9, 91 20c
Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, all
Fineqquality, full bleached Damask
Tail) ing65 inch 65c
our showroom of millinery.
wool, frill fashioned, reg. 35c.
We have engaged extra skilled help,
quality, all sizes .................. 25c
60 inch loom bleached Damask Tab -
and in the course of a few days you
Ladies' all wool ribbed Cashmere
ing, regular 50c .................. 40c
will find the stock of ready Trimmed
Hosd................ ...... .... 25c
L,,tdiea plain black (itshroere Huse,
00 inch f bleached Damask Tabling,
Hate again complete. All through the
seamless, full spliced heel and toe,
Hue quality, regular 4be .... .... 33c
season the stock will be kept fresh by
the arrival of new goods. This week
automatic ankles, fashioned, 40c
value ........................... . c
85 inch bleached Damask Tabling,
we have opened New Hats, New Flow- i
Ladies Ribbed l a9hmeie HOAe,
spliced heel and sole, extra quail
good patterns .................. 29c
Extra lar a white Diaper rowels,
ers, New Ribbons, New Trimmings, I
and you will find in our showroom the I
t ... , , , • , , 39c
La ies' extra fine Cashmere ljose,
ID gl11a>lity, good value at 1211c 10c
very newest things in Millinery. I
double heel and sole, full fh hien-
ed, special value ..........* ...... 50c
Bleached lr,itheir Huck Towels, an
extra Nne gnalrty, 22x43 inches: • . 25c
F 'r
V ,
Carpet business is booming. The biggest stock, the
best patterns and best values in Ctttpets are here. It ;.�, ;
will be to yonr interest to see this stock before buying.
• � O � i The Dry Goods Palace,