HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 7SI I I �Ck��aC
Permanente Cnral
"I was troubled, a long time, with
nick headaelle. It was usually ac.
ponlpanied with severe pains in tl:e
telldples and siclintss at the Stow -
ash. I tried a gaud ►nany rouiedic's
rccohilnendecl for
t this complaint; br.t
it was not until I be -
I. "` gan tailing
Pills that I received
Fi ' r.
l-�. I.,; anything ]lice perJli:.-
ncilt bellelit. A bin -
box of these pills did tho w'urk
'f Ili re anti
aur now well 's
vat Il elan
I. IILTcull:os, East Aubnrn, iia.
For the rapid cure of Collstip:t-
tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nan-
, sea, and all disorders of Stomach,
Liver, and Bowels, take
"" �, . E" R 3
Cathartic Pilin
Medal and Diploma at World's Fair.
Ask your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
--- -------•--_—_—
he 111!ron News-Recora
I. 41.25a Yest-81.001n Advance
. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1897.
News Notes.
Last week the stable of Gen. Gardi-
ner, lot 21, concession 8, Mat•khanl
Was entered, and his bay mare, cart
and harness stolen..
A letter has been received by it pri-
vate citizen in Woodstock from Mrs,
Reginald Birehall, Mrs. Birchall is
now living in London, and as her
letter states, is in delicate health. tier
sister, Mrs. West -Jones, is also living
in London,
Mr. Edward S. M. Collett, acting
Surveyor of Customs, London, Out.,
died there last week after a long illness,
aged 71.
Russian prisoners for Siberia will in
future be taken to their destination by
train, and be thus spared the horrors
of the long march.
Mrs. Tillie Morgan, a Denver
Woman of martial spirit, insists on her
right to enlist in, the National Guard,
and is causing much trouble to the
Adjutant -General.
The ,body of General Grant wits re-
proved the other day from the tem-
porary tomb where it hits lain for
nearly twelve years to the imposing
mausoleum which is designed to be its
permanent resting place.
It is stated that Lord Wolsely, Com-
mapder-in-chief of the British forces,
will have to shortly retire on account
of ill -health. Lord Roberts and Sir
Redvers Buller are mentioned as
favourites for the succession.
A man about twenty-one years of
age jum•.aed cff the Upper Suspension
bridge a:'t Niagara Falls. He was seen
to strike the field of floe ice. The only
evidence left by hire was a brown Derhy
hat, with the maker's name inside,
nr- —
A Difficult Problem
Satisfa.ctolr'ily Solved
Iu the past, the ladies have had thous-
ands of dollars worth of valuablegoocis
I ruined through the use of inferior and
adulterated dyes prepared for hotue
dyeing. The greatest loss thitt we can
point to is in the coloring of Mixed
good s--firbri es composed of cotton and
!A wool, cotton and silk and silk and
", wool.
The manufacturers of Diamond Dyes
put up special dyes for tile coloring of
all mixed goods, giving colors that are
fast to soap and sunlight. Diamond
Dyes for mixed goods are the only re-
liable dyes in the world, and are all
I . guaranteed to du perfect work.
Every druggist and dealer of any
standing in Canada can supply you
with Diamond Dyes for mixed goods.
Do riot accept imitations or substitutes;
compel your dealer to give you the
3 "Diarncnd"
The floods at Emerson were very
serious. The water was several feet
deep in the centre of the, town, and
railway tracks were flooded in all dfree-
Mr. Henry J. Modlin of Hamilton is
.. dead as the result of swallowing it
brass -headed trick six years ago.
Spring is frill of terrors to all. whose
constitution is not able to resist the
sudden cbanges of .temperature and
other insalubrities of the season. To
put the'system in condition to over-
come these evils, nothing is so effec-
I. tive as Ayer's SarsrtpaEill, Take it
Adam Singer, a petietentiat'yy convict
from Wookstoek, conlrpitted, suicide
by cuttitil{ his arili with a piece of
'`,9 The stronghold of Gar,masep, Bech-
uanaland, has been 4aptured by the
1. Duke of Edinburggh's volunteer rifles.
11 Galishowe lost• three hundred horses,
(nany cattle arid many warriors. The
13r itishhad six wmmded,.w, '
i' nrepyoyourquestion do m
children object tcr`tt>[fng Scotts Emul-
'{sion, I say Noalr: ` .the contrary, they
A,• are fond of It .iy rt keeps them pic-
11 tures9f lieXh; . .•
It is • stated tlitit, 'tile .Dingly Tariff
"r .bill has been so'bilc)ced to pieces by the
; •„•. subrcomnittee':bf thh 1. Senate., and the
d4rties so reduced, that it is doubtful if
,r' the Senate will brass the bill. It is nn-
”, derstocid the Petroactive clause has
s; been eliminated.
Dr. Wm, Kempf, late of Lindsay,
(, Ont., but who had 116d in Peter-
borough, Ont., for the past year,• died
suddenly at his residence in the latter
town Wednesday of heart failure. He
was 130 years of age. I r
A Great Conlibl>utation. THE HIGHWAY. tree about 100 feet ahead of me.
_ .. _
ttuppad short, and yelled to hitn :
"Pile hlgbwuy It's, all bore and brown, 'Bary mahoo !, That means In to
A nalIed Ilue across the duwn, Indian langua•tr. 'l,`umne out.,
1CUru by a hundred hurrying feet. "('an you tall: Indian, too, •Doc'?' "
Tile ode of life along It tiocvs• asked the lush.'
And bony euwrs Iwd goes- knew
liber, Uuce the "i a few words belunging 1
Ilivv grass grew green tied tills Canadian tribe
awe, t, of Maxebushav,
'I lie world's fierce pulses beet. but L never• gal ,• a thurough slu ly t,
any ludiau lunguage except that d.t
Well fur rho hlghw:ty that It Iles the Slott, ."
'Tile p�Issngvwuy of gi't•ut ewprlse! "Lo, the [)"or ladian," ubserved til
Yet front Its (lust Ivlotl vulves cry-- tool, agent, ••\VhaI dict tills rn In b.:
1 , ice's ul' s"Yi greelt gr„wbt,; things lllnd the toles stty to you ?,
Trwuplc,l and turn fruul earth whlvh vlings "Well, he waited a 7, w inlnules and
'h,o closely, ultiu•tut-hiltg why then he catno out,,, said "leu.." "1
lid darling babas must dlel saw that he had it flesh haunch „
sly he:u•t's it 11'gtuvu,v, trodden venison strung; uver his shoulder, an l
doivn 1 decided to
!ty w;uly a tl•avvler of reuowu- have Hume or it. l went
tJrrl•e Ihuughl, uud burden-beurlug deeds. up t'> hint, and a=1;ed him the wav U
NAlta slroltg achleveweut's eltvuy fares, the river and the camp. He prcteud-
Ill, bttlghlltg Joys uud crowing cures, ed nut to understand, but 1 Lnew
Along the ru;td that wurldward leads— • better. Ile shuuk his head and sta, C
ultee rook with foolish woods. ed to go away turd 1 dropped my riil•�
and grabbed 11tin, but L didn't want
Ulud Is wy heart to hear them pass: to have any shooting. 1 didn't mount
ret suuu•lln t o k hie 711hv s • ,
• .l law [tills! L deadIndian. 1 v•
van Ilvv e
'1'wanted a ono,
The tr ode t thllt •. 1
The 6 6 Ivhu could show rnlP the way bafvh to
uurslug hopes Iholr Poet c:estluyed' (len. FUStt'I"
'iweet Ignot•aut drenws that youth (Ill. hunting lodge. First,
Juyed- I wrenched t}te gun out of his hands,
Ar u w• • -r•
ul blus� unu•t 1 Cher• and then c Ice n t It IIs w .5
t the lung year at
through- a giant Ll stature and very .trun';
\Could 1 c.,uld have them too! and I was weak Prune lack of food and
-LOU1hL BETTS EDw•AUDS. all that hard travel, but I got a h, 11
on him that I had learned in wle+t-
ling, and I landed him in the Sr.ow.
c`h! 1! tt"+f `�fh`�) `r. I got on top of him, an(], drawing
DOC A7 'l. ll L ! my knife, I pointed at his throat ani
. __ - -_. said : 'Now, will you Obey meT lie
nodded that he would, and so I let him
The "lush" was In the best humor up. I knew that these Indians ill -
when he joined the, evening group at ways carried matches or fllnt�, bli-
the Alfalfa European hotel• He had cause they were in the habit of cook -
enough morning penitence left In hdrn Ing food out in the forest. I kept
to make him grave and even ddgniflod. this fellow covered with my knife an -1
At the same time he had startod in made him build a fire and cook me
upon an evening accumulation, and some venison, which I ate with tome
had already become warmed into that enjoyment, you may be sure. By this
friendly mood whlch helps one to re- time the moon nvas up. I emptied his
alize twat all men are brothers, gun, and gave tt back to h;m, tend
"Good evening, gentlemen," said the then I told him to lead me to the
"lush," and he said It as if It were the cam P, Ile struck off through the for -
preliminary to an oration. est, and I followed him, Well, sir,
"Good evening, sir; good evening," we traveled all night and about 9
responded "Dae" Horne, with a sir gilt o'clock next morning reached the
inclination of the head. lodge. They had given me up f r
"Sit down and make yourself miser- lost. Yes, sir, all the eastern Papers
able," said the lightning dentist, who had me dead, but that was one time
could be entel-Lalning at times I fooled 'em. I learned alter I P'ot
"Come join the feast of reason and back that the thermomeker had regis-
the flow of soul," added the book ag- tered 40 below."
er,t, who could be original, if nut en- - --
tertaining. "'What became of the two men who
• Su e, that's right," added the b:cy- started out with you ?•' asked till
Cie swlesman, lightning dentist.
The "lush" seated himself, and ask- "Oh, they got hack all right by fol
ed : '•Well, gentlemen, what is thi• lowing the river. A funny thing
subject under discussion?" about that experience. The Indian re -
"We were just thinking about the maiped at our Judge a couple of days
cold weather, and :'aying that it must and became very much attached to
bc• pretty tough on some peuple," sail me. Afterward, when I went up
the lichtnibg dentist, there, he acted as guide for our party."
"There's nothing personal in this, is "Doc" ceased talking, and the "lush"
there ?" asked the "lusrh." gave one 1001, at the lightning dentist,
"Certainly not," sald the lightning as If to indicate that he way hell leas
dentist, laughing. "Doc" Iiortne churl,]- with admiration,
ed, and the large book agent smiled
in a conservative mann 'Th caro c•. •>>
e[ as if he e doctor appears i .e
nl 5 to . - a m .n
feared to cumpronnise his professional who has had remarkable experienvc.;,•'
dignity, said the book age nt, later in the ever: -
The bicycle young' man was puzzlc-3. Ing when "Dor" had gone to his room.
He did not see why the laugh cam : "You don't half know him yet," Fairl
in, so he settled back in his chair and the "lush." "Ile's been a capitalist,
tried to think it out. The task wa•i a Government scout, a circus ttunbl,,r
long, and difficult, for rte said but a and a steamboat pilot.'•
few words during the remainder of "And an actor," added the li�htn:ng
Lhe evening. "' dentist.
"I don't think there is much suffer- "And an opera singer."
Ing, now that the weather has modar- "And a : tage driver."
ated," said the "lush." "And an author."
"I hope not," said "Doc" Horne. "Why he's been everythln-. Tf
"It's a terrible thing to be cold and you don't bellcve it, rile him nl,oul it.
hungry for days at a time. I can tali He'll tell you."-C;hicago News.
you that. If any Of you gentlemen'
ever go through what I did you'll ap- News Notes. -
preciate that, tOo."
"How's that, 'Doc,'"' asked the Mr. Costigan denies the rumor that
"lush." he intended going over to the Liberals,
"I thought I lead told you of my ex-
perience in the w'iuters of '67 and 'G3,• Mr. John Whitmap; (Hite of the most
when I was inuu. e hunting with Goll. prosperous farmers of Glcugarry, died
Foster up in c'anada. No ? 1V e; 1, Friday,
we had a party of gentlemen fn'm The jury returned it verdict on
New York 1
and Phl'adelphia with us. Saturday at Toronto in the case of
The weathdr ryas, I;ittcrly cold, but
w'e were living; in til;• General's hent d'Ivey v. the Toronto World, award-
ing cL
Ing lodge and we managed to Ice •u pJU,fl damages to the plaintiff.
comfortable. One clay I was out with Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick of
a party, and w•e weir up on the Sesst- Ontario Itis improved ,earl
kuuchee Itiver•-" p' greatly aurin g
"\V'at's the nam^, 'DocT " asked the the past week, and sailed for home
.. Wednesday.
lightning dentist.
••The Sessik,-agile,--Indian name, The floods at A:uierson and ,Morris
you know. It nrtaus 'lofty pine.' I are increasing, LVI -s: None, wife of it
rne,iiad New Yuri: with
and were German settler, was drowned while
me, and we av kings m
utrailno a moos"-
had been on the trail for leve cal trying to escape to higher ground
hours. I cr0ssct the river on the is , near Emerson.
to take up what :ecmed to be'a ii'•x Mr. Benjamin Batson, Collector of
trail, and I got s,-parated from my ton Customs in Ottawa, .died suddenly
friends. 1 suppose 1 was intent rill Tuesday morning of pneumonia, Ile
following this trail, a.nd that's wiry I molts sixty-five Years of age.
pair] so little attention to the wcath-i,
The first thing 1 knew• thr snow be- P. J. Waters, editor and proprietor
gan to fall, and I di:-c•overed that the of the Ridgetown Standard, died on
sky was overcast, with every indica- Monday. 11e was stalwart liberal in
tion of a blizzzard. I started b.u•ic politics and in religion it Rohan ('a -
along the trail, but in ten minutes the tholic.
was filled �
air• with blinding n l
n f ansa• a
the wind was blowing a perfect hurri- Kell Y• the Somnrerworth murderer,
cane among the trees. Of course It arrested at Montreal, consented ten rU
was impossible to see far in any di- back with the Sheriff without extritgi-
rectiun, but I kept on, and thoughl tion, and left in charge of the Arneri-
I was going toward the river, I knew can officers,
if I struck the river I could find til
house all right. Darkness came on- The Toronto members of the Hou e
I had no idea it was so late -and th,. Of Cunnnons Wednesday presented
wind came from the northwest an,I mon.ter petitions signed by Toronto
out me to the very hone. I walked hicy^lists asking that Canadian rail -
and walked and walked, but I didn't way be compelled to carry bicycles as
come to the river, and then I realized personal luggage.
that probably I had been w•aIk'ng
away from It all the time. Of course Arthur Bond, a young unan living in
my inciinatian was to sit down and Cobom'g, Ont., and Stevens, the c•hitII
rest, but I knew I didn't dare to do of the fire brigade, have been arrested
that or I'd freeze to death," on the charge of being implicated in
"It must have been awful," said the the Durhaln house stable fire, which
bicycle young man. happened a few nights ago.
"Well, it wasn't any pleasure ex ,
cursion. Fortunately I found a hill Spring cleaning is the Order of the
low tree where I could roil myself. day, Thongh, the ineircury still hangs
I got in there and wrapped my fur low, the hot weather will soon horst
coat around me, and managed to keen upon its, and if the whaer's accuutulat-
fairly warm until morning. By that
time the wind had gone down and th' tion of filth and garbage is not dispns-
coir) was ,something tntense, pf I ed of before the boated term begins it
hadn't been so hardy and athletic T may easily become a source of disease,
suppose T , never would have lived Every householder owes it not only,tcn
through it. I got out, took my bear- himself but to his neighbors to clean
Inge from the sun, and started on n up as quickly as possible.
run to find the fiver, I had to run
to keep from freezing. Of course i . - -
stfll carried my rifle, and I also had a An Ant Fifteen Years 01d.
hunting knife; but I didn't have any John Lubbock tho naturalist, has
matches to start a fire with. About Sir
10 o'clock that morning I shot a tab- been experimenting to find out how
bit, but of course I couldn't cook it, Ting the common ant wobld live If
sq I had to content myself with drink- k;pt cut of harm's way, says the
Ing a little of the blood." Scienttfle American Cent August 8'.
The bicycle young man gasped aril 18'x£, an ant which had been thus kept
shivered, which led "Doc" to lay : and tenderly cared for died at the age
"You would have been glad to get -it," of 15 years, which is the greatest age
"I should think It would be hard any species of insect has yet been
wort, to rum In the snow," said the known to attain, Another individual of
lfghtning dentist. the same species of ant lived to the
"Not if you had snoWshoes," said advanced age of 13 years.
'T7oc," with an amused smile.
"Oh. I didn't know you had snow. Animal Instinct at Fault.
shoes, ' Many persons still believe that the
"I didn't have any when I clarted, in=llnct of animals pre:•erves them
Ou Lis arrival in Sydney, Australia,
In the original preface to hie "Cunfes-
810118," Do Quiooey say@ that Mr. Ad -
some weeks ago our tOwnsmau, All',
diugton, an Uuder—Secretary of State
Geo, T. Fulford, interviewed by a re-
and brother to the first Lord Sid
porter for the Evening News of that
mouth, once said to hin) that he felt as
city, gave some interesting atatistirs
if rat8 ooei'e gnalUinf Cit the Coat Uf his
relative to the vast business which ho
4-Aacle. Some time afterwards poor
new controls and much of the succuss
Do Quineey entertained the same idea
of which lie is not backward in atm-
about himself,. and went to professor
buliug to printers ink. Among other
Wilson fur advice. Observing his
thiuga Mr. Fulford said :-"I consider
patient's morbid mental condition, the
newspaper advertising far and away
professor said, "De tluuincey, I am
the best of bringing anything under
shocked' at you. Yuu say you have an
the notice of the public, and so ate a
animal in your stomach, and that he
large advertiser in all the principal
guawa you. Why shouldn't het He
papers in the civilized world that re
is hungry. Feild him and he won't
ceive advertisements. Altogether the
botherY ou." And tho Professor at
Pink Pills are advertised in about 30,- .
once administered a bowl.of hot soup.
000 newspapers in America, Great
Britain and the Continent of Europe,
yet this "gnawing" drove Adding-
La year spent st ye I epi over 00, and
ton, and also"gn Dugan of Carlisle,
this year I estimate epeuding about
the use of opium, while Do uince
$700,000,or• at the rate of nearI3 $9,000
was a well-known devotee of that fear -
a day. That amount, I thick, will
ful drug. How many others have be -
make the Pink Pills the largest adver-
come opium eaters from the same
tiled article in the world. There may
cause Why, almost half the letters
be a medicine more largely advertised,
we receive mention that "gnawing"
but I don't know what it is. Last year
sensation; but, thank IIeaven, the
four million boxes containing about
writers Have been cured before being
200 million pills were sold, and up.
tempted to resort to a palliative which
wards of 50 million books printed in
is a thousand times worse than the
13 or 14 languages were distributed in
different parts of the world. The
"In the summer of 1889," says one,
largest turnover is in the United
"I began to feel weak au'i ailing, I
States, but in proportion tothe popula•
was tired, languid, and feeble. 'There
tion Canada comes first and Great
seemed to be no life or ambition left
Britain next, My headquarters are in
in me. After every meal I had great
Brockville, Ontario, Canada, and there
pain at 'lay side 'and chest, and a hor-
are depots in the United States, Great
rible gnawing sensation in my stomach.
Britain, France, Brazif, Argentine
Often I could get no ease until I lied
Republic, Cape Town, Sydney, Mel.
vomited all the food I had taken. Aa
bourne, Brisbane, and Honolulu, be-
time went on I grow weaker and wet k -
sides agencies in a large number of
er until L was absolutely good for
towns, where the population is not
nothing, so far as work or respousibil-
su(liciently large to warrant a depot."
ity were concerned. None of the
Speaking of his trip he said, "I loft
many medicines I used lied power to
America some four months ago for
relieve the constant pain from which I
the purpose of making a circuit of tine
world in connection with the business
"This was my miserable state when
of the company, and have already
in September, 1893, a gentleman ad
travelled about 17,000 miles, and spent
vised my father to induce me to try
furty-three days on steamers I intend
Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup. The
remaining about six weeks in Sydney,
suggestion was a welcome one, and I
and will return home by one of the
got a bottle from Lewis's, in Market
'Frisco steamers, which will mean
Street, Manchester, and after using it
another twenty-three days on the
Y y
one y one week I felt much better. A
water. I stopped to visit the depots at
bottle of two more completed the good
London, Paris, Egypt and Ceylon, and
work. The sickness and pains in the
intended spending a month in India,
stomach ceased, and I waa able to eat
but gave up the idea owing to the out-
with a relish and digest without dif .
break of the plague. I caught the
culty. I was well as ever, and am
Arcadia at Colombo, and had a most
glad to give the credit of my recovery
enjoyable trip across, to Australia.
to Mother Seigel's Syrup, (Signed)
Captain Doggin did all he could to
(Miss) Mary Williamson, Bispham,
make things pleasant and comfortable
near Blackpool, August 1st, 1894,"
for the passengers, and was a general
"My daughter Jane now seventeen
favorite with all on board. We re-
years old," writes another, "was al-
mained but a short time at Adelaide,
ways a strong, healthy girl u`p to
so that I had no time to see the city.
Whitsuntide of this year, 1894. Then
We had a couple of days at Melbourne
she complained of feeling tired, weary,
and I wta much struck with the mag-
and languid withaut any reason, so far•
nificent buildings it contained, but
a3 we could see, Some strange com.
thought business there rather dull.
plaint appeared to' have seized upon
entering Sydney Harbor I wall
her, She had a sinking, all -gone feel.
i rather surprised at its magnitude, and
ing and a constant inclination to be '
the natural beauty of the scenery.
Some Sydney gentlemen, who were
sick. What little she ate gave her
pain, especially e gear it
returning iron a trip to England,
sensation at the stomach t was hard
pointed out to we many beautiful
to bear. Her hands and fent \ re cold
picture spots that otherwise I would
end clammy, and she teas pa a and
probably have missed. Your harbor
has a reputation in America of being
the finest in the world. and I think it
"As 3voek after week passed she be,
fully deservea the title. I have seen
carne so frail and'delicate I was alarm -
the pifneipal one the world, but
ed about her. None of the medicines
none finer I than ort Jackson. Its
we tried having any good effect, I
reminds mo somewhat of the
concluded to administer Mother
Seigel's Curative Syrup, which I had
Thousand Islands in the River St•
read of in a little book that bad been
left at the house. Getting a bottle
-^ -
from Messra,,Jackson's Drug Stores at
News Notes.
Lark Hill, my daughter began to use
London, Out., willinvite the interns_
it Whop it was half gone I
tional convention of the Young Men's
saw a great improvement in her.
Chvistain Associations to meet there in
Her food agreed with her, and she en -
The Cabinet passed an order -in -Coon-
cil making the `22nd of June the date
joyed it. A few week's more use of
the Syrup and the faintness, sickness,
for the diaulond jubilee celebration all
and gnawing sensation disappeared,
g g pp ,
®ver the Dominion.
and she got tack her health and
Miss Palnfille Johnson, tile. Indialn
strength, (Signed) d(Mrs.) Margaret
poetess and elocutionist, who has been
Hall, 89, Anvil Street, Blackburn,
at the point of death Pram diphtheria
September 14th, 1894,"
at Brantford, is now out of danger.
W. J. Reid Co.'s Crystal Hall
That "gnatvmg selzsation" is one of
London was partly burned. The lossP'
the numerous symptoms of the prevail.
.is very heavy.
ing disease of civilization -indigestion
Mr. Geo. flume's Safe was blown
and dyspepsia. It means hunger(not
open by crtcksrnen at Milton, arid the
appetite.) The body is starving, and
night wateburau exchanged shots with
one of the unwelcome visitors.
the disease forbids food. No wonder
Thespinners at the Canadian color
ed Cotton Mills tit Cornwall struck
great men (and lesser ones too) have
compared it to living animals devour-
against a reduction of wages, and the
them, Often does it drive'people
B p ople
mills were closed, throwing 700 or 800
to drink and to opium. Don't let that
hands out of work.
hally)en to you. Neither will cure it.
Sarah Johns Young -Morrison was
Da as thousands have learned to do -
sentenced to three months' imprison-
nleut at London fQr bigamy.
take Seigel's Syrup and cure the dis-
For Colchester• county, N.$:, TuesdAy
Mr. Firman McClure, L'ibe'ral,' `Dr.
ease. That will atop the, "gnawing"
ease' stop it for good.
D.,14I. Muir, Conservative, "were. nomi'n-
ated for the House of Commons,
tin. Insane Cana.#iotl Girl.
A Woodstock deputation applied to
Mr. Tarte for it new public
guff,tto, N. Y,, Apri120.-Annie May
fur the't.own. The :YlinisteT•gave diem
gave tfiem
Roberts, a domestic, aged 2.3, who
avery encouraging reply.
carne berefrom Lindsay, Ont.; about it
The Turks have captured the Greek
Potts at 'Milouna and Tyrnav'o. A
.y,ear ago, has been arrested on
a charge insanity, Her father is
pitched battlewas fought, with splen-
did determination, at Larissa:
i ham and it is yl6ir.tLittt her mother is
h an insane asylum r Toronto, She
Mr. Britton, M. P,, fins presented a
has been acting strongly for some
time, She became infatuated with a
ppetition for an tic,t to ..t4,Qhibit the ex-
hihition in Canada kinetoscope
young man tit sight, and has several
of pie-
tures of the Corbett -Fitzsimmons fight.
tittles said that she had dreamed that
she was married to him. Last Tues -
Mr. Davin proposes, when the Fran-
clay she waited on tho breakfast table I
chile bill reaches the committee .stage,..
to move tin amendment that will with.
wearing a white own, white shoes and- 1
'white {doves. It *as goOLt seen that I
in certain limits confer the franchise
the unfortunate girl was demented.
upon women.
She was examined by Police Surgeon t
The Dominion Govermnent has de-
,idea to pntan ainountin the estimates
Fowler, who pronounced her insane,
and she was sent to the Buffalo State
to pay the outstanding debts in con-
Hospital to day,
vection with the Regina Industrial
Exhibition. The indebtedness amounts
to fourteen thousand dollars.
Mr. David Robertson, livingg near El
was swindled Out of X180 by three
A cablegram from London states
that while Lietlt.-GovernorKirkpatrick
sharpers who worked the land -par•
chase game on him.
suffered a slight relapse since his de-
parture from Brighton, he has since
Mr. McLennan's bill to compel rail-
lmproved, aild it is his intention to re-
way companies to issue second-class re-
turwtickets at reduced fare was thrown i
turn home by the StAr line
steamer Majestic.
out Wednesday by the railway Com -
mittee of the Dominion Parliament,
I made a rough pair Out of some
frp.m certain acet8ents, and that they
ong twigs knotted together with a
never eat anything that is injurious to
,Incl of wiry grass that grows up
ti em. Well -instructed persons have
there. With this pair of shoes I could
long known that In thla regard ant -
nal,. four miles an hour across the
mals are no better off than men, A
nnw• T kept at it nearly as d9y,
chicken does not hesitate to drink
Only stopped to rest twice, if I remPm-
paint; a cow partakes of water In
ber correctly, but I was off in my eat-
.which bags containing nitrate of soda
rullations, for T didn't find th,, river,
have been washel• ducks strangle and
might have been a mile Or it might
clioke In swallowing sr:ails.
nave been fifteen miles away -1 didn't
riv. When it began to get dark
I'll admit that I was a little
"To Bueh Base Uses," Ete.
The only thing that kept
rote estate in England which was
me warm all day was my running,
onoe the home Of the ancestors of
and, of course, by this time. I was
G,ecrge Washington has been sold for
moire or less tired. Well, sir, It was
thio purpose of making a cemetery out
a funny thing. I had cut through a
of it. It Is situated in the county of
Lttle ravine and was starting up the
Durham and Is Called W�blington Rall.
side, when I •saw an Indian
Trite hAatoric mansion to now ti:ivided UP
in a fur suit, jump behind a
_ . ...,. .--,.Zr.*
and used as a 'tienbmlent house.
___ _�___�_....,
I T1 Ladies of Constanhlnople.
It was amusing to see negressest with
the thickest of lips veiled. All the
protty faces were more or less pnlnt-
ed and the eyelids and eyebrows p n-
cilled, The quality of the paint show-
n ed the quality of the -ady. 1'uar wr.-
men daub themselves with horrid pig -
merits. No Turkish gentien.an g - es
out to walk with his wife ; to do so
would be counted iii tine highest dE,-
r gree absurd. At must she is followed
by a slave. But wrapped up in the
ugly black silk fevidje, she can go
where she pleases and alone. No man
would dream of looking at a veiled
f I"y in a feridje. Weie a Gaiour to
scan her face he would run a risk of
being massacred. Shopping Is a fergi-
nine pastime ; another Is bidding it'
captions, whit. -Il, of course, ladles only
attend. Munching sweetmeats renders
ConsLantinople belles grus,sly fat while
still young, and rather spoils their
teeth. All over the bast teeth are
even white and o medium • e d
[ tum sig an
mouths well -shaped. The are m arils
made far laughter, gourmandize, and
sensual love. Eatstern women are far
better looking in youth than Western.
Those of Stamboul are the least grace-
ful. They are seldom neat about the
t ankles. Their stockings are not well
` g
I drawn up, their shoes area world to
big, and their gait is heavy and shuf-
fling. -London Truth,
JaplUlese Self•yacritice,
On board the Matsushima, one man.
who had been shot in the abdomen,
and whose intestines wc•1•e protruding
from the gaping wounds, refused to be
oarried to the etirgeon's ward, because.
he said, he did not want to take any
of the fighters from their work to car-
ry him below. Another, after having
had his body burnt out of all recog-
nition In attempting to extinguish a
fire, stood by helping all he could till
the flames were put out, when he died.
A third, mortally wounded, man, whose
every gasp brought forth a gush of
blood, would not close his eyes until
he had told a comrade where the key
of an important locker was and what,
-the locker contained. A chief gunner,
whose underjaw had been E.hot away,
and who, of course, could not
utter a word, signed ,to a subordinate
with a nod to take his place, and f:41
dead after he had placed the handle
of the gun lever In his subordinate's
hand. -Heroic Japan.
FiChting the Departmental "toren.
In attempting to fight the big de-
, partment stores Chicago merchantx
are simply butting against an idexor-
able law of economics. The men who
are crowded to the Nall in the Ciera,.
struggle of business competition ai-e
deserving of all sympathy. They are
wrecks from the cyclone of our com-
petitive system. The conflict, how-
ever, is inevitable. It is one phase of
the larger warfare which is changing
the entire face of the Nation's indus-
tries. The department store and the
trust spring from common soil. The
movement of concentration comes in
obedience to the relentless law of sup-
ply and demand. The department
store, by concentrating its f(irees, can
deliver goods cheaper than the irndlvi-
dual merchant. Hamper its workinn��gg
forbid its very existence, and this mbUd
ern labor -saves yet will find means to
obey the inexorable demands of social
economy -Illustrated American,
Trv, Try Again
FoT hiccoughs, a small, piece of Ice.
Or, a lump of sugar `vet with •vine-
. gar.
For the beginning of a -felon, wrap-
ping cotton around the finger, wet In
camrDhor gum dissolved In alcohol.
For a burn, wetting cloths in one
small teaspoonful of soda in one pint
of equal parts hot water and milk.
For lime in eye, a weak solution of
vinegar, followed by olive oil dropped
For choking, raising the right arm
For a abscess, a linseed poultice.
For torpid liver, eating a lemon, be-
fore breakfust, for a week.
Or drinking the juice of half a lemon
in a cup of hot water before breakfast.
For insomnia, rubbing the flesh, at
night, briskly with a flesh brush.
For scalds or burns, baking soda.
Money For the Siberian Railroad.
In regard to the appropriatdorw
made for carrying on ,the great SLberl-
an Railway, the report of the Russlam
Minister of Finance says: The budget
for 1897 assigns 65,000,000 rubles for the
' continuation of this work. Thus, since
the commencement Of the railway one-
s half of th•e sum requisite for this
Istupendous undertaking has already,
been assigned. From the state of pro-
gress one may expect that in 1893, or
at any rate in 1899, the Stbel•lan Rall -
way wall reach the Amoor from bath
ends, and, united by a service of Yost
i steamers along this river, will form a
1 direct line of steam communication
across the whole of Si-beria to the
Pacific Coast.
Deformed Fingers In Criminals.
According to La Medicine Modern
Dr. P. Penta has studied the fingers
and toes of 4500 criminals, and finds
a defraleney in the size ar number o8
toes very frequent among them, al-
though very rare among ordinary men.
He also olbserved that prelrenstUe toes,
marked by a wide apace betwen the
great toe and the second toe is a Con-
dition quite common among cri meals,
also a webbed condition of the toes,
an approximation to the toeless feet
of some savages. The little, toes are
also rudimentary in m,a:ny cases, show-
ing a tendency toward the four toed
animal foot; but the most Common of
ani the abnormalities waa the wetblied
condition orf the toes.
Football in Creat Britain.
Football Is immensely popular in
Great Britain, and every half holiday
the game sittracts the attention of call
classes of people. An International
game in Glasgow, between teams to -
presenting Socotland and England, ait-
tr wted a crowd of 57,000 people, the
gate receipts amounting to upwards of
$15,000. At another game near London
there were 55,806 spectators. It Is a
weekly oceurrenye In the large York-
shire and Lancashire towns for a
crowd of 20,000 to 30,000 people to
watch a game, the prices of adm ialsolon
ranging from five cents to 50 cents. in
some towers the stores are closed dus.
Ing the progress Of the gaane.
A Vegetable Meat,
In Japan they have what may be
called vegetable meat. The substance
is called in the vernacular "torfu." It
consists matnly of protein matter of
the soya bean, and is claimed to be
easily digestible and as nutritious as
meat. Torfu is as white as snow, aftd
is sold in tablets; it tastes somewliat
like fresh malt. -'Good Housekeeping.
Loarnina to Say "No."
"Learn to say no," said the teach -r,
"and when you grow up you will be -=f
"I know," interrupted, an urchin.
"'Well, Johnny; tell them what they
will grow up to be."
"Prohibitionists," was the bland ro
sponse.-Adams' rreemazi.