HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 6SPECIFIC
"Since childhood, 1 have been
afflicted with scrofulous boils and
sores, which caused ale terrible
auiferinnpllysicraus were ratable
to help ale, and 1 wily grew worse
under their entre.
s' At length, 1 began
to take
Sarsaparilla, a n d
very soon grew bet-
ter. After ushig
a half a dozen bottles
v I was completely
cured, so that I have not had a boil
or pimple mt any part of lay body
for the last twelve years. I can
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla as the very best blood -purifier
in existence." -G. T. REINHART,
Myersville, Texas.
an. S111111111rMTE
Sees Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
The Huron News-Re3ora
1 25 a Yaar—$1.00 in Advance
The Laurier Party Do Not
For some years Tfrh: NEws-R.EcoRD
has been goingg to several Depitpturents
-it Ottitwa,. The paper was required in
order to protect the masses. For the
convenience of officials and in order
that the taxpayers of this Dornfuiwn,
Grit and•Tory alike, should he secured
from loss, these fely copies were .vent.•
With •t change of Government, how-
ever, the French Laurier party camot
conceive that the laborer, mechatnic,
merchant or farmer should be consider-
ed. Every Tory, no matter what his
station, must have his head chopped off
Iry Laurier and his gang: The dollar
servant receives the "chickens" intir-
clerous sentence as freely as the big
sthtried official. And in Liturier and
his party exhibiting such partisanship
they are simply beheing their past
utterances and professions. In the past
the Reform party and its leaders have
preached from the house tops and in
the byways toleration, frecdoill and
liberty, and have declared that all and
,undry individuals would' he given
.IUSTICE. On the contrary we tind
Conservative officials being dismissed
eight and left without judge or jury;
dismissed from positions which meant
�.. the very life sand substance of there -
selves and their 'families-meri who
had served their country many years
faithfully and who are too old now to
tnake it fresh start in life. This hits so
far been the "liberality" demonstrated
by the Laurier Grit party. If you are
a Grit you are of the chosen household:
if a Tory, the ban will be placed on yon
and your head officially choyped off.
However, wit hall these unholy depar-
tares by the Laurier party from what
is, JUSTICE, THE NEws-RECORD predicte
a day of retribution,a day that will cer-
tainly overtake the band of office tiend.
and Bend rulers. Just to illustrate the
greatness and broad-mindedness of the
rulers of Canada to -day we reproduce
an official letter received the other
clay. Here itis :-
Dr,AR SIR,—I am advised that copies of your
piper are being sent to the parties whose ad
dresses are glTen below, and who declare that
they are no longer subscribers to the paper.
I beg, therefore, to call your attention to the
following regulation of the Department bearing
wt- the matter, viz; that "for purposes of free
postage no person is to be considered as a sub
r,criber who declares that the period for which
he subscribed to a given paper has expired,
that, he has paid for that period, and that he
refuses to receive the paper or other periodical
any longer." Provission is mace also that, the
office of origin may be instructed not to forward
the paper to such persons free.
Please give this matter your attention
The following are the persons referred tc
bove:Department Railways and Can-
als. Ottawa.
For some time THE NEws-RrcoRD
has not been going to the address
which we are requested to cancel. The
subscription, however, has riot yet
been pard. If Laurier and his party
are acting on this line all the
way through, then all we have to say
is "God help every being with whom
he has any dealings.'' And weave bold
enough to in(e all Government
Impure blood is the natural result of
close confinement in house, school
room or shop.
Blood is purified by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, and all the disagreeable results
of impure blood disappear with the use
of this medicine.
If you wish to feel well, keep your
blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
HOOIN PILLS are the best family
cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle,
reliable, sure.
An amusing incident occurred the
tither day at the Talbot street school
London. The teacher in dismissing
his classes flvst asked all who were
Irish to go. Tiro or three rose and
,vent out. He then asked those who
were Scotch to go, and several more of
the children left the room. When
thryse who were CariMians were told
to go there was a general movement
toward the door. One little girl only
kept, her seat. The teacher went up to
her and said "Well, Lottie, what. sit,(,you?" in it serious tone the little girl
replied, "I'm a Metbodist."
That, tired feeling is due to inipover•
;shed blood. I(:nrich the blood with
flood's Sarsaparilla and be strong and
The Mysteries of gra prtek of Cards.
The Combined
A private soldier by the name of
1tiohard Lee was taken before a rnagis•
Of Europe may blockade the G1
trate recently for playing cards during
the Special Cuts Ave are offerin
a lir ane service. It appears A sergeant
commanded the soldier at church, and
chasing elsewhere.
when the parson had read the prayer,
he took the text. Those who had a
Bible took it out, but tills soldier had
N. N Robson, Gr(
neither Bible or common prayer book,
but pulling out a pack of cards, he
spread them before him. He juat look•
ed at one card and than at another.
lMay Develop a Sensation.
The sergeant of the company saw him
and said :—
"Richard, put up the cards; this is
A very sudden death is recorded in
no place for them."
Stratford. Mrs.Buchanan wifeof Roland
"24ever mind that," said Richard.
Buchanan, Ontario street, died about
MY) on Saturday, after it brief illness.
When the service was over, the con-
The deceased had not been feeling very
stable look Richard before the mayor.
well for about it week back and wits
taken rather worse Friday morning
"Well," said the mayor, "what have
but was able to be about and no serious
you brought the soldier here for V
results were thought of until Saturday
morning. when it was quite evident
"For playing cards in church,"
that she was very sick and it doctor
Well, soldier, what have you got to
Nyas summoned, but the patient was
past all medicial aid and passed away
say for yourself I
shortly after. Her husband and a
" Much, air, I hope,"
family of six mourn her loss, the old-
est of tyhom is about thirteen years
"Very good. If not, I will punish
and the youngest two yearn. to make
than man Was BVtlr UD19h-
you n10r0 p
(motel's worse Mr. Buchanan lost all
arm some few year -.3 ago and Mrs.
Buchanan was almost the sole support
"I have been," said the soldier,
of the family. An inquest was held.
"about six weeks on the march. I
- -
have neither Biblein coalman prayer
tt tt
book. I have nothing but a pack of
cards, and I'll satisfy your worship of
the put ity of my intentions."
And spreading the cards before the
Tice Name and Reputation
mayor, he began with the see—
When I see the ace, it reminds me
W1010 JUUG4.
there is but one God. When I see the
a�1!' J
deuce, it reminds me of Father and
Son. When I see the tray, it reminds
me of Father Son and Holy Ghost.
Paine's Celery Compound Estab-
When I sae the four spot, it reminds
tuo of the four evangelists that Preach-
lishes Safety, Health and Strengh.
ed -Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
When I meet the five it reminds ane of
the five wisevirgita that trimmed their
Never Allow Any Dealer to Persuade
lamps -there were ten, but five were
You to Take Something Else.
foolish, and were cast out, When
I see the six, it reminds me that in six
days God made heaven and earth.
"P°'teas!" Glorious talismanic
1Vhon I see the seven, it reminds me
name that epea wealth of 1 ops
that on the seventh day Ile rested from
and hearth to thhee thousands of disease•
the great work He had created, and
burdened men and women !
hallowed it. When I see the eight,
it reminds me of the eight righteous
"Paine's !" Marvellous healer that
persons that were saved when God de•
cures when all other medidines fail !
stioyed the world viz : Noah and his
"Paitio's!" Thou bright loadetar of
wife, with three eons and their wives.
; the despondent that bringest a world
When I see the nine, it reminds me of
of joy and llew life after the doctors
the nine lepers that wars cleansed by
have declared the case to be incur -
our Saviour—there were nine out of
ten who never returned thanks.
VV hen I see the len, it reminds me of
Now is the time to use Paine's Celery
the ten commandments which God hen.
Compound if you would be well,
ded down to Moses on tablets of stone.
happy and hearty.
When I see the King, I am reminded
The heart, kidneys, liver, stomach—
of the Icing of Heaven, which is God
all these great organs with the majority
Almighty. When I see the Queen, I
of people are out of order in the spring
Bill reminded of the Queen of Sheba,
tinfe, and call for aid o'ud repairing so
for she was as wise a woman as Solo-
that their work may be properly
mon was a man, She brought with
her fifty boys and fifty girls, all dressed
If you have any of these organs out
in boys' apparel, for King Solomon to
of repair your whole nervous system is
tell which Were boys and Which were
out of -gear and your life is in peril.
girls. King Solomon sent for water
Paine's Celery Compound gives
for them to wash ; the girls washed to
perfect action to the heart and other
their elbows and the boys to their
important orgate; it makes pure blood,
crista, so King Solomon told by that."
gives perfect digestion, seeet sleep,
"Well," said the mayor, you have
and puts you in a condition of vigor
given a good description of all the
and strength that enables you to battle
cards except one."
against the heat of suwmer and all the
"What is that?"
epidemics that may arise.
,-The knave," said the mayor.
-Iiemember that "Paine's" is the
"I will give your honor a descip.
kind thateuree. lofuso thesomething
tion of that, too, if you will not be
just as goud that some dealers would
offer you. Ask for Paine's Celery
"I will not," said the mayor, "if you
Compound and see that you are sup
do not term me to be the knave."
plied with it,
"Well," said the soldier, "the great•
A shareholders' rueetingof the Park -
eat knave I know is the conetllbla that
hill Mineral Oil Syndicate was held at
brought me here."
Hawkshaw's hotel, Exeter, I1londay
"I do not know, said the mayor, if
afternoon. Twenty-five of the Wshare-
he is the greatest knave, but I know
holders were present. Plenty of capi.
he is the neatest fool."
tall was subscribe3 with which to pros -
ecute explorations for a month. It
`lWhen I count how many spots
I was decided to incorporate larder the
there ore in a pack of cards, I find
'lame of the Sylvan Oil Company of
three hundred and sixtyfive-Fla man y
Ontario (Ltd.) The Syndicale having
drilled two wells have the utmost con -
days as there are in a year. On count-
fltlence in the venture andpurpose to
ing the number of cards in a pack, I
develop the territory fully. Theony
find there are fifty -two -the number of
and their experince both point to rich
weeks in a year. I find there are
oil fields in the neighborhood of Syl-
van, in West Williams. The greatest
twelve picture cards -representing the
enthusiasts prevailed amongst all the
number of months in a year; and on
shareholders present. Following are
counting the tricks, I find there are
the directors for the new company,
thirteenthe number of weeks it a
8 i
viz.: -President, I saac Newton, Sarnia,
warts(. So you eve air, a of
9 Y + P
J. F. Roberts, Secretary -Treasurer ;
Dr. Rollins and H. Slpackrnan, Exeter ;
cards serve for a Bible, an almanac,
Wm. Stanley, Parkhill; Andrew Elliott
and a common prayer book.—Ex.
and John Attmore, Sylvan.
Thee undersigned, having been restored to
health by simple means, after sufforing for
several years with a severe lung affection,
and that Grail disease Consumption, is
anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To those
who desire it, he w911 cheerfully scud
(free of charge) a copy of the prescrip-
tion used, which they will find it sure oure for
Comurnption, Asthma, Catarrh Ilronchifis
and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hopes
all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalu-
able. Those desiring the precription, which
will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bloss-
ing, will please address,
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New
Mrs. S. James, Seaforth, suffered for
years with what is called old people's
rash. She was treated by many physi-
cians without any result. Mr. Fear,
the local druggist, recommended Dr.
Chase's Ointment, which relieved the
irritation at once and speedily effected
it permanent cure of the skin et- option.
Mrs. James also says Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment cured her of Itching Piles which
she had been troubled with for years.
O. S. Doan, of Clinton, says not to go
on suffering as he did for years with
Sault Rheutn, when afew boxes of Dr.
Chase's Ointment will cure you.
Dr. Chase's Ointment cured Hiram
Frey, of Norwood, after suffering ten
years with Eczema of the leg.
Chase's Ointment also cured his
little girl of Eczema on her face.
Of Dr Agnew's Liver Pills after dinner,
it will promote digestion and over-
come any evil effects of too
hearty eating.
Entirely vegetable -Do not dis-
turb the system.
Safe, prompt, active, painless and
This effective little pill is supplant-
ing Fill the old school nauseous pill ga-
tives. The demand is hard to keep up
with since placing it on the Canadian
market. Take no substitute. 40 doses
20c., at all druggists. -Sold by Watts
& Co.
It is rumoured in London that, the
Duke of York, who is a catptain in the
royyal navy, will shortly ,join the C'han-
Mr. Wallace Thayer, of Buffalo, hits
consented to the extradition of Mrs.
Sternaarnan, charged with poisoning her
husband, if her trial is set down for
the May Assizes. Mr. Cartwright,
Deputy Minister of JTttstice, says that
he will endeavour to have the trial
take place at the next assizes; but he
r.hfnks that., following the ruling of
Judge Fern•uson in the Hyams case a
United States counsel will not be d
lowed to appear in theCanadian-coutt.
eoian Ports but cannot interfere with
o'Call and get quotations before pur-
c- Fresh Seeds just received,
)cer, Albert St., Clinton.
House for Sale
Two story frarrte house in Clinton, ten rooms,
stoneceller, hard and soft water. Good ground.
Frame stable. For full particulars apply to
the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton.
Cultured Ladies `viith
a(acte r°re° f
needing to
earn money can learn Crow to do so in a good
cause. Address,
Farm For Sale.
South half Lot No. M 17th concession, Code
rich Township, one mile north of ('Uuton cont-
priaocd of 40 acres, more or less. The hum is all
cleared and in fair state of cultivation. Well
fenced and plenty of cedar oil the, pi rorty.
Frame barn 40x00, stone stable 30x50. Will be
sold reassonablo and on tornis to suit purchaser.
For particulars apply at 'I'utr Nr%vs•krc•ua(u
of CC, e• to JAMES 1I. COLCL00011, Henfryn
Y. O, —
AGFNI1 �� i41111juststitrtingtile best
T 1.�. thing for money making•
you havo seen for many a day. Your nauu! 111)(1
address will bring the golden information.
—!A It. 1'. GLASGOW, Toronto, oil(,
,A. Rare Opportunity,
For Sale, 150 acres, A I grain or stock Patein,
105 aces cleared, balance unculled hardwood.
Solid brick house, &c.; frame barn 28x8o; shtblo
18x57; sheep house 12x28; good water. con-
vonient to 3 grain elevators, mills, &c. Good
roadv and free from all obnoxious weeds, &c.
Will ta.ke resident property in Clinton part
pay, ingttire at'1'rrte NFcws Itrcortnoltice.
940-3 m
WA�7 f \ T� 7•CILChCTA, Rarrlstc•s,
P PJD. 1'h1'sicituls, and others
of similar trainhir, for high class soliciting.
Will pray forty dollars weekly and railway fate
or demonstration of necessary ability.
.Tilt•: BHADLrY-0AlWR'rS0N Co., L'td., Toronto.
All whohave any claims against the l;state of
J. Biddleoonrbe are requested to cull ut the
Store and maize settlement by the 15•rii ot•
Arun„ and all who etre indebted will please
settle by the 13TII or Ai,am.
WA�7f(�i� l Lndustrious persons of
.L u). either sex with good
character and common school education, can
obtain employment for two months in this eour-
nruuity. S. M. FRY, Toronto, Out.
Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
First -Class Buggies on hand and made to
order. Prices to suit the times. Rcpairs and
repa,inting promptly attend to. Prices reason-
AGENTS, "The Bost Popular Life of
IT., Majesty I have ever
seen," writes Lord Lorne; about •'(,hrccu Vic•
toric.•' Sales unprecedented. Easy- to awake
tivedollarsdaily. Bigcomnrinsion. Ontfltfree
to canvassers.
Men and Women who can work hard talking
'and writingsix hours daily, forsixclaysaweek,
and will be content with ten dollars weekly.
Address. NE \Y IDEAS CO.,
T Brantford, Ont,
v F lire.
A•icn,vvomen,t.oconductbu.me satho
W simple writin and copying lists
ork is sr p
of addresses received from local 1)d ertis-
ing, to be forwarded to us daily. Nocan-
vassnrg; no previous experience required.
batt plain writers preferred. Permanent
work to those content to earn gf; or more 0
weekly in spare time. Apply to WARRev
Pn. Co., Lovnwx, ONT.
McKillop Directory for 1897,
John Morrison, Reeve. Winthrop P. O.
Win1. Archibald, Deput- Reeve, Lcadbury P, O,
Daniel Manicy, Councilor, Beechwood P'0 * O.
Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P. O.
Will. McGavin, Councillor, Leadburpv P. O.
Jno. C. Morrison, Clork, Winthrop I . U.
William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O.
David AI. Ross, Treasurer'
Winthro P. 0.
Charles Dodds, Collector, Seaforth P. O.
Richard Pollnrd, Sanitary Inspector, Leadbu ry.
House and Lot for Sale by Tender.
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to the flrst day of flay, 1897, for the purr
chase of the onc-storey Dwelling and Lot on
Albert Street. north. Clinton, recently occupied
by the late Mrs. Will. Harland. Term, and
conditions will be made known on application.
HARL-%Nl) BRos.
Clinton, April 5th, 1897. 959-4
System Renovator
Tested Remedies.
For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood,
Dyspepsia, Aaleeplessneas, Palpatation of the
Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of
Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones,
Jaundice, Kidney and ['rinary biscases, St.
Vitus' Dance, Female drre ularttics and Gen•
oral Debility.
.1. M. McI.EOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer,
Sold in Clinton b
Property For Sale.
in consequence of my age and lack of help, I bave
decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro.
perty consisting of five and a nalf acres in Clinton,
some of the best land in the oonnty of Huron, inelud.
Ing hot beds and other necessary roquiremente,
There is on the premm
taes a frae house with cellars
soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings
Tho Bat•freld river adjoins the property. Will sell at
a reasonable price for half cash and balance seamed
by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a chanee
soldom mot"Ith. Apply personally or by letter to
Y8944 f. (Minton
Dress Cutting School.
The school of dress cutting is open 1)t the
Waverly Hotel, Clinton. A now tailor system,
the loading system of the world. Covers the
entice range of work. Cuts overt' style of gar-
ment on the goods, no refitting, no patterns
costs no more than achart. Lessons givon af,
your own home without extra charge. Special
rates to Dress makers and girls from the coon -
try. The Clinton Indica should not miss this
chance to porfect themselves in this Important.
branch of work. Open daily for otic month.
April 1.3. 960 4•t
Office stlpplieS9
Job Printing,
The News -Record'
Calls special attention
to our Stationery and
Office Supplies and
Job Printing Depart-
We are unsurpassed....
By atly town or city in the Goods we handle or the
prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
quality of Moth is always guaranteed. A perusal of
this announcement may suggest something you may be
in need of, and in such case Nve solicit your patronage,
feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet,
with the approval of our patrons,
Letter Heads
In this line we have a very fine '
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class of business represented
in this locality, also for private use.
Note Heads
This useful size is kept in stock,
the qualities being in several
Memo. Heads
These fill an inipor tont placein com-
mercial correspondence. See what
we have got.
Bill Heads
If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great; but there iu e some men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is com-
plete in this line, Good paper and
neat ruling.
Our stock is large. They come
cheaper than hili- heads, and are
the proper thing to send after it
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch hint 'round--
We make a specialty of Envelopes.
You know it would be hard to
get along without envelopes, and
to keep up with the demand for
them the keep a large stock on
hand. Plain or Printed we are
offering some great snaps. One
line in particular is going off fast -
50 for 5c.
Commerical Printing
A vast amount of work under this
head to enumerate would more
than take up the entire space oc-
cupied by this adv t, but w•s do it
Fill at THE NEws-RECORD.
to an "At Home" or it wedding
require considerable taste in selec-
tion sometimes, but Ave make it
an easy matter by keeping in stock
the very latest and best samples to
be had. Call and see.
If you want
We. excel in sal the different kinds
of work we turn out, and particn-
larly in this, and keep in stock
plain and fancy papers sultahle fun•
all requirements,
of entertainments and meetings`
promptly turned out, from the
plain and neat to the most elegant.
Cards and Tickets
These cover a large range of work,
from a bread and milk ticket to
it neat calling card. Froin an or-
dinary admission ticket to it tasty
business card or it handsoniely
printed membership ticket.
Memoriam Folders
In this line THE NEws-IlEc•oltu
can supply every design, quality
and price on the market.
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that the always do good work
and give superior satisfaction in
:all respec s.
are greatly in demand. Our facili-
ties are superior for this class of
work and the very r•easotAlble
prices keep our presses busy. -
Sale Bills
'We make it specialty of them -
promptness being our aim in this
respect. A notice of sale will ap-
pear in THE NEws-RECORD free of
charge when bills for siuue art,
secured here.
All Kinds of Work
in the typographical printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and autistic
manner and
Our prices will be
found very reason-
Mourning Papers
For corrospondence we can give you up -to -(late goods
also carry full lilies of
Pens, Pencils,
Scribblers, Tablets,
Erasers, Inks,
Writing Paper,
&C., &C•
In thanking our many patrons for the
very liberal support accorded us in
the past, a continuation of tb e same
liberal support is solicited. , �
TI�e NoWsmfl000f67
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