HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 5To Farmers We'd the We WOuld talk and especially to )lRINr)l,F.v-CAIt[).-111 5hepwirdton, on the lith inst., at the resilience of the father of the those who intend to spray their "91 y y'j Girl...... trees. SULPHATE OF OOI'PEIt 1V711��.iJ. J.• e • + • • • e • • o a • OR BLUESTON141 ns you tl,ay know has given best results. The ��-q��gr Love, lyt sprAy sbould be giveu•before �.•// the buds open, The 2nd when the d ago, and he has }la(1 constructed Hess which the past year has brought c brought blossoms have opened. The 3rd and reulenibef that we when the blossonis have fallen. A the site the old had rat hand- thou. AvO feel confident that the b new edifice, which lie hits had of these four men shalt have 4n entire are headquarters for Uh and 5th may be gi ven a number Rev. W. J. West was Inducted to newly the pastorate of the F.adies Blue- furnished and fitted a from to reverse for the better and we hope to p P t of days later. The price for Phe Bluestone shows at tendency of Goderich. WTedding being firmer than last year but WF; Rye . , , • , , 'll l O (10 I Oats 24 GORDON-11110OR,. -On A Brit 19th, at St. George's ('hunch, Montrcal,'bq the Very Rev. u -re now selling it very low in either small or large lots. Now is the time to be thinking of it, so drop around and tell us how much you jeed. We'll give you our price n your quality,und we know you'll uy. xow- Also is the time to take yow spring Blood Purifler•. New blood new life, new strength, new hope new happiness. Our COlnpounc Sxrsaparilia works the charur. II is good because it is made froze pure blood -making, blood -purify, Ing drugs. It costs $1 a hottl( because sueh drugs are not cheap It couldn't be as good as it is anti cost fess. Froin us Only, !000!000 Allen & Wilson, GRADUATE DRUGGISTS & OPTICIAN$, The spectacles WE fit give satisfaction, Test free, WM. N. WALKER, —the reliable — UPiiQLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORPIi, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and r•cc ed. Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned an ro; novated at reasonable prices. W -'Orders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at, tended to. — Heads Vin in Business: . r1eN7�,gC STRATFORD, ONT. Our business is to fill heads with practical knowledge. The Leading Commercial School in Canada today. Nine beautiful college rooms; excellent teachers; moderate rates; enter at any titne ; circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Your Watch. AND— Jewelry Repairing .. Is properly cared for when you trust it with us. We have every known facility and a ' .practical workman to do it correctly. A Brooch. Pin receives the greatest care here. Your `�liTatch. examined free, or clean- ed and regulated for only $1,00. J. B. flumball, JEWELER, and Bell Telephone CLINTON. Don't Spectacles Buy Front a man that cannot, fit'you pro- perly. Our Mr. A. T. COOPER took• a course in the Optical institute of Canada, and his certificate hears testi- motty to his ability to properly fit frames and glasses. We shall be pleaed to test your eyes at anv time, and tell you whether you need -glasses or not. Don't delay coming if your eyes trouble you. Wm. Cooper & Co. House and Buggy Stolen$ Second Notioe-A Fuller Description. Stolen from the church shed, I-Iolmosvillc, Ont.: on Sunday evening, April lith, about 8 o'clock, a largo heavy Bay are, a little light in color and About 10 years old • fair share of hair on logs • hind feet white. Tine 13uggy is a top one an({ made by John Loslic, Clinton, Ont. The bridle is nearly new; the harness not so good ; one shaft being supported by a tied strap ; the breast collar s tied up on one sidealbz, a piecge of twine. There wore two aloe T400whip hast beentbroken neair thebt p and was repaired with wax twine and goose quill There was also an old brown horse blan- ket, pstahad with grain bag and torn oil cloth, sown with black •thread. _ We Police are re - for information leading to recovery of same. Arrest and wird or address the CHIEF OF POLICE, Clinton, Ont. A. widow n In Mrs. Brown, of Ort -ono, Ont., committed suicide by hanging; herse f in the woodshed. ings and 1 'resents of all kinds. We unake our price especially low, and you always have the satisfaction of knowing you get the best when you buy here. P. B. Crows, Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. Boarders Wanted, The subscriber desires to securo several boarders ; comfortable home and rates reason- able. Actress or call on MHS. GEO, IiANLEY, 22 Frederick street, Clinton. $2 Reward For Gray pockat book containing money, note,, &c., lost lost 'Tuesdayy April 2f)th. Leave tit Tim,.NuWR-RECORD Off1Co. +% MORTGAGE SALE —or — YalUM HER LANDS —IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF GODERICIII. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage, which will he sails at ed at the sale, there will be offered for PUBLIC AUCTION i by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, —ON— Saturday, the 24th day of April, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following property, I viz: - Lot number 13 in the Maitland Concession + of the Township of Goderich fn the County of a Huron saving and excepting thereout three separate parcels heretofore conveyed to the County of Huron the Township of Goderich and one Mary white. TER S:-10 percent. of the purchase down on the ay of the Salo and the balance in 30 day -s thereafter without interest. The property will be sold subject to a reserved price. Furth- er tornis and particulars matte known at the sale or upon application to tho undersigned. JAMES SCOTT, ) 1 Veudorn Solicitor, i D. DICKINSON, t Auctioneer. I Clinton, 213th March, 1897. 958.9E Estate of George Hanley, deceased All persona having claims against the Estate of George Hattley, who died at 'tile town of Clinton, in the county of liuron, on March 20th, 1892, are hereby regnlred on or before the 1st da}' of ,June, 1897, to send by post, postage pre- pald,or to deliver to the undersigned Executors or their Solicitor, fnll partic•ularn of thcf.t; claims s against the Estate of the said Georgie Hanicy o and proof of the same. It After the Istday of Jnne, 1897, tilt Executors h will 1),0000d to distribute the proceeds of the lestatc ctntong the parties entitled, leaving re- gard only to the claims of which they then have notice. Dated at Clinton, April 19th, 1897. A, M. ToOT.1 AS Executor of said Estate, By W. BRYDo w' their Solicitor E Grand Trunk Itailwa3•. 1) OFFICIAL TIME TABLE, Buffalo and Goderich District: - Going West, Mixed ...... . . . .... . .... 1015 a. lit. )r Express ................. I.oi p. in. 1)' " Mixed ...... . ......... 205 p, nL. tc Express ................ 10.27 1). in. ti Going hast, Express_ .. . ........ . .. 7.40a. in, 1' ... . 2.591). lit. Mixed .......... .. , ... 4.35 p. ill. London, Hurortand Brucc:-- ouill Goin1.g Sth, Express ......... . 7.17 a. nn. 1. .. .. 1.. 4.30 p, in. Going North, ... .. 10.15 a. m. . ..... I..... 6.55 p. m. M. C. DicicsoN, Dls. Pass. Agent. Toronto. N; 1V. E. DAVIR, G. 1'. & T. A. 1V 11ontroal. c, A. O. PATTIRON, G. T. It.oy Town. c( ITHE CIRCUTT RIDER. Th eir . • CHRISTIANITY OWES IMUC19 TO HIS ZEALAND I:NINUIC- ;>,<:•..;;, �l� ) Excellencies The Earl and Countess of Aber - 1116 LiFE' DURING I'1IE FAHLY DAYS OF � ( y % deen ride the t ME'1'klUDlt3MINCANADA \wAhUY"1'1+'NUNkC a� r Red Bird ov (]Ilis'A'r IlAnDSiltP- TIIE WFORw ()L' Bicycle. II UNL~ NU\\' FNJU1'INIa A HIIIE ul.l) AGE. i;: You can not do batter than buy lied Bird frotu us, hide the Poultry News. Pion tic Simree Refo•nwr. v �� most handsome wheel on the mar - Ill tire. early days of Meihodislu ill `� :.' �'.• •�' r�' ket, SOME NOTES OF IN,rEREST, Canada the gu.pel was Spread abroad \ P • --- to the ]and by the trove eb Clens of y, " ! The A y -Harris Nooks oultry fanciers ore invited to contribute the circuit rider. It r'e(IltPed a ulli Of �'� aUOp news itontn for this column, for which there q i will, be no charge. ordhntry advertisuulunts Oe ordinary It alth anti t>trengt I, ; an will nveruge&iceutifor oaehInsertion. iron constitution and unflaggin • dc- '� f" �, are tile (, e o1•lrubin built in Canada termination to fultil the arduous(littles $� .• and are taakiury the lead. Watch FratLk Evans secured twenty Silver incumbent on one who undertook to Laced Wyandottes frour 21 eggs. preach Salvation to his fellownieu. For the Silver Itibboa. Fred Gilroy has secured from SinithIt was no eapy task that Chest- rrlen setRemember... (�j{� y�.� Of 1.It1dra, N. Y., a setting of White themselves to, but they were strong in-+y++eJ.J.L�e Y • •. Wyandotte eggs. the faith and hone of ultiniatei•ewavd, Walter Coats was on Weduesday Many tell by t.h- wayside, while others, We carry the largest stoelc of supplies of any house ill the county. Call presented with tell India Cornish Game struggled ort and prospered, and x few on us for anything in the Bicycle line, chicks nut ittwelve eggs, Stile Co -da, enjoyingg it ripe old age Y Arthur Jackson has secured some happy in the so ovlhe e that - lasting of ltepairins done while you wait, reward will soon he tb6trs. -Most of • *� ' Black Minorca eggs and may now be these old timers are not now engaged !!!e!!!!!o!!!!!!!!!! said to be in the poultry business. in active church work, but have been Clinton.J. C. Lyons o Lucknow, a poultry placed l the st quiet, life d list, and The onward Bicycle Co Cl prize winner above Che ordinary, was are now living aL soler life in town or to town Monday and inspected some of oil a farm free. from the cares of the ' f the stock here. world, they await the call to collie up OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE Clinton. Lack Kenned higher,} yesterday received a just reward in Light Bras it chicks.icks. Rev. David Williams, who lives t%*yo A R.� ETT's Bedroom setts The lot are as Hue specimens its knight miles southwest of Nixon,. Out., in be desired. 'tire township of Windham, ortolk r A. J. Grigg has sold and shipped County, was one of these earl days f circuit riders. He was a than of vt�or.BARGAINS T(11 Parlor suites Gaulle eggs rom his celebrated to J. �.7f ��] r r Prescott,, Woodstock, Cobour and a ous health and although without manyo • number of other distant points, advantages in the way of early educes- Easy Chairs, - tion he succeeded by dint of hard and A. J. Holloway continues in the constant study in being admitted to Diningf Boom Tables. Swint and this week produced as fine rL the ministry, He was the first born hatch of Black Minorca chicles as the in the first house: built in Glen Wil - human eye could desire to look upon. liauns near Georgetown, Mr. Geo. John T. Harland has about complet- Kennedy the founder of Georgetown, Are being appreciated by shrewd buyers; we keep everything that a first-class ed his new poultry house and hats pill- being it brother of his mother. To -day Furniture Store should have. ��'a sell at ver close rices and we are doing a chased it fine pen of Brown Leghorns. he is 70 years old and for the past 26 y p He may also secure Some of the white years has lived in this county. For good Cash Business. We don't sell to everybody who reads this paper but we variety. many years he had been a sufferer would like too, Our chanrye of "ad" is read ever week and we As a result of advertising in THE from kidney and kindred diseases. He o y just want to NE\as-RECORD Lack Kennedy has re- triedallkindsofremedies,atn(Ialtllongh Ray that you may rely on every word we say is true, We aro out for your ceived mrn ore orders for eggs than he soetinles temporarily relieved he can fill and has withdrawn the adver- gradually grew worse until in Octoher trade; give us a share of it. tisement, 1895 he was stricken with paralysis, The latest t Brom this he partially recovered and convert. !!!oe!!!!!!!!!!e . to poultry keep- recovered his powers of speech but his ing is Doc. conve tIle secured the first instalment of choice birds a day Cirrus was basis \wrecked, and his Dr two since 'and promises to make memory was so poor that he could not will be looked after in the best possible man- 3otue of t•ne fanciers hustle. remem )er the natne of the person to FUNERALS ner, We have been told that we sive a first - whom lie wished to speak without class service l and that our prices are lower Watch for lice on your hens and thinking intently for several minute`. than has been known here that's right, young chickens. The vermin head for One day driving; to church he wished , g , we do. When the eyes of the young chick to secure to speak of a neighbor who lived next this is better known we w111 have a pretty big share of tha'Un- water and kill the bird. Their heads to him for twenty years, but he could -derlaking. We want all we can get; don't forgot this when neccessity ibould be greased. While hatching not recall the naLnte for an hour or compels you to consult an Undertaker. Sunday and night calix an - ;he hens and nests should be sprinkled more. In addition to his mental tl'O(t- swered from residence, Huron Street. ,vith louse killer dust, which will save ble, he had intense bodily suffering; ;he life of many a chick. ains in the head, across the foi'e- head,, in the temples and behind the ears, across the lower part of the skull !!!!O!!!!!!!!!!! Goderich Poultry Yards, and in the joint of the neck. He had I breed single comb Brown Leghorns exclu- great weakness and pains in the hack, ively. My stock is superior bred, the yard hips and legs. In fact, so much did he Furniture and icing headed by a largo, vigorous song 92 suffer that sleep was almost an irnpoR^ •. C. Barilett,which scored T by are til also hens scoring 92sibilit' •end he fell awe toi94¢points. They arc the boat egg producing }' y weight un- Undertaker ,read of poultr3-• Satisfaction guaranteed or ell he R'eled Only 145 p011lldS. By nders refilled. Eggs per setting of 13 .$1; 26 this time, Dec. 1895, he became despoil- ggs for $1.75. Address dent and felt that if he did not soon W. A. ROSS, obtain relief, he world soon bid adieu 901-tf Goderich, Unt' tothe things by this world. On the B Brooms! � ro®yy� Ci s 20th of December he rend of a cure in B j.1 • BroQms Hie11 Class Poultr the Refotvner by Dr. Williams' Pink y Pills, and heing seized with •t sudden 6000041960060904699416 EGGS FOR HATCHING. insl)iratiorl at once wrote to Brockville Now that house cleaning has commenced Brooms will be required b all who for a supply. of that D)arvelluns retnerly. q q great gobol re colts followed their rble that cleanliness is leve ty Godliness. We give a good, ur at and service. Enpridh Red caps. Noted for their use a di lie ble Broom free of cost to every pm chaser of 100 ]hs. Of Flour at $2 and 2.15. :gg producing qualities and hu.c'iug no super- useandhe has ttnln'oved wonderfully �, )r, asci a good table fowl. woos of daring the purr year, He has recover---IVIEAL.S �4T' SPECIAL PRICE le above were winners at. Now York, ed his bodtl health uH strep 1 S.— ondon, 'Toronto. Eggs for setting 13 for $1.50. Y strength, is 7L lbs. rolled oatmeal ............ I1ae 6 lbs. Rice for only ...... ...........25C o•uiah Indian game, Icing of table fowl, also corn aratively free from pain and his 7. " Farina, for ..... .......... .15c 7 White Beans �nly............10e cod layers. Roo, tern weighing 10 $2 10 lbs.; memory is nearly rly its good as it ever lO " Corn meal only .25c Latundry sot-) 2 3 ]la. ens 7 to 8 )curds. k, gs per setting $2.(ID, } .. ► , bdCS fUP...... 25c tt was anti its theimprovement continues 10 " Rolled Wheat only .... ...25c I Laundr• Solt) I \wAT.T'b:It CUA'1`h� ilex I0•?, Clinton, Ont. I Y Soap' 7 bars ...............25C will guarantee a fair hatch. Che }n expects are very bright for Laundry 'starch, 6e per lb. complete recovery. IIe has gained 20 Great Bargains in Sugars. Oats, Barley, Bran, Cho Shorts, &c., in stock at pounds in weight since beginning the P. Eggs for Hatching, tine of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. close prices. "'Eggs wanted, Williams sat Y' s: -"I can heartily en- loeee®e!!!!!!!!® Silver Laced \\• •aullottu,. I c}Ln sp}n•c a fc+v dorso the Ilavey good things saris of )ttings oft his celebrated breed, which are one these pills in the papers, and strongly /a �s ho most popular OffOR'la,being i,eud hoer, reconmiend thein to any one Suffering ®• �IJs�N9 ��VtoJ �a �j,�Clinton.iJ zed not excelled for table use; also Rouen cele P:kg,: pair of ducks for sale cheap. aS I was." ggs, per Setting of It- $1• Dr. WilliaLtrs Pink Pills are a blood - -- --- 957-tf FRANK EVANS, Cliulon, buiider and nerve restorer. They Sup - 1). ILIRI`Ii4, --- ` ply the blood with its life and health- NOTES. -The fall wheat, in this vicini- Ii'caw'�•-ill ('lintor on April loth, the uii'o - - - gtvutg properties, thus driving disease ty looks well. The present warm we(t. of air. Thomas 13rowo of a son, from the system. There are nurnerous Choice Eggs for Hatching, Y' Cher has utade it great change on it.— T.00KIIART-`ICL McKillop, on April the 13th, pink colored imitations against which g the wife of Mr. Will. Lockhart, of a ,,on. the public is warned, The genuine+ Fartners are very busy seeding. The GoenoN--In McKillop, on the 17th lust., the Y. ROCKS :LS LL INDIA COILSI$II GAME. Pink pills Can be had Only in boxes Weather has been favorable (luring tete i wife of <1r. Hugh Ciordon, of a daughter. Barred Plymouth the wrapper around which bears the hast few days for seeding operations.- I \\'ALICFR.-In Est aWitwanosh, on April l9t19th.) atmotg the w.Mr. Cooke front Holruesville has utoved the wife of Mr. Gco. \walker, a son. s vvery Rock are acknowledged to PP boat all-round fowl on the full trade mark, ".Dr. Williams' Pink arket. I have is and 2nd prize winning bird, > > on the farm formerly occupied by Mr. CRA1311 In St. Albans, U. S. A., oil Tuesday, t g fills for Pale People." Refuse cif the 13th ilist,, to Mr. and Mrs• F. A. Crnbb,a ores by Mr. L, G. Jarvis, Ontario Govern. others. Ilabick. ent .Judge. I iiec $1.50 Por 13 eggs. soil. India Cornish Ganic are not flghtiug birds, as — - -- LIc\ Acan r'oN.-In Bnyfickl. on April 22nd, (illy supppose. For table use they have no Will h,ltu the wife or Mr. John,Mexaughton of Stanley, •er, the flesh resembling that or the turkey, g MA11KET REPORTS. of non. bile for egg, the India Cornish Game are in FREE MEN ONCE 11IORE.—The Four (Corrected every Tues,lay efternoon.) FARR.-On April 17th,Saturda to Mr. and e front rank. My pen arc Ist Mrs. 11'm. Farr, a daughter. 3' prize winners, erect bS Government Judge L. G. Jarvis, inen, Phtppen, Manser, Harrison and OLINTON. ice $2 for la eggs. MOntgOtnery, who Wert: sent to King- PRICE. -On Easter Sunday, to Mr. and MTA. Orders must now be filled an they are re. Ston for assault on J. G. Fields a year Fall wheat ................... 0 72 to U 73 St. George Price, \waterloo-st., Goderich, a ivied, dao brei. ago, were released On Saturday last Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35 g I.oRNF C. Toon. . Box 99, Clinton. and arrived home Monday evening oats ............................. 0 16 to 0 18 _-_ - — --- — - - Some two or three hundred people met Peas .............................. 0 36 tG0 38 31ARRIAGFy. them at the station and welcomed tbem Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25 BruCP,flCld. back. It was it touching scene to see Butter .......................... 0 10 to 0 11 41'rsc--Sirxrraan.•-on Saturday Clic loth the o exhibited h the wives and Eggs per doz........... •..... 0 7 to 0 7 lust., by the Rev. Lohelle, of Buffalo, John A, NOTE$.—We are very sorry to say J Y y gR P Weng, Camp 5t., Buffalo, to Mina Laura jean I-. Thos. Simpson continues low. - children. It has been a hard year for day ............................... S 00 to 8 00 Sheppard, of LvinghnnL. I,. Jarnieson, who has been ill is re the different families and no person in Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 a Ml'Y(RAv--Joxrs.-At t.hc residence of the )\erfn town but is glad' to see the heads of bride's parents, Leadbury, on April 21st, by g. -Mr. Geo. Simpson has at Apples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35 Re'v. J. F. Park, of Clinton, Mr. 11. H. Murray, agBon oil the road this year and has the homes return. On their release Dried Apples per lb........ 0 2.1 to 0 212 otTuckorsmith, to Ruth, only daughter of Mi. litected it large quanity of eggs. each were given it suit of clothing Ducks er Ib..........>...... U U5 to 0 O6 fl, • I l P and Mrs, Thomas Jones. a County Currency. I oug tout, a t an \vtty ticket borne aucl Outt NE\v HOTrL.- Mr. William srnne money. It is to lie huped that 'Turkeys per lb ............. . 0 06 to 0 07 )lRINr)l,F.v-CAIt[).-111 5hepwirdton, on the lith inst., at the resilience of the father of the Dixon Mr. F. Beck and family of Wiug�harn first opened his new hotel for this no oils will be so unwise as tO f)ring ill) time on Gobd Friday. Mr. Dix- again the remberances of this sad Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 groom, by Rev. J. W. Pring, of Nile. Joseph Firindtcy to Ito,e May Card, (laughter of Levi have moved to Harriston. On's hotel was btirned down over a, affair, by so doing add to the bitter- TORO\To FARAIFRa MARKET. Gard, merchant, Goderich, ' Year, A. E, C,nllis, Auburn left last week d ago, and he has }la(1 constructed Hess which the past year has brought c brought Wheat, white,.... r -' • ' $ 75 to $ 00 \valour -PORTS;. -1n Guelph, on Tuesilay, tire. 20th April, at, th(l residence Mr. G. for Fibre, Mich. on some the site the old had rat hand- thou. AvO feel confident that the b new edifice, which lie hits had of these four men shalt have 4n entire do red ................ Ti to (N) do 63 ' to (X) oI- A - Griffin, by the Ven. Archdeacon Dixon, Mrs. I. it. Porte, to ,I. ,I. \wright, of Point farm, Rev. W. J. West was Inducted to newly the pastorate of the F.adies Blue- furnished and fitted a from to reverse for the better and we hope to p P goose... ........... Buckwheat ............. 324 0o Goderich. and to vale congregations last Tuesday, Mr. y, bottom in the most modern style. see them prove to the world that )t Y Dixon intenis occupying it Jilin- change has taken place. The people Rye . , , • , , 'll l O (10 I Oats 24 GORDON-11110OR,. -On A Brit 19th, at St. George's ('hunch, Montrcal,'bq the Very Rev. The Blyth Cheese & Butter Co. are self, and has applied fora license. His Of town should remember that these ....... . .... . ........ to W Peas 42 to (X) Dean of Montreal, Chas. Blair Gordon to Edith Annie second daughter of Mr. George making preparations to begin the mail- application is supported by a petition men will need work and if it is in your .................... BSirley........... ...... . 25 to 00 Brooks. ttfacture of cheese on Monday, May signed 3rd. vicinity. by nearlyevery resident of the; way to help in this respect by all Mr, tach dO ban) . Hay .................... 1250 to 1350 GOVN.N1.ocIC-Yot•N(;,--At the residence of the bride's father Moncoo, 20th Inst., means sO.-Win .lOurttal, is one of the Old- g Straws ................... 6 00 to 700 on by the Rev. Rosa, Mr. Will. While chopping wood last Saturday est afternoon Mr. Fiobt. Mason East his hotel keepers in the county, and -- -- - --- _- genial and obliging Dressed hogs.......... 5 $i to 0 4() ,I. Melville Govenlock, R. A., of Tngemoll, to Miss Jennie May, youngest of Waivanosh had the misfortune to cut biped manner, conn- County Currency. with his strict observance of the Eggs, new laid...... , ... 9 to 00 Butter, lb. 12 20 daughter of Mr. ,i. Young, Glencoe. his left foot very badly. law, O. Wenzel has which and the quiet and orderly way in Mrs, Jaynes Wilson, of Exeter {north, he has always in the rolls......... to do tubs, dairy9 to 12 WARRrur. -HOWARD.-At the residence at the brido's mother, o) April 140), by the Rev,. J. S. T Isher, Mr. George Warrell, Powasasnn• taken the contract of ducted flutshing the Lutheran sheds, Auburn past con- died On Thursday last at the t+,ge of his husinPss will no doubt 43 ears, Of consumption. Deceased + + , Y P -,ire (thickens ..... ........ 40 to 66 Turkeys , y. ..... 10 to 11 of to Miss Ifloanora Howard, dat liter of tine late Mr. H. It. Howard, of orange Will, Howick. which were begun last fall ; E. Young. ins blut will assist hila. tioll for hien the favorable consider;t- was formerly it Mrs Orns, and with of the License Commissioners. her husband, the late Wm. OrnS, Diicks .................. 60 to 80 Geese MCFARI.ANF.-BOAG.--At the Manse, Ford- Mr. Mr. Jinn West, who has been for the solve Dixon's many old friends and the years ago ran the station hotel. She ............. 8 to 0 Potatoes....... 18 to 28 with, by the Rev. A. 11. Dobson, Oil Wednes- day, April the 14th, Mr. John McFarlane, to travelling pest four or five years toiler in Mair & (Tim Siddal's bank, Lucknow, left there for public will be pleased to see leaves a husband and three sons to at his old stand once more, mourn their Ions. TORONTO L[VE BTO CK bIARKETS. Miss Jessie Boag, all of Howick. _ Chicago last Monday. blossom - Wild flowers are already begining to While returning from the Bvueefleld in the fair last Friday, bull belonging Milch cows, each..... ,$1900 to $&4 00 Export cattle, per cwt,...., 3 75 to 450 DEATHS. Mr. Arthur Wade, wbO has been the nest of his uncle., J. E. Stuarts of the wise Exchange hotel the wDOds and it would be a to for teachers and parents to ask Thomas Russell, near Exeter, broke children who o them through the waggon on which it was Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 50 to 1100 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 3 00 to 325 REI,.= -in Goderich, on Tuesday, April With 1897. Jas. A. Reid, aged 40 years, 8 months anif t5 for the past couple of seeking to g g bei, drawn the delicate but for the, Bulls, per cwt ... . . ....... . . 3 00 to 37.5 P c]aya. months went to Kincardine on Tues- Pull day where be has secured a situation. the root and stems with care, for g , Y careless pulling up of the whole assistance of a few farmers the animal means that would have broken its lege r Feeders, per cwt .. .... , .3 2) to 3 75 Stockers, percwt...... ... 2 75 to 325 Clow. -In East wawanosh on 17th hint James Clot-., aged 85 years. DOODS. In Kincardino on the 17th inst.. 1Nra.. -Win ham Times, g quantity or sustain- year by year the Sustain - of flowers will less ed other serious injury. Sheep, p pet cwt.......... , , 325 to 350 Margaret Dodds, aged 84 years. There died at St. Helena on Friday Snall grow and J y• our Canadian woods will have Yearling lambs, per cwt.. 5 00 to 575 spring Iambs, each 2 50 to 450 xonalNS.-In Seaforth on April 20, infant daughtbr Rev. Bean week last the infant son of Mrs. J, lost Hetherington. This bereavement it Rev. S. J. Allin of Brussels, is under- tat charm of early springwhich cin treatment in London for catarrh has .... , , Calves, per head...... , ... 3 00 to 6 00 p of Rural Hodgins. O'DFn.-In Godoriah, tom- ing in the early flowers. Full the going the stomach he is Choice Bacon hos er cwt 4 90 to 5 00 g +P oil Friday, April IG Mrs. Mary O'Dea, 79 soon after the death of her husband flowers who died in Manitoba a few months roots of ; suffering eoverel carefully and leave the parent y+ in the and is in ex delicate health. Thick fat hogs, cwt...... , ..4 50 to 4 75 aged yearn. PRTcE.-On Monday, A rib 19th, the Intant ago makes the loss part(fcularly pain- slur ground, and so reserve work is lovely woodland blossoms for His Pulpit work is being supplied in Li ht fat hogs, cwt.. , , . , ...4 50 to 455 Sows, cwt 300 to 3 25 daughter of Mr. and Min. sI Georgie Pricy ful. t many years to come, the meanthne by Rev. Mr. ice of St. Thomas. por .............. Stags, -per cwt ............ 2 00 to 225 I HnlynanmoN.-In Lucknow, April 22nd, Wat non Hambleton, aged 73 years, 7 mopths,, 1i - • _ --■