HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 3111I �C r 801NE88 DIRECTORY TRE RUNS— -BINK. Incorporated by Act of Parllameut 1866, CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, $1,400,000 Sead Oilfto1I. MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON, President. V. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold. IN7EREST ALLOWED ON DEPosive SAVINGS RANK. Interest allowed on sutras of $1 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes !tit one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired utead as security, Y H. C. BkEWER, Manager, December, 1805. CLINTON. G., A McTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, ik Notea Discounted, - - Drafts Issued. haerest Allowed ou Deposits. Clinton, JuneSth, 1801 65sy �— DR. W. C U N N, R. C. P. tnd L. R. C. S., Fdinbur6h. Office - Ontario etre t Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Exdtei..bury street, oppoolto Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D ; M„ Victoria Univ. M. C, P. A3. Out, ; F slaw of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Olhce:- Dr. Dowsley's stand, Ratten',ury St. Night calls answered at Office. a - _ - DRE SHAW. office -Ontario street oposil.e English church, formerly occupied by T. Appleton. Jas, S. Freeborn. M -D, L. K. & Q. C. P., I., M. C P, & S. O., &c, &a. Graduate of Bir g's & Qaeen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Greet Rritaia. Member of College of rbysioiana and Surgeons, Outar:o. Formerly rest- dento the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynte. :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Office and residence, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 820-1y �ielt#tetra. Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clintons Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N.B.-Will visit BI'th every Monday, and Dayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Dr. Agnew, 4, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5 •oeeeeee At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month. Mj��'G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . Conveyancer, &o. Onice-coiner Hamilton and St. Andrews -fits., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888-tt RC. HAYS,.Barrister, Solicitor, sec. Office, corner North Street and Square, near Registry Orrice, Gerich, Out, 67: I Aff Money to lend at lowest .tee of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, ¢c.. ELLiOTT's BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. E • CAMPION, Q. C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR,, NOTARY, djc., f •oderich, ' - Ont, Office—Ovor Davis' DRdg Store. Money to loan. M.0• JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC, Goderich, - - • Out. Offloe-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, tyc , OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. 817-tf JOHN RIDOUT. CONVL'YANC'ER, COMMISSIONER, FTC. MireInsurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. oflflee--HURON STREET, CLINTON. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS• ION MERCHANTS, Crockery, Glass & Cliinavva? c ALBF T ST., CLINTO1W, ONT. Nigh Caa. F Ipe for Rutter and Eggs mm L. On Ii10. 710-, tOLINTO N, Meets ..cotta Monday of every month. Hall 2U.4 Nat, McKay block. Visiting brethren always madewelcome. J. P. SHEPPARD, W. 61, P. CANTELON, JR. Sea. TJIOS. BEACOM, D. M. CLINTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. M. mauls lJ every Fridayy, on or after the moon. Vlelt Ing brotbren cordlalh• invltad A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RgMBALL, Sso. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1806. H. 0• T. M. Kearns Tent 1•o.06, Knights of the Mabosbeceof the World. $1,000,02.000 and 83,000 B10les: Mem- bership over 100,0()0. Assessment tnolplehas never exceeded 12 assessments in it year. Oheepest Had safest In existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Min• ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. COOK'S FLOU &FEDSTORE, Clixktolu. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for ono Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762 tt-- - - - -- -- _ .. PRODUCE EXOHANGE MILL & IJOYNER9 Corner Store, Albert St., Chalon. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a, specialty. 11cadquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash, We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of grain taken in exchange for Goods, same as Cash. HILL Citi JOYNER. Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately con- ductedby Mr u the Jae. A Ford, and will continue same under their personal suph-08lon. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Havingbongbt out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, „nd will supply our customers with the beet meats at the lowest pay- nR Prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED, � Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Trenta all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. ltesideace-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable Harnessr I manufacture none but the BEST of STOCK. Bewarr of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live 99' Call and get prices. Orders by mall promplyattended to JOI-i:N BELL, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT11, ON'r GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Ilair•Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph oSice, Albert Street, - Olintoa. PUMPS! PUMPS! — If pen want R BrOt-OIAer, well -made pump, one tha will give yon satisfaction, Bond your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the closest prices. He also handles a first•olan FORCE PUMP. JAMES FEIRRGUSON opponit Queon'.1Hotel - Iligh Sthk4 tllinton. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Minton, Ont The McKillop Mutual Firs • ints�urance m�%an/� NO Cripe Cc ✓ ' When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash. •—^- toned, sugar-watod pills, which tear you all to Farm and Isolated Town Proper- pieces, are not In it with Hood's. Lasy to take ty only Insured. 1� OFFI® ® s GeorgO Watt, President, Harlook P. 0.; James Rrosdfoot, Vice-Prea., Sealcrtaha•th P. 0.; W. J. Shan• uon,'Socy. 'Press., Seatorth P. O.: Michael Mardis, and easy to operate, is true inspector of losses, Seatorth P. 0. of Hood's Pills, which are DIRHOTORB, tip to date in every respect. P ' I' James Broadfoot, Seatorth; MlchRel Murdie, Sea. Safe, certain and sure. All forth; George Dale, Seafurth; Oeorge Watt, Harlook Thoma. E, Hays,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner,Leadbury druggists. 260. C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Afass Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLtan, Kipltn. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla &GENTS. ___ _ _ _ _ _ Thomas Nellars, Harlock; Robert MoMillau, Sea - forth and James Oumming'e,Egmondville, gold and bills he could find into the Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- pi1)oW slip. His exit from the bank act other business will be promptly attend- ed to Ou application to any of the above officers ad• was unnoticed, He hid a buggy in dressedtotheir respective pcHEoffices, readiness and droveto the frontier, NOTICE. reaching Cookshire, Q.re., where he jumped off the train, and boarded an outgoing train which he loft at St. There being somee misunderstanding with ro• Justin, a small plane about 30 miles Bard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood .from Dlontreal where lie remained that If any person takes possession of any kind , of wroeliage and fails to report to me I shall at from Saturday until Monday evening. once take proceedings. Remember. this is the last warning [shall give. CAPT. Wbi. BABB. He then determined up)n coining inlu Receiver of 'Wrecks, Goderich, Montreal, and dieguieed in %woman's Goderien, Supt. 7th 1891T- clothes, succeeded in passing the do- tectives at the station, but driving to FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS a huuae Of ill faille, his peculiar attire and actions aroused suspicion, and the police were sent for, And he was Dur%JN"S arrested. lle told the detectivne to day that he had thrown away the valise BAKINC containing the whilebalatice of the mouoy POW' at a awAll )loon while cowing to D4on•DER (real, Accompanied by the prisoner earpe detectives went out to SI, 1'olvcarpe a small place near Moutioal'and THECOOK.'SBEST FRIEND found III(,valise in a culvert. The LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, total amount of money recovered is $3,200. Kelly's fatlWr and mother who can think and several brothers and sisters live in or aomesimple Ameebury, plass,, and are well con Wanted—An Idea thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. netted. The priSOnel' will be kept in Write JOHN WEDDEBBURN & Co., Pate nt Attor- jail 1101'0 Ulltll 4110 necessary extradi- and llwt of two hundred�Inventions w�ppt,.aea ofrer to lion papers are furnished, but as he has expressed his readiness to go back Arrested in ItIontreal. there will out be much delay. JOS. B. KELLY, THE AIURllERER OF THE yS P E PS I A NEW IiAMPSHIRE BANK CASHIER IN CUSTODY --HE CONFESSES TIIFI CRIME. CURED BY DR CHASE lllontr•eal, til,, April 19.—Jos. B. Kelly, the supposed murderer of Cash, ier Stickney of the 1llontroal Btuk of Summerw•olrth, N. II., who was, foully murdered on Friday last, was captured here shortly before midnight to night. Kelly, accordiDg to his own statements, made for Cookbhire, Quo,, after, the murder, where he buught a ticket for Montreal. He came as far as Montreal Junction, about fifteen miles from Dlontreal, on Saturday inorDiog, At the Junction the train stopped, and Kelly jumped off and boarded the out going 'Toronto train from Montreal, in which he proceeded as far as St. Justin, a small place in Vaudreuil county, not far from this city. Here he remained at a small hotel until this evening, when, having disguised himself in women's clothes, he took a train for Dlontreal, arriving hero about eleven o'clock. Wnen he reached here hp took a carter, and told him to drive him to a fast house. The carter drove him to Aggie Ashton's,a notorious fast house in the East End of the city. The local detectives had warned the keepers of all such houses in the city to be on Lhe lookout for a plan answer- iog Kelly's description, and as the new arrival's appearance created suspi- cion, the detectives were at once noti- fied by telephone. He was brought to police headquarters, where he wee searched, and $2,700 in gold, besides a number of papers, were found upon him. Kelly, who is a young follow about 21 years old, was perfectly cool, and smoked a cigar while he answered the questions of the reporters and officers. Dlontreal, Que., April 20, -Jos. B. Kelly, the murderer of Cashier Stick - Der, of the Summersworth, N. H., National Bank, has made a complete confession of the murder, and accord- ing to his stury told to Chief Detective Carpenter today, the deed was a cold- blooded murder committed with the intention of securing the bank funds. Kelly was alone in the deed, the first story that he told the officer about an ac- complice being a myth. Kelly says that he planned the robbery of the bank sone time ago and had been on the lookout for several days for a fav- orable opportunity. He was after mouoy, and lie was determined to get it at any cost, On Thursday last he entered the bank, but found that the cashier was not alone, the girl being in The office. He watched around the bank, but did not have another opportunity that day. On Friday he entered the bank shortly before the dinner hour, but the girl was there, and he went out, He waited until the girl had left, and again entered the bank. He furnished himself with a short bludgeon, and a pillow slip. When he entered the bank, the cashier was behind the screen alone Fnd the safe wee open. Kelly pushed open the small door leading behind the screen, but the cashier sprang to it, and Raked him what he; wanted, 119oney," replied Kelly, end he ebbVed the door open. The cashier tesisted him, but he felled him with a blow- of the bludgeon, and then pullieg out a knife out the cashier's throat. He then pro• ceeded to the safe, and stuffed all the d:50r at;, Purest and Best for Table and Bait y No adulteration, Never caicea, .. FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS W.W.HODGES SUFFERED —DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY - LIVER PILLS EFFECTED AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURE. . . . . . . . . McSSrs. EDMANSON, BATES & CO., Toronto. DEAR SIRS, -I take the liberty of writing to you rCgarding my experience with DR. CNAJE'J KIDNEY-Ln(ER PILL$, and the wonderful cure of dyspepsia of i 8 years' standing effected by them with three boxes. I am as well as I ever was, and am a man of 64 years of age. I have re- commended Dn. CNASE'SKiDNEY-LIYERPILL 3 to a great number of people and they all say they are worth their weight +n gold. If' u desire any further statement c r certificate o case, I will be pleased to furnish one. Yours truly, W. W. HODGES, Holland Landing, Ont. A Minister who (Favors Uancinz and AiIi(1SC111ents. Rev. 11. A. Macpherson, the newly inducted pastor of Knox church, Acton, has brought upon himself some pretty strong critici;rn by his sermon on amusements the other Sunday night. The following is taken frons the Acton Free Press: The rev. gentlen)an expressed his ad- miration for athletic sports, • stating that personally he loved (lase -ball. Be hoped the game would he continued there, notwithstanding the objections of some straight-laced people. But he exhorted the young people who par- ticipated in the game to make It a game characterized by purity of speech and action ; to heware of professional- ism, and to he careful when they go to have contests in other towns not to mar the good uarue of the town they represent by licentiousness or other unseemly conduct. Referring to other amusements the preacher placed in the catepory of innocent. pastimes, .which might be enjoyed with' proper restraint, dancing, card -playing, the manly art--sparring-the theatre, etc•, but drew a line definitely at horse-rat. ing and low-down opera9. In all these amusements, whether in games on the green or at evening parties, there should he, he said, a studious care not to come in contact with the weekly Prayer meeting or other services of the chutch, so that those who usually attend these meetings may not at any time be hindered from being present. For Over Fifty Years MRt3. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been - used by rnillions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth sena at once and vt a bottle, of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' far Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Dc - pend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and ggives tone and energy to the whole s •stem. " A4r•R. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething, is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through- out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mits. IWiN$LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. - - - Mr, Wrn. Gibson, M. P., for Liu - coin, has the mnsonry contract for the Victoria bridge enlargement at Mont. real. Joseph E. Kelly, Who wos nrreated at Montreal on a charge of murdering Cashier Stickney, of the Great Falls National Binh, Summeremith, N. H,, 'haa confessed the clime. The Tarte-Grenier libel case has been set back to next term, as Mr. Grenier deolared he was unable to proceed without Mr. Tarte, while the inister of Public Works is too bu to leave Ottawa at present, 1 flypnotise(11411(1. 81.1riefl. FURRiS RIEMUSES TO DIG UP HIS SLIB- JE(rT, NO'1'w111fISi'ANDING THE SlIERIMN-'N THILLAT., Siutcue, Out., April 20. Ifypuolist Ferris, %% ho ye8terlja,y )lit Co sleep i fie of the weurburs of his troop, and then Clad hitu buried illthu earth six &wt dee), intending; to revive hien +tftor three. days, refused to dig hint u ag;aill, notwithstanding Lh;tt thesherllf threatened to invest the professor: The Crowll-ALtor11ey, trot being able t -o find any law relating; to tho cttse, Lhe inattor Was rc1'crre(1 to ('hlef Jus tice Armour who is holding court here. He, however, Could nut see his way to iutel1ere. Consequently it hits been, deelded to.ullo%v the nrttter todrop, Great interest is being taken here fit the experiment, .tilt[ solne ltuxiety is felt as to the OtIICollie. "Half tt sg,iui of angry steel" will pro- duce no more fatal results Chau it neglected coal or cough. For ;til throat and lung; (1iseases, Ayer's cherry Pect,01" l is the hoot, remedy. It is iti- vitlwtble in citsos of cruu), Whuu)iug; cough, bronchitis, and l,t grippe. Thomas U. ()avis, of I'vince Albert, M. P - for 'a katchevvan (while pli5s- ing througll Covolao uu his way to Ott;twa, oxItibit ed a, Hugget Of pure gold Ilio *ire of a eou's egg;, which hrul htion ob- titi"Od frnlll the 1)('(1 of it strel1,111 in 116 neighborhood. He ,Inted that it) Sasketchewau Lhere are IIf) (") square wiles Of laud, uitt"'sO •tell by a net- work of rivers ittitl %Vater courses, many of which contain free gold in their beds. Aheady uw distriet h+ts attracted a Targe 11(1111 "Or of gold seek- ers, Who Work by the old-fashiooe(1 fanning systelu, ,111(1 iu"e ithle to inake ft(ut $2 to $2.50 it day. The connl,r'y is well Wooded, 'and the -e• is pleofy of gatne. Living costs iibuul, IU ceu6s n d>ty. The Reglnning of r)Inz. Ill the revolution which ended in the expulsion of that str•anTe cross of ass and wolf, whom one of the most naive of 'Mexican folk -songs celebrates in Ila pats de Saint' Anna," youn! Diaz became Jefe Politico (Ala'yor) of Ixtlan. In this hamlet was the first fair scope for the military bent which had+,en visible even in his childhood, He drilled the half -naked Indians of his jefature om Sundays, holding them by dances, a gymnasiuln, and the like artifices until he. had really valuable militia. When Garcia "pronounced" in Oaxaca, the boy Mayor of Ixtlan marched on that tx%pitad with his aborigines and induced the usurper to "take It back" ; and upon Garcia's re- newal of the pronouncta' rn-to, Diaz returned and took the city and the small despot fled. For this service 1)1az refused the pay proffered him, A lit- tle later he resigned his post Its Mayor to become captain in the National Guard at less than half the nay, and worn his first laurels in crushing the rebellion of Jamiltepec. Badly wound- ed, he. saw the weak point in the irt- eurgent lines, and won the day. It was a week before he reached the doctor, and he carried the bullet more than 'a year.-Harper's Magazine. Eternal Life. Man's spirit was not made to live a terrestrial slave imprisoned, and then to be utterly quenoh.ed like'a carr -le at night. Gad must see that, it would' not Prove worth while to make me for only that end. If for this life merely, the spirit infused w4th the breath of God and made a living soul is vastly too precious and complicated for iLs sphere. It is fitted for something In- finitely better. And to that h!gher lite it must attain, else God created vast powers for little accomplishment. So as I sit and muse, the spirit of eternal life burns within me. I believe in Easter. I sun my soul in immor- tality. Because He live'& I shall livn- also. Bring your choicest flowers•sweet prophecies of eternal spring time, Give us your choicest musde, echoes escap- ing through the raster gates ajar. It shall be with us as if a window of htaven were lifted and we permitted a glance withln.- Dr. Taylor. Burled Treasures. Some of the famous treasure ships which lie at the bottom of the seas Include L'Orient, sunk by Nelson at the battle of the Nile, with $3,000,000 aboard ; the Latune sunk in the Zuy- der Zee., with $7,000,000 in her hold ; the De Brake, lost off Delaware Bay, with Spantsh bullion, and the ship Golden Gate, which ' went dmw•n off. Cape Hatteras while returning from California in the '50's, loaded with go" .d. Official statistics showthat 2000 ves- sels are sunk amrrually, the vessels and cargoes valued at $100,000.000. The At- lantic and Pacific coasts are strewn with old and new wrecks, many laden with valuable cargoes. Itat.her Mixed. A local preacher in the west of Eng- land recently offered up the singular p(rayer "that the spark of grace might be watered with the dew of blessing from on high." -Saturday Review. lta,.,i,y, - Leal. The great work of Hakluyt is thr, "Principal Navigations," in three folio volumes, a monument of useful labor. Nothing could stop or daunt him when there was a chance of obtaining new Information. He rode 200 miles to have an interview with the last sur- vivor of Master Hore's expaditi,n to America in 1536. He saved numerous journals and narratives from destruc- tion and the deeds they record from oblivion. His work gave a stimulus to colonial and to maritime enterprise, and it inspired our literature. Shakes- peare owed much to Hakluyt's "Prin- cipal Navigattons." Milton owed much more. As the years passed on Richani Halduyt, in his own quaint language; continued "to wade still further and further in the stiveet studle of the hls- toire of cosmographle," and he achiev- ed his great task, which was, in his own A-ords, "to incorporate Into on-' body the torn and scattered limbs of our ancient and late navigation ))y sea." Tle declared "geography and chronology to be the: sun and moon, the right eye and the left, of all. his- tory," -Geographical Journal. The llrav a it of the Brave. Itolding the baby in his left ar in while he grasped his Fabre with the right, Capt. Highuchl marched to the e.'tgture of the next fort, receiving at one time a bullet through his cap. The fort was taken in gallant style, the baby meanwhile looking on in won- dering :surprise at the din and uproar of the battle, perfectly content to re: t on thw kind-hearted captain's shr.ul- dL-M When all wa.s over this gallant ofnccr gave his tiny charge to some of his troopers, who bore the child in safety to a. Chinese house in a vlltagP hard by.-Iferole Japan. A l)alnty habit. Irish camhrie, well covered with ap- plied designs of YPldnw lace, Is used for wine collars on thin cotton gowns, 10 combined with chiffon for vests, and for walsts with chiffon underneMttr. Xn advanced stages of Con- sumption, Scott's Emulsion soothes the cough, checks the night sweats and pry_ vents extreme emaciation. In this way it prolongs life and makes more comforta- ble the last days. In every case of consumption—from As first appearance to its most advanced stages—no reinedy promises a greater hope for recovery or brings comfort and relief equal to Scott's Emulsion. Book on the subject free for the" ask- ing. g SCUTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Onl. A PERFECT TEA MONSOON rHE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea &rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they but it up themselves and sell it only in the original mckages, thereby securing its purity and excellence, Put up in % Ib., i lb. and s Ib, packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL., HAYTER & CO. tt 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toront.. 50 YC•ARS' EXPERIENCE. �P TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of anYy�eclentlfle i ournal, weekly, terms $3.00 a cart $1.fi(lstx monhs. Specimen copies and HAND BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. When you plant seeds, plant j;j1Rnv",&_ Always the best. For sale everywhere. ii,;-M. W FERRY CO.,, Windsor, Ont. Read,1M..,"- t,• THE -40 Great Offer WOF® The London Free Pressor The Froc Press, desiringto greaily increase its subscription list. makes the following great. offer I o the fanners and stockurcu of Camida whereby sub- scribers to Weekly Free Preis will get One Year's Paper Free. The Free Press haR made arrange- ments: with the Veterinary Science Publishing Co. fur a nnmberof copies of their book. "Tho Veterinary Science." the price of which is 8?,On. This book treats fully and in plain language the Anatomy, DisrrAes and Treatipent of Domestic Animals and Poultry. also containing It (till descript ion of Medicine and Itceeipts, He that every farmer can be his own veterin Lry. $3,00 F®R $2,00 The Weekly Free Tress and Farm and Home for one year ipricc $1.00) and a coppy of the Vetorivary Science (price ($2.00). Both wt,l be mailed to any ad• dregs upon the receipt of Two Dollars. Do not miss this chance. We cannot afford to continue tbi9 offer Indefinitely. Our object In making it now Is to secure an hnntcdtate response which a lees liberal efrer might. fail to attract. Re- member, by sculling $2.00 for the book you get tiro Weekly Free Press and Farm and Home ONE YEAR FREE. Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communi.ations to the Free Press Printing Co., London, Ont,. A. Magee, a prominent barrister nt Van(•onv„r, B. C., colnmitted suitifTe last Tuesday eveningin atragiefashion. . Several weeks ago he visited a store . to purchase a revolver, but not Hnd- ing one to sort hits, said he would; rill Again when it new gtoc•k h,td rtt•riv- od. Toemlav evvningY he culled rtl, the - store and selected it 32 -calibre revolver., . in response to his re( nest, the pro)rie for loaded it. to shoW�loty the Pie Mechanism worked. Magee took. 0- And before the propiiet4P e-t,ukl stop hint, had placed it In his month and fired, death heing instantaneous. MA_ pee had been drinking heavily.