The Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 8!lien mall Wows of Wade
Pac,rt ) LYTH
Business Sale
We want to emphasize the fact that not only in general stocks all through the store, bait
on all Yntas goods as well, you can positively save money taking advantage of this Great
Retiringfrom Business Sale, l I0lid t goods were not
:rd witsnwe ere
reduced p
The saving on gift things of all kinds is well worth your while considering, for you can get
more here for the sante money than in any other store. Everything just as good as if you
paid full price for it, and no scatter what you buy you pay less than regular price here. Stocks
for `alas are ready now, Here is a partial list. Stere is a partial list. It is -worth reading
if you are interested in saving money.
!. 10. Sunup M. P. for South
Huron, Dead.
B. 3. Cluun, M. 1. for South Huron,
died about8,C) Monday night, follow.
Mg an operation performed at Donn at
St, Luke's Hospital for etenosie et the
stomach, 51r, (lean had trot been well
efface the opening of the ee8sion, and
early last week ou the urgent rove.
0tutation of hie (hands he consented to
go to she hospital, It was thought
that his ailment teas only of a tenlpor•
ary (diameter and that with careful
dieting and rear he would be all right
iti a few days. Monday, however, it
Was appereut that hie routlition was
eerious end Dr. Armstrong, of Mout•
real, wag summoned. Au operation
was deluded upon, tied after it was per•
formed. it wee realized that the eon-
ditiou of the patient was practically
The late Mr. Guinn was e. man of a
most lovable dispoeition. Although
an ardent Conservative his sunny die-
ppositioti won hint friends ou both sides.
Ile was elected to the House of Cam
inose at the last geuerai election by a
nmiorlty et I1I., h{a opponent being
'1'hotnaa, Fraser, The old riding of
South Heron had been consistently
Liberal :since Confederation and the
new riding formed in 1898 wad carved
for the purpose of keeping up the Llb•
stat record. Mr. Guun'e strong per
sociality, however, carried him to vie•
tory mud South Huron, as well ae the
East and West ridineo, was in slue In
the Conservative column. Nrn. (Gums
woe with her Mishima when he died.
The news of Mr. (unii a detain wag
received with profound expreseionf of
regret iii the precincts of the Horde,
tuterment will take place at Seafopk
where Mr. Gunn had beep residing fd'r
some yeiire.
Great. Handkerchief
Saving .
Great are rho savings 011 luras Handkerchiefs. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Daintily embroidered
1111(1 the 11101T substantial plain linen. For ladies, gentlemen and children. floods that were bought below
71.'' AIM; in the lint plate and now reduced In price for this great sale, The goods are mealy boxed ready for
'giving. Prices away hetoty what you would pay were it not for this Retiring from Business Sale. You would
Day alert at wholesale than we are asking now for theta. Buy early and have best choice,
oc Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c
Fancy Handkerchiefs for ladies' or children's use, also
ranch used for fancy work, ,art's quality incitation silk,
neat designs in blue, pink, helitrope, eta, regular 10e, for
sale each 50
.,,•x Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 4 for 25c
Extra fine quality Ladies' 4luelin Handkerchiefs, hem-
stitched, nicely embroidered initial in one cotton, tilt
initials in stock, regular tee, special for eale..4 for 25e
Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c
Ladies' Pure Irish Litten Itemstited Handkerchiefs, line
quality, narrow hem, regular 124c, special for (hie eels
3for 25e
Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c
Pert of an itnlllettae purchase of Swiss Embroidered
Handkrne.h ers, hemstitched or scalloped edges, splendid
designs and fine gml111y of clods, regular 20e end 20c
qualities, for retiring sole very special 2 for 25o
Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 15c
Ladies' Pure Litten Hemstitched initinhHandkerchiefs,
very fine quality atel nicely nnthroidurref initial, regular.
25e, all initials in stock, special for sale each 1130
20C Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c
Ladies' Pura Linen Hamatitcited Handkerohlefe, oar.
torr 1(0000, extra slue quality, regular 20c, for sale? for 25e
25c Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 5oc
Ladies' extra flue quality real Irish Linea Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, very One quality, regular 20o for sale
,.,., .,....,• ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,3 for 500
35c and 40C Fancy handkerchiefs 25c
Dome and dozens of Fanny Embroidered, beanti(ul
designs, due quality. teguier ken 011(1 40c, (petrol for this
sale, 'seals .... ............................... .... 25c
All Better Handkerchiefs Reduced
All our Better Fancy handkerchiefs, fine gnalit!es isi
embroidered and plain 1010(8, boa otrlful patterns, regular
b0e, 00ct 74a and el, all cleerieg et greatly reduced priors
became of our retiring from busiueee sate.
Gentlemen's IH{andkerchieifs 3 for 5oc
taentleiuorl's 1{sestlke Haudkerohie.le, fine eilky thigh,
hemstitched', lance iuitiel elubroidereI, a splendid gift
haudkeeeltie(. regular 25e tech, for sale sf,ecial„3 foe 25c
Gentlsmcn's 25c Linen Handkerchiefs 19c
' Oentlnsuwe's Pure Linen Hemefit.elied Haodkerchi,•1s,
' Matte front ext re quality real Irish Linen, regular 96c,
' tiliocie] for sale each .... ..... .......... .... ........ len
You Can Save on Linens
Many people give Linens and most ladies are
always glad to get them, You will not have as goal
a chance to get nice linens for nonny a day. All
Nancy Linens greatly reduced as well 80 Table Da.
grasps and Napkins. (fere are some of the many
Doylies 3 for IOC
6 inch 'I'eneriffe Doylies, 2 patterns. They were a
special bargain at 5c, for retiring sale clearing, ,3 roe 100
1 ar ge Teneriffe 1)0ylies 1 00
Good Size'I'enorillo Doylies, made from goo,l quality
1i11P.11, speeiol lial'gaiti, each 100
'.('ray Goths, Towels, Etc., each 40c
'Prey Cloths, Sideboard Drapes, Shams, Panty Linens
of all kinds, souse vary ti at tlgotne pieces in the lot, a col.
1e01fo0 of 60e. and Me qualities, clearing• for retiring from
business Bale at each',. ..........40o
Tray Cloth each 19c
Half a dont diffsiront prttlerus, in fancy Linen Tray
Cloths and'odtl pieces of Fancy Linen, regular 25c and
Otto qualities, clearing (or sale each leo
ine Tray Cloths each $ t,00
cry fine 'Pray Clothe, Sideboard Scarfs, Ltnell Cloths,
tc„ beautiful linens, that will stand no end
of hard near, out rt pipe„ to Ills lot that ,old for Ito.Q 1
$1.25, 010aring theta ell nw oeach
Fancy Towels all reduced
Taney '1'awol' of all kinds, Dslttaeks. Tineknburk, ere.,
suitable for dresser covers, stand covets, etc., all of thein
clearing tit special bargain Indices for this bit; Hale,
Mantles are Selling at Saving Prices
We are hatted to clear out the Mantles, No reserve
en thein whatever for we roust sell them all out if poss.
ibis, Prices cut almost iu two. Splendid garments.
All new this sea (WI.
Baty to Nix Tido.
\Vliat. will appear very 1(1000 1109 u:
wetly people hers is the article taken
Nom a New Turk daily paper, giving
a eitnple preseriptiou, ea formulated
by a noted authority, who claims that
he has 'tnuud a poitire remedy to
cure almost any case of backache or
kidney or bladder derangement. in
the tollowiug simple prescription, i1
taken before the stage of Briglt'e 41-
(0000 :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
01(000 i Compound Iydr'gona, oue (mace i
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
costes., Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonfel'doees after each
meal Dud agent at bedtime.
A well-known druggist here at
hove, when asked regarding this pre
seription,'stated that the iagtedietts
are all harmless, and eau be obtained
ate.small coat (rote any good trrearrip•
tion pharnlecy, 01' the mixture would be
put tip if coked to do so, He further
stated that while title pr1410r1ptien 1e
ofteu prett ribed iu rhonmatfc dile-
demi with splendid results, he could
5100 u0 re0sou why it would slot be a
splendid remedy for kidney and uri•
envy troubles and books, he, ea it hes
A peculiar action upon the kidney
structure, ttleeneiog these (0001 impor-
tant organs and helping them to elft
Nod dicer' from the blood the foul
acids and ',cote matter which reuse.
aicknetle acid 'suffering. Those of out
1eadera wile suffer can make no m18•
take le giving it a trial.
Townshi'fi Council will meet on Mot,•
dity Nth, iriat,
Harry Duncan, 4th line, le holiday
tug with relatives and friends at Lind
s'cged tiMiliot are having 0 siege
toatoelt but we hope no serieup
re0ultetVill follow,
The comfortable reeidenee of Coun-
elllor NeCutcheon has been undergoing
The Suuahitte Methodist Sahbatl
School will hold their mutual Chri t•
man 9ntertiiinmeut in the church on
Wednesday I8tli inst. There w111 be .t
good program including a Clu•isemas
tree, 10(1011 will he served,
The trustees of Bolmore echool have
engaged the servlcesof of ltoht. liryet s'
sort of Wto. Bryana, 4th line, for tie'
ineontiug year, blr. 13ry0us Is now el
the Model. he will make a good
teacher we have no doubt and we wish
him ancces0,
Thee, Clark, 5th line, lute beer
bothered with a swelling on his left
arm. Medical treatm0ut is relieving
she tronble and Mr, Clark will soon be
o. k.
lire, 0. stood is here vieitinp iter
father, Wm. Little, who le Int, and mill-
ing on old friend8. 'l'lie visitor, who
wait a former 1lottleite, now resides in
The Tenet pea of 9. S. No. 5 Have en-
gaged Miss Ms y Scott se toucher for
next year at a salary of 0340. Misty
Scott is now {n attnadauce et the
Model School at Clinton,
Save on Ribbons Too
Lore of Ribbons used at Xmas tithe. Lots of
theta hero 10 tiny from and every yard selling at it
814v01g, Boa Million Stock in town and prices till
reduced. No need ro pay regoler arias int where
Whet you ten hny at prices like Moen,
4c Ribbons are pow 9c
7+) Itihhone 41'011001 ,,..,... Ga
flr, and 10o Ribbons are 0000 G,4
i2l; ilitiboing ere unw0>
1$,1 ttiikoon ere %OW 190
24o Iti()beige are DOW.... __Me
25c ihahbooe are now,,,, ,,,, Ibo
bed t
t�p1 a 'd ,.art
MO 8
Prices in every line
cut in two.
From now till the end of the year.
Save ort Kill Gloves
you know the K id 11I keen we seil are good, No need
to be afraid to gives lair Or two. All have been reduced
for this (treat axle, Thi: is the. way We are setting.
Our molar 81,t1O 1; id i1l.,r"a ate now „ il2e
Our regular 01.25 N rd Gloves are now ado
Our regular 41.30 Glottis ars no0 et.i8
Cushion Cord; at Saving Prices
No need to pay fell pries for r,in1' (Dation (lords either,
Big (Rocks dere in all the standard 'colors, Here ie the
tvay they are selling.,
e5e Cushion Girds are now (larked 1')c
50e Cushion COI llt are now 1(101ko> ...,..85e
75c Cushion Cords ate now 1141018d 33e
Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $lo or aver.
Best Coal Oil 15c.
is for
Tie Gres Previlacial Charity, no
Hospital for 3lck Ciiliray
CA Or Yat Per Aid:
? r that this uaipttrl is not e
had institution, tut Provictent
cam19 tor sway
wok algid is tie
Proriaw of diet-
aatio whose pa&'est
oaane4 *feta to
pay for treatment.
Busy dialers are
better tame idle
team me sym-
pathy Mist Weeps
is goad, but the
Hospital has to here
tke sympathy time
"i LOW rie'weoa” Works.
Last year there were 1093 patients ad•
tnittedOt these 370 imam from %h4 phew
outside of Toronto --all wine children of
poor people who ootid not sdord to pay for
treatment of their little ones.
6soh child wog in the hospital 47it days
ata cat of
$1,91 each
per day,
$02,22 fo
the 471days
1f your
dollar Gould
the feet o f
a little boy aaasaae
or girl with club feet, you would gladly
give it, and your dallier will do the .
There veto 79 oases of club feet treated
A new bell hes been placed 00 the
tower of the school (louse.
Friday eveuitig of this week Ilia an-
neal At horse of Walton A. 0, U. W.
will he held its their hall, Au interest-
ing prograum will he presented.
The Bethel Lsdies' Aid of the lVoltou
circuit coiic.luded their last tweeting,
which was held at the Personas. The
proceeds for the ,peer acermeted to 3144.
The railway yard be mach imprort d
by having the yard filled up with eurth
end new (melon have also been erected.
Duff's cl>urt h will hold their Anti
versary services nit 5uuday, Dec, 101 h.
fowl super oto the following +Monday
Monday, Nov. 2611), It. di, and lits,
Ferguson,, old and highly esteemed
residents of Whitey, mon1 menrorated
the 96th sunivereery of their marriage.
Their ninny old friends not ouly eateed
congratuletione hut hope the 50th an-
niversary wtU t{nd them still among
Friday, January 3rd, - 1908
Friday, February 7th, 1908
Friday, March 6th, - 1908
Friday, April 3rd, - 1908
All the leading horse and cattle buyers
are specially hn'ited to attend. Let
everybody 00010. Welcome to all.
A. W. atLOAN, Pre0011l,
WM. JACKSON, Vloe President.
LESLIE. HElill, Secretary.
il.vlop opened up the—
In the frame building, north of Il, M,
Bradford's blacksmith shop, I wul ur
able to supply any farmer with the neoen•
Bary Implements.
Plow Points will be kopt
on hand.
Call and Inspectoarnew Ilnne(�of—
4. _ClJTTERS_ A,
sxroaz. 40111*.
last year. Out of the 79, about 50 were
from the country.
If you know of any child in your comity
who is sick or Lae club fest, mad whom
parents can not afoul to
pay, mad the Usst. to the
1lospitel Secretary.
The stock books are
epos. Won't yea let
the /looping write your
rase down for a few
ors in Bosom's cows
w u r k e{ healing little
ebildren t
A great mins of Mercy
—the mining (gawk (bat
always pegs dividends—
ie bought with the nwwy
that helps The Hospital
for Sick (tldtwe to es -
Meet 015. Geld of Life
from 8150 Quartz of
Please send tontriiontionoIs 3. Bess
Robertson, Chairman, or b
•aaPo t� ►n�i
ms, S.o..Tr., of th. 13.apit�it Wl
Cididrss. College BMW, Toronto.
LTA coast.