HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 2...._ •. .• y -,.. I , . �,. z ,. � �tl ". l . _ . --_ _. WAITING. I ly suffering from the aysoclations•you HER PHOTOGRAPH: Ty y`' �erierotts and well mannered and permit yourself," -'" . not Ill -looking, and l3enora Valera was Fur. away, by the jasper Sea. Percy was 'frightened. The last time ''Watch for the bird!" the artist cries bewitching, a type, more than locally Three tor4rat are ti T?mg, side by sldtt ' he had been rebuked in Rhis temper With lifted, waiting finger; famous for hr,r beauty, afid paasesserl And ones arid thou they Uuud to gaze over the octian tilde. by his aunt was when he was a boy. But, heedless of the mirthful cull, upon the camera's mystic of 'a charm that is peculiar to tyomen He meant no offense. "I pall lies• serious glances linger, of her race who have learned the And three of q but walk uud prur Beside a dark and boundlcbs sea; brg your pardon, Aunt Martha," he murmured. 7`0o lave!" Her mother tnkey the B' usages of the wot•14. They kept open house, in the grand way of the weal • We cannot pierce the radluut glues I Mrs, Leveen took her knitting from word: "'1'Ulak, darling, for one minute, tloy Spanish-Americans oP not set lung 1`ltal YOidB the other three, the table and worked busily at It till NN lout can It be papa wllI s;ty, ago. Never a day ptu3sed that n1A she was quite calm. She looked up after Opening kis letter fur away, more than one tutal stronger was en - They watch above the rolling wurld, every few thr4sts at ,her needle, Indig- To flud your picture lu It?" tertained. Thus It came about that, Waiting till ope, at hod's couoi.iia Shull l nantly at first, then coldly, and finally I A loot: of love and bient upon a spring evening some years after, her truss the spueu tint tics brur0o. This lurcher loud, the habitual expression of kindness re- rapture The baby -features on, marriage, Senora Valera greeted and the turned to her Pace. "1 darn put ll'rum parted lips to rounded cheek with lovely ease and grace a guest I whom her husUgnd brought home with Apd, Oil; I lou • for the years to ,abs; 6 1 And, Uh! 1 cry for the time to b arty you are In a hurry to go to town, Pero and I shall not de- swift d!wples played tit ilio -turd -seek - 1'he artist tuuched the button. him, a Der•, ltic•hard Lovell uP Los ringe- Wheu they who are watching wi,h eagec twin uu much ion y ger. You may telt Ah, les, But as she greeted him she glanc- ed ed dawn hes hands that t -``�'iialil lltnd• and beckon me. me s.>methiug abtalt this young—this I girl. clow old Is she?" buabenm, knewest thou how she Would leave the. world so lonely, at and saw daw the opal skull. She sawn t, "She is going on 19, Aunt Martha." '1'has Uoldlug tu8t, In deathless grace, her husband and said in English that So auug I but Pew weeks ago, VtSan, throe few the weeks ag n taessueu "1, trlye cultivated, educated'? Come, I ', • , the a1°tie that ou Uer rosebud Puoe 191oumed for 11Lr Puther only? was Perfect roes, though made dainty -by a slight lisp : "Carlos, dear, will , come, 6 ucy, tell me all about her." "She went bhrough the -i11A1tY A, P, STANSIIUItY you see if I left my opal a.nd diamond And one of us passed to the distuut three, Ileuelug with joy ills uume. grammar school, I think, but she had to work aft,,r that. Su r I Hit �ll) ,1 } �7r7 i i i Pin on my dressing stand '? I think I tool' It out to wear, and forgot It. . she can't play the piano � 1I 11 'ill 1.,. L�. l - , I• I don't want it to get lost like that Four walk now by the jasper 8011. 'I'uralug I ur sink but she is a nice girl and can tend l --- - other opal you gave me before we were ,•d their rudlant eyes, eurthwu tl� house and cook, now that her Of all places to oppress one"with thr married. I'm afraid they are really Wbere two of us now, with yearning hearts, mothe is dead." "That's right; she ought to be able fruitlessness of life there is none like unlucky stones ; don't you think so. Look ever to Paradise I 1I to manage her husband's household. unto the southern portion of the Colo- rado river. There seems always to be Mr. Lovell'? Would you mind going for it, Carlos?" -ANNA B. IS19SS1•:1. I But tell me more about her. Is her visible from Its banks, IP banks they Valera left the room. 'D ` + N ` ���i1 -r1 VILLAGE voice soft, are her manners gentle, is she modest? Describe her to can be called, some Paint Ulue-gray "Mr. Lovell, take off that ring whip, 1 l�ii�i+i me, oily dear. Is she Pretty?" mountain peak off In the distance, be You are here," she said calmly. "I Percy was ; yond the plain with its rare groups of have never taken it off. And I'n Airs, Silvester Dean Leveen was pol- encouraged by the few words of approval he had won. "Aunt, cottonwoods and its occasional lonely 1 adobe. sorry that I can't do so now." "If Mr. Valera sees it he will be apt fishing her braes knoeke�•. Her lou9, she's a beaut', •that's-" "What � There was no color anywhere. Th,a to kill you as not. He is very jealous." thin hands rubd,ecl and rubbed till the do you say, a what?" 1 Yellow of the sky was only a pale glim- "I fancy lie has good reason." little while curls on her forehead "I mean, she's a beauty. She's got mer over the whitening blue; the green "Kindly keep your opinions where danred like street children. Yet the ablue eyes and blonde hair and the of the trees was dulled by the dust and such unpleasant ones properly belong labor had no prrcepttble efft,ct. ThL nicest, biggest, reddest cheeks. She the evening twilight: There was but -in your own consciousness. You metal shone like light, but 9,J it did ain't what you would call quiet; she's one house in sight, an adobe 400 yards will be wise to do as I say, and to be when she began to clean it. It had mOee lively like. You ought to hear Or less from the river. quick. Do you know that the !ivc shone like that yesterday and the day her laugh when we're down on the In among the willows by the river years is up tonight ?" before, and, indeed, every day for 60 docks nights with the rest of the w'•as a small, canvas -covered wagon. "I doubt that sort of superstition. As years. There was a smooth circle ail crowd. I'll bet you could hear her Two thin bronchop were hobbled new, I told you before, I'm not afraid. Per - around the knocker where her delicate across the river in Hoboken. And jolly? by, and a man was gathering sacks haps you are, though ? It is natural .hands had worn into the hard, black If she gets a mug as is too fresh she fat' a fire. He wondered If it would be you should be. I will tell you what wood of the door. Nevertheless the old can jolly him along to beat the band. worth his while to make the acquaint- I will do. I'll take the*ring and put lady rubbed away just as she had, done But she's on bhe level, too. She does ance of the "greasers" who uncloubt- it in my packet" -he slipped It off and every morning since the spring oP 1833, the square thing with her old man edly inhabited it. They might offer field it between his thumb and finger when rhe was brought. a bride, into every clip. The housework has to be him hospitality for the night; but he -"!f you will kiss me again as you did the house. She was the pride of done before she's in for the game, And had. learned by experience that Mexi- on that night." Greenwich village then, and she meant she slaves for her little sisters 'and can hospitality usually implies dirt,and "I will not. You would have forgot - to be still. brothers -just slaves for them, and he disliked dirt. It was a question in ten that silliness of mine by now, if On this particular Frosty morning Yet she does it as willing. But rt then hie mind whether'a blanket under the you had been fortunate enough to he Mrs. Leveen tarried longer than usual she's good to everybody; always ready wagon would not be preferable. And a gentleman." at her task. After the, lion's head to help out with work when neigh- while he debated the fl4t board door of "Never !-not all those caresses and was sati;-.factory even to her sharp bons are behind or sick or have com- the adobe opened, and womilin came protestations. Come, kiss me again, eyes, she worked on. But it was evi- puny, and she sticks up for horses and out. She was slender, therefore she was young -so reasoned the man, who and I'll hide the ring." "No. Mr. Valera will finish hunting dent in the glances she shot across cats and all like that. You wouldn't , knew jliexlcans. More than that he for a pin that isn't there in Bank street that her attention was not given wholly to the work of her believe she was that way, though, to see her at a ball or dancing on ex- could not see. After a time she went a moment more, and If he comes back it will o g hands. Neither was it diverted to her curs!on {oats up the river. She's a back into the house, and he Pell to gathering sticks, ill with you -it certainly will if he sees the ring," customary inspection of the neighbor's 1 good looker and a good dresser, and g When the moon rase, and he, having Then kiss me." knockers. Theirs glistened like hrr;s, ,when she's out in full rig -well, say, flrlshed his supper, was sitting beside "I will not. Be quick, I hear him and, hesiclts, every time she looked up she's a, sight. The other fellows don't the dying camp fire, peacefully smok- coming. Quick" 'her eyes turned to but one door, that do nothing when we're out-" Ing, the low willows parted and the "Kiss me. You'd better for your of the house ,in front of which stood Percy stopped short. Mrs, Leveen girl Of the adobe stood before him. own sake." two sturdy, hcm,es and a truck. had risen suddenly, and she stood erect "Ah, I beg your pardon, senor;I knew "No." Pretty soon the door opened and a before him, tall and white and proud, not zat you were hler," she cried, start- "Then don't." young man in a canter's blouse came "Why, Aunt Martha!" ,he exclaimed. "Tlhat's Ing back. "Oh! hide that ring -do, for me." out. He saw the old lady across the enough, Percy. Thank you. It gives me much pleasure to sere "Kiss me," street, though he pretended not to. I see I have been wrong, all wrong, In you, Will you not sit here with me?" "Well, kiss me, then." He busied himself ostentatiously about this matter from the first. You shall He spread a blanket' on the ground I IIe put his hands on her shoulderp the horses' heads for a -moment and have your way, for it is right. I con- near the bright coals, and rn(•1.ca1,cd to and bent his head. He did not see then_ turned back to the truck. Mrs, sent." her, with a deep bow, to be seated. ' Valera step into the French window, Leveen had seen him. She bent her- "Oil, Aunt Martha," he cried, spring- She took her place, and he, stretching but he knew that the woman pulled i selif earnestly to the knocker and In Ing up and selzing her hand to kiss. himself at her feet, leaning upon one away from him with a loud "How dare a fely strokes finished it off. Then she "I am. so glad. But I knew you would elbow, offered her a cigarette. I you !" and a scream : "Carlos, Carlos, faced towards the street and fixed the after hearing about her. And say, aunt, Her name, it transpired v(,ry soon, help me !" , tru•cknhan with ,her eyes till, he had to you ought to see her once. You couldn't was Anita -Anita Mana,re; his, he told I And then he felt something sharp look up, help but like her and admire her. her, was Richard Lovell. They fell - driven deep between the shoulders, and "{;cod morning, Aunt Martha," he Everybody in the ward does. Why, do a-talking,and he did w•'hat was, expected as he fell backward Senora Valera said, as he doffed his cap• you know what they call -her, the men of him -made desperate love instantly; grasped at the ring and caught It from She beckoned to hdm to come to her. clown at the Grapevine? The way you- while she did what he had expected her his hand, She put her own hand to "Good morning, Percy," she answer- looked then made me think of it. They to do, respond with only enough re- her throat in the accepted fashion of ed pl,,asantly, as he approached her, call her the Pride of Greenwich Vil- serve tb keep up the illusion of flirta- the conventional Mint, and as she dIJ cap in hand. "Came in a moment. I lage."-New York Post. tion. Here, in the half tropic south- so, dropped the jewel into the basom wish to speak witch you." west, with an unwise child of 16, of an of her gown. Then she lost conscious - The interview he had dreaded for Current Events. arrrorous race, the rather la.x code Of nest',_ _ - ••- ^- - weeks was upon him now. He knew The new walling -room in the New honor of Richard Lovell. fell from him. Story' Sae told her husband was from the first it was inevitable, but York Central Depot will be the largest •Tilts She told him about her life.-- ore of unprovoked impertinence on the day after day he had put It off, omit- in the world. I was born hier," she Bald, "eel zat part of an utter stranger, a man she ting .his usual calls on his aunt, and It is estimated that the cost at ves- house. But -, 'en I twelf years am, I t'i had never seen before, and the story avoiding her sight and summons. Now sets now being built at lake shipyarus San Diego go to school, an' zere I Ee•ng- he told the world was much the same, that she had caught him he was glad. is close to $3,Ooo,oCo", AS compared with Itsh .learn, I speak note much Eleng- but slightly embellished. It was not An he followed the old lady Into hear $9,000000 a year ago. lish now, for.zat I have only my muz- plausible, yet it passed. It excused prim, comdortable sitting -room Ln Antelope are abundant out in Gar- zer an' my bruzzcr, w•ho zey spealce the murder without any great difkicul- . made a ,gitiful figure of humility, but den City neighborhood, Kansas, and but Spanish ; an' Carlos he can Eeng- ty, and it .w^as something of a feather in the meekness -of his soul there was sportsmen )lave given the nimble jack lish speake, Uut he like eet note.' in the cap of the heatitiPul. DLexican- the cheerfulness of finality. rabbit a restiVho is Carlos, sweetheart ?" for this was in the early days. "Sit down, Perr.y," she said, in the Recreant men cashiers oP several "He ees my sweetheart, w'at I to Senora Valera ground the opal skull • sweet -toned voice he loved. n, Minneapolis establishments have been marry him am." ,,,, "Where is hey Thi young ntan to bits with a heavy stone, and kept the chips in a locket, until one day she _....__ _---••...- He took the chair she indicated, and replaced by women, and the action has drew a little awn an sat erect• found an excuse to drive to the ceme- she seated herself in her old rocker. "Percy, "is led to another discussion as to whew s in Concepcion. "He ees at ze mined tery and scatter them upon Lovell's dear," she began, it true that I hear; you mean to marry this Cher women ane more trustwo•rlthy than men. He haf one mine for him, an' he we(1l grave. -Gwendolen Overton, in San � ri?" Before Mr. and Mrs. William Irving he, some time reech. He come to sae me ze Sunday. DO you note Spanish Francisco Argonaut. "Yes, Aunt Martina, I was going to were made man and wife at Stephens, speake-talk, sare ?" tell you, but knowing as you were near Cclumbta, Mo., the groom made "N*o. Just a few words. And: The value of variety. agin it-knowln•g that you would not the ))ride solemnly promise at the altar where is your brother T' The farmer who grows a variety of I like to have me do so -I was afraid that she would never wear bloomers "He ees zis night far away. I -Te oraps can, if he chooses, select such to come to you about it." or ride a bicycle, weel to -morrow weeth Carlos come k!nds as will furnish him always enme- "Don't twirl your cap, my dear; gen- back." thing to sell at arty time of the year. tlemen don't do that, you know." I • `,orway'a First Ironclad. Lovell understood. I -1c resumed All the family expenses go .on without "I am ,sorry, Percy, YOU felt that An ironclad for the Norwegian Gov- gradually his posture of adoration. ceasing, and unless income does als-) way. It is my intention always to bo ernment was launched lately from the When the cigarettes were finished he the debts accumulated when there is kind and sympathetic. You should shipbuilding yard of Sir William Arne- held her hands, and in time he put his nothing that cal, he sold make a heavy have been quite sure I would have strong & Co.,]Dng)and. This is the first arm about her and kissed her, and for- load when the ,'ow main crops are heard your story through with under- seagoing ironclad owned by the Norse- got all the maxims of wisdom that had marketed. The necessity for peddling standing. Now, tell me everything. men, w'ho in the aid days swept the ever been taught to him. his products in small driblets may She is the daughter, I am told, of a seas with their Viking ships. This "What is that ring?" he asked, turn- seem a hardship, but it teaches how German In Hudson street." modern vi,ssel was christened the Ing and toying with the only in,- sho little sums of money accumulate if "That's rigiht, aunt. Her father has "Harold H•aar•fager," after the first ware. they are saved, which is a much bet - the biggest corner grocery over there, King or Norway, by Mme. Stang, who "Eet ees Carlos. He geef eet me. ter lesson than that of learning how and he has mad(, his pile -I mean has is herself a descendant in the 33rd Weel you see?" She drew it off. "Eef fast they add up when they are care - made money since he's been there." generation Prom King Harold. The you weel one match light," lessly spent. "How long has he been here?" ironclad is heavily a,nmored and has He struck a wax one and held It to --- "Going on 25 years. He's almost an a conning tower and two torpedo tubes, the ring. It was an opal set in sil- A Black nye for wood. old Ninth -warder now. He's some in and the armor belt is Prom ,Pour to ver, and carved in the shape of a skull. First sponge the wood with a solu- politics, and this family is right in it." seven inches thick. The builders have Lovell knew enough of stories to un- tion of chlorhydrate of aniline in "Percy! I never knew them." an order for a second ironclad for the derstand the difficulty of cutting an crater, which a small quantity of "I know, but yell wouldn't. It ain't Norwegians. opal. He knew the skill and patience it must require to shape it litre this c copper chloride is added. Allow it to - my fault. I wanted to have them all over t0 mother's so as you c.ntld he ' Sixty -Two Terre an ni.P, one. There was probably not another dry, and go over Uwith a solution of potassium ))achromate. Repeat the pm d- {ntrcuced to them." I represent one constituency for like It in the world ; certainly h2 had never seen it, If there were. In iia cess twice or thrice, and the wood The old lady looked as though sheT this, lru•t she did not. sixty-two years in the House of Cam- flickering light it glea.med•and sparkled will take a fine black color, unaffected W. ould.,.answer She was silent a mcyment be care she mons is somewhat aP a record. Mr. Charles Pelham Villiers, who is called blue, and red, and fires and the by light or chemicals. proceeded. p I the "Father of the House aP Com- jaws seemed to contort themselves s in tort in - to"Iiow And Re oa. "SO her father is ru grocer?" "Yes; like Mr. Jamison, who mons," has represented Wolverha.mp- wonderful," he ejac:tlated. Crummer-Here Is a funny thing I you like well enough." ton for that time without interruption. i "Yes," answered Anita. have noticed. Mr, Jamison Is a gentleman, my He recently celebrated his 95th birth- He was seized with a wild desire to Gilleland -Out with it. . dear. The misPartunes of his family day at his London residence, and re- ceived the congratulablons of a large obtain It, and he played bcldly for It. "Do love Anita, Crum -mer -It is invariably the case can never alter that. The Jamisons circle of friends of bath political you .me, sweetheart, beautiful T' he whispered, talking her that the less a society woman has on her back the less cash her husband are of the oldest Greenwich families • On both sides. He is a. grocer by neces- partids. The right honorable gentle- face into his hands and looking into has In his pockets. sity. This person of whom we are man tales a great interest in public affairs and spends much time reading her eye's. She uttered a faint but sincere "Yes." speaking is one by choice," I and attending to his correspondence. 1 He kissed her again, not once, but The Blow Little Softened. Well, Aunt Martha, it's' as good as I many times. "If you love me, Anita, "We will not discharge you," said being a truckman, and better." The First Man Dressmaker. Son should glue me the ring to r(,prem- the manager. "We shall allow you to Mrs. Leveen winced. I As far back as 1730 there was in her you by -a, keepsake, as we call it." tender your resignation." "You might have been a judge, like Paris a man dressmaker; and probably, i p She slipped it Into his Iran,] "Tendering, It will not make It any your father, or a senator, like your I wanted you to enter, the first of his kind. His name was "Ah !ria. Geef eet to mO," she cried, less tough," said the young man who laid grandfather. political life," I Rhomberg, and he was the son of a of a sudden. •'ally "' was getting off until better times. -Cincinnati Enquirer. "Politics is pretty low down these , "It Bavarian peasant from the neighbor- hood of Munich. He owed his success "Carlos,rhe tell - me zat eet ees very- - days," Percy remarked. ain't ,hat 1t was. BeAides, I tried' to get , to his genius for concealing and re w,'at you say ?-note nice lu•cky." "Then why did he give if to you ?" vVhteh Is a Fact. alt office from Mike McNamara„ but medyfng detects of figure. He drove ; "He say eet ees for a man, note for She -No. I don't prefer men who are he sa;ld I wouldn't do In any' where the a beautiful carriage on the boulevard, a tvarnan, zat eet ees like zat." known to be rich. pay was as much as the trucking pays. i and had an escutcheon in the shape of "I expect Carlos wanted to keep you He -How can that be? 't And I guess that's about so." a pair' of corsets and an open pair of from giving It away." She They dohspend their money so The last sentence was cheerfully scissors patnted•gn the panel of edch 'No. He say zat one man w'at keep freely as men who want to be known spoken. Mrs. Leveqn looked at her door. He Tett a large fortune to his eet for fife years, he die sure." as rich. tiepbew's ruddy cheek@''and sighed. � heirs. . "IT am not afraid. I would be glad I do wish, Percy," she gaid,'gently, - �, to die to have your ring .for even a A Jndarriont, "'that , you could have found some one y Peannte to Europe. year," B)(f9ktns-That Billings never told the In Greenp,. h. That part of Hudsan , Peanuts grow in large quantities on "No. Geef eet back to me." truth in his life. What lie was he street whette these people live is way the northwest coast of Africa, but are "Then you do not love me?" he said springing, on you just now? beyond the outskirts of the old village, known there as ground nuts. They are dejectedly. "You are like all women, Flipkins-He was telling me that you oup Where the bog fields were till tine dug up by the natives and bartered you are glad to break a man's heart" were a scholar and a gentleman, • •immigrants began to settle,around us." with the European traders for mer- ; '"No, no. I lofe you. You can kee'f, • •. ,'hat's the difference, Aunt chandise, tobacco, etc„ at many places eet. I wee4 tell Carlos I loose eel," 'her Keeping Hie Chords In Tune. ,'.'But Martba,?• It's all one now. There atn't on the Gambia River, and afterward At the moment mother called to " saw I sathat German tenor drink no Greenwich any more. It's all just shipped In steamer loads to European her from the adobe. She threw her about two gallons of beer last night." New York City, so what's the use of ports, principally to Marseilles. The plump arms about the American's neck "Nothing strange about that," re - pretending?" i nuts are not roasted for retail sale, as and said a clinging good -by, as If her plied the manager. "He Is determined ' The Impatience In the young man's In this country, but crushed and a heart were sadly wrung. And for the that his voice should not lose its rich, stone amazed his aunt almost as much fine oil extracted, which Is valuable time being she was in desparate earn- liquid quality,"-Detrolt Free Pros s, as the sentiment he uttered. Never be-.1commerclallq. est. Pore had he failed to show her respect. At daybreak he saw two horseman, Heredity-. On the contrary, the humibleness of his imitation Calfskin Goods. both Mexicans, ride up to the house. Judge -How did you comae to steal demeanor had been a grievance to her; I . lit did not become one of herr own blood A good deal of interest has been aroused In England by a display of He guessed that they were the men Manara and Carlos ; and he hitched up this chicken ? Prisoner-Iiereditary, your honor. I to manifest the same awe before her photo -frames, blotting paper pads and the team quicklyand went, In a lash- Judge -What do you mean, sir ? that an ordinary Ninth -warder did. paperteries, made up of material color- Ion that suggest�d with lit-. flight, taking the Prisoner -My ancestors landed on Tribune. The old lady lstralgh.tend In her ed in extract initiation of the skin of ring Now it happened -as such things will Plymouth Rock. -New York chair, the lines about her moutli stir- , felled and her eyes glistened bike her a calf, as taken from the animal and before being scraped, the red patches happen in the new west -that Carlos , Makee Superior hood. knocker as she answered: I of halt` pn a white ground showing up Valera grew very rich within A. few months and went to live 1n San Diego Trees grave the Uprthern "k�ercy Dean t You forget to whom in most natural style. These goods re -o, ulth his wife, and that they were much , Wit h ode of a hell are meso)) mare durable you are speaking, You forget yourself,I present the novelty of the season in courted and caught. after, for Valera when converted into f;urnfttlre than sir, and your good breeding is evident- lktnoy stationery and photo -framer. ! those whish grow on the southern EAde. . - I — — l ' -.. . — IIwo..'. s ... .'.i s „ Important Notice • • • To the Public. We have secured the services of AIR, J. W. CHIDLEY .to �ake oharge of our Furniture Warurooms and Undettakiug Department, and tro9lt you will gall Rud examine our Goods bofore purchasing elsewhere, as we show the Finest line of Furniture in the county, All Gooda are guaranteed to give satisfac- I tion, and at rock bottom prices. GIVE US A TRIFL. Undertaking Department. Ab hit-, clildley hub been long and favorably that all or•durs in the Undertaking Deppartillen etttruAed toLhiskl care shallu Public lhe aattended to ll safely iii first dais style and sutlaPacLiou guarauLuud. 1� irbt•class Hearse in uttundance lit all tithes. PRICES R tit 11'1', J- W- CHIDLEY, M'NGR. FOR Broadfoot, Box& Co, Clin _ _ , ton, �— 3 doort4 south leaIeh Allll. I'. ti,- Ni, 6•ht stud Sunday calls attended to by culling tit our N'uuurul lliruelur's ro8kieucp -J. W New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shop. I have opened out ou Rattenbury street, next door to Tedfo' ' t d s black smith shop, and am prepared to fill unless fur N'Vagguns, Cnt•riages and all other 1•ehiclea. Repairing stud repainting Promptly attended to. Satisfaction guar- , ed and prices the lowest consistent with good work. Call lend see the be- fore. yon order. CHARLES WALKER. -00"p--SPECIAL BARCAINS.__.,d- TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Aesam and Japans, 8 Ibs, good Young Ilysou for $1 or 15c per Ib. Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. . . Just to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. No, 1 Grauulated, Coffee and Rio's in bbla., one hundred Round and dollar lots, SPECIAL PRICES. WE KEEP TIKE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE COUNTY, Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, bltuey China and Lamps, 25 per cent, lass than regular prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices. SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and .Alsike, Clover, 'turnip and Mangold. All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs. .J. W. IRWIN, Clinton. THE E OP NOTCH In Picthe kles has of r ' !d as lee. a reached 1. —0 in Heinz's Sweet Pickles bulk Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles but are Extra Spiced �, anti preserved in a Pure Pickling Vinegar of their own manufacture. By their, method of curing, the pickles retain,the largest per tentage of their natural color and vegetitblq flavor. THESE HIGH rTRADE PICKLES are for sale at THE UP-TO-DATE CASH GROCERY. Ph6ne°,3. OGLE COOPER & Co. Sugai by the barrel at close prices. - READY FOR BUSINESS.— ­— Sheppard, & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c. AVe guarantee our values to be the very best in the market. Teas a specialty, Terms Cash or Produce, SHEPPARD & IBEACOM, ONTARIO ST., CLINTON. CLINTON! SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY, --o A S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor. -- This factory has been under the personal supervision and oti'nership for oight yeara. We corryan extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and Dive estim,ites for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on tho closest prices, All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Agent for t1 -e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo.' Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. CLEARIN 0 SAL.E._® ---- ---- We have decided to sell out cur entire Stock of Crcekery and Glarawarc this month as We propose giving up keeping those lines. Intending purchasers Will find the prices very low as tho goods must be sold, - Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. . . . • . . Terms, Cash or Produce. 1, G. J. STEWART. Agent for the Kolontt Tea. . ____._,____.M_ __-_._ . - - -- -- - -- -- StoCk-Takia .- We are now nicely settled in our Stores in the old Brick Block, and pleased to see our old customers al) well as new ones. We are now busy taking stock and ill a great many lines are selling at reduced Prices in order to clear out. 0 H.d.RI,A ND : BROS., Stoves and Hardware, . _`-. __. _-_- Cheap I Cheap I - Cheap i JETIZELK" , WOVEN WIRE FENCING These WIRE ROPE SELVAGIL FENCINGS, -,,, - �e�ebe�eme�edm�e�o 1liit►IO WARE FENCING Sold • a as well as THs ONTARIO Fntwo.NQ CO.. Lro. Mclullensi CHOICE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS FOR TRELLIS, POULTRY `YARDS, LAWN FFENCINGS, ETC., • ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than evar b3fore. THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merohant for them.