HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 14
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j1.Rbper Auuum, 1.00 In Advance. INI)BPONDENT IN ALL 2'$2N13$—NN(TTkd1, IN NOTgIA'O T
A - RK TODD ,EeriforsnelOwner
WHOLE N 0.962
�.l�.(��Ta►YXCe Town Topics. Town Topica. Kriel Town Tonics. " - -- _----�-CV- C�
Advance I. U. O. F. AT -Hohn. -Clinton Lodge SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is Success to the Clinton Cricket Club. ~THE TWO A. .r.�la. }
a;. No. 83, 1, O. O- F„ held It very success- the result of an examination lately Mrs. Rance of Blyth �s on a visit!Price. ---_ � � fol at home in•theit lodge room on held in Division No 3, Clinton Model here. y {. • . !-~
Monday evening. There was a school. The names of the eight high- Spring Hats. I A Side Lll'le
good attendance. E. McLean N. G. est in each class appear, and these in Mrs. J. Dayment has been ill during
The new Tari has hats made an the past week. Our Stock is now complete and
advance in prices. occupied the chair. The programme order of meriti-Sr, Class -Alice P One Econ which rye will not
` was varied and interesting anti all I Worthington, Annabel McEwan, Mr. Jonathan Miller of Cloderich comprise the fittest styles and hest I realize profit, but they roust
For Canadian Whiskey the old Tariff spear it very pleasant evruing. Lizzie (hidley, flharlie Tindall, John was in Clinton last Saturday. makes in the market. go
was $1.70 a gallon, now it is $1.90, Fraser, Georgie Cook, Lilian Jackson 7, 'p
For Imported the old Tariff was LEAVING TowN.-Miss McWhinney, May Rodaway Jr. Class -Marion The road machine is doing good` The Knock -About They are ,po�%�S
$2.25, under the new $2.40. tubo hats been choir leader for the patst Hartwell, Gorden Barlett, Edna Coop- work on Victoria and Icing streets. I Hat at SOC. y
two years in Willis Presbyterian er, Edna Pennebaker, Jossie Witts, James Hearn shipped a car of fat
M church here, leaves to -day fur 4er Wesley East, Aiazie Carling, Alex. cattle to Toronto on Monday. ( in blitek and brown wool is tite
My prices will of course advance best value to be footle] -just the
accordingly. horse in Toronto. She carries with Houston.
her the good wishes of a largo circle of D. Cantelon shipped a cat of hogs thing for wear, a Cut so close in price that they
��C v friends who will tniss her very much PUBLIC LIBRARY. -The Public Lib- last week and another yesterday. At $1.25 at s ecial line of are positively the cheapest in
Lack Kennedy P Fedoras in fawn. '
J ! Soci+illy, She is an accomplished i'ary Board will offer for sale at public Miss Nettie Combe returned to Tor- brown, black and fawn,
musician and was always read and auction in the Reading Room the The Goods are
Y Y runt onto on Monday to resume her studies. Our $1.50 Christy is great value.
` The Clinton Liquor Store. willing to assist in every good cause, gazinos which have been received The Danbury Christ
doting 1893-1898. There is much ex- The 1. O. G. T. open sleeting on �-y OO�
' --"-- celient reading matter to be obtained Friday evening was a decided success. �� u ^,
THE CRICKET CLUB SnroKER,- No R g Hard Felt, price $2.50, should- be Good,
_===::2, Bicycle here for a song, as the list includes
more delightful or successful event has Stich mag azines as Harper's, Atlantic, Mi to Treleaven of the Collegiate seen by those who want a superior The ant and ut;tke superic,i.
ever transpired an Clinton than the Scrihners, Nineteenth Century, Institute spent the holidays in Luck quality up-to-date Hat. and crit of the tritest styles.
y Con- -�T 'p
In ourWindow "stnoker" under the auspices of the temporary Century, Canadian Maga- "°ii' The C. W. A. Hat Black Worsted.
' Cricket CluU in the XXV Club rooms zine and a large number of others. The Onward Bicycle Company have
Big bargains may be expected. I4Ir. added a Uiescent tandem to their We carry in pearl, fawn, brown
on Thursday evening last. The rooms and black ; members of all s orcin Suits
— -,
i1[ he given away Jape 30th Howson will conduct the sale. The stuck. P g
were tastefully decorated and the
to the per•sun who guesses the Y annual meeting of members will be - `___- organizatCions should see them.
Whole Proceedings were such its might Price 2 For men. A sae
•, scarcest how the following flgnrrs held on Monday evening �3rd, prix, at $
be termed ernblenlatic of the or tuiza- Goderich. special drive to
are arranged ill at number in the S o'clock in the Reading Room. We have what ,you want in the Flat order for $10-_a great snail.
•; sealed envelope attached to the tion. Fully one hundred were present' FAREWELL AGAIN EsOAPFs. - A line. Step iu :end see our Gent's
whec1. which evidenced the growia,g popular- ODDFFLLOWs ATTEND CHURCH.- Furnishings. We want your trade, OOn�C�nu
ity' of cricket in Clinton. Judging Clinton Lodge No. 83 I, O. O. F. met an special from Stratford on Friday last
sa s: -James Farewell •�elro060 LT A
A 50c cash purchase entitles you to from the reasonably
ei dasplunde one their hall on Sunda 25th lust., to the y , who escaped A . J.
guess. Get your guesses in early might reasonably expect under the number • of between BA and 70, and from constable Gundry en route from A. .1
-some one is sure to win it. able leadership of Mr. Terry that our starched in a hod to the Rattenbur the Goderich gaol to the Kingston i
Club will render it good account before Y Y penitentiary by a daring leap from an CLINTON. CLINTON.
? The figures used are a street Methodist Church it few calms- ex r
the nellS011 is over. Tire President, pass train somewhere between To-
tes to 11 o'clock a. in. and occupied the ronr;o and Kin
r Mr. Alex. Armstrong, being absent, centre portion of the church. The Kingston a short time ago, --�- --- -- " - -
1,2,3,415,6,0,12,14,20, Mr. Lack K"unedy was elected to the turned up at St. Marys on Wedtles- Goderich. /;ollericli.
j Rev, W, Millyard preached froin the da ,
I•Iow are they arranged? chair and filled 'the position in a very text, "Go thou and do likewise" base- s night. It appears 'that his wife
ecce table manner. His opening re- , has been living in the wPSt fnr some (;HORCn----Rev. Ar. Andrews of
_ pp P • R ' !ng his remarks on he subject who time. Recent! she receive a letter Holrnesville preaced in North street A SUMstEu VISITOR.—Mr•S. Herluan
niatrks were oil the work of the filet Y
We are Showing is my neighbor?" and giving the points from him, informingher that*,:e would Methodist church on Sunday morning, * Strashurg, of Detroit, is in town select-
and consequent ttebe slwi t this year, on the narrative of the man who fell l,• ing it lot at Alene.5etnng Pmk, and is
the expected mattches with London, came after het on Wednesday night.
A magnificent range of imported among thieves on the road from Jer- OPEN MEF'rINO•-The Women's s Mis- waking arrau} euientS for the erection
g g 1 Galt, Listowel, Waterloo, Berlin, I She the reed at friend of the fact, who
dtity o n Jericho and showing the . ave the information to the police, and si°nary Society held an open meeting of a nonuser cotthate. She has alreatdy
:x Forest, Windsor and several Turoutu g
erges, Clubs; also as to the inembershi duty of main to help his fellows in dis- a, a result Utficer Wnt. Gundry, of
in North street Methodist church last ordered several large bills of goods
p tress, even when those whose duty it Goderich, Count Monday. from our local merchants.
Tweeds being the largest ever known in the was to help did not do so. The Good Y constable Shand,
history of In oil, an( spoke in corn- and Special constable Will. Copeland, FiRE ALARM. --t1 burning chimne Tltr; ANNivisltsARv.-Huron Lod e
Samaritan exemplified the character of of St. Mars g Y g
and Worsteds, }}ilcnrenttry terms of Messrs. Terry, .T. all who do food even to their enemies• Of aur' a Marys, lay in ambush for him, in Yates bookstore called out the fire No (i2, I. U. O. F., celebrated the 78th
1. Doherty, F. Jackson and J. Miller The Sermon was delivered and render- keeping t the sante time a strict look- department, but their services were anniver:siu•,y of the iu, tut ion )f the
as very important instruments cin- out at that house for hien. During the not needed. Order on t,liis c•otltinent by attending
And our prices for good (roods are low. ed effective. The choir rendered suit- night Farewell ,lrove up to the house Divine service in 5t. George's church
Perfect workmanship gars into ducive to the welfare of cricket; able music for the occasion. The neither did ha forget the liberal sup- brethern then marched back to their with ai }corse anti buggy, which he tied TII$ 1�FW PROPRIETOR. --Adam on Sunda morning, can which Occrts-
our (heap Stilts as well s our w the neighborhood. Y
better grades. Can we show you P<n•t of about $75 from the organ hall and dispersed, ghborhood. The officers Thompson, the new proprietor of the ton the rector, tile. Rev. Mark Turn -
aur range of Ordered Snits, $10 factory, Mr. Bowbanks of the Rose--statr•ted for the house, and had not Lucknow stage, will, before the Queen's buil, preatched the sernranr, and the
q dale (Toronto) cricketers redicted a - -- one far before they came to a fence. Birthday, have a new vehicle on the chow sang a
to $.o. g 6 appropriate music.
season of laurels for., the Clinton Brief Town Topics. ar'ewell rose tap oil the opposite side road. It will seat little persons, be
p of it. Constable Shand made a dive cos P night
tF(iRti• nt "Pinaf arid to - morrow
�_o-- cricketers and highly comdiended the � - - •---- - y to ride in and have good purses night the opera "Pinafore" will be pre -
Club for the many progressive and Are you a cracketc' F. to catch his man, but was struck in only harnessed to it. rented apt Victoria Opera Hcuse. As
satisfactory advances they had made Miss Lillie Johnston left on Saturda -the abdomen by a heavywrencb,ivhich Pinafore is Supposed to be one of
T. JACKSON1 •SR.i last and this year; he declared very to resume her duties at S. S. No. S livid iiitii 'Rut• Constable Copeland, hUNAWAY,-G. A T3umbec s horse • Gilbert and Sullivan's best works, has
VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON. truthfully that Air. Terry was one of Waif anosh, who saw the bl iv stn;csk, and fearing took it notion to run away on T:iesday never been put on the stage in Gode-
the best cricket players in America. Shand had been killed, took 'to nis and made half the Square and two
p Y cast, and has an exceedingly creditable.
-- �-�----'—� J Mr. W. Jackson has kept a memo. of Cricket, lacrosse baseball tennis. heels shouting for bei Ili the dark- bloc%ts,ic caper street with the wagon
P P• ( caste, it should be the success of the
c .r
the, cricket doings of Clinton players bowling, bicycling! Let us hear wbat ness Farewell escaped, and bias not turned upside down- before it was season. We might mention that the
<.: 1897 PRll��+ 1897 for at quarter of a century or more incl you are doing. been seen since, Constable Shand wits ('alight• No damage occurred.
eYrrM Mon TE. Hrseae rr/R.. eSer. q y dresses and scenery will equal any-
'' iooft wemo rr#— cwoww when called on was in a position to Mr. D. A. Forrester is well leased here yesterday interviewing (,beef of a thing ever seen in town.
in IN n. ,ai •! `, e3 cross willows with old and yo in P Police McCarthy, his object being to ver has suffered it dis- - _ A
g; with the modern refrigerator built for secure a bloodhound tc track Fare- tinct loss in the death of Mr. James A. THK NEW KNOx' (}HURC$.-A can -
the Clinton Eleven com rised of be-
B Z 8 9 ,r� p him by ilii. J. Dayrnent, well gregational meeting
i` tween twenty and thirty members in Reid which occurred on Tuesday
in Knox church a`
11 12 .0 1¢ 15 16 A' the early days, nowt d left only hirer- Miss McMordieof London, who spent Y on Tuesday evening approved of the
AM �9 r�0 '` " `e holidays CIRCULAR•CITY BRIEFS.—Masa Ber- evening, For a time it was hoped that proposed additions and improvements
self, J• F.C.r'Farland, D. Johnston, ys with her sister, Mrs. Mon- he would be able to withstand the P P
Jahn Dayrnent, Alf McfCown and J<.,hn tieth, returned home yesterday. tha Rask spent the holidays in town.- and when the consentof the Prssby-
disease under which he was rostrate,
= 26 X W Z9 e60 Lasham now of Londesboro; at that Miss Win Mocha Ball returned to Cre- P tery as obtained o incurring the debt
Divine Service and Holy Communion diton on Monda but his naturally frail constitution necessary,
time the grounds were necessarily in y. -A cargo of coal as succumbed, and for the last two days the work will begin. The
will be held at St. John's ehnrr.]i, expected irl port to -clay. -Pero have y tenders have been }et by the mina Prs
poor shape, but now caittand and Holrnesville, next Sunday at 11 a. m. been hauled out of lake and harbor the his condition left little for tope. Mr, as follows. carpentering and brick-
Town Topics. sport were in a different and much Reid was a native of Goderich, in his
a niproved•groove. Mr. Terry's rematrks Mr. W. P. Spaldinghas been ap past few weeks in veru large numbers. work, Buchanan & Rhynas; heating,
BOWLING CLfis OFFICEns.• -At the v The contractors will start work on the 41st year, and for about 15 years had J. H. Worsell; seating,
weetin on Monday evening J. P. Fere well to the point and highly pointed leader of Willis Church (choir been one of our best known merchants, Valley (sty
g Y g approved as he outlined practical to succeed Miss McWhinney, resigned breakwater on May 1st. -Regular Co., of Dundas, glass work, not yet
'Cisdall was elected � president, W. P y' g meeting of the Chosen Friends td -mor- Fora couple of years be was associated awarded. The cost will probably
Jackson vice-president, and AV. Bry- methods for afternoon and evening Rev. Mr. Sawyer of Tuckersmitb row (Thursday) evening—Regular with the late Thomas Sneyd, and for a reach $9,000.
ractise in a ten minutes address. occupied the ( ) g•-Regnlatr
done secretary -treasurer. Everything P, p pulpit of the Rattenbnry meeting of puLlic school board next , tame with his brother, Samuel J. Read, _..
` is in good shape for the season and resident Armstrong was a little late St, Methodist Church on Sunday even- Monday. -Mr. A. S. Chrystal is but, in most of these years he conduct- Exeter.
same interesting games may be looked for the smoker game, but enjoyed the in y' getting
Y g' the new water works boiler ready for ed business alone. As a business roan NOTES. -Mr. Leonard McTaggart for., proceedings and gave some excellent' THE NLws-RECORD might he per- placing in position, -]t cannot he said and citizen decea3ed was highly garthits
' points On cricket; lie spoke on cricket I itted to again ask •when the $10,000 that there is it scarcity of work just esteemed, upright and honorable be- purchased the Exeter North hotel,
` Bozo ROABRRY.-A free-will offer- as a entlenianly sort and com ili- yond criticism. He has repeatedly which he intends to repair and refit. -
BOLD P } Clinton money is likely to come to now Peninsula
lectinRutsol on the Bruce served the town in its Council, and at Edward Christie has purchased the
' ing money box at the G. T. R. station, inentecl the Clinton Cricket Club on v
( hnto. Peninsula selectin lumber for his Manning property for
containing afew dollars, was on Sattur_
their succes.. Dr. Freeborn reviewed R the time of his death was chairman of g P P Y $1,500• -Dr•
da evening wrenched from the chain the repeated successes of Canadian Mrs. Hoover and daughter of Clinton yard.—Measles have been prevalent Browning las returned from Mark -
at i spent Good Friday with her sister, the past few weeks, but are now de- the Finance committee and a Public g
at the wicket office and carried off. athletic organizatt;ions and spoke in School trustee. He was for years a haus, where he was visiting has mother.
Thebox has been recovered, tut not eulogistic terms of the deserved nu er- Mrs, T. W. Hawkshaw.-Exeter Ad- parting. -The annual invitation At and honored member of who is ill, -The tailors and clerks play -
consistent the money. If possible the bold rob, iority of Canadian cricket, yachting,vocate. Home at the Collegiate takes place on North street Methodist church, being game of lacrosse. on
.' hers should be located and severely stalling, cawing, marksmanship, fo Friday evening -Holy Communion g G •t matched a
Mr. M. D. McTaggart represented the next Sunda at St. George's. -The Ex- for same tarns a member of the Trustee Good Friday, which resulted o the
punished. ball, &c., declaring that the air we Sons of Scotland at the Biennial meet board. The funeral took tate an latter being victorious, Hue to none. -
breathe and the food we eat makes ing of the Grand Camp held at Toronto preen office as been moved h the office Wednesday and was very largely The Misses Carling spent the Easter
rx recently vacated by Dr. Thomson ill h h
° MORE Ci'RI�IE,—Yesterday two pri- Canada what we are; cricket is a last week. , , attended t e Town Council and Se ool holidays in Toronto.
Ir loners ivere brought from Gorrie chrtrg. gentleman's game he said with sufii- McLean's block. -Charlie Blackstone
' Mrs. Dr. has had the next store added to the old board attending in a Cody, while the
ed with endeavoring to wreck a train, tient exercise to give muscle wharf ( )Moore, vocalist, and Mr. business teen and citizens in large
A tramp wits passing and one of the man requires -recreation and 'health ; Percy Carroll, tenor, both of London, one, and will thus be able to do a big g " County Currency'.
Prisoners remarked "There goes Texas Great Britain excels its in nothingbut were in town yesterday calling on busines. It will he made to cowmen- esteem.
showed their sympathy and
Madame Wall. orate the Queen's Jubilee esteem. Revs. Jos. Edge and Wm.
lack !" The policy were telephoned age and having the Queen, butt ink Q by being Godwin conducted the services and Miss Clara State of Auburn is very ill
and the rbsult was a chase without re- God Britain's Queen is ouR QUEEN, Miss Dot Fair returned home last christened the Victoria restaur mt.- the following associates of deceased in with inflatumatory rheumatism.
ward. No doubt the prisoners were and no Bt itisher reveres hername more week from Detroit, where she has Robt. McLean left for New York last the church acted as pallbearers: R. The proprietorship of the Queen's
as ranch disappointed as any one else. than Canadians; while "God save the spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. week'wit.h a. cargo of tine horses. -On W. McKenzie, Wm. Acheson, A. B. hotel, Brussels, is barn handed over
p Sundit there was a children's service Davison, A. S. Chrystal, James Yates to W. R. and Jas. Stein o.
Queen" is sung in twenty different (Dr.) Campbell. y
CHORUS CONCRILT.-The chorus con- languages to -da none sin it more !n the church, instead a the usual In Montreal h
Y g Some fiend on Monday maltreated Sunday school at St. George's. -The and Jacob Stokes. The Sympathy of y Very Rev. Dean
cert on Thursday of this week., under heartly than Canadians, Barrister Mr. F. W. Watts (lo "Pomp." if the the community goes out to the aged
the auspices of the Ontario street W. Br done has always been interest- g ing mercantile fishing is slightly improv- y' R R Carmichael, Miss Edith Brooks, form -
Methodist church choir, should be ive]! Y y guilty party can be found some of his ing althou h it rs not yet u to the a°crowing parents, who have lost a arty of Seaforth, and Mr. Chas. B. Gvr-
ed in cricket, but has taken a deeper n. ends es ma be lopped off, g P devoted son. don were united in marriage.
s patronized. An excellent programme interest since he bad witnessed PP R Y PP average. -Pinafore to -night and to- ge•
liar been arranged. The chorus of fifty the marvellous feats of Mr. Tarr Mrs. Morrison, a widow of Sea£orth, morrow night. Bee it,-Goderich iS The 50 acre £arta• known as the San(1-
Y like! to have a big time on Jubilee ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY. -The min- ford estate, near Newbridge, was
voices will he well wo►•th hearing. in International matches; be is says a despatch, wedded W. B. Curtin, Y g put
Madame Wall will take art alon a merchant of Shell Lake Wis. on utes of the three previous meetings p for sale on Tuesday.$800 was the
P g a member of the Clinton Cricket Club day -Sunday was a day of rain and u
were read and on motion of Meagre.
with some of the best local tiilent. A and would encourage the greatest os- Monda The couple wore engaged ed sunshine. -The contractors for the � only bid made and the sale was with -
rare P g R sower works are now at work on West Holt and Dowding were confirmed. drawn.
rare treat is in stare for all tubo attend, Bible future success. Fred. Jackson in some thirty years ago. The financial report, sbowing a satis-
x' his usual good natured way wished the We notice. by the Mail and Empire and St, Patrick's streets,-Goderich is factory state of affairs, was then read The contract for carrying the Mail
RUNAWAY. -Mr. J. C. Stevenson, Club success and wished the organiza- that our Old friend of the Point Farm, now blessed with tine barber shops.- b�y Mr. Heaton, and on motion of and Express from Brussels to Wrox-
ti ' the furniture dealer, for the third or Miss Chilton, who has been seriously p
fourth time had his front windows tion success on the progressive linea it J. J. Wright, Esq„ has done what ap- ill for so lona a time is steadily improv. MessrB. Holt and Radcliffe was adopt afar and return has been awarded to
had started. J. P. Doherty did not pears to a right. The marriage Mr.
smashed on Friday last. but not usual- g ge col- ing.—On the 24th the Goderich bates � The rector appointed E. Heaton Geo. Roth. The lata contractor,
1 as on the latter occasion. Dail overrate+ the past or future, but pre urns will explain. �' as rector's warden for the enaniug J. Procan d intends oing into the hotel
�� • Y , 'Y- dieted future success even greater than b.•t 1 team Will play a picked learn from
man T. C. Edmunds horse became "Jim" g London and is the evening year. Moved by Mr. Heaton, second- basineas in Blueva e.
in the est. JIm Howson was snots Mrs. J. B. Rurobull and son and Mrs. . g the club
unmanageable at the corner of the P Geo. Swarts WC-ro-last week on a visit will give a dramatic erformance in ed by Mr. Platt, and carried unarri- On the evening of Good Friday a
cricketer and was still in line and will p g y ' t
town haul and rushed for the furniture to Goderich, bein cal Vlctortirl hail. -Mr. Hilton Holmes of mously, that Mr. Holt be peoples the. residence of Mrs. Wm. Harris
to this year a sin, Banker Jaynes R ied therethrou h
r+tore and smashed things generally, y the serious illness of a son of Mr. Thos. the Bank of Commerce, Montreal, is warden. The following sidesmen Brussels, Miss Mdry Harris, and Mr.
but did not succeed in Lakin asses. a urchie, now orated at Blyth, has were appointed: T. West ecoid, F. F.
g p been reatl missed but re's onded to Swarts. He is still low. spending a few weeks vacation at the th Jordan, J• Robt. Green, of Omemee, Victoria r Co.,
R. N. Lewis, Out. were united in marria e b
cion of the building. After doing eon- g � P. old hams. -Mrs. Graham, mother of Lawrence, g y �v,
the invitation ; he was delighted to A. McD, Allan and County Clerk S. Platt, g John Ross, B. A.
r`,:• eiderable damage the animal headed Mrs. J. 13, Williams, died on Saturday �• 11[alcaamson C. Sea er, D.
meet to such err auspicious occasion Lane of Goderich were in fawn last Y
toward the station, but finally fell and P after a ver ton illness a ed 88 ears. Newto , R. Rardctitlfe �. M. Shephard,
and uttered words o£ around advice on Thursday su rintendin the lam Y g y On behalf of the members of SL
k % was captured. y t3 y g -Ice cream has been on sale the past Jos, alkela and lair. Hinton. On
the past and sincere advice for the fu- out of the orchard and outer grounds P motion of Messrs. Seaton and Platt John's church, Brussels, Mrs. Seeing
GOLD TALK. -Mr. James Steep has ture which will doubtless bear good at the House of Refuge, two weeks. -The river was v ry high and Miss Cardiff resented Miss O'Con-
P results. We had almost forgotten to after the heavy rain on Suu�y.-The ofatedcaiuffdl t a for the ensuitt ngereyea . nor the organist. with a well filled purse
retained from the� �ggold fields adjacent While in Win ham the other da steamer Jones left last Tuesday for the ante b R. Rs for
seconded b E. !t
to North Bay, Wabi oon, mention Ike Reatd'e speech which case y _ good work
y 1; Dryden, P h• we were much impressed with the GQOrg ion Ba Marlton expects to Y Y done. Miss O'Connor made a saitabta•
at few sate since urloined from John Bar,—Marlton
o Baton that the zban�re of the vestry
and South
and other points. North y P clean and business appearance of the taunt the bi day, May reply.
and South of Wabi oon larks there is McMillan. ClintonP. for South Horan, pp1�' h g n Satln is be'ten&red to Mrs. Holt ani Mise P Y•
'r g when in the Ctown hall he talk- tQn'D' The granolithic walks have the flier,-�ile attend[na to his
soma 200 miles of mining territory, ed to the electorate about "free corn" stood the teat of winter well and are a duties at the Ocean Hottse on Friday Davis and also to the ladies of the Guild Mr. T. Ryan hats purchased the farm•
alUd he, is much taken up with the and "brawn" and numerous other of great improvement. a Bottle of soda crater se on ed arnd for their valuable and untiring set vices of Mr. James Carlon on the 2nd con..
eauntry and secured a number of pro- poll- one of the thousand to more pieces of to the church. Carried. Moved by P. cession of McKillop for about $2,000.
n etdl;g for the Victoria Diittnond tical matters on which the sturdy farm- Mr. T. Jackson, of Jackson Bros., glass struck Mr, Thos. Babb an the Holt, seconded by W. Andrews, that Mr. Ryan has now %0 acres of good,
titrilee Mining and Development Co. er member of parliament will. have to was in Lucknow last week where Tats a heart vote bf thanks be g
' swallow man neck, causing a slight wound. His Y giving to land.
The Samples fr•um the mines• shown ua „ , y `of his past utterances. News RECORD casually met the gentle- g the members of the choir for the ver
are' rich and should yield a good re- Jo+tn is now in duty bound to become man hustling for trade. The firm do alertness avoided more serioul! results. Y Within the last few weeks Mr. Tbos.
a member of the Clinton Cricket Club a big business in that thriving neigh. --'Mr. Gen. F. Emerson of Clinton sattiafactory manner in which the Osidmore, of Usborne has disposed cif
turn. In rite neighborhood of Dryden g R g ' o erred pia new tic cls liver. on Weat rpusical part of the services had been three superior Durbanr bulla for which
there is excellent, frivoling land, panic- warp free corn. I»termingled with the borhood and we were pleased to meet y ' P,
a eeeb-makin s reef last Saturday. -The rendered during the past year. Carri-
e' nfatrly for timothy, clover and oats, a P g the Orchestra and Glee so many Clinton patrons. tug The ag whistle he received handsome eu.iata. One.
Uliib, Mr. Spalding, Will Harland, piloted the flshin tugs and boats to ed. The meeting was then resolved went to Mr. Laidlaw, of Manitoba;
gautple Of the linter being shown us A NEWS -RECORD representative was the harbor last Fridayevenin .-There into a meetingg of registered voters for one too . Yellow, of Exeter, and the.
There hits been find is it large influx of Bert. Kerr and R. Downs took a the ur ose of electro la dale aces '
pPo le' from all arts of the lobe to prominent part and added much to the to Blyth !aril Thursday and among is congsiderable demand for ice.- g. y g other to Mr. Pedler, of Crediton. Mr.
P fK many other friends met Capt. Ranee. Barrfeler M. O. Johnston is raflttin tote ynod. On 'motion of Messrs. Cudmare has also nreba.sed ai fine•
itha• section« f the cnuntry and Mr. enjoyment of the proceedings. Good He is much taken u with Blyth g Dowding and Platt, E. Heaton rtrd P. p
Slee has ev, r confidence that hi tobacco, pipes and cigars were supplied P , y as a the store next his office and will have g young Durham bull from Mr. Russell'*
P y g Y businesa and'residentiai town and is it read for occupancy Holt were elected to represent this
looney will b6made b man He has b the entertainers and a profitable Y p y ,within a spurt of Riverside Farm.
Y Y Y• doing well. We had great pleasure in time. That expert kin ht of the ham- congregation at the forthcomming
s decided to •sell out. his stock at oneer. evening spent. The proceedings closed
and locate in gold fleldra at am early -at a seasonable hour by singing "God enjoying the Captain's hospitality and mer, R. Tichbonrue. iadoinq the work, synod. Rev. M. Turnbull then pro- Pietro Acciarfto, the man wha at -
4,. Save the Queen." in going through his confortable and The outside of the building will be i trounced the benediction, and the meet- tempted to stab King Humbert, on
Gate• well appointed residence. covered with metallic sheeting. ing adjourned. Thursday, has been declared insane.
. ;TEE