The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 80
QOOD FRIDAY. --On Good Friday and EXECUTIVE ]klEUTINO.—A monster ,,,,,, w '
thedaypraviouehetweentwoandthree union convention of Supday School .�-� r ""EveiDthing
hundred passengers IoftClinton station and Chr[stian IJn savor will lie held in '�
• for various points. The town present Clinton on At th and 25th. The
uprise ed it genuine holiday appearance. Executive Committee of the Huron -
County C. E. Union and the S. S. As-
RHUBARB.—The spring season ain- sociation met on Good Friday and sel-
• •erally gives to the longing palgate Hctedthe place of meeting, also arranged Spoiting GSale. •.. • •• • • something that will tickle it, THE the programme. rhere wits but one
NEWS -RECORD'S palate was pieased invitation for the Coriventiou and that
In the New Era of hast week we the other day when we received from was from the Clinton Young People's j
termed the Goods we tare now going to pioneer gardener Joseph Allanson a Local Union and which wits unanimous-
u3k about "your opportunity ; now hunch of this year's rhubarb, grown in ly accepted. _ — Base Ball Suits, Bicycle Stockings,
the more fittingly refer to them as sur- I his own garden• 7'beRtoZka wH,to fresh _ � i
prises because they ttctut>lly surprised find juicy, tLhnut at foot long, and a RATTUuNBURY ST. CuURCH NOTES.— - ti Bicycle Sluts, Bicycle Sweaters,
those who were wise in investigating treat not usually presented at this sea Thu Ladies' Missionary Society held a
our offer•• son of the year. r. Allanson is as it very successful meeting last Friday S i' �1 'p
Surprise rise No. rifle in the lead, and is not behind this evenwg ; the lecture room carts tilled Foot Ball Suits, Bicycle Caps,
pyear. and a good programme consisting of
Is a Cu send Saucer at eleven cents ANNIVERSARY SERvicrs,--Th . 'em ings by Mrs. J. W. It -will and Mise Tennis Suits, Bicycle Belts,
in assorted Land uovbl shapes with dren's aunivorsary servicer Of the P s Vhite, �uncl eluates by Mesdames Murch
select and dainty decoratious. They by LeritnSabhathSchoolholdon8unday and Chowen, Miss Rippey and Miss
are., well, anyway, twice its good in qua ,• last were preached by the pastor of the ! Rumball, and solos by Miss Croll and y,//��o �5 Lacrosse Sults, Lacrosse Belts•
ity, finish and style as the orae You church iu the morning. Cn Monday Mise McWhinney vvas rendered. The
have always paid tau cents for. A rereads of the avenin netted some
evening a very successful song service P' g
selection ip marely it matter of indivi- was given ulosllyy by the children, $X—On Sabbath anniversar services
dual taste, there is no best, fall are whirls was considered by the targe in connection with the Sunday School You won't find tnatly places that keep such a range of everything in Sporting Good
rrnniher resent to be the Inostsuccess- were held; the afternoon Easter ser- We Beep. We have all the newest things that will be worn this season and if you buy f m
good. P vice being es ecial.1 interesting,
Surprise No. 2 fol yet held in their church. The music t; P Y �' 7
was veryline and the children showed BENEFIT CONCERT—Citizens ganef- u8 yell wont pay too much for it. Close buying, and close selling is our motto this season.
Is a China jardiniere aecorfeted, (rood trining; w'e seldom have heard ally should he pleased to learn of the We are doin; a big Cash Business and that 'hellis us to fi;ure on small margins. Our out
.hauled m delicate tints. 'L'he prices is better. Soios were also given by Mr. proposEd benefit concert in the town
thirty-five cents. In our New Era Murch and Mr. Walker in excellent hall announced for Thursday evening of town mail orders for these Goods will be sure to have special attention.
anno -five cents
We told you we has a style. Miss Fair also rendered a very of this week. For a long time it has Big Men
quarter gross. Now we have only acceptable organ selectIt piaat. Tea was been a well-known fact that. suitable • •
e. Mes-
halt a dozen. Are we not quite right served in theatfsetiet that was apinerevious to � drti,tesyR required
S. Hat -and, F.
in calling thein "your Opportunity" t; c
and a surprise. Se- the display in our• ciated by the children. W. Watts and Rose, under ill be, end,whosea der re to Can be fitted as well as small
south window and we hardly think PRINTIVG AND AD �EttTIstNG. — It j bet(c ni ratulated iconcert n furthering
such an men both in
yeu can resist buying it you can use should not be necessary for THE Nr % s• I object g � g
the Goods. RECORD to remind out, numerous read- I as devoting the funds to nn-
e.I:s—and also those who borrow this proving tho town hall stage. The �� �� ' Suits
You can depend o. our quality' great family journal --that we carry I proKruuune as already arranged sbould u I Suits,
our value and our service. everything in the border and type line itrerlt it full house, while the ob'ect
required in a modern office, In fact should be ran incentive to pack the Mall �f Underwear,f
we have in stock the most modern to the doors. The Orchestra will take
rt, Miss Freeborn is on the list, little � Collars
�'jfaces of types, somestriking rind uiOa- p ,_,.MW■ JJ. Fair•,Go ern styles that no other ptTice in the Edna FuSter, Rev. Mr. Harris, Miss —_ rf county of Huron has yet introduced McWhinney, Miss Mary Lough, Missand Hats,
and our prices are as low as any. As Ida Harland, Mr. Robt. Downs, Miss CLINTON. to advertising, THE NEWS -RECORD M. McMurray, Mrs. R. Irwin, Miss
has a circulation which gives value, Hallie 0onnbe, Miss Croll, Mr. John
.Heats Parker's Dye Works. and good value. We do not blow, blit Houston. The people of Clinton we It is usually hard to find a
we are not asharned to compare our trust will by their presence assist in place that pays much atten-
- books with others who make unw•ar- such aworthyundertaking. Thetown
'f ranted pretensions on this line. Ad- hall should be improved and now is _ tion to the big men—we do.
The Huron News -flea vertiserq who, have for, sixteen years the best time to do it.
I E5 a Yaar-91.00 in Advance continuously renewed their, contracts VESTRY MPETING.--The annual v'es- (� a $5 and $7 Suits***
for thousands cf dollars Burin! that try tweeting of St. Paul's church carts It's about no -W
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st, 1897. time is sufficient proof of the value o held Monday evening last, there being - '*a•
our columns• it large turnout, showingthat the eo- We just want to day again this week another word
-- ANOTHER `PIo,,EEn DEAD. --- The ' pie are becoming morinterested in You will be thinking about a about our five and seven dollar Suits. We have
LOCAL NEWS. earlier generation are one by one pass- chi ch work. Phe Rector announced BOy� SLllt hes many callers and many buyers this season who
ing to the great beyond, and its the th e would defer his annual report have plainly acknowledged that they were just what
— --- links in the worthy chain are being a it next Sunday morning. Mr. Ino. or a pair of our all wool
In and Around t11e klub, broken it is cemented across the river Ru ord then presented the Warden's �'Weei� hunts we said they were—"World Beaters."
in the great hereafter. In the death statement, and before doing so he said .i
cif Mrs. John Marshall, of the Baytield he considered it most gratifying to we have them at $2.50—fur both-- We have a $3.50 Men's Suit but we would rather not push
901V11 Z111k, line, Goderich towdship, a noble pin- know that while we had passed through this line. Our $5 Suit eaves our reputation and
neer woman is removed from many t ear of widespread business de res- goad, strong, plain 'Tweeds, good / people won't come back an'd grumble like they do
Highest price for butter and eggti—C'.+xTrr-ov friends and acquaintances.• She had ~feat, tii;ttSt. Paul's climch hadpnet wearcie, no relation to any cheap / p
Brtos• not been in good health since Christ- when they buy something cheaper.
g every liability, and that in attendance lines.
mas and succumbed on Sunday last, it had come a to the more prosperous See our Bedroom Suites at 10.50. Great P p P 1 Our Prices on bleu s Pants
snap.—BROAr)z•ooT, BOX & CO. Aged 82 seal's. The deCei�SHa was IL seat' OY SUlne ton years ago, The MLI'- W0 ar0 making anellr0l' big lot Of Boy a Knee Pants � •
da -tighter of the bite Jacol)'Millm., Sr., aens elected were Mr. AV. J. Biggins to sell at 50 and 75c, this shows how people are appreciat-
it native of Tipperary, Ireland, and and Mr. J. H. Combe, The salaries in our efforts to give good value in somethi❑ the don't $1, $ 25 1,50 and
Miss ANNIE FrtEEnORN, puppil of Prof, Tor- came to this counts with her parents g g Y I this reason are 1. , $ $2.
rington, Toronto Collego of Mlisle, is prepared Y t will be the same as last scan with an
o accept pupate in Vocal, Guitar and unto, some sixty years ago or more. The increase to the sexton of $10. A vote care to bother with buying a piece of cloth and making
III accept ConcertEngas;ements. family first settled Itt or near Streets- of thanks was tendered the choir for thein at home like they used to do. Close buying and Close Buying and Close Selling slid For Cash is caving y fu
Ville. Some fifty
years since she was their efficient service, also to the retir- close selling is bound to build up a solid bade. money, think about it.
joined in ' wedlock to her bereft hus- ing Wardens and the members of the Sam
EARLY PAAS.—On Saturday Ma- hand. A family of six survive—Mrs. Ladies' Aid. Mr. J. A. Fowler and
dame Wall presented TuE NEws-RE- Johnston of Pishfleld, Mrs. Johnston Mr. J. G. Stewart were appointed audBno
CORD with some green peas in the. pod, Of the Maitland concession, .lane at itor., and Mr. F. Hovey, E. Atchibald,
large enough for table use. The flavor borne, Edward of Ribbert, and Jacob F. Herman and C. Hale ware appoint -
was delicious and we would not object and John at home. In religion the ed sidesmen. The Vestry then ad -
to having a peck or two of them at deceased was an EpiSCOpalian and a jour.ed for two weeks. Af, the c(...
this season of the year. thorough Christain woman. The gregational meeting Mr.John Ransford Clintonfuneral took place to Clinton cemetery l was 'appointed Lay delegate to the a ouw� Clothiers, V•
THE BAPTIST CHv4cu.—Next Sun- yesterday afternoon. Synod, '�1
The 1'
day Rev. E. J. Harris will deliver fare -- well sermons. He will go to Clifton
Springs, N. Y„ for the treatment of 1�y
Eris eyes. Themsubject of his Sunday See
� Jt o�morning seron will be "Whitt lessons Ou"-p cur,
do the Ants, Conies, Locusts and (;ar'
Lizards of Scripture teach its.",
ts p
Kubject for evening, The Pyramid of I 1
Christian Character," • • '�
CHOiR CONCERT.—Thursday, April
29th is the date of the Ontario St.
church choir concert, which promises
to be the rausical event of the season.
The four choruses by 50 voices will be
grand and well worth the price of ad-
cuission. Besides these there will I
quartettes, duets, trios, solos and reci-
tations'and special numbers by our
popular soloist Madaute Wall and the
hurious Clinton Orchestra.
BREAKDOWN.—Last Saturday Mr.
Geo. Farquhar, who was bringing a
load of hay to town, had a breakdown
opposite Fair's mill. The team attach -
1V11L L UN !<I I ; Spring Showing.
We do the Carpet business right. Most dry Goods stores sell Carpets, but there's no store in Huron makes the
specialty of Carpets we do, none that devote as much space to this department, none that have the facilities for showing
Is complete and is beyond doubt the prettiest assortment ever their, none that carry the stock and can give you the variety and choice that are to be had here. We sew and lay Car -
shown here, you would think so too if you saw it. You'll want Pete bought here ; buying from us savesqualities are laborious
aoodrou atter a new and aie iattractive, i and
ficent eh ii es as low pe for the astnouhwill get
never had such a stock to show, q good, P p Y g
a Hat for Easter; let us supply your need. We are sure we could anywhere.
please you. Our Milliners have the requisite taste and skill to
trim to suit you and your purse as well, You'll be surprised at Prices like these will bring Carpet The best, quality, extra super two- Curtains•.r===:::�::-
the throng of buyera at our Showroom every afternoon and at business this way. ply all wool Carpets made in
the number of orders given; cab not leave yours? You may feel
America, carried off the gold We have bought some wonderfully
g Y y Y Canadian Union Carpet, fair I niedal at the World's Fair, made cheap Lace Curtains and can give yon
sure of having your wants promptly met. weight, good patterns........... .30C front clean, pure yarris, free from better goods for less money than ever
grease, dyes guaranteed, the new- I before.
ed is one of the finest that comes to Heavy Union Carpet, reversible, est coloring, in a great. range of
good colors and patter.., A 1 patterns..... • , . , $1
('11inton. The head of the king bolt Lace Curtains, 21 yards long, 39 in.
broke and allowed the reach to get out Gloves.,
vitiue.......... lllo Extra ualit Tit esti Car ets r q Y P Y P � widH, taped edges in white only. tumof position. The result was that the Extra heavy Union Carpet, newest good patterns, reg. 05c quality .. 50C
wbole load of hay had to be forkedKID colors and pattern., regular 60c.. 50c Brussels Carpet, good quality.. ... 80c Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 40 in.
d d d ttern 5
onto another waggon before it could
be drawn Lo destination. It was inter-
esting to notice how pleased looking
were those engaged in rebuilding the
load after all efforts fabled to replace
the reach and king bolt.
given in the S. A. Barracks on Wed-
nesday, April 28th, at 8 p. m. This is
a true, touching and thrilling repre-
oentation of a drunkard's life, before
and after conversion, shown upon the
}platform in five scenes. The "Drunk-
ard's Home" was it complete success in
the city of London, Ont,, a few weeks
ago. The building waspacked to the
doors, and 15 souls professed conver-
Pion the same week. It was also a
nuccess in Sea.forth a few nights ago,
the barracks being nearly full of peo-
ple and all were well satisfied with the
programme. Don't forget the date,
Wednesday, April 28th.
HONEST PAPERS.—Last week the
New Bra quoted very brazenly a quack
medicine traveller its to the honesty of
newspapers in giving, their circulation,
and purloined to itself a morsel of
sweet comfort in that the Era was one
of the few honest papers. "Judge not
that ye be not 'edged" might be an
appropriate application, but we fain
apply the term. However, its
our cotem. knows perfectly well,
many tramps for innumerable nos-
trums endeavor to sivindle honest
uewspapers in advertising schemes,
itad that their word is not worth the
space it occupies. Newspapers its a
rote are not dishonest and our totem.
belies its profession when it says so.
The other day THE N$ws-R&R;
questioned the reliability of the firm
whom our cotern. gives as an authority
os ••honest papers. When we want
to do busines's it is with people who we
aresatisfied are willing and able to pay
for what they get —not with people
who are ready and willing to take
ratmething for which they refuse' to
pi►y. We like to do business, in short,
with advertisers who give the general
public good value- for their money.
Tbat's our motto. See theoint p Fakes
of. any kind, good or gad gpeat or
small, need lint lapk. to THE krws-RE-
coRD for it name—not if we know it.
Additional locals on first page.
Heavy Union
Carpet, nearly all
Axminster Carpet, richer to appear-
i once than Brussels, will wear as
wide, tape a ges, goo pa ,
white and cream ................. 75c
The Great Kid
wool, one
75c uallit
Wool Carpet
pattern only, regular
Y (Ze
with cotton chain.
well, rich, new designs and color-
ing., borders to match..........$1 15
Lace Curtains, 3, yards long, 47 in.
wide, toped ec des, beautiful de -
This Carpet
has the appearance
Sample Ends.
signs, spectial value....... • , .... 11
Glove Store,suet
often sold
of an ani wool -and is5n
as such. Sold all over
sample ends of Wool (iupets, all
one yard square, anew lot just -
Lace Curtains, 3 yards long. 60 in:
wide, taped edges. good pat -
at 75c, special
.. • •
in your choice per end, ...........
terns.......... $1
Heavy All
range of
Wool Carpets, good
coloringgs and patterns,
25 ends Axminster Carpets, all 1}
yds long, regular price $1.15 per
Chenille Curtains in neatly all col-
3 �5
largestThe biggest; ur now Kid
85c and 90c .......... . .... 75c
yard, your choice per end........ 75c
ors, dado top and bottom.... • . •
direct from two of the beat Freie
Gloes for e herb French
see 9960000000 0���1i��
Glove makers of Grenoble, France ; and are, beyond doubt, the
beet assortment and values ever offered to the trade here. In
For • •
the lat we show a range of nine new lines.`
At 58c we offer you a 4 button Glove in tans and browns, worth 75c.
At 65c and 75c a No. 1 Children's Kid Glove,eizta 4 to 6.
At 75c a Ladies 7 hook Lacing Glove, worth 90c, tans and browns,
At 95c is a Glove that has given every satthfaction, 7 book, new shades in
4t. A New
Three lines of Ladies'
brown, cheap at $1,15.
At $1 a 4 pearl button Glove in Tan, black stitched back and fans to match.
° va��+, �
�, 't'
� .:,�� ---miz�-
At $1 a 4 button guaranteed Kid Glove in Black. ,• We have sold not as good
for $1.25.
"The Victoria."
They are not the very
At $1 a cream washable 8 -button Glove.
latest styles, neither al'e
At $1.25 we show a superb line both in black and colors. In Black Kids we
show the following colored stitched backs and facings with pearl buttons
One of the most graceful,
i most comfortable and
they very far from it,
The qualities are good,
to match : White, Mauve, Green and Gold. In colored Kids, Browns,
durable Corsets oil the
and they come in tweeds
',Cans, Fawns and Gold, with stitched backs and facings in White, Brown,
market. Extra long
and blacks. Three prices
Black and light Blue, with pearl buttons to match.
(I �l� ' t waist, perfect in shape
At $1.25 a 1 plain Black or Tan Kid Glove, guaranteed.
At $135 the new Derby Glove in colors or La Chartrease in plain Black or
full 61 to 8.
��b ' and finish, and made
t ! from material that will
The�rompton eRegi tr*A, $�,
Buy any one and you get morn
I than your money's worth, for the ►el
double the marked,,
colors, range of sizes,
wear ................
all worth price
Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium.
Menem -.r`--
Heavy Tweed Waterproof Coals. double texture, seams gummed and sewn, 24 inch detachable CAN
a splendid garment $3 50• If you paid six dollars for it you wouldn't pay too much.
The Dry Goods Palace,W