HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 6Cough -euro, the most prompt and effective iem,,6y for di,cilses of the tbroa.t and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Ycctor,ti. As alt emergency medi- c :l,c, for the cure of ('roup, kiorc Throat, Lim- fever and t; 11711ooplllg Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral ' c;:nnot be eclnaled. 1311AWLEv, Isis. S(T. of the American Bap- tist I-Niblislling society, 1'eteruburg, Va., endorses it, its a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To sill ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend AVE 9S Cher, ran Pectoral Two Murderers Swing101iNroN Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AM PILLS Cure Liver and Stomaoh Troubles, The Huron News -flea -ora 1 25 a Haar -81.00 in Advance tWF.DNFSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1897. TUE AYE STILL AT WORK ' More Displays of Partisanship. CONSERVATIVES NOT GIVEN ANY QUARTER BY THE LAURIER PARTY, Like Superintendent Ross, of fdie Cornwall canal, Dr. Hickey, of Morris- tnrg, the suporIntendent of the Wil- nuusbtno canal, has been dismissed without an hours warning, under the pretext that the. office is being abolish- ed, and the work will be clonethrough the engineer's office. Tfris of itself is an admission that supervision and Strpeintendance ifi necessary, and that the office is not, a vinecure, and such being the case it is hardly fair to dis- miss a permanent official and hand the work over to the temporary one. The pposition of superintendent of the Wil- ' tiamshur•g canal was instituted by at Grit Government in 1$16, and the first superintendent, ndent Mr. A. S. McDonald, was a Reformer. The next appointee, the late J. N. Ross, was also a Re- former when appointed by a Reform Adrr►inistration, but at the time of Contederation, like many others, he became a Conservative. -Mr. Ross was succeeded by the late Alex. G. Mac- donell, who was appointed by the Mae- kenzie Administration. Thus for More than 40 of the 50 years the office has been in existence it was filled by ap- pbintees of Reform Governments. In 2878, when the Conservatives came into power, and Sir Charles Tupper was Minister of Public Works, which at that time. included RailwAys and Oanals, an effort was made to oust the late A. G. Macdonell, but Sir Charles quietly told the deputation that he would be glad to make an appointment. when the office became vacant. His conduct was quite a contrast to that of the present partisan Laurier Grit Government.` J A. GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNI- VERSITY SAYS: "My children have been treated with Scott's Emulsion from their earliest gears. Our Physician first recommend- ed it and now whenever a child takes cold my cv ife immed-iately resorts to this remedy; ,}which -always, effects a cure." John McMahon, has sold his farm just west of Lucan to Mr. Thomas Casey of that place. The farm con- tains 33 acres, on which there is a• good brick house and outbuildings and a fine orchard. The price paid wits $2,- OOD, on which Mr. McMahon takes the purchasr's five acre lot in the east end of the village at $600. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung afrection, and that dread disease Conrrrcrnption, is &nxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those Who, desire it, he will cheerfully send ,free of charge) a copy of the prescrip- tion used, which they will find a sure cure for coneumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitic: and all throat and Lung 31'alacdiest. He hopes ap sufferers whl try his remody, as it is invalu- able. Those desiring the preoription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- ing, will please address, Rov. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Richard Dobell, before leaving England fox, Canada, said that a con- tract to build four fast steamers for the Atlantic service had been signed on condition that the Imperial Govern- ment will share in the cost. V110TORY FOR EAST SIMCOE. 10fone thing Mr. W H. Bennett, the Conservative Standard Hearer in East Slimeoe, is Sure— Me Suffered from Catarrhal Tkouble and Found Speedy find Ir'ized Relief in Dr Agnew -9 @atarrhat Powder. In the coming by election it will not• be settled until the rotes are eounted, whether Mr. W. H. Bennett, tphorlisis represented the conatituency vefth ability for years, will again Dai the 'successful candidate. One thing Mr. Bennett is perfectly cerasin of, whatever turn the election may take: When attending to hisduties in Ottawa two sessions ago he (gas taken dolts with catarrhal trouble in the hand. He used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal ftwder and oveir hi • own signature 1111*1 it woked like a charm, and yreritov►rd the trouble and 'Litn Atted for his paiUat'neittnry d0 ias.-801d by watts & 00. y One Killed His Wife ai Mother -in -Law, TUE OTHER HIS MISTRESS` AND BOTU WERE DESPATCHED BY THE I ROPIC METHOD AT JERSEY. John Mackin was hanged in Jersey City Tuesday morning. He killed his wife and her mother on Feb. 27, 1896. He was a native of Jersey City, aged 24 years. Mrs. Mackin, having been compelled to leave her husband because of his habits and inability to support her and her three little ones, had taken up residence with her father, Patrick Connor. 'Twice Mackin at. tempted to see his wife, but was re- fused in both instances. At 7 o.clock the evening of the 27th Mackin knock- ed at the Bide door of Counor's horns Jersey City. The father—in-law was about leaving the house when Mackin called, and when he opened the door Maokin forced hie way into the room, Ind, without a word, shot the old man in the throat, Hie wife was likewise unceremoniously shot, One bullet reached her heart and another entered her back as she fell dead at the feet of her murderer husband. Two bullets remained in Mackin a pistol. 'These he deliberately fired at Mrs. Couuor, his mother-in-law. Both took effect, one entering her breast and the. other• her aide as she reeled and fell dead upon a sofa. Couuor, the fatherlu. law, subsequently recovered. PAUL GENz ALSO PAYS THr, PENALTY. JA_Paul Genz was hanged at 11.04 a, in, in Jersey City, PNul Genz killed hie mistress, Clara Arnim, in Hoboken, Aug. 28, 1894. Gonz was a°nativo of Prussia and made the acquaintance of Clara Arnim during a voyage to America. After their arrival in this country the couple lived in Hoboken as man and wife until Genz fuuud em ployn)eut as a fireman on a steamship plying between Hnmburg and Ilobo- kcn. During the absence of her lover Clara became acquainted with other men whom she liked better than Ganz. When Genz returned from his trip he becanlo jealous, and on the after noon of Aug. 28 bought a bouquet and a revolver. Clara Arnim was via- iting on the first floor of the house in which they lived when Geuz come home with the bouquet. Sho met him, cheerfully took the bouquet and the couple went up to their own room on ,the top floor. Five pistol shuts were almost immediately heard. Police and neighbors who broke in the door saw Genz kneeling oil the floor holding the bloody head of Clara Arnim on his knee. She was dead with five bullet wounds in her head and body, Skin Eruptions Cared for 35 Cents—Relief In a Day. Er,zenta, tetter, salt rheum, barber's itch—all itching and burning skin dis- eases vanish where Dr, Agnow'e Oint- ment is used. It relieves in a day and cures quickly.. No case of piles which an application will not comfort in a -few minutes. If you have used highpriced ointments without benefit, try Dr. Agnew's Ointment at 35 cents and be cured.—Sold by Watts & Co. 'where are We At. Most amusing are Mr. Laurier s at- tempts to hide his hand is, the negotia- tions which for the past nine months have been carried on with Retire. Three emissaries went over at different times to plead Mr. Laurier's cause before the Holv Father and at last it member of the government went ov r•. Of course, it is wrong to say that he went over in his capacity of Canadian Solicitor -General, because he has denied that allegation. Ile went over its Charles Fitzpatrick, barrister, Quebec. Before loaving he stripped himself of everything that inarked him as a member of the government. lie took an axe and cut the "Hon." off his name. With it marvellous complete- ness he did the Dr. Jekyll and :lir. Hyde act and off he went. Evidently he was not successful, for he came back and told his constituents that the "settlement" was only it, first instal- ment and that Mr. Laurier himself so regarded it. Yes, we must accept Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick'cexplanatio that he went over to Rome on private husiness, its a humble member of the Church, as Charles Fitzpatrick, as Charlie Fitzpatrick or as Chas. Fitz- patrick, but never, no never, as the Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, Solicitor - General of Canada. In accepting this explanation, however,, we must ask in all earnestness what in thunder made him go over there in his private capac- ity. Don't we pity him $5,000 a year to attend to onr business? Who gave him permission to go away frons his office on private business ? That's what we should like to know. One hundred doses one dollar in pe - dither to and true of HooTe Sarsaparil- la. It is ecobomy to buy Hood's. Sir Oliver Mowatt is drafting the prohibition plebiscite bill. It is not yet known how the Government will make up the seven or eight millions of .revenue at present derived from Ifnor, but it is not improbable that 11ir`Oct tart of about $1.50 per head of e whole population may be imposed in the event of the enactment prohibl. tiork A deputation waited Tuesday upon Premier Liatirier r1nd the Minister of Justice. asking them to ameind the Uriininal Code so as to raise the rage of consent; {voni si*teen to eighteen yeAf's, a.nA W41, tie exemption age of the Beau cer 1,1e r duced from twenty-one to eighteen yoaril.. R �•�"-�.. .... ... � ., ... .. ....,�. ,�.� _. _ .. .ar•--►-.pyo.. DOT, and 81IND FACrOy. ------o a. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor.' - This "factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give estimates" for and build all classes of buildings on short notice sod on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Agent for tie CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. CLEARING ,SALE..-, �- Wa have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crockery and Glarsware this inonth as wo propose giving up keeping those linea. Intending purchasers will find the prices very low as the goods must be sold. Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. - Terme, Cash or Produce, Ga J. STEWART. Agent for the Kolona Tea. - Stock -Taking. -.01111110. We are now nicely settled in our Stores in the old B ick Block, and pleased to see our old custorners as well as new ones. We, -are now busy taking stock and in a great many lines are selling at reduced Prices in order to clear out. H A.RL.A ND BRCS., Stoves and Hardware, Cheap Cheap! Cheap I BE" WOVEN WIRE FERING These S WI L WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. WIRE N FENCINGS MaIO WIRE and iN by • • as well aAC„ � TME ONTARIO WIRE FENCINQ t30., LTO. p� Plnton.Ontario. NOMU11ORS1 CHOICE STEEL. WIRE NETTINGEE FOR TRELLIS, 'POULTRY.YARDS LAWN FENCINGS, ETC. ARE SOL D very MUCHLOWER this year, than ever before, THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND Houso for Sale - WAGON FACTORY 'Iwo story frame house in Clinton, ten roo,u: I stonecoller, hard and soft water. Good gronmi Corner Huron and Streets, Clinton. Oran a Frame stable. For full articulars apply t g the owner, JOSI:PII ALLINSON, Clinton. First-(,Ilass Buggies on hand and made to 939-tf order. Prices to stilt the times. Repairs and repainting promptly attend W, Prices reason- able. W ANTED_ Intanl{J ed Die t' I with good etlucrttioi who want to better their positions, and woul Wanted - - Canvassers. be contont for a year with $W) and expense'. Write us, with description and occupation "Queen Victoria: Her Life and Reign;" and we will make a proposition for now c Bats captured the British Empire. Nlxtraordin_ the future. Also needed, reliable men fc ary testimonials from the great sten; send for Australia. Write today, for we are in copy free. Marquis of Lorne says, "The best hurry. Moular Life of the Queen I have seen." Her The Armlager, ajesty sends a kind letter of appreciation. 49 Richmond St. Nest Toronto, Out Selling by thousands; gives enthusiastic satis- faction. Cost a mint of money, but large cir- culation justifles low retail. �3.On. Lots of Farm For Sale. illustrations. llustrations. Largo ook—over all 2x61x10Ji inches. Men and women of standing South half Lot No. 25, 17th concession, God in the community making $l5 to ALO a wreck, rich Township, one mile north of Clinton con Exclusivc territorrt•, Prosppectus free to agents. prised of 40 acres, more or less. The lana is a Books on time. ME BRADLEY-GARRFT- cleared and in fair state of cultivation. We SON CO., L'TD, ToHONTO,!ONT. fenced and plenty of cedar on the prgpert: Frame barn 40x60, stone stable 30x50. Will t sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchase 1 YOUR SPARE TIME E Mer, women, to conduct business at home. Work is simple writing and copying lists iof addresses received from local advertis- ing, to be forwarded to us daily. No can- svasming; no previous experionce required, but plain writers preferred. Pcimanent it work to those content to earn $6 or more weekly in spare time, Apply to WARREN' Pun. Co., LONDON, ONT. Ripley. WEDDING.—On ThursdAy evening 18th ult., quiten. flutter of excitement was observed around the resilience of Mr. Charles Poulton ; the cause was apparent when upon the arrival of Rev. B. L. Hutton, Mr. Poulton gave away his eldest daughter Annie Mar- garet in the bonds of wedlock to Thos. E. Nimrno. Little Miss Lizzie Poulton was a proud little maid of honor ele- gantly attired in white. The bride, who looked charming in a beautiful costnrme, was for illauyy years a sales- woman in Mr. II, I'. Ctlapuian's hook store and won the esteem of her asso- ciates by her obliging disposition, which was evinced by the number and beauty of the presents received. Mr. Nimrno is the very essence of true manliness and generosity combined. A grand supper was welt served and festivities were enjoyed by a select company. The young couple start with an unusual amount of good wishes and kind feelings toward thernon their trip to London, Blyth and Clinton. The Life of Dr. Chase. As a compiler of Chase's Recipe Book, his name is familiar in every household in. the land, while as a phy- sician his works on simple formulas left an imprint of his name that will be handed down from generation to generation. His last great 'medicine, in the form of his Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, is having the large public patronage that his Ointment, Pills and Cafarrh Cutis sre having. .D!. Chaae's Syrup of Linseed and Tur• pentine Is especially adapted for all Bronchial and Asthmatic troubles. The Conservatives of West Durham held a convention at Bowmanville on Saturdday, and unanimously nominated Mr. W. H. Reid, M. P. P., as their candidate fft the next provincial elec. dons., For particulars apply tit THE NEws-REcoit oNrce, or to JAMES H. COLCLOCOn, Henfry P. O. A Rare Opportunity, For Sale. 150 acres, A I grain or stock farn 105 aces cleared, balance uuculled hardw•ooi Solid brick house, Rte.; frame barn 28x80; stab) 18x57; sheep house 12x28; good water. Cor venlent to 3 grain elevators, mills, &c. Goo roads and free from all obnoxious weeds, &c Will take resident property in Clinton par pay. Inquire at Tur, Na]we-ItECOitD office. 940.3 m Wanted—An Idea Who can thin' of some smrpl thing to patent Protect your ideas; the; may bring you wealtt Writo JOAN WEDDERBURN & CO. Patent Attol nays, Waehingt(I D. C., for their 81,800 prize offs and list of two hundred invontious wanted. McKillop Directory for 1897. John Morrison, Rcevc. \VinthropP P. O, %N, In. Archibald, Deputy Rcevo, Lea(lbury P. i)aniel mifnlcy, Councillor, Beechwoud P. O. Jos. C. Alorrison, Councillor, Beechwood 1). 1 tVnn. MCGavill, Councillor, Leadbury I'. O. Jno. C. lftrrison, Clork, Winthrop P. I). William Evans, Assessor, lleechwoocl P. O. David M, (toss, Treasurer, Wintlnro P. O. "harics Dodds. Collector, Seafor•t. I 1'. O. Richard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector, Leadbury McLeod's System Renovator —AND OTrrER— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood Vspepsia, �loeplesaness, Palpatation of th Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss o Wemory, Bronchitis, Consugrrption gallStonef Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary i)I$eases, 8i Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen oral Debility. LABORATORY, GODERIGH ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by H. COMBS and ALLAN & WILSON Property For Bale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS, In coosegoence of my age 214 look of hetp. I bav4 gqvidpd tooger for gale my splendid gard6ning pro Arty co'ndletlog o! eve end r half arae ifi Olintbn. I of the best land in the eonnty of BnYen, tncluQ, ng hot beds and other neceeeary, rocluiremonte 'hors la on he premieoe a frame honne ivltb ctllire ctrl and ha (rater, barn and other outbairdfng6 'bo � yfiel .rlv& adjoins the propZY. WHI esprit ressogrtddsnnb a price for hell oae a d 914neo been ed 1l tri rt a d. As I desire to on. this IN et tba et ntdtf ttilth. Apply poreonally or by le{teY to repropelottor, oll, J�rl3 sLLsr1'sblt'; esti t, tfllntoa ntatione. r *, off' �- ice Su lies 9 Job Printing, The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and f Job Printing Depart- ment. , We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality of bath is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may Suggest something you may be in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet with the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line we have a very fine stock of writing papers suitable for every class of business represented in this locality, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an inIpol tont placein coin• nrercial correspondeuce. See what we have got. Bill Heads If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was the order of the clay the delranu for account paper would not be so great ; but there ::re some n)er who get so many dunners thal they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is con. plete in this line. Good paper ani neat ruling. Statements Our stock is large. They conic cheaper than bill heads, and arc the proper thing to send lifter r delinquent once it month. They are sure to fetch hint 'round -- sometime. Envelopes V, We. make a specialty of Envelopes r You know it would he hard tc t get along without envelopes, ane to keep tip with the demand foi them ive keep it large stock or hand. Plain or Printed we arI offering some great snaps. On( line in particular is going off fast—:50 for 5c. Commerical Printing 1 A vast amount of work under thii e head to enumerate would mon than take up the entire space oc a cupied by this adv t, but w,, do ii all at THE NEws-RECORD. Invitations to an "At Home" or it weddint require considerable taste in selee tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matterby keeping in stoct the very latest and best samples tc 1 be had. Call and see. Circulars We excel it, ,ill the different kinds of work we tarn out, and particu- larly in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for rill rerfuirei nents. Programs of entertainments and mee(ings promptly turned out, fl -0111 the.• pterin and neat to the most elegitnnl.. Cards and Tickets These cover a large ran e of work, from at bread and mil ticket to it neat calling g cru•cl, from .in or- dinary admission ticket to it mst.y business card 'or a handsouiefy printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEWS -RECORD can supply every design, gnctlily and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out tins class of work are evidenced by thr 'fact that we always do good work and give .superior satisfaction in all respecw5. Dodgers are greatly in demand, Our facili- ties are superior for this class of work and the very rcasot Ie prices keep our presses busy. Sale Bills We make a specialty of thein— promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- pear in THE Nlsws-RF('ORD free Of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographical printing line: can be done 1n this establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and Our prices will be found very reason- ablel If you want Mour' ning Papers and Envelopes For com"spoudence we Can give you up -to -(bite goods. Wo also carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, r Inks, Writing Paper, &c., &c.. In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support is solicited. -,r TABMews-MIXTON. Record,