HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 5r
gest ... ,
You know thti5et15atllltl-kLChhi g,
paining, crying out for relief.
Vorhaps tho thought has neve!•
occum,ed to you that properly
fitted glasses would give you
wonderful relief. They would -.-
by assisting the eye to pe.t form
its duties -by relieving the over-
strain oil the muscles of the eye -
by thus removing the cause of
the trouble. They would not
only relieve present discomfort -
they would save future.
4s Graduates
of the Optical Inbtitute of Can-
ada and is practical Opticians
with experience we are qualified
to remedy any defect of vision
that can be remedied by glasses.
We test free whether you buy
Glasses or not. Our charge for
Spectacles which we guarantee
is $1.00 Exceptional cases
may cost more. In any cast] you
run no risk for- we refund your
money if we don't fit to sati.Vy.
Allen & Nilson,
See our large window for VALUE it
i Soaps.
111 01'2,000 litues every year.
The various wheels revolve frotu
8,768 to 4,730,450 times anuu-
ally, and yet we commonly finis
watches that have been allowed
to run five or ton years with;•ut
cleaning or fresh oil. If your
watch is good treat it as you
would any other piece of mfl-
We do all Itiepairing
and Satisfactorily.
P. B. Crews,
—the reliable—
Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.
Carpets sewed and laid • also cleaned and ro;
novated at reasoaablo prices.
1l>r-Orders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S c
store, Clinton or Scaforth, will be promptly at.'
tended to. c
Heads Win in BusiOCSSI I
10R L• 1
2� 1
Our business is to fill heads with practical t
knowledge. The Leading Cornntercial
School in Canada today. Nine, beautiful 1
college rooms; excellent teachers; moderate
rates; enter at any time; circulars free. 1
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1
Your Watch
AND — ;
Jewelry '
Repairing .. .
is properly cared for
when you trust it with
us. We have every
I known facility and a
practical workman to
do it correctly.
A Brooch Pin
receives the greatest
care here.
Your Watch
examine,1 free, or clean-
ed and reulated for
only $1_00.
JEWELER, and Bell Telephone.
Front a man that cannot. fit you pvn-
perly. Our Mr. A. T. COOPER took
a course in the Optical Institute of
Canada, and his certificate bears testi-
mony to his ability to properly fit
frames and glasses. We shall he
pleaed to test your eyes at any tame,
and tell you whether you need glasses
or not. Dont delay coming if your
eyes trouble you,
Wm. Cooper & Co.
All who have any claims against the Estate of
J. Biddlecombe are requested to call at the
Store and make settlement by the 157ti or•
APRIL, and all who are indebted will please
settle by the 15TII OP APRIL.
Machine Operators Wanted
4n Shirts and Shirt Waists.
Beginners taught.
Apply at
Jeweller and
Expert "tJVratch
CUlfured Ladies \Lttltforce of
needing to
Darn money, can learn ]low to do so In a good
cause. AddreHs, G
JABE'/. GALLOWAY, Toronto,Out.
Clinton Horticultural society.
MrMriE1ts111P FEE $1,00,
Oil pa Ment of membership fee each mcniber
,f the Clinton Horticultural Society for 1897 is
utitled to a choice of any one of the following
'ollections of Secds, Bulbs or Plants;
COLLECTION NO. 1 -SEEDS -1 kt. each. Tall
vlixed Astors, Mixed Balsams, Mixed Dianthus
diggnouotto Machet, International Pansioi,
'hlox Dranimondi, Shireley Poppies, Stacks
white, Mixed Vorbenas, irinpress Candytuft,
nixed Snapdragon joz, Dwf, Nasturtium, jox,
dixed Sweet Peas.
COLLECTION No. 2.-BULns.-2 Cannas,2 Dah-
his, I single Tuberous Begonia, 12 Gladioli, 1
'amaryllis Bolladona, 1 spotted Calla, 2 Taber-
tses, 1 Japan Iris.
COLLECTION No. 3. -PLANTS. -15 Hyacinths
or winter Blooming.
COLLECTION No. 4. -PLANTS. -1 Abutlion, 1
3' )nia Argentea Guttata, 1 Begonia Vernon:
Chrysanthemum, 1 Fuschia, I Hydrangea
?aniculata, 4 Geraniums, 1 Single, 1 Gen. Grant
.Ivy leaved, 1
COLLECTION No. 5.—PLANTS.-20 Geraniums,
Everything offered in the above collection. is
Strictly first-class, Anyone wishing to become
t member of the Societycan hand their name
and mombership fee to Mr. Coats or any meni-
.)or of the Society.
W. J. FORD President.
J. C. GILROV, 18t Vice -Pres.
1.1. FOSTER, 2nd Vice -Pros.
W. COATS, See.-Treas,
AG LN /l,� I am just starting the best
, thing fur money making
1011 have seen for many a day. Your name and
Adress will bring the golden information-,
R. P. GLASGOW, Toronto, Out.
- _liifl®1�'il" GAGE SALE
'�aluable FAl3�I LAS
—IN TnE—
TaaWN' iffllp OF Q,iIYDERIC11.
Uuderand by virtue of the power of sale
,ontained in it certain mortgage, which will be
)roduecd at the sale, there will be offered for
sale at
,y David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the
Commercial Hotel, Clinton,
,laturday, the . 24th day of April,
1897, at 2 o'clock P. m., the following property,
viz :-
Lot number 13 in the Maitland Concession
of the Township of Goderich in the County o
Huron saving and excepting thereout threo
separate parcels heretofore conveyed to the
County of Huron the Township of Goderich and
Lr White
one Mt ,
Tf R MS: -10 percent. of the purchase clown
on t ie day of the Sale and the balance in '
days thereafter without interest. Thoproperty
will be sold subject. to a reserved price. Furth
or terins and particulars made lmown at. th
sale or upon application to the undersigned.
Vendors Solicitor.
Clinton, 29th March, 1897. 958.4t
-- nn
Cowtty Currency,
HOLhrEa--BtssroP.-On Tuesday, April 13th,
Stock, I1up etnen s, a c.,
Stanley, At 1 o'clock p• In. No reserve.
Mrs. S.I3indes and family of Brussels
Their • •
or the moat pyptilar of fowls, being good layer,
inIend moving to Chapieau, where two
A. O FXCCUtOCH Of Haid Estate,
TaoMns I{nARNs,
Of her sons ah•e+uly reside.
Mi., Will, Cronyll of Winghnll) in-
�o Excellencies
C`' 1 celle.L cies
of Grcy.
tends leaving in the course of 1t couple
of weeks on a Lvcsteru tour.
r The Earl anal Countoss of Aber -
i r. McNolt of Belfast has rented it
dean ride the
farm nail 1Vhitec•hurch. Ila rind his
family httye t.il+ell p'+bsession.
Red Bird Bicycle. b
The family of Mr. John Weir left
__ __ _
a . -
Choice Eggs for Hatching.
'rllesd7ly t()l' f)GtaLt'io, tial., where 91 r.
-�,� �, YOU CflG not d0 belle!' than boy a
Brantford, Ont.
Weil has sectored ern ploy n)enL.
\ �� lied liitd from us, hide the
Messrs, Feagan Bros, purchased
r � most handsome whoel on the war.
Poultry News.
flout Win. Jenkins, Goderich town..
ment on the goods, no refitting, no patterns,
COHN no more than a chart. Lessons given at
ship, x good bull of shot breed.
v; �
The property belonging to Jnhn
Ilickin hotatn of the 5th con„ Maris,
� ;?°j i. ' � .'.
The Massey -Harris Bicycles
Poultry Iraueiorti tyre invited to contribute
news it.ertaH for this coluu)u, for, whlull thele
wets sold by the utorlgagees to
Bros. for•$'3,3(0.
.a,. ,,� V are the Col•Intbia built in Canada
will by no charge. Ordinary adt'brtisoincnts
will uvurage 23 cents fur each insertion.
Richard Cox, wife And son, arrived
horse last Friday front Neepawa, Blas.
J and are taking the lead. Watch
for the Silver Ribbon.
I%lt'. Frank Hall spent Good Friday
Dick is going to wort his farm on the
electing a poultry house.
IIth con. of Grey.
lneut Judge. Plich $1,50 for 13 eggs.
Lack Kennedy's chickens are nwuer-
ous and more of thele are coming.
Rev. 1rt . J. West, M. A., has, ccept
• • •
Master Lorne C. Todd will have an-
Pres -
ed the call to the pastorate of the Pres -
byterian church, Bluevale. His induc-
We carry the largest stock of supplies of any house in the county. Gall
other lot of 13. P. Rock chickens this
tion took place on Tuesday, April
on uH for anything in the Bicycle line.
Mr. W. A. Ross of Goderich wits in-
The home of Mr. E. Mitchell, Ben -
Repairing done while you wait.
apecting souse of the Clinton poultry
yards the other day.
miller, was the scene of gaiety last
PlIce $2 Por 13 eggs.
Ored. must now be flied as they are re-
Wednesday when his only daughter
at the G.
A terrible accident d, early
T. R. Stratford, early Wcdnes-
Mr. Charles Overberry is going into
pciultt y :Lod will !!talks it Specialty of
Emily and Mr. Luxton Hill of Londes-
born were ttntde one.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
I oudaus.
F. J. Knight, grocer, has n hen egg
Addie Va,tcoe, who had his left hand
amputated four, weeks ago owing to an
which weighs tell ounces. Mr. Knight
wants to know who can beth this.-
accident in A cutting box, is recovering
P"T �..
Exeter Advocate.
nicely and the wounded member, is al -
most healed.
New Waggon, Carriage and Repair Shod.
Mr. D. A. Forrester hits a hatching
hen which crows regularly. While
Hereafter candidates for municipal
honors will first have to interview
1 have opened out on Rattenbury street, next door to Tedford's bhtck-
hatchtng she has laid seven eggs. This
the tax collector, and pay their yearly
smith shop, auxd am prepared to fill orders for Waggons, Carriages and all other
is certainly a novelty'
assessments before their names call go
vehicles. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Satisfaction guar -
p y �
Plymouth Rock- `Look here, sonny,
on Glia ballot papers.
t p
anteed and prices the lowest consistent with good wot k. Call and see me be -
didn't you say I was debarred fr•orn the
Henry Edwards has purchased the
fore you order. CHARLES WALKED.
chicken show;" Joshaway-"Nit . I
hundred acre farm of John Artnour in'
q hest be was called next, morning in
time to catch the grain for Toronto
nlevely didn't see how you could enter,
East Wawanosh at a moderate figure;
Fall wheat.. •...............
because you are burred."
Among Our nets advertisers this
he will gel, immediate possession, Mr.
Armour removing to E. Livingstone'sBARGAINS
RILETT'S Bedroom setts,
wKk is W. A. Ross of Goderich. His
farm on the 5th concession.
pens of Brown Leghorns are worthy
of inspection fly those who want sortie-
Mi -,s Maggie McNeil of Brussels left
for- Carman, Manitoba, Oil Tuesday of
Parlor suites,
thing High-scoriug birds
o la
really good.
by competent judges shcntld not be
last week to join relatives who have
Easy Glhairs
1 J �
been ill the severtll years, with
J. T. Harland, who IL:Ls decided
whom she [Alt -poses remaining for itMi'.
Dining Room Tables.
to take some interest in the poultry
Oil April 10th at Benmiller the
line, is erecting it poultry hunse. He
will be. hoard front in fins; varieties
spirit of Mrs. John Mugford tonic its
Hight. Deceased was a highly res ect-
appreciated by shrewd buyers; we keep everything that a first-class
hater on, And we predict will' be a prize
ell women. She leaves a fatuity of'pfive
sons And three daughters besides her
should have. We sell at very close prices and we are doing a
There is no n)or•e entluasiastie poultry
husband to mourn their- loss.
good Cash business. We don't soil to everybody who reads this paper but we
fancier in Clinton than Jim Howson.
What he says lie means. He exercises
The present. year 1897 began on Fri-
day, will end on Friday, and has fifty-
„ „
would like too. Our change of ad is read every week, and we just want to
gvent care for his stock -and he hits
three Fridays in it. Superstitious
say that you may rely on every word we say is true. We are out for your
some very flue birds. Last Saturday
he had a hatch of high -bred Brown
people believe that this is ominous and
are looking for all sorts of terrible
trade; give us a share of it.
Le��jjI oras and the youngsters are doing
things to occur.
Griggs poultry yards are showing
Last week the friends of Benjamin
Ruskin, formerly of Exeterbot latterly
up in great shape these days -at least
the eggs are. Mr. Grigg is a noted
of Brantford, received the sad intelli-
will be looked after in the best possible man -
and recognized authority on Game,
Bence of his death. Deceased was
about 41 years Ola, and leaves a
ner, We have been told that we give a first -
and this is the kind he keep%hi several
widow and four children.
class service, and that our prices are lower
varieties. He has this season lead
many drawbacks, but is rapidly catch-
Jas. Moore, of Trowbridge, formerly .
than has been known hare; that's right, we do. When
ing up. Outside orders are numerous
Of the Brussels Herald, has passed his
this is better known we will have a pretty big share of the Un -
from some of the best breeders in Cath-
first year exam. at Trinity Medical
dertaking. We want .all we can got; don't forget this when neocesaity
College, taking honors in Descripptive
compels you to consult an Undertaker. Sunday and night calls an,
Mr. Walter Coats is building a pool-
Anatomy, Physiology and Hystology,
Toxicology, Practical Chemistry, olid
ewered from residence, Iiuron Street.
tryhouse. He is afancrerand
lot- many years. At the local shows for
wifery, Surgery, Chiliical Surgery,
sole years he has been selected as
GyiSacology and Medical Jurrsp:u-
judge on poultry and naturally knows
the Lmnortantadd very intricate, points`
in the of
Another old resident passed away on
last in
,wtl"ri"are required make-up
it fowl. Next fall he will, with
reasonably good luck, have some of
I Saturday afternoon the person
Rupert Bell, Sr., of the London Road,
in his 73rd year. The deceased was
Furniture and
the best in several varieties to be seen
born in Scotland and eatne to
in the Dominion.
this sectiot, while it was yet a
— — ---- - _
wilderness some 55 fears ago. He
Goderich Poultry Yards.
Brown Leghorns cyclo
settled with his father on the
friar on 'which he died. He
Miss Doig who died some
: r�� � •
Brooms! Brooms!!
1 breed ainglo comb
sively. aiy Stock is superior bred, the yard
being headed by a large, vigorous cockrel
, married a
years ago. He leaves a family Of four
sons and five dao hters,
which scored 94 by Jarvis; also heuH scoring
to,Mj poillti. They are the best egg pt'oduCing
breed of [[ioultry. .)atisfaetion guaranteed or
About three o'clock Wednesday
111ntninrg ire broke out ill the Stable of
Now that house cleaning has commence rooms will be requires by a w o
orders rutllled. 1$ggs per setLfug of 13 $1; 20
eggs Por $1.75. Address
the Commercial hotel, Teeswater, tied
reittize that cleanliness ie next to Godliness. We give a good, strong and service -
ill a lal ge hall over the Horse shed • d-
able Brown free of cost to every purchaser of 100 lbs. of Flour, at $2 and $2.15.
901-tf Godcr)oh, out,
joining the hotel, resulting in the des-
_....------.--- - - - ---- -
Clinton Poultry Yards,
tructlon of the hotel stales and the
hall referred to. The lower front part
tit part
7k Ills• rolled oatmeal . . . ..... . .....15c
7 << Farina for ..... ........ ...15c
G Ills. Rice for Only...... ...... ; ....2bc
7 " 'White Beans only .............10c
of the hall was occupied H.
old, tailor, rind Alt>x. McLeod, harbor.
15 torn meal only ..... ........2�c
Laundry Snap, 2 3 lb. bars for ...... 25c
. e, al round
It hitt, 11)niouth Roc,6H. rite best l a
fowl known for table and eggs. A limited
All of the destroyed property belonged
insured for
Rolled Wheat oil! 2iic Laundr Soap, 7 bars...............25c
10 Y Y F
Laundry Starch, 6c per Ib.
number of eggs will be sola or hatching at
$1.50 for 13 and orders booked in rotation. An
to J. H. Brick and was
Great Bargains in Sugars. Oats, Barley Bran, Chou, ,Shorts, Fie., in stock at
invitation extended to inspect my fowl. 1 also
Close prices. SwEggs wanted.
have Light Brahmas and silver Duclr\ving
-- - -
Bantams. Prices on application.
HAnnc•RN.--In Hen8all, oil the 8th inst., the
wire of W. M. llarbu•n of it daughter.
't +7 7 ,r" }'�
Victoria � a� �++•
O OLSO O r w��� �a
Rieh Class Poultry.
13oL:itt�.s.--In Hcnsall, on the 13th inst., the
• • V
> >
wife of John Ilolnics, of a son.
BRANDON. -At Bayfleld, 011 April 10th, the
wife of Win. Brandon, of a son.
Auction sale Re. -inter. Estate of George Hanley, de eeai;ed
h:n • h ted Caps. n Noted for those real
English I a. of g
Grey, oil .SniLdiL' April it 11 the
RE .-Ill ,
ID S, p
Egg producing qualities taxi having no Sunil-
wife of �yni. Iield of a Hon,
partici having their sale bills printed at Tliti
All persona Pacing claims against the F.stnLte
ter, also a good table fowl. Some of
the above were winners at New York,
GARNESS.-In Wli)Wba n on April 10, Mrs.
David Garnesv of it daughter.
NnWs-ItECORD ofilee will be given afiee notice
similar to the following until the date of sale:-
of George Hanley, who died at the town of
Clinton, in the county of Huron, on March 20th.
London, Toronto. Eggs for setting l3for $L50.
Cornish Indian game, king of table fowl, also
RoruNsoN.-In !cast Wawanosh oil April 9•
Mas. Guo. Rubinson of tt daughter.
SATVRDAY, APRIL 24th, -Mortgage
1897, are hereby required on or before tholst
cls of June, 1897, to� end by Host, Poeta, e pp
geed layers. Roosters weighing 10 to it lbs.;
hens 7 to 8 pounds. Ergs per setting $ZOO,
WALTER COATS, Box 102, Clinton, Out.
VAN NoRM.tN.--Lt Wingham, on April 9,
Mrs. Van Van Norman of a daughter.
sale of lot 13, Maitland concession,
Goderich township, at the Commereial
paid,or to deliver tothr. uudorHigiiecl Exccutam
or their Solioitor full particulars of their claims
against the Estate of the said George Hanley
Wlll guarantee a fair hatch.
Suave. -In Grey, on April 13th, the wife of
hotel, Clinton, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
and proof of same.
Mr. Joseph Shaw, of a daughter (still born.)
Scott, solicitor; D. Dickinson, auction-
After the 1st day of June, 1897, the Executors
for Hatching,
will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the
the parties entitled, leaving no-
hard only to the claims of which the them
and only
1 t t Lot 0
have notice.
I Industrious persons of
TE either Hex with good
WAN 1 E l).
i C 4
of this celebrated breed twhi�ch are ono
HOLhrEa--BtssroP.-On Tuesday, April 13th,
Stock, I1up etnen s, a c.,
Stanley, At 1 o'clock p• In. No reserve.
Dated at Clinton, April 19th, 1897.
character and common school education, can
obtain employment for two months in this coal-
or the moat pyptilar of fowls, being good layer,
at the malleo, Brusael8, by Kea. R. Paul, Mr,
John Holmes to Miss Charity A. Bishop, both
VCm. Eagleson, proprietor; Jas, otos,
A. O FXCCUtOCH Of Haid Estate,
TaoMns I{nARNs,
muniny, S. M. Toronto, Ont.
and not exceliotl for table use; also
Eggs ; pair of ducks for sale cheap.
of Grcy.
By W. BnYDONR, their Solicitor
Eggs, per setting of 13 $1.
PRANK Evnas,
P. O. Box 15.5, Clinton,
Row NSON- WIT ITrtr n. - On Wednesday,
April 14th, at the residence of Mr. Thos. 'whit-
Mr, LVm. Robinson, of Tyro, Mtch.,
The Rev. H. D, Steel, of West Lorne,
favorably known in
----_. ---
Dress Cutting School.
Men and Worsen who can work hard talking
field, Grey
waH u11iteci in marriage to Miss Mary Whitfield.
who is well gild
this section having been stationed in
and writing six hours daily, forsixdaysa week,
and will be content with ten dollars weekly.
Address. NEW IDEAS CO.,
__ __ _
a . -
Choice Eggs for Hatching.
MCKAv-ELLIOTT.-At the residence of tho
bride's parenta. Ballet, on April 14th by Rev.
P. McKay to lviim Mary
Kitkton, has been appointed by the
Bishop of Huron to the parish of Port
The school of dress cutting is open at the
Wavm•1y Hotel, Clinton. A new tailor system,
the leading system of the world, Covers the
Brantford, Ont.
0 05 to 0 06
0 25 to 0 35
I). Il. McKae, Mr. .1.
A,, youngest daughter of Mr. William Elliott,
Stanley and expects to remove as soon
entire range of work. Cuts every style of gar-
'- -
all of Grey
as a successor, is appointed to Dutton,
ment on the goods, no refitting, no patterns,
COHN no more than a chart. Lessons given at
"The Beat Popular Life of
AGENTS. Her Majesty I have ever
Lord Lorne, "Queen Vic-
Barred Plymouth Rock are acknowledged to
HILL-MiTcur-LL.-At the residonee of the
brides father, Colborne, on April Nth, Mr.
Luxton Hill to Miss Enlily Mitchell, daughter
Bismark and Rodney.
On Saturday the Red River was still
your own home without extra charge. Special
rates to Dress makers and gir1H from the coun-
seen," writes about
torra." bales unprecedented. Easy to make
be among the very best all-round fowl on the
market. I have ►Ht and 2nd prize wimdng birds
of Mr. E. Mitchell.
I tsul at Emerson. Many have had to
try. The Clinton ladies should not miss this
branch to prefect this important
flvo dollarH daily. Bigcommission. Outfit froo
scored by Mr. L. G. Jarvis, Ontario Govern-
ADAMS-BRvxst)oN.-At the residence of the
April 14th,, by
leave their homes, and d'rs Some
Onlollthemselves or
branch of work, Upon daily for one montiL
lneut Judge. Plich $1,50 for 13 eggs.
brido'H father, Londesboro, on
tion of property is being caused.
April I3, -
India Cornish Game are not fighting birds, as
many sup,pl�ose. For table neo they have no
Poorthe 11hsli reaembling that of the turkey,
chile for eggs the India Cornish Game are In
the front rank. My pen are Ist prize winners,
Rev, .I, W. Andrews, Mr. John C. Adams
Sarah M„ only daughter of Mr. John Brunsdon.
—_y -._
buildings are submerged to the second
floor. T here is over three feet of water
in the stores on Main street, and a13
communication from the country is stat
Grand Trunk Railway.
Hoose and Buggy Stolen;
scored byy Government Judge L. G. Jarvis.
Second Notice -A Fuller Description.
PlIce $2 Por 13 eggs.
Ored. must now be flied as they are re-
MCLEOD,-In Tororito, on April Ilth Murdo
McLood, eldest son of Mr. Kenneth McLeod,
at the G.
A terrible accident d, early
T. R. Stratford, early Wcdnes-
BufYulo and Goderich D....... ..
Going Ny Mixed .................. 1015a m.
formerly of Scaforth, aged 22 years and 0
day, by which Will. J. Cowan, a cons-
" Express ..............:.. 7.03 P. m.
" Mixed 7.05 p. M.
Stolen from the church shed, Holmosville,
Ont., on Sunday evening, A ril lath, about 8
Box 99, Clinton.
KNECIITEL.—In Hanover, on Appril 14th,Dantel
ICnecittel, Brus•
mercial traveller, Of Forest, lost his life.
here On the mixed traits
...... ..
Express ................ 10.27 p. m.
- ----- -- --
o'clock, a large heavy Bay Mare, a little light
in color and about 10 years old' fair share of
Knochtel, brother of William
sell, aged 75 years.
He arrived ,
from the west about nine o'clock Tues-
Going East, F.x�irhsa... .. . 7.40 a.m.
2.59 p
hair on legs ' hind feet white. The Buggy to a
by John Leslie, Clinton,
MORIPf•a.—In April 82n h, S. B,
In his 82nd
da night, putting up at Matthews'
y g ' p g
Mixed ..... . .. . ...... . .. 4.35 p. m
to one anmade
Out. The bridle is nearly now; the harness•
(Corroctod every Tuesday sttern000.)
y of�z rues s, year,
Moriea, formoriy of Brusaola,
Hotel, close by the ARUOD. At his re-
London, Huron and Bruce: -
not so good ; one shaft boitif supportod by a
tied strap ;the breast collar a tic dd up on one
0 70 to 0 72
WELsn.-In Exeter, on April 14th, Ann
Welsh, rellet of the late Richard Welsh, aged
q hest be was called next, morning in
time to catch the grain for Toronto
Going South, Express ............ .. 7.47 a m.
...... 1..... , , ... 4.30 p m.
side by a piece of twine. There were two
Fall wheat.. •...............
77 years,
leaving at 4.55. No one seems to
Going North, : l0.lb a. m.
0,55 M-
robes, one grey goat and the other brown buff'
alo. The whip !lad been broken near the top
Barley 0 25 to 0 86
""' """"""" "' �'�
0 16 to 0 18
COTYLE. -In Olillia,.on Apri113th,
of Goo. Cottle, aged 19 years and 10
have seen him sub3egUetltly trite!
and war repaired with wax twine and goose
There brown horse blan•
Usts.......... I .............. r.••
0 36 tG 0 38
Night Ba a Oman Embrey,hearing
K $R, $
train to atop,
q gill. was also an old
got, patched with grain bag and torn oil cloth,
Tho Police
Potatoes per bush.......... U 20 to 0 25
r P
TEAS. -Tri Goderich township, on April 7th,
James Teas, aged 85 years.
a scream, algnalled the
and Cowan ryas found beneath the
W. R. DAvis, G. P. & T. A-
sewn With black thread, are re
questedto boon the alert for the thief andllro-
Orly. SUITABLE REWARD will' be and
Butter ........... ............... 0 11' to 0 12
BtgRs per doz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 8 to 0 8
MCCvLLovoIL-In Go orif, on April 12th,
Mary A. Withertord, wife 0f iso late Thomas
d months
cars,with both legs severed. Death was
almost 'instantaneous. It is supposed
A. o. PATTI9oN, G. Ir Il.
Ir -
House aid. Lot for Ste. `i~rnder,
for. nfotmatfon loading to i7eeovory f same,
Arrest -and wire or address the
Bay .............................
8 00 to 800
3 00 to 3 50
Mc ullough, aged 8 years an
BAR lough Goderich toLynahip, on April 13th
of the late Samuel Barr, aged
he attem ted to board the train after,
it starte, , and missed his footing.
- own
Tondos will'be rAcoivdd byth 'unaorsignod
CItIkF OF POLICE, Clinton, (int.
Apples per bush .............
0 35 to 0 35
0 2t to 0 2�
Ann Barr, relict
74 years.
Godortch tp. on Sunday
Cowan was about 40,years of age He
leaves a widow and three children.
A elder coup�e named Sivois, hail-
both asphyx-
sp to the drat di}y ,oR Niaq; 1887; Ltir the par
ohaseof the ona•storey Dwelling and Lot onAwgg�p
Teaohors, Ba@riatore,
D. Phyaiclane, and others
Dried Apples per lb........
Duoka. per Ib......,...••••.•.
0 05 to 0 OB
April 18th, Mary, wife of John li2arahall, alzeci
The same train tan over and killed an
had not been as-
in from CarnvVtill,'were
rated by gas at 229 Parliament street„
Albert Stroot north Clinton, recently occupied
by the tato Mrs. �Vm. Harland, Terms and
g, for high class soliciting.
ars weekly and railway Laro
turkeys per ib. • ...:........
0 O6 to 0 07
muoroRp.-In Colborne, on Saturday, A�ppril
old man, whale name
i Certained, in the yards at •Port 141uron,
Toronto Tuesday. There is little hope
oonditiona wi31 be made known on application.
of necessary ability
Geese per lb.....e ...........
0 05 to 0 06
0 25 to 0 35
loth, 1897, Fanny, beloved wife of John Mlig•
ford, aged 81 years and it months.
Mich., the same morning
for their recovery.
Clinion, April 5th, 1897. 959--4 ,
Turr BaADLEX•GARRICT90N Co., L'td., Toronto.
Chickens per pair............
.1 .