HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 2W THE "BIG" FOUR. A nart t + e too Reined t• b f t o dost at aro IC tent Q e 1ngr Wunder/'ul ( ores. Dr. Chase's four great remedies are Dr. Chase's Kiducy-Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's Ointment, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pontine, his latest and greatest discovery for all throat and lung affections. " I was sick for three years," says James gimpsou, of Newcomb dills. " I triad various alleged pntcut cures and several boxes of a certain pili which has been greatly cracked up. I got no re- ief. Then I tried Dr. Chase's iiidney• ,iver Pills. Since. I have been able to work every (lay and feel like a new than. Your pills alone cured me at a cost of 25c." " I have been subject to severe colds every fall and spring," rays Miss Hattle Delaney, of 174 Crawford street, Toron- to. " I used many cough medicines, but none cured lne until at a cost of 25 cents I tried Dr. Chaso's Syrup of Linseed and Tnrnclitine." " My 'husband was troubled with the worst kind of piles," writes Mrs. .Jane Potts, of Meyeri biirg. " He was often unable to work. gince using your cliaseIs Ointment he is completely cured. it is truly worth Its w6glit in gold instead of the price you charge, only 60 cents." it Jl bong'llt a box ofyour Catarrh Cure for 25 cents at :fir. Boyle's drbg store here;' says henry R. Nicholls of 1711 Rectory street, London, Ont. " I am thankful to any it cured me." Chase's remedies at all dealers. Ed- monson, Bates & Co., mantra., Torpnto. I crept into thewoods and through them, keeping a line which would take me right out of the angle of the cordon within which I was caught. In the woods I passed the other two cordons without difficulty, for I was on the lookout and they were not. Presently I came against a belly hedge, broke through it and found myself in a laby- riDth of gardens, through which I wan- dered for hours, feeling like a character in the "Arabian Nights." Never again shall I see such a sight as those acres of undercliff. I frequently passed gardeners, but they disturbed me no further than by their profound bows. Finally, in a Grcek temple arranged as an orchid house I came upon two young ladies cutting flowers. My peonies appeared to draw their attention, and after a little whispering one asked in Russian: "Pray, sir, would you tell us where you found those peonies? My sister and have look- ed for them in the park, nt in vain. Oh thank ul th o Indeed, sed �e did not y , mean to deprive you—but if they were really intended for us—at least you must allow us to compensate you I" and she handed me her basket of orchids. "The peonies," said I, "grow on the bluff inside,tbe outside cordon, but they are difficult of access, and if I might sometimes bring some"— "To General V --'s quarters, in the loft wing," said she. "We will ex - For Over Fifty Years AIRS. `VINSLOVS SOOTIlrNO .5`5'HI'r has hCCli used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your o rest b • a sick child 5 k stilfcrin y g and crying with pain of ( utt' q 1' l lth nCld at once n et 1 s and a bottle of "Mr.. 1`'in � � 's s sit v, ooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re. sieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De. Fend upon it Inothers,there isnomistake about t. It euros lAarrh(va regulates the Stomach Mid bowels• cures NVind Colic, softens the Gun)s•redueesInflammation,andg %.,estoneand energ,'to the whole systein. •Airs, Whislow'.s Soothing Syrup" for children teething fl' plea- sant to tl)e taste and is the proscription of one of tie oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twcnty-five cents a bottle. Sold by it]] druggists through- ont. the world." De sure and ask for "Mics. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUJI. - There is not cue single town in the Dominion, no exceptions to the rule, everywhere it is the same, but has citizens who purchase articles from every tramp pedlar that strikes the town, o --]ling himself a momber of such and such a house; leas, dry goods, jewellery, spectacles, stationery, inks, office supplies, printing, etc., and these very people are the first to run to the home merchant when a donation is re- quired for the church or charity, and these are the very first to run to the printing office and ask the publisher to help thew out of some trouble or give somebody. "hail columbia" or trot some fad of theirs or abuse every man in town; and just ask that kfud of a man if be takes the paper and he says, "Why no I have no use for it." A I STRONG Fl AP ENT OF "Exoraciating'" is a long, 9troA� word, It comes from the Latitl crux, a cross. We get "ornoliy,, front the same root. When any one talks of 61excruoiating 1-11j," we ondutatalud him to taeau tht greatest aguuy it ie possible to endure, Ilut this morsel of Latin loses much of its force wheu nervous or timid people apply it to small aches, like bruited fingers, and enrol' in, wut weather, This wouderfully expressive word should be saved tui great occasions, like a Sunday coat. "Almost every day I had severe at tacks Of spastris, which caused me ex pruciating pain," writes a lady if St.ouyStratford, near Wolverton Bucks. Was that language too atroug' Lot us see, "All Illy life I have suffered morn or less from indigestion, but got along f)irly well up to October, 1889. A this time my appetite was poor, ant after ❑,sale I had grout weight and ful Doss at the cheat. however light thi food I look, intense pain followed,aut I was in agony until my stom.ch to jetted it. Almost every day I hat severe attacks of spasms which causce me vxcrucialiDg pain. "In this state I continued month after month, my food not doing m( tine eligbtesteod, n-iq�x,$e..rapicll, atld sent as thio as a skeleton. M; friends never expected mo getting an; batter, "For over six months I continued it this distressinn state, during whicl Lima I took medicines which relievet toe for the time, but I gradually go weaker and weaker. "At last I was recommended by Ali i Pattison, of Stony Stratford, to try mediciDe called Mother Seigel's Curs tive Syrup. I got a bottle from Alt F. Moore, grocer, Wolverton, fond of ter taking half of it I fol relief; ant soon the. spasms and pains left me ani I got as strong as ever, and have sine had no return of my old ailment. I ever I need medicine a few doses o Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup sut to right. You can make what use yoi like of this sta,ement. (Signed) !lis Ellon Hooton, Stony Stratford, nea 1V01vorton, Backs, December 13th 1893." Is there any doubt that We occasioi warranted Mrs. Hooton in using strop, words? We receive le'teis in wbio) the agony of indigeatiun and dyspop sia is compared with the gnawing teeil of wild beasts, which are not more pit iless than this disease, It must b fought with a remedy strong enougl to free the body from the ratting mas of undigested food which sends poisoi into the blood, and genllo enough to net without distressing the weakes constitutions. Such a remedy, thorough and un failing, was given to the world b, Mother Seigel, It was a hard problen that she had to solve, yet how com pt,�tely she mastered it ! Nile. On Thursday evening, March lith the house of Joseph ilethevington, Col borne, was the scene of a v ry pleasal) gathering when atom rorty of th utembers of Nile Sunday school tool possession of it for the purposo o spending a few hours with the !until! ;incl expressing their appreciation 0. their host's va.rnest lithos in tdre pas attd regret that. :ie had found it necess ary to resign his I; •iitioit in the school 141or• many years Mr. Hetherington ha'. been a prominent factor in the school': prosperity, occupying the position o superintendent and, latterly. teache, of an important 13ihle class. But feel ing the weight of years beginning t( press heavily, and having oner•ou: duties as local metcher imd class lead( -i in the church, he felt it necessary to retire from active and constant labor in the Sabbath school. This fact le( to the gathering above refected to After the lust guest had fu rived t h( pastor, Rev. J. 1V. Pring, was callec to the chair, and an excellent pro grain was placed in his hand. Aftei slicking and prayer, the chRirDlal called upon R. Alellivain, secretary o. the school, to read the address, ani Miss Bella McWhinney and Mrs. Jas Girvin presented Mr. Hether•ingtor with Mathew Ffenrv's Cuntrnentar3 in six volumes. Mr. Iletheringtor made it suitable and feeling reply. Ad dresses were given by -the stiperinten dent of the school, John Dustow, tht Junior etc -superintendent, Wni. Bailio and Mr. Hetherington's successor it connection with the class, Richart Morrow, jr. Readings L 3 Miss Pot. t! and Wni. Watson, and recitations bi bliss Rnsk and A. P. Sheppard, thi whole interspersed with musical seli�c tions, trade an interesting find profit able program. This was followed bi refreshments, aftov which the coiri pithy spent two . or three hours it social enjoyment, and left in the earl) hours, wishing their host and hosteti many years yet of comfort and pais per•ity. It is said that It sharper has beet swindling it nurnberof Caledon fartner. lately. Iie went to farriers whose farms wet mortgaged. The mortgage were of com•se hearing thectlrrent rate of interest, 0 pet• cent. Ile offered ti advance money at .1 per cont, and, it order to make arrangement's for thr loan, required a deposit of 10 in ad vanc•e. In this wapp he is Qaid to have taken in ahont$IW Aftergetting thi money he left for parts tinknmvn, fill( his victims are still paying 0 per cen on their mortgages. Mr. Win. Manprize, and familv lef Wingham Inst week for Owen Soun( where he has secured a• position. A large and influential depntatior waited Upon the Dominion Governmen VVednesdav afternoon, mud asked tha the enbsidy of one hundred and sixt3 thousand dollars towards the construe tion of the Coboura ;iorthumberhtnd and Pmcifle rllilway lie'revoted. a __T The Corabi4ed, Powe ra... Of Europe play blockades the Grecian Ports but, cannot intorflope wftlr Che Speeial'Cuts 1110 IWO nffkil in > in DECORATED DINNER and TINA S!"" !" GOLD 8TIPPLEI) TOILET WARE, ,BEAUTIIeTyL HATgD .t INII.1) 4.411NAWARL, fr r•(;)tll find get quotations bofore pur- chasing else.whel'e. -----.TFre0 Seeds just received. GL•C,► GJ4 td's. W 4. ©� �40•ca-pv. N. Robson, Grocer, Albert St., ,Clinton, Important Notice . • . To the Public. We have scoured the set vices of MR, J. W. CHIDLEY to take charge of our hurnituril Worurounls and Undoitaking ]Department, and trust you will call and examine our (looda before pu,ohasing elsewhere, as we show the Fine t line of Furniture in the county. All Goods are guaranteed to give satisfao " tion, and at rock bottom prices. GIVE IIS A TRIPL. Undertaking Department As air. Cht(ilcy hen boss long favorably • knuwu to the public we can safely guaruilu, that all orders in the UndortakiugUo'utrUuont untrusled to his care shall bo attended to lu first clean style and satisfaction guaraut•ovi. 1' lydt-ulass hearse In attendance at all times. PRICES R1611T. J. W. CHIDLEY, IVi'NGR. FOR Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton, 3 doors south I air's bill!. 11. S. --Night and Sunday culls attonded to by culling at our Funm•al Director's residence -J. w CHIDLEY. -V*"_—SPECIAL BAR0A1111S.__.aw4' ° TEAS, - TEAM, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs. good .. _49411"y yMD_.far.�1.._ur-loo- I>ar�•b�_ ,....u, -,....._.w �...., . . Sugars, S ars g ug ,Sugars. Just to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. a No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raw's in bbls., one hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE COUNTY, Dinuer, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and Lamps, 25 per cent. Ides than regular prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices, SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold, All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— J. W. IRWIN. Clinton. nig •• .tri Sice* A"dClearing Sale. A.5 Ave are about.leavin; town and all goods must be sold before the last of TMarch, we have marked our Goods to less than Wholesale Price. ZVatch for our Advertisement next geek A. C DUFTON, Woolen Mill. Store, CL 111 0N. THETOP NOTCH In Pickles has beentreaelwd — —0— Heinz's OHeinz's Sweet Pickles in bulk Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles but are Extra gpiced and preserved in it Pule Pickling Vinegar of their ottn manufacture. By their inethod of curing, the pickle -- retain the largest per tentage of their natural color null vegetable flavor. THESE HIGH GRADE PICKLES are for sale at. THE UP-TO-DATE: CASH GROCERY. Phone '_)3. OGLE COOPER & CO. tiugat by the barrel at close prices. The International Exploration De- velopment and Investment Co, One of the safest investments on the market. � --_A sure dividend payer .�-•ta`- Issued in My shares or more blocks, 10c. We are agents for the following Stocks :— Iied Mountain View .❑. No. 1 property .......... ....... ..............10c. The Idle>r, one of tho best silver pioperties in the Slocan District. .........10c. Northern Bello.. ...........................................ioc. The Great Bir ton Group, 12 clairns)........................................ 15e. Old Hold Quartz Group, ( claims) ................................ ..........1C. Coppet' Giant, 01,011p, (3 claims) ............................. . ................ ",c. Montezuma. . 4C• Ilomcstsad, Placer Gold Mining Co.........................................JC• Kootenay find North West........ .. ........................................ 3C Snowdtop....................... ............................................ 212c• All Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission, &WFor full particulars and Wospect.nses write or wire THE INTERNATIONAL EXPLORATION DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT CO' f0 King St. East, Toronto, Out. X Agentol wanted. READY FOR BIUSINESS. Sheppard & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with it new and select stock of Family Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c, We guarantee our values to be the vet best in the market. Tests a specialty. Terms Cash or Produce. SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST.. CLINTOK a long cavalcade of pack ponies suecea- ehsMge thein for cotue Of the" Ilawera, AEI f CZ I S PEONIES. � sively topped the sky lino Every third wlaioh,.-.,tyre also difficult ;tr aCGerr�,," - or fourth was led by a picturesque fufHan A harslt voice called "Sonya, MaaIt —�^— - with an arin gry of small arms in his That is tiro general. We.. must anti . You bad better get .out here," staid sit• stay. Do svidguya,'I said they. the countess as the, britzska sante out on My rapidity of decision often increases � I thought I must not, either, and hur- the edge of the Crimean plateau, above with the emergency, Ina moment I had ried away through the other end of the the broad bel h pf u;uderolitf which sloped droided uud had swiftly ascended the temple, but I now had a purpose. A away below us, actonfusion of gray rook western bluff'. At the top I turned. The bunch of peonies, batt brought me into and green forest, to the distant blue rim cavalcade bad halted, and the men were gathered around the man on the pony, Livadia, A baskot of orchids should get me out of it, of the Black sea. who was gesticulating with the closed I walked as quiokly as dignitywouyld "You English like walking; besides, Umbrella and enforcing important points permit toward a instant stonewall in I want some .wild peonies, which you with the open one. which was a gate find grille faced out - can bring to the Villa W—, We luuch "Well," thought I, "they are cer- Bide with sheet iron. Beside it stood a at 2. Then this view has always the tainly smugglers, and probably Greeks. guardhouse, before it two sentries, and same effect on strangers. You will be t shall steely be taken prisoner and the great golden double headed eagle silent or sentimental the rest of the way, probably bo held to ransom, I wish I sprawled and gaped above. As I came and it is an hour's drive down." had never left Ennismore garden. Better up the two soldiers crossed bayonets be - I thought marooning in a Crimean an August in London, where police tire, fore the gate. forest a severe penalty even for such than a villegiature with smugglers." "Why haven't you opened the gate?" offenses against the social code, but I So I turned to go down the other slope, said I. "I shall positively have to know the countess too well to object, when below, in the next glen, I saw a wait," though our acquaintance only dated tint roofed t•uilding in acourtyard. Not "Your well bornship will pardon," from that morning, when the countess a soul was to be seers, but the yard was said one, "Done may pass." had rescued me from the posting master full of dogs asleep in the sun or prowl- "Absurd l" said I. "You know who I at Simpherpool. He asked me for a ing. am. Open at once 1" drink out of my railway reading lamp, " Well, "I thought, "they are certain- "Your high well bornship will deign under the impression it was a flask. Be- ly watchdogs and probably Tartar. 1 to have patience; it is an order. His iug a nervous Englishman, I had not shall surely be bitten and possibly de- majesty arrives tomorrow." the courage to refuse or the Russian to voured. I wish I had walked from Sim- "Of course, but I hasten to her sn- explain. Besides, I thought it could not pberopol. Better have worn out one's preme excellency; Countess W---, with be nastier than vodka, but it was, and boots than have preserved them at the these flowers from the noble ladies, the he gave me in charge for an attempt to expense of one's person." So I turned daughters of his excellency, the highly drug him, though the paraffin had cer- again and went into the woods on the honored General V--" tainly not acted as a sedative. If the right. After pushing some way through "But I have not the key, your excel - countess had not appeared and settled the grass I came out on a clearing plant- lency,' • said the poor man in great dis- everything out of hand by offering me a ed with vines. In the middle was a tress. lift over the mountains to Yalta I might staging, and on it stood an unkempt "Disgraceful negligencel" said I. have become an international incident, elderly individual. The sun glinted on "Go, got it at once!" "�.Tktat..,..path�will take •,you- straiglrG ..the' barrel vfi tt lorrgfirelot`2r7r� 1Y6 rrioved Iii tuil5`e` sergeant"hai` ii; 'and ale down to the coast," continued the from side toride, uttering at intervals digging potatoes, and I dare not leave countess. "You had better not leave it a melodious bellow. my post." because of the Jewish vineyards. The "'Pell," thought I, "he is certainly a I turned away in despair to try some - elders sit on stages in the middleand watchman, and he looks like a Jew. If where else, when in the distance, up shoot. Ob, no, they don't ask you to go, he sees me, I shall surely be shot and the vista of gardens, I saw the two because, of course, no one would do ani*- possibly prosecuted. Better tiny fate young ladies of the temple, standing thing a Jew asked him. The count—he than a Jewish widow with six chil• with a big'man in a large white cap and is procurer cf the district—was so puz- dreD. " So I returned to the cliffs and the. uniform of a general of the guard. zled last week because lin elder's gun made my way up their face, through One of them held the fatal peonies in burst when firing at a trespasser and he very Thick scrub. When I reached the her hand, and the big man appeared to was killed. The widow and six chil- next headland, I saw growing above, on be interested in the conversation. Sud- dren— Sad? Oh, you don't understand the top of the cliff, a grand bed of wild denly he wheeled round and strode itl It was the Jew that was killed. peonies. I climbed up a steep rock swiftly in the direction - of the gate. Well, they all came and accused the conloir to the top of the bluff, and, sit- "There is General V--," said I to trespasser of murder, but the count let ting down among the peonies, looked the sentries, pointing out the white cap him off from Siberia because he agreed to back on the supposed Tartar farm lying in the distance as it appeared over an starry the wiclow. Yes, I think the poor below in the full blaze of a Crimean intervening cluster rose. "If he comes fellow was wrong to-do so. But, then, sun, Nothing stirred except some rest- and finds me waiting bore, there will be if the worst came tolthe worst, it'Would less or flea bitten dog, but in the strip a terrible row. Now, I (10 not like get - only be Siberia again, and it's only ten of shade under the eaves on a bench ting anybody into trouble, so I will in - years for a Jewcss. which ran the length of the house commode myself so far as to climb over ,'You will keep on the path unless lounged yellow, serge clad soldiers in the gate." you meet people with packs, especially every attitude of heat and boredom. "Thank your high well born supreme if they look like Greeks. They are al- Along the glen, in the shade of rock and excellency," said the guards. ways dangerous when smuggling. And tree, stood sentries, as invisible to me I went up that gate like a squirrel, if you come to a house keep away if it when on the opposite bluffs as I was orchids and all, for the general's steps looks like a Trr•tar farm, for the men are then to them, but now as painfully ap- were already crunching the gravel of abroad all day and the women are shut parent to me as I— But I was in the the path behind. As I bestrode the golden up and the dogs go about in packs, Once middle of the peonies before this thought eagle he saw me, picked up his sword they ate a Turk, all but his boots, and had had time. to take shape, Unfortu- and ran, his spurs winking over the when the relatives claimed them the nately, in moving I started a stone, grass in the sunlight and the orders Tartar said they were his because be which fell over the cliffs on to the rocks twinkling on his tunic. I pride myself owned the dogs, and the Turk belonged below, ringing through the still air like on being the first foreigner who ever to them and the boots to the Turk. So a pistol shot. It was instantly answered made a Russian general run, the count bad them given to the pack by a hoarse challenge from the beach, re- I cut the descent short, picked myself and restored them to the original owner, peated a few yards farther on, and up and hurried down the avenue, pray - Then, when you come to the coast, fol- again farther, until the file fire of Rus- iDg that the iron gate might be bullet low the track along the cliffs, and it sian gutterals died away round the next proof and the potato garden not con - will bring you to the Villa til--. headland and far inland up the glen, I veniebt to the guardhouse, I did not Don't go the other way or you will come l "Well," " thought I, "they are cer- run, but that was on account of the pa - to Livadia, the emperor's villa. There tainly sentries and evidently a cordon. trols. Some of them barred the way, are three cordons of soldiers around it, I wish I had never seen the countess. but I waved them aside with the orchids, and the neighborbood is very unhealthy, Better be convicted of poisoning a post- and they fell back apologetically and especially for strangers. It is really very master than arrested for trespassing on saluted. Presently I met a well appoint - dangerous thewayyouEnglishmen twill the czar. I shall surely be shot and ed brougham, empty, I stopped it, got walk abort in strange countries. Be probably sent to Siberia, for this is the in and told the coachman to drive quick - sure and reinemberabout the Jewwatch- Livadia cordon, and I am inside it." ly to the Villa W—. At sunset I en - men, and the Greek smugglers, and the I carefully parted the peonies which tered the countess' ball. Tartar dogs, and the peonies, and Li- screened me from the beach and looked I I was met by the count. "You're vadin find luncliecu at 2. 1 hope you down. A soldier was standing ankle safe, then," said he. "That will save will enjoy your walk. Au revoir l POs- deep in the ripple in an odd, constrained i trouble, but," he asked anxiously, "have koryei, Ivaul" attitude. I wondered what he was you the wild peonies of the countess?" I hoped so, too, but not confidently, dcing until I noticed that a little"No, but I have the hothonso orchids having suffered much abroad from the bright "o" under his cheek Was a rifle of the general's daughter," I replied. national reputation for love of adven- barrel and that I was looking clown the He shook his ]lead dubiously and went ! ture. In appearance Iknew the national- . muzzle. I withdrew to the depth of the into the drawing room. ities of the Crimea to be equally disrep- peony bed. A half hour, I should say, I "You are late for luncheon," said the utable, and I should have liked a clearer. passed. I hold my breath all the time. countess, "and you have Dot the peonies. indicatio of viciousness in watchmen, I was roused by It noise of clambering Don't explain. It will bore me—ob, amngglers d watchdogs than their re- below and slid one eye toward the edge !row lovely! You Englishmen are won- ligion. of the peony bed. Close underneath the derful. At recon I leave you in the for - After an hour's walk through the round, red face of a Russian private est oil foot looking for peonies; at sun - woods I ca a out ' on the sea at the rose over the rocks. Ho clambered stead- set you come out of it in a carriage and mouth of a coded glen between two ily up, holding his rifle over his bead pair, with priceless orchids. Pray ex - low scarped headlands, Wherever the and stopping occasionally to wipe sweat plain how you came by them. No, it cliffs were not absolutely sheer under- out of his eyes, for the: rocks were steep will not bore me. Why, Livadia has not growth and rank plants grew- down to and held the beat like afurnace, and be the like! What, you thiuk it has? Very the shingle beach. The path was unmis- was a nortberner and a man of the well. Then the count shall take you takable, a rough track leading up over plains. At the foot of the little cliff he thrre tomorrow—yon could not get in the bluff on either side, but in one di- stopped; he looked at the peony bed at otherwise — with an introduction to rection it led to luncheon and the count- the top, he looked at the 20 feet of. steep General V—, the groom of the palace, less, in the other to Livadia and the rock below it, then, picked up a pebble whowill show you the gardens. He has cordons. Scarcely was I securely impaled and threw it up as a deputy. "Hooch!" very pretty daughters—yes, and you on the horns of this dilemma when I said he. I scuffled among the peonies to seem delighted over them." heard a clattering above and a pony ap- represent a startled animal, and be sat Wlwn the morrow came, the promised peared over the eastern bluff. On the down with his back to the cliffs with visit was made, and three fortnights pony sat a portly personage in a blue the air of a man who has done more ' later I had claimed one of the daughters caftan and red fez. In one hand he held than his duty and means to neglect it a of his excellency as my bride.—Ex- a-large white umbrella open over his little. I picked a bunch of peonies and change. I head; in the other he held a closed green looked out again. He still, like a good one, with which he banged the pony Russian, had his eyes fixes] on Constan- when it made a false stop Behind him tinople THE "BIG" FOUR. A nart t + e too Reined t• b f t o dost at aro IC tent Q e 1ngr Wunder/'ul ( ores. Dr. Chase's four great remedies are Dr. Chase's Kiducy-Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's Ointment, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pontine, his latest and greatest discovery for all throat and lung affections. " I was sick for three years," says James gimpsou, of Newcomb dills. " I triad various alleged pntcut cures and several boxes of a certain pili which has been greatly cracked up. I got no re- ief. Then I tried Dr. Chase's iiidney• ,iver Pills. Since. I have been able to work every (lay and feel like a new than. Your pills alone cured me at a cost of 25c." " I have been subject to severe colds every fall and spring," rays Miss Hattle Delaney, of 174 Crawford street, Toron- to. " I used many cough medicines, but none cured lne until at a cost of 25 cents I tried Dr. Chaso's Syrup of Linseed and Tnrnclitine." " My 'husband was troubled with the worst kind of piles," writes Mrs. .Jane Potts, of Meyeri biirg. " He was often unable to work. gince using your cliaseIs Ointment he is completely cured. it is truly worth Its w6glit in gold instead of the price you charge, only 60 cents." it Jl bong'llt a box ofyour Catarrh Cure for 25 cents at :fir. Boyle's drbg store here;' says henry R. Nicholls of 1711 Rectory street, London, Ont. " I am thankful to any it cured me." Chase's remedies at all dealers. Ed- monson, Bates & Co., mantra., Torpnto. I crept into thewoods and through them, keeping a line which would take me right out of the angle of the cordon within which I was caught. In the woods I passed the other two cordons without difficulty, for I was on the lookout and they were not. Presently I came against a belly hedge, broke through it and found myself in a laby- riDth of gardens, through which I wan- dered for hours, feeling like a character in the "Arabian Nights." Never again shall I see such a sight as those acres of undercliff. I frequently passed gardeners, but they disturbed me no further than by their profound bows. Finally, in a Grcek temple arranged as an orchid house I came upon two young ladies cutting flowers. My peonies appeared to draw their attention, and after a little whispering one asked in Russian: "Pray, sir, would you tell us where you found those peonies? My sister and have look- ed for them in the park, nt in vain. Oh thank ul th o Indeed, sed �e did not y , mean to deprive you—but if they were really intended for us—at least you must allow us to compensate you I" and she handed me her basket of orchids. "The peonies," said I, "grow on the bluff inside,tbe outside cordon, but they are difficult of access, and if I might sometimes bring some"— "To General V --'s quarters, in the loft wing," said she. "We will ex - For Over Fifty Years AIRS. `VINSLOVS SOOTIlrNO .5`5'HI'r has hCCli used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your o rest b • a sick child 5 k stilfcrin y g and crying with pain of ( utt' q 1' l lth nCld at once n et 1 s and a bottle of "Mr.. 1`'in � � 's s sit v, ooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re. sieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De. Fend upon it Inothers,there isnomistake about t. It euros lAarrh(va regulates the Stomach Mid bowels• cures NVind Colic, softens the Gun)s•redueesInflammation,andg %.,estoneand energ,'to the whole systein. •Airs, Whislow'.s Soothing Syrup" for children teething fl' plea- sant to tl)e taste and is the proscription of one of tie oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twcnty-five cents a bottle. Sold by it]] druggists through- ont. the world." De sure and ask for "Mics. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUJI. - There is not cue single town in the Dominion, no exceptions to the rule, everywhere it is the same, but has citizens who purchase articles from every tramp pedlar that strikes the town, o --]ling himself a momber of such and such a house; leas, dry goods, jewellery, spectacles, stationery, inks, office supplies, printing, etc., and these very people are the first to run to the home merchant when a donation is re- quired for the church or charity, and these are the very first to run to the printing office and ask the publisher to help thew out of some trouble or give somebody. "hail columbia" or trot some fad of theirs or abuse every man in town; and just ask that kfud of a man if be takes the paper and he says, "Why no I have no use for it." A I STRONG Fl AP ENT OF "Exoraciating'" is a long, 9troA� word, It comes from the Latitl crux, a cross. We get "ornoliy,, front the same root. When any one talks of 61excruoiating 1-11j," we ondutatalud him to taeau tht greatest aguuy it ie possible to endure, Ilut this morsel of Latin loses much of its force wheu nervous or timid people apply it to small aches, like bruited fingers, and enrol' in, wut weather, This wouderfully expressive word should be saved tui great occasions, like a Sunday coat. "Almost every day I had severe at tacks Of spastris, which caused me ex pruciating pain," writes a lady if St.ouyStratford, near Wolverton Bucks. Was that language too atroug' Lot us see, "All Illy life I have suffered morn or less from indigestion, but got along f)irly well up to October, 1889. A this time my appetite was poor, ant after ❑,sale I had grout weight and ful Doss at the cheat. however light thi food I look, intense pain followed,aut I was in agony until my stom.ch to jetted it. Almost every day I hat severe attacks of spasms which causce me vxcrucialiDg pain. "In this state I continued month after month, my food not doing m( tine eligbtesteod, n-iq�x,$e..rapicll, atld sent as thio as a skeleton. M; friends never expected mo getting an; batter, "For over six months I continued it this distressinn state, during whicl Lima I took medicines which relievet toe for the time, but I gradually go weaker and weaker. "At last I was recommended by Ali i Pattison, of Stony Stratford, to try mediciDe called Mother Seigel's Curs tive Syrup. I got a bottle from Alt F. Moore, grocer, Wolverton, fond of ter taking half of it I fol relief; ant soon the. spasms and pains left me ani I got as strong as ever, and have sine had no return of my old ailment. I ever I need medicine a few doses o Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup sut to right. You can make what use yoi like of this sta,ement. (Signed) !lis Ellon Hooton, Stony Stratford, nea 1V01vorton, Backs, December 13th 1893." Is there any doubt that We occasioi warranted Mrs. Hooton in using strop, words? We receive le'teis in wbio) the agony of indigeatiun and dyspop sia is compared with the gnawing teeil of wild beasts, which are not more pit iless than this disease, It must b fought with a remedy strong enougl to free the body from the ratting mas of undigested food which sends poisoi into the blood, and genllo enough to net without distressing the weakes constitutions. Such a remedy, thorough and un failing, was given to the world b, Mother Seigel, It was a hard problen that she had to solve, yet how com pt,�tely she mastered it ! Nile. On Thursday evening, March lith the house of Joseph ilethevington, Col borne, was the scene of a v ry pleasal) gathering when atom rorty of th utembers of Nile Sunday school tool possession of it for the purposo o spending a few hours with the !until! ;incl expressing their appreciation 0. their host's va.rnest lithos in tdre pas attd regret that. :ie had found it necess ary to resign his I; •iitioit in the school 141or• many years Mr. Hetherington ha'. been a prominent factor in the school': prosperity, occupying the position o superintendent and, latterly. teache, of an important 13ihle class. But feel ing the weight of years beginning t( press heavily, and having oner•ou: duties as local metcher imd class lead( -i in the church, he felt it necessary to retire from active and constant labor in the Sabbath school. This fact le( to the gathering above refected to After the lust guest had fu rived t h( pastor, Rev. J. 1V. Pring, was callec to the chair, and an excellent pro grain was placed in his hand. Aftei slicking and prayer, the chRirDlal called upon R. Alellivain, secretary o. the school, to read the address, ani Miss Bella McWhinney and Mrs. Jas Girvin presented Mr. Hether•ingtor with Mathew Ffenrv's Cuntrnentar3 in six volumes. Mr. Iletheringtor made it suitable and feeling reply. Ad dresses were given by -the stiperinten dent of the school, John Dustow, tht Junior etc -superintendent, Wni. Bailio and Mr. Hetherington's successor it connection with the class, Richart Morrow, jr. Readings L 3 Miss Pot. t! and Wni. Watson, and recitations bi bliss Rnsk and A. P. Sheppard, thi whole interspersed with musical seli�c tions, trade an interesting find profit able program. This was followed bi refreshments, aftov which the coiri pithy spent two . or three hours it social enjoyment, and left in the earl) hours, wishing their host and hosteti many years yet of comfort and pais per•ity. It is said that It sharper has beet swindling it nurnberof Caledon fartner. lately. Iie went to farriers whose farms wet mortgaged. The mortgage were of com•se hearing thectlrrent rate of interest, 0 pet• cent. Ile offered ti advance money at .1 per cont, and, it order to make arrangement's for thr loan, required a deposit of 10 in ad vanc•e. In this wapp he is Qaid to have taken in ahont$IW Aftergetting thi money he left for parts tinknmvn, fill( his victims are still paying 0 per cen on their mortgages. Mr. Win. Manprize, and familv lef Wingham Inst week for Owen Soun( where he has secured a• position. A large and influential depntatior waited Upon the Dominion Governmen VVednesdav afternoon, mud asked tha the enbsidy of one hundred and sixt3 thousand dollars towards the construe tion of the Coboura ;iorthumberhtnd and Pmcifle rllilway lie'revoted. a __T The Corabi4ed, Powe ra... Of Europe play blockades the Grecian Ports but, cannot intorflope wftlr Che Speeial'Cuts 1110 IWO nffkil in > in DECORATED DINNER and TINA S!"" !" GOLD 8TIPPLEI) TOILET WARE, ,BEAUTIIeTyL HATgD .t INII.1) 4.411NAWARL, fr r•(;)tll find get quotations bofore pur- chasing else.whel'e. -----.TFre0 Seeds just received. GL•C,► GJ4 td's. W 4. ©� �40•ca-pv. N. Robson, Grocer, Albert St., ,Clinton, Important Notice . • . To the Public. We have scoured the set vices of MR, J. W. CHIDLEY to take charge of our hurnituril Worurounls and Undoitaking ]Department, and trust you will call and examine our (looda before pu,ohasing elsewhere, as we show the Fine t line of Furniture in the county. All Goods are guaranteed to give satisfao " tion, and at rock bottom prices. GIVE IIS A TRIPL. Undertaking Department As air. Cht(ilcy hen boss long favorably • knuwu to the public we can safely guaruilu, that all orders in the UndortakiugUo'utrUuont untrusled to his care shall bo attended to lu first clean style and satisfaction guaraut•ovi. 1' lydt-ulass hearse In attendance at all times. PRICES R1611T. J. W. CHIDLEY, IVi'NGR. FOR Broadfoot, Box & Co., Clinton, 3 doors south I air's bill!. 11. S. --Night and Sunday culls attonded to by culling at our Funm•al Director's residence -J. w CHIDLEY. -V*"_—SPECIAL BAR0A1111S.__.aw4' ° TEAS, - TEAM, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs. good .. _49411"y yMD_.far.�1.._ur-loo- I>ar�•b�_ ,....u, -,....._.w �...., . . Sugars, S ars g ug ,Sugars. Just to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. a No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raw's in bbls., one hundred pound and dollar lots. SPECIAL PRICES. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE COUNTY, Dinuer, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and Lamps, 25 per cent. Ides than regular prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices, SEEDS.—Timothy, Red and Alsike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold, All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— J. W. IRWIN. Clinton. nig •• .tri Sice* A"dClearing Sale. A.5 Ave are about.leavin; town and all goods must be sold before the last of TMarch, we have marked our Goods to less than Wholesale Price. ZVatch for our Advertisement next geek A. C DUFTON, Woolen Mill. Store, CL 111 0N. THETOP NOTCH In Pickles has beentreaelwd — —0— Heinz's OHeinz's Sweet Pickles in bulk Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles but are Extra gpiced and preserved in it Pule Pickling Vinegar of their ottn manufacture. By their inethod of curing, the pickle -- retain the largest per tentage of their natural color null vegetable flavor. THESE HIGH GRADE PICKLES are for sale at. THE UP-TO-DATE: CASH GROCERY. Phone '_)3. OGLE COOPER & CO. tiugat by the barrel at close prices. The International Exploration De- velopment and Investment Co, One of the safest investments on the market. � --_A sure dividend payer .�-•ta`- Issued in My shares or more blocks, 10c. We are agents for the following Stocks :— Iied Mountain View .❑. No. 1 property .......... ....... ..............10c. The Idle>r, one of tho best silver pioperties in the Slocan District. .........10c. Northern Bello.. ...........................................ioc. The Great Bir ton Group, 12 clairns)........................................ 15e. Old Hold Quartz Group, ( claims) ................................ ..........1C. Coppet' Giant, 01,011p, (3 claims) ............................. . ................ ",c. Montezuma. . 4C• Ilomcstsad, Placer Gold Mining Co.........................................JC• Kootenay find North West........ .. ........................................ 3C Snowdtop....................... ............................................ 212c• All Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission, &WFor full particulars and Wospect.nses write or wire THE INTERNATIONAL EXPLORATION DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT CO' f0 King St. East, Toronto, Out. X Agentol wanted. READY FOR BIUSINESS. Sheppard & Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with it new and select stock of Family Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c, We guarantee our values to be the vet best in the market. Tests a specialty. Terms Cash or Produce. SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST.. CLINTOK