HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 1THE ][It RON
per' f�
TER1118-11.26 per Annams 1.00 In Advwnee. _ rNDBPNNDRNT IN ALL THING$—NIEUTRAL iN NOTHING A. M TODD, EtIttor end Owner T
Brief Town Tol►ies. Goderich. � �
An Expected Brief Town Toples. I _ 'THE TWO A.
` Miss Winnie Paisley" is on to visit to Mrs. Rev. Park is visiting in Torou- ANNIVURSARY.--The Oddfellows of
wisein Tariff. I to. Goderich will observe the anniversary-
Nk relatives at St. Thomas.
a Mr. H. Hunt was in the Forest City torfo their Order oil this continent b wt; Faultless Fitting JA lde Line
Capt. and Mrs. Rance of Blyth spent on Friday. tending divine service in St. George's
If yop want to buy any Easter with friends in town. Mise Annie McCorvie is hove for church on Sunday morning the `25th
ant the holidays, inst. The brethren will meet in the Shirts. -� One from which we will not
Mrs. R. Cliff and Miss Mollie spent P y• I lodge 1•00111 at 10 A. M., from thence realize profit, but they ►nust
the Easter vacation in Wingham. When will Clinton secure the niarch.to church and return to their A comfortable shirt is one that go.
Liquors Mr. Lack Kulnedy was on A, business Stavely money? room At the conclusion of the service. tits perfectly in every particular.
at the old prices, buy before visit to Wingham y' P last Thursday. Mr. W. G. Smiths ant Good Friday We t•e got theist in both white They are Boys
STILL INCRRASING.—According to and fancy. Open frontand back
22nd Thursday,when all Mrs. W. H. Parsons of Exeter was with friends at St. Marys.
Clintonssessor lieid's annual visit to au►• with all the latest patterns. Cul,{•S --'��
the gusst of Mrs. F. W. Watts last The main streets of Cshould IJ lJ
prices are likely to advance. ( homes, we are still increasing in num- Also a Special Line of
week. be, greatly improved this year. hers and assessable property, holding Cut so close in trice that they
Mr. Werry of Goderich was in town Mr. John Shaw of Teeswa,ter was our own as regards births, and below Black Sateen Shirts are positively the cheapest id
Lack Kennedy, Good Friday shaking hands with old on It In ief visit to his son the Doctor• the average in deaths. In cows, horses town.
friends. Mr. G. D. McTaggart spent the East- auid dogs we are not behind the pre- at 50C.
Clintonr holidays at Toronto and Morris_ vtous •years. The taxable property is A Collar Bargain The Goods are
The LlitLiquor Store. Mr. and Mrs. Herdsman of �Vinghard Burg y` $50,430 over 1896, and the Iropulation
-__ sent Good Friday with Mi. and Mrs. r
-- ---- Miss Tena Cooper of the book store is shown as 4,017, Iw increase of 201. 25c. will buy 2 Four Fold Linen Good ----�
— t'luff' is on a visit to tier brother J. T. in Dollars, either in standtrig or !
A Free Bicycle Mr, acid Mrs._Enierton of Goderich 'Toronto. A Goon Collar follow- turndown. Call and see thorn its The cut tud iaittlle stspel�i<
�tciul.tr•o ii khci. Winn t Free Press
m " . tilS Tindall o tie latest styles.
�-� "'-.-_�-.�^-�-•. '\VePB'rIYEtFwrr-1'hfft-FT•1'dtSy",C'ISttln�""ti7et-r t� 1 -"�'-`"-tiles `aj'e"�,'aT11jU, i" till
son J. T. Mr. McKee, principal of the Ridge- is of local interest here froin the fact
And how to get it.... town Colligiate, is the guest of Mr. W. that our well known citizen, Mr'
In Public Opinion our window we display it "Me- Miss Lucy Brewer is spending the Doherty, George Acheson, is aheavyy investor in Black Worsted orsted
Cready Bicycle" 1897 model, pill-- holidays with Rev. Craig and family The frost and allow last Monday the company named : "The Winnipeg is that we show the best value in
chased from G. F. Emerson, agent, At Petrolea. made ►nary citizens ad oro heavy win- and Eureka Miningeompany, of Slocan Hats in town. We ask you to Suits
and :attached to the wheel is Ia seal- Miss Lillie Johnston. teacher of S. S. ter clothing. is beginning tuhouni. Everyday brings call anal inspect our Stock wtreth-
ed envelope containing a number No. 8, East Wawanosh, is home for Mrs. Houston and daughter Jessie forth fresh indications that the great ei• you buy o• not. No trouble For men. A special drive to
composed of the following figures: the L+'aster holidays. of Toronto Hos int the Easter holidays ledge -now known to be over 40 feet to show good Goods. order f6r$16---a great snap.
1-2-3-4-5-6-0-12.14-20. r Y with Mrs. John Houston, a it oli Y \vide -will with depth fillsolid with ore.
With every cash purchase of 50c Mrs. Glazier is visitingin Winglnarn g Should this theory prove true it will be o00r�000 •o00a0a•
you are entitled to register your and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dr. Gregg of Toronto occupied the the largest mine. yyet opened. A few
guess how the figures are arrangged Kerr and other friend:. pulpit of the Presbyterian church oil dat 8 a o 13,000 of the corn an s shares A. J. HOLLOWAY
in the envelope, .and to the Ht•st Mr, tied Mrs. F. Arscott and dough- Sunday euening last. were sold in a block; and Tuesday a A. J. MORRISH, ,
person who guesses the correct ter are spending the Eastliaholidays if you owe THE NEws-Rseortrl any- sale to a big mining sydicates of Mont. CLINTON. CLINTON.
arrangement or the nearest to it with the Andrews Bros. thing we would like to have you call real of onus hundred thousand shares
will be presented with the bicycle Miss Lena Doherty, who is attending and settle or remit the aniount prompt- was closed Iwire. This is the big-
free of charke. You may guess the Toronto Conservatory of music, IY• gest 'stock al that has been put Goderich Township. Brucelield
with every 50C cash purchase -one was home for the holidays. Miss Watcher and the Misses Cora through in British Columbia, for some
dollar gives you two guesses and so y ' months. Mr. Acheson, %vho is acting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard ud were NEWS. -Mr. John AlcOwrtne of
Mr. and Mrs. w. C. Searle were last and Gladys Drt idson of Wingham ppi Y
on up. Contest closes June 30th, were the nests of blas. J. A. King this Its local .agent here, will give all in- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Sleep, Grey township was last week visiting;
1897, i 10 1. in. and wheel will be week on a visit to friends in Logan week, g g y h 9th cern. one day last week. -Mr. g
1 foruuation to an one desiring it. his brother, Hu h. -Miss Jemima
given that evening, enabling the township, twelve miles from 141itchell,
winner to ride it July 1st, the Mr. and firs. Lack Kennel and Mrs. Thos, Lawrence of Lucknow F.asr>yia DAY SERVICES.—'Phe following way Robert%orshall, Bavfleld,pruad is rnak- Fraser' hits returned here after, visiting,
Y the Easter Lay choral service at St. George's ing it big•improvement to his house.- her brother, Mr. John Fraser, M. P.,
wheelman's day. daughter spent the Easter holidays spent the Easter holiday At London church: Miss Lucy Call is the quest of Mrs. at Yetrolin.-Miss Ruth Higgins is
Diseription of wheel :-A1eCrewdy No.. with relatives :utd friends at Se;tforth, and on her return journey was the Williani Perdue. -Mr, Charles Middle- spending her Easter, holidays in To -
guest of Airs, Geo. Haply, Clinton, uni g Matins and Holy Communion. "Onto With her, brother, AIT. T. M. .
2, price $85, 28 inch wheel, barrel ` Master Carleton and Miss Norma Opening Hymn, '•Jams Christ is Risen To- ton lost a valuable driver last Wednes-
hubs, Fauber single piece crank I Green of Tavistock are the guests of Miss Lizzie Webster of Lucknow day .............................. .Worgan day. fie let it out to water; it was Higgins, hartiator, Osgoode Hall.-
axle, weight St ills, Dunlop tires, their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. spent Tuesday in Clinton calling on Easter Anthems ........................various coming in with such force that it Mips L. Bunt of Clinton was last week
Messeuer saddle. If you want to Croll. friends, on her return front visiting Proper l salnt ii ........................Henley knocked its head against the barn, the guest of Miss M. Laing, -Mrs. Teas,
know more about it come in and her sister, Mrs, Jaa. Turner, Stanley. Ivil ..........................Foster g
Mr. Robert Costa Jr., leaves short- ' " y' exi ..Trent breaking its skull. Prtttersai is visiting friends in Clin-
see us. ' Clinton Lodge 83, I. O, O. F. will To Donni................,..........Hopkins in G ton.
ly On a visit to Glascow, 8cothtnd. BenedietuR ......,.... ... Barttby Lines' In memory of Eliza Young,
We have the newest things in We understand his ultimate object is attend Divine service in A body oil Sun- Anthem .......... ,.Cooke relict of tine late Jacob Miller, who died
to stud medicine. clay morning next at the Rattenbury Kyrie Eleison.........................Merbecke April 8th, 1897: -
Men s Furnishings, Y St. chnrch and on Monday evening Gloria Tibi ......................... .. Short P' tinitlord.
A resident of Clinton declared that " Hynm 16. "Jesus Lives I" Gauptlet. Another friend has Kone
Hats, Caps k.e heard here the. sound or, echo of a ororn.old an At Home' in their :Lodge Sermon: by the Rector. Where so many went before ; No"ars.--Aliso Kathlen Armstrong of
and Clothing steamboat whistle off Goderich last Hynm 136, "'the clay of Resurrection," ie lovingly was called Fullartcni is visiting; het• atint Airs. J.
g• Thursday morning. The other dity a representative of Sanctis................ ............. ...Brown .,leave this world of woe. Beck. -Miss Rose Riley, who has been
g THE NEws-RECORD had it shiive in the Communion Hyunt 388, "Bread of Her brothers, sisters, children mourn, staying' with her sister, Mrs. G. Brad -
The Goods aro right—the Prices are low. Miss Jennie Smith has left, for Bath- tcrosorial rooms of the Hotel Bedford Gloria IntEscelRis ..Merbecke For she is Kollo, ne'or to return' for
has gone borne to Loldeabot O fur
T JACKS®iii SR gate, Dakota, where she Will remain at Goderich and we would recommend 7 r.:u., EVENsoNci, r trials here are done; a few do)+s accompanied by little Elsie
7 '1 �conflictslhereWpast, Bradford. -Mfrs. A. Sands -till contin-
on am extended visit with her aunt; our friends who require anything in Opening Hymn, 138, "Jesus Christ is Risen To- earthly race is run, nes very low. -Miss St au ban O£
CLINTON. Mrs. J. B. Robinson. that line to go through the same pleats- day . . .................. I ...... Worgan o home is reached at last; g
ant process. Preces, arranged by . ............ Barnb Her sous*gnd daughters weep. Colborne has been visitin her sister,
Madame Wall sang in the new Proper Psalm, exiii . . ................ Battishill That she so gently tpll asleep. Mrs. J. T. Goldthorp.-Mrs W. Walt -
1897 18 +7 Catholic Cthureh on Easter §undity •- --- cxiv...... ........ .....Ancient ers of Holmesville was visi ing her son
"Jerusalem" in the morning anc�' Goderich. c ..... ................. osginA Alovttsgmothcir'sgone
JV.Y Mot. Tde N'so. rue ,etre e5nr. "Calvary" in the evening. dun Dimittis...............:::'; .GossihA From her family so dear; C. Wttiltetir the, t. \ve�k.—Goderich
"'•,p"' r'"'„°„" r nr 1a10„" I. O. O: F.— A faithful sister has left to\unship 5 poptl ar clerk, Mr. Nixon
r `�, Huron Lodge No. 62, will Anthem ................................. Elvey Her friends mourning here. St 'y was visiting the village the
eJ 6' Z 8' 9 It*� W. G. Richardson, B. A., ,was in celebrate the 78th amaiversary of Odd Hymn 180, "The Strife is {o'er,"... .... victory They're Parted now, but hope at last past week. -Messrs. -Beek & village t r
town last week calling on friends. He Fellowship, which occurs oil April Sermon by the Rector. To meet in heaven, when time is past:. P p
Hynin 214, ••Saviour Again to Thy Dear were up at Smith's Hill attending the
�f 12 14 M 15 rs has just written on his final examina- '28th, by attending divine service at St. Name.. ........... ........ ....... Ellors Then letus onward press, township council meeting to get some
r8 rr9 20tion at Knox College, Toronto, George's church on the 25th, Sevenfold Anton ................:....... .stainer hewoyhPtwth,ym or Wednesday last, -The townon
im ravements for the village,
26 W Z,8 29 eyO Mr. John Bell of the harness empor- BASE BALL. -The local baseball team CIRCULAR CITY BnrEFs.—MPS, and The loving Saviour say, y ship coun-
tuin, Blyth, spent 'Sunday in the have made arrangements fora match The
up, and wear the crown of heaven cil met in the village on Saturday
county town and called on THE NEWS- game here on May 24th with a London the Misses At.trill have returned to Which is unto the faithful given." afternoon to make arrangements for
FAREWELL SOCIAL. -A farewell so RECORD Monday. team,and in the evening with the assis- Goderich.-I. Taylor and son of Clin- "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." the purchasing of a gravel piG.-
cial will beheld in the Baptist church Miss Jennie Smith has left for Bath- taance of several ladies and gentlemen, - ----- -- --- Messrs. Will. and. John Connell are
p ton were in the circular town this
on Tuesday evening, 27th inst. Re- gate, Dakota, where she will remain will give a dramatic performance at week.—Mr.. Mrs. a.nd Miss Malcomson Porter's 111111 busy getting their now machinery
freshments will be served in the vestry. on an extended visit with her, aunt the Opera House, have returned from Florida.—Goad fl up for the manufacture of .
A good live committee on the pro- Mrs. J. B. Robinson. SUDDEN DEATH.—The Mail and Em- Friday was A very quiet clay. -Two or ITF.3r8.=Miss Maud Stirling is home hoick. -Some sneak thief entered Mr.
on her vacation. She is leaching Jonathan Fritzley's house last Friday
gramme are busilylat work. A tnusicttl The Wingham Advance says :-A )tire says: -"At Bowmanville On April three new stores will he opened within school at Kincardine. -Miss Cress Ei- ni ht and stole a uarter of beef. -
and literary treat is in store for those 12nd W: Goode, who lived about three the next few days. -The contractors g q
verger of $1,(100 to $50 has been made Nott is home for Easter vacation.- Robr;rt Symonds while out hunting
who attend. The members and adher- miles from town, was stricken with will soon start the pier I hat will this 1; hist week shot a Heron which meaeur-
ents of the chuck, as well tR all out- on Springbok, one of J. E. Swarts' Farmers are still waiting for fine wea-
Queen s Plate race paralysis, from which he died last summer allow }aassengers to land at +
side friends of Rev. E. J. Harris, the candidates for the Menesetun ark. -Mr. M.O. Johnston thee to commence seeding; it keeps ed 5 feet `2 inches from tip to tip of
at Toronto. week. After dinner he and his son g P cold and backward. -Mr. A. Naftel is wings. Robbie felt quite proud of
retiring pastor, are cordially invited to went out to the stable to feed the has put it new front into his store on bus fencing in Bawdenville with wire g q
Hantltonstreet.-Itisaratberdiilicult Y g his hrtndsonaeprize.
be present. Anionq the '60 Veterans in this sec- horses, and while his son was in the fence; it will make a great improve -
tion is Henry Cict-rick of Clinton. And loft throwingdown hay, he heard his thingnowadays to find an empty house.
meat to the village. -Mr. E. Potter is
EASTI7R AT ST. PAUL'S.—The church he endured the rn:uay privations inci father call to him and it was with -Quite a number of our people left by P g Holmesville.
was beautiful] decorated last Sunday dental to the necessities of those tinges difficult he succeeded in getting him afternoon train on Thursday for differ-
improving after his severe illness of
y Y g g the past winter. -Mr. ClementNewtom
with natural flowers, and both services to it severe extent. to the house, where he lapsed into un- ent parts of the Province. -Easter day is travelling salesman for E. Potter for CHrrRcH.-On Sunday morning Rev.
were impressive and heartily indulged consciousness from which he never re- though fine was too windy and cloudy G. W. Andrews reached a ver a
Mr. W. A. Ross of Goderich was in the season. -Stirling McPhail has P Y P-
in by very large congregations. The town Thursday attending the funeral covered. Up to the time of his attack to allow a full parade of new bonnets. bought the McDonald farm for the sum propriate sermon and in the eveninga,
choir, under the able leadership of Miss of Lawrence, son Of Mr. Geo. Cottle. he was about in his usual health. He -The steamer Jones left this week for of $4,100. A good price, but it is a song service was held. The church
McHardy was simply perfection and Mrs. Ross, who has been very ill, we was one of Darlington township's mast the Georgian Bay. -A. S. Chrystal has good farm.-�Jro. Blair of the Cut was nicely decorated for the occasion.
was more appreciated than ever before, are pleased to say is improving. respected farmers, and was a life-long started on the new boiler for the water- line is going to build a new house this --Rev. J. Edge of Goderich will preach
The sermons delivered by Rev. Mr. Conservative." The W. Goode referred Works. -As soon as the Collegiate In summer. -There is a number anxious next Sunday morning. On the follow -
Parke were worthy the occasion arid Mr. Bell Webb, Jr., who has been to above is father of W. C. Goode, stitute re -opens the students will corn- to see a bridge on the Cut line leading Ing Tuesday he will give his lecture on
of a high order, with Harland Bros. for some time, has druggist, mence preparations for the annual At to the lake, so thatour summer visitors "Men of the Times." -Epworth League
resigned his position and the place has Home.-Robt. McLean shipped ?onie will not have the trouble of o enin met Monday evening. The subject
OPEN LODGE. -The Good Templars been assumed by Mr. G. Flintoffr who THEY LOOK NICE. -C. A. Nairn has excellent horses to the Old Land this gates. It will not cost much. opening
"St. Paul's First Prayer' was taken by
will bold an open meeting of the Lodge will no doubt prove it worthy success- the plans for the proposed addition- Cd week. -Your note last week about the g the council all see to it. Miss Andrews.
in Oddfellow's hall on Friday evening, or. Knox Chnneh and they certainly are appointment of Sheriff R. G. Reynolds
April 23rd. The programme will em- Mr. A. O. Pattison, G. T. R. agent, nice looking drawings. There are two just hit the feeling tip thisway.-Tbere NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Elford
brace short addresses by Rev. Mr. g . + sets, but the one most, favored is for was 8 a. in. communion At St. George's Bayfield. of Goderich spent a few days
Harris and. Mr. $oustoa ; the musical cern hook you through to any Mart in addinj; t\v0 wings, one of which it is On Easter Day.-Uur local an lens with friends here. -Mr. T. C. Pick
Manitoba, Dakota, B. C., y Parnita g BRFIRZES.-A, E. Thompson, rinci-
glasses by Mr. Hoare; club swinging andMontana. He will give Caron an proposed to use for the pulpit and turned out in full force oil Good Fri P n and sold a fine team of horses
exercise by four ladies of the Collegiate tickets and check baggage e ty u coupon
to other church accommodation, and the y g g pal of the school, has resigned and in- to Harris Bros. at a fine figure.
da and had a hi time hauling out
institute, together with readings, silos, gg g q other wholly for seating. It this plan arch s tends to study for the ministry, This -Miss J. Rudd of Clinton sent a few
destination. p ome very big strings were made. will be an opening for teachers want- P
Fish -
duets, quartettes and Delsarte move- is adopted; the church seats will be in -The North St. Methodist church P' days with friends here. -Mr. W. Fieh-
mentwa, b Mise Goodwin. Chair to be Mr. Peter Cook, V. S., who \via on as a circular. form and make shout 2I ing to start after olidays,--The town er of Benmiller spent it few days last
Y v Mission Band had an open meeting on fathers are cin to plant shade trees P Y
taken by Mayor Holmes at. 8 o'clock. visit here for some time, left last week more sittings. The alterations propos- Good Friday afternoon at which there q week with his brother Claud, who re -
Silver collection at the door. for his home at Alpena, Mich. He ed are ver extensive almost equal this week; t ey are a so going to build turned home with him to spent the
p + y q was a large attendance and a d pro- P
took with hint the well-bred driver to erecting 'an ordinary church. p new steps from the bridge straight up holidays. -Mrs. -E. G. Courtice and
g Y grurorne.-Mies A. W. Ball of Telefon
A UESTIONABLE ]DECISION. --Last known as the Whitely horse, which he Tenders have been asked for the is spending thehol idays in town. -Knox the hill.-Certitin parties were seen family of Clinton spent the holidays
Mond�y the West Huron License Corn- delivered to J. W. Cook,. V. S., it Gos- completion of the work, and it ie ex- church hell hasbeen silent three fishing for bass the day wafter close seer with Mi. J. L. Crturtice.-Mr. and Mrs.
dtissionsers met in Clinton. There hen, Ind. pected that before the maple again as- son began. If people will run their Elliott s ent Sunda with friends here.
P -The moderate storm we had on Sat- � Y
wits at' application for a iethil shop Master Geo. Fortune who has been slimes its scarlet litre there will be no urday kept the fishing boats in harbor, neck in the noose it is their own -Mise ucie and Brownie Andrews
liquor license in Wingbam and the with Harland Bros. in the hardware lack of seating accommodation in Knox -�}, N. Davis was visiting to the forest affair, but it would be well for them to are visiting friends in Londesboro.-
requisite of namesattached to a r church. g know that there is a sentinel on guard Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowery of Summerhill
q business for some time, left for Mi',- city on Good Friday. -The public
petition praying for the same. The bell this week. He is a painstaking, PINAhonp.-On Tuesday, Wednes- school board paid $275 for four foot who will prosecute to the utmost ex- spent Friday in the neighborhood. -
Council of that town passed a resold- P g' tent of the law any persons found Miss Ivison aPent Sunday with Miss F.
tion and forwarded it to the Commie- industrious and obliging young main, day and Thursday, April 27, 28 and 29, wood. -New steps will be placed from catching or having in their possession Pickard. -School closed on Thursday
aionel's iwkin that the license be not and we trust will meet with success at there will be presented, for the flrst the park to the harbor. -The collector black bass during Close Reason. -W hile and will re -open on Monday, the 26th.
his new home at Mitchell. time in the history of Goderich, an is delivering the asst. notices. -Over Laurier, Mowat, Tarte and Co. are y
granted, and they acted upon it in Y
their decision. According to the ex- An Indian tramp endeavored to beat opera by local talent. Rehearsals $600 worth of stamps were sold at the fighting with the clergy of Quebec
have been held for some time and solo- P. O. during March.-Fishing-com- over the school question with a snbsti- Senforth.
pressed opinion of many temperance THE NFwe•RECORD out of a few dol- .
co le, it is a nestion whether the de- lars bast week for jot) printing He Tats and chorus are doing excellent mercial-slightly improved the past Lute of the Poe as arbitrator, McMil-
p p q j p ' g• + The Seaforth Cheese factory on the
cision is wise. They contend that the weighed 240 lbs. and was made shell work. Special new scenery by W. R. week. -Cyclists in this town will soon Ian should ring in a bluff for say North road was destroyed by fire early
Council of Wingham has not acted in out the hard stuff by our 120 lb. Clark, of Brantford, and costumes by be able to do as the soldiers did in the twenty -thousand for Bayfleld harbor' Tuesday morning. The season'ssu ply
the best interests of temperance, and weight at Seaforth. If the said Indian Mr. F.H. Pridham and Miss McKenzie, Crimea, charge with six hundred. -The Do your very best, John,' -Good open- had not been laid in. The cause of the
that tle Commissioners have not done isn't a fraud we cannot name blip. are some of the attractions, while the schooner Kolfage sailed this week for Ing for a shoe maker In Bayfield now, fire is unknown.
so either, andoint for proof to set entire cast is one that argues well for Johnston's harbor. -Last week while as Win. Whiddon has gone aboard,
P The Egmondville correspondent to the production. The principals will be working on the trig now building one the surveyg DEATH of A FORMER SEAFORTH
violations of the statutes. he the Seaforth Expositor says :-'Mr• Miss Eva Acheson, as Josephine; Miss of the workmen struck his foot with boat leaving no one in his Boy. -We regret to announce the
Council of Wiughttm and West Brewer is an artist of no mean ability. M. Ball as Butt rcu Miss B: Wilkin- the edge he was rising and seven in- Place. Now is the tine.—By previous death of Mr. P4nrdo McLeod, eldest 9011
B g Y arrangement dei got Emma to con- of Mr. Kenneth McLeod, of Toronto,
Huron Commissioners, however, are The first part being scenes in the life son, as Ball,
'The ca' Iain will be in jural it.
the responsible urtica. pp hent to take a drive to Goderich with
p J. Acheson; Sir and formerly of Seaforth. The deceas-
_ of Christ, from the celebrated French the hands of . Mr. , ___ blue Next morning she was up early � was a nephew of Mrs. S. Dickson„
winter, Dare, were nicer explained Jo h Porter will be depicted b Mr. of this ,town. He wag born in Mc-
arie[Town 'Colics• p Y p Y and got her (lest clothes on and waited
Ey him. Part second consisted of ppor- Jas, Thompson, Dick Deadeye l Mr. Wingham•
traits, life size, of Seaforth notairles Mane; and Ralph by Mr. O. I Ed- for some time, when she found en she
Kills 22 ears ago, and was a bright„
'How does yournabscription stand? and scenes about Bayfield all from wards. Mr. Ferte is the boatswain, bEATH. - Mr. Morias, who wits gone with another. It was then she promising young man. About a year
1 miss McNaughton hits returned photographs by Mr. Brewer himself. Mr. LeTourel the ca eater's mate, stricken with paralysis a little over u concluded his nickname of skipppp a o he was attacked h that fell diR-
rp week ago, died last Monday. The was a proper one for such as hedwti. ages consumption, and, although he
home. Rev. Mr. Cliff of Thorndale, (brother and a, Im,ge chorus of ladies and gentle- Orangemen attended his funeral in a Murdock Ross is Making arrangements frntght with the vigor of although
Mr. Q. Philips was last week in To. of R. Cluff, town), preached in St. men, representing relatives of the ad- body, on Tuesday afternoon. to put in two pound netse o1P Bayfleld. it final!
Tonto• John's church, Brussels, on 'Sunday, miral, sailors, 8cc., constitute a most y Y -Will and John Jewett havingfinished hope against its ravages, T
April 11th g g g group, Y NOT$g.-There is quite an excite- their of study at the Forest City mastered hien, baffling the best cave.
The Misses Freeborn spent Easter in P � , to large can re anions. intereetin ria This is b far the cal skill. His death is a said bereave.
Toronto.rev. gentleman took for gis text largest and most pretentious under- ment here over the contemplated re- Business College, London, have return-
lbronta, in the morning Eph., lat and 21st, and taking in this line ever attempted moval of the postofftce.-Root. Groves ed home and ll commence getting fent p his relatives and friends,
Mrs. Hovgy spent Good Friday in and articularly to his father,
in the avenins Col. 4th and 18th. He here, as some forty persons are to ing leaves for Griswold, Manitoba on their steam yacht, and row bouts ready
London. spoke forcibly and lovingly on his part altogetcher, including a splendid Tuesday. -Frank Ceasar left last Tues- for the summsr. who will have the sincerest sympathy
Miss Nettie Combe is in town for the subjects and was listened to ,attentive- orchestra. We art+ pleased to see day for Philadelphia to attend the of his many old friends in this vicinity,
holiday®, ly by many who were glad to welcome work of this kind in Goderich and hope dental college, Before leaving some of 4 The remains arrived here from Torou
Dr. Freeborn was on a business trail him back to Brussels for this visit. - for crowded houses at each perform- his friends entertained him to an oys- Senator Bechard died in Montreal of to on Tuesday last, and were interred
to Wlarton.
Br•uiftels Post. supper. ' ance• ter su er. We wish hien success. it complication of diseases. in the Maithandbank cemetery.
W, "