HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-14, Page 8are being hold VZ,00
"rww , A,L DIC..100lXATtQN,-Th0 festival
r-q in St. Pauly church every evening this 0 MIU0 00 late this year, the
it 'Pawls church are sparing
week $ except Friday and Saturday, 1 YOU CAN, 0 0
8 o'clock. Service on-400d Friday a, no pains to have the church decoratea
with plants and flowers as tastefully a6
45 and 8 etsin. at II. Offertory for promotion with of Christianity among the Jews. possible.
Mr. G. IF. Emerson sold to County
CoNcEnT.—The Ontario St. church 0ouncillor John Cox, of Porters Hill, it
choir, assisted by the leading cboirs ill beautiful Japant-se walnut upright REST
town and Madame Wall, are PFAC- cabinet grand piano. The instrument
tieing hard for their concert to come had been ttiorouhly tested by
off at the end of the month. The pro- Madame Wall, Harol Jarvisandothers
railluie will consist of choruses, Solos, and w&s pronounced superior in all ie-
laster Boo , trios and quartette. TROY AA- wets, Look for sects. ONTENTED @
Always Fresh all,te in next weekt, NEWS-ftECORI). Tuu SALVATION ARMY.—Last Fri-
BRANCHING 600d. BRANCHING OUT.—Mr. D. A. Cants_ day night there was a grand time in
the That any article you purchase from our store this season will ba better value than ever.
Ion has completed negotiations and is S. A. Staff-Capt. Turner, the
Plain China at 5 cts. each, now representing the 11argest. English Chancellor frouiLondon, and Ensign We are living in days of keen competition, and prices tell. We can assure every reader of
Beautifully dLeorated ones an produce firm in the old world, Wiggins conducted a grand musical our advertisements that nowhere Will you be better Served and receive better satisfaction
In six pattet eg is prepared to buy at the best
-ns and colors .5, programme, They were assisted by
ket price all the good e 09 Smith, Capt. Fisher, Capt, Bran-
d at 8 cts. 01' tilar �,rlptl than at our store. We have this season largely increased every department especially the
and kiln fire
two for 15 cts. Thu are offered. Mr. Cantelon fgat84 that
dala egad and Lieut. Liston. The meetings
Ready-made Clothing in Men's and Boy's Suits. We handle Clothing, lFurnishings and Hats
the approjlrlate Hasten thorough training in the business and were attended by a good crowd Juld
novel anct are quite orna- we predict will be stlocessful. His the evening well spent.-On Easter only, and ll,%ve done so all our lives. Our Goods are bought right and sold on the Smallest
jentlTsuetlendea in suit. Sunday and Monday, the 18th and 10th, I
territory will cover a large area.
able ribbon to filing froththe Salvation Army will hold their S. margin.
your lamp, picture or on BRING BACK THE THINGS You Bun- J. annual. Aang programme will
your curtains, In this Row,-The other week THE Nicivs-RE- be given oil .Monday evening at 8 4P
shape we ask you loc for coRil, had a four line mention about o'clock.-The subject on Wednesday
them. borrowed books, saying fit effect that evening, April 28th, will be 11.4, drunk- There is a Dlference tu
people should return the things they ard's home," and will be full of touch-
To Be in Good Form orrow. Rev Joseph Edge, who has so ing, thrilling and pathetic incidents.
You Should send your often lectured on the subject, probably MINING MATTIMS.—The Vi III Clothlng
friends an Faster Card -, we might be held responsible for the 4#
beautiful creta'- printed lines. People do borrow books Diamond Jubilee Mining and Develop-
nave souto meat Company has been organized in
tion for the season's greet- and do forget to return them. But
we were not expecting the first result Clinton with a capital stock of $1,000,- 0—
The object
ing invested with all the W). of the company is to
taste find art imagination would be the returning of A New Tes.
can Suggest, Suitable ones tarnent borrowed from THE News-RE- do it general business in mining find all
coRy.)qeveral nionths since. Those operations connected therewith in On- Now to what there used to be. Our*is good fitting in
tit 6, io, 15c., and better borrow books might very often accom- tario, British Colinubia and Alaska. , ' 4 QJ
Ones. plish much good by returning them The immediate attention of the Corn- every way, and any body found in one of our made-up 171
1W_1W1W1441W promptly, piny will be directed to the acquisi-
tion and development of clarets in Suits will sure to be well dressed, with a big savillo in
DivisioN CouRT.-The regular sit- Rainy River, Seine Rivet-, Wabigoon, ISI
w. Falf Co., tings were field oil Saturday, Judge Rat Portage, and other Ontario dis-
v_ts_,&ud_1u.. ... the.-Rioh-Sloe I
was represented by blessrs. Holt, Salmon River, British 0olit.libia
Campion, Proudfoot, Brydone, Rod- Prospectors we are informed, have
Allents Pftrker's Dye llorks. gills (Toronto). There was a large at_ been'place3 at all those points. The Men's Clothing. Boy's Clothing.
tendance of spectators. The principal originators of the Company are James
cage was Beattie vs. Oswaldestine, an Steel-), John McMurray, C. M. Bezzo, All wool, 4 Button Sacks, Silk Stitched Ro I Front, Good plain Canadian Tweed �2 Pe. Suits, size 22 to 28,
LOCALNEWS". action by assignee for benefit of credi- T. J. Brown and E. Cantelon. Collor on Vests, Raised Seem on Pd9ts 30 to 4.1...... $600 good wearer ................... ................................. $2
tors of one Hanna to recover as a pre- SCHOOL BOAIM—The regular meet Blue Serge all wool, good farmer saQu lining, in Fancy Tweeds in assorted colors, extra wel-I made,
ferential payment a Sulu paid to defer- iu4 - of the Public School Board was single and double Breasted Coat, siza 36 to 44 extra good value .. ................. ................................... $3
in and Around the Ilub, dant by one Wilson a trustee previous-
appointed by Hanna for particular held on Monday evening. Principal value ............................................................. $7.00 Boy's 3 Pe. Suits plain Canadian Tweeds, good wear-
!,reditors, viz: the Holinesville Butter Lough's report showed attendance for New and Nobby Alen's Suits in plain slid over
01 in cloti: , size 27 to 32 ........................................ $3
901v11 1111L Manufacturing Co.; judgment for March average 391; and visits from check, Cavadian Tweed, extra well made bud ttimmed
Highest price for butter end eggs--CANTELON plaintiff. Boy's Knee Pants,, all our own make, good strong
BROS. Trustees Harland, Irwin, I. Jackson, and perfect fitting 36 to 42 only ...................... .. $14,00 Tweeds .............................................. 50q, 76c, $1
ADDRESS.—A large and very :tylpre- T. Jackson, J. C, Stevenson, Dr. Ag Men's Pants all sizes in Tweeds pla-'n and fanaL,�
SWrrllqG HENS WANTED.—A good lumber, ciative audience greeted Sergt lvla*ol new and W. G. Smith, also from1,20`;50
Must be good hatxhers and good mothers. For Schoof fit the Ontatio 8t. M�t_hodis;, C,pt strips ........ ..... ......... .................. $1 . 00, a. �
intgratation, prico, &c., apply at TuE NEWS- Church fast rh"rsday evening and . Combe and Inspector Robb; Furnishings Special.
ftmoslD office. were amply repaid by a unique address Miss McKay, the new teacher, is giv-
$6.50. Groat oil the origin, of the Boers, their �oun- ing good Satisfaction, When convon- Hats and Caps. Men's Braces, extra good value ............................. .. 16C
Bee our Bedroom Suites at I Taylor It it de
Saap._BnoADlrooT, Box & CO. try and netilcids of fighting. He gave iont and if satisfactory, Miss
a most vivid clescription of the will, be- will be transferred to the primary do. Boy's school Cape, well assoited colors................ 15o, 250 Boy's ............. I ................. 100
Miss ANNIE FnEEpon", Pvll of.protl,ror- tween the English and the Boers, and Dartment at old salary. Accounts Alen's Hook-down Varsity, Bicycle Caps, in Tweeds en's Whits Unlattudried Shirts ............................ 390
'lington, Toronto College of lisle, is prepared 4ilso of the. Jamieson laid, attaching I " Cotton Underwear .........
to accept pupils in Vocal, Guitar and piano. the defeat of the latter to the cunning were paid as followp:-DAvis & Row- and Ser es all sizes ........ .................... 26c, 360, 50( ........... .... ........... 25c
- ac of Paul Kruger and the. cowardice of land $6.50, McMurray & Wilt`38 $1.50. A new and nobby line- in American Fedora, 3 pretty A special line in Ties, all naw and nobby shapes and
will accept Concert Engagements.
the miners in forsaking Jamieson and Mr. T. Jackson reported progress of des ................ ................................... $2,$3 colors ....................................................... .....35c
his men after calling them into the committee on cadet diill corps organi-
SOCIALThere will be a social in the trouble. At the close of the address
Ontario street Methodist church Oil be gave a, short pi-trade with fivezition which was reef ived and favor- carrving the biggest stock this season in this section of the country and in every department will be found it
young complete variety in all the new things to be found !it ��ny first-class store.
Friday. evening April 10th, under the nlen dressed in foreign wear-costumes ably commented upon. In view of
tit) and also a Skilled and interesting ex- the promise of the success of the un.
.111spicea of the Wonlens Christ. We it 1 0 f*9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 go 0 0
Association. A good I
proT.Al'oule bas hibitim, of sword swinging. dertaking, it was moved by Trustee
been arranged and refreshments will EASTER SER-vicm and secolidQd by J. NV. Ir-
be served. -The choir of St. Stevenson
Paul's church have been working very win and carried that an entertainment
LARGE PARSNIPS.-We are indebted hard for Some weeks past in preparing be gotten-up under the auspices of the
to Mr. W. U. Brown for a nillilbel' Of the musical Part of the, services for Public School Board to raise a special
pttr9nips. not quite so large as saw both morning and evening for Easter fund for a uniform f,-,r the cadets, and
logs. They were, however, the largest' Sunday. The musical Service will be
we have seen for many it day, and the as follows a cotumittee of the whole Board and
most toothsome too. principal Lough was appointed, The The Famp-gs Clothiers, Clinton..
Hvmn-Jesus Christ is Risen to-day-H. Carey. Board then adjourned.
PLATE GLASS SMABAED.—On Sunday ()hrist our Passover is Sacrificed for Us."
afternoon some pet-son, with a stone or I -80,11ilting.
other hard substance, smashed one of To Deum . ... .................... ...... Randall
Benedletus ...................... .. h
the large plate fronts in Jackson Bros. Hymn,- "Alleluia". . .... I ... ... I .. *. � "�!.V.OZ 024
stole. It will cost a good suin to re- Kyric ............................ ........ Gilbert.
place it, and it is to be hoped the guilty Gloria Tibi ...... .. .............. ...... TourR. oup Display of
Hymn-"Tho Day of Resurrection.", . Smart. O.ur Beautiful
.p erson •inny be found out. 0ortory Anthem---"C Death where is thy
ing a horse, ri and outfit owned by Processional-"Christ the Lord is Risen A-
Mr. HArtt HiXs, was Stolen from the to-day, "-I
It was Gloria ............................. . ..
church shed at Holmesville. Magnifleat ... ..... .................... ... i . li,.g
ane, of the boldest thieving eff orts re- Nun. dimittes ...................... . Blackburn
rordf-d for some time. on Monday Anthem--Psalni LIX 16-17. Sir ArthurSullivan. y Milliner Display
Hall. aster
morning the police at a large number Hymn-"Jesus Lives.", ..... .. ..Gauntlett.
o be on Offertory solo.-Ymmanuel .............Rodney,
of out-side points were notified t Hymn.--Pas Tecum ............. ... Caldbock.
the alert, but at, time of going to press Vesper Hymn after Benediction, "Fathtir Is complete and is beyond doubt the prettiest 0880ttmellt ever Has brought throngs of people to the store since opening time.
there was no word of the missing arta- Give us now Thy Blessing." shown herr, you would think so too if you saw it. You'll want If you have not seen it do not miss it. There is no doubt but
cies. The thief was supposed to have The offertory at both services will be a Hat for Eseter; lot us supply your need. We are sure we could that we have established the fact that for high-class, fashionable
proceeded northward. in nid of Foreign, Domestic null Dio-� please you. Our Milliners have the requisite taste and skill to
WHAT SPORTS ?-Tbp,.t e, bas been ceslin Missions. Iiim to suit you and your pulse as well. You'll be surprised at Millinery at reasonable prices, the Palace is the place to come to.
some talk of a Queen's Birthday cele- Y. P.C. U.-On Ft iday evening a fail- the throng of buyers fit our Showroom every afternoon and at You'll be able to get from us this spring the prettiest novelties in stylish head-
bration here, but as vet there has not representation of the young people of the number of orders given; why not leave yours? You may feel wear. There are domes of Ready Trimmed Hats to select from,
been any definite action. THE NFwS- the town met in Willis church where sure of having your wants promptly met. and should there be none to suit you, we have all the most Sty-
RECORD would like to have our people an excellent piograuitne was present- lieh shapes and Trimmings, and will make up to your own par-
got u a monster demonstration of ed. The president Mr. Jacob Taylor
some ud. If not on the 24th of May occupied the chair; after the singing ticular taste, on the shortest notice. If you want Your New Hat
then in June. The Town Councir, of a hymn, Rev. Mr. Millyard led in for Easter let us have your order as early as possible for we are
School Boards, Militia, societies and prayer, then followed a well-rendered likely to have all we can get done for that time.
various Sporting organizations might solo Ly Miss Croll ; a pleasing duet by
act in concert and the combined forces Misses McWhinney and I. Carter, $11) Easter Gloves.
would accomplish everytbiDg desired- able address on "The Ternfleiance Kid Gloves for
,one of the biggest days ever witnessed Question" by Mr. G. M. Kilty; anthem
in the county of Huron. Who will by the choir, address by Mayor Holmes
take the initiative? • on "Good Citizenship," a duet by Airs.
Hoover art(] Miss Goodwin, and A Selx_ East'er....
A DETROIT SURSCRIBER SPEAKS.- tette by memberst of Willi's church The Great Kid I
Froin time to tiro THE NEws-RLeottD choir. The following officers were A You'll want A new pair for Vaster Sunday. What lady is there
receives words of enconragementfrolT, elected for the ensaing terra -Pres., but does? Our now stock isjust to band-they'ro good quality,
patrons who T)-,%.y for and tend this Mr. A.T. Cooper-, Vice -Pres., Mr. John.,,, Glove Store, they'io stylish, and our guarantee goes with every pair,
journal. To spare out blushes we (10 Ttiekerstnith; See.-Treas., Miss Brick.
not publish very many of them. Here enden. The Suininerhill Societv re- If you want aottiething real nobby,
is one, however, from Detroit:'-En. cently ot-ganized was gladly ?ecelved The largeRt stock and the biggest sales are here. Our new Kid something new, so'nietbing differ. O:ur Standby....
closed you will find $2.50, part of what into the Union. A resolution was
we owe you. We will ,end 1110"0 passed requesting that the next meet_ Gloves fur Spring are here ; direct from two of the best Frqnch ent from tho Ordinary ; try our
as �11(Zlllsecon- (;love makers of Grenoble, France ; and are, beyond doubt, the Perrin's Famous Hook
money as soon , ing of the County Union be held in Norman" Vlove. It is made
tinue to send the paper. We could Clinton, Misses Fair and Boles pre• best a9sorlment and values ever ofTered to the trade here. In from fine, soft sldus, is the most Lacing Glove.
not live without it." Two similar Sided at the organ. Rev. Mr. Harris the 1A wo show a range of nine DOW lines- stylish Glove we've ever handlod,
letters clime by the Same mail froni closed the meeting with prayer.
Manitoba. love in taus and browns, w and fila-well just like a glove.
NOTE --The following front ABOUT TRnEs.-The following front At 58c we offer you a 4 button (t worth 75c, Black and colors.
LEGAL Aldet-itiatiS(-,i.i-leappf:at,editi lastweek's
Osgoode Hall, Toronto, will be of in- Mitchell Advocate:-I noticed a para- At 65c and 75e a No. I Children's Kid Glove, sizes 4 to 13.
terest to many readers,, the plaintiff graph in your paper advising yourciti-
h twing Air. Henry Cantelon of Mount zenstoplant soft rraplesasstl'eet shade At 75c a Ladies' 7 hook L,tcing Glove, %VOTQl 90c, taus and browns.
ei New
Forrest, a former resident of Clinton:- trees. After foryears planting ill
Cantelon vs. Thompson-A. D. Ar- our t consider both soft maples At 95a is a Glove that has given every satisfaction, 7 )look, new Shades in
mour, for plaintiff, renewed argument and elms nuisances its shade trees; and
of, preliminary objection taken by only fit to be planted in wet ground brown, cheap at $1.15.
defendants on Monday last upon where the sugar maple will not grow. Dress
plaintiff ra appeal from order of We have soft maples planted forty feet At $1 a 4 pearl button Glove in Tell, black stitched back and fancy to watch.
Vounty Court of Middlesex in term apat t and they touch each other. The
,ietting aside finding of jury and di, roots grow on the surface of the At $1 a 4 button guaranteed Kid Glove in Black. We have sold not as good Goods.vow—
recting it new trial, the defendants' ground and besides raising the side. for $1.26.
objection being that under see. 44 of walks, that' run into the adjoining
the law courts act, 18%, no appeal lawns and destroy the grass.They At 61 a croam washable 8 buttun Glove. Several lots of the Newest Dress Goods
lies from such an order. Shepley, Q.row such Spreading heads that it is
C., for defeniants, supported the ob- gifficult, to avoid them when putting At $1.25 we show a superb line both in black and colors. In Black Kids we have been opened the past few
jection-, the appeal was heard upon up telephone or electric light wires. show the following colored stitched books and facings with pearl buttons days,adding further to the uuikp-
ihe merits subject to the objection. Some have weeping limbs that make, it to match : White, MauveGreen slid Gold, In colored Kids, Browns,
ay under.
The action was brought by a coin difficult to drive a load of h. proachable attractiveness of our
wercial traveller for damages for They prevent the light shining on the Tans, Fawns and Gold, withetitched,b%cke and raflings in Whits, Brown,
wrongful dismissal from defendant" sidewalks, and being a, very brittle Black and light Blue, with pearl buttons to match. Dress Goode stock. The stock
service as a traveller at it, ?alary of wood they are often badly damaged is now at its best, and its wis-
IMM a year and a commission. The by lee storms, and when houses are At $1.25 a I plain Block or Tan Kid Glove, guaranteed. dom to select your drene before
; 1qTy gave t lijintiff verdict for $100. built near to the Sidewalk the over -
L I T ;n lain Block or it *to broken
he new i a directed upon the hanging
Inn, ts destroy the roof. The At iVL .30 the new Derby Glove a oo ore os a r a
Xrounf, that:, ',.*v%wdict was contrary sugar maple is it compact growing, colors, full rangi of aizes, 51- to 8.
to ev n4 majority of the clean tree. A clean pole, say 12 feat
coact Iml Jay, and high, with good roots, will throw out
that t 46 41 as improperly buds and make a nice round head.
granted. cogbridgj, J. dipsenting, There should be 10 feet, fit least between AAAA.,
was of dpi( n that 'tbe discretion the ground and the first branch and
Of the court bel6w in genriting a new should never be planted less then 30
trial should not be int6fxwed with, and feet apart on the streets. Large sugar Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium. JAM
was Inclined to the opinion that the maplem should not be pruned too sev-
a ppeal did riot lie. Appeal allowed eTely. You will notice thsit, your late THE LADIES "FAVORITE ESTARLISHNISNIT.
with costs, kind Judgmers-t MY plaintiff brother's trees on the Fullarton road
restored with costs. This i1poetm the have been killed by too severe pruning.
decision rendered Judge Edward Mr. Robert Jackson has a f1he row of
J911lott, recelid at budQo, grauting sugar maples on his farm, You
re-W.'H, BEES-Lux Uo*
1% new trial in the case, pectfully,-W. 0. Sn&nLir.