The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-14, Page 6+w1- .r,,,•'. _ - w,. _ t tAuufferlar i8X1/the �1C�: �1NTN 84,AD_ �A.R. o, and BUNFACTORY. ` Moll (�r. ntationeryCitcumttices Alter Pest " Ill vcry sclvlotn, L'rin the 111110 I Mr. McOarth Jahn how do you 7 V,tS two years a !, 1 ;•!•:'rr,l dread- like this appeal to Rorne? ®�~� �`�'� �►� �1► ►�►'q .,11 1'" ich 1'c tt S S. COOPER Pro . u y Ill t . I pyla or 0WIir'r 1•(ti1' r,: , !' !, 111r:u,8 wt rt, Mr. Charlton—1 like it wall. ! • Mr. McCarthy --You did not care for almost Ilse:.::,;. 'I i:: ; cirlei;etl it in the Jesuit ease, general Builder and Contractor. taotha' they v, o;tItI I:, ::d, 1-.::a-everal Mr. Charlton --Ah, but it was a dif- This factory has been under the personal supervision and ulvnership for of In ijng,,m are iit•••I crooked Troon feront Pope. eight years. Vire carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and ; c .;'.:n.. N give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on chef( notice and on rho ]...11,1 1�c::rr� Cn lily Mr. McCarthy—Not at till; save I:u: 3 Pope ; same cast, over again. p closest prices. All i, but for work is supervised in a mechanical way and eatibfacliun MrI . Charlton --Well, there's sotue- guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior watetial. p ., a thing ditfel'ent; it is it different Govern- . "tJl �` tis ' meutatOttallva, anyway. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, .Doors, Blinds, Etc. f ;:arsnln;uilla, would I "Business is Business": Agent for tie CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured y � L.: sums, provided I Sir Charles—Wouldn't it be a Rood at Wateiloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your oiders. t,7 q, 'NIva.; ; le and anile ide;t to have the tariff first and the u <^ to carry "'13 -thing. franchise after? It would help the — -- - ,,A`.;:•`` Lfglit bottles of people. f 1 I CLEARING ,SALE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so Mr. Laurier --Look here, Sir Charles, We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Cr•eckery and Glaraware til:rt 1 have had no return of the we'ru not in office to help the people; diseaso for snore than twenty years. we're in to help ourselves. this mouth as we propose giving up keoping those liner. lnteudiug The Iir6t bottlo seemed to reach the _-. purchasers will find the prices vary low as the goods must be sold. spot ;:nd a persistent use of it has Humors, pimples, boils are very Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. . . - . - . Terms, Cash or Produce. I1(trfeeted tl:o cure."—O. C. DAVIC, annoying, They quickly di*apppear G. J. S'1'EWART. E1'autoula, Ivis, when the blood is purified by 11("I's Agent for the Kolonit Tea. Sarapalilla. — The Conservatives of West Elfn - - held a convention at Dutton, Ont,, Fri- df and flog , i s t F. G. nadidAte at Stock-Taking'THE ONLY WORLD'8 FAIR En 43 cif Aldhorough, as their rrnadidate at the next election for the Ontario • •' a a rsa parI lla L.egielatui•e. . We are now nicely settled in our Stores in the old AYER's PILLS Promote Good Digestion, TO OONSUMPTIVES. Brick Blocs{, and pleased to see out, old customer's wi J� The undersigned, having been restored to — — - far well —`-- health by simple means, after suit'erinb, l aS new OIIeS. We are now busy talSlllg StUCI{ tlnCl 1 several years with a sovere lung afTeetion, that_.-drosta.,. _disease.._ffnnmcL , g t�,,. _. - ISL .. a._.gCecTt-.wl ftll.�y 11Ile -, al'L'..ii.G'11ill .a TECl,LlC.eCI 1 tc Fac hlk anxious to malce known to his 4't6 1 26 a Yaar-101.00 in Advance. sufrelers the means of cure. To those order to clear out. WEDNESDAY, APRIL lith, 1807. The Origin of the Easter Lilies. Boston Transcript. Within the rich man's garden nill many a flower was seen, With crowns of gold and crimson On cups of emerald green. They brought the dead king thither, And every flower in bloom Bowed down its head in sorrow About the Savior's tomb, But seel the white -winged angels Have rolled the stone away, And 'mid the flowers only The white grave cerement. lay. Next day they sought to find thein; Lot r i s cowhore they Poll, Like the white hand of an angel, Waved there—ii lily's bell, .Pio pure, so white, and spotless o It pointed it) the air, Sis if to tell now comers That he had risen there. Born of his white lobes fallen, Like white leaves folded up, Th'.•� found a scepter gold aid small W'thia each fragrant cup. And so amid the blossoms Of the rich man's fragrant bowers Was born the Easter lily— The angel of the flowers. The latest results of pbarinacent.ical science and the best modern appliances are availed of in compounding Ayet's Sarsaparilla, lienee, though half -a - century in existence as a medicine, it is fully abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood - purifier. Anna Gilstafssion, twenty years of Tues - age who arrived in OttiLw-I oil Tues- day, retired to her room in the Wind- sor hotel early, giving directions to be called early Wednesday tnornfng. When the bell -boy opened the door• he round that she was dead from asphyx- iation by gas. Piles lured b Dr. )base. C y I. K, Iral, 186 Drolet Street, Mont- real. 15 years suffered. Cured of Blind Itching Piles. William' Butler, Possawan, Ont. Suf- fered many months. Cured of Protrud- ing Piles by one box. Pabano Bastard, Gower Point, Ont. Suffered for 30 years. Cured of Itching Piles by three boxes. Nelson Simmons. Myersburg, Ont., cured,of Itching Piles. , who desire it, lie will clneerfvOly scud (free of charge) a copy 0 the proscr•ip Lion used, which they wilt find a sure cure foi Consumption, Asthnia, Catan-h Bronchitis and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hope, al' sufferers will try his remedy,, as it is in%;tlu able. Those desiring the precription, v,hict will cost them nothing, and may prove it Bless Ing, will pleaso address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Nev York, WAS SLOWLY DYING, The RESULT O!� AN A'tt"i`ACK Oi LA GRIPPE AND PNEURONIA THE STRANGE CASE OF AIR. JA\IES OWEN, OF JOHNVILLE --- DOCTORT, ZOLD HIM HIS LUNGS WERE AFI ECT ED AND HE COULD NOT RECOVER— NOW IN GOOD HEALTH. From tho Sbprbrookc Gazette. When it nlan faces what medic•a authorities tell life is c•erlain deat.l and regains health and strength, he i naturally grateful to the medicine tha has restored hirn. Such it mall is Air 'James O1vcn, one, of the -best knowi farmers in the vicinity of Jehnville Que. Mr. Ogen tells his story of shat tered health and renewed strength ill follows:—"On the 17th of December 18('91, I was attacked with ]a gritTpe A week later the trouble developed in to pneumonia in its worst, form, Irid : did not leave my tied until the first o March, 1895, and then I was so weal that I was unable to walk alone. At winter niy life. hung in the balance Surnmer came, and I was still heal and feeble, though with the warn weather I gained a little: strength. : had, however, but very little power it my leggy, and I could not ride a mile it }� A. ;dJ, l , I i. I ;l q a buggy. owing to the pain they caused me. My lungs also troubled me and I raised a great deal of matter. I then consulted the bestdoctor we havein this section of province. He told are can- didly that, I was past inedic•al help. lie said that Illy left lung wiw in a state of collapse, and that my right lung was effected. This (vas in July 181)5. Fcir the next three months every day seemed to draw rue nearer and nearer the end. I was so pressed for breath at times that I could not wa1K any dis- tance without st,)pping to regain it. In the month of November I began to take Dr. William's Pink Pills. It was certainly aL forlorn hope and I admit, I slid not, expect r'uucll benefit, from them, bar, took thein rather to please a friend who urged me to do so. I be- ieve I wits surprised when I found ,hey were holFping ane, for I thought I ;vas beyond the aid of medicine, but ielp we they did, and I gladly continu- ;d their use. Tine" result is they have Dade it well man of me. I have not a pain about ine, my breath ('utiles as 'reely as it ever did, and I am strong Ind vigorous, My case can be briefly summed up in it few words. Dr. WiI- iams' Pink Pills has given ore it new ease of life and I am glad to let every- pody know it." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new flood, build up the nerves, and thus Irive disease from the system. In lupdreds of cases they have cured Ifter all other medicines had failed, ;hus establishing the claim that they Ire a marvel among the triumphs of nodern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bear - ng the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect Tont-self from imposition by refusing Lny pill that does not beat the regis- tered trade mark around the box. School book publishers are bidding 'or the right to publish the new text- xtoks for Manitobit. Messrs. Gage & Jomparly offer to provide it complete - y new series and to supply every pupil n Manitoba with a free copy. Win. Thuoll, of Morris, was operat ,d on at the General hospital, Toronto, in Tuesday of last week, by Dr. Gras -'I iet of the surgical staff, assisted by Dr. 3ingham, professor of surgery, and )r. Davison, professor of clinical nedicine. By latest reports the pat- ents condition was quite favorable. Dr. Chase s Ointment will positively cure all forms of Piles. Writ^ any of the above if in doubt. At the Provincial Legislature Wed- nesday a bill granting the same road rights to bicyclists as those enjoyed by the drivers of vehicles passed the first committee stages. The measure will not meet with serious opposition in the a House. A GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNI- VERSITY SAYS: My children have been treated with Scotts Emulsion from their earliest years. Our Physician first recommend- trd it and nolo whenever a child takes cold my wife immediately resorts to this remedy, which always effects a cure." The union bricklayers of Montreal went oil strike Friday. They are at present' receiving 30 cents an hour, and working -ten hours a day, and they ask for a change to 35 tents. an hour and nine hours a day. LOCK THE DOOR Before the horse is stolen. Purify, en- rich and vitalize your blood and build tip your physical system before disease attacks you and serious sickness comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you throng and vigorous and will expel aZorn your. bloods all impurities and rms of disease. Take Hood's Sar- saparilla now. ROOD'S PILLS are the favorite blifi lycathartic. Easy to take, gentle, r rrld,x °, ; a cents. T.,05 '�lt0 has arisen between the lEs•"l'a T'.'I'rnnk and Oanadian Pacific ralL !d!Ir ow"'gtothenewtariff of testotbo Kootenaydis- ddbytheGrand Trunkand te is thretatened. How many people are ashamed to go into company nn account of their foul- smelling breath, caused from catarrh or cold iii the head? If they would study their own interests they would soon have sweet breath . like their neighbors. There i L s one sure carr for Catarrh and that is Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Give one blow through the b16Wer and you get relief immediately. Price. including blower, 25 centro, — HA.RLA ND BROS., Stoves and Hardware, Cheap ! Cheap ! Cheap 1 STEEL WOVEN WIRE FENCING These - �� BA WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. BQ®ooc�o�a.a®�tr�0� fib FENCINGS of imam dand Sold by • • as Well as TML ONTARIOARIO WIREWIRE FENCING GO., LTD. J?kton, 011tarl0, 111CM11110Ils' FR1TSTEEL L SEOLRYSORE, PUTY� ® LAWN FENCINGS, ETO. ARE SOLD very MUCHLOWER this year, than ever --before: THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for them. LESLIE'S CARRIACE AND House for Sale., WAGON FACTORY , Two.tory frame house in Clinto?, tell rooms, r stoneccllor, hard and soft water. C'oud ground. Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. Frame stable. For full particulc, s apply to the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, C!1,pton. First -Class Buggies on ]land and made to 939-tf order. Prices to - suit the times. Repairs and r•epa,inting promptly attend to. Prices reasou- able. , Nanted - • Canvassers. "Queen Victoria: Her Life and Reign," las captured:the British Empiro. Extraordin- xy testimonials from the great men: send for opy free. Marquis of Lorne says, • The bent opnlar Life of the Queen I have seen." Her la'est sends a kind letter of appreciation. I y np ;citing ng by thouyonds• gives enthusiavic sati h - action. Cost a mint of n one but largea cir- illation .justifies low retail. $3.00. Lot, of dstoric illustrations. Largo book—over all xQxIQ inches. Men and women of standing n the community making $15 to $40 a week. •xclusive territoryy•Prosueetus free to agents. looks ou time. THE BRADLEY -GARRET - ON CO., L'TD, Totrozi o, ONT. YOUR SPARE TIME � Mon. women, to conduct buq:nes athome. Work is siaiple writ:nfr and coliving i'sts of addresses received from local advert s- ing, to be forwarded to us dai'v. No can- vass.ng; no previous experienceiequired, but plain writers preferred, Permanent work to those content to earn $ti or mo -e weekly inspare time. Apply to WARREN PVD. CO., LONDON, OHT. What Fitzpatrick Said. What. do ]oval Canadians, in this year of tier nviiesty's diaurond jubilee, think of the following, uttered in the Canadian house of conimons by at min- ister of the Canadian caoinet, Hon, Mr. Fitzpatrick, the solicitor-genern.i of Canada? Few people realised the extent of papal power and influence. The ta)kcd of tho powerof Eng- land. Russia, or Germany, but theso were as nothing compared with the influence of he who presided at the vatican. Mv. Fitzpatrick is entirely out of place as it cabinet minister of a British colony. Our esteemed friends of the Laurier stripe erre carrying things with a high hand these days. AIr. Laurier sat in his place and heard those words uttered, and made no protest, and yet this same AI►•. Laurier proposes to go to England in June, accompanied by a guard of hon- or of loyal Canadian volunteers, to do "honor" to the Queen so lightly spok- en of by his colleague, and, perchance, to accept it mark of distinction at her, hands. It would be much more in conformity with the fitness of things if he were to make a pilgrimage to Rome and come back as chevalier of something or other with a pair of white breeches, as Ilia late friend Count Mercier did. What do the Grits of Ontario think of these things? Does the fact that their party is in office deaden even their loyalty P The election of Mr. Joseph Lauzon to the Manitoba Legislature for St. Boniface has been protested. Two little boys, named Oliver Cou- mans and Tony Wingfelder, each about ten years of age, vrere playing Corbett and Fitzsimmons on Saturday at Wal- kelrton, Ont., in the presence of a large assemblage of embryo pugilists, when at the fifth round .Fitzsimmons knock- ed Corbett out and broke his arm. The lads had a regular ring, with seconds, referee and time -keeper. Corbett's re- presentative was named after Sir Oliver Mowat and Is a son of 'John Coumans, proprietor of the Wall er House. He is rather seriously injured. 1IeuWANTED withIntelligentgood educaton, who want to better the'r positions, and would be content for a year with $600 and expenses. Write us, with description and occupation, and we will make a proposition for now or the future, Also needed, reliable men for Australia. Write today, for we are in a hurry. The ltInuager, 49 Richmond St. West Tbronto, Ont., Farm For Sale. South half Lot No. 25, 17th concession, Gode 'I(h 'Township, one little no, til of Clinton, ('0111- irked 0f 40 acres mono or less. T:i i, • 1a nd is all seared and in fair stato of cultivation. Well enced and pIeiity of cedar on the pronerty. rare baro 40:cb`f), stone stable 30::,11, V, ill be old reasoiiable and on tel its to sn)o purchaser. Por particulats apply at Tun. NEws-i:ECORD flic•e, or to JAINtEs H. COr.CLOeOH, Heafryn '. O. A Rare Opportunity, For Sale, 150 acres, A I grain or stock farm, (-i aces cleared, balance unctllled hardwood. olid brick house, &a; frame barn 2(•:;30; stable 5x.57; sheep house 12x23; good weer. Con. •enient to 3 grain elevators, mills, &c. Cood oads and fres from all obiox'ous weeds. F•c. Vill take resident property in C,!, on pnrt tly. Inquire at THE NEws-ltE(01'00;I)Cc. 940-3 to —` Wanted An Idea Who eon think or eome .think thing W Datent7 Protect yyour Ideas; theyy may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBIIRN t2 CO.. Patent Atter• i neya Washington, D. C., for their $1,600prle0 otter and list of two hundred inventions wanted. 0 - McKillop Directory for 1897. -John Morrison, Reeve. Winthrop P, O, W'm. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, Leadbury I'. O, Daniel Manley, Conn0'-'o^. Beechwood P, O, Jos. C. Morrison. C'ouac.;I,or, B:echwood P. O. Wm. McGavin, CounclOo•, Lead.inry P. 0. Jno. C. Morrison, Clerk, M LWa op 1'..0. William Evans, Assessor, L'ecr'iwood P. O. David M. Ross,'Treasurei•, Winthrop P. 0. Charles Dodds, Collector•, Seaforth I' 0, Richard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector, Leadbury. McLeod's System Renovator --AND OTHER— Tested Remedies, SPECIFIC AND ANTMOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia,floe lessness, Palpatation of the Heart, Livor Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary biseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen. eral Debility. LABORA•r•ORY, CODERICN ONT. J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold ill Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WiLSON. Property For Sale, A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In cont equence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendid geideningg PM perry eimaisting of ilve and a half sores In 0 Inton, eome of the beet land In the county of Ifturon, Includ. Ing hot beds and other neoessary requirements, Thor. is on the premisea a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings T a ld t hoH ytlo river e adjoins bepro party. Will sell at a reabonAble pride for half -easH and balance smintod by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a obanee seldom nietwith, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 891-t f. ' (I►Inton offiece supplo es •�ti •1—o.^�•�•�-�•��••e�-�•v1.��r.-•s••v. ��rlvvr Job Printin-g. "W-I%Wl%�,%�-,%�Ift�--%.��-%,�-%�-w-%.-�vio.�-,." - The News -Record Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any tow') or city in the Goods we handle or the D1.1M.,w.fi..,Quote '10Y. *1,,.� duality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest something you may be in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our•efTorts' to please will meet with the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line we have a very fine stock of writing papers suitable for every class of business represented in this locality, also for private use. Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads These fill an irlipot tantplacein crnn- unercialcorrespondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If the "pay-as-you-go" plan was the of Ce. of the day the demand for ve-oilnt• paper would not be so gre_t ; but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and A present our stock is com- plete in this line. Good paper and neat ruling. Statements Our stock is hu•ae. The rotne cheaper than bilI heads, and a e the proper thing to send after a delinquent once, a month. They are sure to fetch hirn 'round-- sometitue. Envelopes We inn kea specialty of'ri)ve'ones. Yon know it wonld he ::• :,, to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for - them we keep a large a stock on g hand. Plain ot• Printed we ire offering sorr e great snaps.. O, o line in particular is going off fa.i- 50 for 5c. Commerical Printing A vast amount of work under this head to enumerate would more than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t, but we do it all at THE NEWS -RECORD. Invitations to an "At Home" or- a w )ding require considerable taste i;i lec- tion sometimes, but we IH• ' it an easy matter by keeping fin i wk the very latest and best sat to be had. Call and see. Circulars We excel in fall the different kinds Of work we turn out, and, particu- larly ill this, and keep in stock Plain and fancy papers suitable fur all r I lin-eul.ents. Programs Of entertainments and n;eetings promptly turned out, from the plain and neat to the most elegant, Cards and Tickets These cover a large range Of work, from a bread and milk ticket to a neat calling card, from all or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or it handsomely printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line. THE NEws-RECORD can supply every design, quality mid price ow the market, Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the: f::ct that Ave always clo good work I give superior satisfaction in all l espects. Dodgers r• e en,'y in demand. our facili- i c', a e snper•ior for this class of vro k v'id the Very reasonable, )i•'^1 -s L c•ep our presses busy, --1 S. e Bills S Nti e make a specialty if h i— . eci, 1 c ter 1 p Y p' om;-ni sass being our 1LI1r1 in thio resperi;. A notice of sale will ap- pear in THE NEwis-RECORD free of charge when bills for same are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographical printing line can ,)e done in this establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and Our prices will be found very reason- able. 0 0 If you want-��. Mourniml Papers and Envelopes For correspondence we can give you up -to -elate goods. IVe also carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing Planer, &C, &C. In, thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support is solicited. TOO dews-flecorg, CLM' 'OX, o ■ MI t I „r • -