HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-14, Page 5No time
d; bike the
N Present time
To have your eyes tested especially if
i they are giving you any trouble.
This applies both to those of you
r, who do not wear glasses and to
P' • those who do. if you do not wear
theta and your eyes trouble you
most likely you require either
Masses or medical treatment; there
rs no time like the present time for
yyou to find out which because de -
title dangerous, 'tis easier now
to make your eyes right than it
will be a month or a year front
now. If you are now wearing
glasses and your eyes still 1 rouble
yotr most likely the lenses tire not
what they should be or you too
ma require the physcittns ser vices.
Gall on us. It costs you nothing
for examination. If treatment, is
necessary we recommend the phy-
sician, but if, as in most cases,
glasses are all that is required we
i guarantee to flit you right at a
moderate cost and SATISFY or
refund your looney.
Allen & Wilson,
See our window for VALUE in Soaps.
—the reliable --
Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.
' y Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned and ro,
novated at reasonable prices.
f MIF'Orders left at BROADFOOT & I3Ox'S
store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly int,
tonded to.
heads Win in Business!
Our business is to 1111 heads with practical
knowledge, The Lending Commercial
School in Canoda today. Nine beautiful
college rooms; excellent teachers; moderate
rates; enter at any time ; circulars free.
,j W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Your Watch
Repairing .. .
%v Is properly cared for
When you trust it with
us. We have every
r known facility and a
— practical workman to
do it correctly.
.A. Brooch Pin
receives the greotest
+` cure here.
Your Watch
examine 1 free, or clean-
ed and regulated for
only $1,00.
B. Rum'ball,
• JEWEL•ER, and Bell Telephone,
From a man that cannot fit you pro-
perly. Our Mr. A. T. COOPER took
a, course in the Optical Institute of
Canada, and his certificate bears testi-
mooy to his ability to properly fit
frames and glasses. We shall be
.` plened to test your eyes at any time,
and tell you wether you need glasses
or, not. Don't debty coming if your
eyes trouble you.
Wm. Cooper & Co.
I'! Notice.
%I All who have any claims against the Estate of
i + J. Biddlecombe are requested to call at the
,v Store and make settlement by the twit of
APRIL, and all who are indebted will please
settle by the 15TH OF APRIL.
Machine Opepatops Wonted
'} On Shirts and Shirt Waists.
k Beginners taught.
Apply at once
House and Lot for Sale by Tender.
k uppTto the first day received by
1897 undersigned
ire the pud
odtase.of the ono -storey Dwelling and Lot on
Albert Street north Clinton,recently occupied
by the late Mrs. d'i'm. Harland. Tome and
conditions will be made known HARLAtNDlBaos.
Clinton, April 6th, 1807. 959--4t
A Watch
"Ticks**** d0 OO 40
O pV O�V VapV
No Parallel Case
In the History of British
141 912,000 times every year.
1 The various wheels revolve from
to Globe. Mr. McInnes, who is a mem-
N► Clarke Wallace
8,768 to 4,730,430 time, ann•
ed reasotie why the Globe had taken
Fall Wheat ................... 0 70 to 0 7;
the stand it took upon the Crow's Nest
Pass railway Whereupon
ally, and yet we commonly hud
Poultry News.
on the klion of the
watehes that have been allowed
Vancouver man was a liar. Thereup-
on Mr. McInnes made threat that he
potatoes per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 2,
would hail the editor of the Globe be
to run Elva or ton years with.?ut
cleaningor fresh oil. If your
Poultry fanciers +ire Invited to contribute
He Speaks in apliamentron the
watch is good treat it as you
Inc" hoots for this column, for Which there
would any other piece of in -i-
will be u0 charge. Ordhnar advertisements
will be •1fl cents for each lisertio"Manitoba
Mrs. Muir has
School Question.
Langshans, Brown
Turkeys per lb .............. 0 06 to 0 0'
this paper mads deliberately on the floor of par-
a charge that we brand as a falsehood
Leghorns, and several other varieties.
I and its author as a liar and a slanderer.
We de all Repairing
p g
In 1882 the late Will. Murray sub-
Hub -
scribed $5 for a poultry show ilk Clin-
And Finds Himself Just About
P Y+
Where The News -Record
John Shobbrook of Hullett is a fowl
fancier and is said to have some good
P. Rocks.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon has fine pens of
The report of Hon. N. Clarke Wal -
Black Minorcas, Buff Cochins and
lace's speech on the Manitoba school
and Satisfactorily.
Guinea Fowi.
question is given below as it appeared
Richard Forden of Stapleton received
in the daily press :-
from Charing Cross it setting of Iapr
Mr. Wallace, while disapproving of
Cornish Game eggs..
long debates on the address, felt this
Mr. Will. Wallace of Londerhoro
to be his only opportunity of express -
himself the settlement made
B. Crows
has secured from Fabus of New York
State a setting of Brown Leghorn
wit Manit ld
with the himself
cunflnt himself to this
to thissu'ta6et. he
Mr. Walter his Eng-
bill introduced by the lateGo��er went
Coats lost one of
was, he said, calculated to satisfy the
lish Red Caps and had a lively time
hierarchy more than the settlement
corahng the ' d n the inarket
now errnved at There were anumber
�- •J eweller-•and _.-._ .
a care
of clauses m this settlement which he
Expert Watch
`r v
Mr. King from near Bayfield was inspecting
wou 'd`consiiler'ro tie` hf�ztl7ty `-6-r-0911 S1
if the settlement should be brought be -
Clinton poultry one dtty
last week and was well pleased with
fore this House, but this would not be
Some of these clauses com-
pelled Roman Uittholic teachers to be
Ogle Coopers "warranted spring
display to advan-
employed in schools by the dismissal
Clinton Horticultural Society.
chickens" are shown
tage in the plate front. The mother
of Protestant teachers, not because of
incapacity, but merely for arhitrary
nn:nrncRsruri*EE $t.00,
and brood are worthy the Easter sea-
4easons. They had heard that when
this settlement was reached with Man -
On payment, of membership foe each member
1897 is
Mr. Walt4r Coats hits received an
itoba the country would hear no more
of the Clinton Hort !cultural Society for
order for Cornish Game eggs
I of it. (Here, hear.) never shared
entitled to it choice of anyone of the following
from East Chatham, N. Y. state. Ile
in such cordial anticibations, and to -
Collections of Seeds, Bulbs or Plants,
has also received inquires from Inger-
day they saw the time of the Dominion
COLLUCTION No. 1—SEEDS-1 pkt. each. Tall
Mixed Asters, Mixed Balsauls, Mixed Dianthus
soil La r to and other points.
gist l
Parliament tak n. up for the first week
Ali 6fnonette Mawlict, International Pa nsies,
Phlox Drummond! Shireley Poppies, Stoci"
White &May of St Marys say:-
witltadiscussion of th egneetion brought
on by the Government. (Criesof "Oh I")
white Mixed Vor6enas, Empress Candytuft,
Mixed Snapdragon joz, Dwf. Nasturtium, lox.
I. To make :t hen lay, hit her with it
club. Toet. a good suit made to our
The attitude of George Brown on Sep -
Mixed Sweet Potts.
Cot.t,ECTioN No. 2.-Bl_'LT38 -2 Cannas,2 Dah•
order for $12.50, leave your rueas-
ure with a racticaltail or and cutter."
orate schools was reviewed. His action
lit guaranteeing a measure of Separate
liar, 1 Single Tuberous Begonia. 12 Gladioli, 1
schools to Roman Catholics was aecep-
Amaryllis Belladona, I spotted Calla, 2 Tuber-
Mr, A. J. Holloway is branching out
ted then by •the hierarchy as a finality.
ores, t Japan Iris.
and has bought. from T. C. Edmonds
Now they had the question over again,
COLLECT►o,i No. 3,—PLANT8.-15 1{yacl,lths
for winter Blooming.
the flock of Light Brahnlas lie purehas-
and a delegate coaling from Rome to
Uor.r.ECTrON No. 4 -PLANTS. --1 Abutlion' i
Begonia Art:entoa Guttata, 1 Bogonia Vernon;
r :Cud expects
e froth Thos. A. Walker.
to have some good results in thtfall.
nit in it. In succession tl
had the Abbe Proulx, Messrs. I)ro
I Chry8alltllenllint, 1 Fuscllia, 1 Hydrange
t single, IGen. Gra,
Master Lorne C. Todd has about
let, Russell and the Solicitor General
I Varilums,
1 Ivy leaved, 1 Variegated.
I Ivy leave
thirty Barred Plymouth Rock chicks
going to Rome on this mission as in -
COLLECTION NO. 5.—PLANTS.-2o Geraniums,
from his pen, Walter Coats has a Min-
orca hatch, and Lack Kennedy an-
dividnals. This course of appeal wits,
he held, one which they should never
Other batch of beautiful White Rocks.
have taken. In going to Rome these
Everything offered in the above collections is
Strictlyfirst-class, Anyone wishing to become
J. W. Irwin shows a pair of birds
men had violated the rights and privi-
leges which belonged to the House, in
a member of the Society can hand their name
and membership fee to Mr. Coats or any ulem-
and eggs galore in his window.�Ve
have not learned the breeding strain,
having the ablegate,'Mgr. Merry del
ber of the Society.
but they are evidently great layers,
orae a Government
Val, come to Canada,
W. J. FORD, President.
J. C. GILROY, 1st vice -Pres,
the kind that ria the Easter season
was c to itself to Hoarse which
he certainly would not approve of nor
H. FOSTER, 2nd vice -Pres,
W. COATS, See.-Treas,
of an egg nature.
which, he believed, would the people
Lack Kennedy has more than paid
of Canada. The visit of Mgr. Merry
for his several flocks from the sales of
del Val furnished a case without paral-
eggs sold for hatcbin He believes
lel in the history of any of the British
advertising tin con
possessions, a
Valuable FA$lIl LNDS
sequence secured good results.the
course which the pecple f Mnito-
her purchasers is Mr.
roan of c
Among y p
should 1 eke. He faun d that Dot
bas cult t
Noah Stauffer ofStrimsburg, 1Vaterloo
only had the Minister of Public Works
county, its direct result of advertisingsigned
. the potit.ion to his Holiness,
asking that a relpresentative be sent to
I'nderand by virtue of the power of sale
A few days since an old resident
this country, blit hnd actually signed
contained in a certain mortgage, which will be
produced at the .sale, dwro will be oirered for
died and in going over the old papers,
it as :t :uenlher of the Government.
(Cries of -No.") Quoting from the re -
sale at
&c.,c., a copy of the Poultry Review
issued at Strathroy and dated Sept.,
port Mr. Wallace read, "I say, its it
by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the
1882, was found, addressed to "Walter
niruiher oPthis Government, I signed
it and I it it.." (Applause.)
Commercial Hotel, s Clinton
Coats, Clinton." Among many other
things it said: -"The fanciers of Clin-
These were his own words, he said,
ton and neighborhood are talking of
and who authorized him to speak for
Saturda , the 24th da of g rid
getting 111) a poultry show in that
the Parliament. of Canada, for"the peo-
1897, at 2 lock p, in., the follwing prolperty�
town this. winter. There. are quite a
nuunber• of live fandil I'S ill that section,
plc of the Dominion? He certainly
did not represent hint (Mr. Wallace).
tiz: -
Lot number 13 in the Maitland Concession
and we have no doubt could mance it
They had protested in,2,the House in
of tho Townshi 1 of GOdo•iuh in the Count of
1 y
show a success."
the strongest matnne1, against an
g ' g Y
Huron sating and excepting thercout three
at.tei n A being made by the hierarchy
separate parcels heretofore conveyed to the
_- -_:___ --- -
to influence the electors, and he was
County of11orou the Township of Goderich and
etre Maly white.
Clinton Poultry Yards,
sure the le of Canada would resent
people ) I
TERMS: -IO percent. of thepurchasedownl
I ----
anything of the kind. They bad no
on the clay of the Sade and the balance in 30
white Plymouth Rocks. Thebest all around
right to dictate to or threaten the peo-
days thereafter without intorest, Thoproperty
w 1 s silb'c
ill re old .c t to a reserved price. Furth.
.) t
fowl known for table and cg( s. A limited
r hatching a ,
number IlnhCl' � Of E r s will be Sohl t0 t
1t hg
ple• But he noticed that the Solicltor-
General did not object to, their enter-
er terms sail prnrticulars made lanOtvn at the
OI'Ill 11 application :l 1
sale } 0 Pl C LIUII tl L1tC undersigned.
$1vit for 13 and orders booked in rotation. An
invitation Oln CxtCtnd Cd to inspect illy fowl. I a1N0
terenee, and did not o to Rome to
have Light Brahmas and Silver Duckwing
protest, Indeed, he went further, and
Vendors Solicitor.
Bantams. Prices on application.
said there were times when such inter -
fere Ree was advisable. The Solicitor -
-- --
General said too that he thought the
Clinton, 29th March, 1897. .9,58-4t
Hieh Class Poultry,
Manitoba mipority had not received
all they should contend for, and
Wheat For Sale,
wised there in 'the same speech to
For Sale it t uantiL • of good nose wh •
1 r g g `ht
suil:thle for sowing with oats. Price right.
English Red Caps. Noted for their great
attempt to get no more at present.
The inference then was that this was
Apply to
Egg producing qualities and hating no super -the
first instalment, and that
lops also a good table fowl. Some of
I they should contend for more at a
-- - - - - ------ --- -
Dress Cutting School.
the above were winners at New York,
London, Toronto. Eggs for aotting 13for $1.511,
Cornish Indian game, king of table fowl, also
future date. The session of the Legis -
lature was at an end, but trains would
The school dress is
Cod layers. Roosters weighing 10 to It lbs.;
be laid and arrangements made for
of cutting open at the
Nvaverly Hotel, Clinton. A new tailor system,
the leading the Covers
hens 7 t; 8 pomds. Eggs per setting $2.00.
WALT COATS, Box 102, Clinton, Ont.
reopeningthe matter at the next ses-
sion, because Mgr. Merry del Val had
systein of world. the
entire rang of work. Cuts every style of gar-
meat on the goods, no refitting, no
Will guarantee it fair hatch.
significantly said to an interviewer:
costs no nnorc than a chart. Lessons given at
own home Special
Eggs for Hatching,
"flight there not be an amendment?"
The whole proceeding was wrong front
your without extra charge.
rates to Dross ittakers and girls from the coup-
try. The Clinton ladies
W I few
beginning to end. i>uigr. Merry del Val
should not miss this
chance to perfect themselves in this important
Silver Laced andottes. can spare a
settings of this celebrated breed, which are one
had no ri ht to come here in the
capacity that he grid announced him -
work. Upon daily for one month.
April 13. 9fi0 4-t
of the most popular of fowls, being good layer,
and not excelled for table use; Also Rotten
self, viz., as an agent to settle this
Duck Eggs: pair of ducks for sale cheap.
question. The people who would not
. —
Eggs, per setting of 13 $1,
Frtnxx EBox
submit to the dictation of the hiev-
Political Points.
957-tf Y. U. Box lay, Clinton,
arch would certainly not yield to the
Y, Y e
dictation of a delegate sent here by
Lord Aberdeen took the other gov-
Cariada, Mgr. Merry
" -- --
the Pope in order to coerce them to
legislation inimical to their own
ernor of del Val,
Choice Eggs for Hatebing.
denounced the
out for carriage exercise yesterday.
interests. Mr. Wallace
Kincardine Review: -"Old Snbscib-
banning of newspapers in the Province
of Quebec, and said that if this was
er" wants to know what use the On-
tario government could possibly have
Barred Plymouth Rock are acknowledged to
not an illegal act the Government
for 52 packs of playing cards. He is
be among the very best all-round fowl on the
should not hesitate a moment mak-
hereb reminded that a short time ago
y g
market. I have 1st and 2nd prize winning birds
scored by Mr. L. G. Jarvis, Ontario Govern-
in)r it such. Parliament should take
such steps as would prevent It repeti-
was on the cards that the govern-
inent would appeal to the country
mont Jutdgo. Pisco $1,50 for 13 eggs,
India Cornish Game aro not ffghting birds, as
tion of this wrong -doing in the future.
this year.
many suppose. For table use they have no
Door, the fresh rosombling that of the turkey,
There should be interference with
the meanest or lowest of her Majesty's
Hamilton Spectator: -The temper-
while for eggs the India (lornish Gamo are ,n
the front My
subjects. Dealing with the fiscal
once folic will have to make another
journey to Ottawa. The seductive
rank. pon aro. st prize winners,
scored b Government Jud 0 L. G. Jarvis.
uestion, Mr. Wallace said it seemed
that the Conservatives had converted
coclt rtil, the inspiring brandy and
Price $2 13 eggs.
Orders must now be Rued -as they are re-
the supporters of the Government to
curacoa, and the soothing coll►ns are
the former's views on the National
again to be had the precincts"
n- sat nn te„
Polis .
o the house of commons, as well as at
the senate bar.
There's a merry war between Mr,
McInnes of Vancouver, and the Toron-
(Corrected every Tuoe4ay aftornoen.)
to Globe. Mr. McInnes, who is a mem-
e[ INTort.
ber of the Dominion parliament, alleg-
ed reasotie why the Globe had taken
Fall Wheat ................... 0 70 to 0 7;
the stand it took upon the Crow's Nest
Pass railway Whereupon
Barley.......................... 0 25 to 0 81
Uats ............................. 0 16 to 0 1
Globe promptly mentioned that the
Peas .............................. 0 36 tc- 0 81
Vancouver man was a liar. Thereup-
on Mr. McInnes made threat that he
potatoes per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 2,
would hail the editor of the Globe be
Butter ........... ............... 0 11 to 0 l;
Eggs per,doz0 8 to 0 1
fore the bar of the house, and the Lord
only knows what awful thing might
Hay .............................;. 8 00 to 8 01
happen then. But the Globe is not
Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 61
discouraged. It inviteq Mr. McInnes
Apples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 31
to go on with his show, and says:
Dried Apples per lb........ 025, to 0 Z,If
the Globe made an attack on Mr. McInnes
Ducks per lb ................. 0 0to 0 01
it was in rept to a scandalous charge a9rainst
Turkeys per lb .............. 0 06 to 0 0'
this paper mads deliberately on the floor of par-
a charge that we brand as a falsehood
I and its author as a liar and a slanderer.
1 Chickens per pair....,....... 0 25 to 0 31
News Notes.
Dr. von Stephan, Imperial Secretar,
of State for the.¢erman Postal Depart
ment, died Thursday.
The Dominion Government ha
stopped the practice of giving prisoner
in the penitentiaries tobacco for goof
Mr. Charlton's bill to provide for 1
better ,observance of the Lords Da:
was given it second reading in th
House of Commons.
The Hon. Frederick Arthur Wellee
ley, third son of the flesh Earl Cowley
was granted a divorce Thursday fron
his wife, Kate Vaughan, the actress
upon the grounds'c)f her misconduc
with a member of hee►►,r company of th
-name of Lorrimore.
Brantford Red Birds ---b
Massey -Harris Bicycle
lire built on Honor and will drive you satisfaction.
Call and get catalogue. It-O'DOn't forget tbat we have one of ;he'finest Blcyclls
Repair Shops in Ontario.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton,
We Have a Good Deal
L.0 . do...x...
With your Horne Comforle and if you consult us when you are thinking
about FURNITURE it will pay you. You can enjoy all the comforts
of life if you only buy from our stock of newlEasy Chairs and Lounges,
We have just now a complete stock of new styles in
Side Boards,
Bedroom sets, n
Parlor suites, -
.-Dining-room Chairs,
and when you are into your house-cleaning you will be reminded of
some necessary piece.of Furniture, think of us and we will do the rest.
We would like to get into every house in town with some of our new
Lounges -they are up -to date.
We are looking after in the very best manner possible, Every Funeral
we are entrusted with «e will guarantee to give a first-class service and
with a very moderate price, AerAll Sunday and night calls answered
from residence Hurd St., West.
H. C. Barlett Furniture and
9 Undertaker,
Brooms! Brooms! Brooms!
• • •• erre•
Now that house cleaning has commenced Brooms will be required by all who
realize that cleanliness i- uekt to Godliness, We give a: good, strong and Service-
able Broom free of costae every purchaser of 100 lbs. of Flour at $`L and $"115. '
7k lbs. rolled oatmeal .............. 15c G lbs. Rice for only ...... ...........25c
7 Farina for ..... ...........15c 7 " White Beans only............loe
15 Corn meal only..............25c Laundry Soap, 2 3 Ib, bars for ...... 25c
10 Rolled Wheat only .... ...25c Laundry Soap, 7 bars...............25c
Laundry Starch, 6c per- lb,
Great Bargaips In Sugars. Oats, Barley, Bran, Chop, Shorts, `8tc.,,in stock at
close prices, xFj'I;ggs wanted.
' e•••o®•e••ss•o•e
0.OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton.
Political Points. BIRTHS.
1l0mms.-At the rectory, Seaforth, on Tues -
In the House of Commons, Mr. John t da,April 6th, to Rel-. Mural Dean and Mrs.
Ross Robertson, M. P., expressed our Hodgins, Itwins)son and daughter.
views exactly when lie said:- Dow -,.-At. Usbornc, on the 29tH ult., the
`'I have no hesitation in stating that info of Robt. Down, of a daughter.
this so -culled settlement, adjustsnt Mc0.t-,cnv.-In Seaforth oil the 7th inat.,
or compromise -call it what you tvt - the wife of Josopli McClinchy, hotelkoeper, of
is not only unsatisfactory but ob,jec- a yOt
tionable to me. I have secured a copy Itrnp.-Iu Seaforth, on the 28th of March, the
of this Manitoba bill. No man or wife of James Reid, Miller, of a daughter.
woman to Canada should be r3xclucledC'AnrrnELL.=Id Fast Watvanosh, on April 3,
from the puhhc servire or employed in the wife of Jamess C
tmpbcll, a daughter
the public service because of that rS.-Ln Exeter, on the 3rd ins(„ the
man's or woman's religious belief. ASDFrON
tvof is D. A. Anderson, of a daughter.
Therefore, I object to, I think, clause 4,
which provides under certain circuu,_ ALLISON. - in Usbo'ne, Thames Road
scan^,es, for the employment of school C, April 6th, the wife of John Allison of a
teachers of a certain religious faith. ghee .-Ln Blyth, on April 6th, the wife of
That clause is in direct conflict with Mr. J. B. Kelly, otadon Ap i (still the
my ideal( of what is right and just. ,
And I object furthermore, to clause 10, - '--
which provides for the instruction of MARRIAGES.
the pupils in language other than Eng-
lish. 1 believe it is unwise to perpetn- BruranroOT-LAVDsnotiocotL-At the resi-
dence of John Lanclsborough, by the Rev. Mr.
ate differences of language in this Muir, Bruceflold, Samuel Broadfoot to Miss
country, and on that point also I find .loan Landsborough,+both of Tuckcremdtb.
myself at war with this so-called set- INKSATER—`yELSti.—Inn Exeter, on the 6th
tlenient of the Allitnitoba school goes- list., at the residence of the brido'e parents, by
tion, I cannot say that this settlement Rov- H. W. Locke, Mr. J. R. Inksater, of Paris,
is a compliance with all the, Principles to Miss Mary, daughter of Wm. Welsh.
which I wits senthereto uphold, Butthe RAMSAv-BATES.-At Rocky River, Ohio, on
question arises, what have I to do or the :10th ult., by Rev. H. Richards at the read -
what has this House to do with howBence of the brido's parents, J. M. hamsay eel
of James Ramsay of Exeter to Miss dlive
Manitoba chooses to deal with her own I Blanche, daughter of Edward Bates.
business ? I was elected on it protest -
against this Parliament's interference DEATHS.
with Manitoba, when Manitoba was
doing right, and I hold that this Par- COLEMAN. -In Egrnondville, on Thursday,
;hrintina McKay'
cKa wife of Mr. James
liament has no business to interfere April 8th, c y,
with Manitoba even when, in my ,judg Coleman, aged 40 years, 7 months, and two
Ment, Manitoba is doing wrong. Hlerrs__ In Exeter ANorth, on the 2nd invert„
News Notes.
Herr von Stephen, the Imperial Post
master -General of Germany, who wit!
to have been the chief representative
of Germany at the Washington Posta:
Congress, is dying.
The half -yearly meeting of the Grant
Trunk railway was held in London
Wednesday, with Sir. Chas. Rivers
Wilson in the chair. The report
which was very favorable, was adopt
ed. -
Fears are entertained that there wil
boa serious flood in Winnipeg wher
the ice commences to move in the Ree
river. At Emerson the' river rose
nearly -six feet in twenty-four hours.
Alex. McKittrick, a well-known ant
highly respected farrier, who live!
about a mile from Orangeville, Ont..
stabbed himself in the heart Wednes
day with a large butcher knife. De
ceased was about fifty-five years of age
and was in good flnancial cnrcumstam
rock, rolictof the late William Horn, aged 78
soBars, 13 days.
HUGHES. -In Seaforth, on April Ist, Patrick
Hughes, agod 77 years.
MILLER.—In Goderich townshipp on April 8th,
Eliza, relict of the late Jacob Miller, aged 71
MOFFAT.-At the Winnipeg Hos Its], on
27th March. Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr.
Wm. Moffat, aged 67 years. .
James M. Williamson, fifteen years
old, was 'Thursday givenan injection
of autitoxine at the Uhristian Olphans
Home, in St. Louis, Mo., and in forty
minutes he was a corpse.
Auction Sale Register.
Parties having their sale bills prtntod at Til$
NFwe-RECORD office will be gyer1 a free notice
similar to the following until he date of waw -
SATURDAY, APRIL %th.-Mortgap
sale of lot 13, Maitland concession,
Goderich tow hi at the Commercial
hotel, Clinton, at Yr O'clock P. nn., James
Scott, solicitor P. T1iQWPwgt atictlon-
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