The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-14, Page 4,
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WNW 1cr� les
0"' NX, Q a 0WONOV,DD A Rvz�
*OltiR�w�ll�tilttltDoa®tA®mA _� IThe Brantford Courier has
We have decided to plit those fetus- fnterestin Su[uluai f the misdotn s
our) GOLD M8DAL„W111a11.1.S "I both g Y
our Goderu•h AndClfutuu Li vrrfes aril I of the Hardy -Ross Government and of
having purchased Inure 111.11 Ivr will i the cb•eninstanees whicho point to its
need at a very close prier aur prepared ' dtafent at the next general election. Ill,
to give Soule of our cusLuulerq the I c•ounecLion there with it gives a list of
benefit. cunstltuences in which members were
We will not quote pricca here but �I•uubt ltd-
Viso intending oustoulors whu have the dash m' Let urned by majorities of less thhn a
negotiable paper to call and see us, Lt'u "ave a
number of secund-hand whools wiri,ti we are I hoodred, The following rs the list tt'
selling our voryy ohoap. out 5urrdriu„ and Ito- I wised and brought up to date :—
patrs will satiety you, rcuruurbur Nye are bestir M AJ.
quarters for everything in liioycles. W. I.UI uirito S. Norfolk ... , ....... 21
•�o�Y�on�• M. G. McLean, S. Huron .......... ..22
N,S Bicycle and Music F. Fareweli, E. Al �onaa....•......,00
EMERSO House, Clinton, Hon. It. Harcourt, 1unck.......... 67
J. J. Flatt, N. Wentworth .......... 70
__ ___--- - -- T. W. Chapple, N. Ontario .... . ....78
J T G • •ow W Huron .... • . .
The Hum of our
Wall Paer
maty be heard At any hour of the
dap, .trying to keep pace with the
deniand for our beautifid new
Without -ia doubt our stock is larger
and better than was ever shown in
Clititon before, and we invite cou-
pa risen to prove our Stat!'nieuts.
An experience has taught its where.
Ivhat, spiel how to buy, And we are
sure we can please you Ill quality,
style and price.
We would liko to sell you it few Win -
duty Blades and Curtain Poles, as
well as it good ball of Wall Paper.
w1c. r
W. ll,iBigga r, W. Hastings ........ 81
J. M, Merman, Welland ..............91
J.'1'. Middleton, L. Hamilton...... 100
J. McNeil, S. Perth ................. 23
J. Haggerty, N. Hastings. • ..... • .. all
A. (`•urrie, W. Siurcoe.............. 87
A, F. Gerd, W. Lttulbt.on ........... 88
R. T. Preston, N. Lanark.......... 20
J. W. St. John, W. York......... , 53
W. H. Reid, W. Durham.......... 131
It will thus be Seen that there are
ten Liberals, four Patrons and Inds-
pendents (three of whom may now be
regarded orters of the Govern-
ment.), and only three Conservatives
who were elected by rnatjoi iLies of One
hundre(1 or less, A change of at very
t,— urates: w2t1ld j.11us result in the
9CIV �fdxttrtioelutilb. .
Shirty—A. J. Morrish.
Furniture -1-1. C. Baeletf.
Fps—The W. D. Fair Co.
Ihcycles—Geo. F. hmerson.
Boys suits—A. J. Holloway.
Eyes tested—Alien & Wilson.
Watch cleaning -1-1. B. Crews.
Wall Paper—N'1' Cooper R Co.
Millinery—W. H.
Cooper h Co.
Millinery—W. H. Beesley R Co.
Millinery display—Hodgens Bros.
(:lose buying--fackson & Jackson.
Retady-ruade Clothing--Jacksntl Bros.
Goose Wheat for sale—John O.
Dress hutting school — Waverly
—.--- —
The Huron News -Rea -ora
, 1 26 it Yeat-411,00 in Advance
This' week THE -NEWS-RECORD is
riving some space to the remarks of
, nembers of Parliament who indirectly
tssisted in returning the Grit part -y to
power. Their, object, we are free t0
confess, was on another line—to carry
out thedictatesof theirowncensciences
--bot last June and for sonita time pre-
vious to that date they were so short-
sighted that, as this journal predicted,
they were preparing a lash for their
own backs. Those of our, own house
hold persisted. in pursuing their owr
way and succeeded in defeating the
Conservative party, but only on th(
Manitoba. school question. The fisca'
poli^y of the Conservative party—s(
long tried and never, found wanting—
was riot the teat. Race hatred, unfor
tunately, wits the key -note, and the
Grits fanned the torch. Conservatives
at least many of them, were innocen
enough to jump into the flames, ala
the result is now clear. By voting fo
third party candidates, and in othe
cases where Conservatives refused t
t till, Grit ritember•s of parliamen
were elected and the Laurier part,
were retui tied to power. Immediatel
at verylarge propoStion of these menlbet
—whom the McCarthyites 1NDIRECI
LT assisted to elect—sign a petition t
the Pope of Rome to interfere in Car
adian politics in order that matter
may be made smooth :and easy for th
. La��,rser Grit party. .Last. June w
, could not understand the hostile att
tilde of many loyal electors in swallov
ing their professions of so many year
neither can TT3E NEWS -RECORD no'
understand why it is that so man
Food Grits --some of them McCarth'
rtes who so strongly denounced 9
John Thompson because he was
Roman Catholic—openly endorsin
the presence of the Poppe of Rome's g
presentative to settle Laurier's dififco
ties. Never before in the loo histol
of the,British Empire has such a pr
reeding been recorded. Former Co
1{e.; y,i.tives are to it very largeeirtei
responsible, but we do most sincere
41Gthey Will have seen the very gra'
•error of their a(3tions, and that the til
nVill never again oceur during the pre
ent generation.
. .Schools:
I °
I>i lel* )t oxtr to the, olonens of this
co(lntry.. ' (Loud Opposition obeers. )
T)ealinq w[tIIMr. 'larte'y description
of thcl, situation in Quehee its a Ar"
for civil liberty. Mr. Clark thought
It was regrettable that there should be
such a condition of affairs in that pro -
Once as the Minister had as,itimed
Q er the responsibility of declaring to exist,
EE Gla�l�e M F SpB��S While they had reason to congratulate
F. • •� • themselves its British subjects awn
the wonderful slides the L+mpite �ad
------ I olade, such a slate of affairs As
desSatisfi ed and Diss�Jtisfi ed spot rued was Majesty's
's d a dark
spot upon her Airtjesty's duluiuiuus.
Mr. Clarke gave, further extracts
----- from Mr. TarLe'S Speech, the effect of
I'lIT GRIT APPEAL TO RU1f11: which was that an nppeal had been
waade to Rome in Order that the peo-
A DAUK SPOT ON TIER 11111, ple of Quebec miht he allowed to oil -
their UUl1IINIONS. jOY their political liberty. Continuing,
e Said•—•`It seems to it t •t '
The constitution Is the Risher
In the debate on the Address the
fullowit r f" repast is given of
Mr. E. P Clarke's Address:
Mr. E. F. Clarke desired to emphas-
ize the opinion which had been ex-
pressed cot
pressed by runic bun. members a
Opposition side of the House than the
Manitoba school question had been
practically settled by the atgreernent
reached by hon. gentlemen opposite,
and which had recently been crystal-
lized into law. The f4ilure of the late
Government to coerce Manitoba mighl
f th tit
1 Isle Ir) 1 IS an
extraordinary condition of Affairs when
a Minister of the Chown in Canada will
Appeal to it foreign authority, who is
uut a subject of her Majesty at all, for
relief, assistance, and protection Ili
the enjcynient of his constitutional
rights. (Opposition cheers.) Who is
It that grlarauteeS and secares to
British subjects their constitit Lion ill
rights? Surely it is not Chi, Pope of
Rome. Surely we ought not to have
to appeal to that prelate for protec-
tion in th•e enjoyment of our constitu-
tional rights. So far its I know, it ill
a case unparalleled in Modern histrny
when gentlemen occutlying the po-
sitions which hon. gentlemen opposite
do will unite together, ignoring the
courts of this country, ignoring the
Legi latures of this country, ig "cuing
the h. ie court of the reatlau, tile
Privy Council, and address themselves
e to it foreign potentate to ask for re -
, .,
In�0�t I.... iu
- I
Upon having just what you call for when
you go to buy Boodle Sarsaparilla. There
is no substitute for Boodle. It Is an In I
suit to your intelligence to try to sell you i
something else. Femember that all
efforts to induce you to buy an article ,
you do not want, are based simply j
p C ) n
the desire to secure more profit. The
dealer or clerk who does this eares noth-
ing for your welfare. He simply wants
your money. Do not permit yourself to
be deceived. Insist upon having
And only Hood'e. it is rho one True Blood Purifier.
Hood's j�(I�S easy to bray, easy to take,
easv to overate. ?6e.
The Arrangements for the sal
Illy business hnving fallen throng
we purpose cal eying on the earn
and have secured the services of
Mr. Dowding,
who c�lines to us highly reentxt
mended; having worked in Soule
of the. best stores in LouSdon, Qnt.
its it Watch and Clock maker anit `
All lvork entrusted to our care we 1.
guarantee to give good satin-
faaction, and, Lo be ext ed
with promptness and des p li. , :,
A line of Silver
Watches for $5.1.
•%,`1r ��•r� .
put oil. He
out a p
ed Y
,wanted to testify to the constant, even-
handed fairness of Mr. Dawson. Ill
the riding of Saskatchewan two lists
of 41 and 50 naunes respectively wereJ rB11M t
v.. - - _.., left off the vutsus' list. n the city of
lection of fourteen �'unservittsveta•`i'u be taken as,im rndt ation-A), ...,,. e- a litt"ron —the•'g- i•evxures—arict,.dt-siviltit innipegat thd•laat,ew-bion names ... _.-L—
he constituencies given in the list. of similar efforts oil the pain of Fed- ties under which they labour as Brit- were left off. There is no difference --------- .
ei al authority. He felt it his duty to ish Subjects. (Opposition cheera.) Our between takin itwa a roan's vote in
-'-• — support the agreement which had been fathers long ago declared that the this way and takingY it away at the DON'T FOOL.WITH
CURREV7' TOPICS. reached. The settleuleut was 'lot All Pope of Rome bad no jurisdiction in I ballot box. It will be seen that in
that could have beer) desired by either this ieatlm of Empire, but these gentle- Mauit.oba the voters are disfranchised YOUR HEAD .
Whitt's Laurier's trade policy ? party, but when it wits consider rtl that inen, by their action, appear to be in batches to favor partizan ends.
it wits In the nature.of a compromise' pushing hack the hands on the diel 'liters is no franchise law that gives It is too important a part of your
On to Ontariil, It is high time for he thought both sides would agree when we find them going to Rome for the Conservative party a fair and et ulrl body to fool with,
e, that it wits a fail, compromise acid one the assistange they should denaancl representation, And In every provtnc•e
change. that would meet with tine support of front the Parliament of this country." the lists can be so manipulated as to Always keep on the safe side
the great majority of the people Of (Opposition cheers.) destroy every semblance of fairness and w lien buying your
And now it is Quebec, and Man4oba. this country. (Hear, hear.) He teas uniformity. What wits done in Nova .
+S. the Pope. fres to confess that there were uaanY Mr. Tarte--I am delighted with Chat, Scotir. could be dons thet•f' again and
and grave objections to tliesettlemeut+ y elsewhere. The Nova Scotia Provin- Headache Remedies,
" Particularly to the clause snaking it bar. Clark—Quoting again from the tial Election Act of•1871 disalualijied
The Late Sir John ,Thompscnl said, 11 Y speech of the Minister of Public Works
Coiliptils(11•y upon school trustees, un- 1 ' ever Tuan who was in receipt of Fetter let the pain run its course
Moire than one Government will fall der certain couditious,to employ teach- let ins draw attention to the condition Y
1 Y wit eG or cuullunlent Of any kind from I than laky po,verfnl opiates. Some
In the 31nnitoba. sebaol gatestion•" erS of a paarticulat' faith. But as lis Of iaiiatirs Which ht says exists in the the Dominion Go for voting folks think that ruts drowns eor-
i.nurier's reign will not be long. understood it this was necessary in Province Of Quebec. the bun. gentle at the local elections. This included
__ order to provide fur religious instruc- men said, `We have appealed Co row but that is no reason why it
all employees of the post offtcsa', outs- should be used
The extravagance Of the tion being given in the schools. lie Rome, its it was out right to du, froth toms, inland revPuuP, the lighthouseimmoderately.
fat'cired shy trustees having the full the attitude of certatiu "u•mbers of the service, the Guve'Ilt e t railways, the When the effeals have died array
arit Government is as platin as the est libel ty, and thought that the ca- Roman Catholic clergy. We have tip- Crorvn •lands oilier Or in local public ( the sorrow and blues, even bluer
haandwriting on the wall. A change parity of the teacher to perf0' his Pealed fat liberty; fur political free- works or mines. They passed that law
Ivill he a great relief to the long suffer- duties should be the only qualification dont.' Is ft not rather r strange con to serve the ends of the local (frit par- blocs are there till, the carne Medi.
ng public. required. 'There were also, do doubt, dation of affairs when British subjects t in the elections which were then ciple is true of Headache Medi•
sial to Rome for political freedom, Y
points uC advantage which should not app p corning on. After the Liberal�i carne. cines; the after effects are es en
The Grits say the Manitoba school be lost sight. of, and it was 0 I account ignoring altogether the constitution, into uwer at Ottawa in 187'2. t,hu Nott worse than the original pain,
uestiun is settled, According to uf-these that he supported the SeLtle- the institutions of this country and Sconaa • 71'rits repealed that law, and
x ment. In the first p acO it guaranteed the Old Laud, whence our liberties ,ave all those nien votes again. With Jur Headache Polvdora cure headache
Tarte we have only received tine first to the people of MauitOba for all time have come? Further on the hon. gen- this spirit at work in.the Ilrovinces On ight away, yet the re isn't a single
instalment. And the Protestants of One national, non-sectarian system of tleman said:—`•I sun sorry to haus to 'either sides of politics, it is useless to rain of o iste in them; every in.
Manitoba are not satisfied. Another schools. This . was the main reason give the explant}tints` which we are p.
case of '•lee told you so 1" why he sou cited it. It also provided hound to give lu order to put ourselves expect at fair fl iil Dominion salient is hnnnlese, absolutely so
pp purposes under Pro 4ontrol. 1
_ for the eulployment of qualified teach- ri{{ht before G.nada. Ll the dioceses p p ] 5c, a box.
What have all the forty party alis_ ere in the province. Ile was sure Ono of Uhicuutimi, Rimouski, Nicolet, and -� D�O�O�D�i
one would contend that this was not others, it was said over and over again Drill the Boys—Jubilee Celebration,
sionaries—and some of them wet•e fn an improvement. He apprllved also of in the pulpits that it was A mortal sin
West Heron and ars now employed by the provisions for inspection .and for to vote for a Liberal candidatein . Yon Editor l etaie-Record: JAS. H. COMBE,
the Laurier patty—to do with the the election of trustees by ballot. l $o ition someeem to be lmembersed loftParliament tDEAR citta,—Will you kindly allow (:hewistand Druggi t.
Pope's ablegaate, Mgr. Alerry del Val? give instructions in the same secular I pledges. me a small epees iii yo lr columns to
Space without cost is at your disposal. curriculum In all the schools wits also signed led es. Thr): only wonder is _ �_ ---
Space an advantage. If the people fully that many iiOre did not Sign them." heartily endorse the sentiments ex—
Wh[le the Laurier governweut is availed themselves of the settlement it Further on the Minister of Public reseed in a recent issue of your paper Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick is
waiting for inspiration in the; matteris would yield theta all the blessings of a Works said:—'If say, on my responsi- p reported to be mrlch better, aurt
common school education, and at a bility, here, that sorne of the bishops of illr. Jacksons letter in tefor• steadily improving: He will sail frons
of a tariff bill, it would be. doing a march less cost l e under a dual syn- told -the Pope himself and the propat- once to the Public School Board fortu• England for Canada on the 21st inst.
good stoke of business by ordering tem. Besides this, the co-minglin}},,r of Banda that the ban. gentleman who Is in a Cadet Corps. I sincerely trust
talus sudden dismissal children of diverse religious views dui- at the head of affatirs to -day is a very. li deputation from London and Pet -
an inquny into every encouragement will be given to ruliah is tut present in Ottatwat, urging
of the Bc;a.uisville postmaster, witll- ing school hours would tend to pro Freemason." Horror'ofthorrors,a that ,the movement, under the instruction the Government not to reduc@ Owduty
outinvestigation—without even notice "-mote franiogenity it, Manitobia,audthus
coin<r, set an example which other provillecs this charge should be waade agaikist the of Capt. Combe and Lieut. Nie'raggart, ,Y't3' oid oil said, i Government's
to vernme a siiltell.
of what wits eUtity
and that the a ncouragemant of parents
might well copy. Under all the cir- hon. Minister, that he is a Freemason, to five cents a ga.11olf.
If Mr. Laurier will state in plain cumstances, he felt constrained to give (Laughter.) It matters not that the will be given. I feel sure that it will
1 he will need to the settlement lis hearty support.. lie heir apparent of the throne iso the be one of the best things ever gotten The esti mates for 1897-8 werebr aught
words that he thinks had this Co ensSayhowever, it it systeru Grand master of that orgaanizatiun i►1 down Thursday by Mr. Fieldln' .. As
the franchise act before his d to of national education, however,
.rectau,un in England. It is said to Ile a crime by up in this place. I have a boy who is cOnipatr•ed with the estiauates for the
use t c delighted , Y present fiscal year, they show an in -
of ilic0ul t tents is able to formulate aL its Oiaracter, was ,im excellent thing for n hen ion of the 1) to consider- "ted with it and who hes alrend The increase
1 for Manitoba, wits it not equally gpod g impressed ole with its many advantages. crease of $2,950,317.
,tau•iff bill, we will use our lianited in- for the Province of MOttario ? Yet. ed I member of such ;i'n h0uuura.ble•' If an entertainment as spoken of to comes under the head of capital expen-
fiuence lvstli the niel"hers of the uppo- when the Conservatives had striven noble society Its thaat of the Ancient het to a for uniforms is gotten u i sen+' while the expenditure ch+ugeublr
sition fn an endeavor to get them, t0 Order of FI'ee111a9UlaS. p pay 1 to consolidated fund is decreased,
stop their "ohstruc•tion.>, to obtain such a system for Ontaaric'' I will be 11•eased to do all I can in the I
they had been met by the active fund A Vo ice _._WJI0l:e iti NV illiatua G ihson ? T rote gat the Pc ilia, o 1 ;t sillallc l
bitter, hostility of the Liberals. Would (Laaughter.) matter. We should have a Jubilee vOtc to the militia, to the nlnaantrd
In reply to Mr. Foster, Mr. Laurier the supporters of the Government, whoUbtrke having given Other ex- Celebration Isere and this would be a police force, and a, reduction of tit( -in-
sin -
Said that, he expected Chat lir. Fielding ap >roved Of the intucxluct,ion Of the IIIctracts frons Clic speech of tie -Minis- big drawing card. I trust, Sir, your terest paid on deposits in Uuvrrnliien6
hal fur the election of school trus- g savings banks from three and ;t half
would make all announcement on Mon- ter of Public NY, r.ks its to Lhe situa- military tastes will Stimulate you into
tees in Manitoba, and required schoolY to three percent.
clay as to when he expected to bring teachers in that province to be proper- tion in Quebec, said: ---"I .m tiller the activity ,iti this matter and that you —__
down tile tau'ifi bill. "When shall I ly qualified, join in the demand that hon. gentleman has trtcondi i and will do all you can to further Clio pro —
call ag+Lan?" itsked the creditor. "Oh, the Sane advanta gee he ranted to fairly told the house the condition Of
carne Ill Monday," cheerfully replied Outurio? Ile was satisfled they would 'affairs which at present exists in the ject lhrotigh the columns of r wOOD't9 PHOE3PHOVIN
the d,"in "aped I" tell you then she'd O nothing Of the kind. While would
Province of Quebec, and I ask him and paper. Your, etc., The Great English Remedy..
you may enll again 1t wtuild .fain believe that the matter hon. gentlemen opposite JVhO contr0I, six packages auaranteed I
the le lslatiou of this House, are they promptly, and permanentl
had now passed out of the hands dein gtheir fill[ duty as British sub- In Chicago on A ril 0, Edwin Freer, � euro all forms of 1Pcrvou
The Godericla Signal hints tha; the of this Parliament, and that any Sur- 1 . g g + weakness. EmWions,sper,n•
Corbett-FitzsimonshGode+Let may overta'te t,her amendments to the school law leets and rept•esenttatfves of her Mat- the 10 -months' -old child of Richatrd atorrhev,impotency and all
should he confined t0 the Legislature IesLy, in the Dominion when they clo Freer, had both its eyes burned out " c�eotsoldbtasevrExcesue,
TOTE NEws RECORD if, this popular not putit strap to the continued exis- h a two-and-a-half-yearear-old brother Mental Worry, excessive use
Of Manitoba, it itl�peatrecl that the Y talcs of such aL s,aate of affairs fu atny 5 Y 1.1.
Gunily journal persists in printing the had ❑ot et reached that happy stage, named Russell. The children were of Tobacco, opt,tntorsttmu
Y ,part, of the Dominion? These bon. Before and el ter.
troth. If such is roally the case it 'Within the last few weeks, said .1 't>ntleriion control the legislation of Ilayfng together in the basement. f lants,whloheoonreadtoiaa-
might. be, est h well to take the me- Mr. Clarke, "we have read of delega- g �llelselI procured a yokel•, and holding jlrmity,insanity, Consumption and aneariy0rave,
j g pay this 11ruse, and if legislation does not it ill the stove until it was red-hot, Has been proscribed over 35 years in thorisnndaof
di pie first as last, All we demand is tions crosSin the Atlantic and a exist in our statutes making it rill of poked it into the infant's eyes. The cases; is the only itettabto and ifoawst Medicine
that time tat-. give" to "lttrn" the rules; ing visits 1.13 the Eleruatl City. ((gyp fence against the laaw fur any body all known. Ask druggist for Wood'sphosphodine;lf
the fighting qualities are uaranleed position hear, hear ) For what pur- g Y, cried aloud in pain. The wether
the fight ing rquali g prase ? We have been assured by hon, of men to arw)gate. to themselves the hearing the reqs of the infant, ran to heoRerseome worthless medicine In place of this,
i, right, to dictate to any man how he the basement., where she found Russell inclose price in letter, {tad wiwallsendby * will
gentlemen orposite, and by their , g matt. Price, one paekago, 81; ear), >ar>, ons will
Nye have not Se a or heard of zany press thrQuglrout the country, that the ' should vote, should they not see that standing over the baby with the red- p ejelaowtlicure Pamphietafree toany address,
school questwn had been settled. Then legislation is enacted to make it a ""t ppoker in his hands, lau hill% On The Wood Companyr
thin{{ to show that the Romisb bier . crime t0 continue this condition of the HOor la the infant wit °l)ot ayes Vindsor,Out.,cansds
why these delegra,,ions crossing Lite At- thins (opposition hear, hear.) I hu out. yThelfLtleone will lrobahl
archy interfered in the Champlain latntie in midwinter to Rome? For• g ( pp 1 Y (�7!'Sntd\111 Clinton and everyllhrro in int
say these -Are gritvo abuses, that ou ht die from the injuries. by all responsible druggists.
election. This may account for the what purpose are they going thither gg l
v not; to be permitted any hrnger fn t}iis
fact, that the electors were allowed to if the question hag been wattled . We county of ours, and if they are, in -
vote without let or hindrance and are told in explanation that these, Bele- view of the statement which the Mill- '
gations were Sent in order to secure the ister• of Public Works has made, he ♦, $
that a Conservative was elected. All ;tld and experience of his Holiness the and his �artp, as long ars they remiain Close Buying
of which may mean that Mgt•. Merry Pope, in settlingduniesticdisputes with in ower, ff the "do not enact Lhis .
regard to matters of faith and religion, P y ..,
del Val is in (..nada t0 settle with g legislation, mill f fairly and justly be '��
Sifton, with which, I take it, those who are held "res onsible for "the continuation ......•aand• �' 1"'
Messrs. Laurier, l:}reenway, ,
' not Catholics have nothing t0 do. But p
Martin and others of their• liking. of suc�l a cadndition of.affairs. c 1 •�. 11 l
i The Champlain result, indicates this if when we exatnline what the cdistin - _ Close, IVelli.�{•� g r��°� , 1
anything. gufshed prelate who has been sent w7 .Li •
from Rome to Canada says with re- A Frandulent Frineliise.
r The report is current, and from our Bard to his mission, we roust con- --- The ver best vidsnee we can give that our Shoes are being worn more
1 informatiot�i we have reason t0 believe elude, as reasonable and honest men, There is no show for Conserv+ttivcs Y li
that he has been sent to aid these ill Manitoba under the Provincial by the people around here is that our Business every inonth shosys an increase,
t it to be true, that Deputy Sheriff R. gentlemen in making some further voters' lists. Itis alleged thitt the lists this is a positive fact, we account for it because we buy close and sell on very '
7 Reynolds hits been appointed Sheriff settlement or some further itrrange- are stuffed by Grit ofi3ciaals, and that close'6Ibargins. This is the new order of things, the old days of big profit is
of Huron. No more popular appoint- melts in connection with the school Greenway is thus able to do its he likes. one. We mean to give' ever customer of ours the very beet value possible.
ir s melt could have been ►urade, Trjae, question." (Liberal "Oh 1 oil l") Mr. In the Manitoba Legislature the other g g Y
Clarks here quoted front the. inter- Listen to this Special Lot•fpr close selling
Mr, Reynolds has been a. Grit artisan q day Mr. Roblin mails a statement re- P e
y partisan, view given to the press in New York Poll showing
the way these lists ars prepar-
r) but he is well qualified for the position by Mgr. del Val, in order to support Pd, showing the superiority of the Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes, Men's black French Calf,; good Yeftr
and we believe will give general salts- his contention. It was clear from this Dominion list. In one case in the city neou now styles, good ........weaxerwelts, half -dollar toss, special
s interview, if ft had been correctly re- the registration clerk admitted he regular price $2,...... ,..... $1.50 value.•." ... . ........... . ........ .$�l•.i(l
e fact ion. While THE NEws-RECORD ported, Mr. Clarke said, thwt the dele- • made lip his lists from the Grit scrnti- Ladies' Chrome Kid Button Shoes, alien's Chocolate Tan, good year
does not like to art with such a neers list in the previous election. At half-dollai,toes, the latest up -to- 4 welts, half -dollar toes, the nob-
s , gate ur+derstood he had corns t. (.an +
- wet thy pioneer Grit -Government ofR- y 1 Emerson n lot of bri us names were date style, solid leather, regular blest Goods ever shown herr,
p ads not mere) to ad; ust domesti dis- g • • •$3.50
Cfatl as Sheriff Gibbons, we cannot but pUtes between the people of the%ame putt on the list, and only struck off by price $2.25 ..................... $1.75 price, .., ....... , . , .. , .. , , • .
;� speak in the highest terms of hint, and fatit.h, but to help as a representative the revising barrister being shown Ch'ldren's Shoes in black ox blood
at the same time express the hope that p g thtat no such men existed. [le also Chocolate colors, 7 buttons, in all
v of the Poe in settling the school
V Mr. Reynolds will prove ,a worthy question, a matter which should be held that the list was not posted lip as Sizes, regular price $1.25... ....$1.00
r- successor. settled by the people of Canada alone. soon as it should be, and, to prove Lhis,
r . _._-._. . _- (Opposition applause.) "it appears, lead the correspondence between Mr. Come to rig if you want NEW NOBBY SHOES at th�rs(ld.
a On Monday• Afternoon the two year continued Ms. Clark; •`thaat the dele- W. A. Macdonald and Mr. McLeod, re- lowest rice osaible. We *"t our trade and we will not be and
(X old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, Of ate .amt at the special request of vising barrister at Brandon. In the P P Y
I. gen. e'nticlmen opposite, not only to case cf these delays there were no ap- Money always back if not as w'e represent our Goods.
Parkhill, met with ran accident which h p g peals, the Opposihnn lead nim ly to
rnaty+ yet prove fatal. It appears that settle disputes amongst themselves, p v� •,_,+,� ,
Y the little one was out in the yard, but also to interfere in legislation np- submit. The Dominion act allowed
i- wjlere there was a bonfire, without the on our domestic affairs. Therefore, as appeal in such caves. This was better JACKSON & JAOKSONI.
I- mother's knowledge, and fell into the one who favours the settle melt and than the local list with a man like Al -
It firs. The mother on hearing the cries sincerely hopes it will finally din one bert Monkman, who refused to put 20()
Y of the child ran out'a,nd to her horror of the whole matter, I most names on the Dauphin list, names of
'e saw him intheflameel tend snatched hien solemn protest against the action of the men who had lived there from 10 to,25 Fine. Shoe Dealers.
:e Out, Ibis body and legs are badly Government in sendingr aid outsidef yc�ars, Mr. Roblin took'up the case of
s- burned and only slight hopes are en- this Doininieln, or on the British Morris, wh, re'108 meal were -left off in CLINTON.
tertained of his recovery. Empire, is settling, to matter .of pri- the town alone, but the peopld swat•m.
. _-.....-, . , . ..
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. .r. i - Inn { .: ,. I y,111h„
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