HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-04-14, Page 3• . .... ...... _lr^fly WATTS VQ110041 pot Cons'w Virion1"wt a Kingston News calls o- I,rturlet, i c, uaCkery s always 1SC0V- �>C L. O, L. �''io. �1®, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTSt"O"tae reit chalrtrlec)n, 1,s11sQafuilyttal##J,te sickness in qw world, II boiled that his -sprinlC tints wills to bar ering remedle;; which will . CY,���4�e Great Nort;ha'eytQrA Tolograph o16ce, not he �� galwaysk4fplfieit4atiigertedtaod.;o4long la the bgwela as virions and vartable as his Winter act upon the germs of 101111ONS mo to frill Monday at ivory filbert Street', Clinton. and Producer blLousness, torpid liver, telt• ' ones were. - month. $iii ani eats luuIIuy • block. Visiting brethren --- cerectly and kit �r,� �jAYtWy4�i The 1llinisttih Of Al',Vine and Fisheries l them. LLit ilu9oriipra4ed by AOtof ParliarJieot 186b. rondo welcome. PUMPS! [ 17 iUPS speaking at Ayluler dot lug the clt►u- J. P. sOS. BEAD, W. M. n0 d1SCOvery has evi:r Lt P, OANTELON, JR. Soo. TAUS. BEAOUM, U.W. at wee in Wright, decin ed that `•within TAS it YOU want n alit olasr, wnllLd 3o pomp, r t Iia Hoodtl week Of the [rpt nen fir of Pal•littiuent been approved b doctors �rb �2,000,0t)L] -'- -- -.. .-- r roll! give you a wiluotlon, sand your older to th we. will produce oily )fid Et acid out, r4WT. $1,400,000 uudarslgnod. He will drg and olein walla and do !t n gostlon, bad taste, coated 1 f; ' I Y 'i. $2Y o1i11"• too elosudt prtJos, ao also handles a arst-olcs tongue, elek t►eadaohtl, !A-Pills tariff." The week Wits up last Thug's. which Will Cure consump- �jLIvery Lodge, No. Sa, aA.ttar h & A. M. "'loin P'UltCL PUMP 60111114, etc. Hood's Pills day' ad,. 4�ae, MONTREAL. � L every Friday, on or utter the moon. Yfslt s-14IkOLSON President. Ingbrethrencordiallvinvited Cure 1 tion that Way. Germs can JAMEJFIBRGUSQN Patton and all its Israel Tarte's lenchrunt fill. disinlss- K' T f:TIArANWHOMAS,GeneralManager. A.J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THUS. RU BALL, BKa, Opposit Queou'd Hotel High street UBnton, •resulta,easilyandthoroughly. 250. AlldruggtsGx Ing is ser strong that he Wanted the only be killed by making thei Clinton, Dee, 0, 1895. 809-tt Prepared tr 0, I. Hood S Co., Lowell, Mass. hit�ttr (Jit' to Ila. hatge,Ihecaretakev of �r sltea discounted, Collections spade, Drafts - - - _ The only Pills to take With Hood's 6arsa arlua g ext done to flint ilytl it iell h to oover P Y other (Jay body strong enciug issued, Starling and American ex- g 0. T. M. J. �� �TEdENS�Nf � �_ i '' 1 Colne`°', them and the early change bought and sold. ed. If Israel could have his wayilia r INTaaeBT ALLOWRD oN DNPOaITa Ilourna Tent NO, 00, Kni bis of the Ilfacoabees of �ttn•.=�11I1U14 devotees Would he the one V pet'SU1 _s Furniture Geller, &c. Too late for last week. who could obtain eurploylnent in the USe Of :such a remedy as SAVINGSrho «'on9d. $1,000, y9,000 uul y0,000 Pulioiea. Main• C011litl'y, r BANK. nci,eyp over 109,000. AsseasmnuE prr. le -hen LEADING UNDERTAKER AND NuTIt•s.-NIC. David SpluuJ is elides_ ___ _ Scotts Emulsion is one of Interest allowed On sums of t and Up, never exoeuded 12 assessmauts In n yc,rr. hcepNst THE osed tit )resent. We ho - __ - - _ and safe•ti❑ exintanoe. Mesta in Orange Hall, Clin- �i 1 pe Lu hear of APPARENTLY A HOPELESS the helps. In the daily war - ton first and third Friday of ever mouth. nl9 Nppeed,y recovery. -MI'. Robt. Roy d tofar ars on t _ y' y FUNERAL DIRECTOR. and fancily moved oil Thursdii to 0.ult CASE. bion dvanced to fulmars on their own notes - - Y fare man keeps Up, he wins wither more endorsers. No mortgage re- `^ -" Opposite Town lIa)l, Clinton, Out «'bete he has secured rL shop. He in- gnlrod e's'lourity, i COOKS FLOUR ____ ____ ___ tends cat'r,�ing ail the bhioCksluithing��ri .A Rineardine Banker who Suffer hest, Who 1S provided With H. o, BREWER, Manager, i '�9 •�1 NO'!'ICE. Mr, T. Smiley has part of rho tinllret, ®d Distressingly from IndegsDeaembor, 1996. CLINTON. I ��C1�� Ct►�d11b�+' L`i - un the mound fns• his new drus; store tion -- Apparently a hopeFess I the needed strength, SUC}1 a8 lJ OR which he intends to erect in the neat, Case of !Stomach Trouble Until ' P+'r a e C)llntotti, There behig some mleundoratanttin with re- ttlt'ure.--We regret to state that MI.F. South American Nervine vvag Scott S iF[nUlS1U�1 supplies. BRAN and t g p g y Jns. Nevins is ver ill at ,reseal With a Used -Sig Words are: It Cur- Bard to wrachage, let it be distinctly understood Y I SHORTS in Lar e Qr that Many person takes oasesnion of allkind SeVel'ti attack of pleul•isv.--Mr. Jas, ed Atte Absolutely." z" of wreckako and tolls to report to we I shall at Stonehouse of Belgrave hits Moved to A PERFECT TEA _ BANDER Small Quantities, once take prpcoo dinge. Remember this is the his farm in Ashfield, which he has What this Wonderful reined for all ALBERT STREET, CLLiVTON, hlst vert f IN han give. CAPT. 4YM, BA88. y OIL CAFE, LINSLI MEALS Ilcc°Iver of t1'raeLs, aoderieh, rented from J. M. Roberts. Mr. Stone" forms of stutnitch Lrouble can do is hest Ggdariel sept• 7th l8sl. house is a gardener; he intends to follow told in the words of John Boyer, hank - 10 lbs, Choice Oatuteal for one Bushel - ,� up the business on it barge scale. -The ef', Kincardine, Ont. "About a year A GENERAL BA{VKrVG BUSINESS hats farmers are busy getting in shape for ago, as a result of heavy work m) TRANSAOCED, ,l Thr✓ McKillop Mutual Fire i spring work. -It !s ant sad duty to d[rubt, I becowe very much troubled ONSOON O• COOK, CLINTON. chronicle the death of John McLean, with indigestion; associated with it Draj6N TsaveCd: , ,...762.tt - .. .. - , i « t' .%ail i)re. Jr.The deceased had been sick for a were those terribly distressingfeelings 1HE considerable trine with consumption, that can hardly be described in any FINEST TEA s' — ---- Company He leavesrt'Wife incl ant+ chilli -to mo>rhn la nI nage: I hrtd tt led -TEA vat i<xrs rnebh.:rn TKewoAco Interest Atlornerl on Depo•tits• their loss. Tile remains were interred ods of ridding myself of the trouble, but Clinton, Junesth,ls91 658 PRODUCE EXOHANGE Farm and Isolated Town Proper- i11DifttlrttnnonCPlnetery oil S;lttll'day, withont,Stlectss,Utttill W1tS iofluetlCP[l FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP _ y HILL & JO ■ NER � followed b g� t one Insured, y aL large nuulber of sorrow- to use South American 1Ver•vine. 'lrhu IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. fdt '9 ! __ Ing friends. result. and 1 iadl_ y �'1r µKfyllj�, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. !? Y art it for the bene- _ ORPICSKA, fit of others -this 1'eniedy cured nee, onsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea in Grains, I+lour, Feed, Seeds, Y �'•d ` -" rowersasasample of the best qualities of Indian ®�y " George Watt Presidr0t, Harlock P. O.; James +� and I never heaita to to recninwend it 11�, W. �o etc. Teas a specialty. Broadfoot, Vico-Pres„ Seefr rah P. U.; W, J. Shan- Q.+jT _T '1'nas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the �U N i@ •6 .iJ d.l oj� �� � to any person alrected with any fo rn, selection of the Tea and its blend• that is why they 1 Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden n"O, Seoy. Trona., ase" Seat, P. 0 : Michael blurdte, Of StUtpaCll trouble." -Sold by Watts put it up themselves and sell it only in the original R• 0. 1', t nd L. It. C. S., Edinburgh. omee- So, We carry the largest Stock and the Iuspeatnr lit lussea, Seaforth P. 0, Co.rcka es, thereby securing is purity and excellence. Optario street Clinton. Night calls at trout door of largest variety of Seeds. & CPut up in j>; ere i Ise and S Ib, packages, and never residence on Eattenbary street, opposite Presbyter- DIRECTORS, There are ills and ill ian church All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash jam" B p p s -but Dr Q - _ we pay Cash for Eggs. Ally kind of grain taken !n exchange for Goods, Maniac-, Seaforth; Michael Mardis, Sea. forth; Gemgo Dole, Seaforlh; Georgo Watt, llarlock new's Liver Pills at 20 Cents a vial DR. TUIRNBULIL, same a" cash. HILLJUYNER, Thomas E. Hays,Senforth; Alex Gnrdiner,Leadbaly ThoruneGarbutt, Clinton; John McLean,Ririen, lead in demand. The sale borders on the phenomenal. —.-.-. ,1. L. Turnbull, M. R, Toronto Univ. ; M. D M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. Jin S. Ont, ; t• ilow eoaNTA, Thomas Neilans, Harlock• Robert McMillan, sea. forth and James enmmingN;F.gmnnavtL'r• Sluggish liver, Constipation or irregu- lar bowels are the Central Butcher p, r �h0 of,the obstetrical Society of Edinburgh. Late -if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:- Dr. Dowsley's COUCH & WIILSON Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend. precursors of many physical disorders. stand, Rattenhury St. Night calls answered at office, should be prohibited. Such a paper Goo. Trowhilll, could not be published in Canada, lie- ed to nn application to any of the above nnicers ad• dressed tot, These tint d Leal■ SHAW. _ OIHce-Ontario street, opposite English uhurch, formerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Fre eb w a,11D, L. K. & Q C. P., I., M. 0 P, & S. 0„ &o., &a, Graduate of Hit a's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Madioal Council, Grant Rrittin. Mamber of College Lf rhyaiaia.a ar.d Surgeons, Oatar.o. Formerly real- donto ibe Rotunda Hosp til (Lying In and Gyu®• :ole ical D g ), Dab) -'n. Bpooial attention to disaasos of women aad_chlla'ran. 001ca and residence, Ruttenbury St., next dear -to Ontario St. Methodist par ,onage. 839-1y J �i'atI�XC�. Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist, OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. Will visit Bl h every 14londay, and Ba field every Thursday afternoon during the sit 1-Will. R. Agnew, L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST. Grades of Royal College of Dental Sur• geons of antarto. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. B(st Leon) Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Stora, Night Bell at swerod. Will visit Hensall ei ly lilonday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday c f each month G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveyancer, &r,. 011loe-coiner Uamilton and Andrews -Sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Gocloricb. 883 tt C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, arc. Office, corner North Street and Square, near Registry Office, erlch, Ont.. 67. F* Money to tend at lowest :.tee of interest, J. SCOTT, Bat rister, 4p c.. IOTT's BLOCK, - . CLINTON. Money to Loan, �— E • CAMPION', Q • C a BARRISTER, - - • SOLICI710R., NOTARY, ¢c. , C,,odericli, - Ont. Oalce-Over•DAvis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISPER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, BTC, Goderich, - - . Onit. i. OCiee-Cor. Hamilton and fit. Andrew's sts. W, BRYDONE,e BARRIST .R • SOLINTOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, cfc, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 1 817•tf Moet! y to'sad. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVICYANCER, 00MMISSIONF.R, ETC. Firo Inenrance. Peal Estate. m6ney to lend. office -m -HURON STHE ET, CLINTON. _ 1 Vantelon Bros, GENERAL, GROCERS. & PROVI8- I0N M..Ef�-CF-1ANTs. otrockery, Glass& Chinaware ALBEWjf SST., CLINTON, ONT. $lgh'ost Caah Price Por hatter and Eggs 62.1y Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering baniueas lately con- dneted by Mr. Jas, A. Ford, and will continue the same ander their pu•sannrl supervision. Orders will have prompt and onroful attention. Fresh meats of all Ilbuls will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivoa el an; where in town. ARTUIUR COUCH, 011AS N. WILSON, C1.1 NTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P i FORD & MURPHY,, (Successors to J. W, Longford,i 13avingbought out tho above business, %%,a intend to oond let it on the cash principle, ,.nd will supply our customers with the best meats at the lovveot pay- ag prices. o etrrehpectivopost oftices, a won ers remove the cause. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS wD UN N AI's Bd A K N Ca offibio M 10 rw WDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE iN CANADA, They are entirely vegetable. They •L(!t on the liver and bowels wi�hOLIL disturbance to tile, systen), diet lir oc- cupation. They !lever gripe. They act plaa,antty. 40 in a vial for -90 cents, --Sola by Watts & Co. Sir Richard's Son. News Notes, Princess Leopold of Prussia is taking a regular course of training; as it hospi- tal and field nurse. Eight Chinaunen ire under •arrest in Malone, N. Y.. who aro alleged to havo been sulugg;led across the. border. Willi;tin 13100111, under arrest in Cleve- land on a charge, of arson, declares that he has be(^n set.ti,)g fire to buildings in var'iotls cities dilrtng the past five years, Dressing Ifaildsomely and Well at a Slna11 ('/ost. Francis Lennox Cau•twright, son of I r A lea friend, , et d ;L Sir Ri • • '.r user F •• n Richard v Dnanond (,illi r Y t l ht w• - aS a Uln t p p edt.aspectot' of the 1Vol thtvcst mount•_ Dyes, writes as follows ed police on February 15, 1897, taking "ItVich Diamond byes I changed my, rank over, Officers of 1}ne abilities and husband's faded gray suit to a rich long; experience, he being it complete Jark brown shad~, and a hlne one was "tenderfoot.." When the announce- made black, while the children never FORD & MURPHY. Ment was made in the. house, in reply knew what had became of their old ---- — t.o It question by Mr. Davin, Mr. Laur_ clothes, and wondered where all the * IVB rr0 rt' Q A ,,r�T�Pn Work For The Goveralltlent, ler said: new ones carne flour. Y•iuiU;Irfir! Lhtl Ilc;.t 2a t1. }Carr soil it .idle. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your 6•eocer does not keep it, tell him to write tp • STEEL, HAYTER & CO. e Il and 13 Front Streit East. Toronto, 60 YEARS' i t°FR66N06 r1 mk` TRADE MARKS, - DESIONS, COPYRIGHTS deo. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ancertatil, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. fit al. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. m cn. We have v a Washington On office. Patents taken through Munn &gCo, receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, boauttfallyy illustrated, largest circulation of any, sclenttfic Journal, weekly, terms $3.0) a year; $BOW -50 six months. specimen 00003 and HAND OK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. Toronto Saturday Night. -- Saturday Night hits ruade man ,•o_ Y p tests agafinst the introduction into Highest Marks Price Pard. Canada (If the sensationalism and vui- D. CANTELON Clinton. garity of certain Ne«' York papers. ' Some Canadian dailiesshow ;t tendency v99-tr. to fellow the New York World and into the ►hire ofcr iuie and vice nasi thins y, �. Er'�A�ALL y g grenerall and we made protests and warned this Veterinary Surgeon general public to discourage those )a ars that ex and Veterinriry Inspector. 1' p peritnent in dirty jOtlr Office on Isaac street nrxt Yew Pira office. nalisin. We have done mach and Residence, Albert St., Clinton. intend to do inure, because if it would be a bad titin for the Canadian dart Y press to degrade itself to the unclean B. THOMLINSSON, level of the "New Journalism," it is equally bad to peru)it the Great (jor- VETERiNERY SURGEON, rupters, the Join nal and World, from Honorary Gladiate of the Ontario veterinary col- New York, to carne in and circulate tege, Toronto. freely in Canada. There are other lit- , o age. FIo has been hitherto (1ltaliPyillg f°r a Inilitary Or scini-Inilit„try pro. fession. lie held a commission in the Four- teenth battalion of the Ontario militia, and has tn'ri, taken It course of instruction at the Infantry cite school, London, and the Cavalry school, To- rent°. It was rather odd that the prernier clothes should have Missed Mr. Calrtwright's indeed greatest qualification from the tier's times." filly -the fact that he was his fatbet'sJ• son. If the young man has inheritedand s°rrlo blains frurn his daddy, he will lie :able, after he has learned several Indian lingoes Arid a French dialect forth Ibat won ld par"lyze a PC'1f5blan; after Exeter he has learned the ways of the latae• tionery five, and can FritP.11 illicit whiskey ten miles; after he has learned to find nal himself nn an open pr•ait•ie or, in a to dense wood ; after, he hits learned how prayer to get through it blizzard ; after, he hits vrinec become inured to mosquitoes, and after he has learned the profession he my exper•lelice, proves that any «,cIj)an who can read the lain direc- p on the Diamond Dve, envelope not only save a large amount of money in clothing her faintly, but will went• ills as handsome and fashionable 1 as before. Diamond Dyes are. the trite preventives of hard d;otfuty Curerllcy•have 14lessls, Papst & Winters of Sea.- have leased D. Johns' Store in and intends opening up a ata- aCM'e there in a few da ti Y The week of A rel 4 to 11 is b e Y spec - request of the Lords Day Alliance be observed as a week of special in the interestofgSabbath obsei- throught Ontario. _ Leading dealers everywhere sell ' FERRY'S SEEDSJournal Don'trfekthelossoftime, by plantingseedsofunknownqual- 1ty. The market is full of chonpp. aarel(ableaeeds. TERRY'SSEt08 arealway.the beat; donot accept aaysnbstitate.good Annual rigs. D. M. FERRY Jt CO., WingaoryOnt. - Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. rel utaLble pink, bltte Or white sheets hits taken tip, he will robrtl)1 he as p' p Y 10 YEARS A SUFFERER Day and Night calls Promptly Answeredfroth New York, Chicago and other Itosidenoe-Rattenbury Street, west, Clinton out, cities of the United States, graining a good it Irian as many of the officers�� over whose heads he has been boosted From Kidney Dieease - Grave] _ - foothold in Canada, All such papers _ and Stricture -An Absolute Cure should be prohibited. Such a paper Goo. Trowhilll, could not be published in Canada, lie- WHERE RHEUMA•PISM IS UN- KNOWN' Bound 1n South American gid- ney Cure -A Remedy that Never O. THE A r cause those who relish violent sensa- Fails in the Most Distressing a and general uncleanness of g do thought Horseshoer and General Black- thought are In a minority here, but if No Matter HOW intense the Pain Cases. • Great Offer Smith, those papers are allowed to work their South Ameriean Rheumatic Cure will Remove The solid evidence of exuerience is will upon the Canadian public, there Albert Street, North, Clinton. will soon cane a time.. when an attempt it Quickly -A Lad behind y Highgate Tells What It Did South American Kione y Cure. Wilbur Goff, of Chippewa, Ont. is i'OF� JOBBING A SPECIALTY. will be made to publh- here a paper air prurient as the worst of them. It is sAir.em for for Iier - Permanent Cure of simply a Case of Years Standing. spoken one of hundreds who have ;❑ e p ' quafIy strung terms. He TheLondon Woodwork ironed and first c1neA materiel and doubtful if, under, our laws, papers work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines such as those of which respectable rebuilt and repaired, p complain, could be in says: It h Ls been declru'el by scientists South that every disease has a reluedv. The completely "After taking six bottles of Aur<rican Kidney Care I !flit cured of Stricture PrIess,people Free printed Canada beige- lifiicult is to else 9 find the re- Iarel Y y and having without seized and sup- pressed. Why, then, should they be Card of Thanks. g' ruedv. In rhemnatisnt South Ameri- complaints can Rheumatic Cure has been found , suffered from these for over ten years. I found + + + permitted to come in frorn an outside groat relief after taking' One bottle _ cOttntry to damage the minds of the A certain antidote for' this painful dis- but erase' It is always effective. Mrs. N, continued the remedy until I was � . �'� o P"cc i'ross, desiring to greatly in(•rrnse it,; subscriptlon young nien and young wornen whoa are, TO )\1Y i1IANY PATRONS: for the most part. their readers here? perfectly Ferris, wife of a well-known maitrtfact• lu cured and I am now env „- enjoy- the best of health. Sold by Watts list, makes the r�dlowing great oln,r to the farmers and •t+, k)nem desire to tender my sincere thanks The morality of its people is in the turer of Highgate, Ont,, says: "I was & seriously atrected -Co. of (;tnada whereby sub- -'sI ;hto i1'cekly Proo Preis ui11 get long; tun, a county s greatest inset, fur the very liberal patronage accord- y' g with r•heulnat.ic pains in my ankles, and at times was - taa'CnR , One Year's Paper Free. ed me in the past and to inform the - - pul)lic that I nen still in the Carpet almost disabled. I tried everything, as I thought, ;Lnddoclvred for years with- .'t r�arrtr. The "glorious climate of California" The Free PrecR his made arrnnge- � Inonis with the voterinnry P The Internal Economy Committee of Weaving Business on East Street, the Dorninion House Commons out much henefit. I was induced til is Ing being put to a new and interest- use. A man has purchased 500 +rionco i•iii,ti,hing('n, foro,numberoreopie9or I In h• •'Tire of hits Godelich, next the Bicyclo Factory. decided to compensate Restaurant- use South American Rhenmatic Cfire, acres To my delight, the rir9t dose In Merced County, and intends to it 500 4 hook, %lLerinfiry `tcien' :3 the prim, +.f n•liii•h is $�.Oo, This book Personal and in orders will fie usual keeper Parnett for the abolition of the gave me .to more relief than I had had for years, Ing add more, not for the rais- of fruit, but for an experiment :4fr"nts hilly and in plain Inng'ago Igo :Z'ki'moviv, ifiwbsus and Trenlment. House of Commons har last session. r pt a'tlentiOn. All Classes rf and two bottler have. completely cared in the brecding of elephants, hippo- of 4 I'"!""t it Anlimid•. and i'on)[ay. al„o wo tme,"-Sold. of lila specialty, fit alto lolvest osi,t•:, .pro pkangaroos by Watts & C.o. P otami, lions, ti gers, ]lamas, nilgaus, and other tropical ex- �' o 1 - Iii y nfulldosoripiionof Vlcdicine � ;,,.;; lr,,,, ,i rao that every farmer can sib prices, and satisfaction guaran- toed.SKIN DISEASES! otic Bayfield. demand He and animals, such as are in common for purposes of exhibition. already ibis a Considerable st•.clt 9 t•. ,it' own t i fain u•y. : _ 7 j FOR ® R �e �® W. A. Ross, mast Street, COUNCIL.toThe Council met April of 5th in the town hill! these' 1df s all ursuant toad- sigscreatures. His design is oto obtain the condi- � The Weekly Free FreRA null I+'a.rrn Home COD er;iClt. One RemedyWhich has Never Follett-ournment. - -• Tried 'Tasted Ointment. hlerrlbers all present. The dons leeve in the chair, Minutes of last used suited to every sort of animal tar exhibition, and he thinks that a n"(1 tin• cue Year (price sl.(m and � flk `60j.°Botthw j'bei 1 gid- - - -_- �._ _ and Because other alleged remadies for TO THE FARMERS. meeting read and signed. Moved by he conditions rhos. Elliott, seconded by Gen. Erwin, can come nearer to realizing g these inCalifornia.than anywhere .4 •' a{ledaluln.uy � r � R; upon trio reocipt Of TWO UArtar6, � -1 not,c u rice. niss l ll piles, scrofula, eczematic eruptions. scald head, black heads els that Charles Tippett be paid his sala1 y, X20 139 ed for elephants require a seclud- jungle, and this, properly fenced, n(Ttro es n li••tiva IOL 9 () Ir „pica In mrLking itnow is to yeruro chafiu sett Study your own interest and go where g• r you you can gee rheum and skin diseases generally have , its collector 1 6, and Reeve so g!'ant all Oder fOf Satlle--Carried, that they cannot get out, Is to be - n" Immediato response which a losfr liln+rnl ofrermight fail to at•ract. no- Reliable farness ggrT°tru nee:eet don't condemn Dr. Chess's raveled Moved by Gen. Erwin, seconded for them. s of the jungle will be fenced • mr'mbet by sending $2,00 for the book you get the Weekly Pres Prose and liitrtmcnt. It has never been known to Bailey, that this Council meet, for the opt r h f with with a wire barrier 18 feet high Farm and Home ONE YEAR PNLB. fail. For histaace, Nelson Simmons I manufacture none but the BEaT or STOCB. Meyeraburg, Out., writes; purpose of viewing work on roads re- for ed t0 be done at once on first spring, the tigers, which, with their off- will be made at home here Agents wanted everywhere, Addrees all communications to the Betoart of shops that welt cheap, as they hope I tread Dr. Chase's Ointment for floe to live rte' Call and got prices, Order, liebing Piles, and can recommend it Thttrsdav at 7.30 rL. m. sharp at, Er- when ' � for ruin a siiop-carried. Moved by the wmtlier is warm, and carred indoors when It id tm cold for Free Press Printlnp Co., by mail promplynttended to highly. Since usivg it I have lad Jig, JAs. them Thomson, seconded by Geo, in the woods. The kangaroos, London, Ont: JO�I1V �ii I�Ly perfect freedom from the disease."win Peter Vanallen L'Amable Quo had .L+'r nilgaus, that Robert Rowatt have the weigh llamas zebras, camels, giraffes and will find in properly sheltered HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTit, Ott T do edema for three years He tried three doctors, scales for the balance of the year 1867 portions on the same conditions as bast of this Ca ranch• hose —•------ - -- Father Murphyof gold cure fnine -• .----..— �. _____ brat receival no beaefit. One box of Dr, Chase's Ointment and (30 TO THE year dltlons from the 16th of March last -carried. !n Moved rearnta of life not greatly unlike those the countries to which they are in - three boxes of Dr, Chases Pills cured ildm completely. Large scales covered Union Shalvin Parlor bds legs and body' but the Ointment by Gen. Erwin, seconded by dlgenous. James Thomson, that this Council pro- The hibit' Rev. 'F. Ryan from periment died proprietor is to make an ex- pennmonia of raising camels on a large at his instiutb at Montreal of after an illness of only a soon 'building erectingor week, removed them. He will swear to these a barb wire fence on lots170scale, and they and the llamas will facts. For first-class Hair -Cutting Chase's Ointment may be had from and 171, Main street, and that the Glerk be notify said Rev. F. Ryan to that effect do taught to bear burdens, as they in their native [countries, dead Conductor Hotrurn of Hamilton its as the result Of injuries sustained. and Shaving• any dealer or from the manufacturers Edwansott, Bates -carried. Council adjourned to meet A loose. flock of kangaroos will be turned at It Is regarded as likely that Woodstock in January last.. & Co., 46 Lombard Sinrth's block, opposite Post 0(tice, Clinton street, Toronto. Price BO cants, a sin on Mondor ,May 3rd, at 8 o'clock qq they will find themselves even more Frank Butler, the Australian mnrd- J. EMERTON, Proprietor. p�,n, H• W. EltwrN, clerk. at home in CaltPos'tiia than In Aus- erer, who was extradited frown San '_��-- ! �__.. •-_---___A Ifother's greatest remedy for coughs, I,�l�ITED-Farntotre'SonA orotllor !illus, col8gr bronc'}a'cial and sung affeetione ie --. -_ tralia., and While as the eucalyptus -tree has done,,- Francisco that they will scatter themselves to the on Saturtlay, confessed'priur his departure to having killed Ar,. GCIOUR personR of fair education to wNarn Dr. Chase's S.yrnp of Lineeed and Tor- 800 a month would be an inducement, I The 15th two sons of John Barry of the through concession of Maryboro, The state. t.hur hippopotami arc to have It lake Preston, but he claims it Wits in pontine, medicinal taste is whole eould also "gage a fow ladies at their own d!Iggttlrred maikim it leasa,nt to take fe!}ing holnes. J Ls. bottle fell were a tree last Fridm' weep the h tree & on one of them, t wcxek tirely their own, where they will be en-self undisturbed Par months M a -de -fence. The English Governnlenthas T. H. LINSCOTT. Toronto, Ont. J f� 28'lento killing hila instantly. He wits 21 years ki age Urrw to refused allow stands to be erected in the !London parks for the diamond jubilee. 4