The Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 6hal Drury cave should furnish the pial, 1-a' a very good story. Prices et meats have tot t, in Chi:ago, hitt there la no visible decline in the eon- =mnrr•s bili, here yet, s � The tzar 1)111 1'00)11111 the uutnerut of Hiss a, And, of course, constitutional goo nnmentm110i be n shuui, 1 1001 co Nightingale has leen deem.- atctm by King Eduard with the insignia of the (('4,0 of Merit. A1ul she 0, tv111(0)• of it. The New Yorkherald urges the Wash. (mike; Government to establish Govern- ment savings banks. Canada eau give cls Sam 101110 hints 011 baul:iug. 4-• 121 rhe year ended Joie 30, 1007, there tt 7.41(0 derailments on railroads 01 tL. Elaut Stains, resulting m th, death of 515 persons and the inj(n'y el (1,111)5. Something like it battle record, isn't it. • 4 • There are 0,000 blind persons in New York State, and 0,3(1(1 in the city alone. Fortunately blindness is decreasing, owing to the greater care taken with in- fante by physicians and nurses. This promises to be a bard -ensue for the actors, about 3,000 of whom are out of engagements in New York city, It is also salt that 00 per cent, of the new plays attempted this season bare proved to be failures. The New York Journal of Commerce :‘tabulated list of 178,000 employees of industrial, mercantile and other conrwno dismissed since the financial stringency egan; and It thinks 200,000 it moderate 311111(0 09 tine total"` Ter Grand Prank Pacific will build through the Yellow Bead 1 ass, and fol- low (lo Ncchaco and Ilull !ley Valleys. The region is rich in coal and the rail- ' way will open a rust agricultural and ,grazing (unary. 4 • A recent rete --end collision, thought to be due to the sudden death of a um- wtorman 011 duty, has caused much dfs- n ' ?'cims_iuu in NOW York, and thc. proposal is made to have two motormen on duty all times, And three motormen would bill further seculesdfety—if they didn't talk politics or religion. Miele Sant has spent $18285,110 011 the Panama (,anal Sintpe he took 11014 of it, and the appropriations uuaimO to nearly $80,000,000. 'then 1,.50,000,000 was paid for the French company's rights, It 0)111 furnish extus0 fur 1high taxation for some tithetocome, Boston 1; making it unpleasant for the automobile scorchers. Since September lst there have been 220 prosecutions for violations of the motor Laws, ;1101 01 all reseed four cases—turd 11 continued to 011111 terms of court—there have been convictions. The fines range from $151 to $311, and in one case the defendant w0.0 5)ntettce0 to two nisnths' imprison- ment for operating an automobile while drunk, During the last cis months there have been 737 prosecutions in Boston, and the fines imposed have amounted to $0,715. — Uncle Sam's army 0110805 him worry. The Secretary of WAr finds it hard to get native recruits. Ile says the pay doesn't attract them, and discipline and restrictions on their personal liberty lead to nunterous desertions. He says: "1f present conditions continue., there will be i nothing for the Goverment to do but to meet the competition of private em- ployers by materially increasing the soldier's pay, or to evade the competition 1 altogether by a resort to conscription." Tho native American i3tttot enamored of r holiday soldiering. v r' The total immigration into the 1Titrd States for the ten mplr'ties of this y0ar is:1,029,103, btenkire'' all previous re ords. 04'h e other 1110)1, the 0(01( toes !, for August last (tic latest of nein) (Idol W {1,•nt 92200 iuuninrnnts 11 god me in that month. Of this number0; ! 0 10(101 ed to Italy, 4.7 1 1 (o An ti,, ,897 to Hunngery and the lemmeinden t" other countries of Europe whence timj COMIC. 91140s thou it Mtge -number of foreigners have left the Voile °tt e ,' amounting to set end hundred, o( thou sands, The shutting down of mine; land factories have driren them area . Grum Canada many such visitor~ have It 1,0 de. parted. The approach of !winter, the Mose of outdoor labor and other causes have sent them across the Atlantic.. Numbers. of them will return next spring Italians esneelally, blot not a few will no doubt CELTIC AT COLUMBIA. Professor From the Middle West Will Teach Irish and Welsh, The division of modern languages and literature at Columbia has established four courses in Celtic, to begin with the opening of the academie year 1908.00. Dr. John Lenience Gerig will have obargo of the new departmeet. He was graduated from the University of Missouri in 1898, And took lis mas- ter's degree there the year following. IIe got a Ph, D. from tho University of Ne- braska in 1002, after ho had instructed a year In Missouri. He wits 011 2u049u0400 to Nebraska for four yeti's, and after- ward a year at Williams in the modern language department. He is now a lec- turer at Columbia. Dr. Gerig will give courses of ono hour a week in elemenftnry and advanced Old Irish, elementary Welsh end in the ole - menta of comparative Celtic grammar. ITCH Mange, Prairie 8cratohea and every tem of eastagloui Rob on human or animals cured In 30 minutes by Watford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tans. Sold by druggists. The Caspian Sink. It results from the careful measure- ments of level recently made by Lieuten• ant -Colonel. Pariisky along tato line of the Transcaspian Railway that the level of the Caspian Sea ie 83 feet below the level of the oceans, If the Caspian Sink were filled with water up to ocean level the town of Krnsnovodak, which stands on its shore, world be submerged, for the mean elevation of that town is between 88 and 04 feet below ocean level, For Churches and Schools brit one Ceiling ieideal for chumh•e and schools, for its beauty, cleanliness, economy—for its sanitary perfection (no seams to catch dm) (or its bre proof qualities PEDLAR CCEIL Noe Above 2,000 modern design, in every style of good ort—ede•w,lls to match in harmony with interior schemes—adapted to any color -scheme or architectural motive. Allow a to ,end you illustrated details and quote prices. Addreu 109 The PEDLAR People= Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toroe.) Union Winnipeg 91111. ..sr Disaster in Archaeology. French archneology has suffered a ser- ious lass in a giuu(0r where the tourists a1 til world will feel it 1,001, In the :Immune of St. Serer, an the Pau re- gion, stood the ancient chateau of Dames, rich in historical association, and an admirable type of a style of architec- ture now almost forgotten. This most interesting building has been totally de- stroyed by fire. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, Wing of Fossil Insect. The untseum of the department of comparative anatomy at Brown has re- ceived from Bev. Edgar F. Clark, of Nortl' Providence, a very curious fossil, an insect's ruing. The fossil is of special interest in that it is a type specimen, the first, and so far as can be learned, the only one that has ewer been found. It WOO named by Professor Samuel H. Scudder, of Cambridge, "Mylneris Pack- ardii," after Professor Packard, former- ly of the Brown faculty. 90026 30020 90027 $2.75 $1.80 $3.60 INEXPENSIVE GIFTS TO MEN ATIE PIN always forms a pleasing and suitable gift to a men, and especially if 1 be from Ryrie's. No. 30025—Fine 14k rope turban tie pin with whole pearl centre, $2,75. No. 30026-14k tie pin set with selected pearls, oriental whole pearl in centre exceptionaly good value at $1.80. Na 30027—Tie Pin, twist rope knot, solid 140 gold, with two fine whole pearls—the season's newest style, $3.50. Bend for our Catalogue RYRIE IROS., Unified 134-138 Yonge St. TORONTO DOCTORS TRY ANOTHER PLAN. Drink All the Water He Wants, People who used to suffer torments of thirst in typhoid fever will )wish they had postponed the attack until the present day, when such theories of treatment as the following front the Medical Brief pre- vail: "If I were asked to name the cardinal features'% the, management of typhoid fever, 1. would say (1) proper feeding, (2) the prevention of excessive waste in• oident to high temperature, by the use of water externally and internally, (3) elimuuttion, through the slcin, kidneys and intestinal tract, by supplying the pa• tient with an ahnndo» oe of water and keeping the body clean And comfortable. "I make it an invariable rule to insist that the patient drink frequently and freely of nater, thereby aiding elimina- tion through the itntervention of the skyn and kidneys, keeping the general tone of the patient at the highest standard, and the temperature is held more readily in cheek, In feet, I regard the internal use of an abundance of water of so mucin int• poytanee that I always instruct the nurse to recoil the quantity of water given. just, as 001d710001v as she does the 100410ine anti food." Gold Laid Watch Cuaranteedfor 20 years FiEEfore (emitting 4 dozon Co. halt Gold 'hiltless pens at be each These pens write a heatitifulcolor prysi,ef(ydip- ping in water. No ink re. quitted. write today. Ire trust you with the pens, sell them and return the mm,oy and win thin little beauty Gold Finished Jrnteh sal •the ,o lovely Tea bat Free COOP -" .09.0 PENCO. n,:.,,' 108 to, 011t. DOG DAYS, "Yes, poor Fido was caught by the butcher." "N ow f suppose we may expect the wurst," 1,• England has a "Goose Club," with a membership of ten thousand, EER* BENEFITS THE WHOLE BODY (NO OTHER FOOD -BEVERAGE DOES THAT MUCH) n OT six people in a thousand (and those six have either diabetes or gouty tendencies) can get anything but real good from the use of good beer with their meals. Because that kind of beer (and no other kind is brewed in Ontario) benefits the whole body of the normal adult,—enriches the blood, vitalizes the stomach, makes kidneys and liver active, builds flesh and betters nerves. Beer Is Not A Mere Tonic Good beer, drank with meals and at bedtime, is not merely a tonic—for a tonic simply gets one part of the system to work better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while beer, rightly used, does the whole system permanent good, Beer Builds Up Thin Folks That is why good beer is such a notable flesh -builder, and why it is so effective in changing the too -white blood of aenemic people into the red, strong, healthy blood of the vigorous. It has qualities that are very valuable to women, especially. It is distinctly NOT an intoxicant, nor a hurtful stimulant. Ask your doctor if beer wouldn't be good for you as an item of daily diet. d * H&8R is a term which coven lager, aleeli peter and stout f and in aha' practise of Ontario brewers, sn,pliea lxv0ragea made undo awet fiascos tcmdidmu-front Ontario tansy (the beet in the world) malt, bops, and pure water, 308 rnntain at home for gond, nut meeting h with much success in this new land, ..� ALFONSO'S ISLAND PALACE. Wedding Present in the Bay of Arosato be the Site of Royal Summer Home. mug Alfonso of Spain 19 preparing W en - Joy next summer the odd wedding present that 001113 wealthy Spanish noblemen 1i0- 9Wwed ou him and Queen Victoria, lie is hurl:,, a pa 0,=e but11 an the Islan:1 of Corte - 994o0 l0 L.,u Liu; o1 Aloha, 0p011ni,o L.,10 00.1 of Cairil and the summer resort of Villa- garcla, famous for Its sulphur e., 0 1't:e villa at San Sebastian, at wbloh he h hera- toforo spent good dual of time ole sant- mer, is the property of his mother, a d the 110W summer home 1s designed to give the youthfnl couple a place where they can en- tertain guests Indepeuodently, The Island Is about three miles and a halt in eircutnteroace. It 1s diveratiled in sur- face and beautifully wooded, while In all di- rections it receival cooling breezes and com- mands splendid views, varying from the broad Atientlo to the picturesque shores of the bay, Previously to Its purchase for the Hing It had a population of seventy fisher folk, who Inhabited eighteen dwellings, They sold out their rights to the lntondlug don- ors, Mating the desire o1 the latter, nettle), Put it, to please their sovereign, upon the one condition that the Chapel of Incarna- tion, a tar !anted shrine to which pilgrims from all the fishing villages et the coast resented, should remain untouched, and should he always accessible to pilgrims, The ging has placed the building of his Palace and the beautifying of the island In the hands of the Marquis do Vtana and a Madrid architect, Senor Woollen. Tho building is to be of sent -Arab design„ lowing the the general linea of some of the moat famous parts of the Alhnmbn., The harbor is also to he developed no that the King can Indulge in aquatic sports. 4sec In Joy or Sorrow, God is with me in my troubles, to be an infinitely greater joy. He is with me in my lasses, to ho a gain beyond all calculation. Ile is with nu in my 14 bags far good and for peace, for !j1' measures of truth and love, to am them; for he has inspired me with tbeao longings Ile 114 with us when ave go wrong to show es the error of our nays, when we go right to give tis the satis- ftetion and the reward to visit with en- couragement and to show still larger openings in the 00900 direction; God Ls with His own 1011en they sleep, to be ready in due time to stir in them their waking, working powers, Nothing can happen to ratan so bad, mine to him when he wakes cr when he sleeps, in a wily to leave him otherwise than on .the bosom of the Father --\V 11. Bicknell. S ILOH'S Quick ease for the worst cough—quick relief to the heaviest cold—and SAFE to take, even for a child. Cures That is Shiloh•s Cure. Sold under a guarantee COUdhS to cure colds and coughs la, Colds quicker than any other ILA medicine—or your money back, 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 20c., 60c., $1. see UILY! Going Into Consumption? When your throat rattles, your lunge and chest are 0000, your throat is stuff- ed with cold --don't fear honsaniption— use Caiarrhozono and get well. It clears the throat, cures hacking. relievestight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubes. To clear away Catarrh of the nose nothing could he better, Cntarr- !toxone is Nature's own remedy,— it heals rand soothes—cures every form of throat, lung or bronchial trouble, Preseribecl by many specialists and used by thousands every day, 25c and $1 at n1l dealers. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, No Subject for Congratulation. A young lawyer, not noted tor intelligence, succeeded in having n client acquitted of mur- der. Meetdag a friend a few days afterward, the lawyer was greeted with warm congratu- tatlenc. 'Tea' said the lawyer, mopping his brow, "I .got him off, .but 1t was a tsarists., es - "A A narrow escapes Iiow?" "Ah. the tightest squeeze you ever caw. 'fou know I examined the witnesses and made the argument myself, the plea bolas, sell -defence. The fury woe out two whole days. Flintily the .fudge called them before him and asked what the trouble was. "'0nly ono thing, my lord," replied the foreman, "Was the prisoner's counsel re- tained by him or appointed by the Court?' "'No gentlemen, the prisoner Is a man of means," said the Judge, "and engaged its awn counsel." "I could not see what bearing the ques- tion had on the evidence.,' continued tho law- yer, 'hut ten minutes later In filed the jury, and what do you think the verdict was?' 'Whnt?' asked his friend, 'Why, not guilty, on the ground of Insane tty.'—Memphis Commercial Appeal, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc, Save $60 by use of one bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by drag - gists. • • First Sig', of Grace. A story is told rnspeeting a Scotch minis- ter, who, in the old days of Patronage was forced upon a congregation at Altness. He was coldly received; but calling one day upon an old elder he took a chair in spite of his gruff reception. In order to meet an awk- ward pause he look out fits snuff box, "Oh, said the elder, "Ye take snuff, dee ye?" "Oh. yes," was the reply, "Weal," said the elder, "that's the first sign e' grace I've seen In ye." "flow's that?' "Dee ye no read a Solomon's temple," replied the elder, "that'll' the snuffers were, of sure gold?" 4.68- N ature's Nature's Decoration. During the past few months in Swit- zerland and France there have been brought to light several caverns in which pertifieation of water has wrought mar- velous effects of crystalline decoration. The last of these to be announced is a magnificent grotto laid bare by a fall of reek at the Pointe du Taland, Canton of Belle Isle -en -Mer. The grotto is ae- cessible at low tide, ROSES OU LOVE AND THORNS OF WEDLOCK The Experience of Thousands Illus• trated in a Single In- stdnce. "In lore's garden lilies shake their golden bolls when Cupid posses by, but the roses of lore and the thorns of wedlock grow on the same bush." Tide lofty sentiment, with its sad refrain, tottered by one of the world's brightest and sweeteat charseters, was strikingly illustrated recently in the case of one of the brightest young wives of Toronto, +veto after the birth of her first born was pronounced a hopeless tuberculosis subject. The case was greatly aggrava- ted by chronic stomach trouble. A neg- lected sueuner cold was the originat- ing cause. The distracted husband and newly constituted father sought some word of eonolatlon from the doctote. None conte. A friend advised Psydtine. In the nbsenee of other hope ho tried it. No doctors now. Instead of his wvoar- ing the badge of loneliness, that beauti- ful wife and proud mother, with her street baby, daily accompanies "Papa" down one of the fashionable streets of Toronto. Ask them bow it nu came about, and they answer, simply, "Psy- chinel" eI consider it a duty to other mothers and outer sufferers to telt of my ex- ,perienoo with 1'sychino, One year has aleady passed eines I discontinued tatting these remedies, and there has been no return of nay farmer trouble. Before taking Payohine my system be• mune run down 'with hogand other troubles. I lest flesh and etrength rap. idly. It Siete es ,much as my life was worth to eat ordinary food. I ooee my present t sylendid health to Payoldne. "Mos Samuel Barker, Simcae, Ont: Paychble l3 a wonderful throat, hung and stonineii tonic and regulator. Cures stubborn colds and all run•dovvn condi- tloiv.. At all druggists, 60e and $1 or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Eiinitod, 170 Icing sheet west, Toronto, vr 4, CONUNDRUMS. Q.—Why is a book inclined to be quar- relsome? A. --Because it generally has its'"back up," Q. --Why will a book keep a promisei A,—Because it ah+m.y'e considers its binding. Q.—When is a boot: like a cultured gentleman?' A. -When it is well 'read. Q.—Whets does a book resemble a favorite animal? A.—Wloen it has "dog-ears." (i -How do 'you know shoes gossip? A,---B,eatuee they have such long. tongues.' Q.-lf ivehee went'to' school, w'hy would, -he never got .1130- for his lessons 1 A. -Because he is generally to be found at the. footl5 - Q, Why, are. ehbes. superior to other seeming apparel? - A,- De0:11 ao,'•e?dry ,shoe hit.a a sole.: Q,—Why' is a `;flfrggjtt 'of steps rude? A;—Because itrip:eays.atalte, Q.—If the clock went on strike Wlutt would happen? ,(A,—Tho hands would stops' prk. Q,—\\hfeh oils of the dishgp on tine table understands the game of baseball?. A.—The pitcher, Q.—What game is the st4yitprid"oft A,—Poker: Q.—Why does the window need a doe. A, --Because it always has a pane. 1 MINAIW\S LINIMENT CO., LIMITED. Gentlemen,—Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- AItD'S LlN11bJENr.P in a severe attack of Ia Grippe, a'td I have frequently proved it to be very effective in eases of Inflarnmation, Yours, W. A. IIUTCH-IINSON, Immense Saltpetre: Beds. Anibal, Cruz, Minister from Chile to the United States, said last night that reports that the immense beds of salt- petre found in that eountry will be ex- hausted in e. row years are erroneous. "Those beds will not last merely a hun- dred years or twat' hundred, but will be helping to make Chile wealthy a thou- sand years from now. Chile le the only country in the world in which such de- posits of saltpetre. are found, They are for the most pert owned by Germans stud Englishmen. The Germans are the most heavily interested, with the :Eng- lish next, Most of the saltpetre is ex- ported to Hamburg, while some of it goes to Liverpool, The Chilean Govern- ment derives .a large amount of revenue from this export trade, its to duty of nbout two shillings a ton is exacted on all that is sent out. The revenue am- ounts to eighty or ninety million gills' pings each year,—From tate Washington Herald, Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Language of Eden, At the Highland reception In Glasgow City °hambers on the 30th ult. the Rov. Hoo- ter Mackinnon, Shettleston, spoke 1n Gaelic, and an unfortunate newspaper man, who le' unacquainted with the language of Eiden, in- terviewed ono of the reverend gentlemen's' audience at the conclusion of the 'address "What did Mr. Mackinnon say?" he asked. "Say?" replied the Interrogated—"Saye Weal, ho list telt't a story aboot an. auld wife wba alnee said to a deeln' sailor, 'God help ye,' an' yo deeln' without a word o' Gaelic la your etnplt held.',':' The newspaper man 210 not take the atony as having any poreon! atrollcatien- ISSUE NO. 50, 1907 MISCELLA,NEOUS, CHRISTMAS MONEY FOR BOYS AND girls. Address postcard to Commercial Trading Association, nasal ton. WISE AND OTHERWISE. Miss 'Terry—Mother, I notice that lately whenever I ask you for money you grumble and growl and act nasty, \Vhnt's come over you, You didn't use to bo that way. Mrs. Terry --'My dear, you are going to be married soon, and I am getting you used to it. --Cleveland Leader. The trouble with a man in love is that he keeps forgetting that the rest of the world isn't,—Florida Times -Union. "I see by the papers that they have hod another monkey dinner at Newport." "What of it? Where else would they have it?"—Chiengo Journal. He conquers twice who restrains him, self in victory,—Syruo. First Commuter -Do you treat your cook like one of the fancily, Second Com- mnter—\9e woulilii't dare to take such e liberty. --St, Louie C11obe-Democrat. A drop of fortune is worth a cask of wisdom.—Latin. 1 "She vowed 'she couldn't marry for ages. IIe swore ho would wait all tine." "Well,' "They compromised, and made, it a week!' --Kansas City Journal. Ile that does not honor his wife dis. honors himself. Spanish, "The young man that's calling on you nolo, .Dora is an agreeable chaitge from the others." "Bow," ."'IIe doesn't turn down ,;te gas in the parlor., "Why, mamma, ho works for the gas company!" --Chiengo Tribuneey,'• Iu the Austro•Iiungarian army budget for 1908' there will be included nearly $9,000,000 for increasing tite.sdale of pay of the, offieers, 84 per cent.; of whit& will be appropriated for the benefit of lien. tenants and captains, •There are, it 14 eotimated,.sontething like 2,000 women on various publicly elected bodies in England and Wales at the present time, and of this number about 1,200 are members of Boards of Guardians, Talk at the Episcopal convention is estimated to have cost $15 a' minute, TORTURED DAY & NIGHT Zam-Buk Cures Piles That there is no end to. .the healing powers of Znm-Bilk is bejng demon- strated every day. Mr. Julius Glacier, of Denbigh, Ont., was tortured day and night with 'blind bleeding piles, so bare that he says: "I could find no cotufort standing, sitting orlyjng down, and was unable to do any work. One day my eyes rested uP on a little o sa1nple:box of: Zam Buk..1 I picked it up and rend stile word CURES, j(ILNo, I started using, Zutp-Buk that,;night, and before I could purchase a large !sox I was already cured, and HAVE NOT BEEN TROUBLED SINCE,1,'•'You may publish. tide, if you wish, for the benefit of other sufferers." 'Phis Is only one of the many cases whore Za oo-Buk has 'healed piles when all else tailed. Why do you go on suffering when such a splendid remedy is noar:atshand? Zamiuk heals .sores, ,cures eczema, skin eruptions, ,ulcers,yringworm, itch, barber's rash, blood poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions, •abseooees,'cuts, burns, scalds and all akin injuries and diseoees, Of all stores and.dnaggists at 60 cents, or from Zam-13uk..Cpf,Toronto, for price. 8 boxes for $12$,, , ' A Mammoth's Teeth.' Miners excavating near Statnmia made a very interesting prelistorie find in the remains of a mammoth in excellent state 01 prt}seryation.So far, says a Lem- berg pi6'tespondegt of , the Pall Mall Gazette, the portions dug out include tsvo teeth, come elefeet in''length, but in five or six pieces, jaw' hones, parts of the vertebrae column, and three or four yards of hide, upon which the hair is still fresh, joints, and other bones, and one foot of the animal. The re- markable state of preservation in which the skeleton. was found its attributed to the fact that the sell in the district is permeated with mineral oils, earth was and natural gases. •-• Mnlard's Liniment Cures Distemper. In proportion to its weight, a bird's wing is twenty times stronger than the average man's arm. "TIAs IS 1T— Si. George's Raking Powder —the baking powder that makes the best Bread—the whitest Biscuits —the lightest Cake and Pastry— you ever saw." "Order a can NOW—so you will be sure to have ST. GEORGE'S for your next baking." Wrile for free ropy of our New Cook -Book National Drag It Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Montreal. 24