HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-31, Page 6RWJ M, The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose fattier was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself (spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse- 4tuently entered the ministry of the X. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepare. tions known in the trade, but APER?S ti is the only one of ,�. them that I could recommend as a blood -purifier. I have given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had," -War. Corr, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. ER'S THE ONLY WORLD'S FM Sarsaparilla When In doubt, askforAyer's Frills The Huron News-Recora 125 a Year -411.00 in Advance, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 31st., 1807. Cured by an Earthquake. THE STRANGE STORY TOLD BY A CITI- ZEN OF MONTREAL. Montreal, March 24, -The building inspector of Montreal, Mr. Lacroix, tells of a remarkable story about the earthquake. His eldest son. tged 15 years had been confined to his bed for sor some days by illness. When the shock occured, the boy was dozing. The fright he got was so severe that in his excitement he sprang from the hed and staggered towards the street boor. Fortunattely his farther saw hill) and carried hied back to bed. Before he had been in bed many minutes lie. told his parents that the pains from which he had been suffering so ulnch were leaving him. Half an hour later lie was dressed for the first time for llaany days. He continued to iwptove ) rapidly and this morning he is able to lvalk alone abouL the hoose. AIr. Lacroix thinks his son, besides physi- cal ailments, must have been suffer- ing frons nervous affec•tiou. which the ranexpected shock cared. FOR YOU! YOR .ill! 1DOWT L O THr; Cl tY. They Itaill"t 110 teAC@ q 1Vt11' I. this ere Apto�ly town, With folks all, kggro All' bossed ) A efiarglu' all aroun'. r' The world Is full o' troubles-• You're bowl' to hav enuff 'Thout wearin' out your sperits A hustllu' for "the stuff. ­ Hits hustle fpr grub till' eat it, Au' hustle for clothes to wear_ Hit's hustle jest simply to Hustle, An' hustle for water en' air. Jest 9111=0 a farm In Pickens With 0110 0' them free stone springs, take yer blasted old city I Vtth Its hustlers an' banks an, things. —Atlanta Coalstitutlon. ARGUMENT UNANSWERABLE. So Site Thought Because the Editor Dt Not Reply. "Has Scribbler's Magazine pr(nte, the poem you setn them?" he aske( of the girl in the green gown. "Oh, my ! Didn't I tell you abou It ? I am sure I did," she replied. "I think you are mistaken." "Really ? I thought I did. You seg It was this way." "They accepted it T, "Oh, no. They sent It back,'sayinl that it was unavailable." "Yes," "Well, I knew a good deal better, ane I told theta so. I wrote the editor b long letter in which I analyzed all o; the poems which he had printed thr last six months, and I proved to hirr conclusively that the poem I sent Wal suitable for the magazine, and ever s( much better than any he had ever printed." "He admitted it ?" "Yes." "Let me see it." a what?" "The letter frban the .editor," "Oh, he didn't send any," "I don't understand." "There wasn't any necessity for him to reply. You see my argument wa: unanswerabae." "I don't understand. Did he print the poem ?" No, indeed. You don't suppose I'd send it to him again after .he had in- sulted me by sending it back. But his admission of Its merit was a great thing." And he changed the subject of con- versation. A R'oman's Way. 'UNITON V1811, 0000; ani, . 81/NO MOTpR) S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the petsonal supervisiou and ua'nership ft eight years. We carry as extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane on give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and Or, fl, closest prices. All work; is supervised in a ilechauical way and eatit,factio guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lillie, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Agent for tl.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL I)ESK, manufacture tit Water 100- Call and get prices and eatiulates before placing your orders. CLEARING SALE. -.n_ i We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crtckery and Glarswat t this mouth as we propose giving up keeping 16ueo linea, l tars%to i purchasers will find the prices vary lox iii the puuds ull,st be cold. Groceries oleo at Close Cut Prices, - Tulula, Cw;h of Product AgeLt for the Kolona Ten. G. J. STEWART THANKS TO THE PUBLIC.�.O:� We desire to thank our nunherous cLiMolners and the general public fu their very 1. liberal patronage during the past, thirty years ; froln yea to have purchased the sI' lit"Silless e resas tinttho old Bricks Block ire odellintryand NV proving them with Plate Glass Fronts &c. In consequence w have rt moved the whole: stock from the McKay Block Store to our Improve Stores in the old Brick Block where the invite n continuation of ou fortnet• patronage. We are now busy sorting and replacing goods When our Goods is it" stritighteued up we will offer SPECIAL IN DUCE VENTS in order to reduce our eery large stock, 9WRemember, oar Stores are only in tho Old Brick Block -- 0 HARLAND :-: BROSto Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Houso for Sale YOUR SPARE TIME Two stol'y Name houRO in (,lintel,, ten room, Men,wonten, to conduct businessatholne. stonceelleI�,,hard and soft tatter. Good grmind Work I,; simple writing and co{{lying lists Frame stable. For fc,ll ttarticulatrs apply t of nddretl cs rc ceived front looal adtertis- the owner, JOtiEl'II aLi,. NSON, Clinton, Nin ; Poproviled to its daily. No can. �JiJ-tf _�-^— Y,LRRIIIg; no pret•ious experience required, � f but plain writers preferred. Permanent work to thoso content to earn 6 or more f 1}� \ Lttlelll esti, Illus weekly in spare 6in,c, Apply to 1�':uoocv i WAN' IT'D —(with goo orincatiou P( n. Co., LONDON, UxI•, $ who want to halter their nositious, etc! aouh be eontcnt for a year witlI o4H)O and expenses 11'ritc its, with doscriptiuu and ovelipntion — - -- and tro Mill iutke it, proptL-'itioll for now o the future. Also r,eedv(l, reli;tLlc a (ti fo LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND �ustraba. Write Lo -day, fur are ill hurrl, The Manag,•er, -WAGON FACTORY, I 10 Richmond 5t. Wcst l'oronto, OuL• Corner Huron and Orange Streets, ('lint ml. b'lrst-r•lasBuggies , haul and tits to LOCS S WA N TEQ order. Prices to suit theetimesR . epairs tend M repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason• • Able. ALL KINDS OF LOGS WAN'rl:l', Behind the ScelieB. for which the h•st prices will be The draft of the speech front the I green' throne for next : - reThutsd,is about Also Basswood Reading Wanted. ready. It ought to read like ththis� 1 4111) happy to he able to w'sure you — t.hat�tlle crops have bepil good. Since ST�iPLETf ld SALT WORKS, were iast in attenda-lice there has been It heavv yield of office -seekers, 211yadvisers have in some Ineatsure, ap- peased the hunger of their friends, at I Farm For Sale. considerable sacrifice of e}Iiciullt officials. 50(11.11 half Lot. No. 2.-), lih c toncessiml, Code I rich Township, unc mile north of Clinton, colli - Yon will be glad to learn that the , Prised of 30 acres. marc oar lees, 9 he hand k all cleatred avid lit fair state of cultivation. Well 1 .Lull •o b . s • „ roti .' t t school r n t ton a 1 Ila,; been a.el- fc11o• ul iulrl t ` 1 linty of cedar on the properL)•. ,juRte<l saLisf>ICtUrily to those who, Yor• 1� rams burn •tnxrn, ,tone stahlo 3gx6o. 11'111 be pf;lit -al purposeE. created the tl JIIbIP, Q r rcaaonaLble and (ill tomes to stmt purchnscr. My ndvisers, hatviug convinced 11 Nur p1lrLicnlit"s apply at Tm,, fr•tends in AI:ulitoba that is n( NFus-ttx:rohsi oflicc, 0r to JAMES -1. Co1.ct.oU(nl, Ilettfa•yn there P. O. ing further to he watde by keeping the - question open, have conte to tcr•Ins. In rill r•snalice of the arr.mgement, Air, .A Rare Opportun.ty, Sifton has boon taken into the Cabinet, Fur Naic, 1650 acre :s, A 1 groin or stoc•l: farm, 'Mr. PI'ellclergnSt has been Iia&• ,t, Wiwes cleared, hiLlanvo uuculled hardwood. judge, and AIr•, De\ hn has been sent to i ~olid brick house, Sc. franlo barn 28xF l; sLtblo Irelinid as Emigration Con nissioner, 18x.:7; xhcep ho(Ise 1''x28; good %(-atter. Coa- g I VMlent to S {,'rain elevators, mills, &C. Good ,Mr. GI.,4�11%vaty has Vet to he provided ru;eds+Lnd free from all obnoxious weeds, e. for. 1 learn front All'. Sifton that ill; I \fill take resident property in Clinton part solutely nothing has been conc•ecle(} to I pay. InquircatTin. Nn;ws-krcoatofiice. the Homitn Catholic. -,and I have :ts- !lin-3 rr cert,iined front Alr. Tarte that t.hoy have got more than then c ver deserved. Wanted -An' Idea. Who can think or some simple I all. informed by some numbersof my thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth Cabinet that tile: question is now write JOHN WEDDF.RBO RN & Co., Potent Attor. disposed of forever, and by others net's, wash",n, D. C., for their;l,sa) prize offer that. the termcr s obtained are mwo hunerely ,t and list of tdrod inventions wanted. first instalment. The snbjert has been --_-..-- -- -_v- referred by Illy Aliiistcr•s to Ills ifoli- McKillop Directory for 1897, ness the Pope. A commission has been gathering John Jlorrison. Reeve. Wintlrra t P. O, g €- I Fyne. Archibald, Deputy Itec%-c cadbury 1'. 0 evidrttce to guitic illy advisers in fraur Daniel Manlev, C•oancillor, Beechwood P. O. ing it tariff. The testimony has beetr I Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood 11. O. exactly What wits not. wanted. Aiy I Will. .CicanvisoCouncillor, , Cin il b�' �Cidburyrop P. 0. •)dvtsers cannot t,horefore he guided William Everts, Asse:,gor, Beechwood P. O, by the evidence, but. will sillmlit Ruch I)avid M. Itogs, TreuA111Tr, Winthrop P. O. aY tariff ;is par•t•,y exgelicle•R Inay Sig- I Hiharles uharl l'etellar'ei,Sanittrt Insieetor Leadbury, 9"1,. It is probable that it may be necessary to postpone the completion of the revision, and thus prolong the j McLeod's delay. Arty Ministers hoj)e that (ills will nty tire business unrest and ort- I System Renovator � certainty that ill•so injurious to tile y e J trade of the country, You will be pleased to learn that tw'o - -AND oTureR -- Of Illy 1liilisters were recently sent to Tested Rettiedies. Washington r tit open nekotiae Uo for SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE •L treaty of reciprocity with the United States. They had the assistance of AIr. Charlton, .`.1. P., both before and Fnr Iuipllrc, Weak and 1111poverishcd Blood, Iftcr their miRSinn. I OTU compelled ailed I I)yspepsta, Slecplesxncss, lwlpa(ation of (1100 heart, Livor Contpinint, Nouralgin.. Loss of Lo iufortll you that as it i'estilt the need Alomory, Bronchtli'•, ConsnrnptionGallNtoates, xpect nothing now F`ut higher duties inundicc. Kidncv and Urinary i)iNefL cl B111 Inore llnftiendly treatlnelit front F'iluS lh)nce, 1, ' vlrrvplai'lties ;Lod Gen• the neighbouring republic, as the idea I oral Debilii ins taken'root thele that WO ctul thus LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. )c foac•ed into giv ng More than can be J. Vii, �teLEOI), )btanied from its by fair itPa»s. 14Iy rdvisers ara constantly endeavouring Prol), and Ma.nufactarer. o combat thig theory by giving the. Sold in Clinton 1)y, ,wericans to under,.t:uld that %va are •ro lI. ("o\IR1;• and ALLAN & NVILSON. nitirely at their nlercy. 1 AluProperty For Salo u ch of the time of the (Uovernment _ arcs been spent in negotiations a' the n CHANCE 1701t o,tnnrNl r,9. Jttticai. ire Sol icItor-General arnd air legal agent in England have beenIn cnnsegncnee of nn' a;o and lack of holei I hair decided to nt'ter for sale toy splendid gardening pro' inpl0y ed in replesentIn�, to his Holi- perty conalstlrg ofri,ennd a half fv,resht Clinton, tem Clint it. is desirable that, the Ad- Homo of the host land in the ronnty r,f limon, Includ. moist rattion should have the 11Rs1Rt;liC(, In)? hot bells and other nccesant•y requirements, There is no the im:mis('q n frame houac wMi ecllars f it Papal alblegate it, this country. softnnd hard wnt(r, barn and othor outbuildings 'he Popo has (leen graciously pleased I The Burf(obl river adiolnatbn pmporiy. Will sell at (t Rend a,represenuttive to inquire 11R a 11e4sono hle price for half cash and balance eeanreJ n how flu• Canadians tire Inca )atble of by mnrtgago. As I dcsiro to Pell, this in a ehane( 1 anldom mkt lth, A;)ply porxnnally or by latter to oterning thelllsvIves• the proprietor, Y on twill hey asked to consider le risla- c , JOSEPH ALLANRON, ion to provide for a plebiscite op the R_a t t. - rlllnton quorquestion; hnttile puhliclnily1•vst' Wanted -- Canvassers. ssured that, as ill the case of the On- "Queen Vittoria: Her Life and Reign," trio tlover'mnent, Illy advisers etre wr•ely playing it piwty gartie. TIas captured the British ll;Ili Piro. Extraordin. ary tostimonlalq from the groat men; send for Theppublic acconnls for 1800-07 tvill copy frco. Marquis of Lorne says, "Tile best P laid before ,yell. For th(- c ur•rentear popular Life of the Queen I have seen,' Her Y A%rt(,,,sty goods a kbld letter of fipprevintioll. iP expenditure flits been considerably Solltlig by tbonso.nds; gives elithtlslflstie Rattq- ler•cased, r.Ud Lilt, revenno has dinli,l_ faction. Cost a fn(nt of money, but large olr- enla fort 'us,iflos bed. 11w � t t t low re n e,tnnnLeR far 13(17-3 will be tail. �d.o , Lots of hislorlc 11h1straLhms. Large hook --over n.11 fl)fuitte'd to you. Yost will I'•c Its.eed •Lx(Itaxl(11 inchos. Mon and women of standing t rednee the salaries of some of Llho In the community making $15 to $i0 a Week, erks and to increase the salaries of F.xellIANP. territory. Proqtrectus free to attg�ents, v0 of my Ministers. BookR on time. fHIf, BILADLEY-GAR ens": SON CO., L'TD, TonoNTo, ONT. Statiittioner ry7 Office suppliesq 1' 1' ~1.1-�-1••�• 1,1,'®•1.41►-'�-'�.,•�.',1.1►-1.1. .fob Prinfingil The Nears -Record �- Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Suppliesand Job Printing Depart- ment. r We are unsurpassed.... 1 By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the duality of Moth 'is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may su;aest something you may be ill need of, and in such case Nve solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet NI'itil the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads , I Circulars In this line we have at verV fille y'ash c' t''-�l� •. �. �'y� �Q stock of writing papers suitable for We excel n1 till the different kinds every clils3 of blls.tttPRR represented of work we tul'n out, and particu- in this locality, also for private use. Int•ly in (Ili,;, and keep in stock ` Note Heads plain :Ind fancy papers suitable for till r'equiretrlents. This useful size is kept in stock, the The Great Life -giver. qualities being in several "What have you been doing, turn- grades. Memo. Heads of entertainments nod rileet.ing s promptly turned out, from t' he These,fijl an iu)pot tont pLlcoin �l- c� ing the parlor into a kindling word "lerciatl ctmresp(tndei)ce. See what Cards and Tickets %ve hate goL. factory ?" Bill Heads These cover it large range of work, front "No, only sharpening it pencil." If tilt- "pay -as -yon -go" plan %vas Paine's Celery Compound Removes A Cynien[ Sii•e, I btlSinPBS c•alyd OI. a 11a.ndcowely Every Load and Burden. printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders "Did you speak to lily father?" said Miss Gushley. • I Tn this line Tim, NEWS -RECORD I coni- pleto in't.his line. Good puller and call supply every design, quality arnd price on the market. "Yes," rept ed the yow>n,airi' with - Statements fosters embarrassment. ' •Orli fiteilit•ies for turning out this - class of work are evidenced by the "You told him that despite your filet that the alwalys do good work It Is Foremost As a Spring humble fortune we wish to marry?" "'w'es-or snmeth'ng to that purpose." life sura to folch hilll )-ound-�-- Medicine.too solllel line. ' a "Aral what did he reply? That I was yr°eung?". r • ��'e wake a spc c iAlly of Lnvelui)es. Ton know "No -not exactlS. He said I was old it would he hard to I work and the very reasonable got along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for enough to have more sense." -Wash- tt•em we keep a large; stock oil Sale Bills hand. Plain or Printer, we are t4ering some great snaps. One ington Star. _ IT MAKES WONDROUS CURES. for ue. Not it Nilllotai,e. Commerical Printing pear in THE NEws-RHcoRD Free of ehalrge when hills for A vast amount of work under this Jobsen-So you've moved into your head to enumerate would m(1I' t,ltnt take tip the Pnl•ire spate oce All Kinds of Work- " cupled by this adv t, but w•� do it all at TNN: NEWS -RECORD, new house. Jepson ? Invitations I earl be done in this establish ment ill an exr)editious Jepson -Yes ; moved in last week. ;:: The promise of a new and happier, Job. --Going to have a housewarm- ing? prices will be existence is personal and general. It Jep.-I•Tave a housewarming with the very latest and best samples to I is for you 1 itis for all ! he had. (sill •t . »d Ree coal at ten dollars a ton ? Do you z 14TeD and women, young and old, think I'm a millionaiire,-Boston Cour- ter. cuter into the spring season with a - variety of diseases th.ftt arise frorn it Tw,..ri.trei-ed At-, faulty or impaired nervous systelu. "Why do you insist upon taking your ,r. These ailments cause more sufferings wife out for such long walks in this and earlier deaths than all others, and rough weather ?" that is why so much attention and "Tile uuot(:r J,a.e, 'AX!d t_rr t�.,_t nils prominence has been given to Paire's roust De very careful noa 't to talk tve:: ('11=1 y Compound. she is out in the cold alr." Of all medicines, P,tine's Celery1 1 "Say, whose your dxtor ?"--Cleve- land hea er. I Compound stands first as it rapid and sure core for ill nerve diseases such as nervous debility, netralgin, rhea- ruatism ansciaticas. Slerple.suess, News NotCs. - - nervousness and dyspepsi:t originate police census of the population of from an imperfect condition of the Tol'illlto will be taken on Sunday, Ap- nervous system, an 3 d a petfec•t and rig 11. permanent cure can only he looked for from Paine's Celery Cornponnd. at A severe earthquake shock was felt 1lollt•rm,l and at many other points In the spring season, when the hlood in Quebec. Is impth-e, thin and impoverished, Paines Celery Cor»pound is the algeit of Alr'. John CoWgan denicR the truth the story that he is to enter the of life, that quickly cleanses and pari- Pies the life stream, bringing Rtre,ngtll, constructed re - Cabinet of New .Brunswick. vigoralnd robustness, 5co11 .Jackson Hurl Alonzo Wiclling The ave of coal bottle of Painc's here SaLurdav executed in New ,ort, Iiy., for Iho umrc�el' 1141 Yeal1nn Velery Compound will gnickly con- L'r'%•iul. Vince the slNever that he or she has truly laid hold 'of at spring ux>dicinee Joseph Dilnlas is on (rill] atCha(IM111 that leads to health and a new life, On the `l`rgP of shooting Nit'. - Snook, Thousnnds in the past hilv(e thrown i tviduly living alone, and rubbing her aside their ills and troubles ; you Inay house. do the same if you get the medicine The latrgesi. diatltlond in the World has thnt cures. Paine's Celery Compound, 11r'rtvod in London front Kiii ley. It + and it nlone, can meet your expert,, tions. 'fake no other medicine front 1;3 half said to he worth tiv(t i:lilllot, autd a dollars uncut. your dealer, no matter how strongly About three biid;cd English villi - lie Flilly recommend it. ¢rrant.s arrived it, Monlreatl Tnesdny 1irR. Louis Cyr of-ironsirleR pot, a LhP up , Inajority of whew intend taking 1 Iiwd ill Alanitobat. leailf of tobacco an it cut hand and (lied of blood -poisoning. e On Alonday night Clalrcnc•e A1ar•tin aged 21, enrployed of the farm Air, THE PF.0PLE' ARI+,' C0NVIN('F,D Willitun of } reenitin, 13ini ook, Ont., t When they read the testimonials of t•owmitt•ed ill .uicide by hanginhii)Rolf r the barn. g c ' var'es by Hoods Sar•sapatrilla. They nrh written by honest teen and At rho Chatha 7 m A.;.ires Thoma, 1,a_•t wutnau, and are plait, straighff`tl' Clair, who has been awit%• from home t ward statements of fact. The people for for many yr'ar:q, mall n Air. Lahodie f? 11ave.confideneP in Hood's Salrsaparlllat alienating his ttife'.v Affections, tlecanse se hthey know it actually andt The action wits dtcrnissed. peViilanently cures, even when pthe,. The alarming rumors of the ICatiser's li medicines fall. dallgerotlR nlentarl condition are con - Il -fined, and there is talk ill Berlin of a HOOD'S PILLS tire the only pills to appointing his brother, Prince Henry (like with Hood's Snr'salparillal. i+ia•Sy Of It I rnlsSla, regent, iviLh :111 advisory ttF�"Ptd yet efficient. co»nrrl. The drafts of the- treaties IleLween tine The statcnient is published that glee t 'ransvalatl Repthlic and the Orange powers by have ncc•epi,etl it proposal oracle it the Sultan that King ()eorge Vree State give the burghers of each ''Ate the franchise in either•tepnblic', Greece of i, shall occupy and a(hnintater 's d e an tile two 10 Ill)IICR agree. I'e.e tel support 1(i, ' P f; It the government, of `` g (rete, Tnrke re- her • Y L, II •eylch othel•'in case of attack, 1 sextan inland. r Imperial t,rights g is in the c' t' 'UNITON V1811, 0000; ani, . 81/NO MOTpR) S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the petsonal supervisiou and ua'nership ft eight years. We carry as extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane on give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and Or, fl, closest prices. All work; is supervised in a ilechauical way and eatit,factio guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lillie, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Agent for tl.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL I)ESK, manufacture tit Water 100- Call and get prices and eatiulates before placing your orders. CLEARING SALE. -.n_ i We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crtckery and Glarswat t this mouth as we propose giving up keeping 16ueo linea, l tars%to i purchasers will find the prices vary lox iii the puuds ull,st be cold. Groceries oleo at Close Cut Prices, - Tulula, Cw;h of Product AgeLt for the Kolona Ten. G. J. STEWART THANKS TO THE PUBLIC.�.O:� We desire to thank our nunherous cLiMolners and the general public fu their very 1. liberal patronage during the past, thirty years ; froln yea to have purchased the sI' lit"Silless e resas tinttho old Bricks Block ire odellintryand NV proving them with Plate Glass Fronts &c. In consequence w have rt moved the whole: stock from the McKay Block Store to our Improve Stores in the old Brick Block where the invite n continuation of ou fortnet• patronage. We are now busy sorting and replacing goods When our Goods is it" stritighteued up we will offer SPECIAL IN DUCE VENTS in order to reduce our eery large stock, 9WRemember, oar Stores are only in tho Old Brick Block -- 0 HARLAND :-: BROSto Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Houso for Sale YOUR SPARE TIME Two stol'y Name houRO in (,lintel,, ten room, Men,wonten, to conduct businessatholne. stonceelleI�,,hard and soft tatter. Good grmind Work I,; simple writing and co{{lying lists Frame stable. For fc,ll ttarticulatrs apply t of nddretl cs rc ceived front looal adtertis- the owner, JOtiEl'II aLi,. NSON, Clinton, Nin ; Poproviled to its daily. No can. �JiJ-tf _�-^— Y,LRRIIIg; no pret•ious experience required, � f but plain writers preferred. Permanent work to thoso content to earn 6 or more f 1}� \ Lttlelll esti, Illus weekly in spare 6in,c, Apply to 1�':uoocv i WAN' IT'D —(with goo orincatiou P( n. Co., LONDON, UxI•, $ who want to halter their nositious, etc! aouh be eontcnt for a year witlI o4H)O and expenses 11'ritc its, with doscriptiuu and ovelipntion — - -- and tro Mill iutke it, proptL-'itioll for now o the future. Also r,eedv(l, reli;tLlc a (ti fo LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND �ustraba. Write Lo -day, fur are ill hurrl, The Manag,•er, -WAGON FACTORY, I 10 Richmond 5t. Wcst l'oronto, OuL• Corner Huron and Orange Streets, ('lint ml. b'lrst-r•lasBuggies , haul and tits to LOCS S WA N TEQ order. Prices to suit theetimesR . epairs tend M repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason• • Able. ALL KINDS OF LOGS WAN'rl:l', Behind the ScelieB. for which the h•st prices will be The draft of the speech front the I green' throne for next : - reThutsd,is about Also Basswood Reading Wanted. ready. It ought to read like ththis� 1 4111) happy to he able to w'sure you — t.hat�tlle crops have bepil good. Since ST�iPLETf ld SALT WORKS, were iast in attenda-lice there has been It heavv yield of office -seekers, 211yadvisers have in some Ineatsure, ap- peased the hunger of their friends, at I Farm For Sale. considerable sacrifice of e}Iiciullt officials. 50(11.11 half Lot. No. 2.-), lih c toncessiml, Code I rich Township, unc mile north of Clinton, colli - Yon will be glad to learn that the , Prised of 30 acres. marc oar lees, 9 he hand k all cleatred avid lit fair state of cultivation. Well 1 .Lull •o b . s • „ roti .' t t school r n t ton a 1 Ila,; been a.el- fc11o• ul iulrl t ` 1 linty of cedar on the properL)•. ,juRte<l saLisf>ICtUrily to those who, Yor• 1� rams burn •tnxrn, ,tone stahlo 3gx6o. 11'111 be pf;lit -al purposeE. created the tl JIIbIP, Q r rcaaonaLble and (ill tomes to stmt purchnscr. My ndvisers, hatviug convinced 11 Nur p1lrLicnlit"s apply at Tm,, fr•tends in AI:ulitoba that is n( NFus-ttx:rohsi oflicc, 0r to JAMES -1. Co1.ct.oU(nl, Ilettfa•yn there P. O. ing further to he watde by keeping the - question open, have conte to tcr•Ins. In rill r•snalice of the arr.mgement, Air, .A Rare Opportun.ty, Sifton has boon taken into the Cabinet, Fur Naic, 1650 acre :s, A 1 groin or stoc•l: farm, 'Mr. PI'ellclergnSt has been Iia&• ,t, Wiwes cleared, hiLlanvo uuculled hardwood. judge, and AIr•, De\ hn has been sent to i ~olid brick house, Sc. franlo barn 28xF l; sLtblo Irelinid as Emigration Con nissioner, 18x.:7; xhcep ho(Ise 1''x28; good %(-atter. Coa- g I VMlent to S {,'rain elevators, mills, &C. Good ,Mr. GI.,4�11%vaty has Vet to he provided ru;eds+Lnd free from all obnoxious weeds, e. for. 1 learn front All'. Sifton that ill; I \fill take resident property in Clinton part solutely nothing has been conc•ecle(} to I pay. InquircatTin. Nn;ws-krcoatofiice. the Homitn Catholic. -,and I have :ts- !lin-3 rr cert,iined front Alr. Tarte that t.hoy have got more than then c ver deserved. Wanted -An' Idea. Who can think or some simple I all. informed by some numbersof my thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth Cabinet that tile: question is now write JOHN WEDDF.RBO RN & Co., Potent Attor. disposed of forever, and by others net's, wash",n, D. C., for their;l,sa) prize offer that. the termcr s obtained are mwo hunerely ,t and list of tdrod inventions wanted. first instalment. The snbjert has been --_-..-- -- -_v- referred by Illy Aliiistcr•s to Ills ifoli- McKillop Directory for 1897, ness the Pope. A commission has been gathering John Jlorrison. Reeve. Wintlrra t P. O, g €- I Fyne. Archibald, Deputy Itec%-c cadbury 1'. 0 evidrttce to guitic illy advisers in fraur Daniel Manlev, C•oancillor, Beechwood P. O. ing it tariff. The testimony has beetr I Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood 11. O. exactly What wits not. wanted. Aiy I Will. .CicanvisoCouncillor, , Cin il b�' �Cidburyrop P. 0. •)dvtsers cannot t,horefore he guided William Everts, Asse:,gor, Beechwood P. O, by the evidence, but. will sillmlit Ruch I)avid M. Itogs, TreuA111Tr, Winthrop P. O. aY tariff ;is par•t•,y exgelicle•R Inay Sig- I Hiharles uharl l'etellar'ei,Sanittrt Insieetor Leadbury, 9"1,. It is probable that it may be necessary to postpone the completion of the revision, and thus prolong the j McLeod's delay. Arty Ministers hoj)e that (ills will nty tire business unrest and ort- I System Renovator � certainty that ill•so injurious to tile y e J trade of the country, You will be pleased to learn that tw'o - -AND oTureR -- Of Illy 1liilisters were recently sent to Tested Rettiedies. Washington r tit open nekotiae Uo for SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE •L treaty of reciprocity with the United States. They had the assistance of AIr. Charlton, .`.1. P., both before and Fnr Iuipllrc, Weak and 1111poverishcd Blood, Iftcr their miRSinn. I OTU compelled ailed I I)yspepsta, Slecplesxncss, lwlpa(ation of (1100 heart, Livor Contpinint, Nouralgin.. Loss of Lo iufortll you that as it i'estilt the need Alomory, Bronchtli'•, ConsnrnptionGallNtoates, xpect nothing now F`ut higher duties inundicc. Kidncv and Urinary i)iNefL cl B111 Inore llnftiendly treatlnelit front F'iluS lh)nce, 1, ' vlrrvplai'lties ;Lod Gen• the neighbouring republic, as the idea I oral Debilii ins taken'root thele that WO ctul thus LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. )c foac•ed into giv ng More than can be J. Vii, �teLEOI), )btanied from its by fair itPa»s. 14Iy rdvisers ara constantly endeavouring Prol), and Ma.nufactarer. o combat thig theory by giving the. Sold in Clinton 1)y, ,wericans to under,.t:uld that %va are •ro lI. ("o\IR1;• and ALLAN & NVILSON. nitirely at their nlercy. 1 AluProperty For Salo u ch of the time of the (Uovernment _ arcs been spent in negotiations a' the n CHANCE 1701t o,tnnrNl r,9. Jttticai. ire Sol icItor-General arnd air legal agent in England have beenIn cnnsegncnee of nn' a;o and lack of holei I hair decided to nt'ter for sale toy splendid gardening pro' inpl0y ed in replesentIn�, to his Holi- perty conalstlrg ofri,ennd a half fv,resht Clinton, tem Clint it. is desirable that, the Ad- Homo of the host land in the ronnty r,f limon, Includ. moist rattion should have the 11Rs1Rt;liC(, In)? hot bells and other nccesant•y requirements, There is no the im:mis('q n frame houac wMi ecllars f it Papal alblegate it, this country. softnnd hard wnt(r, barn and othor outbuildings 'he Popo has (leen graciously pleased I The Burf(obl river adiolnatbn pmporiy. Will sell at (t Rend a,represenuttive to inquire 11R a 11e4sono hle price for half cash and balance eeanreJ n how flu• Canadians tire Inca )atble of by mnrtgago. As I dcsiro to Pell, this in a ehane( 1 anldom mkt lth, A;)ply porxnnally or by latter to oterning thelllsvIves• the proprietor, Y on twill hey asked to consider le risla- c , JOSEPH ALLANRON, ion to provide for a plebiscite op the R_a t t. - rlllnton quorquestion; hnttile puhliclnily1•vst' Wanted -- Canvassers. ssured that, as ill the case of the On- "Queen Vittoria: Her Life and Reign," trio tlover'mnent, Illy advisers etre wr•ely playing it piwty gartie. TIas captured the British ll;Ili Piro. Extraordin. ary tostimonlalq from the groat men; send for Theppublic acconnls for 1800-07 tvill copy frco. Marquis of Lorne says, "Tile best P laid before ,yell. For th(- c ur•rentear popular Life of the Queen I have seen,' Her Y A%rt(,,,sty goods a kbld letter of fipprevintioll. iP expenditure flits been considerably Solltlig by tbonso.nds; gives elithtlslflstie Rattq- ler•cased, r.Ud Lilt, revenno has dinli,l_ faction. Cost a fn(nt of money, but large olr- enla fort 'us,iflos bed. 11w � t t t low re n e,tnnnLeR far 13(17-3 will be tail. �d.o , Lots of hislorlc 11h1straLhms. Large hook --over n.11 fl)fuitte'd to you. Yost will I'•c Its.eed •Lx(Itaxl(11 inchos. Mon and women of standing t rednee the salaries of some of Llho In the community making $15 to $i0 a Week, erks and to increase the salaries of F.xellIANP. territory. Proqtrectus free to attg�ents, v0 of my Ministers. BookR on time. fHIf, BILADLEY-GAR ens": SON CO., L'TD, TonoNTo, ONT. Statiittioner ry7 Office suppliesq 1' 1' ~1.1-�-1••�• 1,1,'®•1.41►-'�-'�.,•�.',1.1►-1.1. .fob Prinfingil The Nears -Record �- Calls special attention to our Stationery and Office Suppliesand Job Printing Depart- ment. r We are unsurpassed.... 1 By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the duality of Moth 'is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may su;aest something you may be ill need of, and in such case Nve solicit your patronage, feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet NI'itil the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads , I Circulars In this line we have at verV fille stock of writing papers suitable for We excel n1 till the different kinds every clils3 of blls.tttPRR represented of work we tul'n out, and particu- in this locality, also for private use. Int•ly in (Ili,;, and keep in stock ` Note Heads plain :Ind fancy papers suitable for till r'equiretrlents. This useful size is kept in stock, the Programs g qualities being in several grades. Memo. Heads of entertainments nod rileet.ing s promptly turned out, from t' he These,fijl an iu)pot tont pLlcoin �l- c� V,and neat to tile e most elegant. "lerciatl ctmresp(tndei)ce. See what Cards and Tickets %ve hate goL. Bill Heads These cover it large range of work, front it bread and milk ticket to If tilt- "pay -as -yon -go" plan %vas I, neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty Arlt' necount paper would not, be I btlSinPBS c•alyd OI. a 11a.ndcowely so great ; but thore tare sonle men s that, they wonder if the the got st) f tily tock printed membership ticket. Memoriam Folders w stock will ever rot ant. We don't intend it to. at Mid present our stock is • I Tn this line Tim, NEWS -RECORD I coni- pleto in't.his line. Good puller and call supply every design, quality arnd price on the market. neat ruling. I Statements fosters Oar stock is large. Tlley collie •Orli fiteilit•ies for turning out this cheaper than bill hoods, and are class of work are evidenced by the I he proper thing to send after at filet that the alwalys do good work t.(IcliI'll nett oice it month. Thty and give superior satisfaction in life sura to folch hilll )-ound-�-- .III r'espet'`_s. solllel line. ' Dodger Envelopes • ��'e wake a spc c iAlly of Lnvelui)es. Ton know a • t I• .• P.1 t. ]v in demand. i nd. ur . g O f ' - aciliIt 4 ties aros snporior for this class of 'Alk it would he hard to I work and the very reasonable got along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for prices keep our presses busy. tt•em we keep a large; stock oil Sale Bills hand. Plain or Printer, we are t4ering some great snaps. One We make it specialty of thew - line in particular is going orf fast- l promptness being our aim in this for ue. respect. A notice of sale will ap- Commerical Printing pear in THE NEws-RHcoRD Free of ehalrge when hills for A vast amount of work under this same are secured here. head to enumerate would m(1I' t,ltnt take tip the Pnl•ire spate oce All Kinds of Work- " cupled by this adv t, but w•� do it all at TNN: NEWS -RECORD, in the typographical printing line Invitations I earl be done in this establish ment ill an exr)editious and artistic wanner to stn "At Horne" or a wedtline' require considerable tate in an Our seiec prices will be Lton sometimes, but we make it itis easy inat ter by keeping in stock found very reason - the very latest and best samples to I b he had. (sill •t . »d Ree able'.' e. If you want`s-�� M-Ourning Papers and Envelopes For cclrrespou(leuce we can give you up -to -(late goods. NVe also carry full lines of Pens, ' Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing .'aper, SSC., &C. x m a In thanking our many patrons for the very liberal support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the same liberal support is solicited. A TPO Mews -Record, CLINTON. a�—' �" N