HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-31, Page 5The Best Blood Purifier , Is the cheapeet ; cheap mediq.iue is doubtful medicine ---a cheap Blood Purifier is doubtful Boon. omy--P.uro Drugs are not cheap. The, beet purifiers contain pure drugs. They cannot therefore be cheap in the ordinary sense of the term. The true eoLDomiet buys the best and if it be an article of ' %TbJ01h be can himself form no - just, estimate he buys, from a reli- able man whose say-so he can de- pend on. Blood Purifiers are mostly an unknown quantity. In buying them you have to £. trust to somebody. You know Mus ; our say-so gone -we will give you His best at as cheap a price as the beet can be sold for. Your Eyes w are troubling you or the spectacles 2 you are wearing do not just suit. Neglect ruins the eyes ; care eaves them. It will cost you nothing to have us tell you how your eyes are or whether your present epee• taeles are right. It will cost you but little to have us fit you with t glasses if you need them or make ,? your old glasses better if it is pos Bible to make them so. Ism, Allen & Wilson, k GRADUATE DRUGGISTS & OPTICIANS. Opposite Market, Clinton, Out. WM. TVI WALKER, -the reliable - UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, >: SEAFU RTH ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. G. Carpets sewed and laid • also cleaned and re. novatod at reasonable prices. f; W -Orders lett at BROADFOUT &BOX'S store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at, tonded to. w "n .1� Spring Term, April tst. �,�NTiS► � STRATFORD, ONT. Canada's Leading Commercial School. This the best time of the year to enter college. Five of our recent students secured situations one week. Catalogues free. ` W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. 'Pe --- - t Your Watch AND Jewelry Repairing .. . Is properly cared for when -you trust it with us. We have every known facility and a practical workman to do it correctly. A Brooch Pin receives the greatest care here. Your Watch, examined free, or clean- ed and regulated for only $1,00. 1 B. Humball, JEWELER, and Bell Telephone CLINTON. a The Glasses we fit are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. We are fully prepared to test your eyes no matter what trouble you may have had with them. TEST FREE. Moderate charge for glasses. W. Cooper & Co. CLINTON. House to Rent. Mr. Arthur Cook intends renting or leasing his beautiful brick house on Albert Fit. north containing 9 rooms with closets, also good furn ace hard and soft water. Parties wishing t( rens can see through same at any time. Appll on premises for further information. PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds etc. Teas a specndlty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Gardei Seeds, We carry the largest Stock and tht largest variety of Seeds. All Goode will be sold at lowest prices for Cash We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind ofgrail taken in exchange for Goode, same as Cash HiLL & JOYNER. The Black Rod may be a Tory, bui be bows to the inevitable -Grit. _ P�►�,�>tllu4lX i',aint�. 'n •. i ��� The Three It wals'atated before! the Pultic Ac. GUN� S I -GUNSM M counts Committee that the 809 cork- We are practical Machinists with a fully equipped Ii,epair Shop, We rent Cornered' screws costing $92.17, were meant to repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACIHFNES of all op, wt. be used' In opening' bottles of ink; but and sl what were the contents of the bottles yles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can make new. Store. `fore. • • • that they really were used to open? We gt and, sharpen and polish all kinds of IINI t�Et3,SU19$081�i, We mnihht ask the Wicked Pat•tnet SKATES, , sha and r nd p q Makes a Specialty of repairing but Mi. Hardy says there is no wicks per if required. everything in the Jewelry partner now, -he has reformed. Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery line. Watches are our delight, The Buffalo Express likens Canada Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and al•tiCles of like nature. Fur years we have worked withrl to the United States as follows:- •Cau- Our prices are the lowest that are possible altd we guarantee satisfac them. These years have given y f" adian loyalists would better keep is tion. ose watch on Moutrcat. There is I ch us such a knowledge of every' -evidently undue affection for the Unit - style of movement that we poultry News. ed States there. An earthquake shock Buy your Sociis from us -they arm the hest. know just how to go about wits felt in Illinois on Tuesday,' and repairing one that has gone SOME NOTHS ON INTEREST. Montreal proin tly shook in sympa „ thy." We would rather fancy Mont- The Onward Bicycle linton wrong. We do it thoroughly. �- Y Co.,., We charge you moderately. Poultry fanciers are invited to contribute teal shook with tort -or. OPPOSI'T'E MARKETS UAR,E. news items for this column, for which there The construction of a railway Q We use you well. A Clock, a will be no charge. Ordinary advertisements - ' Brooch Pin or an small ob will avorage 25 cents for each insertion. through the Crows an rget Pass i the s t Y J Rockies may he an urgent provincial-'••�•4'• Mrs. James Fair, Sr„ bad the first you may have to give us will necessity of more than ordinary local Mrs. of the season last Thursday. importance. But for national pup- Cheapalso reaeivo our careful atten p l Cheap (,'-ltntot will produce a ver( large pisses It ]s a secondary consideration tion. No job too small for us. show of well-bred poultry next Ya1L T. Cheap1 P Y when compared with the urgent naces- Messrs Watswi and Crisp of Londes- city of bringing England and the 9EST Prompt Delivery boro wete in ;town Saturday viewing wheat -fields of the North West into &FEET. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Ia also a feature of this Depart• tile various poultry yards. closest business relations. The British WIRE WIRE ROPE SELVAGE - Yesterday Mr. Walter Coats receiv_ warket for our produce and British meat. A job promised for any goods for Canada, means the best 040�04��io�p®pvpmp� 'rd front Daniels of Toronto a well- particular day will be done on bred pair of Jit anese Bantatils. prices for all we have to sell, and the that day -you won't have to wait , Mr. Walter Coats hits added another hest and cheapest in all we have to 1 t any. ENCINGS, a week or a mouth longer. -Prove Cornish Indian Garne pullet to his us. flock, from Daniels of Toronto. Also a pair of Pekin Bantams. BIRTIIS. �1 •••e White Bralulias are a favorite fowl, RANsont.-In Lower Wingham, on Murch 22, be o0 0 0�0 o��o�e�e�,19 and this is one of the handsome breeds Mrs. Ransom of a sou' Manufaeltwed and Sold by which Lack Kennedy possesses. They MILLS. -In of West Wawa, ir., on March 18th, Y/16 ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., LTO. as Weil. Crows the wife of Mr. John Mills, jr., of a apo, must be seed to be Appreciated, ploton.ontsrra • Ps B. RognnTeoN,-I= BuAvtt on March 22nd, the , "Jilt" Howson is always on the wife of Thos. Robertson of a daughter. McMull6nst CHOICE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS alert. White Leghorns are his choice STODDART.-InChicajm oil March l6th, the and with luck will astonish poultry wife of James Stoddart, formerly Miss Carrie FOR TRELLIS, POULTRY YARDS, Jeweller and fanciers next fall if persistency counts Oakes, ofason. LAWN FENCINGS ETC tot anything. FORD. -In Clinton, on March 24th, the wife of . Expert Watch Mr. John Ford of a son. p Lorne C. Todd has added to his pen ' GoRBc•t•T.-In Godor[ch township, en March `ARE SOLD very MUCH CONFER this year, than ever before, a couple of Cornish India Garne prize 24th, the wife of Fred, Gorbutt of a son. Repairer. .-.;. • t5 He hat nv pp THEY ARE THE BEST ask your Hardware Merchant for thew, ,vta1.:Y "_ @ settings of B. I , GONx.-In Seaforth, on the 16th inst., the f Rocks in the Country, wife of Mr. B. B, Gunn, of a eon. - Clitrtott Horticultural Society. Mr. Walter Coats has added to his Mwife of Mr. S MoIiillo r on the lath lust., tlio wife of nor. Joseph �_ otrison, of a son, etltltr/�tl•••ee•e•••Oe•••le��fl�itlie�tlt•t/e0•ee•e•••••••i•••i stock several India Cornish Game of gLO,E.-In Tuckersmith, on March 15th, the • 0 0,0 • MEMBERSHIP FEE $Ciel, good breeding. He also hits several wife of Mr. Robt. P. Elgic, of a daughter. • 0 0: o: D; a: ❑: - Ou pasnleut of membership too each member pens of the celebrated English Red • • `�" +" •4� Caps. •••••••••eoee•e••esee••ee••e••••e loses see ••• • of tbo Clinton Horticultural sototy for 18:17 isM�RItIAGFS. - Colleedtoachoie of Seeds, one of the Following Lack Kennedy, from ten White � Mistaken Ideas of Economy entitled o of Seeds, Bulbs or of the, BROW N-MoottE.-At the Methodistparson- Pl too nth Rock eggs, la, t Friday was .Brown 1, March 1 th 'Mr. Gco y Y ago, ScaPorth o , Ma 6 , h 'fall g, • D -1 lkt. oat . N .1 -SLE 9 COLLECTION . O } Co n n Ville. Mixed Asters, Mixed Balsams, Mixed Dianthus rewarded with ten beautiful chickens, to Miss Jean Moore, both of hg to d Mignonette MaChCt, L,ternatiomtl PanFiea, and in a short time he will have a large BUSHFIELD-NEI,EMEs.-At tho rectory, Sea- • • Often lead peorle to buy common furniture because its cheap a nde Phlox Drummondi shireley Poppies. SLOCICa number more, Porth, on March 24th, b Rev. Rural Dean Hod- e • because this C teapness suits the pocket at the moment. True whit, Mixed Vmllenas, Limpprens Candyttift, ggins, Mr. Joseph Bushlield of McKillop, to Miss •�O - whitc,1MixedaVorgon en Dwf. Vnsturtiuni, hos. - Margaret Nelemes of the township of Logan. : : economy lies in getting the best qualities at the lowest price. • MixedMixed sweet Peas. Clinton Poultry Yards. KitusE-SPENCER, --At Egmondville, on Mar. • • We give you our word for it, out, Furnit re is all good. We j COLLECTioN NO. `2. -BULBS, -2 Cannas,2 Dah- --- 21th, by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, Mr. William Has, 1 single Tuberous Begonia, l2 Gladioli, 1 Whit Plynloutb Itocks. The best all around Frederick Krusp, to MIHH Hannah Spencer,botll • • don't keep the many cheap lines got up to sol, only, and they do 1 Amaryllis Belladona, 1 spotted Calla, 2 Tuber- fowl known for table and eggs. A limited of Egmondvillo° sell the peoplr, too, Thole are a IOL of LOW priced stuff in the - ossa, 1 Japan Iris, number of Eggs will be sold for hatcllingat WEBsrER-EDwARDa.-In West Wawauoeh. • • market bis season that we will not handle. We can't build up COLLEe•rION No. 3. -PLANTS. -15 Hyacinths $1.50 for 13 and orders booked in rotation. An on Wodnesda March 24, Mr. J. Webster to • • Furniture business by poor Goods. for winter Blooming. invitation extended to inspect my fowl. I also i have Light Biahmas and Silver Duckwin Miss Lizzie Edwards, daughter of James Ed- • • - COLLECTION No. 4. -PLANTS. -1 Ab it on, 1 g g wards• Don't Forget BoF�=ouia Argentea Guttata, 1 Begonia Vernon: Bantams. Prices on application, • e 1 (iliCy9a,lth011lllln, 1 FUHChia, 1 HydCangea 4t LACK KENNEDY. GLIDDON-BOULTON.-At the residence of the - brido's mother, on 23rd inst., by Rev. P. Mas- • • Paniculata, 4 Geraniums, 1 Single, I Gen. Grant grave. Mr. S..Gliddon to Miss Helen Boulton, of us when you are house Cleaning you will be almost sure to • I Ivy leaved, I Variegated. Rich Class Poultry. McKillop. e e be reminded of some necessary piece of Furniture and its COLLECTION No. 5. -PLANTS. -20 Geraniums, STOWE-Kvw-At the residence of the bride's • • just the time we have a larger stock than any other time of COLLECTION No. 6. -PLANTS. -20 Coleus. EGGS FOR HATCHING. mother, Bluevaio, on March 24th, 1897, Mise • 0 the year. Everything offered in the above collections is Annie Stowe to Robt. C. King,both of Bluevale • 0 strictly ffret-class, Anyone wishing to become English Rod Caps. Noted for their great PLUNICITT-RUTLEDGE.-At the residence of 0�o OUR UNDERTAKING - a member oi' the Society can hand their nanlo Egg producing qualities and having no super the bride's brother, Mr. Robert. Rut- • • ledge WestWawanosh, on March 10th, by Rev. and membership fee to r. Coats or any mom- ior. also a good table fowl. Some of • • Is Conducted in the most her of the Society. J. N. Pring, Robert John Plunkitt to Mise - the above were winners at New Torii, Mario Adeline Rutledge, both of West We- • • up-to-date style and we ` W. J. FORD, President. London Toronto. Eggs for setting 13for $1.50. • • have the best so the all T : J. C. GILROY 1st Vico-Pres. Cornish 'Indiatl ggame, king of table fowl, also wanosh• • • Y H. FOSTER, end Vice-PreH. food layers. Roostre weighing 10 to li lbs.; 11H9K-MOORiDOE-At the residence of the e • tell us) outflt in this sec- - W. COATS, Sec.-TroaH. Liens 7 to 8 ppounds. EVgs per setting $2.(10. bride's mother, on March 24th, by Itev. J. W, • e tion, with prices lower • WALTLR COATS, Box 102, Clinton, Ont. Andrews, Mr. Win. H. Hoak to Miss Eva Maria, e • foreDon't has been charged be- m = MORTGAGE SALE will guarantee a fair hatch. oldest dan�htir of Mrs, M. A. Mogridge, all of • • ,t forget this g the township of Hullett. • • , it is necessary to -oF- MILL-ERwiv-At the residence ofthebride'H ®�• when a Yaluahle FA13IrI LB DS Eggs for Hatching, mother, Charles Con March Mills17th, by Rev, is J. • call on an undertaker. •n Uateti,he Charlie Clifford ls h, VV Rev. F. J. O • • Silver Laced Wyandottes. I can spare a few township, to Annie J., third daughter of the 000000 - -tN rift- sittings of this celebrated brood, which are one hate James Erwin. TOWNSHIP OF Q,70IY>CRICii. of the III t I) talar of fow1H, being geed layer, MAHSllALl,-GRIEVE,-At Buffalo, Dakota, We are out for your trade.__„` and not excelled for table use; also Rouen on Feb. 24th, by P.rv. .7. A. Baldwin, Mc Jas. ••e•0.0•••000ee• Duck Eggs; pair of ducks for sale cheap. Marshall to Miss 141agf:io Griive. daughter o[ Under and by virtue of the power of sale Eggs, per setting of 13 $l. the late Wnl. Grieve, formerly of Hullett' Furniture and contained in it certain mortgage, which will be Fl{:aNK Et AN9' MORRISII-McDONALD. - In Goderich on • C • Baplett,produced at the sale, there will be olrerod for 057-tf P. U. Box 155, Clinton, March •24th, by Rev. Air. Rdge, Miss Ada M. ljsale at M., fifth daughter of Mr, Donald McDonald,Undertaker. PUBLIC AUCTION by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, -oN-. Saturday, the 24th day of April, 1807, at 2 o'clock p. in., the following property', viz :- Lot number 13 in the Maitland Concession of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron saving and excepting thereout three separate parcels heretofore conveyed to thr County of Huron the Township of Goderich and one Mary White, 01�TERMS:-10 percent. of the purchase down on the day of Lite sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter withotiL interest. Thepropert'y will be sold subject to a reserved price. Furth- er terms and *particulars made known at t lie sale or upon application to the undersigned. JAMES SCOTT, Vendors solicitor. D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton, 29th Mareh, 18977. - 9ri8-4t Machine Operators Wanted On Shirts and Shirt Waists. Beginners taught. Apply at once -- - THE WILLIAMS, GREENE & ROME CO., BERLIN, ONT, Two Grit Opinions. SOUTH HURON CONSERVATIVES CAN' WIN. Goderich Signal :-Henry Eilber, Reeve of Stephen, has been chosen to contest South Huron forthe Leffislatu re. Eilber is the strongest candidate the Conservatives could have selected, and his nomination puts South Huron in the doudtful column. Clinton New Era: -In selecting Mr. Henry Eilbet as their candidate for the Local, in the South Riding, the Conservatives have undoubtedly put a string man in the field; he has a clean record, is a good speaker, with a strong following, and his friends will doubt less nut up a big fight in his behalf. At the same time we think he can be defeated if the Liberals put forth in behalf of Mr. McLean, as they no doubt will, just its strong a contest,. There is no reason why South Huron shouldgo back on its record, and we do not think it will if the Liberals only do their duty. Quite a scene �occurred in the Mani- ioba Legislative Assembly on Satur- day between Premier Greenway, Mr. Roblin, leader of the Opposition, and Mr. Fisher. Aft gr investigating the death of Al- bert Redd at Sandwich, who, it was alleged, was hit with an axe by James Quellette, the Coroner's jury found that death was due to natural causes. The inquest on the body of -George Frost, killed on Friday last near Princeton, brought out the fact that he bad been shot through the heart. Ehraim Convey was committed for trialon a, charge of having murdered him. Choice Eggs for Hatching. 13, P. ROCKS .AND INDIA CORNISH GATE. Barred Plymouth Rock are acknowledged to be among the, Very best all-round fowl on the market. I have 18t and 2nd prize winning birds soored by Mr. L. G. Jarvis, Ontario Govern- ment Judge. Place $1.50 for 13 eggs. India Cornish Game are not fighting birds, its many suppose. For table use they have uo peer, the flesh resembling that of the turkey, while for eggs the India Cornish Gameare in the front rank. My pen are 1st prize winners, Hcmed by Government Judge L. G. Jarvis. Price $2 POI. 13 eggs. Orders must now be filled as they are ro- ceiv ed. LORNE C. TODD. Box 99, Clinton. Iiatnilton Specs. From isauo of Wednesday, If Laurier keeps on in his career of larceny he will soon have stolen the entire Conservative program. Among the Evidences of Christian- ity unearthed by the public accounts committee at Toronto yesterday were 309 corkscrews and 53 packs of playing cards in the Queen's printer depart- ment. In the Ontario public accounts com- mittee yesterday Queen's Printer Cam- eron stated that there was in stock in hi6 department 309 corkscrews, 53 packs ofpplaying cards and 4 testaments. It is difficult to guess what. Wicked Part- ner Hardy wants of all those Testa- ments. Hon. George Washington Ross ex- plained in the legislature yesterday, that in public libraries Jules Verne's works had been classified, for 25 years, under the neading of voyages and ad- venture, and that there had been no recent change in the classification, Well, if there hasn't, it is high time there was. If Jules Verne's books are not fiction thero never was any fic- tion, Taylor of Leeds, is on deck again with his Alien Labor Bill. If any bill passes, his name should be attached to ", t for he carried the flag when it was far less popular than now. With J. K. Kerr acting for the On- tario government. and the ablegate arranging the work of the Dominion government, this country ought to he considerably governed. That economical government of ours has not yet abolished the high com- missionersbip and the London estab- lishment. In fact., it has added an- other high commissioner to the list - one Mr. Devlin, ex -M. P,, who will „hold. his Court in Dublin at an expense to Canada of about $5,000 a year. In a word Mr. Laurier (says to the people of Nova Scotia, "I ami here, at Ottawa, to remove the protection from your coal industry. Elect my friend Murray as your Premier, and you will effect a change in my intentions. De. feat him, and the duty disappears." Sir Charles Tupper characterized the thing as corrupt. We believe the procedure can be better described as blackmail. A proposition of a more im- pudently blackmailing character could not be made. to Mr. ➢larshgll Morrish, son of Mr. John Morrish, all of Clinton. (corrocted overy Tuesday afternoon.) _ - This Should Catch You.. DEATHS. Barley .......................... gCHELL.-At Brantford, on Monday 22nd Alarch, Norah Grace, youngest daughter of F. Emma Schell,aged 16 years, andOur ••0®•00000••0'00• Robert iot(1 niece of Mrs. Millylyar(l, Clinton.n Price List for this Week• LYoss.-At Hillside House, Dwldas, Mareh 22nd, Nancy Berkley, relict of the late Edward We give 10 lbs. of Rolled Oatmeal for ..........20c " " Lyons, aged 77, and mother of Mrs. Horace Fos- .' .< 11, Cornmeal for ................2,5c ter, Clinton. 10 Rolled Wheat for ............ 25c McLefEAN.-In oodericcohn 1MVicch l8tl, Marry 81 years. 6 " " Ferina .......................15c 100 lbs. Flour for $2, on which Nye give rennium as well is low rice. Oil Calve 1001bs. Laundry Soap, pp " bars, for 25c, hese I,F:AvENwonTH.-At Solon, Ohio, on March E. S. Leavenworth, of St. Catharines, only 125 per y p, 3 lb. two are only Y $ p y i'ew of our prices. Bran, Shorts, Chop, Barley, Peas, &c., in stock and sold at 25th, aged 74 years, father of Mrs. Robert Holmes, low prices. Clinton, ARL_ Ilat IirWilliaim�Harland,arch ia�ged1183 a rThe ver best value allowed for s. Tr our E Producer -the latestouL y eggs. Y Egg rell tNof�the •••eees•eee••e•• years. HAey, age In Clinton, on March 10th, george Hanley, aged 80 Years. Mich„ March I9th, ®• OLS O Victoria St., Cllntox�.. Sv+loNDs.-In Saginaw, 1897, Margaret Me Kee, relict of, the late Rich- T ard Symonds, age([ 85 years. _ _ - WATsov,-In Hullett, on March 20th, Robert to 74J «'atson, jr., aged 37 years. Fans114cG:illop,onMarch 22nd,Joseph agedaged G4 Years. Stock-Taking.Evans,, MARKET REPORTS. (corrocted overy Tuesday afternoon.) OLINTON. Fall Wheat..., •..•..........• 0 72 to 0 72 Barley .......................... 0 25 to 0 35 0 18 Uats ............................. 0 16 to Peas .............................. Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 36 tc 0 38 0 20 to 0 25 Butter .......................... 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs per doz............. 0 8 to 0 08 say ...... ...................1 Cordwood .....................•• 8 00 to 8 00 3 00 to 3 50 Apples per bush ............. 0 35 to to 35 Dried Applets per 16........ 0 21 to 0 2n Ducks per lb ................. 0 05 to 0 06 Turkeys per 1b... . .......... 0 06 to 0 07 Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 Chickons per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 TORONTO FARMERS MARKET. Wheat, white,,.. ..,..$ 00 to $ 77 do red................00 to 74J do goose .............. 63 29J to to 30 Barley .............. ....22 Oats ..................... to 23 Peas.................... 42 to 42 to 32 Rye ......... ........... Buckwheat ............. 2t1 to 32 Turkeys ................. 11 to 12 40 to 80 Docks .................. Chickens ............... 30 to 50 Geese.. ....... . Butter, lb. rolls......... 8 to 0 15 to 10 Eggs, new laid .... , . , ... 11 to 12 Onions, per hush....... 5to 1 30 Potatoes ....... ... .... Beans, per bush ........ 25 75 to 85 Carrots, per ton........ 00 to 0 to 5 00 50 Beets, per bag...... , ... Parunips, per bag...... 00 to 40 Apples per bbl.... .... 40 to 1 50 Onions, yellow Danvers, l ba.....11 25 to 125 Hager y......... . .. 00 to 1300 Straw, sheaf .. , . • .... . . 7 00 to 800 Straw, rye ..............10 00 to 10 00 0 Beef, hinds... • ........ Beef, force °.............. 4 to 2 to % Lamb carcase, per lb,.. 0h to 7 5 to 61 Veal carcase, per lb. , .. Mutton,per lb...... , . Dressed hogs,......... 5 4 to 5 50 to 0 95 We are now nicely settled in our Stores in the old Brick Block, and pleased to see our old customers as well as new ones. We are now bustking stock and in a great many lines are selling at reduced Prices lin order to clear out. 0- • - HARL.A ND .-. BROS., Stoves and Hardware, - The Combined Powers*** Of Europa may blockade the Grecian Ports but cannot interfere with the Special Cutts we are offering in DECORATED DINNER and TEA SETS, GOLD STIPPLED TOILET WARE, BEAUTIFUL HAND PAINTED CIIINAWARE, xrCall and get quotations before pur- chasing elsewhere. =- Fresh Seede ,just received - N. Robson., Grocer, Albert St,, Clinton. INMEMNO News Notes. A third case of leprosy is reported to exist in Manitoba. The bill to amend the School Act of 1890 passed its third reading in the Manitoba Legislature Wednesday. Eight Chinamen were captured Wed- nesday in Malone, N. Y., charged with illegally crossing the linea. They were remanded for a week. Mr. A. B. Laplante, advocate of Val- leyfield, Que., has been appointed as- mistant clerk of the House of COm- mons. Four Cheyenne Indians have died from the exhaustion of the ghost lbs dance. Deadlypit Wal z"Claiwill�please note• f ♦ i ......:., _ .w .'. ., ��r.�._: w. .-..r.... . ., .m.Mnn -a�n .., 1. ♦.... k+6e6eM.,)r•�tlt�a Mr. Sifton, Minister of the Interior. proposes to ask Parliament to ggiven, sum of money to the Western Immi- gration Association. A young Montreal girl named Greta Taylor tried to commit suicide by swal- lowing Paris green on account of dis- appointment in love. She will probab- ly die. It is stated that the •x -Queen of Madagascar was banished from the is- land by the French on account of dis- covering a conspiracy, in which the ex -Queen and the missionaries were implicated. Arsene Turbid", the only survivor of a party Of three lost from the Birth Rocks, N. S., while seal hunting re- cently, died on Monday night. A