The Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 5DECE1ii3ER 12T11, 907 -THE BLYTI-I STANDARD -PAGE Ply E, riv....-,..,,-.,,,,,,......,,,,...,, ot THE RIGHT HOiUSEMY � . . NA RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE '► Ar MODRICATE ;'RICES Fel. CASH AND }Aran PRODUOR, A H 1ens Ch 1 rA� NA A V A A Wanted Alive on Dec. 10th and 17th, for which we will pay 6 cents per pound in trade. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. II A E. BENDER, BLYTH ri A See our prices on Dressed Poultry ,.fitt int anamitiimaim NEWS AROUND TOWN 908 is Leap year. Mnvlo1PAt nominations Dee. 30111, Election, January 6th, 1908, A largo quantity of turkeys and geese were shipped from Wingham recently by Geo, Powell, of town, to British :Columbia,. Maturer REPORT. -Wheat 90-92 ; Bawler 55-55 ;i Oats 40-40 ; Peas h0.80:;' Bran 224-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Batteli'20-21 ; Eggs 20-21 ; Flour 113.00; .$3,25, grit, horse fair on Friday last drew;tvgood tua;<tpp' to town that day. ppme, oP the horydbuen would like to have,;lie date changed, but as yet, Clothing hu beeudone. WEAN travelling by the C. P. R. purchase your tiiaket at town ticket office ,' Allinformation as to rates, timetable and' connections cheer- fully furnished by J. blellurehie, C, P. R, Rail, and steamship agent. L.va'i. week I. Brown closed the evaporator, II6 has already ship. ped 1000 hoxea, The Wing'hant evaporator closed down in November after doing thelargest business In ; that locality for' years. It is owned by Brown 41t Wilford. Haut you a distant friend, a son, daughter, or sweetheart to whom you :;wish to send a reminder of your attachment and fidelity daring the `approaching holiday season ? ,� TIon 5`';vDAt#D'fills the bill to a dot as it k'ee'pstii'e distant one in touch with the doings shout old associations every week -to any address In Canada, till Am 161, 1909, for $1. MUNICIPAL MAT'rER8.-The Muni• elpal politics are quiet this year. - As the old custom of the Reeve hav- ing the second year by ncealamation it should be carried out this year as the Reeve, Dr. W. J. Milne, has shown good judgment in his trans• actions, -The Council, J. 11, Chellew W, Johnston, L. Hill and N, B, Gerry, ns far as we can learn are willing to remain if the electors see fit to return them, -The three public school Trustees whose term expires are Wm, Campbell, John Mains and A. Wettlanfer, They will he eligible for re-election and should he return- ed unopposed. -The nomination ns on the 300 -of this month and elect- ion on January 6th, AN IIP -To DATE SCHOOL. - The Central Business College of Stratford which is the leading business train- ing school of Western Ontario, has again advanced a step towards per- fection, It has now the GrAnd Trunk wises running through the class rooms. This gives the tele• graphy students actual railway wire practice, they have the privilege of reading the messages passing over Grand Trunk wires. Those wishing to learn telegraphy or obtain a com- mercial or shorthand training should not overlook thio np.to•date school. The winter term opens on Jan. 6, and those who are interested should write for their free catalogue, It's Surprising How Christmas steals upon n pees u. There'll be Boast Tut, Rey, Plum Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost before we know it, And there'll be Mince:_Pies and Christmas Cake plenty too. Now we mm supply you with your heeds for your Xmas Baking Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Peels and Nuts, all new fruit, Also Freta MinceMoat-package or hulk, sod` we Rave a full line of Candies, Nuts had Fruits.. We keep a full- line of Fahey China suitable for Christmas Presents. OASII Fon ALL KINDS OF I'OODUCtt JAMES CUTT SLYTH FOR SALE. --A large breed Berkshire Hog, two years old, guaranteed perfect- ly sura or purobase price refunded, pedigree furnished. Apply to E. Hag. gat, Blyth, FOWL ANTED We are paying the highest prices for Turkeys, rfieese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter and Eggs. Grain ekeoks paid after bank hours. McMILLR;M & CO. °Insley Street • Myth Suggestions It can't be out of the way for us to suggest that when you are thinking of a holiday purchase you should not overlook Met - calf's Jewelry De- partment. We have thelargest assortment of Gold Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs and Chains evershown in Blyth, and we are prepared to meet any catalogue prices. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. 5% is added to all unpaid taxes after Dec. 19th, THE meek shall ieherit the earth -but not this earth. This is for the rich. LEAvE your order now for your Fall printing. We will do our best to please you. CAR of hall wheat bran expected next Tuesday, Will sell at $22,50 per ton off car. 0, 11. Reese. Ow00 to us being erowded with advertisements we must leave over ninny interesting items till next week. SAY, Reader, if'you lose anything you have a, chance of getting it back If you place a little tit in'I'nr: STAN- DARD. • INVITATIONS are out for 0 dance in Industry litdl on Wednesday evening of next weak give by the young men of town, Tits week T. J. huckstep placed a new harbor pole in front of his shop to replace the one that was stolen some months ago, OUR merchants and business men should form a Board of 'trade to de- vise ineuts of increasing the busi• nese of the village, SATURDAY is the last day fur your taxes. Besure and call on the Editor and renew for your paper so ho may also be able to ulcer his taxes. ON Wednesday evening of this week a dance was given in Industry Hall by some of the gentlemen in town. The Allen Bros.' orchestra supplied the music, is the minutes of the Co. Council we notice the following item :-The motion granting 650 for a lock-up in Myth, omitted from June minutes was ordered to be inserted in Dee. ember minutes. Tin: annual meeting for the elect- ion et' officers for Blyth Lodgs, L. 0, L., No. 963, will he held on Monday evening Dee. 16th, at their hall. A Hill attendance is requested to help wind up the business o1' the year. MANY a mother spoils a good SOD by waiting -on hint and pampering hint all the years of his boyhood. Consequently when he marries there is either an unquiet house or a good womnn becomes a slave. "lits heroic journeys through the anew, drawn by dogs, are described inn way which will secure the at - tendon of all. Robinson Crusoe hun- self can scarcely heat Egerton Young, and titer, the story is true," (Rev. C. Il, Spurgeon.) -Methodist church, Dee. 12th. Outt merchants, one and all, are stocking up for the Christmas trade, Shopper, do not leave the town to purchase your Christmas gifts, but secure then .at homo where satis- faction and courteous treatment are. guaranteed. "REV. EGERTON R. YOUNG is the most fascinating missionary lecturer to whom we have ever listened, is the unanimous testimony of the Presbyterian pastors of Detroit. During the past few days ho has spoken fifteen times to our churches, and everywhere among us he has been listened to with great delight." (George W. Barlow, Pastor Calvary Presbyterian church.) - Methodist church, Dec. 121h, Num get the idea that your business is decreasing. But if you must think so do not let other people know it. Keep a stiff upper lip. There is ncthing like a successful business to draw business. Ad verthe and tnnice the people come your way. Go ,wound looking as though you were attending a funeral and people will shun both you and your business house, THE stationery printed at this office is giving the best satisfaction. Last week we printed 11100 state. pietas for one man and by their aid collected a small fortune. Two months ago a man bought of us some note paper and envelopes to use when writing to his sweetheart and now he is married, Another young maw forged a name on a cheque printed at this office and he is in the penitentiary. Another young man stole some of our paper to make cigaretts with -he is dead. A young lady bought some of our taper to curl her hair on and now she has a beau, -We have only a•few pack- ages or this kind In stock, By using our stationery a person can collect old accounts, tell fortunes make rain, change the color of the hair, have teeth extracted without pain, find out the name of your future husband or wife, be successful In business, triumph over enemies and get elect ed to ollice. For quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" end "Currency" chowing tobaccoes, Londoshoro. The Infant child of 01100. Craw. ford passed away on Friday last, it being' a little sufferer for the past five months, The funeral tool: place on Saturday. Rev, Mr. Currie preached anni- versary services in Varna 0u Sun- day last, Rev. 31r, Leckie gave an excellent sermon on Local Option on Sunday afternoon. 31r, hell, ni' Montana, is visiting friends and renewing old acquaint• tutees here at present. Don't forget the Christmas tree and entertainment on Xmas night in the Methodist church. A good program is being' prepared along with a cantata by the children and others. Thomas Sampson has bought the house lately occupied by 31r. Robin- son turd family. Ale Sampson anti fancily toe this weak moving into it, 13'ASV 'Tn i ta.nrS "Ourreney,' "licks' and 'Stat;" chewing tobaccoes, im big plugs. Quality always the same. The Cradle. l'IILLS,-In Ettst \Yawnucslt, on Dec, 6th, to Sir, and Ahs. John Fells, a soh. ERASER. -ID Blyth, on Dee. 6th to Mr. and Sirs. (;has. Fraser, a son, The Tome. Scomp,-ln East Wewauosh, on Dee. 9th, Robert Scott, aged 68 years. PoRTtdirlha.D.-Ln East Wnwanosh, on Doc. 5th, Peter Porterfield, aged 73 years and 4 months. "]IAY% you ever beard Dr. Eger- ton R. Young speak on 11110010)18 among the Indians? If not, a greater trent than yon can well imagine awaits you. Ile is the ,John B. Gough among missionary speak- er's. lie holds the fixed attention Of the largest audiences to the close of every address." (Bishop 3100abo,)-- Methodist clutch, Dec. 12th, FOR_�,tl� DIAMONDS Call • I and See Us We carry a complete line of Flee Ma Jewelerg "nd the Watches hest in Our prices are lower than others and assortment equal to city stores. Special inducement is given out- siders, 11'e want your ;rale and can assure yott best of satisfaction. H. L. JACKSON JEWELER - . BRUSSELS 1: Ready for Xmas 7 The Big Store is now ready with a big assortment of the goods you like. Do your shopping early and secure good service and big selec- tions : Ladies' C• ollars, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50C, i5c and t oo. Ladies' Belts, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, Imo and 1,25 Ladies' H• andkerchiefs, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 8c, toe, 1210, 15C, 20C and 25C Silk handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c, 4oc and 5oc Ladies' Kid Gloves 1.25, lined and unlined, dressed and undressed Men's Gloves, 50c, i5c, 85c, 9oc, Loo, 1,25, 1,35 Men's Ties, 55c and 5oc Men's Braces, 200, 25c and 5oc Men's Shoes, 1.25 to 4.00 Men's Collars, 7c to 20c Men's Handkerchiefs, 25C to 5oc Men's Sox, 250 to 5oc Men's Fancy Neck Handkerchiefs, 500 to 1,25 Men's Felt Shoes, 1.25 to 2.5o Men's Caps, 25c to 6.00 Ladies' F• elt Shoes, Loo to 2,00 Ladies' Fancy Combs, toe to 5oc Ice Wool Scarfs, 9oc to 1.50 ice \fool Squares, 1.0o to i5 Knitted Wool Shawls, 1.00 Fancy Bow Ties, 15c to 250 Applique Toilet Sets and Doylies Applique Pillow Shams and Runners If you want Goods for Xmas come to us. CASH Folt BVI"I'Ett AND En(3s, *t POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. A. TAYLOR'S FOR Groceries and Fancy Goods FOR XMAS TRADE All lands of Prepared Foods for brain machinery and stomach ease, 1;11'0 0,5 A CALL. 11'0 KEEP T110 0053' AN1)'PIIE CHEAPEST, A. TAYLOR - BLYTH Store Goods Open ERISTMAS FURNITURE Promptly Evenings Delivered Furniture will be very popular for presents this year. We have anticipated your wants by laying in a large stock of the most beautiful Furniture made in Canada. On account of hard dines un -ng the manufacturers we bought these goods at geeatly reduced prices and purpose giving our customers the benefit of our good buying, 7 Parlor' Spite, all %veli made and highly pulished, prices from 115 to 960. 2i Couches, combining benuiy and comfort prices from 91 to 125. i Morris Chairs, made for men, piee0 [rota 15 to 18. t9 Pane' honkers, covered in silk, leather, plush 1(11,1 other goods, prices from 11 to .512.50 each. We have many stiles of Desks, Music Cabi- nets China Cabinets and Kitchen Cabi- nets. Every one a bargain. Dozens of Beauti101 Pictures, Mirrors. Hall Stands, Riney 'Tables, Children's Chairs, Sleighs, Elie. ' nnu: , ri Hal ti ; [. C [ELLEVIZ *** Musical instruments If 3100 00ant a good Piano or Organ tai is the place to buyit. We deal in higlegrad 1)1810uments only. Nnrprise 3'nor wife hy' firing her one of our Drop Hend, Ball Bening, Silent ltnening (Sewing Machine's Special prices for JO days.