The Huron News-Record, 1897-03-31, Page 3DIREO'oR:Y ►x > $> . �� 1 Afi�AT TS c CO.? ____---- �� L.Q. ZI No. 714, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS µ CLIN1CO N, Great Northwe4tern Telohraph office, Moats szooNn Monday of every Albert Street, - Clinton. THE MULSONS ����. mouth. Hall 2nd br But, alwiay telt block. )come. brethren always PUMPS' 'Purl � ! mads welcome. 'Pu rd by Actor Parliament 1866. J. P. SHEPPARD. W. fat, -- P, CANTELONJ JR. Bea TAUS. BEAOOM, D. M- It fall want a fi7ut elaur, well made 17 , s•ne aha CAPITAL, -` $`1,000,000 will give, yuu sa;islactio), sold 3al1.1 uieer toll, uadurnigued. Ha wi,l dig sad elebn wca, and du It u HEST, - $1.400,000 111 pll#1C, the oluscat prieos. He also hu):dtes a nrat olas _ LINTON Lodge, No. 8.1 A. F. A A• M- moats FORCE Pulp'. mead Office. - MONTREAL. I C have Friday, on or alter the moon. Vtelt JAMES PEItGUSON Ing brat;jiren car sell%' Iavitad J. H. R. MOLSON, President. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. ill. THOS. RUMDALL, Sze. Oprosit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinic n. F. WOLFERSTAN'THOMAS,General Hanger, 800•t1 Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. , Notea discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- K. 0. T. M. — J. O.•; STEVENSON, change bought and sold. y� INTEaReT ALLOwallON DEPOSITS Roarns Tent No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees of Furniture Dealer. &c. the World. >)<)j 41(10, $2,000 and $3,000 Policies. Mem- SAVINGS BANK. bershlp o¢er 00,000. Aeseiament principle—has saver THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND aitoeal d 12 ausesbmona ts in year. Cheapebt ]terest allowed tin aunts Of $1 :111(1 lip. and safe L in oxistenoe. Alecto in Orange Hall, Clin- FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ton, first end tbird Friday of every month. FA.R.MFIRS_ •---.- -•---- ---- ---- _--- 0 aosite Tuwn 1Tn11, `• Clinton, Out Money advanced to farmers on their own notes PI with one or more endorsere. No mortgage re- s quired as security. I COOKS FLOUR H. C. BREWER, Manager, & FEED STOREY o'1'ICE. ' December, 1996. CLINTON. FEED STOREY �-`� Clinton. There being settle misunderstanding vi re. .T! gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood G. ifs. NoTagga�rt BRAN and SHORTS in Large or that tt any hereat) takes report to e any kind of w•rectnige and tolls to report to me I shall at once takeproceedinge. Remember this is tht BANKER Small Quantities. Taut warning Ishall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. j' OIL CAKE LINSEED MEALS Receiver of Wrecks, Godurich. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891, 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel A GENERAL BANKING BUSIVESS (fats The McKillo,n Mutual Fire TRANSACTED. r 7 D. COOK. CLINTON. Insurance Company. �. 762 tt-- — - — -- -- _ — Notes Disc�u7lted. - Dra/7•a la�suc(l. - __ I Interest Allowed on Deposits. REMOVED. Farm and Isolated Town Prow - Clinton, June8th, 1891 afigy HILL & JOYN E R ty only Insured, ct1li ill. Have removed their Flour and Feed store from Huron street to the store on Albert George Watt President, Harlock P. O.; James "_-- — — street latelY ocecupied by 0. J, STF- Brondtoot. Vice -Prep., S, ah rah P. U.; W. J. Shim- street W. OU N N WAST, where they will Lave much nun, Socy. Ttcus., Scaforth P. 0: bliclaael Murdie, r pleasure ,,n waiting on their old cuAllinurs inspector of lussee, Scaforth P. 0. R. C. P. 1 nd L. IL C. S., Y.elinbnr; h- Office - and 218 molly new 0110s Its NN III favor theill DIRECTOR6, Ontario stria b Clinton. Kight calls at font door of with a call. Janes Broadfoot, Seuforth; Michael Vurdie, Son• residence on Tatteubury btrtet, oppos,te Presbyter- forth; George llele, Heafurth; George Watt, Harlock fan church. Thomas E, tla)s,Seaforth: Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Till &Joyner, Thomas Garbutt, Jahn 1t;cI•ran,1(ip,(a. DR. TURNBULL. soRNTs. Thomas Neilar-s, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Sea- J- L- Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ.; Ill. D ; Albert St,, Clinton. forthund desirous s to effect insurance. 3. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; lbslow Parties business to ill Insurance or trana- of the obstetrical society Of Edinburgh. Lase f act other buelneae will be promptly attend. London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals office:— od to on applteati,m to any of the above officers ad - Dr. Dowsley's stand, Ratters`, iry at. Night calls Central Butcher Shop • dressed to their respect ice pas: oRlces, answered at Office. — - — COUCH & WILSON DR. SHAW. Sub.crilrers desiroto notify the public that they FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS .—. -- have br light call the butchering business Iate'y con - Office -Ontario street, oppo> it0 English ducted by Mr. Jas, tltA. Ford, ao;l will sanders who Ou"' U N N "S church, formerly occupied by 1)I•..lpplute), same noose taipereraennl supervision, Orders will _ husaid prompt nod alrenul attention. Fresh moats of all khids will be kept in season, sold at reasonable Freeborn, X- D , rates and delivered anywhere in town, T ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. Ni ILSON. BAKINC L. X. & Q C. P., I., 'NI, 7 P. & 9. 0., &o., &c. CLINTON. Gradnate qt Bing'9 & Qaecn's College of Phyalclans, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiato Of the General Medical CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP W' DER Council, Grant Rritain, Jlonbor of College of rhysieia'ia cru Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest- dent est• __ demo ' P0 ), Rotunda Hoap+tat (Lyon t silo diseases of FORD & MURPHY, :ological), Dahl!n. Spacial attention to ctisonses of woman sad chllNren. Oaloc and ronidooce, Ration bury E COOK'S' BEST F RI E N D SE.,ueext door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. (Successors to J. W. Langford.) 829-1y-- i.ARGES r' SALE IN CANADA. navingbought ont the above business, we Intend _ to conduct it on the caih principle, hnd will supply — our customers with the best ments at the lowest Play- DR layDR prices. xi- — FORD & MURPHY. For Over Fifty Years Dr. Bruce Sur eon Dentist. 1 r-- b11t.. AN'ISSI.OW'S 50011JIL G SYRUP has bCe y LIVE HOGS WANTEDI used by millions of mothers for their child re _ while teething. if disturbed at night enc OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shale Store, broken of your rest by a sick child quJFcrin and crying with pain of Cuttin • Teeth solid n Clinton, Ont. Spec -int attention to pre- -- once and get a bottle of "Mrs. N'Vinslow's sooth servation of natural teeth. tog syrup' for Children Teething. It will r N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Alonday, and Highest Markel. Price Paid. Itcve the poor little sufferer ittunediatcly. U l3a old e%cr • Thursday afternoon during the Clinton.end upon it, mothers, there is no mistake abou y y D. CANTELC�N C1it.. ItcuresDiarrh(ea, re�•ulatesthe Stoma summer. 1 and bowels, cures Wind Colic,) softens tri _— v93•tt. G unls, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone an Do snarly to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow' Agnew, La I� • S.1 De L� �00tl'mg Syrup" for children teething is plc t p� ALL aunt to the taste and is the prescription of on J. E. B LAO K , of the oldest. and best female physicians an e United Stntes. Price, twenty-fiv nurses in bottle. DENTIST. T '••1 rue f druggists th o Surgeon Sold b all d Graduate of Royal College of Dental Stir ` e ,ei (nary S g runts a bottle. 501 y g6 6 and Veterinary Inspector. out the word." Be sure and ask for ••Ma geons of Ontario. I amw Graduate of Trinity 1�'tvsr.ow's-bl1THING SYRUP. University, Tot -onto. Boit Local Anaesthetic Ofliec om Isaac street next New Era office. for Painless extraction. Office opposite Town Residence, Albert St., Clinton. , , Hall, over Swallow's Stor,l. _ Ail Preposterous (,testa. Night Bell aiswered_ B. THOIVILiNSON, In the legislature Cul. 'tiatheeo Will visit Hensall e% lay itlonday, and I VETERINERY SURGEON, criticised the educatonai departmen Zurich the 2nd Tllursdaycf(ach month Honorary Graduate of ilia Ontario Vetelliarycol. for claimiug to have reduced the pro .ege,Toronto. portion of fictional literature in publi -- Treats all dlFeews of Domestic Animals on the libraries from G4 to 48 per cent in < Vaal, most modern and ticienttfio Principles. Day and Night Calls Piomptly Answered. feW years, and asserted ll.at the ehou' Restdcncc—Ratteubnry Street• West, Clinton Out. in wits made by classing hlstoric9 MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, g . Conveyancer, &c. oalee—coiner Hamilton and tale. a. "h1.L01'y," and stories of adver tit. Andrewe-eti., oppor.ite Colborne Hotel GodcaicE' tune as "travels." Even if the peOPI 888 tf . Geo Trowhill Geo. , who patronized public librafiee d RO., HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Gilles, corner Horseshoer and General Black- ,Ow read less fiction than they did • North Street and Sgnare, near Registry Office, 7 few year. ng0 It i. difficult 1U llndel Ptiosich, Ont. 67• smith, Money to land at lowest see of Interest. ° stand hole George Washin ;ton BOB _ Albert Street, North, - Clinton. department is responsible for tht J. SCOTT, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. alleged improvement. It is diflieu'. Barrister, pC. Woodwork ironed and first class material and to Imagine how the educational depnr ; f work guaranteed; farm implements and machines wont has Influenced the taste Of Ili ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. rebuilt and repaired. people, supposing the fact to be i Money to Loan. n stated. But it is not a fact that peopl Card of Thanks. now read less fiction than they read E. CAMPION, Q• Cif - few years ago; nor is that anything I TO Alar MANY PATRONS: their discredit. The time has Ion 8ARRISTEA, - . - SOLICITOR., gone by When fiction, such as found i NOTARY 4c., 1 desire to tender my sincere thanks the public librarieP, %vas considered I for the very liberal patrounge accord, be injurious and the reading of G•oderich, - Ont• ed me in the palet slid to inform the eomelhing to be discouraged. And Offioo—over Davis' Drag Stare. Money to loan. public that I am still in the Carpet \[r. Rose bar, es is charged, been guilt Wenving I1usiness on Esst Street, of falsifying the nature of the tlool M. O. JOHNSTON, Godeiich, next the Bicycle Factory. for the purpose of deceiving the publ BAIfRISi"'ER, SOLICITOR, Personal and mail orders will as usual into a belief that—under the benig receive prompt attention. All claeec3 reign of Trickster Ilardy, and, i COMMISSIONER, EIV , of work a specialty, at the lowest Pos- some Occult way through the "moral Gorier ich, - Ont. siblo prices, and sfldl3l'netlou gunren iilfluenco of the trickster—the peep omee—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. teed. p of Ontario now read less fiction, he — W. A. Ross, East Street, not only guilty of ;rose deceit, but h W. BRYDONE., GOUERICII. taken upon himself to deceive the pe BARRISTE R - SOLICITOR. -- pie through a mistaken idea that tl man who reads the speculative rot NOTARY PUBLIC, tgc, TO THE PARMEM I alleged philosoi)horll is on a high OFFICE B®AVER BLOCK - CLINTON. Study your own interest and go where molal and mental plane than the m 817•tf you can get who finds entertainment, in8tructio Reliable Harness ayknotviedge of human nature, wOr U ---- , (,hlietiauity, in the hnmau mor s ' 0111'ld to galla. I manufacture none but the BBSTOFSTOOR. such writers of fiction fle Ian Maclare - -- - _ _-------- -- - Betoare ofahopa that self cheap, as they have In other words, if Mr. Ross is Buil got to clue � Call and get prices. Orders JOHN RIDOUT. by mail promplyattended to as Charged, ho is convicted of doul J0�3N $�+.� T hypocrisy. The people of OIItAtio, CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, r?TC. -' -J� the year of our Lord 1897, will find HARNESS EMPORIUM ULTT11 ONT Firolnsurance. Real Estate. Atones to lend. ' fault With alto government grant GO 1'0 THE public libraries, even if the percento Mee—HURON STREET, CLINTON. of fiction be sho%vu to be increased, ' Union Shaving Parlor + �— "1 bought 1L box of Dr. Chas Catarrh Cure at the Drng Store of i1 Cantelon .gyros, I For first-class Hair -Cutting Boyle here. I nm thankful to say GL+`NICRAI. GROCERS & PROVIS- and Shaving• has proved'most effective. I have a tried your Kidney -Liver Pills a ION 11 MCHANTS. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Ctinton found thern excellent."—Henry J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Nicholls, rectory, Lendon. Grocery, Glass c� Clti�ta2f�are ANTED—Farmers' Sons or other Indus-- , ti- ous persons of fair education to whom Mr. John Beatty, who had N ALBEIT ST., CLINTON, ONT.• $M a month would be an inducement. I County Clerk of Wellington for rm Highest Cash Price fo'r Rutter and Eggs could also engage a few ladles at their own I than 20 years, died in Fergus, Of K2dy T. H. LINSCOTT. Toronto, Ont. Sunday night. � - .., ....•.- • � • ver Ills' „ • •.� ,.. O r 111[>!�laa Aet: is If the Stomach is Not Right. lifuonrdino Reviett. Like biliousness, dyspepala, headache, coasti. I { patlon, sour stomach, Indigestion are pronlpUy 1). R, McPhail, of fort Alb -11, formerly of Tivtartou, hate We otru cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work opiuiun of tiro Ontario Guvernul"I't stipation? Is the 'I onxae And he has sound reuaons for his oppo Hoods I eltiun t0 that adlllinifitratior. living at the Clrtunin I 'While Soo," he said, ' I had an opportunity it easily and thoroughly. to learn the Inethoda pursued by the Best after dinner pills. Pi ' I government in relatiuu to our timber 211 cents. All druggists. MACTI AND LIVER DIS011,DEI1. j 1 1 fitiill I ai i/ lauds and they did not attiko file all Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,Mass. being b(tnest or bu,inese like. Flow i The only Pill to take with Hood's Sursaparllla ihalu I yraul Lu Sudbury nod went in care. �Ir. Taylor is an engineer on to a inol'ohutile business for myself. At Divorce uud"Teuttuemnee• that time a miuiog boons existed, That whole north cuuutry is rich in minelal SHVEItAL T1MULY PARAGRAPHS. resources. Some parts may be riche) ville, and he is one of the most popular than others but tiulber and gold, silver A Dakota paper says that "several uickel, copper, iron slid coal are there husbands who have lust good wives nuclei- the divorce law of this state in abundance. Tile outlook was pinud have Chipped In $10,000 to test the con- of the hiw, hoping there- and everybody was sanguine. Yrus Y Y g peotore from home and abroad were stitutionality Vto get back their fottner partners." there. I myself spent all my spare Experience is it great teacher. These cash in buying three mining locations gentlemen in the future will doubtless appreciate blessings before they take 'A few mantles afterwatda rho boom w8s their Hight. dropped dead, Tu day I can't get a The fight atCiu'son City is regarded bairel of flour for Hly interests there. as a good temperance lesson. It is 1 Foreign prospectors wont look at Sud Scrofula is a word you don't quite un(le~stand, but if you talk with your d"tcr, he will tell you that it is generally believed to be du.: to. the same cause which gives rise to Consumption, It appears mostly in those who are fat -starved and thin, usually in early life. A course of treatment of Scott's Emulsion with the Hypo- phosites wherever Scrofula manifests itself, will prevent the development of the dis- ease. Let us send you a book. Free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, OnL i A PLiir L(:T TZA retntirked that t.ho difference Ili the bury at all, Aud u'hy7 Bee,luse of Inailner of life of the two pugilists de- I\luwat's atnendnten!3 to the Aliuiu" cided the result', even mote than t he meow hardy constitution and remarkable Act. When they clapped that royalty natural powers of the Now Zealand I on us we had to quit. We toolc tall tit 0 N NUUN blacksmith., In the ltttei- part of the ale rielts and the govelnmeut took struggle, when reserve strength and statiuna were needed, Curhett'H louse habits land indulgences told their de- structive story. The Uurnishinan's punishment ill the early stages of the fight made hint look like a heaters boxer, but Itis tomperitnev, hard 10 lot." and tough tiroscles were still fit for inueh more severe tests of endurance. Of ctltitse, Fitzsimmons haying won, must necessm ily he an "American"; but it %%as the glorious old fiilg of Britain that he waived over his head at the. close of the fight. Corbett deserted to lose, if for noth- ing, else than his desertion of his wife to take up -vvi(h a Chicago %wolnail. Aud F itzsirnu+ons deserved to win, if for nothing else than his loyalty to his wife. — An Engineer's Story, LIFE ON A RAILROAD CON- DUCIVE TO DISEASE Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Kentville, Attacked With Kidney Trouble — So -Called Cures Proved Useless, But Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Restored His Health. From the licntville Advertiser. There are very few eu)ploy men is more trying to the health than that of a rnilwny engineer. The• hours of labor ore frequently long, illeals irregi lar, and rest Iand sleep hurriedly snatched "between runs." One of )lie troubles 1 whictl very frequently att'ac'k railway t trainmen is kidnev disease, which up 9 ton late period has been looked upon as a disease difiicnit, if not impossible e. to totally cure. Although there exist De wimerous remedies c•lainied to be Stomach cures, the truth is that nothing land 0 been found to successfully cope with d this terrible^disease until the advent s of fhe now world -famed Dr. Williams' R - ' r Pink Pi ) ear one da c Pin 115. Uhanclnl, t( h e y d that Mr, will- Taylor, a resident of e I this town, had been cured of kidney h trouble through the ngenc•v of Dr. s Willinins' Pink Pills, a reporter called npon hits at his home to helu• from hint personally what lie thought cif his none. They made sure of a participa- lion in the profits but not in the losses, Only one company, which took cut its patent under the old Act, is able to do business thelo and that company exer- cises it Irliuiug mouopoly in that die ti ict. The boors has left Ontario and hila gone to British Columbia, Is it be- cause that province is richer in miuor• els tlulu outs I Not at all. The north shore is flir fieher, The feason is that Mitish Columbia 1188 practically the ,111110 Vining Act that wo fiad ill On. tario seven years agu. I liave camper ed thom and I know what I em tallcing about. They have the carne Act that we had before the Ontario government strangled Ilse mining boors Ly their greedy and graepiug amendments to that Act, "Our govolument is corp auxions to build up a trade %vith foreign markets. They want, to make commercial treat- ies with the United States, Great Brit- niu and Australia. Why, do you Icuow if the Ontatio government had let us 'alone, the farinera of this llrovineo would Dot now bo able to raise enough produce for the miners Of Nipissing slid Algoma. The market was right inside Our own doors hilt it was driven away to L'tiiiah Columbia. The Unit- ed States have it now. It is too fat- away araway for our Ontario farmera. 'That's what ilia Outario government has done for our alining interests, 'that's what I they have done for our fnrudug infer. 01103. The farmela may have backed up the goveinulent in that deal. If they did, they etit off' the nose to spite the face," Out readors must admit that obvious results corroborate theetatements made by Mr. 11'IcPhail. )ire may also add that 'Mr, McPhail's antecedents ate Liberal and hk statecaents cannot pro perly be charged to political feeling agaiust the Ontario government. LIFE'S A BURDEN 'HE 1 -11 A 'INEST TEA N THC WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA)WP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put tap by the Indian Tea ,rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian teas. Therefore they also the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they lot it up themselves and sell it only in the ongina' rackoge•s, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in si Ib., x Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP I1'. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write tr s STEEL, HAYTER & CO. . It and 13 Front Street East. Torontr• • • r rYiJla� , �r so YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARK81 DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention, is probably patentable. communications strictly oonndential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through biumn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautiful)yy Illustrated, largest circulation of any �sclentllio journal, weekly, terms LOO a yyear; $L5(1 six monhs. ecimon cool ee and IIAND $001{ ON PATENT9aeDt free. Address MU -NN & CO., 361 Brondwav, N-bw York. There has never been a time when grow - ere should guard against failure with more 'are. There has never been a time when F'er•r,q'r Saeds were more essential. The are al lr•ayn the best. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. Insist on having them. FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL Information for gardeners and PI full s. inform g planters. Thera will never be a better time than now to send for the 1897 edition. Free. D. tel. to & Co., Wlndsor, Ont. ID oil the ant- hand tat; the man who plac- ed the Pope of Rome supreme over Queen Victoria, and tri Ontario Pro- testants on the ()hits hand by ex- claiming --"see. me—mint a glorious battle I aill putting up against, tine bishops," The quarrel between the hit;hops ami Mr. Laurier is merely one of theil-own. He and his followers lied to therm and gore there secret written and public pledges to perform certain acts If re- turned last June. The hishops—solne of them—and it serves diem right in one way now to be defied because they deceived -the conservatives Iast June— accordiugly elected TvIr. Lan iet's fol- lowers, land no%v feel annoyed at his and their wnut of faith. Mr. Laurier has appealed to the Pope of Rollie and seems to have se- cured tic: services of his holiness to compel the bishops to accept the Laur- ier Greenway settlement. Where now are the advocates of national schools? In Ontario pro- vince Protestants are told that the Greenway -Laurier setlenient abolishes separate so, then) Manitoba. athat, publicopinionseen13 heto have endorsed the breaking of the Con- stitution. if it is right to do so in Manitoba surely it cannot be wrong to defy the constitution in Ontario t or Quebec. Therefore, what objection could the Roman Cnthnlic penile, or their hishops or even the Pope or Ronne himself urge against abolishing Ontario separate schools? 'there are many C•nnndians hoping that the Rulnau Catholic bishops and the Pope will accept the "compromise." By so doing they will tacitly give con- sent to a delnnud for the entire oboh. tion of separate schools anywhere. One thing is certain, Canada will not enlotse the pl+tcring, as Mr. Laurier has done, of the Pope of Rome over Queen Victoria in regard to Canadilnl public affairs. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple moans, after filtfforing for several years with it severe lung affection, and that dread disatso Consmnption, is anxious to mako known to his Follow sufferers tho means of vitro. To those who desire it, he twill cheerfully sand tienuscd, whichfreof gethey wtllyflnd a sure f the pcure fro o Conatanption, • Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat and Lung hfatatlfut. Ho hopes all sulforers will try his remedy, as it, IH invalu- nble. Thoso desiring the precription, which will coat, them nothing, anal may prove a Bless- ing, will pletwo address, Rev. EDWARD A. WiLSON, Brooklyn, New York. Any further Executive action is re- fused in the eases of Jeekson' and 1 Walling, under death saentegioe ;for the murder of Pearl Bryan. I If the Stomach is Not Right. Is there Nausea? Is there Con stipation? Is the 'I onxae ` ight- Coated? Are Ton Light - if eaded 9 ifeaded? Do You have b a Sick headaches - ANY AND ELI. OF TIiESE DENOTE STO- i' MACTI AND LIVER DIS011,DEI1. j 1 1 fitiill I ai i/ z Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills t quickly . c 9 Y and will cure moststuhborn and chrou •_ ��'7./�� is caseH. No impleasantness. No grir- ing. These little pills are little wonder care. �Ir. Taylor is an engineer on workers and are fai-famed. 40 in a viol for 20 cents. Sold by Watts & the Dominto n Atlantic Railway, his Co. rnn being between ilalifax and Kent. ville, and he is one of the most popular - "- - •--- - drivers ou the road. When asked by Despatches frons Cape Town an - the reporter concerning Ilia illness lie ununce that British troops leave receiv- said :—"It wits it) the spring of 1896 ed cyders to hold themselves in rendi- that I had it severe attack of kidney ness for emergencies, and that the trouble, brought on by continuous rnn- situation in the Transviaal is very ning on the road, and I suppose it, is grave. caused by the oscillation of the loco- rnutive. It affected ole hilt slightly at first, but, gradually gre%v worse. I con- The Polre Tereus the, IHshops• stilted a doctor and then tried two or three varieties of so-called cures. Some -- holt. :lir. Laurier has hnd three helped the for a tittle, but after stop- emi,"aries to the Pope of Rome for the of over-riding the bishops on ping the use of them I{drew worse than ever. I had noticed numerous purpose the school question since last Jnne. testunonials in tin Pnpers concerning ile hits been successful in having the Dr. Willlalns' Pills( Pills, and re aft Ing Pope app 011lt a Spaniard, his Own sec - of one care that was•boost identical rat;u y, to come to Canadit to discipline with uty owes 1 decided to give them a tile. I)I9iops and teach Canadians how trial and ptlrchatzed folie I)nx('q at a to be gOvel'ned. cost of $'L. But it wits $2 .well spent This truckling to Rollie is worse for 1 was completely cured by the use than the cringing of the grit leaders to of the pills, and have 110t been troubled 1` ashingtoll. Moreover, 1t Is uncoll- with my kidneys since. 1 can Htitntiontl and should bring in its therefore recommend thein to others c- wake speedy condemnation tram the sitnilarl Lafllicted, Y people of Canada. The experience of years has proved Ln the school settlement the hishops that there is absolnteiv no diselLsc due have demanded :—That the judgment to a Vitiated condition of the blood tar• of the Queen's Privy Council of Great shattered nerves, that Dr. Wlllianis' 11t'it;aill at)(] Ireland shall be, final. Pink Pills will not promptly cure. and The Laurier party have overridden those who are suffering from 91"ll 'the judgment of the Queen's Privy troubles world awold Much Inisely coilt)c'll and have referred to the Pope and save money by promptly resorting -0f Itouie, instead of the Queen of Eng - to this treatanept. Get the genmrle hand as final court of tippeal. Link Pills every time and du not be perstiaded to tnke an imitation or sono, The bishops have demanders (1) •1 other rernedy from it deader, who for r 1 PEACE, in not having Protestant t<xes go to Roman Catholic schools; find (2) the sake of the extun profit to himself, may Hny is •'•jtlst as goo(1." D1•. Wil- (GUARANTEE Or SECURITY for what tl1A flans' Pink Pills carr when Other Qlloeu's Privy Council declared to be /nedicines tall. t•hell4 I)y ltt%V Mid constitution. Mr. Laurier grants Roman Catholic The Rev. Dr. Lvinan Ahhott of Brook- 1•yn will not, f)e1I1101ve11 to lecture in tho schools ; forces Protestants in Mani. toh;t to pay the greater share of the Y.M.C.A. hall in Yhdadelphi)t,becwihe It011llm Catholic school taxes, over fide's the judgment of the Qoeen'i he recently threw rlonhts on tine $tory of Jonah and the whale. Privy Council ; refuses to recof;niz( the Queen +1.4 mipreme. , sends amissar A hill is in preparation to re-PRt ablish ies to the Pope of Rollie to coerce th( i the Departruents of Inland Revenue t)fshops LO whom he anti his follower• and custonis as they existed before gave secret pledges last June of ultri that of trade and Commerce wits formed. support, and hopes to hold office b3 appealing to Quebec Roman Catholiel • • r rYiJla� , �r so YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARK81 DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention, is probably patentable. communications strictly oonndential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through biumn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautiful)yy Illustrated, largest circulation of any �sclentllio journal, weekly, terms LOO a yyear; $L5(1 six monhs. ecimon cool ee and IIAND $001{ ON PATENT9aeDt free. Address MU -NN & CO., 361 Brondwav, N-bw York. There has never been a time when grow - ere should guard against failure with more 'are. There has never been a time when F'er•r,q'r Saeds were more essential. The are al lr•ayn the best. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. Insist on having them. FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL Information for gardeners and PI full s. inform g planters. Thera will never be a better time than now to send for the 1897 edition. Free. D. tel. to & Co., Wlndsor, Ont. ID oil the ant- hand tat; the man who plac- ed the Pope of Rome supreme over Queen Victoria, and tri Ontario Pro- testants on the ()hits hand by ex- claiming --"see. me—mint a glorious battle I aill putting up against, tine bishops," The quarrel between the hit;hops ami Mr. Laurier is merely one of theil-own. He and his followers lied to therm and gore there secret written and public pledges to perform certain acts If re- turned last June. The hishops—solne of them—and it serves diem right in one way now to be defied because they deceived -the conservatives Iast June— accordiugly elected TvIr. Lan iet's fol- lowers, land no%v feel annoyed at his and their wnut of faith. Mr. Laurier has appealed to the Pope of Rollie and seems to have se- cured tic: services of his holiness to compel the bishops to accept the Laur- ier Greenway settlement. Where now are the advocates of national schools? In Ontario pro- vince Protestants are told that the Greenway -Laurier setlenient abolishes separate so, then) Manitoba. athat, publicopinionseen13 heto have endorsed the breaking of the Con- stitution. if it is right to do so in Manitoba surely it cannot be wrong to defy the constitution in Ontario t or Quebec. Therefore, what objection could the Roman Cnthnlic penile, or their hishops or even the Pope or Ronne himself urge against abolishing Ontario separate schools? 'there are many C•nnndians hoping that the Rulnau Catholic bishops and the Pope will accept the "compromise." By so doing they will tacitly give con- sent to a delnnud for the entire oboh. tion of separate schools anywhere. One thing is certain, Canada will not enlotse the pl+tcring, as Mr. Laurier has done, of the Pope of Rome over Queen Victoria in regard to Canadilnl public affairs. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple moans, after filtfforing for several years with it severe lung affection, and that dread disatso Consmnption, is anxious to mako known to his Follow sufferers tho means of vitro. To those who desire it, he twill cheerfully sand tienuscd, whichfreof gethey wtllyflnd a sure f the pcure fro o Conatanption, • Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat and Lung hfatatlfut. Ho hopes all sulforers will try his remedy, as it, IH invalu- nble. Thoso desiring the precription, which will coat, them nothing, anal may prove a Bless- ing, will pletwo address, Rev. EDWARD A. WiLSON, Brooklyn, New York. Any further Executive action is re- fused in the eases of Jeekson' and 1 Walling, under death saentegioe ;for the murder of Pearl Bryan.