HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 4PAGR Foua--THE I3L.YTII STANDARD-•-DF.cEM En 12TH, t9o;,
IJAS.McMURCHIE°IN tet tit gittutbarty. DOCTORS USINf1
Safe Notes aepeoialty, Advanoes mede
to farmers on their own notes, !\o
additional security required,
We offer every accommodation cot•
einem with este and ooneervattve
banking prtuolptea,
To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates
of Interest.
Person wlehing to sell will do well to
place their property on our list for
sale. Bente collected.
Of all kinds promptly attended to,
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Maumee companies, and respect-
fully aollolt your account.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 a.m. to 8 P.M,
Business (cards.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Sum
moor to G. F. Blatt, (Aloe over Stan -
dud Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank,
Hatriaters, So11oltorN, Notaries Public,
Etc, Offices—Those formerly occupied by
Messrs. Cameron and Bolt,flodetlah, W.
Proudfoot, KC.; R. C. Bays, G. F. Blair.
0, E. LONG, L.D.S„ D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal
ollege of Dental Surgeons, An honor
eaduate of 'ibronto University. Office
ever Jennie Cntt'e store, Pretoria block,
p. tlyth. At Auburn every Monday 11 a.m.
,to 5 p,n1. A
\\',J. MILNE, AI,D.C.M.
Phyeielatand Surgeon. M.D.C,M.,Up!.
'varsity of TrinityCollege; M.D., Queen's
Uutveralty; Felow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Physicians nod Surgeons of Ontario. Cor
oner for the County of Huron. Office, one
door north of Commercial hotel, Queen
street, Blyth,
F. lam. 1E3
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reaeonable. Sales arranged for
et the office of Tug STAN11Aa11, myth.
Blyth Livery
Sale Rabies
SS 00 ibff) CS 6
1)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
P �iP ao 0
FirsL•olass Boma end Rlge for hire at
reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Commercial
Traveltete and others requiring rhea.
Veterinary office at livery stable.
¢e a
((j, -
Y i
13y giving a better course of training
than that given by any other similariu•
etltutten in Ontario, we have become one
of the leading bueIneae trnlning eohoole
In Canada. Our greduatee are In demand
' as office asnistante and beelines college
teachers. Our courses being the beet,
ourgraduatea aucceed. If interested In
your Own welfare write now for our cats•
loguo ; it is free. We have three depart•
menta, Commercial, Shorthand and 'rah •
graphic. Winter term opens Jan. tee,
ELLIOTT & McLACNLAN, Principals,
f/aZortntJ '��1✓
THURSDAY, DEC. 12. 1907
People We Know
Mr, George Brown, of Brussels,
was in town Inst 'I'hurduy.
Mr. C. H, Bdeae made a business
trip to Berlin and Guelph this week.
Air, D. Taylor has returned from
the west after a 8niourm of three
months out there.
Alive M. J: linker and Miss Lena
Livingston are visiting the I'ornler's
brother in Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr spent
a few days in Brussels visiting relit -
Lives and friends.
Alr, 1t, R. Sloan is at Guelph this
week attending the Experimental
Union and Fut Stock Show.
Conn, John Barr, of Hallett, is at
Guelph Fat Stock Show exhibiting
some of hie well-bred stock.
Alias Nessie Kay, who spent over
a week the guest of Mrs. J. L. Kerr,
left lust Thursday for Stratford to
visit her brother,
Mr. George Haggitr, of Gagetown,
Mich., was hero last week visiting
at the home of kis brother, Mr. Freda
Alr, W. Walker, of Clinton, and
Mr. Gourley, of Gourley, Winter
Leeming, Toronto, were in towel
lost Thursday,
Mr, James Cutt, Jr., is still con•
Tined to the house, but his tuany
friends will wish for a speedy re—
eoyery from now on.
91r. Geo, Springford and Air, John
Potter, jr„ arrived las: week from
Posse, Seek, They will visit friends
here for some time before returning.
Last Friday night Mr. Roy Sims
had the misfortune while skating to
.'all and sprain his left wrist and a8
a consequence is having an enforced
holiday from the Bank,
We are pleased to notice that Miss
Lillian Maud Blitichfilyd, of Exeter,
well known to many in this locality,
w'11S married in Central Methodist
Church, Detroit, on Wednesday;
Nov. 20tH, by Rev. J. D. L. L&Be,
11, D„ to James Henry ,Bulitho,' n
young lawyer of that City. The
bride was attired in a suit of pa�'y
blue ladles' clout with hat'Al inatuh.
The young couple will I'rlltllll in
Detroit for a abort time after *Mels
they will reside In New Tot k.
CIIL'11011 A(I'rEB,
St. Andrew's S. 5. entrnlinnlent
on Friday evening of this. week,
The Methodist S. S. Xmas tea will
be held in the church next \\'edncs
day evening.
The S. 5, of 'Trinity Church will
hold their entertainment and Xmas
tree in Industry Hall on Friday,
Dee, 20111
n: * a
Rev. F. 0. Nichol, of Cargill, has
been chosen to succeed Rev. Mr,
Small Ne Pastor of Auburn and
Sulith's hill. The call curves by for
consideration at a special sleeting of
the Presbytery of Huron to be Mehl
probably in Guderieh on the 20111
i 1181,
The anniversary services will be
held on Sabbath. !fah inst., h1 Dutf's
church. Walton, and will be conduct-
ed by Rev. E. 11. Sewers, of Bruce -
field. On the following evening u
fowl supper will be served In the
basement, at the 00rlel nsloll of whish
a good program will be rendered.
Addresses will be given by ltevs.
Wishart, id Brussels ; Small, of
Blyth ; Carswell, of Winthrop, and
Curry, of Walton. Recitations will
be rendered by Mrs, Greig, of Ses-
fortll, and llev. Mr. Stall ; music by
Miss Dickson, of Atwood ; a male
quartette and others,
East Wawana.h.
i1rs. David Scott, sr., of the 6th
line, is on the sick list. Her friends
will wish for a speedy recovery.
Nominations will be held on Dec,
30tH and the election, it' necessary,
on January 60.
On Nov. 28th Alex. and Mrs. Pat.
terson, of this township, celebrated
their silver anniversar'y. About
forty of their old friends were in-
vited during; the afternoon and even•
ing when on enjoyable time was
spent by till. '.'heir friends will
juin in wishing that Mr. and Mrs.
Patterson nifty be able to celebrate
heir galder anniversary.
The Honest Physician ie Anions
to Cure and Uses the Best
Available Remedies.
The proposed legislation t1sxus h
the Dominion Parliament for the reg-
ulation of the manufacture mad sal•
of patent or proprietary medicines is
of the utmost importance, and it is
receiving a great deal of attention,
not only by the proprietary medicine
manufacturers, but alae by the leading
doctors and druggists. Every manu-
facturer of reliabte and high class
remedies weloowa the hill as a step
in the right direction, The discuiasian
bas brought out the fact that the best
physicians in Canada and on the eon•
tinent approve of and prescribe Psy-
chine in cases of the most difficult
character. la a recent instance of
'very oerioun throat and lung trouble
the patient had been using Psychics.
Two leading United States specialists
were consulted, in sdditiou to two
eminent Canadian physicians, Upoa
learning what the patient was using,
a sample of Psychine was taken and
analysed, with the result that the
physicians advised its continuance.
They ptemribed no other medicine bat
Payehlne, with the result that the pa-
tient has fully recovered and is a
splendid walking and talking adver-
tl.entent for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that rill "stand
Up" before the keenest professional
critioism and analysis. Aa a hailder
up of the system and restorer of all
wasted conditions, Psycbins has ae
equal, and the beet and most earnest
physicians rsoogaise this fact.
" At tis M. of 25 sal taws were as a Wale*
W e. 1 bad la Opp* tt a yore Ware ; 11 welkel
ea my tuna, and 1 Yaps doeltly gruarlaw woos
WI 1 sot down me low r wee la Dad for six week.
1 bad a coueultanan of doctow, sad they win they
*told do autblw.ocs for ora. 'rhea Istarted to
aha Payables. 1 rook the madk,lue for taws char
a year. It eerlaiary Mrd voodoo to me. 1 w
nay NI eras u 1 was been Sof Meknes."
YUB. n. !tors,
Morpeu, oat.
Psycbiae, pronounced 6i•k..a, litho
greatest of tonics, building up the eye.
tem, increasing the app.tite, purify-
urifying the blood, aids digestion, and arts
directly upon the, throat and henl@t,
giving tone and rigor to the entire
system. At all druggists, 69e. and 91
es Dr. T. A. gloom, United, 3791
Ling Street West. Temente
Notice to Creditors.
or 14i.nTH 1st ills COUNTY OF HURON,
Notion le hereby given pursuant to the
revised Statute* ut Ontario 1897, that all
oredltota and others having claims
against 1 he estate of the maid John' Nat.
('en Bell, who died on or about the first
day of November, A. D. 1007, are r.qulred
ou nr betul'e IIIc drat day 01 January, A.
0. 19118, to eeod b5 prat prepaid or deliver
to Alexander 1, dei' and Pl'altel) Mater!)
of the isld v,dn0,1 „f Myth,the Adualule.
tretot'e of the geld esta,e teir Cartel Ian
and mummies, a(1dresorn and descriptions,
the full paruoulara of their utak'', 'a
statement of their account and the net ure
of the a.eerttles, if any, held by then!,
And further tako not lob that atter etoh
last mentioned date the said ex eaten
will proceed to distribute the assets of
the deceeeed among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the elelm1
of which they shed then have nouns, and
that the said administrators will not be
liable for the bald assets, or auy part
thereof, to any person or persons of whose
Whims notice shalI not have !leen received
by theta at the time of suuh dlota'lbutton,
All persona Indebted to theib)ve estate
will be required to pay the same to the
said administrator of or before the tlrat
of Jenuery, 10(18,
Dated at (indene", (Le 214 (ley of No.
reamer, 1007.
Dickinson & Darrow,
Solicitors tot the said Administrators.
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at THE STANDARD otfloe, l.11yth.
Business Knowledge
and Everlasting Push
are the two essentials to success. Attend
aUiott Business Coltogs
Toronto, Ont.
and prepare for (iret•claee bustnese poet•
tloneetch as are op,n to our etudente.
Hundreds of our etudente aro going two
good poeltione everyear. Let us train
you for one. Ne *Indo It right. Wit,
ter term opens Jan. Oth. Write cur eats.
lopnx end nee wherein we excel ordinary
bnshte',a eonegee.
I, metier' of College—
eAuer 1'ongo and Alexander Street,.
W_JVElliott, Prinelpal.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach L'ror, Kidneys and for
cleaning the Blood. 21X1 dere treatment
$I, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at
Dr. Mll'ne's Drug Store
Wholesale from the
etrdlne, Ont.
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Blvlh
Standard ons year each, worth 912.00,
(in' only tLGO 'I'bfe is a genuine bar-
gain. Don't Iniau it. Cull And 800
sentries at his office and leave your
Girth Getman.
Special meeting of Blyth Council
was held 00 Nov. 26th. The Reeve
in the chair and Courts, Johnston,
Rill, Chellew and (Jerry were prat.
By-law No, 13, 1907, with eche.
dale attached together with eJpy tit
debentures to be issued, ivere laid
before the Council, and on Motion
of J. 11, Chellew, seconded by N. B.
Gerry, wus accepted,—Canted.
It was moved by W. Johnston,
seconded by L. 11111, that accounts
uo follows for mem walks be paid,
A, Elder, drawing up by-law.... 15 00
A, Elder, fees for work on acme 15 (10
Bank of Hamilton, int, $300 note 1 10
" es04.00 " 85
Tile STANDARD, ad, debt, sale., . 1 92
Carried, $28 87
Moved by L. 1iil1, seconded by N.
13. Gerry, that Ilylaw No. 13 of
1907 ns now read three tunes be
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by J.
11. Chellew, that tide Council meet
on Monday 000141ng, the 9th of De.
comber, instead of the regular Meet.
ing night,—Carried.
Moved by J. 11, Chellew, seconded
by L. Hili, that we do now adjourn.
Special meeting was also held `en
Nov, 30tH. Present—the Relive
and Comte. Johnston, Chellew and
It tits moved by L. Hill, seconded
by W, Johnston, that the offer of
Robert .Milne to purchase cement
sidewalk debentures of 1607 at par
be accepted ;.that the Reeve and
Treasurer sign the five debentures
as 11050 presented to this Council,
and that the corporate seal ho at-
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by J.
11. Chellew, that we do now adjourn.
The regular meeting of Blyth
Council wus held on Dec. 9111. The
Reeve, Dr. W. J. Milne, in the chair,
and CounN, Chellew; Gerry, John•
AVM and Hill present,
'The initiates of last regular meet.
Ing 'and special meetings of Nay.
26th and 30th were read and on
motion of L, Hill, seconded by N.
13, (ferry, were accepted.
Milord by N. B. Gerry, seconded
by W.;JUhnet(li(, that the following
uccottnts be paid :—
D. Coughlin, port, inspection vil-
lage ;melee
ilelage;Neelee $ 7 05
E. 14vlugetou, electric lights,,,, 4o 20
R, Sellars, Isattiiha tile 18
N. 13. (Sony, hee'ount 9 07
R. Slitter. repah'4ug coal cart.,., d0
.bile' Weymouth, account bu
tank and scales banditti; 187 117
Fraset',dt Logon, 1118 account.,,, 1 70
1Iunicipel World, Assesset's,
Collector's and Clerk's sup-
plies 6 1,2
'rheST.*NDARU, printing deben-
tures 4 Nil
Bell Telephone Co„ 8000)141 1 23
John'Brudnock, 0000uut.,., ,,,19 117
Joe. E. 'l'anlan; gravel,,,, 8 to
Sinls, aucouirt.,,. 1 10
S. \Vestleke, ,salary 40 00
Cleo, Whitt, draw lttg engine,.,75
Curried. $829 03
Moved by L. 11111, seconded by J.
El. Cliellew, that the n0m1nn110115 for
Reeve and Councillors and three
Nubile School 'Trustees be held in
Industry Hall, Blyth, on Monday,
Dec, 30111, ut 12 o'clock 00011, and in
the event of a poll being Docessary
1118t the election take place in the
said hall 011 Monday. Jallnitry 61h,
1908, and that A. Elder be return.
Mg officer ; also that a bylaw he
prepared confirming the saute,—
It was moved by J. 11. ()believe,
seconded by W. Johnston, that By.
law No, 14, 1907, as now read ttu'ee
times be passed.—Carrled.
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by J.
13. Chellew, that a grant of ten dol.
lure be given to Blyth Public Li•
brit ry',—Currled.
Moved by L. 11111, seconded by
W. Johnston, that Lot 2, Block 0,
McCaughey's Sy., bo assessed to
David Carter for $40 ; that Lot 30,
Block G., McCeughey'e Sy„ be as•
ses8ed to Isaac Brown for $40, and
lots 32, 33 and 34, Block G Me-
Caughey's Sy., be placed o ...no col-
lector's roil as non residents.- Cut'.
I:. Livingston appeared before the
Council stating be would make re-
pairs to his factory nud asking for a
remission of taxes of $100.
Moved by W. Johnston, seconded
by J. 11. Chellew, that the over.
charge of *3.76 business tax paid by
A. McNally be refunded,—Carried,
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by N.
B. Gerry, that we adjourn to meet
on Dee, 16th at eight o'clock p. ui.
Men's Overcoatf, $4 to $10.
Boys' Suits, $1.50 to $4.
Penman's Underwear ----the
Full stook of Winter Goods.
'�/' e •ve`t's•I,om,e e e
Keep ,it in The House
Boer, us sun cohly develop 11he .l1d•ate. At night
e,ere ,nor be + 4u: sae -a slight' UcklIng iu the throat.
l�sxt normae;-. ,,ad ;old. At the stet slgna,tate
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
L breaks lip colds -Atop* the moth -heals the thrnar, end lunge her., tali* to cure
chronic bronchitis. 1,arge!t aid bent 1) cent co-,gh re,nedv h, ,he ao: Id tiled in Oviedo
ter over tee seta Pceuared rceonnueudnt s„d cuarunerd oy ea
IF your flour doesn't act
right whom do you
blame? The grocer? He
didn't make it. The tra-
velling salesman told hint
it was good and somebody
else told the salesman.
When you buy
Royal Household Flour
your protection comesfrom
us. We make it, know its
goodness and guarantee it
to both you and the grocer.
It is always sold under our
name and trademark, so
you cannot go wrong.
Ask your grocer for Royal
Household Flour. It's the
key to better living.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.