HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 7N
., f .4, + congregation with- the hymn "Pass �r d dL,i (rQIIiII �tlC)IlC19CS iiC'll'i1$C!X `� '
y et�j Me Nut,' the preaulent read the lith Li°� _ -��Ey� ry , V ® +td � �0 Uhap. of Luke, and the choir rendered � � ���c ' j� u¢I � LaurteC B Bad FOX.
The imposition of new tastes is a sub- PP, +
' with nice appreeittticalof theseuti[uent O�L� +i ( --^-1.
jecG with which lilt. Harebut`t Will bll - Laurier'a this kolla snit beglpuinit `
t �g tax pressed in the itlsltiriug ode "Whiter to come beano to notal 1EIe obtained
��96�;Y��'f anon have to deal it Liberal rule in on. - his
+J a than Suuw." tANO lasts much longer, and all new Queh,:e rna'otkt
Clai ' g Professional into pure•,,,.- a y^ -which put Ilita
+w At this stage the secretary explained
Aschemes of t ixativn will therefore be Etiquette Responsible toad Itis
I �t•as troubled, is ]o,y !]Ina, Witt" g Y ► Y >!ulae ppretez)elta. He,
sink the absence of Messrs. Blair and lm-rr of intarest:.to him. The following fruit) Quebec can,lidatea promised
ilep}tache. 1t \eaa nasallac- trod read the wrrespandence, with Mr. AND the Rochester Union and Advertiser is t0 a Certain EXtent• theirconstiLuents to give tile Manitoba
, compall;ied with severe }luit)s it') tho Day, showing that Ile intended beingOff humbly subtuit.ted for his considert.. mint"ity much more than was offered
"staples alts s]ckues:t st this :lean- present. '.Phe secretary -Rev. A. Hen- tion :-"A bill is now ill cumauittee In the"' ]n tile remedial bill. But Ile 414
neii. I tried a der'soti and Rev. C. Couzens spoke in the Michigan Legislature which is de- ranged with Mr. Greenway for very
lcni'd u::tuy rt al:cdi+ Y P 6 g much less, and the
C t the Highest terms of 11Ir. Day's interest signet} to stop this bachelor evil by im- 1'�1'LCH(15 ,'111-1 1 elat;ives Filled Quebecers, who are
C r< cv to m alt ed 1' r iu S. t3, work, his thorough integrity posing a lax upon till bachelors except under the influence uf, tate bishops, are
c this (o:::}-I:'int ; } -;, and joined in the opinion thati,01110 WE CLAIM there is only one preparation I those who have been jilted and those With 1�en-nal-se, ►ttak]n); a row about it. So serious is
+ t sudden sickness or other, uu!'On;ec'i) in Canada to -day that is guaranteed to caro WilWould)ateosu ugly that no sane wouzan dei ,• tont Mr. Laurier has already
it \v::a l:o� r.ts it I L - -
` .a 1 g'.�II ial,;;ug event nztust have prevented his till (All- BRONCHI'TIS,andthatisDR.CHASE'SSYRUp look at then). Attempts at -- ferrel the westing of Parliament to 1.
ro'`e' - }s clause at our caoventiun, Itev. A. anti -bachelor legislation have been , give hitn time to patch up t},e di�.cul-
+• z qF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE It is hfOTH• Paine s Celery Compound Could
p y , '1. � Henderson and Mr. John Keruighan made in other States, but this measu[u ty, He fears thttt his Quebec men will
l�Z,{� ' �°I `' kindly CUnaNCILed t() tLdllle�a tI14' L'IIIIti- �'�'S curs for her child when it is art stuffed is different from tray othsr that has desalt hi[) and join }n ,t suis of want
" +R Fills,that } 1'nck,;v,,1 -en's utas tneetin in t}te abseure of up with CROUP and coughing its little lung's been repotted. The exceptions "shish Havel Saved the I�IajOrlty, of confidence, And note, it, is said, lie
, ' ;,1 Messrs. Kerr mid J u out with WHOOPING COUGH. One small it i lakes will be fu"r"l to it. An has a t tied t Ureentvct fol better
a< y73�} i,, an} "ilii:;; l.)tu },c,r ::s- Y y pp oi y
I t` �11 CHILDREN'S zaAsti MtLN,'r1n(I, dose immediately stops that cough. B bachelor can easily get jilted, and thus tert)s for the Munitulttt r)inprlt ,--frit•
l: nt 1)C11(lit. :1 )'.':- g 7 y
loosening the hl escape taxation, and las ugliness can- something that will satisfy the intsztti-11
The Rev. A. Henderson exhibitiiig a g phlegm, puts the lints one t• tett ppe defined tin mtau c,Lti c]aian ex_ 11 >3A�lss t,IFe tvxEN ALL L1ttElt
gle box of theso pills Q4, the v;ur., b inble ArchbishopLangevin and the
piece of bread !ed the children kis a sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded this not tion on that Y itii;Dlc [NES IrAIL, t P
fvr nlq earl I r.ta uov; tt \rcil tn::n." vee intetesttn way to tell how rile valuable syrup so as to lake awe the un- P ground, Quebec bishops, But Greenway ettunot
C, I1. IIL TCIttNcs, I est: t:l)nrn, Ills. Y g Y y P y help hiut without himself perishing. x
i ground was pre ppared, the grain sown pleasant taste of turpentine and linseed. WE TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL. Greeni'vay has already gone f%tttzer
I'ar the ra})id tuft of ('arstipta_ and dying to fiu•tish life to the new OFFER to refund the rice if Dr. Chase's than puhlkc feeling in Manitoba usti-
`' tion Dyspepsia, Billoustless, Nan- Plant, how it ripens, is threshed, P Tulpure blood is the natural result of 1'he winter mouths have brat>ht ties, ,and even now, while he ie J
'S ru, will not do all that it is claimed to do. close confinement in house school b passing
t};round lata flour, and elude into Lrcad v l bereaveuteut ,tut} dark clouds uC sur- his farther agreement with Mr.
sen, and a.t disorders of Stomach, and relievts our hunger and supports `
•r Sold on a "antes at alldealers, or Edman. room or shop, row to ninny hvrnes in Cauad+t. Laurier through the JYletnitobta !e isle- i',
' �aiVCY, :lad Do;vels, taL•9 alis life. Jesus, the Son of God, is like son, hates & Ce,, 45 Lombard St. Price, ass• Blood is purified by Hood's Sarna Fathers, "'others, sisters and broth- tare, loud complaints and denuneia
; the sown grain, dying that the sinner parilla, and till the disagreeable results ers have been removed by the grim tions are heard. To go a ate further
9 tuight, live, bringing touch fruit to His ti1a raiais�r of impure -blood disappear \villi the reaper death, the i)a,jority of whom would he to commit instantaneous pol- '1
g' . Father, stiff el iug on the cross like the , , use of this medicine. might have been nosed, load their itiC,tl suicide, and, noxious as Mt•- 1
1.w groin Sutlers it) the grinding that we If you wish to feel well, keep friends given thou pill Celery Greenway may be for the safety of l
int rht be Placed au _ p your• Compound instead of the worthless Mr, Laurier and the Grit party in the
}, ► grounds of alta- bood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
tion, satisfying the hunger foils )kraus" to his worth and Abilit lie believed and, tri ►navy cases, life -destroying Dominion, he has the greatest re
things. God Y• medicinv`a that the sick ours were for "number one." Bard
Q� ° b gave us Jesus t fruit 11 in iu,) art.iu foundation Principles b
') Ca�ther`��C Pills His own 1)recioua love. When we to e ► t s } p Y HOOD'S PILLS are the best family force(( to swallow•
+ Christ in faith -and we cell ,at tin systematic nrethuds in avoiding fur- cathartic and liver medicine. Genre' In m,tn Archbishop Langevin and the Que•
Ifedal and Diploma at Worlds Fair. Y anality, and it constant leaning on the reliable, sure. v Faruilies it Luo slavish Dbed}- bac bishops will be satisfied with �uth-
tiwe-is eating the Bread of Life. ence to medical dietutiun ke t the true iug less than the complete restorutiou 1
Aa<!t your druggist for Ayee's Saraaparillht Diviaa stun for ;rid. Prefer►ed little It is expected that the rev}sed United agent of life front the sick�nd d to r of the s than
schools of M
A duet by Master• Melvyn anti Miss }nrparation with nrucl► seeking of
`. Nettie Tyndall wits well rendered and Divine,aid to thorough prepar,atkun Of St•ttes tariff will increase the duty on Ones- Past records of Victor,, ell. ve they were before 1$t1J, and asliti utr
--- thoroughly enjoyed, the lessen alone. coal importationilfrau 40 cents to 75 by Paines Celery Uumpounu were set tery impossible 8 , that itthout
rare Ji
f uror News -Record Ir, John Kernighan followed Witte Best niethod wws to interest the class cants a ton, duce aside; e was unprufessioniei to intro- first driving the ltlanitoba people out
an address which wits favorably re- to ask questions haat•il) r on the lesson, duce the life•sttvlog Compound kn any of their province, Mr. Laurier fluds
(e.ived and much enjoyed. The follow- This worts must be jnclgecl by its ALL THROUGH UNi GA"rE, \v,ty himself in a bad way. He is not the
s.ia a Year—Sl.Ot1 In Advance to ,ire $Olne of the All I RernorrP is note doing its first man who has suffered for his own
f _ _ __ g pointe which Ile results in etYeeting the conversion of - - -- rig quiet lying and deceit, A rnnn may Iia
-' strongly iwpressed all the children:- the child agreed with the previous Let us fancy a erste of aflaua lilts ttnd effective work, and those most � Y him -
, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17th, 1807. Th t they were now enjoying God's spe;tkers chousinl; parables and stories this : Su) osa that nothin � closely interested are suffering for self into office; but he cannot std
il -__- _ great blessing of youth -it cul)ies to fur the children. Snug Set -vice. l P 6 to eat tileir negieet, g there always by means of falsehood, y
each once nuc] never returns -(a) the .. could be raised or produced in Eng- Will you, reader, tallow some dear In the nteantioae the Tories look cin
The Sixth Arlrrtlal Coltveuti9u joy possessed by youth ; (b) the excel- The coiumitte of the while," stn- land • sup ose a war in which all the with reach interest and will watch the
_ rltieted by Revd's E. Becker and C C ' 1 P , relative ur fr}rand to piss from life
lent health; (v) the hope possessed by OOLIZelIS was participated in by many ports. of England were so effectively without snaking an effort to stave the statesman's squirming with no little
➢1 . OF THE AUBURN UNION SABBATH youth looks forward, choers them of the teachers and others, ptuving, as continuously food pettshi° y . pleasure.
-' SCHOOL ASSOCI.1TION HELD IN THE on the way; and OOnttq n0ual g UI1 C' b Paine's (slaty Co[„_
f•, y; (d) The capacity to in Futuler years nue Of the most inter. whatever could be im Pound? The chances fvr life-saving
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Au- learn is greater in youth than in old r ported for a Sear. by Paines Celery ()()")Pound are great f%O6'�16:4R\L1�-FOP '
I - BURN, ON THURSDAY, FEB. age ; (e) the time at the disposal of (sang P:r'ts of the progrvlt)tne, (a) �3 hat would became Of the people? ? and rn1 ht P .L+ARAIED.
The young )eople intelligent and fist- P P mighty, Even though your
25th, 18fl7, youth to improve mentally, At bast only a few could leave Lha friends have sutiered long, and neared
-- patten" as hey are treed conversion country ;the vast majority must re- that point when the family h slush Grit orgaIIizer Smith has sent out a
These gentlernc:) had only a couple and to consecrate their powers to God, j y p y ' •'•
OPENING EXERCISES. of hours to preptue these iuterestiue to avoid danbtful amusements and main. The question aneavars itself ; call do no snore, even then there is circular to the faithful, To be foe-
i The convention was opened by the addresses which were well received seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Such a situation is not likely to occur. used, rt Pawe s l story Compound be
Rev. A. Henderson in an appropriate azul en'oyed. The execuLivM is under a b Yre ttuation is nec9asat P warned is to be forearmed, and Conaer-
prayer followed by music by the Union deep iebt to these (1 1 y and should Gud forbid that it ever should, but the 19se life-saving work, the desperate vatives should read the document and
gentlemen for the he attended to on the Sunday after- grim fancy snag teach sono of ue a
Choir, it scripture reading and excellentaidrendered•by theist through- noon previous to teaching the lesson cases overcome in the past is the profit by it :—
�• prayer by Geo. Askwit.h of the Base out the entire convention. The choir and thought and prayed about during lession that we can use to advantage, bright and 'living Proof that' Pttrne'a
Line Baptist Chnreh• then sae " Hide Me."
g the avPek. (c) Punctuality in attend- I+or example, a tad is speaking Gelery Couipound i)akes sick people PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.
i. The secretary D. E. Munro being John I3enry McUlinton, the president t►ace, commencing and atoning azar- P ' y P 1; of well. Manhood Franchise 11i, ) p
absent, having gone to nluet Mr, Day, elect, \vas introduced by the retiring cines and in preparation were raven an occasion when she was very ill, The truly honest Physicians of the Franchise(NI, resells
p P 3 for the elections for the Local Legia-
the Provincial Secretary, the Pev. E. president, ltlr, A. Yaung. Mr, 111c requksites kit the teethe[. (<t) Parents What her oilmen" was she did not day are quietly and unceasingly recon. tarots,
Becker moved, seconded by Geo. Ask- Clinton in et short pointed address responsibility for the pupils prepara- know. It filet appeared in November, rtlending Paine's Celery Compound as
with that John Wilson be secretary tl�alnked the Union for the honor con- bion of the lesson was a self-evident the best spring medicine' that ailing The esaeaament nolle for this year
pro tern -sallied. Y 4� 1890. Up to that titue she says she
erred )pun blare 'and promised earliest truth, the neglect of which was a sin. , y men or wousen can use, Its wonder- (1897) will corm the basis of the voters'
While the Nominating Conmittee, had been healthy and strong; never fill Poptlul'itY has induced sorne to flat to be used at the next rovinctai
work to utuke thfx next
convention the (e) How to vet and hold an adult
Rev. A. Henderson. John Wilson and best in our experience. Music by the Bible Class brought forth some con- needed a doctor. At that time she bring out imitations that are vile and P
G. L. Sturdy were preparing their• re_ chair. flkcting views as to methods felt, not so much that she had been worthless, Sea that you get -Paine, ,, elections- A change will shortly algia
t port the choir rendered some choice "Home Life of the Scholar a lie] or , THE EVENING SESSION, allacked by illness as that she had With the stock of Celery oil the bottle be made in the llomigion Franohiao
• musical selections. a hindrance to the Teacher." Miss The secretary read a letter from Mr. landed into it. She was languid, label and cartoon. Act so as to bring it in harmony with
Theeomr)itteereported as fc)ilows:— Clara Robertson, of Carlow, read a Day expressing his regrets for inability titled and weak, without perceiving Mr. George Yrice, J. p, O the principles of good government,
For President John Henry .McClinton ; Paper on the above sub,lect, showing through illness to attend and promising any reason telt she should be ao. one of the and it is additionally advisable that
Vice -Presidents resident Clergy ; Sec,_ careful thought and excellent manage- to aid the Union at the earliest. oppor- y Y best knc»vu citizens and oldest resz-
rnent, dwelling with much obser-value- tunity. "At first" she says, "my appetite failed dents of Owen Sound, died suddenly of the provincial irate be well attended to.
Trees. n , Munro; Executive Board, ness and directness on the different me, and I had no desire for food. I heart failure. It is therefore of the utmost import -
President, officers, superintendents Arnotkon was adopted directing the
and other officials; Business Ct)nt- kinds of homes. (a) The critical home secretary and the resident rlervmeu to could partake only of liquids, and encu that the name of every voter
mittee, officers and superintendents of 1iY adverse criticism Of the teacher des- y q ' W (� 1�r(A l�T iriondly to the Liberal tense should
the various schools. lLhe above an trays his influence with the child ren- send n suitable reply to blr. llay and aftr.r "tie simplest diet I had groat pain• �♦ �✓Lv)1`7.1\ WHY
? resolution were adopted. Words of daring all efforts for the child's woral to accept. his promised itis for the snit- at my chest. Sometimes I was seized • be entered on the usseesment roll, and
elevation coin pu'ativei t vention of 1898, Sung .service; quar- care nine" be taken to have the initials
', Weise y were extended to the dale- The society borne; th:ypasents hest) tette. with giddiness, and had pain across You have Sallow Skin, Pimples, Erup- M, F. laced thereafter in the forth
i gates h . the President, Rev. E. Beck- Interesting addresses were delkvered the forehatid and temples, tions, Discolorations? p
`!• er, JoseDb Washington, Jahn Wilson duties, eslipclally that of the niol,her is g , „ eoluwn of the roll.
`' and G. F'. Yungblut. Choir, 'Stand up to mould the character of the child, to by Mr, Geo. Asawith on influence, I became so low and weak that I
for Jesus.' enter into its joys syunpathize with itsto
Rev. A, Heuders.)n on the teacher and was confined to my room for a fort- Why resole hidefheeefFects? powders All other franchises contorting s
griefs, direct its reagin and advise as Rev, U. C. Couzens un the first inetet-
REPORTS OF SUPERINTENDENTS, f' nighty and could barn! walk across vote for tine Local Legislature are mer
to cOmpaniats. Society should never I+tg of the World's Sunday School in y Dr. A haw's Liver Pills regulate the ed in that of the Manhood Franchise
The following report wits presented interfere with the proper discharge of London, its influence, the persons in the floor, I Continued to grow worse, g g
in behalf of Knox C:tnrCh,RIatlChest.el•: these (ill iA8. Financial borne where attendance and other items of interest. losing strength daily, In the ear! system and restore to the cheek the ('11• k •) The qualifications are:
g piety reigns, acquisit.i 11 The question drawer after being sup- part of December, 1890, [ thought I of youth rosy bloom and Peach blush Residence' in the province for nine
-86 names on roll, 58 are in the school, low degree Ofhealthful
28 in Otte Bible Class, 45 the average of wealth claims the undivided atten- ervisecl by thecununittee, waseunduct- would try a medicinn that had greatly r, months and in the particular munici-
attendance. There are 10 officers and tion, - disproportionate views of the ed by Jolin Wilson and Rev, E. Becker beuofited to twodau'htere uneot whom Disorders like these arise from g. Pa}IcY at Lh t time of the beginning 11 teachers who ha\ e faithfully perform- comparative value of spirittiai and tell)- why closet} with :1 powerful appeal to Y b p stub g ning of
ed their duties. poral poss••essions is it deadly hindrance the teachers to avoid doubtful amass- had suffered from weakness and indi- gish liver. From one to two pills a the assessment (Fob. I5) 21 Yeats of
Finances :-Sunday collections $I0.0-1 y estiou close, will I:larify ;and purify the cont- u a, and a $rit►sh subject.
to the teacher. The Christian ltunle is Iueuts and to walk closet with God. g , and the other from poorness ple xiun in short order. fY il i �'"
Special collection for Library 21.85 \were the teacher turd parents are cu- The music furnished b the Smith's of the aloud, g te\rr's
Y pills :at all drti '(a) "Temporary absence as lumber-
`' Xmas ell terttunulent......... 21.85 operating in the moral training Of the Hill chow• was Of superior excellence "The Name of the medicine was get what yon ask Yoi 29c�efor 40 dosvomes. t'1), WitIIIIer, fisherman or student a
_ ch"Ll' It is here that the teacher is and special mention is due the Tyndall Vl -Sold by 'Vat+.s & Co. a institution of learning in Ceases,
pl fantil other• Seigle's Curative Syrup, and I
5}•;,1 supported by aur ds of kind is mecia- y;incl the Bible Class for the mus-— ahtil7 not disentitle such person to ba
Sum expo-J!ed... • .. , • • . , , , . • , CJ,C3 tion. Where the parents by example ic)al selections rendered. procured it from Mr. Shritelif}', the Iu Benton Thonna.• Bram, mate .Of CIIN)red
and conversation cultivate a taste fa Nothwithstandin the unavoidable the -list, in Guldhaw'k Road. After I the Herbert Fulle:•, ',',,*as sentenced to o❑ the voters' list, But no
Balance on hand... .... • , . • ... 3X63 good reading -one of the great bless- g death for the murder o} Cu student shall be entered on the Ile"
O^ tugs of the age is the great number of absence of Messrs. Day, Karr and Blair had taken the Syrup two days I found _ _ pt. Nash.
During ble the school h,ta made g the convention was one of the very myself a little better. My appetite "T'- where tie attends school, etc., unless
commendable inea, h the attendance grunt books and periodicals avithiu the best in point of !attendance interest
was wet[ sustaiuec�, trite lessons for the reach of ail -teaching the chid th:_t it ,and helpfulness, Revs. A Henderson returned, and what I ate digested and Hood's Sarsaparn,,, a .known to be he ilea np other place of residence an -
is ngut tO be, ust as careful to avoid P err honest medicine, and it actually titltug h. to vats.
most part prepared h home and three y l and C. C. Cuozens, Messrs. Askwith gave me strength. By the time I cures when. :all others tail. Take it
became members of the church dm kn had literature as it is to beware of bad had taken two bottles I was cowplote- note. (b) T♦ nfranchisad Indiana may vote
Ing and Kettai ha.n interested all b the
the year. in spiritual
Where Lha child is taught excellence gof their intproit id- ly cured, slid have since boon to the -- without a property qualifications, and
in spntell e] things and early brought GOOD WOMAN --.BAD HEART non-eufranchisud Indiana not rest
Smiths Hill: -No. of teachers 7, No. dresses. The collections were as fol- best of health, not requiring medicine ding
into intelligent cornrsranion with God's lows:-Forenaun session $1."18• after•- ,
of officers 3, No. Of pupils SJ, average nOple.. Tate ossa ist dwelt with te[1 of any kind. I have recommended - H..long Indiana or on an Indian reserve
attendance 5G. Finances: Collected Ing poweronthefiletthatthe teacher noon session $6.51; evening session 1 WhenCouldtheLifeof&Lovedone •
from the class $8, proceeds of enter- has only one hour per week tD remove $3.88; total $12.05. Hearty votes of Dlother Seigle's Syrup to many of my be more Uncertain than when 1"ay vote it assessed for $200 in cities
tainntent $12.40 balance on hand thanks were extended to the Stnitb's friends and they have found benefit Attacked by Heart Disease? -If and $100 in villiages and townships.
$17.59. The Westminster Teacher 'Is ill chis. impressions enc} instruct n that Hill choir, and the ladies of this village. from its use. If b g oil have a hint of it have Jur. Man arson
Which is. good. That nothing can atone g y publishing this y
used by the teachers and pupils are for neglect of parental duties in this The large convention closed by singing Agriew s Cure for the Heart Al-
. y parsons aro quite indifferent
su lied with suitable papers. letter other sufferers way conte to
PP P 1 respect, that if the parents are at fault "5ha11 the gather at the River, :and ways at hand, it is the only as to their names appearing on the
11, Auburn Methodist S. S.: -.No. Of in any articular the child the ILev,R. Henderson pronouncing the know of the cutative powers. of this y R.e. , voters' list until too late these our
P' will go far benediction. medicine medy which can Relieve you in ,
officers 4, average attendance ).early 4; then into wrong doing. She closed her ,you are at liberty to make 30 Minutes and Cure you Per- mends must look after and urge them
teachers 10. average attendance nearly essay with a grand description of Paul's D. E. MUNRO, it public. I will answer any ingniriee. inanently. to have their names entered upon the
8; boys 43, average attendance 2D; girls ideal home. Secretary. Yours truly, (signed) Mrs. S. Backing• roll. Nota few have just come of
42, average attendance 27; visitors The choir sang "Safe in the Arms of ham, 23, Oaklands Grove She herds ` This is to certity that my wife has
during the year 38; verses recited by Tesus." Cured Weak Back for 26 Cts, q ' P been a sufferer from heart disease for age or are nearly of age then, too,
the boys 5171, average 105; verses re- Bush, London, September 16th, over, tweet shore ate hired men and others
cited by the girls 4638, averse 97; "rhe (children's portion of Biblical For two years I was dosed. pilled, 1$92• y years. After having ) who
g Truth -how to Prepare and how to Im- and plastered tot- weak back, s.alding tried doctors and remedies innuiner_ have never voted and who may not be
money raised by the school for general Part" was introduced by. R. H, Ander- urine and constipation, without benefit. The reader will notice thot Mre. able without benefit I procured too bot- aware of their right to vote, which was
purposes $1 ins money raised by the son. To train the children to stud One box of Chase's Kidne Liver Pills Buckie ham a eaks Df her two laugh• raniOfADr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, conferred upon them b the Pr
school for Missionau y purposes $5.75. Y y g P has recw's Cure
more benefit Y Provincial
Library consists of 31") vol. rnostl the Bible fire teacher taunt be a then relieved, three boxes cured, R. J. tern one of whom had been cured of front it than from illi the doctors and Uovernment, The importance of hav-
Y ough student of it himself, roust stndv Smith, Toronto. One pill It dose, '
pPurchased from the Book Rotch. weakness and indigestion,
P pP the children ,and be a seeker after price 2u cents,»nd the all the cures used heretofot c+. t run ing the names of all these placed on
there has been expended for supplies Divinc,aidin theclischarge ofhisduties. — other~of poorness of the blood, by the Pleased to certify to the exceilenee of the roll cannot be over estimated. Fall
as follows, -For 60 Onwards, 2:i Sun- The teaacher should acquire Syrup. this wonderful reined
beams, 103 Bureau I,esa,ves, 11 Banners q ire an intelli- Chas. Lloyd, of Winghain, last week Y i • On this point we merely do Watts & Co. y,- Sold by information concerning them can only
the sum of forty dollars, gent knowledga of the truth and u:•e received word front Oakland, Cal., 'Sire to suggott that both the young be obtained thruutgh you and others in
`': toll. his tact and influence to impart it, that his soil Charles was dead. "AARON NICHOLS
The Evangelical Union. The Rev. P• relies were (as their wether knew our immediate locality.
E. Becker reported that the schools in The stories of the Bible were the -------- ----- troubled with the same tom lain" --ono Peterboru', Smith Tp." )
his char a were progressing, than those ehddrens per ,on of they truth giving The sooner you begin to fight the P -- A pertonal application to the As
conventions disposed his people to tasks them it knowledge of Gods dealing fire the more Basil perhaps in a stage a trifle more ad -
with his children from the Fall of Klan y it may be exon- Though sensor (followed up if necessary by an
deeper intetest in Sabbath School uished. 'rhe sooner you be in Lakin vanced than the other. Poverty t] g Queen Victoria had tonearly affidavit in the proper form will eauae
k, Y g g contributed £C90 Lu Circ. India famine P P )
!'' Work enc} as a result. of this awakened to the Pentecostal Days. Thesestories Ayer's Sarsaparilla for your blood-dis- the blood means simply a lack in it of fund, Her Majesty, upon learning that him 10 place all these. names on his
tell of God's power, his justice, truth
interest the great object Of our con- ease, the easier will b.• the cure. In the vital elements, which food alone the distress in the famine stricken roll, I hope that you will use ever
and perfect knowledge of the inmost rnuntr re y
ventions were attair-ed---tinny were thou hts of all both cases, delay is dangerous, if not can supply; and no food can su , 1 Y likely to be vast] more t
brought into thtl. ark of safety. II,, g people.} The story Of fatal, Be sure you get Ayei's and no 1 P Y widespread than was ;it first expected, endeavor o have all our friends in
the crucifixiOn tells of Gods res them unless it Js perfect] di ested. P is your locality duty enrolled b the as -
11 reported as follows :--A11 average of 53 great heir other. y 8 has forwarded to the Lord Mayor an y
for mankind and his gastro for their Thousands of women are "line afliieted, additional 2500, to be applied to the seeeor. It Is the duty of the assessor
out of 60, 9 teachers, 5 uflier•rs, voiles- __
aboilt, $12, salvation. The doctrines Of the Bible
lect.ed tot- Missionary purposes $18. can he veru largely y pays $ 00 per annum for and are being oonatnnt[y saved by the fend which \v:19 stetted by the Lord to place on the toll all persons quali-
g l and successfully b Untrtpu ut a 8 offset of Mother Sek le'e Curative Mayor sn;tie title ago. taught by anis rnt)thod, better than by every perpit at the Agricultural Col- g now reached �-t11,t1U0. rhe fund has bed as voters without requiring them to
R•^ports were received from St, attempting to teach them as abstract lege. "Syrup on the stomach and the other -T�, 4 _ make any affidavit whatever.
Marks church and the Donnybrook truths.' The teacher should re _ _ _ digestive organs. _
prey much, Lot me urge upon you to see that
Methodist church, the West field school live the truth, aril aptness Ort beach HAPPY M011
Jl failed to report this year. will sural follow. In the discussion TRULY ASTONISHING".—Miss Annette Then what do we make of the illus• every valet ]n your polling sub divis•
f After the reports were received Rev. Mr. Kernkgham emphasized the duty N. Moen, Fountain, Minn., sit 8: tration which introdueea this article? ion applies personallyto the assessor to
R. Henderson led in prayer which was of rightly dividing the Word, agreeing "AYer's Cherry Pectoral has had a This: The human body is like the Happy contented rnen, on whose have his name enrolled, Remember
,followed by the choir rendering, with Mr. Anderson that the etorkesana wonderful effect in curing mybrother's faces no frown assn appears, are the
„�'Rringkng in the Sheaves." parables of the Bible were baa it children of n gerons Population of a groat country—it must Pt Y that many eonstituencias are carried by
severe and den a whose mothers wives and daughters
or the children. He s cold. It was trulyastonishing be fed. Every muscle, bone and bit ' g
;i John Wilson introduced for discus- poke of theg how use the Dintuoud Dyes for domestic very narrow majorities, and that the
j cion The Child we TeAch, dwelling harm done by light literature, the arteedily they four relief after takin of flesh is merely foold altered into
g dying. omission of only one name in each
chiefly on the importance, capacity and teachorsdtty forthorough pre oration, this preuaration• n that form by the digestion, Yes; even The•chlOrin polling sub division might and above all to impart it its y ' g ovep• of old, faded and P g g t seriously
i s irituat re uirements of the child. P 'ull be- more than this. Our illustration goes dingy looking garments is so easy, and effect the rcault of an election.
p lievin }t. This international series The London, En Times warmly deeper than we thought. While it is the results so inagnificient, that the Yours faithfully,
The teachers responsibility, prepara g
tion, character and atm wets fully of Lessons slid not meet all the wants cottmends Cnnades� getl'erosity to- not supposable '.that England could Joy of the women is always shared by
expounded. The subject was farther of the case. A. McDowell contended wards India. the men. ALEX. SMITH.
that the teachers duty fail of assiatencti from bar own Boil
discussed by Mies Mortis, Jos. Wash- Y was to teach
ington, J. H. McClinton and the the Lesson, as be found, must be guid- the human body in no way helps it- Happy, well -regulated homes, pre. -
Revs, R. Henderson and C. ,. Couzells, ed on his preparation by his knowledge BUILD UP. self. All its Buppott must tome from aided over by wase women, are the The Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Alvin -
of hka pupils requirements, and that t homes where Diamond Dyes are stop who has been appointed AFTERNOON SESSION. the lessons could be so used to interest When the system is run down, it he outside, and all pass through i one prized. + PP ted b�
person becomes an easy rey to Con. ate—the etomacb. the bishop to the charge of Brussels
' A very large attendance greeted the and instruct any child. MP p Rich, bright,, pure and fast, colors are and Walton pariah, will conduct the
resident and his executive at 1.5b .. aumptton or Scrofula. any valuable We thus see the teat work dope b d
p P• Principles and Methods of Teach lives are saved by using Scott's Emuls. g y always obtains when Diamond Dyes services for the first time there on
M. iug."-Rev. C. C. Couzens regretted ion as soon as a decline in health is ob. the Syrup in keeping this gate always are used. When buying from your Sunday, March 219t. The Rev. Mr.
The Smith's Hill choir led the large Mr. Days absence pitying ahigh tribute set•ved. open and available, dealer see that he gives you the "Dia- Button, of London, will supply the vat
mond, they are flrat and best, tansy the next Sunday, March 14th+
(} _ _
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