HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 6..•.►.,......., ,•.....:: .: � �. �,� .,.--•�,..q,,.r�-.�.-.....u. =..;,roc,..
L¢test Hijin AStationery,
"Since clilldllood, I have Leen IF HE SHCi1JLD GET HIS WISH. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor.
sore, Willi scroCM'S d 111 bods soil 1'hc toot sings to taeasu's Swett, Office Supplies,•roI•es, ,t'l;elt caused cite tei•r;blo i,•,ln tenth of rae•tltur•y'a;res, General Builder and Contxaetor.`A'lysicians werc doable Much be longs unce Inure to greet This factor has been under the personal etipervision and ownership for
The girt of hits a9% �'
to Lelp tile, and 1 only grew worso itut, tall to our, If fate should bring eight yeara. We sorry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and ���111� ��11tirv. ��✓� rr�•�
under their car.. Tbcut face to race agabt, give estimates for end build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the
At length; I began field nhnle up to her daughter, fu'' closest rices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
t0 take That Is the way with lues. p
guaranteed. Wq sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
7 Much Gauss for Thunkfulnemp. ) AYER S Of a certain bishop the following LUmbel', Lath, Shingles, Lilne, dash, llOOTS, Sl1ndS, ELC. JobPrinting.
anecdote Is told: , L SCEEOOL DESK manufactured
Sarsaparilla, and While presiding over a conference, a Agent for tie CELEBRATED GRAYBI L �,�yi•
r;t✓" very soon grew bet- speaker began a tirade against the at Waterloo, Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. j)
ter. After using thankfulness
and education, expressing
- - -
thankfulness that he had never been
i•�i half adozenbottles corrupted c contact with f a college. CLEARINC :SALE. �=.
I NN"Is completely After proceeding for n few minutees The News -Record
CiICC(1, s0 that I Ila\'C IIUt Ilse a bu;l lion the (shop interrupted with the ques-
We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crockery and �Glatawaro
or piniplo on any part of my body "]no I understand that Mr. X. ie Chia mouth as we propose giving up keeping those lines. Inteudilig
for the last twelve years. I etlll thankful for his ignorance?"
purchasers will find t
cordially recommend Aver's Sorsa-
"Well, yesl. was the answer, "you he prices very low as the goods must ho sold.
can put it that way if you like." , 'Perms Cash or Produce. Calls special attention
hltrillaastile very l)estblood-puriller "Well, all I have to say," said the Uroceries also at Close Cut Priaea. ,
in custellcc•"—G. T. REINHART, prelate. in sweet and musical tones, — G. J'- STEWART• to our Stationery and
"all I have to say is -that Mr. X. has
Myersville, Texas, much to be thankful for," -London Ager t for the KOlottn Tea. Office Supplies and
gM ff jgft Answers.` _ , -
Ilan for Currency Expansihn•L ' Factory. Job Printing Depart-
', "Old Pinchdollar thinks he's, come- Leslie's Carriage y. ment.
thing of a diplomat, but I tell you he
got let down nicely In the spring. The P,UGG[ES, PRAE1'ONS, CARTS and WAGONS—till of the bolt work-
OALY WORLD'S FAIR assessor came round to transact his V�f a are unsurpassed
usual bur:iness,and Pinchdollar thought manehip and material. All the latest styles and most modern ill) ))()v
S Pa rsi p is n "s� he'd slip through the whole affE like ments. All work warranted. liupairing and repniutiLg promptly atteadad unsurpassed....
a bantam rooster through a garden to. Prioes to suit the times,
filer'sCherryPe:Galc res6oaghsaadColda fence, by giving the assessor some ]3t' oily town Or city in the Gt)o(le we handle or the
thing to drink. Well, he filled the fel- 1; ACT011Y — Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
ss ,
low full, and he's just found out what
his taxes are, and it's going to come o� - ,---- ____^___ _ prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the
confounded near to braking him up to •-------
Th-- -- pay them." THANKS TO THE PUBLIC. duality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of
e Huron News-Reeora "What's the reason the scheme didn't
1 26 a year -$1.00 in Advance. work?" this at1110u11Cetllent may SUgzest SOnlathlllg you may be
"Why, the assessor drank so much tiVe desire to thank our numerous customers find the goneval public for
that it made him see double," -Brook- their very liheral patroniLge daring the past thirty years ; ficin year in need of, and ill Such case we solicit your patronage,
lyn Life. t0 yeal' our business has extended, necessitating larger preulises, \Ve
WEDNESDAY, M.knel-117th, 1897. Y a
1{Itow•s wl7+at He ;vents, have purchased the stores in the Old Brick Block, remodelling and ills- feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
"Well, Johnny, I suppose you want proving thein with Plate (xiass Fronts, &c. In consequence we have re- «ltll thea )royal Of our �atl'OI1B,
The Lesson of the Corliss Bill. to be an Indian fighter when you grow moved the whole stock from the McKay Block Store to our Improved Pl 1
Stores in the old Brick Block where we invite a. d repuato❑ of our
President Cleveland appears to have
tip?" "Na,." former patronage. We are now busy sortieg and replacing goods;
, teen seized wil.h the idea that if the "Want to be a bold buccaneer, eb." When our Goods is all straightened up We will offer hl Ei l.�L UN-
States adopted the Corliss "Naw." UUUEiIEN'rS in order to reduce our %ery large stock. Letter Heads I Circulars
milendrnent Canada would retaliate "A highwayman?" rg'Renlen'ber, our Stores areonly in the Old Brick Block
and go the Repuhlic one hotter at its "Naw." In this line we have a very fine We excel In all the different kinds
"Pirate?•' stock of writing papers sujtable for
nail game. The President had receiv- 0 8 p, P of work we turn out, and particu-
"Naw." every class of business represented Iarl ill this, and keep in stock
ed petitions from Americans in Can- "Well, what is Your ambition?" Y p
ado, in which it was pointed out that "Wanter be a trust," ��®� in alis locality, also for private use. plain quid fancy papers suttiLble for
the Americans would be hit harder ?" .� • 1 Note Heads all requirements.
"A trust. Why?" Fi ARAN •
than the Canadians if Canada was -pause pa says there ain't nothfn' .La,
forced to pass retaliatory legislation. yvt.rse 'n a trust.'• -New York Truth. This useful size is kept in stock, Programs
Mr. Cleveland was influenced by the Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. the qualifies being ill several of entertainments and meetings
threatening attitude of Canada, and he 4iratewv tlixed with Clauantry• __ _ _ _ - - -- -- ---'-- - grades• promptly turned out, front the
eame to the conclusion that he was When a lady is sitting to a Parisian --� House for Salh -
doing a beoeftt to his fellOW-COttntry- photographer for a portrait, the opera- Cheese Factory Notice. Memo. Heads Plain and neat to the most elegant.
men in vetoing the immigration bill. for do's not, in a perfunctory man- Two stony tranto house ill Clinton, ten romps' These till an im lot tant )lacein com-
If Canada would only show the sante rer, coldly request her to "Look plea- The Hobnesville Cheese and Butler mantr• atoneccsta hard and soft anter, Good ground. 1 I Cards and Tickets
facturing Co., (Ltd.) will let by Dilblic auction, Frame stlLble. For Pull particulars apply to Itlet•c;al COrtCspopdenL'C, Sec what
spunk in dealing with the interna- sant now, if you please!" He says to t,1e drawing of rho milk on tbo different routes the owner, JOS]+:P}I ALLAK50N, Olintou• ;ve have got.
tional tariff question she would bP her, in the most natural and graceful fo the Cheese Factory, on Saturday, 20th. 939•tf These cover a large ranee ti work,
more opt to secure sono decent kind manner !n the world: "It is quite lin- ]larch, ]1397 at Oclock I). lit. in Pickards }Illll, — • Bill Heads from qL bt'e:7Ct aIle n111K ticket LU
'n reciprocity with the United States, neces cry to ask madam to look plea- IIolntesville. Full partici lays regarding each it neal, calling card, from an or-
1VIr. Laurier went to the county on a sant; she could not look otherwise.•' route will be furnished on the about ditto. I gent anted, If the "pap-as•yon•go" plus was Binary ttdlrusston t.icicet to a tasty
Y The lady, of course, acknowledges the W. B. FORSTF11, Pres. Good position now open to take char;r of the order of the day the demand business card or a handsoulely
free trade platform. The politicaus W. S. LAWRENCE, Sec. our tipsiness in Clinton. Gond moon} to it tiVe for account paper would not he
campllment with her most gracious 3t } p printed mernbershr'p ticket.
tit the United States mtttirally have and high -bred smile. "Click!" goes Ilolutcsville. Feb. 27, 1807. plan. Apply by letter to THE SINGE it llk'G• so great ; but there acre some nlen
received the impression that Canada is the camera, and the picture is obtained �____._— --• Co., London, or call ou W. C.111Pnf LL, c'larcn• who et so nian clunners th:ut F
going to follow the English idea and revealing the sitter to the greatest ad- dont Rote:]; Clinton. -__ 053 -It g Y Memoriam Folders
reduce her tariff to all -corners. The Cheese Factory Notice. -- they Wonder if the stock Will ever In this lice THr NEWS -RECORD
vantage.-Tit-Bits.omen ion out. R'P don't intend i . Lo,
ever -manifest anxiety of Mr. Laurier The Summerbill Cheese manufacturing Co. rculate : The Swordarnest lien and r Suite to
to make a reef root treat with the (•ornitiving with Orders. circulate 'The Sword of Islam: or Suffering and at present our stock is cum- • ---• ran supply Peery design, quality
p y y will let by Public Auction the drawing of the Armenia," a thrilling hook. Graphic account gttld )rice Oil the inarket.
States, the appearance of his Minis- Pull of wrath the commission mer. neat, it this line. Good paper' and 1
7 milk on the ditferont routys to thr, Cheese Fac- of the F.ltatern (�uegtion, the 'Pork, Armenian, neat, ruling.
tera' at Washington as suppliants Ile- chant wrote to the country dealer in tory, on Mooday,29th March,1897,at oneo'cleck and mohantt»cdauism with its horrible mag,• 1 Posters
fore the American Government, con- the following stteastic style: p. m. jn the j%rj j Hall, oltte will 1, bull acres. spot. 48 SttLrtls. OIlly s iii taken Statements
"Dear Sir,—The lost consignment of particulars rogartlnlK corn route will be fern on the spot. 1fa poses. Oulu $tJ10 Agent's Our facilities for turning out this '
firmed the politicians in that impress ished on theabove date. make $15.00 to $30.00 weekly-. Books on tinto. Our stock is large. They come
butter you sent me was good an( I B. CHURCHILL, Pres. g class of work are evidenced by the
cion, and little wonder is there that Prospectus free to canvassers. TuF BRADLEY Chea ler thaui bill heads, anti are
they refused to negotiate with Can- strong, but the axle -grease maker I 30IIN LOLVF.ILYv ti -3!, G1RHETaUN Co., LTD.. TotONTO, ONT, i tact t hub Ave :tltvfLya do good work
g 955.3t P
ad a. Why should they negotiate sold it to complained that it was alit- Summerbill, March 8th, 1897_ I the proper thing to send after qL tint] give gllpPriOr satisfaction in
whet. the Liberals had been returned tie too fresh. If you have about 50 or 1 dPlingncnt once t lut)llth. They all respects.
75 pounds of butter strong enough to property For Sale. LOGS WANTED are stirs t0 fetch him 'round -
to power on the express understanding f walk you may ship it to me at once." I • sometime. Dodgers
that they were to adopt free Ixadei And the country dealer sent him an ACIIANCEFOR GARDENERS. II
Mr. Laurier is guilty of had general- old goat.—Chicago Tribune. Envelopes :ire greatly in demand. Our facili-
ship in the management of his recipro- Ia conecgncnre of ut} ase and lack othelp, Ibnve
g docidedt"nper for salcmy sp!d lack ardeniag pin• -A LI, KINDS OF LOGS NV<1NTED �\'e ulakea specialty of Lnvtaupe,, Lies u'e stlperi0r for this Class +)
city program. If lie had posed as it rt' 11 Could 'roll. perty conatsling of ave and a half a+•res ul cluttou, it
taliationist instead of as a suppliant "See that young couple?" said the Rome of the best laud in the enunty of Huron, includ, for which the bCst prices will be go t ualongt withouttenvellopes, i and jmictis keep tltlork and hr presets bast' ntl)It
he would have stood a fail' chance of doorli.eeper at the theatre, ing hot beds and other necessary requirementR, given. to keep up with the demand for
securing a reciprocity treaty. Before •Yes,' There iR on the premises a frame honse with otllare Sale Bills
Ion the Americans will learn that the ~Th y've been married a little over a soft and hard water, barn and other outhnildinga them we keep a ]rigs stock on
g The lief field river adjoins bhe iroperly. will Rell at Also Basswood Heading Wanted. hand. Plain or Printed We ale
feeling on this side the border is such month. I don't know their names, nor a icasonable price for Iwlf each and balance sccureJ We nliuke a specialty of the thi
that Mr. Laurier will be forced, no where they live, but I can tell that by mortgsge. As I dosire to sell, this is n ebanee offering some great snaps. One promptness be;ng our .urn in this
matter what his theories are; or what, much about 'em." apld,,m uwt x1th. Apply peraonally or by tetter to I line in particular is going oil fait- respect. A notice of sale will ap:
„How?" theproprietor, STAPLETON SALT WORKS. :,o for 5e,
his ante -election platform may have JOaEPH ALLANSON, pear iii TIIE \Sw'�3 RECORD free Ot
"They used to come every week and Clinton Commerical Printing charge Wheu bills for satue itre
been, to retaliate in tariffs just as he s41•t t.
was prepated to retaliatein hiborlegis_ sit in the orchestra chairs. Now they _
come every other week and sit in the tP,1NTEp.-Intelligent men with road first iioo secured Here.
lotion. WANTED. -Young -,%•omen and men, or older A utter amount of work under this
balcony." -Washington Star. to tahom $^e0,po and orpenare for the first year head to enumerate would nroro All Kinds of Work
_ ones if still young in spirit, of ulltloubted char- w, IJ be an indncemrnt, Write with full liart.icu•
J� raw—~ Lr>;nl 1'recueity, actor, good talkers. ambitious and iridttslrinu lays. Tit hl vnosa, 99 Richmond St. Wast, than take up t}le Pnt•I1'C splice OC -
TO CONSUMPTIVES• can find emplInient jn agood cause. with $60 Tortwoo, 0N'T. — clip ed by this a.dv't, but w'. do it in the typographical printing line
A farmer's son up in the country per month and upwards -according toability.
[ all at THE NEws-RFcoRD. eau be done in this establishment
The undersigned, having been resttired to conceived a desire to shine as a mem- ttl v. T. S. TANSCOTT, ToltONTo, ON•r. in an expeditions and artistic
Iwalth by simple means, after suffering for her of the legal profession and under. Farm For Sale. Invitations d
several years with a severe lung affection, took a clerkship in the office of the manner an
and that dread disease Co7u m'Ption, is village pettifogger at nothing a week. r�� �'� ��d Sotlt,h half Lot No. 25. 17th concession, Godo to an "At Home" or, it wedding
anxious to make known to his fellow At the end of the first day's study the 0 YOUR SPARE TIME rich Township, one mile north of Clinton, coni- require considerable taste in selec•_ Our prices will be
sufferers the means of cure. To those Dung man returned home. prised of 40 acres, more or les. The land is all q
sync desire it, he will cheerfully sencT Y Melt, women, tocenductbusinesatltomc• I clearcdand in fair state of cultivation. Well tion sometimes, but we make it found very reason-
- of charge) a copy of the proscrip- "Well, Tobe, how dyer like the ;York is simple writing turd copping Ifsts fenced and pplenty of cedar on the property. an easy matter by keeping in stock
tion used, which they will find a sure cure for law?" wits the first paternal inquiry. of addressor received from local advcrtie= Frame barn 90xtfe, Stolle stable 30x50. IN ill be tile' very latest and best samples to able.
Gi7natttnptiotL, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis "Tain't what it's cracked up to be," ing• to be forwarded to us daily. No stn- sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser.
and all throat and Lung maladies. Ile hopes replied Tobe. "Sorry I learnt it."- $ vassing; no previous experience required. For ptrticutnrs apply at Tn>; Nmva-RFconn' be had. Call and see.
al, sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalu• but plain writers prcforred. Permanent office, or to JAM H. COLCWL'at, Hewfryn
able. Those desiring the precr•iption, which Harlem Life, work to those content to earn $i+ or more P. O.
will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- --- - weekly in spare time. Apply to WAHRI•)N —
ing, will please address, A Hint for Spring. Pun. Co., LONDON, ONT.
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn•New• Mrs. Yeast—I wish I could think of WAITED—Farmers'sore cr other industrious
York. �'1~~~~�~���~�� peramts of /air cduraf.ion to w•hnm $75.00 n month
-- something to keep my husband home — _—� `1L•ontd bo an indnemnent. I could also engage n If you want
at nights. few ladles at their own helves. T. }i, L]NaeeTT, To If
sheriff's bailiff from Walkerton Mrs. Crimson•beak- Get him a btcY- Mrs. J. McTavish, an old lady of Itnsro, Oar.
1 f cle. Wroxeter, passed to her final reward Mourning Papers and"
rteizeciall of the persona property o Mrs. Yeast -That would take him out P A Rare Opportunityt
J. C. Gra Clam, of Tiverton, missing iast Sunday week. Het husband re-
rivate banker, which included it horse more than ever. deceased her just six weeks.
P Mrs, �Crimsonbeak—Oh, no, It �___ For s cleared,
150 acres, A 1 grain or stock farm
and cow; also all the bank supplies. wouldYr't! My husband got one day be- 105 aces cleared, balance uncalled x8o; sable Envelopes
— - - - - fore yesterday, Solid brick liousc, &c.; frame barn 28x80 ; stiLhlO
and the doctor says he AWFUL HEART DISEASE. 18x57; sheep house 12x28; good water. (Ion-
PREACHER'S STORY. won't be out for a month.—Tit-Bits. _— venient to 3 grain elevators, mills, &c. Good
Death Charmed Away Under the roadaand free from all obnoxious weeds, &e. lilt)]• correspondence We call give. you up-to-date goods. "r('
aialu Stupidity. Will take resident prnperI • fn Clinton part 1
yikeOtherMortalshefellVictimto Mrs. Grimmer—That Mr'. Stylus is Spell of Dr.Agnew'sCureFor.the pay., Ingnire atTnrNtewaIECOnnofttce. also Carry full lilies of
Disease -Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal the most stupid reporter 1 ever knew, I Heart—More Wonderful than a 4103m �j
Powdor was the Agent Which told him all about our club, and then Fairy Tale 1s the story of Mrs. Pens,Pencils
Restored him to Health and playfully said: "Now, remember this Roadhouse, of Wills Out. Wanted—An idea who can chfnt
he gladly Allows his name to ain't a new woman's club, and you of some elnlple7
mustn't say so; for it's just the exact Where disease has effected the heart ng you wealth
be used in telling it that others Protect your ideas ahoyy may CO you t Actor. � •
may be Benefited too. opposite." And how do you suppose he the remedy to be applied must he write JOHx win, DERB . c.for It it j Patent Atter• -1eribblers, Tablets,
headed his article? speedy in its effects, or till may� he ani lief of twhundre c., for w'ennted, oxer S
Rev. Chas, E. Whitcombe, Rectol' of Miss Sere -I can't imagine. lost. Mrs. Roadhouse of W ril- w -- ' -___
Mrs. Brimmer-"An Old Woman's scroft, Ont., says : Cold sweat
tit. Matthew a N.piacopal Church, and Club," -New York Tribune, g MCKillO Directory for 1897. Erasers Inks,
Principal of St. Matthew's Church ,__ would stand out in lest heroes p
School Hamilton, was it great suffer- upon toy face, because a the in -
School, g Ent►t:ctl to Dlarount' tense suffering f:oln heart die- John Morrison, Rooves Wintbro P. U.
ca Dr. , ands Catarrhal Powder g y p Writing Paper,
cared him, ands note hal Powder
to Mr. Cash -Don't you think I'm pay- ease, I often fejt that the death drug- Wm. Archibald, oep� il, iteeve, ;�cadb ry P.
ing you too much for giving my daugh- gle ;vas at, hand. No medicine gave Daniel Manley, i Y
the world that as a safe, sins le and ter piano les eons': Prof. Crochet will wiJosn. . cGavin, Cncillo tor, Bocchw P.
1'. O.
Certain cure it has no equal. l�t never to 1t for half the money. me help until I used Dr. Agnew's Cure Wm. 1tcGnvin, Gtouncillor, hehrop 1 0 U.
farts in relieve catarrh in ten minutes, for the Heart. In thirty minutes the Jno. C. Morrison Clerk, Will
1 . U. &c.,
� �
Mr. Knotew•orthy—Oh, well, he can William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. U.
and cures permanently, -Sold by afford to. severe (sin was removed, and after David M. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. • , •
Watts & Co. Mr, Cath -Why, is he so very well taking little more than one bottle Charles Dodds, (.'ollector, 9eafort.h '. O.
flxed? the trouble had vanished. I know Richard Pollard, Sanitary inspector, i.eadbury.
— Mr. I{noteworthy-I wasn't thinkbig nothing of it to -da y." --Sold by \Vabts
On Tuesday night about 12 o'clock ft3 about his money arraits. Ile is stone & Co,
Mr. Richard Alcock, of the township deaf. -Boston Transcript. --- McLeod's
of Grey, was descending the stairs - - When the subject cif the travelling � In thanking our many patrons for the
With a lamp, he fell and file larllp ex- And Still tie Dict It. expenses of the llanadian emissaries to System Renovator
ploding set the house on tire. Mr. Sta.ltn Master -You shou•dn't smoke, Rome comes before Pptlianienta very
Alcock with some diffleulty, gut his sir. interesting discussion will be in tan croon-- Very liberal support accorded lis "
;wife and children and some things out Trdveler-That 1s what my friends the past, a continuation of the same
a)f one room, but the �renter part of RELY. order. _ _ Tested Remedies. p ,
his furniture was burned. Station Master -But yt r rnw-n't
smoke, air. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE
liberal support is solicited.
Traveler -So my doctor tells me•
WONDERFUL. station Master -1#»t you slia'n't Chase's Pills have gained popularity
smoke, sir. because they are a Npeciflc for the uric For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood,
Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nights -Itching, Traveler -Ah! that is just what MY field condition, prevent Bright's Dis- Dyspepsia,
a Complaint, Neuralgia. Losstof
Burning Skin Diseases Relieved m wife tells 'me. -Tit -Bite. - ease•, cure Rheumatism and all Catarr- Momorf, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stories,
one day. A 4arrn%flc Part" hal conditions of the Kidneys and Jaundice, t�idnoy and Urinary i)isoa>d Gen-
Dr.Bladder. The do this hecause the Vitus' Dnnco, Pbnallo it•re ulnritiea and Gon•
Lir. Agnew',,; Ointment will cure all 3r oral Debui�.y.
Mi ther (upstairs) -What time Is ft Y TAO a
rases of Itching piles in from three to down there? possess remarka.hle alterative, tonic
six nights. One )application brings Mamie (down In the i,arlor)-dust 10 and diueet,ic properties, cxert.ing a won- LABORATORY, CODERICN ONT. ows'
comfort. Pot, blind, and bleeding piles fly the clock, papa, derfully soothing influence on irrated J. M. McLEOD,
a pep s. , Also Cures tetter•, salt Father -All right, Don't forget to or inflamed mucous membranes of the Prop. and Manufacturer. �` 1'�7
rhe ecce boy's itch and all start the attrek again when the Young Kidneys or bladder. One pill a dose, gold tit Clinton b�y CL.LN .ice ON•
eruptions Of the in. Relieves in it man leaves. 25 a box. The cheapest medicine in J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON.
dry. 85 cents. Sol y Watts & Co, t the world.