The Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 5The Spritig Blood Purifier... Is a9 much a W necessity its is the spring house- it ti ,plotining. The 1 w1raT.accum- * y;'' ILII, -'i1lt+il�e alt your Wdi ,l;H ,house. The int. I (fl N ryf 11 purities WILL yygather inour System. Ii i t n need the spring Il.y 11111'1x; house-cleaning, o nl ! ii II�V, � Your, body as l �� Z °� �" much as your house, if you would have it d thorough blood cleaning tl'y 3 OUR BLOOD' V) BUILDING N p igal.;:r< IRON PILLS. .J 1' I d They tone the appelit®, clear L6 ; the complexion, �u Ju. nwttle the nerves. n ui -" The Three U 05 to U O6 0 06 to O — Cornered CLINTON.tlLiN Store.... 0 05 to 0 06 Fall Wheat ................... 0 72 to 0 74 Makes a Specialty of repairing Barloy.......................... everything in the Jowelry BEST WOVEN WIRE FENCING These line. Watches aro our delight, 0 16 to 0 18 0 36 tc 0 38 FurY ears we have worked with t them. These years have given LAWN 'FENCINGS, ETC. us such a knowledge of every Poultry flews. style of movement that we Cordwood ....................... know just how go about some Notes of Interest -Our Ad- repairir.g one that has gone vortiser9. wroug. We do it thoroughly. �- We charge you moderately.Poultry fanctors are invited to contribute We use you well. A Clock a news items for this column, fur which there will be no charge. Ordinary advertisements Brooch Pin or any small job will average 25 cents for each inaortl . you tray have to give us will Mr. Lack Kennedy has sold his Wyandottes, all prize winners, to Fred also receive our careful alien- Clilroyy who now has something good. tion. No job too small for us. ML•. 1�ennedy has since purchased it The Canadian Indian Famine fund pen of prize winning Light Brahmas, Prompt Delivery one of the most handsome a fancier contributions have reached the Aum of could desire to look upon. Is also a feature of this Depart- Mr. A. J. Holloway has some beauti- ment. A job promised for any ful Black Minorcas, and is adding to particular day will be done on his flock some superior stock from that da ou won't have to wait day --you Ridgetown. wick or a month longer. -Prov© Ile King" D. Cantelou has for PI1;'" in a few clays. some time been interested in Black us. Minorcas, and his son Will declares o�O000dti the flock contains at number of very Geese .............. .. . Potatoes fine specimens. B. hour -master at Port Colborne, Out., ySunday. died suddenly Mr. J. H.' Howson last Week pill -- chased from It s, so yards a now has White Le{rlorns, so that he now hag a a 4 75 to 625 4 00 to 5 50 Hull, and are voters in the con bye- ye- encs of Wright, where there is a bye- An extra watch has been, placed apon stock that, with proper care, is almost 250 to 360 election pending. Butler, the alleged Australian rnurder- g sure to bring hire fame and a good 6 W to 7 50 share of prize money. Jeweller and Mr. Thos. A. Walker is generally Expert Watch early lobed and early to rise. As a cide. result, his flr8t hatch of B. P. Rocks Repairer. carne to light last Thursday, but were Milch cows, each ...... $20 chilled by frost and died. --' Master Lorne C. Todd has a setting Clinton Horticultural Society, o• two of eggs fn the country and will im risoned for several hours. p be heard from later oil. Fie has a _ MEMBERSHIP FIRE $1.00, numhet of B. P. Ruck settings for vale was going through at a speed of 65 miles an hour, G., 13. Connelly, a well - Mewbury, and has already disposed of some. On payment of membership fee each member the Clinton Horticultural Society for 18in is Mr. Lack Kennedy has disposed of a of entitled to a choice of any ono of the following number of W. P. Rock eggs, and is ' liookin Collections of Seeds, Bulbs or Plants. n.gb (; orders in rotation. COLLECTION No. I—SEEDS-1� pkt. each. Tall Mr. Greig's flock are fast coming to Mixed Asters, Mixed Bahama, Mixed Dianthus Mignonette Machct, International Panslos, perfection and he has booked a number sine of orders for a Phlox Drummondl Shireloy Poppies, Stocks g 6g9. white, Mixed Verilentis, Hinvess Candybift, Mr. John T. Anderson of Goderich Mixed Snapdragon doz, Dwf. Nasturtium, sox. township recently set fifteen eggs Mixed Sweat Yeas. COI 2 Camila 2 Ilan• under a Black,,Lan gshan and the result us Begonia iiia, 1 8inglo Tuberous Begonia, 12 Gladioli, 1 Single TubNo.erous Is that lie has fifteen health chicks. Y Amaryllis Belladona, 1 spotted Calla, 2 Tuber- this would be hard to beat so early in odes, I Japan Iris. the season. COLLECTION NO. 3. -PLANTS. -15 Hyacinths for winter Blooming. London Free Press :-Mr. Walter COLLECTION No. 4. -PLANTS. -1 Abutlion, I Coats, of Clinton, has received twenty - Begonia ArgenteaGuttata, 1 Begonia Vernon: 1 Chrysanthemum, 1 Fusehia, 1 Hydrangeaowtled one English Red Caps, the entire stock Pitniculata, 4 Geraniums, 1 Single, l Gen. Grant, I Ivy leaved, 1 Variegated. b Dr. Niven of this cit y y Soutb of theist won first prizes at the COLLECTION NO.5.-PLANTS.-20Geraniuma leading shows in Canada and the COLLECTION No. 6. -PLANTS. -20 Coleus. United States during the past few Everything offered in the above collections is months. at first-class, Anyone wishing to become a member of the Society can hand their name Cockadoodledo. and mombersbip tee to Mr. Coats or any mem- ber of the Society. W. J. FORD President. (Lines b)• D. K. Munktttrick, in New York J. C. GILRO'Y, 1st Vico-Pres. Journal, on visiting the recout N. Y. Poultry Show.) H.FOSTER, 2nd Vice -Pres. W. COATS, Sec.-Treae. Oh, the bloom is on the rooster, and the roo.Iter's on the scratcb, And he fills the air with gravel, as if in aturnip Auction Cale Register. Patch; He is scratching ill the Garden, where no flow - Parties havingtheir sale bills printed at 'T" P ere gayly blow, Save the roses on the wishbone of Matilda, Nlsws Rxconn o1Hoe will be given n jrrs notice don't you know, similar to the following until the date of sale;— And he fills the exhibition with it rasping hulla- FRIDA.Y, MARCH 26.—Farm stock, ballon, For the cockndoodlodoodle'a on the cockadoo- implements, poultry, &c., on lot 26, Base Line, Goderich township, at 1 p, dlodoo. fit. John Colclough, proprietor ; C. Here is Cochin, Brahma, Leghorn, Dominick Hamilton, auctioneer. and Plymouth Rook, But no stayer of a layer of the ordinary stock, SATURDAY, Ib1ARCIi 27. -Valuable That the omelette o or produces for the matu- tlnal feast, towel property on Ratteubury street, When the cable car of Phoebus bangs athwart Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, at the 61Ided east. 2.30 v. m. J. H. Worrell, proprietor; rtetUt' ; p p Here I rod bedraggled, scrawny rooster lifts Lis blithe bazoo. Jas. Howson, auctioneer. For the cockadoodledoodle's vu the cockadoo- SATURDAY, MARCH 20TH.—Horse, dledoo. Phaeton, harness, &c., on Market What a smile begilds his birdship when, to fill Square. Clinton, at 2 p m. Terms Lfsrubber crop, cash. A. C. Dufton, proprietor; Re- consumes the kernel standing from the James Howson, auctioneer. shining barrel top; Wbat a flapping, cackling rumpus he creates when, so to speak, On Wednesday evening of last week IIe like kindlings splits the welkin with a most majostic shriek, Charles Grasby, of Morris, and )Miss 'Thatis echoed from the Garden to the wilds of Maria Fl. Cade, of Hullett, were Dined J Baraboo, in the holy bonds of matrimony. The For the cockadoodledoodle's on the cockadoo- dlodoo. pleasant event took place at the home of the bride's father, Martin Cade, in What a figure fn the eye of Clara Vere do Vere the presence of 30 invitedoasts, g Rev. T. E. Bigley, of Blyth, was the he cats, When he whooPs it up and gayly thrpugh the officiating clergyman, and Jallles stratwandsawdustsstruts; Howabout his coop in antics full of dignity and Grasbv and Miss Berta Shobbrookgrace, assisted the ha coo le PPY P. For the grain that's not forthcoming he keeps up a merry chase, Till lie grabs the protrored cracker, springing like the kangaroo. lflltTlBti. For the cockadoodledoodle'u on the cockadoo- Mei]LROY.-Iu Blyth, of March 9th, the wife diedoo. of Mr. Win. McElrog, of a sox. Crow away, oh, merry Cochin, with a heart R GAY -In Wingliam, on March 7, Mrs. Thos. Gray of a daughter. that's brave and stout., "Little chicken, does your incubator know that CCRRIE.—It, East Wawanosh, on March 7, Mrs. Wm. Currie of a son. Crow away, ou are snowy Leghorn, till you make LINRLATER.—In Turnburry, on March8, Mrs. the rafters ring. And the Garden is as lively as it barnyard in the James Linklater of a son. aprin , When the farmer on the horso the SQulRE,-III Go(lerieh township, on March 10th Mrs Marti S f plough playa usual tattoo qre, o ason. MARSHALL.—The wife of Win. Marshall of a son. GRABBY—CADE.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Huttott, on March 3rd, by Rev. T. F. Higley, Mr. Wm. Charles Grasby, of Morris, to Maria H., youngest daughter of Mr. Martin Cade, OAKLEY-BENNKR.-1n Brussels on March 10th, by. Rev, H. W. Jeans, of List Vvol, at the residence of Mr. Alex. Ellis, (3uocn treet, Mr. William Oakley. of Morris, to Miss, Charlotte Benner, adopted daughter of Mr, and Mrs. I"llia. LITTLE—itoBINAON.—At the residence of the brides' father on Wednesday, March 10th, 1806 Vthe Rev. 1'. Musgrove, Myr. Gcorfo Little to iss Emma Robinson eldest daughter of Mr, Andrew Robinson, of'Moliillop. .1 WADE--WALKER.-In Clinton, at the real. donee of the brine's father, by Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr. Win. Wade, of Westport, Dak_ formerly of the base line, to Alias Eugene, eldest daught- er_of Me, II. Walker. DEATHS. DoUGLA8,-I11 Grey, on March, 7th, Adam Douglas, aged 58 years, 6 months and 17 days. ArxLEv.-In Brussels on March lith Lillian Lauretta only daughter of Willlam anti Saman- tha Ainley, aged 20 years, 2 months and 24 days. SMITR.-lis Morris, on March 11th, George Smith. aged 74 years, 8 months and 5 days. SCOTT. -In Hallett, March 5, the infant son of William Scott. RownFN.--In Colborne, March, 5, Elizabeth Ann, wife of Richard Rowden, aged 70 years. WALKSR.-In Tuckersmith, on March 5th, George Walker, aged 82 years, SYMONDS.-In Saltford on Thursday ovening March 4th, Robert Rontiall Symonds, aged 50 years, six months and 10 days. FOWLER. -In Colborne on Monday. March 8th, Thomas Alexander Frowler, aged 30 years, GINN.-In Goderich township, on Thursday, March Il, T. W. Ginn, eldest son of Thos. Ginn, aged 31 years. JA4asON.-In Fullerton, on the 9th inat., ,Elizabeth, rolict of the late James Jackson 8 oath f Mrs. John McClachorty, Clinton, aged $>N T, In West Wawanoeb, March 0th, Jarlj .0., M Ith. aged 76 years, 9 months. For the cockadoodledoodle's on the coekadoo- dledoo. Clinton Poultry Yards. Whito Plymouth Rocks. Tho bolt all around fowl known for table and eggs. A limited number Of Eggs will be sold for hatching at, E1.60 for 13 and orders booked fn rotation. An n-itation extended to inspect my fowl. I also have White Wyandotts and Silver Duckwing Bantam,. Prices on application. 4t, - --- LACK KENNEDY. Hieh Class Poultry. EGGS FOR HATCHING. English Red Caps. Noted for their great Egg producing qualities and having no super- lor, also a good table fowl. Some of the above were winners at Now Yorlc, London, Toronto. Eggs Por setting 13 for $1.50. Cornish Indian gaine, king of table fowl, also good layers. Roosters weightnK 10 to 11 lbs.; ens 7 to 8 ppounds. Egga per setting $2.00, WALT It COATS, Box 102, Clinton, Ont. Will guarantee a fair hatch. — Hatching Eggs for Sale, Barred Plymouth Rock; 1st and 2nd prize. winning birds scored by Mr. L. G. Jarvis, On- tario Uovornment Judge. The best market fowl, good layers and hardy. Price 91.50 for 13 eggs, Only a limited number of settings. LORNE O. TODD. 054-tf Clinton P. O. Mr. Thos. Snell of Exeter taker pos- session of the new Dixon House, Brucefleld. Station Agent Kendall is laid up with disabled foot, owing to blood poison- ing, occasioned by too close paring of the toe nails. Will Hingston, bliss Emma Hing• ston, Richard Hingston and Mrs. Mul- doon left for Manitoba last Tuesday by the 7.20 a. m. train from Brussels. Mr, Muldoon returned to the West lust week with ra car of stock. POVERTY OF THE BLOOD GUNS � GUNS! ��r _,,,, ,�.�j . •1 .b�,T A TtaOUBLE THAT 18 MAKINO THE LIVES We are ir• Ole THOUSANDS MISERABLE 1 actical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop, We ren7t _ repair, and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, mak" IT wtiNGS IN ITS 'TRAIN, NERVOUSNESS, and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out'we can make now. PAINACHES, THEHEAR BACK AND BIDE, D RZ- We grind, sharpen and polish all kinds of KNIVHS,SCISSOR%1 , ACfl148, HEART PALPITATION AND RIS- SKATES, SULTS NATALLY WHERE EFFICACIOUS&c., and reteulper if required. TREATMENT 18 NOT RESORTED TO. Remember we repair everything in the shape of. Small MktS;ll�neJiiys From the Sussex, N. It.,Record.Household-Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature. Om' prices are the lowest that tare possible and 1ve guarantee sarisfac There are many ways in which peo- plemay prove benefactors of the theirrace. There are those who of Buy your 640113 cram us—toes are the best. their amuxbuice spend large sums ill erecting public buildings and beautify- ing public parks.Others spend their Mousy in charitable work, and in The Onward Bicycle Co. Clinton. alleviating thesuffevings of less fortun- I OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE.ate fellows, and for these acts these l people at a honored. The person who having obtained relief from sickness and slakes public fht,- lveitns by which It's Just health was regained, is none the less a public benefactor. Among these latter is Miss Elena O'Neil, daughter of Mr. Jas. O'Neil, a well to du faruier living near Millstream, Kings Co., N. B. Miss his way! I-- r O'Neil was attacked with anaemia (poverty of the blood) a trouble unfor- tunately too cutiumoii among the yours We want to bring down the prices Ma girls of the present day, and one whieg ----and Wild tip a big— is ceruain to terminate fatally if not --- rilomptl cheoKed, and the blood en- S'y�n np np _ iched and renewed. Hayingdiscover- Furniture U Business ed a remedy that will achieve this ithis and and happy resultn s sec , Miss O'Neil is willing GOOD GOODS that less fortunate sufferers may reap LOWPRICES should do it _a the benefit of her experience. To a his week we offer some Specials correspondent of the Record, Miss that should brio le to us. O'Neil related the story of her illness S new people and cure. She said: -"l believe that They are the biggest snaps ever offered had I not begun the use of Dr. Wil- in this section of country, we have a liams' Pink Pills my trouble would limited number oily, but as long as have ended fatally. My illness came we have them they are yours at these saya gradually that [ cant arcelysymp- ridiculous prices. "Our Specials" say when it began. The first symp- p tee. tons were a loss of color, and a feeling of tiredness followineven moderate It's Just the same g '1 exertion. Gradually I become as pale T or Spot Gash'Only., as a cor spse, and was extremely ner- About our UNDERTAKING, we N F Vol. Then I was attacked with a give a complete service in thio DiningCllair, now style c pain in the side, which daily grew department and very low prices, ' Y 4� more and more intense. I coughed a and should merit a big share of this great deal and finally grew so weak b Centre Tables ..........................PSW that if I went up stairs F had to rest business. when I reached the lop. My appetite Fancy Rocker .......................99a forsook me. I was subject to spells o[" All night and Sunday calls ans• dizziness, and severe headaches and wered from residence on Huron St. Bedroom Suites................$6.99 was gradually wasting away until I lost all interest in life. I had tried a •sea•®us�us•uuri• number of medicines but fonnd no re- lief. In this apparently hopeless con- H. C. • B dition, while reading a newspaper I Furniture and 1�--j� saw a statement of a young lady whose . Undertaker symptoms were :almost identical with . . my own, whose health had been re- stored through the use of Dr. Wil- so en' uragin t This statement that SIGHT TESTED SCIENTIFICALLY so encouraging that I determined that I would try this medicine. In r s�1I111111111111► my case as in that of the young lady whom I had read about, the. re- cult was marvellous. The pain in my 1= o .ids from which I hadiered so much, disappeared, my nerves werere strengthened, my appetite returned and m whole system seemed to be strengthened and renewed, I am T now as well as any member in, the family and have not known what sickness was since i discontinued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My gratitude towards this grand p medicine is unbounded and I hope my statement may be the means of bring- encouragemea nt and health to souls o `�J-.j/GJ CJ• ��a of er >sufferer. The gratifying results following the �D use. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, wi9lwt, Ad,Iced lerxnn a rpowde 0/efotdhadeooa in in the case of Miss O'Neil prove that they are unequaled is a blood builder and nerve tonic. in (��tlf.V,9X0�i &QlitZlligRAW tLe(irQl'1'Q1 tX1I1� bp,. �C110Cs 0f �, �fOltkiIPCfC the case of young girls who are pale �jJj� �,,�/ / /�/� or sallow, listless, troubled with Clete 14 eliold o CILP. 2aelcOlt @, J econ29noltalefn anti F042�1e1(�enee, fluttering or palpitation of the heart, O D / weak and easily tired, no time should art��ltad�addet6 a dalerf�aclo eicao�tinalias¢. be lost in taking a course of Dr. Wil- o liams' Pink Pills which will speedilyp enrich the blood and bring it rosy glow -�� aege/ a 0010;114 exec 2 o/. aefricectla�,'�9� of he;tlth to the cheeks. They are it O specific for troubles peculiar to fe- males, such as supressions, irregulari- cGyy �ta,,�/p' �r , r. tie-, and all forms of weakness, In /��(C tYCCi972c�G, CJiI/0, � eo, men they effect a radical cure in all Instructor Prrucapal cases arising from mental worry, over- work, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pius are sold in TEST FREE—Glasses supplied when re - boxes (never in loose form by the dozen quired at reasonable prices. or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be. had of all druggists ov direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Oorupany, Block -Graduate �_ ������- (graduate Optician, A Ville, Ont. ��------_e_. r,_ _+_ c,,___ MARKET REPORTS. -" (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) U 05 to U O6 0 06 to O — Cheap I Cheap ! Cheap I CLINTON.tlLiN Geese per III .................. 0 05 to 0 06 Fall Wheat ................... 0 72 to 0 74 Chickens per pair............ TORONTO FARMERis Barloy.......................... 0 30 to 0 40 BEST WOVEN WIRE FENCING These 008 ............................. Peas.......... ......... 0 16 to 0 18 0 36 tc 0 38 STEEL WIRE ROPE SELVAG.S. WIRE Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 too 25 LAWN 'FENCINGS, ETC. Butter .......................... Eggs per doz.................. day 011 to O 12 0 9 to 0 10 8............................... 8 0U to 8 00 z FENCINGS, Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 Apples per bush............. 0 35 to 0 35 your Hardware Merchant for thein. Dried Apples per lb........ 0 21, to 0 2r11 berme oe de oe�e�e�A ©iD Ducks per 11 ................. Turkeys per Ib .............. U 05 to U O6 0 06 to O — Msnnfaotnredand Sold by WIRE FENCING CO., LTM as well a3 Geese per III .................. 0 05 to 0 06 THE ONTARIO ]Qtetna.ontado. • Chickens per pair............ TORONTO FARMERis 0 25 to 0 35 MARI ET. (2 (fin 1 %'IOIGE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS �C�Ullljlis FOR TRELLIS, POULTRY YARDS, Wheat, white.... .....$ do red ................ 77 to $ 00 75 to 00 LAWN 'FENCINGS, ETC. do goose .............. Buckwheat ........... . . 63 to 00 32J to 00 ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before, Rye ......... ........... 33 to 34 THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merchant for thein. Oats ..................... 22 to 221} Peas .............. : ... . . 41 to 00 -- Barley .... . ............ 26 to 30 Hay ....................1200 to 1350 News Notes. Prince Bismarck continues in, poor Straw .. .. .......... 650 to 750 The Canadian Indian Famine fund health, and he dreads the excitement .. Eggs, now laid.......... 11 to 12 contributions have reached the Aum of of his birthday ovations, Ducks ........... . ...... 60 to 80 $119,000, and another hundred thous- Mr. Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Jameson, Butter, lb. rolls......... 12 to 21 and rupees will be cabled to Calcutta of South African fame, have gone to do Tubs, dairy...... . 0 to 12 in a few clays. holland on a yachting trip, Chickens ............... Turkeys ................. 25 to 50 10 to 00 An extra force of ,nen is being put oil the western block of the Parliament , Captain (1, 11. Carter. formerly bar - Geese .............. .. . Potatoes 8 to 0 20 to 30 buildings in Ottawa. The men live in hour -master at Port Colborne, Out., ySunday. died suddenly ....... ... .... Dressed hogs....... , ... Beef, 4 75 to 625 4 00 to 5 50 Hull, and are voters in the con bye- ye- encs of Wright, where there is a bye- An extra watch has been, placed apon .Beef,hindquarters...... do forequarters...... 250 to 360 election pending. Butler, the alleged Australian rnurder- g Lamb . 6 W to 7 50 Leamington is flooded, the electric ar, owing to his threat to commit sui- .. ............... . power house in the valley of Sturgeon inundated the town i9 cide. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Creek is and in darkness. The water surrounded Word was received at Chatham, of am, of Milch cows, each ...... $20 00 to $34 00 the High School, and the pupils were a shocking accident ora the rail g Export cattle per cwt... p ' p ,. 3 25 to 4 25 im risoned for several hours. p day afternoon at Newbury. The train Butchers choice cattle,cwt 3 00 to 3 25 Butchers'ord.togdcattle,cwt250 to 275 bead... 2 75 to 3 25 A big deal was put through Fri- day in Ottawa by Sir Oliver Mowat, was going through at a speed of 65 miles an hour, G., 13. Connelly, a well - Mewbury, Bulls, per , ...... Stockers perewt....... ... , . 2 25 to 2 90 whereby one of his supporters, Mr, known news agent at was coming over to the station to get his Feeders, per cwt.. . ......3 00 to 3 50 Hobbs, of London• secures nearly a papers. He took a short cut, and, not, Sheep, per cwt............ Lambs, per Owl.... ...... 2 50 to 3 00 4 75 to 500 monovly of the binder twine made at the Kingston penitentiary this year at noticing theapproach of the fast-flyipg mail, to walk along the Calves, per head.......... 350 to 600 Bacon hogs,per 4 00 to 5 00 a low figure. proceeded track In frant of it. He was stirgek force, the Choice cwt Thick fat hogs, cwt ......... 4 25 to 4 30 The Quebec government has granted $500,000 to the scheme for building a with frightful and manirled body tgrawn to one side as though it Light fat hogs, cwt..... ....4 30 to 4 50 2 75 to 300 bridge between Montreal and Lou- were a mere rag on the rail. Peceitsed Sows, per cwt .............. Stage, cwt 225 to 5o gueutI on condition that the It'ederal d was H man advanced in years, find leaves faripllav, g per Government and the city each contri- a widow and An m. Boars, per cwt............ 1 60 to 1 75 but@ a like amount. quest will be held. ,