HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 4k"
The E W D
The only Canadian Mfrs• to
exhibit 131vY01106 at the
Now York National and
sthe only
Detroit shows was Messrs.
levant; Dodge of Windsor
I 80 Gear
the nlalterH of Lho now
fame«H 80 Uear ltvadster,
'File devidedly dktin\•tive
foutures of this wheel
ro the Editor of The Mall and Empire :
nutdo 1t one of the tuost
is our
atlruetit e exhibits at the
leader or
Hl1U WH. Alli lnf'rH. ltlade
great (-Mims fur it; thin''
'i7n1 we
ti, for the asking,
tells Illom alJOUL It.
Our riding nradem> wall uuun
` others.
in 11. •1'0wit tli.tt 111 :L f,.%v
drays. ta'L:=1':•1••1•)' r •
Bicycle and Mntiie
I-[nuse, Clinton,
:• Wali
much longer will the Canadian Govern•
Window shades.
itoo;er, ]lot
1,t line (�lrected against tile great evils
nnent put up with this service? A
I first-class li a of smart cli
h pper sailing
We. are, fully prepared and expect
to du the largest Wall Paper and
Window Shade business in the his-
tory of our firm.
Is the best time to paper
m Shades
and ban
1 a
Ua Rz-Ciouio 1n and sec, our
nobby new lines.
We C f&C
�Ce�v �iCuel•ti�.elueut�.
Sight tested—A. T. Creeper. •
Auction Sale—A. C. Dufton .
Your Watch—J. B. R.nmhall.
Blood purifier—Allen & Wilson.
Men's shoes.—Jackson & .Jackson.
Wall Paper -The W. D. Fair Co.
Spring hat opening—Jackson Bros.
Furniture business—H. C. Barlett.
Business change—Mrs. Biddlecoulbe.
The three cornered store—P. B.
The Duron News -Record
-1.26 aYear-$1.00 in Advance J -
Clinton's Shade 'frees.
Editor News -Record:
DEAR SIR, -1 notice ill yonr paper
of recent date that Mr. Searle moved
. motion in the Town Council, which
.vas seconded, authorizing that body
,o petition the Ontario Legislature to
amend tho Act regarding the planting
of shade trees. The 'notion, I am very
much surprised, was voted down.
Every citizen in towel who has Olken
an interest in shade t,rees and the
beautifying of oro' streets are inaehted
to Mr. Searle for the good work and
advice he has so frequently given gra-
titously. That he is an expert on tree
[vulture is evidenced frost) the fact that
the front of his own property is so
neat and well cared for, and those of
many of his neighbors demonstrate
that a practical inan hn..; had some-
thing to do with their care. If more
interest was taken by the Council and
residents in our shade trees Clinton
would in it few years become one of
the prettiest and most attractive towns
in Western Ontario. At present some
of the shade trees are so low that one
cannot drive under them in A top
buggy, much less with it load of grain,
hay or straw. I.t is surprising that no
member of the Council has ever had
the much-needed courage to bring in a
resolution outside Mr. Searle to im-
prove and preserve our shade trees, in
filet they rather delight in proving
themselves stumbling blocks. It tie -
minds tile f L (lufrna t )m
ill who
was appointed to superintend the
planting of shade tress; cud it looks as
though Clinton also has a Council its
slow. The wisecoursefortheCouncil to
pursue would have been to adoi)t Mr.
Searle's motion. Planting and priming,
to prove it snecess, must be clone at
proper seasons under the direction of.:
the Council. Ili the past a free -and -
easy or plant-and-prune-as-ynu-please
system hits been ill vogue. Varieties
have not been considered. Neither hits
the necessity and beauty of boulevards.
The roots of unsightly trees spread to
the gardens and to a large extent des-
tioy many a beautiful lawn. One of
the Mayors duties as stipulated in the
Statute is that he shall recommence to
the Council such measures as they have
power to dotal with and which may
tend to the improvement of the finances,
health, cleanliness, comfort and orna-
ment of the municipality generally.
When this is the duty of the Alayor, is
it not also the duty of every member
of the Council to look rafter our we] -
tare ?
Yours &c.,
March I3. A'! EPAYER.
This to the compI'I't of
thousands at this aeason.
They have no appetite; oodEat
does not relish. They '1d the toning upot
the stomach and digest ve organs, which
a course of Hood's Sarparlila will givo
them. It also purifies a d enriches the
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt-
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptieeymp-
toms and cures nervous headaches, that It
peems to have almost "a magic touch."
I have disposed of
My Jewelry
Stock and
to Mr. Willmott of Lon-
don, who takes posses-
8iotl this week,
Sarsaparilla I All who havo any claims
Is the best— In fact the One True Blood Purifier. against the Estate are re-
ars the best after-dinner quested to call at the Store
Hood's �IIIS 0111x, aid digesttou. no, and male settlement by the
15th of April, and all who
News Notes. are indebted will please settle
Mr. Charles Cyr, clerk, of Quebec, I by the 15th of April.
7onservative, and Mr. Guite, mer-
:hant, of Maria, Que., Liberal, were
ulrninated for the Commons for the
Jounty of Bonaventure.
An order has been issued frow the r
dilitia Department calling ill Fall the
Ad rifles and side army, and as soon
is these are to the new Lee -Enfield
veapon will be issues} to the deferent
)attalwns. Mf I M
A couple of Paris residents have
leen fined $10 each tot- using cancelled
)ostage Stamps. DON'T FOOL WITH
11, is said the G. T. R. will transfer
Jost of their yard work to the Port YOUR HEAD
iuruu side of the tunnel. j
A caso of usury was ventilated iu I
,he Montreal courts, in which the un- I It is too important a part of your
(Atunate debtor was compelled to pay body to fool with.
i per cent. a day. I Always keep on the safe Bide
Tile drawing -room to be held by the when buying 'over
nor -General and Lacy Aberdeen Y g Your
u the Seuate chamber is anununced I
or the 25tH inst. Headache adache Remedies,
A young mail in Hamburg occupy- I Hotter let the pain run its course
ng a high social position is charged than take powerful opiates. Some
with having insured his wife's life for
t large amount, and then put her folks think that ruin drowns sor•
ender hypnotic suggestions to commit row but that is no reason why it
suicide. should be used irnn,oderately,
The Rev. Jus. Henderson, D. D., as- When the effects have died away
lociate missionary secretary of the the sorrow and blues, even bluer
)lethodist Church, said last Wednes- blwhore still
lay afternoon that it appeared to him , the saino pi in.
shat the Ontario Government were eiues sorrow
ple is true of Headache Aledi•
caking their coffin by their treatment cines; the after effects are et en
)f the temperance question, and that worse than the original pain.
f they dud not soon awaken to the fact
,hey would find themselves in it. Our Headache Powders cure headache
Bishop Newman, of Washington, ight away, yet there isn't a single
n•ges President McKinley to select the rain of opiate in them; every in.
Metropolitan Church as his place of gredient is harmless, absolutely so.
n>or,hip, that being where Bishop New- 150. a box.
nan was stationed when raised to the
:piscopacy. This has raised to howl
ram the "patriogogues," who point V JAS. H. r-tOMBE
)lit that the pastor is Hugh Johnston, ,
L Canadian, and demand that a repub- Chemist and Druggist.
ican^President patronize only "Ameri-
,an" gns el expounders. By and by
hey will demand an "Americanized" The saddest fatality that ever occurr-
3ible with it. distinctively Yankee plan ed in Bowmanville Wednesday after -
)f Salvation. noon, when the three eldest children of
H. Philip «'ason, formerly of IVOod- Fredrick Luxon, who is employed As
stock, with his wife, are on trial at deliverer of ice with Al. D. Williams,
grand Rapids, Mich., charged with were crownedjust outside their gae-
,he grossest cruelty !o a Home. child den gate in a jwle that Once furtued '
ulopted by then). The little girl, it is Part of a. mill race. The children
tlleged, has been beaten nearly to were out for an airing in the warn)
leaLh. Among the cruelties said to sunshine, and no one was near but
rave been practiced were the applica- Mrs. Luxon, their mother-, who k
,ion of hot irons to her feet, leaving nursing a Lally only ten days ohl.
ler bound hands and feet for weeps, J nursing
how the accident happened will
and new cords being put on the child never be known. It is'supposed the
'rom time to time, owing to the fact Youngest child strolled loo near the
:hat she hit through the ropes. It is ilole which IS surrounded by ice and
Luso alleged that when the child's flesh slipped into it, when the others fiery
VAS r;uw through heating the woman to her rescue, and, it is supposed, slid
'ubbcd in turpentine. The girl, it is in also. The bodies were recovered.
Fuld, twill be crippled for life. Wilsuu's
)arents live in Woodstock now, and wpOxiols 3P3R00E3I'H4DDINE.
Ere greatly shocked at the disgrace. The Great English Remedy.
It is rumoured at Fredericton, N. B., SixPaokagesGuaranteed to
•flat No. 4 Company, R. It. C. I., has promptly, and permanently
teen selected by General Gascoigne to a cure all forms of Nervous
rccolupiiny Mr. Laurier to En hand on Weakness.Emissions,sperm-
le occasion of the Queen's diamond „ atorrhea,zmpotenoyandau
ubilee celebration :and to represent egectsofAbuse orExcessee,
P Mental worry, excessive use
,he Canadian permanent corps in the oyTobacco, OpiamorStimu-
woposed military display, and that at Before and After.lants,whichsoonieadtoln-
lompany of Imperial troops will be jtrmay.Insanity,.consumptionand anearivgrave.
transferred from flalifax to Fredericton Has been prescribed over 36 years in thousands of
o take their pla1✓e during their ab- cases; is the onty Reliable and Honest kfed(otne.
Bence. The recent visit to Fredericton known. Ask druggist for Wood's 4Phosphodlne;It
)f Gen. Montgomery Moore is said to he offers some worthless medlclnein place of this,
lave been to arrange for the transfer. inclose price in letter, and we will sondby return
_'ol. Aturinsell was asked Wednesday mall. Price, one package, $1; eta, $6, one will
atowig cure-
rventug if there was any truth in the please,
Wood rCompaess.
•epor•t, but would Only say to reply Windsor, out., Canada.
;hat be was not to a position to giveI Sek1 in Clinton and everywhere in Canada
nforniation relative' to the matter. by all responsible druggists.
We would like you to
Dome here10
M h
or a line of
In M -en's shoes.
r' We have about. 40 pairs of Men's shoos, to bo honest about it are not the
lowest style in shape but they are much better in duality than lots of the new
)mea, We want to clear these 40 pr, out and in 2 lots, and price will do it.
Lot 1-19 Pr., all eize, regular $4.00, Saturday ......... $2 29
Lot 2-21 to 11 C $3.00, rr ......... 199
.. Fine Shoe Dealers.
IAiC.Law A'
uae Ln>turinlllitnegts,
about Ontario being 1,11(4 Most ndvetna•
At Problem for Laurier. .
ed province In regard to liquor legis•
(Publltlho4 by request.)
lation. It nlay lett' 'R been so a eXlr ar-
ro the Editor of The Mall and Empire :
ter Of 4 century ago, but unfortunately
this has not been true for 'Jany
To the Editor of tine Mall and Empire:
Sir,—"Thc mountain has labored
till brought forth a mouse." I have
Past- On the subject of tiro power of
letter posted in Lngland on
February 18th owing to the writer
dust read the new bill cuutaiainb Pro'
aruendmeuts to the li-
the people to prevent the renewal of
a license in an yea r, the provinces of
omitttu the talisnultilc words vitt Now
York 1it9 hest arrived,. Sixteen
posed present
3en9e law, ttlld tL IC1U1'e incunseC1UE'tltltEl
Nova Scotia, Now Brunswick Mani-
tobil and even Quebec are flit in
U (.1,r ld ..
dl< A
y Jn 8. 1 a9 via
piece of legislation it would be difficult
vanee of Ontario
New vbrk>' would probably have re-
would lably
tu discover. After 8'2,000 majority for
lr'UllihitiUn, and the pledge of two
WhQcotlld believe thata government
salted in my letter having been tie-
livered here at least it week ago Hu\v
1.0111 ors to give all 1,11(4 p1•�)'.:ibitiurl i
so committed its this is to Kies all the
Prohibition within its has
much longer will the Canadian Govern•
puasibly, it would pass the wit of luau
Lo do less, if anything were to be dune
Y g
itoo;er, ]lot
1,t line (�lrected against tile great evils
nnent put up with this service? A
I first-class li a of smart cli
h pper sailing
at all. Of twkenty-lbree reasonable
of clutl se114ng, though urgently re-
quested to do so,
vessels would be it positive luxu►•y,
requests by the Dominion Alliance iu
and which is now
facts like these make a fast Atlantic
convention assuvubled, unl two have
been nue uut.ri ht, the other
ruming so many yntulg men of the
best families fu aur cities and towns.
service a crying r
y t, necessity, nut sonre-
thing to be talked about, but suinething
nue salouus, Only partially. But why,
Municipal Oouncils which for thirty
to be dune, and at once.
its the Briultfurd Expositor venlarks,
Years have had the power to reduce
the number of licenses in any
Yours, etc.,
they were riot all abolished at
fell swoop" passes comprehension, The
year are
now debarred from reducing the num-
Clinton, March 0111.
raising� of the age limit to twenty-one
is good, providing tile but -den of proof
bei oftener than Once ill three years.
How oddly now it sounds, "We will
Its LU age is till•OW11 UJAM the liquor sel-
ler; and so also is thy: provision that
take hU 6tep backward." Can it be
possible our ears deceived us? Rigid
Profession and Power.
under• the resent, ti ulation the lies
p 1 p F
Ili -
out number of licenses cannot be h)-
all along declared that the
temperance People would get nothing
creased, but scarcely another point in
hill is
from the -Ross government.
but even tilesbelieved that the
✓EAR EDITOR,—I would like to heat`
the whole satisfactory from the
htandpoint of• Sir Oliver Aluwat's and
ern'nent was lneapable of pro �usulg
injurious and reactionary legis
those Tories and Grits now who
thought b
g Y Putting the Laurier Gov -
Hou. A. S. Hardv's for mal stud solemn
But, again, "it's the unexpected which
ernmeut. in we would get lower ex-
has happened." When the smooth
pehses acid not so 'much favoritism
Take the proposal to abolish the
sentences and flowing phrases of Hon.
Mr. Harcourt are carefully examined
shown the Roman Catholics. Protes-
?aluuns. The phrase sounds -well till
the bili is found to be 1,t veritable apple
tents churn Laurier would leave the
ale asks, -how" an"when," Two
of Sodou4—fair to the eye, but ashes
Catholic churchd t but he claims Ile is
years more to continue salozns (mere
to the touch.
a better Catholic than ever and will
ivinking dens), where neither a meal
Yours etc„
make the country pay for his agents to
or bed can he Obtained for love or
J S Rosa
Rome to consult the Pope. Catholics
none}-. But the chances are that not
Brantford Marcel 3rd.
have a right to ask the Pope to settle
Sven one saloon will be abolished, for,
their religious disputes between the
;o cart in enough of bedsteads before
— —•-- a--
hierarchy and laity, but what, right has
.he inspector's visit is 'Jade, and to
Bro. Lass' address.
he to be tusked about Canadian Acts of
art thea] back again after his report
Parliament? If Protestants cannot
s presented, will, to the majority of
To the Editor of The Sentinel:
agree with heads of churches they had
ares "fix things" all right,
SiR,—In your issue of a recent date
better let Laurier do the same. As to
Take next the proposal to issue one
icense to every six hundred of the
I had the pleasure of reading an ad-
Laurier curtailing expenses: They
raised the salary of the postmaster in
)opulation after the first thousand.
dress delivered b R. �V. -Bro. John (3,
Beauharnois on the 8th January, on
knd first as to the cities. By this pro
Gass to the Provincial Grand Lodge of
account of his ooc}service and dismiss-
)oral only St. Catharines, St. Thomas,
Stratford, Windsor, Belleville, and
Nova Scotia. In view of the P0 it")
ed him on the 8th Jan. It is easy to
see the,-•;lcreabe of salary was for a
(iugston, will he slightly affected. it
lie assumes with respect to the conduct
hevv inan. The Grits claire that the
will make only One license less in St.
of some members of the Orange Assu-
dismissal was to save expense, but
Chowus enc Stratford. But it will
nake not. even one less in Brantford,
elation during 1,h, 1aie Dominion cues
tions, I wotilct most respectfully call
there are more appointments than dis-
musses. Dances was appointed Ce
auelph, Ottawa, London; Hamlton or
the attention of the readers of The
Goderich to
to assist in the custom nfiice
where he was not needed. After he
Coronto. Municipal councils in cities,
which are orkoverbially suety to act on
Sentinel to the fact that before the
late Dominion elections I asked those
gets^posted Mr. Farrow will likely lie
,his subject, have already, and in some
who were endeavoring to dragoon Or-
dismissed to sorted expanses, Madame
ases years ago, gone beyond the prey-
angemen into blindly following politi-
Laurier wont the car Cumberland to
California to bring home a brother of
int Government proposals. When
:uuncils to the largest cities, where
cal leaders to kindly give section OV
clause in the constitution of the Orange
Hon. W. Laurie. r. This inight cUl•tail
he liquor license has its stronghold
Association of B. A., orelsewhere, rnak-
personal expenses, but not Dominion
expenses. When the Auditor -General's
:an pass such by-laws, of what is the
� m e -n lent afraid ?
Ing it obligatory upon a member to en-
dorso any Public school systeru oc mak-
report appears for thio year commis-
N x1, take t•he mnittulg in
ing it obligator • ori a member to corn-
el Roman Catholics to attend aPub-
awns and travelling expenses will
rLrnrnu]t to something never equalled
every case tl•e cities situated within
hein. I have been unable to find the
is school. None of the .so-called
lltleal leaders, BCU. Gass
before. Then if we turn to the Russ-
Hard government: It
Y � gave a plehl5-
)opulation of Dufferiu county and
tLn3 alnUtlg9t
the number, had the temerity to conic
cite and over 81,000 of a majority twaei
3aliburton district. As Dufferin,how-
out publicly over his awn signature
for temperwnce. Now they will not
:ver, carried the Scott Act, I will pre-
and justify the course they were per-
g the what they promised, after all the
unle that it is ahove the. proposed
suing then.
temperance people supporting it 'ori
tandard, and to be fair, will count
3aliburton below.
But in the address under review
account of its professions of temper-
ance. The Grit license act now reminds
What then do we find as to the num-
Bro. Gass undertakes to justify his
own course and condemn that of those
rno of what a German said of a minis -
ter: "They talks like an angel, and act '
)er of tavern licenses in these counties,
IS compared to the population. Ehere
who thought otherwise in the follow-
ing words: "Let the say in passing
like the devil.
Ire in this province forty-one counties
that it is a matter for regret that
Mitrch 12th, 1897.
and license districts. At this very
a few who have wined admission to
i,onnent there are thirty such counties
'our Order did bring discredit on our
- —
tnd districts in advance of the propos-
Association by their vacillating efforts,
Political Poi,iits
id legislation, and only eleven below
to obev the behests of the hierarchy
t, in some cases, but very little below
t. The following counties are at
or the bidding of political parties.
Bro. Gass is the author of the para-
The province of Ontario might very
fittingly celebrate the diamond jubilee
)resent under the proposed standard :
graph quoted. ,Now let us examine
by turning down the Hardy GGovern-
nlgoma, Carleton, Haldin]and, Peel,
his loyalty to the principles of the
Waterloo, Welland, Kent, Leeds.,and
Order. In the first place it is a Grit
3renville, Muskoka and Parry Sound,
doctrine "that to the victors belong
The Patron farce is being shown up
tnd Nipissing district. The following
the spoils." So that judged by the
very nicely in the Ontario legislaturro
:ounties at the present time have'one
light of the great anxiety of the Grit
these days. Motions based on distinct-
icense to six hundred of the popula-
party to reward its pglitieal friends,
ly Patron doctrines have shown where
Jon, and are therefore uotaffected one
Bro. Gass in his aceeptance'of the po-
certain alleged Patrons stand --on the
)article by the Government proposals,
p p
litical position of of Shu-
Grit side of the house, solid with the
7iz.:—Essex, Frontenac and Huron,
beuacadie at the hands Of Mr. Laurier,
n Mir.
government. Brer. Haycock had bet-
g Y
Che following counties ate more ad-
stands before his brother Orangemen
ter resign his alleged leadership, and
ranced still, ,is they have only one
condensed of rising his position of
let, the alleged Patrons be honest in
icense to seven hundred Of the popula-
Grand Master to advance his own ma-
their voting.
,ion: -Bruce, Halton, Hastings, Lamb-
terial interest, and becoming lot the
The Charlottetown Examiner gives
•ou, Lincoln, Renfr•eiv and Wentworth•
same time srihservient to the Grit
this story with reference to post -office
Cele following have Only one license to
party, as I shall prove by another para-
matters in Prince Edward Island. At,
tight, hunched of the population :—
rah, in his address which reads : "A
Stanley Bridge, by request cif leading
Presc•ot.t ani] Russell, Stortuont, Dun-
bitter c•ontliet is now impending he-
Conservatives, Mr. Roht. Brown, a Lih-
las and Glengarry, 5itucoc, Welling-
tween the Icon. ?,it-. Laurier and the
eral, was appointed posttnatster. when
,on, Lanark, and Lennox and Adding-
Quebec hierarchy. Scathing denunci-
lie resigned Dor, Alexander Alcb}illan,
;on. The following counties have one
ittions have been hurled by the Church
Liberal, succeeded him. On his death
icense to nine hundred of the popula-
against. that gentleman and those who
his son anothe;• Liberal, received the
ion : Elgin, Perth, Peterhurough.
support hill) in theproposed settlement
appointment tit: -ugh Conservative in -
York and Victoria. The following
of the vexed school question," In tllis
fluence. When i:r 189th Dir. McMillan
•ounties have one license to one thous- 1
pavagrapll Bro. Gass has the hardt-
resigned Austin J. McNeil, Conserva-
ind of the population :—Northurnber-
hood to commit Orangemen to en-
Live., was given the position. Air. Mc -
and Find Durham, Grey, Norfolk, and
dorso Mr. LAUrier'6 settlement of the
Neil has now been di8IlIiS,;Cd because
Jxfurd. The Hollowing counties have
Manitoba school question, notwith-
he is a Conservative, on the principle
ale license to eleven hundred Of the
standing the fact, that Mr. Laurier
that "to the victors belong the spoils."
)opulat.iun : Brant and Middlesex. The
olloivitlg counties have one license to
is the first Canadian Premier who
dared to violate the doctrine well un-
Mr. Russell, who,with Charles FiLz-
Patrick, Solicitor -General of Canada
twelve hundred of the population :
'rince Edward and Ontario, Ili not
derstood in British law, "that the
pope of Rollie, hath no jurisdiction
visited Roine for the purpose of pre-
senting the Manitoba school case to
lee of these twenty nine counties and
within the realms of the British Em-
the Pope and also to obtain the ap-
iceuso districts wilithere be one license
pire," by sending lay and clerical dole-
pnintnlent of an Apostolic delegate to
ess, arising froru the proposed legisla-
gates, and also the, Solicitor -General
Canada, has returned to London, Eng.
ion. To put it in another form! the
of Canada on a special mission to Rome
In an interview with t press repre-
-ounties below the present -standard
to obtain the approval of the Pope to
sentative Mr. Russell said he was
;outwit) 400,000 of the population, while
his School settlement! Surely the Or-
highly satisfied with the results of
or the balance of the people, nurnbet-
ange Association in Nova Scotia have
the several interviews which he had
ng 1,700,000, no advanced legislation
reason to complain of Bro. Gass en-
with his holiness, who evinced a par-
vhatever is proposed. Who said this
dorsing Mi. Laurier in submitting the
titular interest in Canadian affairs.
vas a progressive Government? In-
School settlement to the Pope of Rome?
Dir. Russell expressed regret that some
Lead of going "as fast and els far" its
Tile most charitable view to take i9
persons had clainled that the 110111ir1-
)ublic sentiment, it has not even yet
that his accepta•nee of a post mastership
ation of Mgr Mermy del Val as
•aught up to it, arid, worst of all, seems
n)ay explain his action in the matter.
Apostolic delegate to Canada was a
mt of breath already. There is clearly
My own position before the late Do-
victory fur the Carla.di;tn F)ishops. That
L trutlnput call for a leader who Will
minion election (and also that of the
view, he said, would greatly pain the
great majority of the Orange Associa-
Pope, who felt the gveatesr, confidence
Take next the power to prevent the
C,on in Canada) was that to a civil
that Mgr. Mermy del Val could con-
'enewal of a license in any year. Is
qurest ion affecting the constitutional
ciliate the conflicting parties.
,his given to the people most interest-
privlege s of her Majesty's shbjrcts. be
gid, uanlely, those who live in the
oc, ity e Oil, no. First the License)
they Catholic or Protestant, which a
Provincial Government niay take
A ,Friendly Word.
3oard is to decide what is a "resi-
lential district.'u License Boards (so
away—and when the same Act which
created it Provincial Government pro-
Several newspaper publishers have
ar as my observation has gone) are
Llmost uniformly composed of ttwo it-
vided an appeal to the Dominion Gov-
crnment by the party affected thereby
for some years regularly sued ill divis-
ion coni all overdue accounts. Their
fuor sypathisers anti one temperance
--it became the duty of every loyal
citizen to support the Govermueut
reports are favorable to the plain, for
their readers though at first annoyed
nan (the, latter evidently to keep the
errlpe ranee people quiet, while at the
in its efforts to rllaintaill ale cot)-
admit it i3 only. fail'.
iarne time his hands are tied). Fancy
inch a hoard deciding that dis-
stitution. In doing so I acted in
accordance with my Orange obliges-
A large number of NEws-RECC,'RD
accounts are therefore being placed illi
rict whatever is a ••resideudill dis-
tion. No Orangemen is required
the hands of our solicitors for immedi-
riot, e9pl'CltLlly when they know ra
i ill and franchl,c.
to surrender his w
ate collection. We are loth to resort
Tr•ta.in request would likely follow.
into the hands of any politician who
to such a course, but it seems the only
3ut, further a petition n ainst the re-
may for the tinge being be a member
the Order. Nor does it become
waT of getting what is due us.
lewal of it license
ceuse must )e signed by
such leaders to brand as
Snme are in arrears from oversight,'
tt least one hundred voters, provided
;hey number three-fifths of all the
traitors those members who may come
some from other causes, but ifone
should feel offended at being sued.
voters in the polling sub -division be-
P g
tel a, conclusion on political matters
different from their). The
Kindly save costs by remitting the
'ore it can be even considered. But
when that number so petition the
treachery and herly conduct, as
arnount of your account at once, by
oat-offtce order or registered letter, to
)oard even then it is not bound to
well as the total disregard of the for
darnental principles of the Order, Mani-
�11E NEtva-R1:C011D, Clinton), Ont.
tecede to their, request. The board
'may" (not "s11all") decline to renew
fested for some time past by politi-
:lie license, Even if the petition is
mans who assume leadership in Orange
News Notes.
�rrtnted, the decision shall not take ef-
matters as well, leads me tel the con-
elusion that they are not to the Order
South Huron Conservativos will meet
for one year and six weeks from the
late of the pet.tLion. But if the petition
for its good, but becanse they think
at Hensall on March 23 to noulinate a
should be refused (arid how easy for
its support necessary to their political
candidate for the Legislature.
,he commissioners, especially as they
ire not subject to the power of public
advancement. Yours fraternally,
Toronto, March 0. W. H. SCOTT.
The stamp mill in connection with
the Kingston School of Alining is now
opinion, to manufacture some trumped
- - --- —
crushing ore from different places
LIP reason for refusing), then the voters
lire disqualified from presenting a sem-
One of the biggest deals between the
Government and it customer in local
night and lay.
The four Wingham Whitecaps will be
ilei petition for a period of three years,
matters was closed Friday, when Mr.
released from the penitentiary in a
for the bill says no such petition will be
Hobbs Al. P. P., London, contracted
few clays, having been pardoned after
"received or acted upon." Considering
for one thousand tons of binder twine,
having served a year of their sentence.
past history and pledges, it is difficult
made at Kingston penitentiary. The
The Dominion Department of Public
to find sufficiently vigorous English to
rice is in the neighborhood of $1301-
Works has been notified that the sur-
eharacterivp such handicapping.
&00, Mr. Hobbs is it London hardware
vey of the Fraser river, in British
But let ria here no more twaddle
C61umbia.,1has commenced.
This to the compI'I't of
thousands at this aeason.
They have no appetite; oodEat
does not relish. They '1d the toning upot
the stomach and digest ve organs, which
a course of Hood's Sarparlila will givo
them. It also purifies a d enriches the
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt-
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptieeymp-
toms and cures nervous headaches, that It
peems to have almost "a magic touch."
I have disposed of
My Jewelry
Stock and
to Mr. Willmott of Lon-
don, who takes posses-
8iotl this week,
Sarsaparilla I All who havo any claims
Is the best— In fact the One True Blood Purifier. against the Estate are re-
ars the best after-dinner quested to call at the Store
Hood's �IIIS 0111x, aid digesttou. no, and male settlement by the
15th of April, and all who
News Notes. are indebted will please settle
Mr. Charles Cyr, clerk, of Quebec, I by the 15th of April.
7onservative, and Mr. Guite, mer-
:hant, of Maria, Que., Liberal, were
ulrninated for the Commons for the
Jounty of Bonaventure.
An order has been issued frow the r
dilitia Department calling ill Fall the
Ad rifles and side army, and as soon
is these are to the new Lee -Enfield
veapon will be issues} to the deferent
)attalwns. Mf I M
A couple of Paris residents have
leen fined $10 each tot- using cancelled
)ostage Stamps. DON'T FOOL WITH
11, is said the G. T. R. will transfer
Jost of their yard work to the Port YOUR HEAD
iuruu side of the tunnel. j
A caso of usury was ventilated iu I
,he Montreal courts, in which the un- I It is too important a part of your
(Atunate debtor was compelled to pay body to fool with.
i per cent. a day. I Always keep on the safe Bide
Tile drawing -room to be held by the when buying 'over
nor -General and Lacy Aberdeen Y g Your
u the Seuate chamber is anununced I
or the 25tH inst. Headache adache Remedies,
A young mail in Hamburg occupy- I Hotter let the pain run its course
ng a high social position is charged than take powerful opiates. Some
with having insured his wife's life for
t large amount, and then put her folks think that ruin drowns sor•
ender hypnotic suggestions to commit row but that is no reason why it
suicide. should be used irnn,oderately,
The Rev. Jus. Henderson, D. D., as- When the effects have died away
lociate missionary secretary of the the sorrow and blues, even bluer
)lethodist Church, said last Wednes- blwhore still
lay afternoon that it appeared to him , the saino pi in.
shat the Ontario Government were eiues sorrow
ple is true of Headache Aledi•
caking their coffin by their treatment cines; the after effects are et en
)f the temperance question, and that worse than the original pain.
f they dud not soon awaken to the fact
,hey would find themselves in it. Our Headache Powders cure headache
Bishop Newman, of Washington, ight away, yet there isn't a single
n•ges President McKinley to select the rain of opiate in them; every in.
Metropolitan Church as his place of gredient is harmless, absolutely so.
n>or,hip, that being where Bishop New- 150. a box.
nan was stationed when raised to the
:piscopacy. This has raised to howl
ram the "patriogogues," who point V JAS. H. r-tOMBE
)lit that the pastor is Hugh Johnston, ,
L Canadian, and demand that a repub- Chemist and Druggist.
ican^President patronize only "Ameri-
,an" gns el expounders. By and by
hey will demand an "Americanized" The saddest fatality that ever occurr-
3ible with it. distinctively Yankee plan ed in Bowmanville Wednesday after -
)f Salvation. noon, when the three eldest children of
H. Philip «'ason, formerly of IVOod- Fredrick Luxon, who is employed As
stock, with his wife, are on trial at deliverer of ice with Al. D. Williams,
grand Rapids, Mich., charged with were crownedjust outside their gae-
,he grossest cruelty !o a Home. child den gate in a jwle that Once furtued '
ulopted by then). The little girl, it is Part of a. mill race. The children
tlleged, has been beaten nearly to were out for an airing in the warn)
leaLh. Among the cruelties said to sunshine, and no one was near but
rave been practiced were the applica- Mrs. Luxon, their mother-, who k
,ion of hot irons to her feet, leaving nursing a Lally only ten days ohl.
ler bound hands and feet for weeps, J nursing
how the accident happened will
and new cords being put on the child never be known. It is'supposed the
'rom time to time, owing to the fact Youngest child strolled loo near the
:hat she hit through the ropes. It is ilole which IS surrounded by ice and
Luso alleged that when the child's flesh slipped into it, when the others fiery
VAS r;uw through heating the woman to her rescue, and, it is supposed, slid
'ubbcd in turpentine. The girl, it is in also. The bodies were recovered.
Fuld, twill be crippled for life. Wilsuu's
)arents live in Woodstock now, and wpOxiols 3P3R00E3I'H4DDINE.
Ere greatly shocked at the disgrace. The Great English Remedy.
It is rumoured at Fredericton, N. B., SixPaokagesGuaranteed to
•flat No. 4 Company, R. It. C. I., has promptly, and permanently
teen selected by General Gascoigne to a cure all forms of Nervous
rccolupiiny Mr. Laurier to En hand on Weakness.Emissions,sperm-
le occasion of the Queen's diamond „ atorrhea,zmpotenoyandau
ubilee celebration :and to represent egectsofAbuse orExcessee,
P Mental worry, excessive use
,he Canadian permanent corps in the oyTobacco, OpiamorStimu-
woposed military display, and that at Before and After.lants,whichsoonieadtoln-
lompany of Imperial troops will be jtrmay.Insanity,.consumptionand anearivgrave.
transferred from flalifax to Fredericton Has been prescribed over 36 years in thousands of
o take their pla1✓e during their ab- cases; is the onty Reliable and Honest kfed(otne.
Bence. The recent visit to Fredericton known. Ask druggist for Wood's 4Phosphodlne;It
)f Gen. Montgomery Moore is said to he offers some worthless medlclnein place of this,
lave been to arrange for the transfer. inclose price in letter, and we will sondby return
_'ol. Aturinsell was asked Wednesday mall. Price, one package, $1; eta, $6, one will
atowig cure-
rventug if there was any truth in the please,
Wood rCompaess.
•epor•t, but would Only say to reply Windsor, out., Canada.
;hat be was not to a position to giveI Sek1 in Clinton and everywhere in Canada
nforniation relative' to the matter. by all responsible druggists.
We would like you to
Dome here10
M h
or a line of
In M -en's shoes.
r' We have about. 40 pairs of Men's shoos, to bo honest about it are not the
lowest style in shape but they are much better in duality than lots of the new
)mea, We want to clear these 40 pr, out and in 2 lots, and price will do it.
Lot 1-19 Pr., all eize, regular $4.00, Saturday ......... $2 29
Lot 2-21 to 11 C $3.00, rr ......... 199
.. Fine Shoe Dealers.