HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 3It p (� A, - N p I Criplu a Purifying our Politics. "want i U811VE88 DIRECTORY I � �• �l WATTS fah CO• INo Mr. Whitney, leader of the Ontario I� Anxmia meas �� Ant of — � *T N/ CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS �� t %tt �t.�'�ry• L. L. No. 710, When youtal;bHood'sPills. Theblg,old-fash• C.unservalives, ill his speech on the I blood, a dUf Ll.nly ill til`. l7LINTON Great Telograph office, lotted au ar-ooated pills, which tear you all finances, touched upon two subjects in g Y I t s Jfieete saooNn Monday of -every Albert Street, - Clinton. pieces, are not to it with Hood's. limey to take � respect of which be will certainly red CUrpUSC1t:S C i t -`le b� lOo,l, TH MEMO BANK. mouth. limit 2nd flat, McKay _ ___�___ __ _ T_. _ __ awaken a responsive [:hard. One of Its cause IS found in lxant Of block, welcome. brethren always PUMPS! a PUMPS! made welcome. 17 I those had reference to the participit Incorporated by Aotof Parliament 1866, J. P. SUEPPARD. W. M• -- Hood tion of provincial officials in sufficient food, dyspepsia, P. OANTELON. in. See. 'THOS. BEACOM, D.M. p political If ,you want a meat oleo•, wollmade ) un.p, one aha conteata ; the other to the system of lack of exercise or breathing �.�... - will give you satisfacthm, mond )our wder to th I Y b CAPITAL, - $2,000,000 andersignod, He will dig and Omen wolfs and do it a and easy to operate, Is true log -rolling which leas been boldly pro. REST, - $1,400,000 I T140a111iC. the closest prices. lie also handles a f1ret-alas of Hood's Pills, which are i I impure air. With It 1S a FORCE PUMP claimed as the policy of the Adfuin- `f LINTON Lndyo, No, 84, A. F. & A. d. meets , up to date In every respect. I -S -= evely Frldu on tr sitar the woos. Visit JAMES istrutiun, as uv.w constituted. Not natural re U AS11CC t0 all fat 8@61d Offi0o, MONTREAL. yy Sate, certain and euro. All I P g J. H. R. MOLSON, President, I Ingbrethrenccrdlalll'tnvitad High Street Clinton.ruggists. filo. 0. 1. Hood& Co., Lowell, Mass many years ago the ret eiv,•(1 from the Ioods. Scott's Emulsion 1$ F' . WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Genoral Maneger. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. 'PHOS. RUMBALL, SRO. Opp06it Queeo'd hotel 809-tt 9-tf The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla Liberal Ieudel'v it Species of decalognr � Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. bearlu� upon the conduct of local of ori easy food to get fat from fairs. the "than -shalt -nuts," while Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts — _ _ _____.. _ _- J. C. STEVENSON,----- possibly not reaching the let auto and the easiest way of taking issued, Sterling and American ex- K. 0. T. M. cipa]iti( and the seizure of munici- numerical staLndard, were nevem cissa change bought and Bold. pal revenue by the p,ovincial Govern- important. No provincial Minister was fat. It makes the blood rich INTa$.RT ALLOWED ON DReon,re the World. Tent No. 66, Knights of the Miles- MOol Furniture Dealer, BGC. meat --lines of action which have added to take art in Federal elections ; ria theWor,d. el,tlo9,$2,o69awl $8,000 Policies- Mem- P in just those elements neees- SAVINGS BANK. bership over 100,000. Asmesemeut principio—has THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND to the municipal debts a good part of official was to be seen ur heard tri never exoended 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest lite $20,CV.1,000 by which they have in- ally canipal it -, no barter, or exchange sary to robust hent til, by Interest allowed on sums of $1 and tip• and safe t in existsnae. Meets in Orange Hull, Cling creaked and have bwelled the annual of votes for Governmental favourit s was ton, first and third Friday of every month. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ' F'ARM11Rt3_ ---" Opposite Town Hall, Clinton,Ont tax the ftuvuer, and, indeed, Query- to be pElrtuitttfd; no meatier wits to SUPplylIlg It W1Ch red CUr- stoney advanced to farmers on thou own notes - - ""T body else, has to pay -render situs• appoint himself to an office in his own U5C1eS. .11th one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- + - - --- tion even more striking and mote de- constituency. We were to havo u syS• P g aired as security. COOK'S FLOUR, O'1'ICE. plorable. The Government has hustled telt of unselfish legislation, and of H. C. B1tEWER, Manager, I FFFD S,r>d �e' its on its rapidly its it call in the path equally high class administraLion. For 6aleatsocents and $t.00 by.11drrgg's'a, December, 1896. OUNTON. i a f A. t t E It h ll the G. D. NoTaggart B 13ANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 0 A 991VEP.AL BANKING BUSINESS IWANSACTE Notes 'Disantrtted. Draft-' laaued, Interest Allowed on eposa& Clinton, June Alh,•1801 668y �t3aftltil{• DR. W-GUNN, R. C. P, tnd L. R. C. S., Edinbui gh. O)11ce— Ontm•io strt( t Clinton. Night calls at ri„nt door of residence on r:atteubury 6treet, opposite Presbyter- ian church. DR. TURNBULL. 1, L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; Ai. D ; M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k S. Ont, ; b 'low of the obstetrical society of Edinburggh. Late if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenhury 3t. Night culls answered at Office. DR. SHAY a -- I ottlee—Ontario street, ou-osiae English d t,huurohwformerlyy oyccuptiio(i btlyt��)` T. A ptp�letTonl. M UaS. I; 1. .1,-iee A7V1 , U." , r L. K. & Q. C. P., L, tat.: P, & S. U., &o., &c, Gradnato of A it g's & Queen'm College of Physicians, Dnblin, freland, Lie•uutiato of the General Medical council, Grout Rrit.tiu. 6I•,rober of College of rhyslola:J and Surgonns, Outaro. Formerly rest - dept:, iia liutinla Iiosptal (1,Y109 -in and Gywe- :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of women aadchlVran. offit,and residence,liatteubury 5t„ next door to Ontario St. Motuudist p+u•aonuge. 8.9-1y antlt�'a. -- Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the summer. R. Agnew, L, D. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. llono7 Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Bt A Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Stora. Night Bell at swered. Will visit Hensall er •ry Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday C. each month O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyanoer, &c. Office—coiner namitton and St. Andrewa•ste., opposite Colborne nott.l, Goderich. 988•tf R��}} O, HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. office, corner - North Street and Sqaare, near Registry Office, G6derich, Ont. 07. AW Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, circ., LLLIOTT's BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan, E - CAMPION, Q • C, BARRISTER, - • • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, (3 •odericsh, O>Hce—ovor Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC, Goderich, - - - Ont. office—Cor. Hamilton and St, Andrew's SEs. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER • - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, cgc , OrpiOE BEAVER BLOOK - CLINTON. 817•tf i u tree ax,L Ion, its awn en ?here has been it gradual declint• There being some misunderstanding withre. tuxes we all have to coutribute to til0ront SCI)1'T Sc llUWNE, li diev.l',r,'iaL 4i1inton. gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood umnici al funds. It is going to leu Mini the original R.efurni position. The that if any permon takes possession of anv kind 1) b Y Mlnlatei•S under the old regime brake`�-�--- RAN and SHORTS in Large or of wreck.igc and falls to report to mo [ shoo of more taxes unless it is prepared to inatway from the (first and 1)tst con,- A PERFLC:T TEA once take proceedings. Remember this is the cur the $6W,0J0 deficit which faces it. niandme.nts. They formed their Fed - last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. RABB. Small Quantities, Reeeiver of Wrecks, Goderich Air. Whitney's calm, uua}erate, yet oral alliance, and used Uuturio infiu- ill CAKE, LINSEED b1EALS Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891, able and forcibio presentation of the ecce, and indeed outario nioney-for cane was a Splendidsample of Parlia' they paid themselves, its usual, when 0 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel mentary speaking, giving evidence un campaigning for their Ottawa friends " Data The McKi/lo,n Mutual Fire the part of the. Opposition leader of a instead of fur the people of Ontario MONSOON — thorough and statesmanlike grasp of to effect changes in cur national Leg - public affairs. He contrasted the pros- ielature. They for their part., were nal I COOK, CLINTON. . Insurance Company. ent unfortunate condilion of the pro- content with appearing openly in the THE 762 it Vince with the hopes that were held struggle, but lent their official classes, FINeaT TrA --- out to us at Confederation by the lead- whose strength wits exerted in the IN THE WORLD TEA REMOVED. Farm. and Isolated Town Proper- ers of both sides, who declaircid that we. ifIantier that was f011lld to be most F_ROMTNETEAPLANTT 0THE TEA CU4, �/ ty only Insured. were to have an inexpensive form of powerful, and front the partisan stand - LL ®� local Administration, George Br0(v'u poillt RIOSt useful. Mr. G. W. HOSS, IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. NEROFFICERS. celtainly never, contemplated tit(' all- perhaps expecting recognition at Ot.- "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea Have removed their Flour and Food Store George Watt Presidcut, Harloek P. 0.; James nual four million dollar outlays, the ta•wa, at all eVeota ViOlatillg the 0011• IF ass sample of the hest qualities of Indian Broadfoot, Vice•Pros., S(af, rth t•. ^..; lt'. J; Shan- re ular deficits the growing debt, the dit;ions upon which he is a MinisteI., Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the Proal ,Huron atel street t0 the store on Albert g + street, Gately oeccupicd by G. J. S'rE. nun, Seoy.'Prata., Seafortb P. 0; hlichaci .� '"die, destruction of Qin' capital in timber, the atom ed osier tri t lie June crus atf u, selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they 1VART, where they will have much Tnaprotor a leateo, Seafortb P. 0. P P Quebec P g put it up themselves and sell it only in the original pleasUteinw�ltingoutheirOldCUHteltlt)rS nIRRCTOas, encioachment llp0ll 1rIllIllClpal 1'eVl'll- telling the people what he could IIOI packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence and as many new ones as it o Paver them ues,the swelling up of county dehts,the have known to be true, that the On. Put upin 3i lb., t lb. and 5 lb. packages, and never with a call. James Broadfoot, Seatorth; Mlebael Murd)e, Sea• threat of direct taxation, and the t rio Separate schools, of which he said sold in ba�tla�t.• forth; George Dole, Seafortb; Gorge watt, Barlock } b'��O•®•dam• Thomas E, Ha)•s,Semforthl Alex Gardiner. Leadbury brazen refusal which the Government he was the defender, were to ba es- ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. Thomas Garbutt, Cllnton; ithn McLean, ILipiin. hits made, evert to consider the sit•ua- tiablished ill Nlanitoba. No more de If your grccer does not keep it, tell him to write tr• Dill &Joyner, AORNTS. tion into which it hats dragged its. Nor plurable episode ill the campaign can Thomas amen , llarlock; Robert McMillan, Sea- (lid Sandfield Macdonald, of whurn Mr. be cited than that in which D1r, Ross STEEL, HAYTER dL DO. ,r forth and James CtInmingp,EgmendviCe• 'Whitney was a friend and pupil, ever' figured. What right has a Minister of 11 and 18 Front street East. Torontw Albert St,, Clinton. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- suppose that any party would be inad Education, who is supposed to repro - act other business will be promptly attend- enough, on a fixed revenue, to load us ed io on application to any ill the above officers ad- g + nellf, 111 a large mea SllrP, the [li,)i'al dreamed to their respective poet offices. down, even fur the purpose of swelling sentiwarils of the people of this pro- iso YEAR$•" ' ' ` Central Butcher Shop. up its official list, mail strengthening yiuce, to pledge us tuanother province EXPERIENCE. its partisan hold upon the province, to do that which he could riot have: COUCZI & WILSON FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS with Vastexpendittlres;uldd('bts• The belief•edwould beeffeeted?Seeing thal whole thing is a violation of the Con the Ministers used Ontario influence ' Hnb.e•ibers deslie t•n until)• the public ghat they fedetation understanding, a violation and Ontario money in pal tyy work for ,ave bcnght o,tt thu butolrering business lately eon- in which ever one of the Liberal Local their Federal friends, ill Lflance of ucttd by Air, Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the Y tune nndertheir personal amp..rvicim,, Orders will Gut'erumeuts throughout the Dotnin• their own principles, we need not be rave prompt and careful attention. Fresh mets of ion has pat ticipated. surpt•ised that then• followers clauloui•" TRADE MARK8, all klwl+ will be kept in season, sold at re tsonable ales and dolivered anywhere in town, But Mr. Whitney dict not, confine, ed for the sou-obsorv.Lnce. Of that DESIGNS, ARTHUII COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. BAKINC hirnself to the financial issue. Enter_ clause ill their platform which prohi COPYRICHTS &c. OLINI'UN.lllg upon other qucstiunS, he condernn- kited their appointillellt tooffic'.. The Anyone sending a sketch and description may ed the absolute neglect of t•he Public clamour bore Erol[. The Government, quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. communications strictly ER SHOP School 5ystell), the official partisan- guilty in Iespectof onecommandnient, oO..derittal. Oldest agency for securing patents CENTRAL BUTCH POW''DER ship, and the avowed 1)ulicy of boodle, was forced to be guilty in respect off in America we have m Washington office. ' Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive up in which the Government has em- tilt other. As a, consequence we have special notice in the FORD & MURPHY, THE COOKS BEST FRIEND barked. Ori the litst Point Mr. flardY the long and interesting procession of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, I.ARGESI' SALE IN CANADA. is the authority for tile' Tulin Minis- independent members from theirseats (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Y g beautiful)7 Illustrated, largest circulation of Having bought out the above business, we intend __ teraLl principal. Ile emhaltlled It in his in the llellse to their snup"offlces, with aup_scientl1668urnal,weekly, terms $3.00avear; --- speeches at London, Brantford and a nett/ procession ready, and pre�unl- Et -50 six mou be. Specimen copies and IIANI) to conduct it on the cath principle, ,•nd will supply - BOUK ON PATItNTti aunt free. Address our customers with the best meati at the lowest pay. A livell-Fougllt Battle. Owen Sound, wherein appealing for ably eager, at any nlolnent to coal- MUNI$ & CO., ng prices. supp( rt he directed the people not to nlence the now historic March. Noone 361 Brea+wWlk Now York. FORD & MURPHY. The tight for sound government was vote conscientiously and for the public wishes to cast aspersions upon the -- — —� continued with marked success by the gc.ud, but for tile. material considers- candidates for- official positions at pre - Opposition in the Legislature Wednes- tions that each locality or Individual sent ill the I-Iouee. But was 111r. Blake LIVE BOGS WANTED. dity. Speaki» g ori Tuesday, illi. Al alight he aisle to derive front the Gov• miyinfurwed, did he wilfully traduces4 campl>e l dealt effectively with the ernme'nt of the flay. Tile appeal is a his fellow -members, When he declared _— gnestiuu of our provincial timber re_ (lid appeal. The principle It voices that the official prizes robbed thele of When Ola sources. He showed„ that the Govern• is the lowest inn mean %t in politics, their independence, and their constitu- Y Highest Market Price Pa,d. went took office to find not only a the origin and source of corruption in envies of that honest representation plant seeds, plant ( splendid cash reserve in .the treasury, this and other countries. It is a satis- which is necessary to the proper work - D . CAN1 ELONL , Clinton. but a huge forest reserve, out of which faction to know that in Alr. Whitney ing of our institutions? "From one vio- '+9s-tl further revenue could he derived. The the province has state3ulari who rises lated pledge to another was an easy FERMYS cash has gone, and the forests have superior to the dominating theory on downward step. A fumber stride of been pretty well cleaned it Timber the Government side . Mr, Avilloui`L�h- a like value was taken wben political J. E. BL.ACKALL, hang peen sold for a song, and resold by lly's speech was an excellent conf.riY)u- work hecatue a part and parcel of offi- Always the best. Veterinary Surgeon the capitalists for about, thirty times tion to the discussion. He closed with cial duty. We hava but to look next For sale everywbera and Veterinru Ins setae. as much as the province realized upon •L (notion condemning the growth of dour in order, to discover the evils of Y P the transaction. The large. timber has the expenditure, which was voted down the partisan official system -evils from D. M. FERRY & CO.. Oftlee on Isaac ytrect next New Fra Office. disappeared. - Trees that yielded 120 by 51 to 39-____ which the best men of the United Windsor, Ont. Residence, Albert St.., Clinton. feet have gone, and we are(town to the . _States have laboured -long and wall to - trees that, according to the report of EASY VICTIMS. relieve their country. The partisan of - the Commissioner of Crown Lands,firer is not the servant of the province, B. THOMLINSON, yield licit ei�hty feet. The estate is 1 Large Percentage of Members but the master of the Minister under, VETERINERY SURGEON9 rapidly vanishing. But while it is in the Commons Suffer from whom he. is employed. Dominated by Catarrh -The Hope of Fifty the political worker, whurn he has paid Ali Ancient Nail. llonormr) Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cit. slipping away something else is grow hound in Dr. Agnew 's Catarrf,al with public mons the Minister dare ,ego, Toronto. ing up, namely, a debt of respectablep y' 'treats all d)gess,s of Dome6lic Animate an tL6 proportions. Powder -They Tell Their Own not regulate or attempt to control Ilia It, is stated by one of our English coi+- most modern and Scica,tific Principles. It has been pecten Sed for a lung Gauls Story of Successful Recovery creation, Nor can hes check the tell- temporaries that while. lately s.lwing a Day and Nlsht Calls Promptly Answered. that is have re debt. This pretence Through This Remedy. dungy to add to the number of the beau, taken from the roof of Winches- that Street. Womt,clinton Ont. has been sustained by ii skilfull but Statewhen rted party men. The time -- --- by no means honest muni ulat.ion of Mr. W. H. Bennett, lYlembe- of East mums when i local Minister could even ter Cathedral a nail about 2} inches r, p Simcoe, and forty-nine others of the prohibit an officer from taking part in long was discovered in the middle of Trowhl l the finances; and can be kept lip no Hou.e of Commons, have, over their municipal affairs, on the ground that GBU1 longer. Mr. Kerns, in an able speech, own signatures, told of the good effects the pul)lic service required full and the piece about 9 inches from the Sur - exposed the juggling on the accounts, of Dr. Agnew's Catari hal Powder. complete att6rition. Today, Ministers face. The. only con elusion to be drawn Horseshoer and General Black- more especially with the nunuities• What the remedy has dune for these cannot insist upon illy Such prohibi• front a nail in that position is that it The old claim that annuities, or money Parliamentarians it is doingfor thou- tion. The time was when office was smith, borrowed to he paid back in yearly in was driven into the young oak, and ts, is not debt, is preposterous. sands of others in public and private given for Merit. To -day the politicians that before the tree was cut downatalmenwhom ,be Street, North, - Clinton. Will it is pretended that the Federal life the Dominion over. With cold in practically direct the Ministers who, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. the head it gives immediate relief in- frurn ampng themselves, to appoint- wood lead grown around the nail, thiLt Government would be out of debt if it side of half an hour, and s little per- and how many. The system has im• procCss likely occupying a couple of Woodwork Ironed and first class material and turned its bonds into annuities and sevHrenCe quickly rids the head of all pressed itself upon the virions branch- centuries. It. 6 assumed that the work guaranteed; farm impiements and machines floated, year by year, an ever-growing trouble. It is easy and pleasant to es of the service. It is a degrading and beam wits introduced ill the Course of rebuilt and repaired. crop of annuities In order to cover the arse and produces no hurtful after costly system, impairing the service, the reparation of Winchester t �•Lthe- instalments as they fall due "The an- effects. -Sold by Watts & Co. and adding in a material degree in the dial, which was undertaken by Bishop nuity plan of borrowing may he con- waste which has confronted its with Walkelyn and earried out between Card of Thanks. venient. It may have its advantages. Amusing, if not Instructive. direct taxation. 1079 and 1093, but it should 1)e r•eniern- But the annuity is a debt,as certain as _- ed that sortie of his successors had her any other fors» of liability is a debt. A London Periodical recently offer- Mr. Hardy's log-rolling-`-you-vote- works executed up to the end of the TO 111Y MANY PATRONS: Mr. Marter, while dealing freely with ed a prize of the best collection of nn_ idea 9 -and- moralle-Wy -glue-you is it rs"- 14th century, when iV s ora io Wyke - TO Y P, idea is morally bad. It is a direct barn commenced his restoration. It is 1 desire to tender lay sincere thanks the, extravagance that provails, focus- intentionally amusing advertisnients. importation from the United Statea,an thought that in any event the nail for the very liberal patronnge accord• sed this question of our financial po- Have is a part of one list. It ernbodies imitation of the worst phase of poli- roust have remained concealed for sition and the relation of the annuities illustrations of the curious effect tics in that country. This much, how- pearl 1000 ears. ad me in the past and to inform the. to it in such a wily all to brit the which the misplacing lacin of a COnllua, or Y Y public that I am still in the Carpet Y g P g ever, must be said for a ; it isnot touch p I facts home to everybody. Let It he of a word or two, often has upon the worse in principle than the distribu- , wedving Business on East Street, remembered at the outset that the meaning of it sentence : tion of offices as prizes for members For Over Fifty Years Goderich, next the Bicyclo Factory, Government came to office and found "Annualsale now going ori. Don't of the Assembly, or than the giving of Personal and mail orders will as usual no debt, and seven. millions of cash o elsewhere to be cheated• -come in Mas. Wnfiliovv's moth v, 5vnvP has been g positions to men Whose Chief duty used by millions of mothers for thole children receive rem t attention. All dlnsses and Dominion bonds in the treasury. here." after their appointment is to look while teething. If dLstnrbod at. night and P P It found also the huge forest reserve broken of your rest by a sick child sntroring of work a specialty, at the lowest pee• of which Mr. Miscampbell has spoken, "A lady wants to sell her, piano, as after local party interests. It is re and crying with pain of ('uttin�l� Teeth send r,t she is going abroad in it throng iron markable with what confidence the once and yet a bottle of ' vers. W insiow's Rooth sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- and a people carrying in thou Gnu- " Ministers advance doctrines that tire ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re. teed. nicipalities-for the provincial Minis- frame. „ imrnorlLl, and pursue lines of action Novo the poor little entPcrer immediately. De- ters had not coullnenced to filch the Wanted, a room for two gentlemen which th.: aid Reform party Pr endupoll It,motherm, there lsnomistakeabout, W. A. Ross, East street, municipal revenues -light taxes and about thirty feet lung and twenty feet int. It cures Dlarahma, regulates the Stomach light liabilities. Here Is the condition broad." ed. .rhe explanation is the long re- and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the GODEiCIC11. gown, the beliet that anything will go. Gams,rorlucosInfliLnunation,and ivestoneand to -day. "Lost, it collie clog by ti man on Sat- down, the feeling that the Premier onergy tothe whole s)'steln. '•MR•s. WNRIOw'A Debt owing to railway ....... $1,99W,593 urday answering to Jim with n brass Soothin Syrup" for children toethfngis plot, TO THE FARMER S. y bol is the province in the hollow of sant to the taste and is the prescription OP ono Annuities .... . .......... . . . .. . .2,000,800 Collar around his neck and a muzzle." tris hand, and can do precisely as he of the oldest and bent fenialo physicians and __ ----- "Wanted, by a respectable girl her )leases. That Mr. Whitney should Iltlrses in the United StsLtes. Price, twenty-flvo study Your own interest and go where Total debt ..... . .......... .$4,899,193 ossa e to New York, willing to take confit a bot.tlr.. Sold by ^.11 drttggtatrl through you can get P g g ave declared for betterand safer Orin out the world." BcAnre and ask for "Mas. Against this we have the following its_ care of children and a ,{nod tailor." ciples, for cleat' methods find non -par- Wrxsrow's SooTnINc SrcrP, �leliable Harness. Rets: `•Respectaable widow wants washing tisan officialdom, is a good sign of the w_—..-____.._- Cash in treasury. • ............ $ 228,280 on Tuesday." times, a1zaC to a d. Drains a debentures......•.... 389 208 '•For• sales a I)tnoforte, the property pert _ One of the fads of file yeas (hast ill _ _ I manufacture none but the BaeTot+Bmce. g P, P' } Y -- .- - Beware of shops that sell cheap, trsthey have - of a musician with carved legs." the newspaper business was illusany pot to tiee Rte• Can and got prices. Orders $ 616,2Q8 ,, tion, bu t wH notice 1 hat n;gt eat many JOHN RIDOUT. by mail promply attended to M.Brown,furries,begstoannuuncH �a0'psoyfa;e es Deduct the assets, $618,208, from the that he will makes rip owns, of es, papers which undertook v print. pie - Deduct •tom � P ',iall]iYlggisol „•asuoStmnT tures-which were ul' no value either CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, rTC, sJ 00I••I,JN $ELL. debt payable, $4,899,193, and the actual etc., toe ladies out of their, own skins." oo paeosd sq ;t or 'Ilalgnori JOAH as news or art --arc wisely giving u}r — HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTiiONT obligations are $4,283,987. It has been "A boy wanted who can open oysters p>mpooiq.ro;autalpaw0'.toloopnuq; I aro Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. _ , n tremendous jump from a cash sur- kith a reference." za;iaq panodmoo Qalao e,Solnuliq the attempt. It takes special prHs�es plus of seven millions to a net debt r- zapTauoo I •unm matt a 031H Taal I and the resources of it great engraving 0liice-HURON STREET, CLINTON. GO TO THE X957, "Bulldog for sale, will eat anything; pus Inameviro¢gSin uloTgaonoql establishment to do this thing avert $4' very fond of children." pus 1poAourax uoaq aeuq ST111inoTi Thrtt is one reason why THE ILLUH- Union Shaving Parlor But the loss of the timber capital -zed maid ;q4 vo aQolldn.ia eqy„ TRATED BUFrAT,o RxrRI':ss succeeds Wanted, an organist, and a buy to makes the case worse; while the fort- where others fail. It hits facilities in of res onsibilities upon the mini- blow the same. 2 EALiUn CannteIon Bros g p P _ p 11 possessed by no other, newspaper t in the Wanted, ahoy to be partly outside ronntr As iLresnL'• it lends the press For first-class Hair -Cutting and partly behind the counter." Sl unoduao an la -�(1a a 3 i r and shaving. P � %1 1 � to day, loth for the :Let and the news vl•ENERAL GROCERS do PROVIS- "Lost., near Highgate, archway, all VlL]tie of its illustrations. Its every Smith's block, opppoafte Post Office, Clinton umbrella belongin to a gentleman 9 g XL a 1 U H w 101VAOUa.1 lClal isue is a veritahle magazine of Irojd ION MERCHANTS. J. EMERTON, Proprietor. with a bent rib andl hone handle. "Widow in comfortable circurnstall_ -SAS pi1E aaAl2 tplEaLl ,1.iayl.lnd things. - Grocl ery, Gla331b Otinavwrr? OWN ces wishes to marry two sons." r the cornedinn F WANTED. -Old established wholesalcHouse poolq dz*1ECU m ax, , well-known AIbBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. wants one or two honest and industrious re- "To bedisposed of, a mail phaeton, the P00 lq L S Si in these parts, died in Huntingdon, presentatives for this section, Can nay a bust- of a gentleman with movable Quebec, Inst Sunda weal[ it the a Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs ler about $12.00 a week to start with, Drawer Purest and Best for able an airy 1 property g y ge 62•Iy 29, BRANTFORD, ONT. a No adulteration. Never cakes. headpiece as good as new. Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe. of 38.