HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-17, Page 1F
,... �'�E HUR,ON
-44 _ _ _
_'Lr1UU18-0.A5per Annum, 1.00 In Advance. — c.' -i - INLIRPPNDRNT IN ALL THINGS—NEUTRAL IN NOTHING A. M TOTiD, Z011or s►arlOwner
Wine. --,ow•
Goderich. -
1 -` —Goderich Township. I
W. A. M. A.
Belgrave. •
BRIEFS.-Tne tea -meeting the
A Few
-The King's Daugh-
-Mrs. John Middleton
—Mr. A.
tens acknowledge with thanks the fol-
was in London lastweek attending a
auspices of the Methodist church last
Askwith has beenexperirnenting
lowing contributions: A friend, $12;
Miss McDonall,
meeting of the Huron W. A. M. A,
Thursday evening was very successful;
the were $50. Eight
with a view to ascertain if possible a
$1 and parcel of cloth-
MOVED. --Mr. D. Cook, who has
proceeds about
of our chances for fruit tile
• ua =; clothin from Mrs. R. G. Rey-
no ds, Mrs. I cries Horton, Mrs, John
been working for Mr. John Middleton
dollars was the result of the social for
the little folks the following evening.
coming season. By taking twigs of
the ripple, Geary, and plus, and lacing
hs" This Wine derives its name from C. Martin, Mrs. R. S. Chilton and Mrs. for some time has left and gone to -Owingto the storm the attendance them in water and giving them as I HOW you call save souse dollars
Clinton to live,
=:;r the old Moorish town of Xeres, in Wttt• Proudfoot, If friends of the at the churches last Sabbath was very shower bath every two clays, in two this spring.
+, - + cause wish to help with clothing their SICIc.-Mrs. Jacob Miller is not im- slim. -The Christian Endeavor dropped weeks he bad the plain and pear twigs We can give you a pure, fancy
Spain. It's popularity extend, back contributions will be thankfully re- proving. Her daughter Maggie has its evening meeting . -W. Carradice, in full. bloom and the apple in three
About four hundred fears. We have ee>ived. Kindlydrop a card addressed come horne to wait on her. machinist spent Sabbath in town. He weeks. Mr. Askwith clarets that he W w
P P Worsted 1JL11t for
from the celebrated house of Pmattin, to Mrs. Hays, Goderich P. O., and par casae from Kincardine and reports can now by closely examining i4 tree
'WT, Mina, Mackenzie & Co., and war. cels will be sent for. InfPRovING.- Mrs. B. Switzer we tirnes there as being very dull. -As tell if there will he blopin Un it. The $1.8.00.
r ! rant opure wines of fine value, ileo SUNDAY, MARCH 21ST, is the day tip- are pleased to say is improving she there seertts to be a hitch over the ap- bloom buds are fl.ttter'ou top than the Au ;all Worsted Bair Line Pants for
(. Canadian Conlon Sherr at !ow Painted uy the general Assembly of being able to sit up for a while each point"' of a postmaster at Sunshine buds which produce leaves. The �a
B y the Presbyterian church for tite annual day. and Robert Armstrong droppin out farmors sitoultl try it, $4.00.
1. prices. of the race, we would suggest F. Dr.
collection for foreign missions, As tits LrrFT FOR HOAfE.-Mr, A. Switzer, Good (';utada Tweed Suits to or -
Foreign mission fund is in a very un- who was called here on account of his McDonald that he take steps to have NOTES. --Oliver Clark Land William
'' LACE Kennedyt t for
satisfactory ion fund
there will be a Belgrave made a port of entry and ap• Pidker are cutting wood fur Ephraim
y i mother's il►ness has returned to De- point Bob,BbArmstrong collector of Ca;e- Ball. I tell yon they are hustlers.- T, a' 1 1.�� t0 c 1 �a.0�.
debt of $30.500 on the 30th of April), troit. Loins. We would guarantee that ti,ere g grip
�' ; Clark had as slight attack of lea ri
The Clinton Liquor Store.• the week beginnhig March 14th is to NOTES. -Mr. Arthur C.antelon has smuggling with hiy eagle g For the BO S
� would be no srnu lot , last week. He is well it
he set apart fat• special prayer and g Patterson intends leavin Y fur Dakota Y C�
'9 the contract for the mason work of a eye on the watch --Robert Almstrong, F. a line of Double Breasted Boy's
special effort in behalf of foreign oris- Jr., grave a art to his iriendv and Friday 19th. -D. E. Munro has etigatg- it
avitli sailor collie and Fruacy
'; . srcans, barn for Mr. Chas. Whitely on the 7th l P Y
1897 "./�gR'tC�i►..+ con. -We tare this week called upon to. neigh ),urs one eveningld,st week,which ed Win. Habkirk of Dungannon, for braided for $3.50. Wehave c•heap-
189T P. M. (COURT. -On Wednesda morn chronicle the death of Mr. Thos. Ginn, was ver successful -Robert R,a +s Peddling this cotning season. -It is er and dearer ones too.
` aa4,rar! N" r1m. Wea 9&u. 7iia: .rAr. Y Y Y
' m„R 1 ¢ 6 ing the P. Di. heaud a complaint hq eldest son of Mr. T, W. Ginn, of Gode- visiting John Wightman for a few rumoured that llavid Paterson is tak- Men's Snits fromWilliam Blake, of Colborne, against c in an in$trrest in Howson s milliner $5.00 up,
` rich township, at the early age of 31 lays. -Richard Wilson of Blyth, was g Y r ; Z' 9 fO t�l 12 ft$ Win. Jenkins, A. D.I. Polly's driver. the nest of Jaynes Owens lust Wed business this cuminseason,-Robert&3J A spacial line of ries fur Yac.
,Blake had bon ht a do from a resi- years. gg
g g acacias, and Thursday. -Hugh McLean Jones visited Mr. elwig's last Snn-
�_,,,,, " 15 16 li 18 19 20 dent of Saltford, and while the rig -in PRESENTATION. -At the last meet- leaves for the Northwest next Tuesday day. -Robert Rohertsun is engaged •OBS®efi®
21 22 W 24 22,j ,2(j W , which he had tied the animal wags ing of L. O. L. 189, Mr. Peter, A. Cook and if the prospects are bright enough1. with A. T. McDonald tiny the sumutpr.
2� �O Cj� raft rwr.. iwa.r stopping at his mother's residence uu was presented with•a beautiful Bible he will return and take his wife and Mr, James Young intends enhuging A. J. HOLLOWAY,
�� un nn a. South street, Jenkins cattle after hire by the members, as he leaves shortly family with hint in the autumn. his mill in the spring. -Mrs. John
ye.. - and claimed the dog ass his. Winds for near�Lucknow, Ile has been a _ Willard is very ill at present, we hope CLINTON.
and a scuffle followed, Jenkins taking faithful and valued member of the - ~��- to hear, of her quick recovery, -We mom.
Goderich. ppossossion, and the suit followed. The Order and his contemplated removal Ashfield. are glad to hear that Miss stout is able - ---.-- -_ ------
P, M. adjourned the case Lill Saturday is re+=retted on all hands. OI3I7'L7ARY.--Mr. Joules Stnith, of tet teach again. -A sleigh load of young Ali^h (oFlrl of Justice at
i'' MlssloN BAND. -The annual enter- to look up some. la,w points on dogs. the 12th con, West Wawanosh, paused folk visited Mr. Thos. Hamilton Fri- Gader.ich.
' tainment of Knox church Maegillivray E. N. Lewis appeared for Blake rind L. VERY SAD. -There died at Niagara awe on the 8th hist. in the 76th year day evening passing the time ill games
;,Y_; Mission Bland will be held on Friday, E. Dancey for Jenkins. On Saw Falls on Friday last Isabella Fitz cr- Y Y and other amusements. Miss Bella,
of his age. Deceased, who was well Taisrur,E cII!>,r •I[ dTicE:►R�fuvit.
April 2nd, 1897. the P. M. delivered it judgement dis. old, daughter of Mr. Peter A. Uoo of known and highly esteemed was who was one of the number, took ill
EARLY FLOWERS.—On Wednesday, missing the case. this township. The lady, who )eaves among the first settlers of the town- early in the evening and was not able The spring session of the Higir Court
,"I gardener Charles Wells picked in his --.r--- an infant a few months old, had not ship, having settled in 1857, ou the to come horne till morning. -A. E. of Justic•c• opened at Goderich on Mon -
garden several very fine pansy tilos- McKillop, been in good bealth for some time, far;ut :where he died. For many years Uuliis is expected home from the Soo date of lii5t week tit I.•f5 p. ill., Hi:r
soros, the plants of which were in fine and her death is deeply deplored. She ast he suffered from rheumatism, but this comming week. -A very happy Lordship Chief Justice Arntuur are4id
condition. This beats daisies. ITEMS. -Mr. ,Arid Mrs, Gray attended was papular with a very large circle of �• event took ]ace at the residence of l
tis health was otherwise good till a N ing.
i" ON THE GROUND. -The contractor a religious meeting in Hibbert last acquaintances in this section as well as few months ago, He was taken ill Mr. John Knox Thursday it being the
S:thbatth.-The Mimn Brothers have in Clinton. The remains of the noble tr Warren et til vs, Jackson A al, was'
for the stand pipe has already placed with stomach trouble and despite the marriage of his eldest daughter Eunice
purchased lot 12 on the 13th concession young woman were conveyed to her P to Cases Way of Manitoba. Mr. Way
an actino relative to stn illegal distress
's,. considerable material on the ground efforts of the best medical skill, ha Y Y seizure. At the rinse of the case His
read forPacing and as ever late is 'and are busily ei.gaged turning the former home in this township and the and his bride leave for their rairic
y p g y p grew radually worse, till death re- P Lordship reserved judgment,
'. bored and hent, it will onlyrequire tiilrber on it into lumber. -Rev. J. P•• funeral took place to Clinton cemetery home March 16th. Our good wishes P j df,ment, intimat-
q lieva:d is sufferings, His widow and g ing that he woutd'render his decision
rivettin to finish the ob. Westruan preached a sermon against last Monday afternoon and was large- familyhave the Sympathy of all in gat with them and may all their troubles
g dancing and kindred evils in the ly attended. General and hPartfelt Y Y be little hues, -On account of cue es in Taranto at a future day, L. E,
THEY ARE CO-MING.—"The Langdon church in Walton circuit. one Sabbrith sympathy ath is expressed for the deeply their bereavement. His remains were Dancy for pill., W. Pruudfuot fur
11 Dramatic Co. is one of the flnest that Y P Yp Y interred in the Dungannon cemetery. the wires breaking on Sunday by the deft
recently. --Word comes that a young bereaved relatives. storm we were without electric lights
ra, has ever held the boards of the Messen- ----�� � m -- g Steep vs. Shuttleworth was adjourn -
ger man in the employ of hiy. Alex. Gar- Sunday evening. -Our town daddies P j
. ger Operaa House." -The Argus, Golds- diner hits bad •a hand taken off in a PnoonESSIVE AND SUCCESSPUL•-The Brussels. ed to the June session of the High
boyo, N. C., Jan. 1st, 18f17. The_abovu intend holding a meeting Thursday Court.
V. cutting box. -The swampers have all McKillop Insurance Company has S.>D ACCIDENT AND DEATH. -Short- evening in the fire hall to consider the
" Company will be at the Victoria Opera returned to the settlement, this branch settled Mr, Jno. O. Elliott's claim 1 before 12 o'clock last Saturda. ni ht P
House Monday, Tuesday and Wedras- y Y g advisability of chore fire protection. Messner vs. Wolff, tan action for se -
of business being done for this season. fire _ duction, was meal by
_' day, March 22, 23 and 24. -Tile Bell brothers were out on Tues; satisfactorily for the damage done hle ndkoab carn�ulthen arnetan3ahorame Y _- _____, jury. At the
conclusion of the evidence the jury
� BIG TRAFFIC. -Last Thursday J. T. day last hunting for a hear. Bruin; residence by fire a couple of weeks ago. tx Conrpty Currency• retired, and after an absence of fifteen
{a Goldthorpe tallied the nuniher of however, kept out of the tvay, his Mr. Elliott la a man who has made carts on the double quick. Before they minutes returned into court with a
had been taken very far they were James Holden of the 6th line, Morris, verdict for led in and
teams passing his store in Saltford tracks bi-iug all that was discernable• himsell a mccess under the N. P. stopped on the intelligence that the has gone to Manitoba to seek his for- Lordship directed judgment His
ik coming into town, and gives the num- -The fall wheat has come out, beauti- He and his two sone farm about 440 fire which was at Will. Ainla 's. resi- tune. P jird ment fur that
:, ber as 665 teams and 123 loads of wood. fill and green from under its snowy. ' Y rtruount and awarded full costs. E, L.
i' This is only one of the three leading covering; it bus a resat deal to con- acres of Inud and own it all except 70 deuce, was out. But to the sad sur- bit. David Hanna of Morris had the
Elliottrise of a large portion of Brussels, the misfortune to dislocate his shoulder Dickenson for plff ; the deft, was not
r"a. tharougllfaares into town and shows tend with yet, all the same. --John ncreP. Mr, I lliott has assn a floe represented.
terrible news was told on Sabbath while drtnving logs, P
,4; what the country trade means, Muldoon and wife, Henry Galbraith brick block in town estimateli to be morning that Miss Lillian Ainley had Elliott vs. Elliott, all action for the
{ A SCOTCH NIGHT. -Inverness Cam aand the Misses Parrish, who were Mrs. Bowden of the township of
1 worth X10,000 and it will only be a been most seriously burned b the ex- P construction of a will. After evidence
O. S. have engaged Miss Alex- passing the . winter in Outarro, have Y • Colborne, died ver suddenl last Fri-
_ .s matter of time until the last dollar im Plosion of a hanging lamp, which she y y had been given His Lordship Elland
in:I Ratnsrr for au evenin s en- returned to their horne in Manitoba.— da night week. She leaves a bus-
tri• kintnent on Thursday, April 8. Quite a number of horses havechan ed cleared off. Mr. Elliott has faith in was in the act hf trinwing out before y g and directed that. the defendant Jno.
#d; y p g retiring to tett, and that her father was band to mourn her demise. They had Elliott is entitled to the rnanies of the
Diiss Ramsay sings as well as recites, hands in this section recently, some of the country and is a firm believer inerer s inno family.
and several of her miscellaneous nun- them going west air(] some to the old the National Polio It would be a hiseffortsto s vefror his daughter'sburned life Mr. �V. Lawson, who has Leen livin oft h� � oxeciaithrs.nor T�Thet costs the
of hands
`'� bers arc handsomely costumed, She country. y'g
has won the warmest praise through- --__ _--_ _ synod thing for the Dominion if we The explosion sounded like the crack on the Westeutt farm, Hallett, intends Parties to be aid out of the said
gg had more John 0, Elliotte, of a rifle and when Willie Ainley saw residing in the state of Idaho. moniesr. P. Holt for plff, ; W. Proud-
. out Canada, and is said to equal fan Stanley. his sister, full to the floor wreathed in foot for deft.
Maclaren himself in her reading of his _____-_-.--- flashes he nabbed a Mr. S. Johnston, Hinon Road, left
� inimitable sketches. NOTES. -We are sotr to hear of coach quilt and blanket last Tuesday for the Old County in The court adjourned at 7.30 p. til.
h, Y Morris• from his couch and attempted to smo- Y y' Court opened at 9 it. m•, Tuesday,
"1 CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS,—Mrs. Mark another member of the family of Mr. they the fire, but in her desperation charge of a number of horses for Mr.
`'I Turnbull returned last week from a Wm. Clark having typhoid fever, COUNCIL. --The council met pursuant Miss Ainley made a rush from the Robt. McLean. pursuant to adjournment.
visit tit London. -All the si ns around The others who have had it, we are to adjournment, members all resent, room, screaming tbat she was beim Mr. Clem. Newton has rented from Busch vs. Bengough, an action for
' _" g glad to hear are recovering as ra tdl J P g lx
the harbor point to a bus season for g g roasted to death. Mr, and Mrs. Aiule Dir. Cox the farm on the Cut Line seduction, was the first case called.
P the peeve in the chair, minutes of last - y
•", 1897. -It is expected that the new sash as can ho expected. -Miss Minnie eh- sprang from their bed, and,while the Goderich t and moved their last At the conclusion of the evidence the
i,,: eter of Lucknuw, is visiting her sister meeting read and passed. Tenders p'' case was given to the jury, and after,
and dour factory will be in operation farmer was endeavoring Co pull Off the week. g j Y+
li'', by the middle of April. -T. W., eldest Mrs. James Reid. -Miss U. Brownett of were received for the building of burning underclothing rho mother an absence of one hour and fifty min -
'n son of Thos. Ginn, Huron road, died Goderich, paid as visit to her home r e- Clegg's bridge and the tender of Duff seized a pail of water and threw it a Rev. F. E. Ray, at present rector at ales, a verdict for $300 damages was
�" last Thursday after an illness of ,earl cently,-Miss A. Rathwell, who spent p g
a"+ Y & Stewart found to be the lowest. on bar frantic drtughter, putting out Clitndeboye, will return to his charge rendered. Collins for plff.; Dickson
tAr. three ears duration, -The base ball the winter months with her aunt in Wallacebur owing to the fact that for deft,
y the fire about her head and shoulders g+ g
.; social club hada edro art on P'ri- Detruit, has rehnned.-A number of Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Rev. W. F. Brownlee, who resigned Blake et al vs. Jarvis et al an action
and tile. balance was soon mastered.
day evenin.-DIi. Nixon Sturdy is the young full: of the Front road spent Thos. Code, that the tender of Duff & Although all of this happened in a• from the Clandeboye parish, intending for possession of land, was tried with-
, . got, to build a residence in town.- a very enjoyable. time at the residence Stewart forbuilding said bridge for the minute or two, the sufferer received as to go to Africa as a missionary, has out a jury, and lasted till the court
r x, Thn -Horticultural Society will meet of Mr, John McAsb, Varna, Tuesday Burn of $625 be accepted, -carried. ver severe acorchin from the top of given up the idea, closed. After hearing considerable
evening. -The choir of Bayfield road Moved b M. Cardiff, seconded b Geo. Y evidence His Lordship reserved ud -
Y Y her head to her feet, face arms and
" _ in county clerk Lanes offlca to -morrow Wednesda mornin last at it a. ni. P J
k,, evening. -The The bio cle club for 1897 Presbyterian church after occupying u Kirkby, that the Reeve be a pointed hands bP.ing the worst. Willinv hands Rev. H. W� Jeans, of Listowel, tied ment. Proudfoot and Holt for elf.;
r lowly position for sometime, have now inspector for the buildin of Clair-' Campion for deft.
:f will he the strongest ever organized in „ P- $ o e and feet carne speedily to the aid of the Goderich.-As soon as weather will now been called up higher', viz., on P Y the matrimonial ktew at the residence P
bridge, -carried, l�q.eu Dy Wm. Ys- parents and two physicians were soon Duringthe morning the Grand Jur
the platform. Some of the meinbero bister, seconded h Gila',. Kirkby, that P of Alex. Ellis, Queen street Brussels,
,,. permit the addition to the boiler house y y, in attendance end the anent tended g � Y
feel their position very keenly, P Y between �Vm. Uakiev, of Morris town made the following presentment;-
5;r lA the water works will be started.- we expend $100 each on the East and cored :or. It is said that the lamp and ship,and Mise Charlotte Banner,
ir. M, 0, Cameron ie eotlduc'ting the --- West boundaries and $50 on the North chimneywere blown into a thousand "We, tyour we Gaud Jury, beg to un-
adopted daughter of Mr. Ellis, ort. that we have examined the coun-
l' Crown husliiess at the Sarnia assizes . boundary, providing the adjoining specs. One piece of lass was taken P
ii lughain. d p p g This week we chronicle the death of ty jail and find that at present there
.. this week. -Prof. Welch the phrenolo- municipalities expend equivalentaums, out of Miss Ainley's wrist. No are Lwent onecustody-
,. gist did a big business when in town. RPMODELING THEIR HALL. --L. O. -carried. Moved by M. Cardiff, sec- was done to the house as the fire was Elizabeth Nicholls of Hibbert town- Y prisoners in custod
It is said that he read nearly a thous. L. No. 794 Winghaui, at its last meet- onded by Geo. Kirkby, that Chas. speedily pttt out by Lhe aid of floor ship at the gond age of 73 years, 9 three females and eighteen males. Of
'"' and heads. -There will he an open in decided to take .100 of the mune Wheeler be aid 2 for repair Bod- months. The deceased, whose maiden the males one is insane and awaiting
P g Y P $ p g mats. No such accident has occurred
1K meeting of the Collegiate Institute made b the big excursion to Sarnisa min bridge, and R. Youill $2 for work name was Stoneman, was born in removi+l to the asylum. Two are
;��F � Y g )f in Brussels for many a ,esti, if ever.
s h Literary Society on Friday eveningg.- and Detroit last year and remodel on sidehoe,-carried, On motion of We are called upon to record the death Cornwall, Eng., in 1824 and was mar- awaiting trial, one for forgery and one
;' Otir, city fathers will meet on Frid:ag. the interior of the Ball. The floor Thos. Code. seconded b M. Cardiff, ried to Mr. John Nicholls in 1846. for seduction; fifteen are committed
Y of the young lady mentioned above, as va rants one is a feeble old man
iJ,' -Regular meeting of the Church- space will, when the work is completed the following pathmasters were ap- the closing hour of life was I o'clock They came to Canada in 49 and spent g ,
woman Q Auxiliarq in the school room be about ten feet longer than before, ppointed,nani�e_�l�y North Boundary, Cham: thursday morning,four da s froth the a,eat in the township of Reach near totally unfit to earn a living, and one
un Friday afternoon. -Those of our and the walls and ceiling will be re Henderson, Wm. Henderson ]'y. Fhw- llarlin ton. The then moved to is suffering from an incurable disease.
x. g time of the accident. The terrible g y Three are children
people who were sure spring was here papered with a light blue ingrained ler, Thos, Jewitt, M. • Robertson, R. burning of her neck, left hand and Co.. 10, Hibbert, the country then be- , a11, 4 and 2
Ii on Friday had hard times Saturday paper with border, etc., to match and Shaw and A. Miller. 1st line -Jas. arm and left limb were of ch a char- ing a trackless forest. She assisted Years respectively. ClThe remrainder-
• ,and Sunday explaining how the thing the furniture will be made to look like Fyfe, R. Maguire, M. Spence, A. aster that the possibiliI o Ater recov- in clearing the farm on which she are all strong, able-bodied men, fit Por
got mixed. -Skating hits been the past- new. When the work is done the Hughes, S. Thornton, J. Sellars, W. J. ery was impossible, and Atter a short died. any kind of work. These are all com-
)'' mitted for terms of six months down
i',.. ' time past few days. -The millinery members of No. 794 will have a lodge Johnston, N. Thornton and U. Bieck- period of great suffering she quietly
openings can wait another week with- room second to none. enridge. 2nd line -Wm. Casemore, and peacefully passed awe from time. The officio of the various Middlesex al one week. The three females err;
'I�:', out iii, ur to a yin hats, -B. Mac- Jan. Casemore, Jno, Perdue, Jabez P Y Y county officials are as follows: -Clerk, all vagrants, commitments not yet
1 . y spring NOTES. -The boot and shoe stock of Deceased was the eldest child and only 800. treasurer, 1.60(1; bridge commis- made out. It is to fact worth
;I r^, ' Cormaac is horne for a couple of weeks. Mr. Geo. Good was sold in Toronto for Jermyn, I• Farrand, D. .Agar, Geo, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ainley and $ ' $ g y of note
--The Goderich hilae ball club hats or- 49 cents on the dollar and is nein re (aldbtzck, Wm. Forrest and John Bell. was horn in Brussels. She was 20 years. stoner, $3.50 per day for actual services that of the twenty-one prisoners now
""L` 'r ranized for the year 1897, -Man of g 3rd line -Wm. Wray, Wm, Ho per and $300 per annum for services re- in jail only two are from the County
';�,:;;; , 6 Y moved to Ottawa. -Mia. Fairfield has Y+ P 2 months and 24 days old and was a small bridges; janitor of court house of oron. The others are scattered
• nue citizens believe thaat the Western sold her lot and dwelling on south half Thos, Proctor, John Garners, Jan. general favorite with all. Possessed of g "
:.. ' volunteer trainin cam will be in g , Th +ne, Jae. Moffatt, J. H. Sellars and and count buildings, $500; keeper all over the country from Halifax to
P of lot 46A, Minnie et. to Wm. Clenden 3 a fine voice she was welcomed to social $
y ' Goderich.-Drriggcst Jan. E. Davis has ning. The rice paid was $800. -Dr. Geo. Henderson. 4th line -John Proc- gatherings and at the time of the sad house of refuge, 350; matron, $200; as- (ollingwood. The ones from our
I ops of the best shows of frogs in his for, E, Br ans Geo. ProEtor, M. tistant, $120; inspector, $150; jailor, county are, insane one and the one
g J. A. and ,Its. Macdonald were in Y + a.ccident was preparing her art for a
windows to he aeon anywhere. -There Stratford Monde attending the frru Hughes, A. Speirs Jae. Kearney, R. ubiic entertainment to be en short- $71i(1 + first turnkeq, $550; second turn- committed for seduction, The insane
. are any number of rumours about the erul of the doctors cousin who died in Cardiff, N. Black. D. McKenzie and �y in Brussels. She was a member of key, $150; third turnkey, $41)0; night one has been in jail since May last, and
award'of the contract for the break- Texas. Jas. Duncan. 6th line -H. Johnston, the church and Endeavor choirs of watchman, $400; matron at jail, $400; we would recommend his immediate
water repairs, but so far as is known ._� A. Cloaky, J. Cleg , A. Clark. Win. Melville church for several years, assistant, $ici jail surgeon; $300, in removal n the asylum ; we would also
il - eluding medicine, recommend the removal of one Will,
,a no contract has been signed. -Plenty Miller, T. Clark, D. ommerville, Vi/rn• Death had no terrors to the subject of Russel to the hospital,
of good ice hats been harvested for West Wawanosli. Ames and Walter Innes. 8th line -J. this notice as she told those who con- Another old settler of the township p
'`{ 1807. -Mr. A, S. Chrystal of the Gode- Crashy,,T, Kelly, W. Michie,J. Cook, J. versed with her that "All was well." of Hibbert passed awe on Tuesday We would V,Mom mend the immediate
t•icl, hailer works has been awarded NoTI�S.-Mr. A. McCabe sold a span Th cell J. Smith Wm. Smith and J. P Y
of young horses to Mr. Lawson of Hul- Thera is no language odegnate to ek• evening, in the person of Elizabeth, attention of the authorities to the out-
` t`be contract to pat an additional boiler Robb. 7th line -R. Nesbit, Jno. Phe- pt ens the dee and eneral sympathy relict of the late James Jackson houses, its they are in tin unlit and un-
, iv,
in the water works engine house.. -tat lett for a good sum. loin, Wm. Kellyy, Wm. Cunninghame+ pelt and expressed fr the parntanmother of Mra. John McClacherty, healthy condition for use. Also the
Grtppe and severe colds were pretty DRATTI of AN OLD SFTTLER.-Mr. Jas. Kelly R. McCutcheon, Win. Me- brothers in their heavy beteaavemotat Clinton. For some years she had lived outlet of the drainage.
ptevalent the past week. -Rev, A. C. James Smith, of the 12th con., of West Call, R. I'iewley and T. Smith. 8th but they have th6 comforting assur- with her son Joseph, on the second ALFRED T. DAVIS,
r., Cr tvs p-eacbed in the North Street Wawanosh, passed away on Saturday line -Wm. Pollock, 11. Richmond, Jan, Ance•that "He doeth till things well.' concession,andtberesheendedherdaytr Foreman."
hodiet church last Suncl+ry morn week, in the 77th year of his age, De- Laidlaw, Wm. Marshall, Wm. Phelan,
in the 84th year of her age. Decent- The business of the Court closeaE
I, tri acid evening. -Dire. Wall n.nd little ceased who was well known and hi hl John .McCallqhey Wm, Skelton G. ' -- y g '
,;.r; son•were in town on Satturdity.-J. W. esteemed was among the first settlers McUallum H. Ja�ekson and Ge Rev. Rev• Rural Dean Hodgens has enter- ed was a native of Yorkshire, England shortly after two.
,I ynrith, East street, was callod ort Brat- of the township, having settled on the Coll. 9th line -Jags. Snell, R. Cocker- ed on his 8th year as rector of St. and in 1842 carne to this country with
onlay last by telegraain to Chicago. - farm where he died in 1857, and by his line, C. Taylor, Geo. Armstrong, Jas. Thomas ehurch, Seaforth. her husband and two eldest children, Mr, Harry Harris, a former residenf,
a"* , settling in Markham township, where of Hensall, died suddenly Miss Emily Hiltior returned on Sa.tor- thrift and industry secured for himself Shortreed, John Searle, Wm. Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Slcaxlett were in h y at Aylmer ort
they remained until 1867, when they Thursday last. He had•been ailing for
clay hast front her visit to the Detroit and family a good home. For many P. McArthur and John Roland. West McKillop last week attending the mar• Y
y P g years past he had suffered from i herr gravel road -J. Golley. R. Sterlin , T. riage of Mrs. Scarlett's brother, Mr. came west and took up Int 28, con. d J
at•nd Lundin milliner, o coin a. -The g same time atnd had 'ust returned fmrri
G g 1'ullarton, which is known as the old
(lorton block is being put in shape matism, but his health wits otherwise osman, and George Kraehhn ileo. Little to Miss Emily Robinson. a trip for the benefltof his health. Ile
�� homestead, and is now owned by Robs.
agaln after the fire. --Our readers will good till a few months ago. He was East gravel road -A. Bryan, A. Mr. and Mrs. John Hackett, who for Jackson. Five sons and as daughter,
wit a tailor by trade and had charge
t'ir; remember that Lord and Lady Aber- taken ill with stomach trouble and des- Forsyth, Wm. Oakley and James some years have been living under the Mrs John McClaeherty, Clinton, sur- of the cutting department of the
''' deen almost suet with a drowning ac- pite the efforts of the heatn►edical slcill Bulger, Walton village -Wilt. Smith. "Stars and Stripes" hgave returned and vine her. Her husband died Jan. 1883. Farthing establishment. He was a
r , cident while driving last year through he grew gradtrrally worse, till death re- Bel.Krave village, John L, Geddes. On will make Ashfleld their borne. Mrs. Jackson was well known as an prominent I. O. O. F. and was a tnero-
y,,; 4$o ppittish of Gatineau. Asa tribute lieved hitt ailfferutgs on Saturday, He motion of Thos. Code, seconded by M. Mr. S. J. A. Boyd teacher at Belfast amiable and industrious woman, and tier of the Sons of England. He server!
W ttlrrt parish for the kindness shown wise a man who enjoyed the confidence Cardiff, the council then adjourned to has been granted !cavo of Absence until really devoted to her family. She during the American War under (l rant
lite Vice Regal party at the throe they and respect of the whole cormm�n[ty, Wrest again ou the 314t May Par Court and took part in the great c valry
midsummer to pursue his studies at as now gone the way of all flesh.
the presented a magnificient bell to and his widow and family have the of Revision and other business. W. Goderich. Mr. S. Beckett is engaged Her remains were laid away in Trinity charge at Chattanoga and many
thele chur`c'h, sympathy of all in their bereavement. CLARK, clerk. to fill his place. ehtn ch cemetery, Y y other engagements, He also fought at
Ridgeway with the Queens Own,
, I."
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