The Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 301110.1210011010001.001010111.0111100,
The Rightful lleir
\o the I hnrnt. I've altars had
to lad' 0110 sneak :Mout like a whipped
cur. It's all up with :no noir, though,
and 1 oi'eht gs well GO11 to it first ms
last, mud there's no comfort in it. from
-begieeing to end; but when 0 fellow
once gets started in it, there don't, seem
to he any plaeo to stop, heocver bad you
limy- went to, Pd got I:1110 of hardened
to it, though, until -until that ,job at
llnitons, that you gut hauled up for,
1'(o 101 0d myself times without num-
ber for that affair, but 1. hadn't the grit
000 takemJ etnrrs• though,
if T did put on Witold front every lila'
claimed, with a shield:1i,as something
of the horror came leek to hint; "Inst'
in a reverend 11lie'"l know that uotlo g
which (iod send, upon ns, if it i; right-
ly borne, eon end in harms: nothing hot
our nw91 ci110 east do 11101."
"Aid you feel that way then?" 'Tom
asl:cd, mem -ding the young marquis with
"Not at first perhaps, lint it clone t,
atm after n lfttlo; for, .Pout, 1 lied n geed
Clu•istian mother,"
\v, nut so had I," lie replied, with
a sr h t1 ' •1 in what sounded very
liken soh. But Tout was not strong you
on spy (lead stood ea and when l save (:now, end 0nnsequently more easily
you stand Cup so proud and calm and take (noted, '
the :entenec and never squeal," 'She used to tenth nt0 that. .suffering
Tom was getting excited over the re- was often blessing in di,,gtnso."
menthe:nee and his whole 1rainp shook "1 never heard that doctrine before;
-while Earle cold see the perspiration sir" Tom returned. looking down upon
• that had gathered on his upper lip. hili omaeiotcd hands, 01111 thinking of
•Iles eyes wore hent upon his halide, his bandaged Binh, 11111111 was still very
width were trembling with uervotsn0's, sore,
or some other emotion, and his voice T 1i t think that
was not quite steady.
"You're re a gentlemen, sir, every inch
of you," 110 went or, after n few min-
utes of awkward silo100. ''l've bedud
charity piwelfho(l aboit no mid' of tittles.
unit eevet• 'knew ' what it mcaut 1)0(010.
I 5033050 you tvou't believe it, or tltinl:
t am capable of feeling it, [tilt 1 do -L
feel moan clear through, tl,ugh dI !lever
' would 11(.0,0 own0d to it heforik✓Here
Veen for'tlnee months 0nd°-moe;'leaking
sti deal"of trouble, being •waited `1130(1 Ily
30111"seevents as if I was a ln'inre, drink-
ing your wine, and eating all sorts of
nice things, that. I never thought to
taste, While you've tended me until
yonre nigh anent worn out yourself. I
tell you I,feel=glen, There, it's out -
I coul011), hold it any longe; end if 1
have to wear a ball and chitin all the
rp t'wf my life, 1 shall feel kilter to
think 1've said it, and 1 shall never for-
get,to City d}in( day that there was one
itan in the (world who ass willing'to do
a ldinl110ss to his worst tun0y."
1Ie had assumed a uru1,I111ss of lone
that had been unusual for the fisc few,
weeks, but Earle (:new it was done to
eever hie enaction.
1t was 'evident that he felt cvevy
word he 'uttered, Dud that the confession
had cost him 't great effort, as hie mer-
tousnnss and pallor testified. Hutt if yen should ever be free to. ire el l lv is iw lruvint^ dndy,' and will, (vel "Pei
It (lits npparemt also that he expected. forth into the world aiming you would 1 , I
e ten iter r 1r 11100." 1 001(11 bi''w' 1(, aShould:'yor feel anile to
no mcI 111(1 Its his reference 11t 1113 Botany ire ver lift .yo ,si f j 01011(1111 -1'o Mote/you will come direetld to
and the hall and elinin plainly showed., "T:tail: you, sir: iC islj;ind of ynnttil y
1?arle pitied hint deeply, a ed he had soy theme was the hnnb111 0031) • Wycliffe, cliffe, ((1(010 you will he cor1115h13 re•
cei(00, Inclosed Volt will find a 011111
01ieh coin' son would:have sent 'm1 be -
fare 1010 had hd been able to write. Vey
truly', Elide' \\1ync,'" •
A fii i-pouad note, had. been,miel0'41'd
011101, ihe let lel, at the sight 0f which
'font Drake's lips suddenly tightenedto a lirni 11110,' 'a"
He read the letle•0themigII, Ode when -
he had finished, it detpp d front 1 i Be-
gets upon the conntefllahc ,Andla3 tire•(
((Bile hr I greed his face teethe witll, end
for sone) '(iiuut s- did Trott speak,
"What did ,vox d0 11001,, for?"' de -
mended, et last, closest fiercely, hut
with lips that trembled in spite of 14in1-
".l'o,cunlfcnt cut aged, anxious moth-
er, and giro a sick fellow.14 chalice to'
see a 10(011iau face. ••Ida would Surely
like to see your nither; 'Cog1" .
"Yes; but it will die iittic.lord $n
the old fully tl hell ,he_!;;lds We'll have to:
part again s> soon'", he said, with, a,
stony 11111: i)1 his ores.:
-Don't think of slat novo," .Earle said,
Idiullw. 01'o there (uything more yon
10nnid hkc'me to weld to the letter?"
'Indo shoot: leis head, and picking (p
letter mild the may, tried t'h eepluce
tht•ntin the envelope, but his handl shoot:
role? Yogi• mettel' shtua i e,
1),1 11ti,tit,"i',ale .110,( b,,; 1'''((111
1,•t„t in the l i i:un ,
bit right 11 1 1 o 1'u •I d ..ills'
lily woe' You 1'e bad lice thea 1.11
is," I, Illi 111111.11
of '1r , Itdeer It 1
mord deeply thio ht had yet, m•.
11 eels eeid et ilea h, felt les Mete.',
tion to l,nri0 was t01 light tete.
Earle did not leplv', turd Int lint
.mein Hee door (panni,. ,old •( r.,1'1'i cu-
ed bearing a large t.t0)', invent,' with
l:;npLiun •111ay•of viand, that.tteteht.
hoer Clone the' heart of an epiculet good.
"100 mast be 10.11313', IOW, :Moe Lhi+
low talk, •o ((111(0 yon ,o, e') Lia; 1 n!i
;;u ,drat•, i have some letter, Lc
,site;' 1?ur1c said rising,
-'Punt looked up at hint with a trouhlyd
air, opened cd his lips as if 1 , I c1g1<, slue.
them again resolutely, find then finally
said, in 11 1ui11''rerJdess, halt'-humdde 1cay:
"Y011 eon 11(1:1' my euafhmss for what
it's worth, sir; 1 couldn't help it; hut-
Pd'lave been broken o11 the wheel Is-
forc Id have said es nosh to auyoa:
else. Tum 1)tnke'x home nothing hot
hard knocks for the last twenty wears,
until a bullet mill (tint here;'
Adnile (vent out of the :mom with a
('01y grate face.
"Lf L was only sure," he murmured,
with n deep-draw0 sigh, it he passed into
the library and shut the dour,
1, I I lIT011 XLI1I. '
At the. end of two hoof, Earle went
back to his e0,nge, with a letter in Itis
44033)104' you vvnu r not um : I>l 11:1110.
the wound [gave you tool the tett 1 e a `lour had liven much refreshed by his
sieknes 11.11011 les followed•weep biros- ,lice dieser, and had teen asleep for an
Inge, would yon, Tonto Earle'.asked,
with a smile 1(.s lie noticed the l-ook and
divined his thought
"Ilardh' that, sir. (clam 113' reason
Lolls me how 11 is all to end'; but,sill,
I'll say this noel+, my owl innther
couldn't, L Kaye been kinder no given me
better caret and, for 11e first time 10
my ill,•' I've lo,r,odl elicit, it isto trust
a minilie swirl, enenestlw
)int lie (00 lay with a troubled, anal-.
owl elpiessi0n on his Yact, ivlich Earle
e03ld not 'fail to notice, even though
Itie Ups r0laxld into a titbit 011(110 of
eeleou10 at lin 0ut0an00,
lie went op to the 000011 wl(ere he was
reeliniug, and said, as he handed hint the
letter': ' ' •
"Then', ^ u, 'I'om."' Earle retnrhrd, 1 f Would like, if you -feel able, to Imre
loi've lin cause, sir. 1 should have
k111Ald yeti ilei nirvht if 1` bad 1:110100
3o0 were theta and awake an then 1:0
wa•11-nonld have lest a
good neve lord
rained another 1mit'd('et 1'31 11'e, loot:-
ing lit. 11 in that um -et -510, Ntet'tcouml ]aril
the ,sickness were hlessilngein disguise.
as yon call them:' lie `13ot0'bided, reflec-
tively, 1110 he shiye'eil iliglttly as lie
von direct this letter to your mother,,
3.4 after tint yeti can read, it, if you
like. 1 hey), lliwight best to (('rite licit
s•,nnetlting of your illness, knowing that
011' meet be any aanxious at not heating
from you for , Imfg; 1. (could gladly;
hay,: .lose so I0Ll10 had yat spoken 0I
fhar.h ou ,ir,' 'Ping 5100, in a low
voice- 1W, taking the de11ehl10 itnd the
spoke, as if the thought of mime 1001 (0.14 tilled whit i111: that Earle had
acquired 0 strange horror to hila, ero(ghl hint, he directed the letter, le
VA'o will, not tall: of this any 1100 ;01110r a 1 hued, Then hr, nm
now, Earle said, fearing the omiteneed- folded it and tend the few sheep], werd0
would be injurious to him. ''t 001 0110 Lh1(1 vivre written within.
too glad that your life was'Ispllred and
1 did not slay won. even j,1 setfelefonec,
am ;tl:ul to 1)1100 else that 1 1(0we. gabm•
0d ton' 0etfidenec( 114,1 firmly believe
"110(11' \ledant,' it said )roar son has
heel! quite sick 11ueieg the past three
need Is. volt write this that yet may
fecal 1,o farther11110 ty' a uulint; hint,
grown to feel very kindly 10ward hurl "Sow• 1 want you to 1 01111t sontethinm
during his long siigo of suffering, 1•11.10 b1(
110 was
to men of 1q -small amount of old Earle continued, io ;e110(1're, 11,•
intelligence told, had evidently received • si;3e 1.
itemealer11101y good education before he 01 i hist lla reit, sir, and T imt•ml't
1114111 his career of crihle, nutl"hf lie iod I ;men bee for twenty year ,..tltclfgh pee
14etatted:eight ie life he would no double 1 sent 111,1' encug{,11 103(10 lei a good 1n'-
liave100de.n snuirt10iO3.' I ing all that,' ti10'1 I ukil tiq•-to-love
Earle had as vet 001)10 to no definite my 11101hei;t`,be.'nl1c1iiitidtll 0001( rather
decision as to what course lie 01000d par- eshauted to.roake confession Of a scnti-
sue regarding hint whet he should fully I meet 00 tender,
recover, and he could int bear 111 think
of it even.,
JTe knew that his sentence, if tried
and 1111110 guilty, would be :'-very aev-
ore 0110, aud his own sad experience 11101- years,'
orally made hint incline to the side of "\Vhere,:d'oex she 1fv1;?"
mercy, it ie pilau, in this,poutty,, sir."
"1111 'Tam, whatever-you1,3tmay hlrcc Merle nI;ltinglandI ».l'y, dist is oulb
been in the past, J do not eoneide• that e 1we,140 ft1em'0. 111irty utiles flim howl'
;you are my enemy now,' he said, kind- exclaimed Etude, in ; mdse.
ly, when 110 had emlchidecl :is etel eid '}-0s, sir. ,end if f had made n gond
el.''Ida, heal herr, 1 n is niug down 1,1'scc Ir.r.
"But 1 101( lir. I have dune you Ithe nnddsettic soniuthfine' hnndsnfn0' 00 her;"
worst (prong's nun morn do lI'lhl ( W(OtOe he frankly confessed, 1,111 his face flush.
(wronged you in every wlv-I'm it wretch ed nedcrt:rel s, i1t ilii hck000'led;`vuult.
and whatever they do wnth•n11. 1)13lservc W'ouldn'tyou like to em her 1(0w?"
me right, and 1'11 nevelt open, niy; lips,'' "01441 Earle;
hr said, excitedly. "Trot l 0(01(10, sir; rand L suppose lose ibr
of have, av30113arl me and 1 11.
les, y E3000 old lady has Leen worrying and
Irate suffered in you( stead the worst'
that; a luau can suffer. But that win"il ing w'ilt's 11,gipeu0dl t0 (110, 1ha1
disgrace 1 did not send my metal litter a1d
h all past now; my innocence has been ma,
established, and no shadowne1
of stain rests ."
on my more -John Loko's couf10ic'n Dna vela se1111 llrr 11(101Y regularly?'
uoeompiishod flint."
Earle began Co, think there was 11 lit-
give won 1paelc tit. 311011 spot MLitt. mains Heart after
"But sir, it' could n l r
(:hose three wears of yourlife that -•J all end, there might be slime. hnp0 0l' rr•
that of lost; ,you-„ ek,on11113"111(11 oven yet,.
Y 'thaw'itt three. menthe -sometimes
"No,"Earle interrupted, "but those
three years, long and weary as they eitorec sontethues lees, as 1113 1001: (00,
were, were not 'lost' by an means. Tom. but alw Iys something 1(0 often (a that,
They taught area lesson of patience end 1101''!! Its' ser menthe now since ,1''s
trust which, perhaps, I 1100er s1101lld 110 1;111 ,1 1'il,d ttn:n 1111), poor old
have learned it1.11113' 0111e1way. 11, 1x1(0 lie said, \title e si:le.
a•hard. Ilial -o 1bitter trial!" Earle ex- 'Why did you not toll me of 1''
C sell to, To103'
"f ginit fit 'to own love 'fe0• anybody
nowt sir l aid it would )300011',1I01' heart.
to know what ['v1) hcet,np to all these
Her system is called upon to supply
ent for two.
46I tl1011rlifhm
Some 'form of no irisbira''dlnt that will
101 be ersily taken up by mothers system
is needed.
411 Scoff s Emulsion contains the41:0 greatest possible amount of' nourish. ment in easily digested form.Mother and baby are wonderfullyhelped by its use.
Nursing baby?
It's a heavy strain on mother.
re IMMO=
11 Liniment -An
l:hnolu:o Odra for
1'"a '14 liifl 'tt(! (f
A t1ety. remedy to, but the ands In other countries have been
cued. Sen W1-. t , n ipso io til Tol >al0 111 0(11 00an til-. t , •tt prom 'u Tor >]Il0 11t� (11 0030 of Max 00,
Toronto, Noy. 21, 1900.
The Alex 011 00,, Tererl0, Oat.
Dery 04,-'rhlc le to exere, my a p :we:don 00r your rheumatism cnrc.
On the adwl •c 0L a Hood 1 veretn,rol a bottle. of Ajax 011 1,11111e:it for
rheunueiem, ops can satoly soy It eerlalely 13 a opeeltlo for rheumatism,
I snl0r l li',neely for yaw:; and d•icd ncavly 10003' known ro:ei3, also
had the adt;e:o 0 the best phyaidaane but without tiny setlsfnctory results (01
1 used your ' Ajax 0(1, and now 1 on safely say 1 am completely eased, 1 glee
Chir, tosthnoilel entirely une011cltr,d, 01' that others similarly afflicted may know
of your woudcrful tr00tment-Ajax Ott 110(10eut.
Youre very trulyf, Goo, MIllignn,
Mfr. "Arabella" 0131r.).
sold In 8 00. bottles -$:.00 per bottle. Rend 12,00 by Money Order or renis -
toyed letter :old you wilt rwcelve a bottle of, Alex 011 by return mall.
if rightly (11)1(11 with now, he 11113111 be 3,10 Drake dropped his tocc upon his
saved. ' Meets t r- hide the humility am rever-
Ridness had melted Ilius; then wlu 01111' Ile ;odd not speak, and the tears
had he not right to feel that kinduese be 0,111,1 net stay awl was ashamed to
would hold hint and mold hila anew? ,(v
Ills.Wasundoubtedly otic of those oat ,',,u,1' \V-031e'a enemy was utterly
ares 111110h grow leeklese 11101 harden 11.- muted al last ; he had stormed a citadel
self against everything like stern l(` ley s ;nothn0 of 1(00100,' hitherto untried,
fico arid pu1isluncut, and only grow mol 1 ,,lid it law in 1 oils at his feet,
desperate nt'the tho(fglit of penalty. "l afraid 1 do ant uuderstnnd.
If tried and sentenced ROW for the at: it 1(1(01' narrested or tried -
101)0 at robbery, oven thought he mlpl;t 1'nn Will not L m
retest himself deserving of it. '1)l: he I oio to he 11 feet, Ment?" Tom Drake
wouldgo .to his doom in dogged, sidl :I (f 'prentDe in lot( suppressed touts.
S "So; i,you aid, sentenced to drag 0111
silence; nothing (would vee' teach his bet- 11 elate toren 0f years as a convict, you
ter nature again, kind he would die as wouldbememne d;scournged, and be ready
uusenbe as Ile had lived. Or nlnulst atiy desperate deed if you
loot,' Earle styd;, gravely, after 1 should live to '(lura; tied, Tom,' 1 have
.thoughtful srle1ee„ (10tam„ white; these ,,,glue, to believe that You would really
things had pn850d through his mind,
"from 1 hatryon say; linage that von re-
gret 3000 past life, mei,. if you (pe0m to
live it over 03afo, you (would spend it
very 'tlif f o•entl y ."
"'Regrets w<m't do 100 any good, and
I don't like ' t" cry for quarter when I m
Ill.e to Iced a different life from what
jnnm 1101-. has peen."
`1 would, sir, I would; but I never
should have thought of it but for you
--bet for that bullet. It was
indeed, as you held, ''a Mewu(e.) in die
•I ,.1 (nne;tl•.
only getting 1(v lust d sett „ h sent, � ,;r 1'„0 ' 1'1) elid (cal. y tut y
e. �, • s 1, hie Ile smiled his tare,- luminous smile,
with e kind of neclaess bnnvery; � then � °
he ndded,:it•ith 0 heavy sighs that spoke I then std, (10'0l,1 1
'Then 1 •will Inelp you all ern, but
volumes: "$lit 1 thick it would sort
of comforting 10 a chap if id 00111(1 look you must do vent 011 ore also it cannot
live like
be dole 1:, a moment, and y,)1 must not
Intel' and feel that he'd tried to rbe o m'tlmu"
t1 man» . • � ;et tb u�
:e,h'n0d. it trill i l s 1(
capitalization of the Simplon'lunnel, Alt
the employees were retained.
'1'o -day Ito argument would find the
Swiso favorable to a relinquishment of
Ids railways, Not aiming at dividends.
the eelv>ce, has grown highly efficient.
,1 Irl
1 onf ll . f'tl9 the Lues in 11
to hest f
on dit'ian-
R1iat seems n high tate in comparison
to other European government-owned
railway charges is due to the m0(1111 noun
w11diti1n of Switzerland, 'J.'ho arcrn,eo
rate. is 1.35 emits per utile, no neediest
the 1.10 cents per mile paid inkier pri-
rate, ownership. 'Third-rin"s pas:mnite'(a
pay 1 mint a mile, while commutation
tic!;tLs for workingmen and rhikiran
bring the charge down 10 one-third of a
cent a utile, Monthly tickets mud half -
yearly tickets bring the eharj'e down to
the siusignificant:' sunt of 1.10 cent tt
T1( gnterantee the indepeude 1', of the
roads mid protection from politica, they
ere m to tgt'd by two directorates, the
first being o. general Oirr1'torate 001npos-
ed of seven /0011 appointed by the Siete
and the second consisting of five eir-
caul bodies of three men each, rein0sent•
ing agriculture, trade and industry. ('his
Reruns democratic management of the
highest type.
German Officers Who Say London Co4II1
Be Taken in 36 Hours.
10 a German invasion of England pos-
eibleY This is the question that some
of the preach newspapers are discussing.
The discussion was started by the recent
publication in Ge'ninmy over the signa-
ture of officers of rank and credit of a
statement that thirty-six hours after the
Kaiser expressed his desire to settle with
England London would fall into the
hands of an imperial army.
Tho affirmative ease is based on the
assumption that (Jeremy would not
wait for a declaration of war, but would
take .England by surprise, utaking a
daub at some unguarded spot oil tie
English coast somewhat as Admiral 'Po-
go began in his opeatione at fort Ar -
01100. The chis: would he grade from AV'il-
lelnl,hafen or the mouth of the Enis.'
A few hours sail at a time judiciously
chosen would suffice. to laud an army bo -
fore the British ships could ,rally to
sto ft,
Paul 1?ontin, formerly y secretor to Ail-, y
nir:al :Aube and an expert writer of
strnteeie 1 e 1
uestioue,,is one of those who,
in the abstract, consider an 1(10110011' of
001,1111111 poi si1110 'Pio defective English
dkc this tvuund of �,'nnrs sin, liar I•he
dimly system; lie thinks, subjects the
"Then why not try to live like a `man 1 coarse, to constant daug30 of Myaei0n.
elle t has 111tMU1 elrsp--1,111 dise(ac nes
10 the future?' Earle said, )1,10 1ti}•, u" end slide filen is nothing, has icheves, to pr0.-
fine face glowing with a unble n likely one, 10x10 and only t:1' unost l'holu i n l he ]nndin of hrns1l10 tau, ,., lit cut•
g t it 1(1h011111hn;gwith ration(eudut'(ute'etw0 b
fol life isn't l '.t points ort the 13ughsh coast siind-
walk the (tl.l'C.''L`e11Lg1 '. �
Dalt \h Youtilf thinks that at present
France is the only Power that, could
carry out this entroplise with any pro-
spect of success, Germany is for the pre,,
sent tidally debarred from endertak
ing it alone by the "01sohite and 1000110. 1,
edil,ble impotency" of her fleet, She'', e
Inas gone altogether 011 a wr0113 took, he
thinks, in building battleships and cru(
setts, in which she cannot hope 1'o 011011 „y'
1'4310011 in years, if ever,
"If, however, Germany had a hendred'6i
submarines," he says, "and she could
secure them' at the eoet of two battle-
ships, England would be on the verge of
ruin. The. submarine will make the block -
to give 0 body nnteh eo1rege for any
thing" 1.10 01011 answered, moodily, his
lime hardening at the thought,
.."Ned and f hope no .1001 c('il will •
ever overtake emt to diseourege you. if
you really have a desire to mend 'oto' ,
cotnee. Ton, yen expect" that J' am go-
ing to arraign you,before a tribunal.
and have you p001ed for the wrong
you have done 1110; but=l ant going to
do no 011011 thing,"
A gasp interrupted hint 01 this, and
Toto Drake sank back in the 0011iage 00
if the intelligence had Liken all his
strength; but Earle welt- on;
"If. you had appeared to have uo ro-
gretfor the past -if, es you gained in
strewth, you 4,101 exhibited no sorrow, ode of the future effective, end 1(0010nd
tint 003110ssed any appreciation of whet aged and ywr0rd; but ten cu 1130 she eunmt xssihl.v stand a three months
111((1 1eki1 (00ne' fol• on, o' amp desire, nnilo'took the experiment of nationally 1
y bhml,nde."
t0 retrieve your errors, 1 might lla;ve in, them, until at t,1) present day Sire . Luubenf, Rngfneer-iu•C71ief of the
felt 311)1. 1 (0,onld be better for',Mheis
has come ((110 01111plete control of ell
tont j'nu shnnld lo' rill i 11)1(0 ('0in could jines,;w}'ith the exception of the ht, Go- French navy-, vvhu its credited with' the
l creation of ttfe efficient submarine ser -
tic did not preach him a Tong sernnm
071 humane depravity, original sin, and
.the-w'lath.of (iod,
This little warning was all be then
gave, hoping by; practical illustration to
drat( him 'l,y,end by nearer to the Di-
vine. 'Masi jr whose commends he was
1 .,1
endda(nng to' obey.
lTo he contfuued.l
National O'wne,ralip, Once Voted Down,
ts`,PfoW Popular,
For 50 years, Switzerland was satin
Bort to have its railroads privately mem
,‘11.0a11,111) fnrlher tn1001110, But if,yr,u wally ilmrd, 1011011 tvt11 bo hooght m 1000,
0 try, to lieco)1011,11,,11,14.1,f;,),1:1111,11.111.0•01:11,11
, 1 g¢od elan, I As an iudicahot of low poOe 0,0(ti-
0ut, willing to help ('011. T 11'111 be yam• meat toward We question of national
frieed; 1 will give you,eniploynlent• as 00•nos1113 1003 cLan,d, (1'r hitwv. 110
anon ns you are able for it and as Ione fleet Swiss vote, 111 1`,91, of two to 0110
110•y 1'u slovr ;t di;pnsitinu (mice au„hi, :ign111.1 public control, and tic exactly
'1. will Iccep'theleec110t'of y01(0 past, and 1Cversed eetio when the mutter Coale
no Math shall ever coney to' you on ac- lip for hollelin; 111 111(0. And 11. is to lie
chub! 0f it. Now, toll' 1110, Tofu, if von pointed out that this solution of the
(r' w•illilhf to work' the'trial? Shnil 111nsp'rt1Hun ,problem did not result
(v1' ,tut flair and square from this inne from railroad discrimination, watered(
merd, and.• sec bow match better We can sI(0(0 nor rehoting.
1nako the 11'01.111 for hnvillg lived in it''" -1t so happened fait Switzerland had
and Earle turned to tie astonished 0111 frolic t:e heeinoing of its railroad los-
1.)'1 101t, lin wild 111,1; do it. with a, frank :oldie on In, earnest, hand- logy' ,'ncrcised eonsidcrnble control ave,
Eerie. ("1111y tool: theta ' free 1ini, ' .smile face. The man was s1 leechlcso--. triutapoftetion methods, this ser >ervision
1,lddd and scaled the. letter, ami (volt 1 dumb, 1>y' 1370 including an inspection of all
out, harut: him alone. 1 Such a propose! as this had neve o- Iacl:, a111 contracts relating to traffic,
trmni bur=l fen n h hog' elitistThe laws 'laced a time limit est
,A n n the „aenrrcd to 111110 tic had fully expected 1
gf 11111 once hmdened wretch attt the daor
lord after bine, and, burying his Tread
i'1 bit pillow, be lay a long time without
The next morning' be seemed ('ery si-
'e^nt 0 m mnrh dipriased. 11 was a fineIrl than to banishment as a convict for
d.ty, hod is.irl look hint for ,a chive i11 the 1 n long term of yens, or perhaps for life,
beeutifml peek 0raund '45'cliffe;• : 1 104tead. hem was hope, happiness It MI
Be did not talk' nuich; but appeared
lost in thought, until the horses' heads
were turned toward -home; then he as-
tonished .1111le by seizing his ,0,1111 amt
ber inlc 6111:' • '
"Sir, cantron believe a wretch like me.
has tiny hoarl. left? 1 didn't think it nth -
"(if, bet you've got (140(111 to it lit Inst I grew? natnrc t:nt ,coOld 1100 1(bou0 his
1'!! gleed guilty -though once .1 slum eld: 11((1 11 jniee end do this noble thing.
that ten thousand devils couldn't dura 1;140(0, Queen 4 the (nib, 5'1011 u
me to it; bet you've brohc me mwm tog for the life of her first-born non,
that as soon his 1i' should be able to bear ' the corporate life granted in the char- would. transferred from his pre- ie•s, and fronohl e rights were transfer -
sent luxurious gtulrtrts to. some rile aide only with':hder:tl consent; and, fur -
prison, there to await his trial, and then then railroads Dere required io submit
he had no expectation of anything bet- a detailed and uaurnl0 ac00001 of ex-
pense of construetioo. The Government
also reserved to itself the right to order
the estabhst:meet of slalens, - double
tracks and the lite m addition to which
en annual franchise, tae in proportion to
the net profits w1(, provided for,
Despite all this. the people look the
step of 00tiounbzntion, the sentiment be-
ing ns strong with commended bodies as
with the (armors o• workingmen. The
etep was made easy' by the provision for
Ili rev yens' 11014,0 previous to jureha0 '.
and 1i} the accounting, lawn in
1090 su11octing railway companies to
rigid regulation s d e al ,
rigid a id m peat( n f l l
the Sees; o(ernn>ent paid .1!30 000,-
000, which was only ;$1 ,000,(00 abeve
the preliminary e 11)111110' 1 difference
duo to ((ental iintreurd vaL as in the
the -prospect of ea nin,'.mt honest 11('ing
held out to hien and by the hand of 11101
3Io(e he had o terribly wronged.
No words came .to his lips to expi0ss
his mstmisliment, nor the : tlaege 10001(t
of feelings that raged withhin Ids Lisa,
His whole 90111 hdiwcd down hofo're the
completely; eau .fever hold lip m( preyed 1lms before l'iltte _Andooniens:
head again, mid I•descn5 the very \tilt thou draw 00°0 the 1121(1('0 of (he
trout they call give nim Id like it over ode ? 1
with 001 (settled as soon as po,,sibl of Den neo Hem, m, then, 10 being merciful;
ter she has been here, She'll 1101t e'I 'W(
.e (1 0m 02 121 n p)nlit1's true hedge."
h_,'prohnhlti Pur ;well enough not ;o.I UHF) Emile Aaim partook of the
hen lulidem h re ally ing 1)t, awl I'd fete teitme of the gods; hi-emerey, his grand
easier it; ley mind to 1,11)1(0 just that 1 .e.fellen 1121100 11111 1111'01111)111)04. (with the
;111111)g bend held tett 00 1 gully to one
f earth lost and degraded cows, wits up
dotal Ifni sorest badge of his nobility.
4nd \Hien- allee, m:o meekness had
prophesied truly when she had told him,
on lier lying lied, 111111 "good ,001114 conic
out of her sorrow"
She had said:
"You nun', perbeps, ben nobler emit
f n• 11 1'i 11 g been leaved 111 ob 0111113 ; yet
will ;it all events, realize that it Debt,
!mender is. moth to he deired. than e
mem n0ble-0c.11ndine, nano:'
lie tees now living (tilt the pure i -r1
pts that she had so )untiringly t 1(101)1
'rim (Leine tlesc long, sorrowful teat'?'
Owe ens so hadip end v11enundain-'
a n t -grbig' her baeishauvt and d13
hof0r0 010."•
The poor fellow was fright fully mil'
and so excited that' his setter::en 1.1'111;0
disjointed and .broken node' '01101001
through tooth 00 tightly shut that Earle
Goold hear them prate.,
• The young marquis was deeply affect-
ed; he had uttered no fawning or scr-
vila plotegtati&p5 of 'sorrow or shame,
'0sJediyor.10 mercy, expected none: but
he could see that lie wits es he said.
"eolipletcly broken down los heart had
been m011011 by lamb,ess, and little "hoop
of *original good. that was in him hod
begun to spring up in the nnnsnel atones
by which he hod recently_ hewn sur
Earle believed tint n gei,9( and r1di-
01 change was begun to the nem, an,11
vice of prance, said in answer to 0 ques-
"1f you hod asked me five years ago
whether England could be succeesfull,y
Mended by Germany I would have said
'Yee.' But now that England lice sub.
marines, 1 do not hesitate to declare
that it is inlposeiblc. German threats
are absolutely vain. England is well
guarded to -day"
Edouard( Lockroy, ,olio was formerly
:711 Mister of Marine considers the (100111nn
300position 111 wild dream,
"Invade Ili elOnel1" said he Easy to
say,'lult hard to do, The German navy is
certainly not of the build to do it. As
for surprise, the distance 1 d ce between the
000)00n ports and the English coast is
too great to make such a thing possible.
Long before the invading ships could
salve the Channel fleet would be after
"The invasion of England, it will be
admitted, could not be undertaken with
less than 100,000 men, It would tette 150
ships' to transport them, along with the
munitions of war. Where would Germany
get the ships -of a sudden,. to take Eng-
osland by surprise?
"And what would 100,000 men be do-
ing on English sail without a. regular
system of supplies? Modern' w01' is a war
of provisions, The surprise over, the
English fleet could• certainly cut off all
a' front he continent.
rd fr n t co tt eat.
"The nrrpy:of invasion would be an
0.3113 of pilo'ders, As for the rising of
the 15(1000 Gor'mans waiters in I:ondon
to aseist t1efgicompatriots=well, if Ger
111011 * counta"tirt the mobilization of the
cafe help to 00nque0 England she is cer-
tainly trading in chimeras."
Admiral Bienainte adds just a (word to
the eont.roversl-
"To invade England." said be, "the
invade' should be sure of the eomn>and
of the 0{111. I dolt see how, in view of
the present navel strength of Enema
Germany could figure on such command,',
even in a fog,"
Strange Friends.
To the little village of Selw ,thy, near
Minehead, a rabbit and a ferret have
been 1111(1(3 aui101bly togelhos in one
cage for upward of throe 010nlhs, 3110
owner of the ferret plr.00 1 in its box, for
the plumose of food; n piling wild rab-
bit ,bill, to his groat surprise, the fer-
ret, also a young rue, instead of killing
it, showed a friendly regard for it, which
has not been disturbed, el Omagh other
rabbits so introduced have promptly
come to an untimely end, -home Notes.