HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 8wise Voudiug
wglra goi;)8 4o more and won,
Ot to heYp ul, we'll pay you
ell.for yonx #alp by giving you
tt. illlsrpi tedu4tiolq oil most linei
jq slat a.Rook, partipulerly in
if you buy nowv and save us the
burden of handling thestook.
It's housecleaning time or soon
' will be, and you can better afford
Ic! 4.14,00pots your tweeds and buy
now than wait a month and pay
T A PRICES—well—that is a
goporldary consideration with as
rtow, we submit a few Sample
Prices for your consideration.
Its a "few and far between"
opportunity. The prices nuoted
tis original are absolutely correct.
Regular Price. Removal Salo Price.
100... ........ ,..,•......7c and 50
2W and 150............ .......... 100
........ .. ...80
N and 25c .gilt, superior
rqftlity, etylo just a little
a1edgoes for.... •........... ..0o
r3onIy, Linen decorated, was 700 now .. , .400
r. , ...40
x 374 �r •• D,...atod "' 8855 " 50
r a' "White Linen imitation Lace,$1.25 ....8o
8 "" Fringed Linen, best quality, 11.25 .. .80
t An mounted on Spring Rollers, white metal
In a few weeks we will talk to you from
i •ora storerecently vacated by Harland Bros.
F1'sgoingto be an ALL RIGHT STORE.
fte W. D. Fair Go.,
ip f'mrcn News-Recora
51.25 a Yeat-81.001n Advance
'In and Around the Bub,
t, 9101va Salk.
BI$hest price for butter and eggs—CANTELON
SXR 61Ntt CLASS.—MISS MoWhinney will open
' the- singing•' class before mentioned at Mrs.
{ Worthington's this (Tueseay) evening at 8
arefock. Terms $1.50 for ton one hour lessons.
tme each week, to be paid in advance.
SartzNG HE -148 WANTED.—A good number.
11'ist be good hatchery and good mothers. For
Information, price, &c., apply at THE NEws•
RWonD office.
OFFICIAL VISIT.—Dr. Shaw, of Clin-
ton, the D. D. G. M. of No. 4 Masonic
District, paid Blyth Lodge an official
{ visit on Tuesday the 23rd and compli-
juented the .Lodge on the efficiency of
beic officers. Owing to the night
tieing very stormy there was not the
usual attendance. Masonry in Blyth
iota :ilwayA been progressive and now
is keeping place with the best
_..pablic meeting of the business men
and all ,others interested will be held
in., the Council Chamber on Friday
? evening at 8 o'clock to consider and
discuss the demands of the Canadian
Fire Underwriters Association. As
the matter -if complied with involves a
Barge expenditure of the people's
inorrey, there should be a good attend-
ance of: all interested.
iiso.—Copies of the regulations of the
Xdueation Department have been issu-
od relating to the study of domestic
science in Public Schools. The regula-
Eions were approved January 29, 1807.
Permission is Riven to the Board of
' Trustees of every city, town or village
two establish classes for instruction in
cooking and sewing. Instruction in
cooking is limited to 4th and 5th form
THE CINimmAToG n"HE.--The won-
derful exhibition and entertainment,
to he given -in the town ball here next
Monday • evening by the marvellous
Cinematographe should be seen by
everyone, as it is far superior to the
usn+d•kind of entertainments that visit
4111- town. During its tour through
Western Ontario it has attracted
crowded houses everywhere and every-
one who has seen it speaks -ier•v highly
of it. It will only be in Clinton one
given in the town hall last Thursday
evening was a success, it being one of
the hest amateur concerts given here
for some time. We were pleased to
see the people of Clinton appreciate
Home talent. by such it large attend-
ance, Of the Orchestra itself—in which
Mr. J. T. Emmerton and the indivi-
dual members have been so untiring to
Kitingg to a, state of efficiency—Clinton
ehuuld be proud of them. They ac-
quitted themselves to the entire satis-
fAction of all, Mrs. J. C. Greig, of
S64forth, held hoe` reputation :is being
v first clasa elocutionist and after each
of her numbers responded to well de-
served encores. Messrs. Harland and
Murch sang a duet which was mach
pric[ated. A gnita;r duet by Messrs
.nmetton and Kerr was also well
ondered. Vocalist and comedian
Hitrry Rich, of Toronto, the star of
' the evening, gave some very langbable
selections, but excelled himself in
"Mort like your dad ever
day." He
` htis a splendid Voice, Tl►e tableaux
Were the best ever given in Olinton ;
thefirst one "Jeal and Sisera" by Miss
M. Freeborn and Mr. Gen. McRae was
treally, gnoil and was repeated b re-
tLuest; the second, "Goddess of Music '
fty Mrs, Wittts, Master Hartly Watts
and little Mies J elaHOOVOJ°, was beauti-
-fuli tll0hitil, "MIC' Canada," by Miss
McBrlen, wus grand and very impres-
4lvd AA (090d , Aa"ve' .the Queen" was
pondore�l. Th`6 high reputation of .
4actll. 'z(tnlstg wgs,abl;y; sustained . by
;<bll,Ss "r .Olbltinge fund Miss L. Irwin,
iiio were thb ddeompatdits. The pro
4'oeds ittn oubted to over t$50, WA hope
Chirirhatrii tentl continue their, 1'111iitrp,:;'! heq',dfi .rho ,Ofgood, ,work. lel '
raising to fhb'jiatinaeld � f1l�ritu itirnft. ,
of 1011rif irn milbtcltl tidclit+ ,
.A t+„�+`,�ji�,',y'�.- le,--+�.,•'a Jhl tea- d
''Rte+ p4: t —?:set: oatur4oy' X1'
�amos Fair's 1041,4 draw 000 Trwiln.'
elevator 215 bualte.la of,wheat to bits tail
iu. Ona load, olghing nQatly s1* 04 1
half tons. This is a u6ry lame: ipad
RE WWRIauT..---Councillor Searle
was right in his contention at the
Couilcit meeting that many abode trees
in town are too close togetha.r. The
Council should have taken some other
action than to throw out the reeolution
Q. J. Stewart, the grocer, has moved
his stock to Huron street in the store
ocepuied by Hill & Joyner, and the
letter firm have moved to the store
lately occupied by Mr. Stewart on
Albert etrpet, which will make a first-
olaee and roomy Sour and feed store.
LF+AvING TowN.—Miss AnnitHolmes,
who has for so many years been such a
faithful employe of the New Bra
office and well and favorably known to
the residents of Clinton, is about to
take up her residence atSt. Catharines.
The lady has for many years been
prominently ,associated with the Rat -
ten bury Methodist church and Sabbath
School and will be greatly missed by a
very large circle of warm friends and
SEVERE AFFLICTION.—It is with,sin-
cere regret that we reter to the afflic-
tion which has again visited the faruily
of Mr. A. o. Pattison, G. T. R. Agent.
The angel of death again made another
break in the houNehold on Monday and
Jessie Lily was claimed, aged 12 years,
11 months and 29 days. Mr. and Mrs.
Pattison have the sympathy of every
resident of Clinton. The funeral takes
place to -morrow at 2.15 p. In.
Friday afternoon while Mr. Lawrence
E. Vogler, ox -Rt eve of Zone and ex -
Warden of Kent, was crossing the
River Thames he fell through an air -
holt: and was drowned. His age was
81 years. The deceased wits a brother
of Mrs. Wm. Coats, Albett street
north, the I-Ady leaving here on Satur-
day morning for Bothwell He was of
German descent. His wife died about
six weeks since. Mr. Vogler leaves a
family grown up. Up to the Mine of
going to press yesterday the body of
the to
man had not, been re-
POULTRY.—It would appear that
Clinton is destined to become a high
class poultry town. Already there are
hero a very large wimber of standard.
bred Game in neatly all varieties,'
Coehins, Brahmus, Wyandottee, barred
and white Plymouth Rocks, Minoreas,
Leghorns, Spanish, Indian Cornish
Game, &c., &o. Farmers and other
Poultry fanciers should pay special
aveution to this branch for profit.
Some fine and very valuable birds
will doubtless be shown at the coming.
fall shows,
the Exeter Advocate says of Madame
Wall, who assisted at the Harold Jar-
vis concert hold there recently, :—s•To
Madame Wall, too, fell n0 small por.
tion of the good graces of the andience.
In this, her first appearance before the
people of Exeter, she aroused pleasure -
able emotions which will not soon be
forgotten. The universal verdict is
that Madame Wall is the happy pos-
sessor of the sweetest and most power-
ful supr+tro voice that has been heard
in this town- for many years.” The
Times also speaks well of the lady and
says:—"The sin ing of Madame Will,
Clinton, showe5 her great musical
ability and after each number, received
loud applause."
claimed another of the inmates in the
person of Henry Schwartz from Credi•
ton. He was. about 66 years of age and
died on Monday, March 1st. Yester-
day another death took place in the
person of Miss Mary Adams, whose
home was previously atBelmore. Her
age was 25 years. The latest arrivals
are James Brown from Ashfield.; Mrs.
Charlotte and Misses Jane and Eliza-
beth Crooks, (mother and two daugh-
ters) from Morris township, making 65
inmates in the House at the present
time. Henry Bone, who went tlii•ough
;, critical operation, is making rapid
progress towards recovery and will
;oon be around again. The inmates
were very much disappointed last Sun -
lay because there was no service held
.n the House. There has been a good
supply of first-class ice safely housed
'or use this coming summer.
Wednesday evening THE NEws-RE-
`ORD had the pleasure of attending
:he annual supper gotten up by Uoun-
•it No. 115, Canadian Order Chosen
Friends, tendered at the Comnivreial
Hotel here. The membership in Clin.
;on is rising to the hundred mark and
;he Order is one of the most secure to
ne found. Death and disability claims
wave always been promptly paid, and
t may be said that this is one, of the
"halacteristics of the Chosen Friends.
When organized in 1892 there were 115
Councils, now there are 397. In 1802
here were only it sniall number of
nembers, now thele are over 13,000,
ind $50,000 security is deposited with
the Government. The supper, which
was provided by Friend Bell, was one
:1f the very best that could have been
aer•ved and all enjoyed the substantials
Ind delicacies very much. J. E.Black-
ill and D. S. Cook occupied the chair
ind voice and admirably fulfilled
:heir duties. We regret that space
will not permit us to give more than
•he toast list, which wits as follows:—
rho Queen, Dr. Shaw; Dominion Par -
lament and the Town Council, Deputy
[reeve Cooper and Mayor Holmes; Our
Council No. 115,. D. McDonald, O
Johnston, B. Churchill ; Sister Socie-
ties, T. Brown, W. Snell, A. J. Hollo-
way, Dr. Shaw; the Press, Messrs.
Todd and Holmes • the Ladies, O.
Cooper, D. S. Cook, i;. t:lantelon and J.
Fair, j1-.; Grand Council, Messrs. J. E.
Blackall and W. S. Lawrence; our
Host, T. Bell. At intervals Messrs.
Emmerton R. Downs, W. Downs, B.
[Cert and W Holloway gave selections
A music and song which added much
`o the enjoyment of the proceedings,
While all the speeches ware elnblemar '
;ic of the tlrdA .r, that of Dir. James •�
E• rti "r 1 to a Const c 4 ho
r, l , 1-n re y b t
adies," writ§ Tg beat% of tho evening.
1Zcicl�dashit�t aags• in every dctitil wits
Ae•. a S ,'
d� ,,
� ditianal' dogRtiansr rtoc�atved Rap fire �
Molso4 Bank and forwitr4od, 0 Iwta- ,
' r
fn �'
wu.,F.. �T Ba14 41 N'nolc ,eltlalrvi}I, 41- ��`
L,ontiesboro, $10,46. Mrs. '.5.. k1. Alw1- •
drew$, 090.; Mrs..wiltse, 5tlo4; >J; tdtlrl
Ing' "()o total received to d4toVa111,13R
Those lnxending to subscribe ere re "
quer' ,ed tel Intrad iia their dotla.tlona eta,
Qoott ;us noasible,
CUBLISa•-rTho wepkit viall of the Cash"
Clinton Bowling Club to Seaforlb, to
take a Into at cprling,resulted in 14 tuff 01.
in favor of W. Jackson against D. D.
RoTaggart. Mr. Ransford'b play was
one of the few ingidents in the game Clothing "Leaders," GlInton,Marohworthy of mention. During the 3rd, 189T o,
match he made but 040 "hog," while
in "ditches" he secured a record, mak- NO 1. TO THE READER,
ing 19 out of a po,eible 22, Boys' Imes Pante, 22 to 3260o
S. A. Nomas,—On Saturday and Sun- No 2 - We wish to draw your special attention to th' ]1$t y�rg
day next Clinton will be favored with print this week. They are all called "Leaders" (�
a visit by the wonderful Seraphat;c Youth's end Men's Pants, all sizes and stag
Band in command of that highly es- out as distinct value Over anything that has been offered �n
teemed officer, Adjt, Archibald, assist- $1.00,$1.60, $2 00 this section before. Ever line has been bought is large
ed by a very remarkable cornet player y
who is known as Bandmaster Beeler, No 3. quantities and will be sold for Spot Cash Only. They will
The programme ww will.
be l berendered
as red Men's Suits, Blue Serge, dark, light, always be prominently displayed In our store and every line
on; this occasion will, be such as will g � y h
make the people of Clinton feel that all wool Tweed, 36 to 44 and size kept Up,
the Salvation Army is still an all -alive $6.00 and $7.00
concern for God and humanity. On
Sitturday night at 8 p• m., Sunday af- No. 4. these woods have no relation to the many shoddy iiries
Boys 3 po. Suite, 27 to 3
ternoon 3 p. tet., night 7.30, $3 00 that are in the market this season. We refused too handl!
ANOTHER DBATH.—This week we the low priced lines offered to us. Our reputation, is to V' ell
are se of called upon to ids chronicle the No. b, known for selling such lines as we could give a guarantee, peo-
demiart of another old resident in the Children's 2 pe. Suits, 22 to 28 ,�'Z,00 r' r
person of Mr. William Pearson, who ple who want shoddy goods will have to o elsewhere.
pai-sed to the great beyond last Friday, No. 6. —T g
fell and years. A few weeks since he We- justly claim the Oldest and largest Clothing and
fell and fractured his thigh bone, and Men's Overalls - F)00 j y g r
+t complication of ailments resulted — Furt,ishing Establishment in Western Ontario to -day. A
;n death. Horn in Yorkshire, Eng., in business that man readers of this paper will know has .been
1815, he cane to Uan+tda in 1845, and i » y
remained in Toronto township seven Furnishing Leadersi built up by hard work and honest methods. The people of
years, when along with his family hethis section of country will find our store contains the largest
removed to the township of Stanley
to1852 1. and settled on lot n. In 1850 No
con. 3,
and in 1887 retired to Clinton. and best assorted Stock of Clothing+� to be found outside of,a.ny t
he married Miss Mary Plewes, laugh- City. If you are not a customer Ot ours be oue now. We
ter of Thos. Plewes, also a native of Men's Braces, good and strong 160 find out our weekly talk in this way is as much read as local
Yorkshire, Eng. To them were horn
two sons and three daughters—Robert No 3. news, and we are too well known to'ot'ing you to Our stole by
and John, who tare mnrried, reside on false and catch prices.
the 3rd concession of Stanley; Mary Men's Sox, assorted colors 100 y p
Jane (Mrs. Stoddart) ^resides in Eg —_
mondville; Maria (Mrs. Robert Walk- No. £ Our mail order department is also fast increasing. These
e1-) resides in Clinton;
en ; and Sarah (Mrs. orders have our very prompt attention. We have given special
Diahan) resides
s at Platt Head Val- Linen Collars, fashionable shape, P
ley, Montana, U. S. Mrs. Pearson in J doz lots - - - - - 660 attention to the buying for this seasons demands and all our
also survives. The deceased was an
adherent (if the Baptist faith and a No 4. Goods which are opened up is proving most satisfactoryWe
Conservative in politics. The funeral will be pleasedi
to have all early call from you and an nspee-
took place to Clinton cemetery, the Men's White unhundried Shirts 890 hon will be appreciated by us.
pall bearers being Messrs. Alex. Fras-
er, Df. McEwen, D. McTavish, Wm. _ Yours truly,
Higgins-, John Bean and Mr. Prior. No. 5.
The noble pione;•r will be greatly Boys' School Cape - - - 100
missed. Y Jackson Bros,,
No. 6.
Brief Town Topics. Boys' and Men's,Flannelette Shirts 200 l Clothiers and Furnishers.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Carline-
continues quite ill.
Miss Rose Nimens is in Toronto at- P. S.—A Special offer for Friday
tending the millinery Saturday next for cash ones,
openings.ORD readers will 60 ends -of Colored Worsted Trouse'ring, regular $6, $7 and $8 regret to learn that pioneer James for $4.75. 4. !1-y
Millet is'in poor health.
J oho Wilfordd,, thethe popular reeve of 40 ends of Colored VTorsted. Trouserina, regular $4.50 and
Blyth, was in Clinton on Saturday, $5.00 for $3.50.
thehavingertyOrganered nsiderablebrickfor' 'SEE NORTH. "WINDOW FOR DISPLAY.
the Doherty Organ Co. t
CashmereHose. ' c] c] (�
See our Ladies' Cashmere Sp Ocial March Sale'.
Hose'' value unequalled.
l I � q •
Wood ; . , , Ladies' White Underwear
Boys Ribbed Hose, heavy
weight, all wool, 19e• The !redo in ready-made goods of avers kind is on the increase, and in
no line is it more so than in L9dies' Underwear. At the prices we are
A hotter lino at 25C solliog at, itcannot pay a person to sit down and make it themselves. The
worth 30c. garments we offer f,3r sale are made in the best and largest factory in
- =
' ��( Canada.
Now Prints,-
Now Embroidery,
NOW Torcbon Laces. I
Winter Goods -�-
Are now going at CLEARINC PRICES.
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
Brief Town Topics.
Mr. Munroe, postmaster of Auburn,
was a Clinton caller on Monday.
Miss Eva Stevenson is spending a
Pcw days with friends in Mitchell.
Miss Freeborn of Blenheim, is the
;uest of her brother, Dr. Freeborn.
We understand Mr. John Scruton
will again take up his residence in
Miss Annie Ross, we tire pleased to
earn, continues to improve and will
ioon be around.
The London Road beat Clinton at
°heckers, 16 to 12, on Tuesday everfing
if last week.
Sot -vice Church of Eugland, on Sun -
lay, 7th inst., Holmesvillc, at It a. m.;
Summerhill, at 7p. in.
Mr. T. C. Doherty was it witness on
t case, regarding the sale of a piano,
it Goderich the other derv.
Mr. Shaw, of Ripley, has Nikon up
As r sidence on William street in
he house owned by Mr. Arthur
A fire in the chimney of Mr, 1i. Her-
-tan's house last 'Tuesday evetrin2,
mused a little excitement, but there
,vas no serious results.
A number of our correspondents are
his week, down with la grip, orsomp
ether illness, but -we hope whear from
neny of them next weelt
.bliss Addie' RunFball whet hug been .
,-1-n an extended visit to h01-!slbtdr, Mos,
+ �i Cha lhndar Parkersburg
y 1l n'4
Vii gluia, hats r dtarned h6►ne, • 1
Brief Town Topics.
W. H. Beesley is at Toronto this
Miss McDonald, of Beeslev'.� millinery
emporium, is attending the openings at
Toronto this week.
A Lodge of Instruction for South
Huron Masonic District, will be held
at Jt. Marys on April 5th.
Dr. Shaw, D. D. G. M. for South
Huron, A. F. and A. M., ryas in St.
Marys on official business last Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spooner, of the
Waverly Flouse, received an invitation
to attend the annual Masonic ball at
London yesterday.
Alias Addie McBrien, after it two
months' holiday, left Monday, for
Ottawa where she is head milliner in a
leading store.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon has for some
time been confined to his morn from a
severe attack of la grip, brut we are
pleased to learn he is Again around.
Mrs, •Hooper of Exeter, wits last
week the guest of Dir. and Mrs. J. T.
Harland and Dir. and Mrs. French,
Thd lady returned home on Saturday.
Mr. Beattie, of the livery, has been
awardeJ the wail contract between
the Clinton station and post office.
The old pl"ic•e 7s cut about square in
Mr. R. S. Hill, who hits been in the
n't of the bei left
de.o ignrl$ department e l v
C)rgan M1btol y -fele sumo 111011th.4p left
ftti • his ,htr1 xt'eeta luitli cit Obloj last,
Night Gowns. .
Just prices on it few linea to giveyou
White Cotton Drawers, deep hem
embroidered frill 30C
an idea of the values we are iv g
White Cotton Gown, full length
`Vite Cotton Drawers, tare rows
flne tucking, wide embroidery
and size, neck, front and sleeves
frill 50v
trimmed with lite, four clus-
tern of tucks in yoke........... 50c
Fine quality Cotton Drawers,
White Cotton Gown, good qual-
three clusters of fine tucks, fine
wide'embroidet"ed frill......... 75c
ity, 20 rows fine tucking on
yoke, fine cambric frilling
White Cotton Drawers, extra
round cuffs, neck: and down
quality, two clusters fine tuck,
insertion and wide embroidery
front........... 05o
frill ............................ 87c
White Cotton Gown, flne, strong
Ladies' Drawers, very fine Cam -
cotton, cambric frilling around
brie Muslin, four rows tucking
neck and down front, yoke fine
and extra fine and wide em -
insertion and tucking. , , . , ..... 75c
White Cotton Gown, good qual-
Ladies' White Cotton Skirts, full
ity, 24 rows of fine tucking on
size yoke hand, good quality
yoke, neck, front yoke and
cuffs, trimmed with flne earn-
cotton, two clusters flne tuck-
Uric embroidery ..............•. 87c
ing and 8 inch fine embroidery
frill................. &ic
White Cotton Gown, extra fine
Ladies Skirts, extra fine Cotton,
cotton, wide embroidery collar
and cutis, 20 rows of fine tuck-
full size, six rows tucking, .
inch fine embroidery frill..... $101
ing. 4 rows of embroidery and
insertion front ........... . ..... $1 45
White l;amhriC'Gown, fine guar'
Fine Cambric Blouin s
es dark ands light ppE_
itv'Cambric Muslin, 6 inch fine
terna, detached or attached collars, well
ehro. collar, wide ehro.
made, this season's styles and worth at
I leant for March
cuffs, insertion and embro. yoke
75c, Sale,,. . , .. 504•
1 The quantity of this line Is Iitnited and when
trimmed with baby ribbon..... $2 006
it is gone wo can get no more,
Heavy double fold bleached shooting.... , ... 17c
I.arwe white Diaper Towels, 23xa0 ineher.,
500 vards heavy factory cotton, 36 inches
wide, wort!, at least 73c, for March sale... 60
40 Inch heavy factory cotton, special at..... Ole
I colored borders, extra heavy, would be,
cheap at 150.... , ..... • ...... • ..... • ...... . too
Large huck towels, 22x39 inches, tine quit•
8.4 best quality twill sheeting, for March
it ap"d all pure linen, regular Sue, for
11 li
awls ............................�. ........... 100
....................... ........ 25c 1
same quality... .••.••. .................. 2bc
00 inch bleached Damask
fabling, fine, qual,94
tY. good pattern...... . ..... 05c
10.4 earne quality .............. . .............. 290
Purq Linen Damask, GO inch, halt bleached,
10 pieces oxford shootings fast colors, rogu•
lar 15c, quality special d . . ................. 10c
extra . •............. 40e
56 inch heavy linen tabling, half bleached'.. 970,
Bet ter goods for less money, better, qualities at less profit and 1101 er Y41 round'
values that can he had elsewhero are the Indueementis ire holt] out to oily,
�"'"' h� r ' o ods ? + 4CL �iYZxitoYl.
7 •.
t .a,�,-u•iWr1-'�+.. Sfu ..i., g.A.rf.,e..
t:..f. ."t -'Itis If+