HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 6* irQry season, ffi071t clip t'►me Y had a girl, and tney gilled her Sub- V �P , ropr4e pr. benke Zweibacken wtt<n they ' ASIA . y�J�.I jam' 7l oitwo `Pars old, I suffered dread- time. They went to church and out Illy from erysiFlPhls, which kept In the seat where they could sleep the General Builder and Contractor. angst. They lived !n a place where kcOwllls worse until my 'wands were the sun shone. The girl grow to be . 01floce Sappfie459� s►Gu?gsii tlselges• The bones softened very beautiful. She did not kc.rw it. This factory has beou under the personal supervision and ownership for This was very convenient, Por eche did eight years. We ,try an extensive and reliable stook and prepare plane and ticr•t�lI.&v the. would bend, and several not n ed so many fine $iotas Her Of my Iillg�re aro now crooked from eyes were blue and she had red hair. give estimates for and build all oa,.eeep, of buildings On short notice and on the this cause. On my She wanderel over the heather. Shq closest prices. All work is supervised lu a mechanical way and eatisfaetioII 11;11131 I carry large looked over at the house of Borjen guaranteed. We sell all kidde of inter$Qr and exterior material. acnes, which but for 2ljunderlaken's fath •r, wharc every 7iJ'� window pane had a wink in it. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, OOr.�, Blinds, Etc. Job Priontin9 ' p She also had a twinkle in her eye. A�Ei]? "Life here is ie.td :low,' said : cb- Agent for tl.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured �4y�w���•��������� , benke Zweibacken. " I would seek at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders, Sarsaparilla, would other lands..", T be sores provided I The heather rustled, and thea it P rustled two times. was alive and able Borjen Bjunderlaken stood before CLE /� R' N C ���4�a ���� The News -Record a' to carry anything. her. He had a carpet bag and asteam- V ra er trunk. We have decided to sell out our entire Stook of Crcokery and Intending N ` Eight bottles of Why do you not Sy with me?" he . dyer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so asked. this month as the propose giving up keeping tlioae lines. Intending c.,�, that s have had no return of the He was a -large, big man and he purchasers will find the prices very low as the goods must he sold. grinned. Terme Cash or Produce. Calls special attention disease for more than twenty years. "you should know the not why," sob- Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. 'lie tient bottle seemed to reach the bed Sobbenke Zweibacken, and cuver� G. J. STEWART. to our Stationery and o't tend ti persistent use of it has ed her entire face with her hands. gr "what big heads!" said Borten Ager,t for the Kolona Toa. Office Supplies and�terfeeted the cure." -O. C. DAVIS, Bjunderlaken, and took as much of — Il'altoma, Vis. one of them as he could 1n both his Job Printing Depart– own Leslie's Carriage Factory. They eat down a the steamer trunk o melt. A , V and thought. The sun shone on the sunshiny places, and then the moon BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS and WAGONS -all of the beet work. came ,rk- came out, '���• w. unsurpassed.... Your hands shall be our Yortune," mans ER�s hip add material. All the latest styles and most modern improve VY a are M ONLY WORIM's FAIR. sighed Borjen Bjunderlaken, ani he meats. All work warranted. R+•Fairing and repainting promptly attended NV had a very hoarse sob in his throat two t0. Prides to suit the limes. -Sarsaparilla times. They took a ship and sailed to Newa FACTORY Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the Yorksta. AIYER'S RILLS Promote Good Digeetiom Now there is a sign in Sixth avenue. prices we quote for Stationery and Printing and the It is painted black upon white. I saw --- — it. You may see it if you'win. It is Houso for Sale • duality of both is always guaranteed. A perusal of in a sunshiny place. It is a big sign. 111r• fitZpatrick's Return. Two story frame house in Clinton ten rooms The Hwen Nevus-Heeora It reads: -- -- Sulicitor•General Fitzpatrick has re- stonocoller, hard and soft water. Good ground: this announcement rn�y sugr;est something you may be a .,, •'' i1.2t; s Yesr—Ooin Advance • p Frame stable. For full particulars apply to SOBBENKE ZWEIBACKEN, turned from Rome, having accomplish- the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton. in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage, • — Swedish Massage Operator. 939-tf • . . ed his mission, which appears to have feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd, 18417, Her hands were her fortune Ad his. been to invite the Pope to sit in duct;- WANTED.—Young women and men, or older - -- Borjen Bjunderlaken sits in the sun- ment upon the decision of the Judicial I onesacte it still young , spirit, of undoubted and char- 11'lth the approval of our patrons, shiny places. He is in Easy street all P actor, good talkers, ambitious andcause,wih industrious60 Independence and Obedience in day. -New York Herald. Committee regarding the school yues- I 0.i mo th ani upwards yment in a as ordingtoab ability. Politics. — tion, and to declare what the decision �tev. T. s. LINSCOTT, TORONTO, ONT. Natural Plello.,ophy. means, t.nd to what extent the school No better example of obedience can "Papa," asked Bobby, "what to na- settlement conforms with it, and with gent Wanted. Letter Heads I Circulars tie furnished than that exhibited the tural philosophy?" the opinions his Holiness may enter- Good position now open to take tharge of In this line we have a very flee We excel to :ill the different kinds other day in Toronto, by Mr. DICLean, MY son," began papa, as he leaned P our business in Clinton. Good moneyy to a fico tar South Huron, who back in his chair and looked wise, "I twin on the subject of education. The man. Apply by letter to THE SING '11 MFG. stock of writing papers suitable for of work we turn out, and particu the member am glad to hear You ask Bush sensible CO., London. or call on W. CAMPBELL, Claren- every class of business represented lariy in this, and keep in stock followed Dr. Ryerson, Mr, McLean, as trip to Rome by one of the Canadian don hotel, Clhtton. 95s -4t in this locality, also for private use. plain and fancy papers suitable For oll Meacham afterwards pointed Out, questions. Natural philosophy. You Ministers on hehalf of the Federal — — see this little stick? Well, I will toss it Government was altogether a novelty. Note Heads all requirements. was elected as an independent Reform- up and there! down it comes. Now you WANTED.—Earnest. Alen and Women to ,'" • tr and on this basis secured COnservA know that it ascended in the air and The purpose was not merely new, hat circulate Tho Sword of Islam: Or SnRering This useful size is k0. t in stock, t•%ve notes. The unpolled Conservative dropped to the floor, but you don't in every respect extraordinary. This Armenia," a thrilling hook. Graphic account P . Programs vote would have given his opponent a know why it-"' is the first time that our Government I of the Eastern Question, the Turk, Armenian, the qualiliea being in several of entertainments acd meetings and Mohammodanism with its horrible mass- grades. promptly turned out, from the r handsome majority. His ]ndepeud "Did natural philosophy cause It to has entered into negotiations with the acres. Numerous startling illustrations taken ante wits displayed m a speech that drop?" Pope un a political clatter, Certainly on the spot. 448 paves. Only $1.90 Agents Memo. Heads plain and neat to the most elegant. was wadded with adulation of the "No, er-n-not exactly. It is the law never before hits the Pope been aAced make $16.00 to $,30.00 weekly. Scores on litho. Cards and Tickets Ministers,ad add with psalms of praise, of gravitation that causes all bodies to interpret the judgment of the high Prospectus free to canvassers. TnE BRADLEY' These till an impar ttantplacein chat g GARRETSON Co., LTD., TonoNTO, ONT. mercial correspondence. See what addressed to the policy of centralize- to-" est court in the realm,tiand assuredly __ _� - -- we have got, These covet' a large rang a of work lion.ttied of Official grotvt.h. What is "Did natural philosophy make it go his Holiness, except in the 7esuita' es g g going on inside tits AliniEtertalists up?" tates case, has never been invited by LAGS WANTED. Bill Heads from a bread and milk ticket to _. going councils on the subject Of taxes tV:ts '•No, no -not exactly. That was force an Administration in Canada to give ■ :t neat calling card, from an or transmitted to it by my hand, and-" r sul• act a ertain- If the "payas-you-go" plan was dinary admission ticket to a tasty revealed in part by Mr, Stratton, all- "Dtd natural philosophy cause it to an opinion upon a j _ e the order of the da the demand 4 other` independent. The other day, bounce when it struck the ause floorI tug to a Legislature, a are moving Y business card or a handsomely ° when he talked of more tares. Al r, rapidly nowadays, Once it was sup- ALL KINDS OF LOGS WANTED for account paper would not be printed membership ticket. . "No, n -not exactly. That was the p y 3 , ,o neat; but there ere some men McLean has opened another field for elasticity of the wood which-" posed that Crtnttdtatt views on a Gan- for which the best rices will be g y Memoriam Folders exploration. Re evidently carrots urate Did natural philosophy cause it to adian subject would suffice. The new P who get so man dunnei that centralization. The Government must make a noise when It struck the Boor?" Government is not stitiEfied with Cian given. they wonder if the stock will ever ran out. We don't intend it to, In this line THE N>;ws R7J(70Rll seize the university rind make it a part "No, n -not exactly. That was the adian Opinion. It must needs turn to and at resent our stock is coin- can supply every design, quality ' of the political machine. It has not vibration of the-" Rome, and secure froth the high ec- Also Basswood Heading Wanted. P', and rice On the market. "Papa, what 1s natural philosophy?" Mete in this line. Good paper and P' r:iufflcient control of school inspectors. clesiastical authority there it decision neat ruling. Mr. Mclean knows some inspectors "Bobby, don't bother 'me with your to guide Canadian opinion upon a Posters cvh are Tories. xOw dare they ally questions. If I hear another word Canadian matter. No one will deny I STAPLETON SALT WORKS. Statements re' ail Tories, if the continue to be out of you I'll give You sa7tte of it with the right of Roman Catholics to seek Our facilities for turning out this / y my slipper." iulyice where the will, or of Protes- Our stock is large. They come class of work are evidenced by the inspectors, or remain inspectors it Such is life. Y WANTED.—Intelligent men with good education cheaper than bill heads, and are they continue to be Tories? bar. lilt- ------- tants to do the same thing. But while to whom $0.00.00 and espenaes for the first year P fact that we always do food work F.ean thinks "it would be well if the Dark Deeds. -illy private individual is ur;tified, if would be an inducement, write with ran partieu- I the proper thing to send after :a and give superior satisfaction in Y,- `tMinister Of Education had a greater he feels so inclined, in is the lars. Tae MANAeea, 99 111chmona st, west, delinquent once a wonth. Thcq all respects. Views of the Pope such matters as TosoNvo, ONT. - are sure to fetch hint 'round - "control and kept them in their p somctitue• Dodgers : "places." Nor is Mr. McLean satis- +: he may desire to lay before his Holi lied with the severity of the ti w1 • ^' ness, ire they what they may, the Farm For rale. Envelopes are greatly in demand. Our facili- accorded to the municipalities. If he Government, through Abbe Proulx,the South half Lot No, 25, 17th concession, Godo did nut advise the Government to seize. i first ambassador who was sent to rich Township, one milt north of (%limon, com- We snake a specialty of Envelopes. ties are superior for this class of 1 Rome, and much less through ane of prised of 40 acres, more or less. The land is all Yon }snow it would be hard to work and the very renson:able that part of the license fund now going o ^ the ministers of the Crown, has no cleared and In fair state of cultivation. well get along without envelopes, :and prices keep our presses busy. its the municippalities he pias certainly !�1 Mi - fenced and plenty of cedar on the property. to keg a with the demand foi- misnnde,stood. = :f right to submit a quest ion with which Frame barn 40x60, steno stable 30x60. Will be p p Sale Bills it as a Government has to deal to the soil reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser. them we keep a large stock on ------ - adjudication of the Supreme Pontiff. For particulars apply at THr•. NEws•HEcoun hand, plain or Printed we are We make n specialty of them - Supreme It is said in explanation of the nits. otHce, or to J.aJIER H. COLCLOC°R, Ilonfryn ociering some great snaps. 011e, promptness hem$ our aim in this HER MAJESTY'S &ions to Rome that the idea of the' P. O' line in particular is going off'fast- i0 for 6c. respect. A notice of sale will ap- Government ig to elicit a papal � ly,IhTED—Farmers' Bone rr other industrious (tear in TuE NEWS -RECORD free Of I q • opinion overriding opinions enteititin persons of fair education to whom $75.00a m,.nth Commerical Printing chat'ge when bills for srttde are _ ed by ecclesiastics in Canada, And would be an iudnccment. I could aiso engage u secured here. thus t0 preserve. the school arrange- few ladies at their uvn hom=e. T. H, LtNfiCo1'T, To- Avast amount Of work under this rv, vTo, icer. All Kinds of Work Loyal Canadian people. stent which has been reached. Look head to enumerate would more i.. in at the position of the School set- than take up the entire space oc- g A Rare Opportunity, tlememt to -day, it is altogeth.-r doubt: cupted by this adv't, but w,, do it in the typographical printing line ] fill that any such appeal is required on 103ac sacle150 arred,rbal nceginculiedshadwo d, all at Txx NEws-RECORD. can a done d this estahlishmeut its behalf. 14lrroy people see ul the Ar- Solid brick house, &c. Brame barn 28x80; stable in an ex editions and artistic ran emelt with Dittnttnba a closing Invitations manner and THEY SHOULD ALL BE STRONG glr 18x67 • sheep house e x to gena water, con- i of t e subject, so far its the Fe(leral venicnt to s grain elevators, mills, &c. Good to an "At home" or .a wedding Our prices will be Parliament is concerned. The Domin- roads and free from all obnoxious weeds, &c. require considerable taste in selec- AND .HEALTHY. Will take resident proper ty In Clinton Part q found very reason— ion Government has answered the pe- pay. InquireatTnENEws-RECORDottice. tion sometimes, but we make it o titions Of the complainants by a 940-3m an easy matter by keeping in stock 124- compromise with thw province., and _ the very latest and best samples to able. that appears to bring. Dominion action who can think be had. Call and see. Bilkins—SaY, old man. I hear that to an end. It is not therefore on he_ oz some 0.1 pre �811�e S Ce1er Compoand Will Smith is engaged in a business that Half cf the compromise that the Do• _t our l�-An Idea tg You pa th J P Protest our IAeae• th may bring yon vr4s a '`.. won't bear the light of day. million Government rushes off to the write JaxN WEDziERBty N ec.co.. Patent Attor• Wilkins—You don't mean It. Counter- Poe all(1 RRkR his Holiness t0 intP.r- ne>s Wasbinaton, D. C., for their 61 -SM DtlaOoffer • felting, eh? p and llst.of two hundred InTenttena wanted. EARble, Our Women to Live Bilkins—Oh, no; he's only developing fere. On the contrary, it is in the per- Ranitl interests of the leaders that the Teacher Wanted photographs. If you want ---V— _ Pope is urged to speak. !'he fact is A Female Teacher for a division of Model .� As, Lon AS AQP, Queen. 'Il,e Sole Exception. the Quebec Liberal politicians went School Clinton', AtlsaeE2nd Class Professional 1�/i ourni ng Papers and "How sorely you must miss your through their province during the Certificate—must be a good disciplinarian: Ap iYi+ wife !" said the sympathetic friend its election shouting for Separate schools plicant to state salary and inclose testimonials. tones suitable for expressing condol- and promising tel give them; add LION Appppl�ications reeME iced etary. to 20th inch—JOHN Envelopes r Once. "Her familiar step, the touch of that they have done soroetbing else QUNINGHA. 6 Vilt4l GIVE OUR MEN STRENGTH her band, the sound of her voice-" they want the Pope to accord them, "Er-h'm! Especially the sound of fol, political use, his endorsement. McKillop Directory for 1897. her voice," replied Deacon Peck, whose We believes that laws, parties, and poli- For c01 res o.ndonce we call give you up-to-date good$. We t AND, YINOROUS MANHOOD. helpmate of more than a quarter of a ttcianR in Cauadtt should he judged by John Morrison Reeve. Winthrop lbur P. O, p t. century had been taken from Nim by Wm. Archibak�, DepntyReevo, Lo also Cal'1'V full 111idS Of Canadians freely and without any Daniel Manley, Councilllor, Beechwood ) O. death, "Especially the sound of her ' Morrison Councillor, Beechwood P. O. Government appeal to the Pope. to a Joe. C. P. Pencils, BeIts voice. For nearly thirty years we Fitzpatrick, SPens, r V 17 Silly Cflnadians Can BMade dwelt to ether, anti as far as I know believe Mr. +ttzpatrick, aR elicitor- Win. MMaiadn, Clerk, Winthroplt?intliroprY. O.O i. i.iw� the onlymanwho eve- talked to her General, is prtid'by Canada to attend William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O. Hale, 1113arty and Happy, for whom site didn't talk back was the to Canadian law affairs, and not to David M. Ross, Treasurer, caiorth np . O. minister who performed our marriage cat ry Canadian cases to Rome for ad- Richard Dodds, oi as'd, Sanitary InspectorILeaadbuty. Scribblers, Tablets, %nd Worthy of their ceremony" judication there. •y� Conelnsice Proof. Count --- -- Property For Sale. Inks, Tombstone Advertiser—How about MANY A YOUNG MAN. A CHANCE FGnOARDENEIIB. Erasers, _- the Spigot's circulation? I want to use When from over••Nork, possibly as - only the best advertising mediums. In consegnence of my age and lack of help, I bave. Eclttor Cactus City Sptgot—AdvOrtts- sisted by an inherited weakness, the decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- '��'T • PAINE+'S CELERY COMPOUND In g medium ! Why, man, the Spigot's health fails and rest or medical treat- party conatating oftiveand a eau afresh, Clinton, Writing Paper, DOES THE GOOD WORK. Supreme. Why, Great $final we reach nicht must be rCROrted to, then ri0 game of bode anddotherenecc eery of (requirements, V w every family In the gulch. Last month medicine can he employed with the Therd is on the premises it framo house with adnate I raft a little item expressing my in- same beneficiaal results as Scotts Em, soft bard water, barn and othor outbuilding" �e.' �ca tention to shoot the man who had RlOit. The BaVfield river ad]oina the property. Will sell at t j been calling me a liar beh'trtd my a reasonable price for half cash and balance seoartJ Out splendid variety of Canadian - b inert age. As I desire to ,eIL ills to a chance back. I stayed away from the Oft1Ce y g 1 orsonall or by letter to e9inlate 1R unRIIrptlRs(cl in the rvOPld, aoldommeta•Ith, Appy p y Our well and warren should be perfect next day' and when I came basil there The 1•estdence of Mrsl Geo. H. theproprietor, were lust 237 bullet lioles througii the Moffatt, of Morris, was\ filled' ldst J09EP1iaLLANs"A o3tampleRof health, vigorandstrength. a -t f, (Minton door. This !s all the more remarkable Wednesday avenin with a very happy 6.4 Unfortunately{ we have too much Rick- wh• n you know that our population Y ►cess .and diseade•in oui` land, but it Is numbers just 237 ttdult finales. company, numbering about 100, to the fault of the pieople, not the land witness the tieing of the matrimonial A Western exchange says that a 49 In thanking our many patrons for the they* whabiti,;• out of rho Question bow between Miss Agnes, the estim- practical revivalist requested all in the M a able daughter o£ the hostess, and Geo. can 1 eganon who paid their debts to V �• liberal support accorded , L1S ln,�;,, 'Ib Whd a P. Sick and ailing{ wt+ St. Peter ---Sorry, Mr, Gerry, but i g' .y t' lviiirld0 ti!jr Whitt wonders Piiine$ really can't, you know, Olvar, of Brussels. Rev. Mr. Ander- The risinfz wits tteneral. After 1 Y ase. albfl}ioufldiith r1i4lor you. Its Shade—Don't You know that when son, o;„Wroxeter, officiated. they had taken their Rents A call was the past, a cont$ ] +tiOTl. bf` the s`cL�ne irlfil:vellt;,}i5 IiQ,eilth g''cV'd8 virtues It On earth. I was the [ eAticnt of the � - mitde for those .who didn't, pay their 1rnitkL net tti}li tilatPtlfi land lea ti Society for the Prevention or Cruelty debts to rise. one solitary individual liberal support is solicited. fi Y• l'y to Children ? MORE CURATIVE POWERarns6 :tad explained thin he wits an 110,00le lfiWsot'y' short titre. ,, t St, Peter -That'd aft right, old man, I'tlitae'i3 7elekx`. •Clolnpountl uial ly but �+a dGnet need you here. I couldnit Is Jac in a botf10 of I3tit d'a, Sar- editor and could clot, because the rest listrtlAlisb•'tresrf t risnes's, debilit ,dyts, -ep- afforii. to come , tb You for a peinAlt saparilla, than in anyothor sitrtilar pre- of 1110 congrelZ tori were owing him ��.'►�► v� �' t it1, li'yctlh, tt 1ST. ltldne` ttwub R .1# p06 eVet y tIfil tTie eherubtr 'wanted to situ rp.ratiapc It costs the proprietor and their subacKlit ons. F . t i . l . y anti duniles 111 ti lll'ucturt+r mole, It enstg .,the a cit o a 1 60 dd3(, ,,1.Ileu11*080 and Hent ttl�lIII, ft the new 'obber lore laid it i i Worth titflrn td Th y f Buffalo sttt�ts.ul` it,latltlCttre ,txprilige.l¢fwsei tal)d Ileal Ai lUriftritiitirfe Cnrl,rtrmtt. ] :-rl mo CUTes yell' ivit}1 iritiny,blg, alt' es lafoot•.. 3URI S t „ thp.pon tunier. 1 hits it l e ,l r3 ,. !S. rest int 1 ttilat' Vp tE; U f1. '= e 1 t t. If y( t1 alit?. tlal•in $Uund llealt.h ant. Y )hratibll, on+ o tli tr p , a - ;i: 4 • .,., is 1. Johzirty. ,` 6111 rd t1Yt 1deAttedt, hate Cul liili.n wit t o any ntliet pill, a trzttr 1t l3 11'rtla wil� Ile the Na iprial r (allb Brill. gttfcltly. etch, int.( you of -its Yd set hili t,ri Itiml.” Q lie f r} ►' 1 s, r j r v , is r tt eat:, Xipite I t ; it is til®, h(`Rt to buys because itis the + i • _, a },feat i tlltrQ and iitrtvel .rtln4 a iR . ,n t ' erarilredeRt tnettnt.l}atrt tit cif tlil '( A., Vit' l 1. rlro,trtif . 'H► tt"tit! ire ; t' .' i e t Tommi+ tiny yair ,he ,one TrueOldod �'urlfler., <ttr31 iiewa thlib• ` i%t lilrlLtisrl��alr��r1. ,, thl t .yo r got ii . u>rtleai 0.!t lot W .t-��,y�t.� 1 i flier- +i3'R If6Ys, You forgot that XPA1 0.0 'pr1% ;t5�eg , r., ^pity+ ped . h oom,-- 4ew , 1100DIA 1?ILLS are. Tin best fa>mll itttetyt1dii - tar °81Mfid. ^.belle 117tet0Sisr ^`, . � N. your. mother, is in t o r ii j J.J.�A y 7Clicr tirtrrlitfgrl'• ptittllf,oP Ilii$ et catty or resp. caithartle and liver itiediclfle; Gt+rrtle, w It°lIC1S it3l' tt hitifiti8d111t1 IICt1V liiil t aft . X '}t r pictorially tfkld othei`YVitie: 1`sllitble, saris. . , . x , x q '1!i//.A.ia'1�[`l�•�rHM.�<IYL.Q�I,P C'��fri.J�., e.�,. —� � r.' ' �4 .