The Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 5wr�l
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19.tlgitt 4t .kir of _ • r a' j Il Itll
ppxxAlr Uig A`SM ni.- t 7l'Ixtxllu>a,
Spectacles Proxy n � .,.-_..,.
I peddlar. Shertfter.
"''� At HAU NAT BLL+PT IN Sigi� ,I+OR TWINTX- An address h,ta been forwarded tax r �1.JT U, ,I �'�"`
wards heard#rpt. - • F s
,. IVU XEAR . the Hon, A. S. 11ar'dy and the other Weare t :' ��r► ! _
we were Spectacle members of the Legislative Asseuthly, re h actical'Miti hiniets with a fie' q"e i'i` "
Sixecialtsts and de- a • e • f3Fli AI ED 990411P Tea TOATUAS AND hy. the Stu le Tax tlseocitttion, the pair and cleats GUNS stud � q pp•.d �e�ait C�ilgpl- O t
C[ded t0 have us CONTIiUALMILnRIC bATHFxt,G}RANp4 .-`rides and:4bur Council and ton olh and styles; if any of the prcrts tire broke GACS °f all ltttacleq,
test, ilei' eyes and Is da •tom FATHL^R AND 4Rl:AT GRANDFATHER e1 organizations, Calling attention tox; 4r tyOill OUt We kiln Itggge'pp
bee 'if the R'litsses pQl'Isnt .ae watching 'UAL) DIED FROM' THE TROUBLE --RE- the present injustice in the method of We grind, sharpen rand polish 411 kinds of N � ..
site hod' werq qor-. a .'d.potolt,.. ,Wq cure all LEASU c.ouHB IN OLD AGS—THE CURE taxation.. From this address we make SKATES, &c., and retemper if required, � �YE.S,SUII�,�Q
sect. A -careful ex. t LOUI{ED UPON A6 A ,XIRACLE, the following extracts;— RetnCmber
t Yulp•atiop showed cura.tles of Watches Jew• - Wta repair everything P
44 ,' ' Ir ,,Let two Wren acquire possession of ythin in the shape of small s b i ipryN
tktat they wcre troy- elery and C.looits, and will r°nt the Whitby ChronioIe• different portions of land, The first Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and article of II
thing but correct, For yeat•s stones of fauncttis cure• clears his lot, fences it, drains it, rrects Out' Prices are the lowest theft are . ossible and we uttrit ire patiire}
`« i guarantee them oared or no wrought by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills the necessary buildings, beautifies it, tion. P g nice satisfac,
'` She could ate a t
little better witji pay, All we want is a have appeared in the Chronicle. During and tries to render it as productive ae 1'r (
them than without this time we have beep cn ttur about possible, Thus be endeavors to otic $u� ��W sr�Cllrs trolls its-'*' ��j 1�' p t p
x but,still they were chance. Give us that and for a local case of such a nature as to that land t0 its very best, use, When y Ursa the tar front being the if there is any chance at leave no doubt of the efficiepcy of he has bus done his utmost to add to s a
right enrrecti°n for these pills. We httvo found several,'the i>rospetity and welt -being of the T® �wedY" B�.�.'yC1e her defect of vision, all in any case we will re
but in each case it proved to be a sen- y, then, according to law, for " ^
community, ���
This is but one . store it . to you in good sitive body who could not bear to have every stet of impprovement his hexes o Co. f 4Q .
example. For the .his or her natrte and diseaqa made pub. mast be increasers. • OI POSITS MARKET SQUARE, ,,
same money or less healthy, work in$ order. lie. Recently, however, it most stt ik- On the other hand the second man
than you pay the ing case came to our ears, employs no labor, be raises no crop he
peddler yOlt call If we QAq't dp iota. tilno Mr. Solomon Thompson lives on it °takes n° improvement and adds�t:o- Snap
t have a scientific kee er an o beautiful fa bin to the a
P good, we farm, on t g wealth r prosperity Y 11 tell he a 4 a er i
-west shore t
test and b' h @ of P P of
r Y
proper Per' You so and save Mud Lake in Carden township. North th@ eomnttmity. He puts his land to �4• 4100.1 11
glasses to saynoth- b 3'ou Victoria. He has resided there fbr 40 the worst possible use; namely, to Fe- •009 For tap of the feeling spending money foolishly years, being the first settler around the cure wealth by the im overishutent of ..$$..�• onsu'i"Yt "
r of security you will oa it. We don't experi• lake. He was reeve of Carden and others- Not merely, does he raise no O. OLSO m
can have. You meat. Anything in our Haiton'townships thirty five years ago, crop himself; but he ho es to obtain, LV is giving Z4 1�g �ed sill's a
can have all this we line we cannot re air is before the counties of Peterhoro and and in many cases does obtain tt share, f01' �� to la Granulated SuR!
^ say much better P Victoria. were. �e arated, and he used Of the crops .and other products ppro- every purchaser of $1 wortlI of Groceries, Ila -
from us than from paeE all remedial relies', to attend the counties' council at Pet dueed by other men. This he is enabled eluding 1 lb, of 25e, 40C or 50C Tea.
, peddlara. erboro. Mr. Thom son has, been a to do because his taxes are kept low.
tvo are .adnate on- ol�r ���� victim of asthma fur forty yearn or Thus, the better tt man does for his e also have other Bargitilns, i l ]las, ch01C$ Oatmeal f01' 2JrC.
tiosine s. know our more. However we will let him tell him try the worse the country does for L LOUR �f choice C�tidht
business. re aro al- Char S his own story on that head. Y $2,15•per cwt., 011 which W8
wa a hero ready and
willing to make any• On October 15th, 181)6, we took at trip The man tubo by. hist industry brings give a prPmillm aS well �S a low pl'iCe.
changes ocourinaily to Mud Lake to visit the haunts lou forth twenty bushels where he puts in
necessary inyourlena08 Are always MO rate, familiar to us and made it a duty an one, or who by thea tication of his Come t0 uS for OUC
Withoutextracharge Y Baan and Shorts.
We take all risks, You never high. found it a pleasure t0 Call 11^olI bYltd, labor converts elft andtimberinto a
►. take none for the basisr y Gond (lean Grain Wanted.
y 11
" ` on whish we ask amour Thompson and learn front seeing him dwellingg is pursuing the honestcourae -_-.a
support is this "Four 000� �'_'%� uettt inl;uIs account of it how he had oe acgttlt�ing wealth. Ids creates ores- O. OLSON, V'ietoria Street, Clinton.'
monsg back V not satis• been cured. For twenty-five years we perity and thus estahllahes a right tet
11 Ir nut." Butlittlothought had kr-own him as a gasping, suffering end°y Prosperity, But when a man
letltiired to showthat with ue you are n��l / asthmatic,he worse we everkuew who raises no crop on his land, when he --
+t•1<ept, Free test an '` /` 1/ij[/ managed to live at all. Weofton won- adds nothing whatever to the preaper_ READY FOR B�StNESS.--�•..� '11
n W l Graduate Druggists P. B. J( dered how he lived froin day to day, Ity of the country, when by koAping '�••�
�18ni •i �ls��f and Opticians �yatchmaker and J@weler, On calling he met us wih a cheerful his land idle he has helped to keep the e and Rr11
g men idle r'� �+ BeaCOYYIy The Clinton Family Grocery,
Expert Watch Repairer, aspect and without displaying a trace ,and has thus impeded the Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groctri
, �' CLINTON. of his old trouble. Beira at once usher- welfare of the country, what
FARMERS -Ask for one of Dr. Hess Stock ed into his house, we naturally made it claim can he have to a share of he Flour reed,
'reR$ a s Provisions,
ci&c. We guarantee our values to be the very best in
r Decks. FRETC.'-ta our first business to enquire if it were Prosperity begotten by the industry of specialty. Terms Oash of Produce.
"� alletrue about the benefits he had re. °theta? SHEL°PA1tD &BEACON, ONTARIO ST„ CLINTON.ALWAYS UP -TO -DATA; r ceived from using Dr, Williams' Pink And yet the law imposes increased � ;j
MORTGAGE SALE W Pills. "Beyond doubt,"said he, -,How taxes on the honest method of acquit- 1' -
-otr VALUABLE- J F_�YT�+ longhaveyouusedthem,andhowmanq ing wealth, as though it were an evil THANKS TO THE PUB��H•�� ,
FARM LANDS /er'/fyi���/ boxrs have you used?" he was asked, to be suppressed, and it keeps down
w "I started a year ago and took eight taxes on the extortionate misuse of We desire to thank our numerous customers and the general public for
11gt tlte' TO*nsllip of Goderich.- •7 '= boxes." We next asked him if he land, as though it were a good to be their very liberal patrourtge during the octet thin g p
' Under and by virtue of rho power of sale STRATFORD, ONT. Pelt thab the care was permanent, fostered. Thus, honesty is discouraged to Year our kausinese has extended, necesaita ' y years ; from year T
I contained in a certain mortgage, which will A largge elegantly conipped commercial school "Well," sand he, "[ have not takes any and extortion is indirectly bonused. ting larger premises, We s
n ba r°duoed at the sale, there wilt be sold at -`NONE BETTER IN CANADA Students of Che pills for three or four months, Could we bi•ingastronger iudictrnent have,qurchased the stores in the old Brick Block, remodelling and ifn-
Pgbllc auction, by David Diokineon, Auc- rosy' °rater at any time. Write for catalogue. Proving them with Plate Glass Fronts, &c. In consequence we have re_
tioireor, at the W. J., ELLIOTT, Principal. Still I am not entirely satisfled yet, againstthepresentmethod °f taxation? moved the whole stock from the McKay Block Store to our Improved r,11
ComMereial Hotel, ClIntoll, - You see my father, grandfather and Industry, honesty, enterprise, the Stores in the old Brick Block where we invite a continuation of our
great grandfatker died of asthma. My very source and fountain of prosperity, former patronage. We are now bus cortin and re sarin
—on— Cheese Factory Notice. People all take it sooner or later and it taxed heavily and consequently de-offerP g Roods;
q Y When our Goods 's--a�1 straightened u Y ,
} SATURDAY, THE 27TH FEB, 1897, I The He eavllle Cheese and Butter mane- always ends their days. I have )oat ul)uJkfIIENTht i order to reduce our verb larwelsto ,SPEL14L Il1T-
f focturingo.,'tLtd.) will let b Y pressed; extortion, non -enterprise, non- g
-11 11 I Iat2o'olaokp� m., the followingprongorty viz:- Ypubllcauotiou, three brothers from the fatal thing, improvement taxed lightly and Chas
The $oath 13x1! o! Lot number 23 in the Fifth the drawing of the milk on she different routes Knowing my family history it is hard aided. Remember, our Stores are only in the Old Brick Block.
Hencosalon o1 the township of Goderich in the to the Cheese Factor , y r
County o! Huron containing 40 acres, morn or March, 1897 at 2 o'clock y onin . Saturday t 20th for ins t0 p;aut faith, but I can tell you
Holmesville. Full lot fate regskiadjtdsg pgaa�h for nears thirty But the injustice °f the present
9 + 1e�h'`' route will be furnished on the above date. y y Years I never slept to system of taxation' is most manifest .0`
T]NI;MS:-t0 er cent. of the purchase bed until I took Pink Pills. As you ��
moneyd0Wn on the day of Bale'and the balance W, B, FORSTER Pres• roust have known, I have always slept in the large cities, the larger the city �� J, �T
•,in 3p, days thereafter, without interest. The W. S. LAWR)913CE, pec, sitting in the chair You now occupy, I the greater the injustice. the land in A .�,./■ • • BR�Ss
pgropert . will be put up subject to a reserved Holmeeville, Feb. 27, 1897, the heart of Toronto is worth from • •
f Gl��ttrther terms, particulars and condi- 934-3t had a sling from that hook in the'ceil- $20 000-11
luamnde known at the sale or upon applica- ing and always sat with my head ' $5o,�oQ per acre per annual, Iron and Hardware Stoves and Tinware. .11
tioHtotheuneeisigred. resting in it while I els t. Inowretire equivalent to n capital value, reaching
HatOhiII E s for Sale: P to }towards of a million dollars er acre.
JAMES SCOTT g g+ to my bed when the other members of pp h
D •pIGKINSON, Vendor's Solicitor. --- my family do." "fiery old are you, Frorn this centre the value declines till BIltTIIS
Barred Plymouth Rock; tat and 2nd prize- Mr. Thompson?" "Sevent six" in the outer settlements of the Pro -
4 a Auctioneer. winning birds scored by Mr, L, G. Jarvis, On y' , was Coox.-Tn Eaat VVawanosh, on February 21st, MARKET REPORTS.
(llintott; Feb. 2nd, 1897. ratio Government Judge. he boat market the reply, "and I feel younger than I P1nce it finally reaches the vanishing the wife o! Mr. David Cook, of a eau titer.
r fowl, good layers and hardy Price 81,60 for did thirty years ago, 1 was troubled a point. The owner of the acre in To- g CCorreated every Tuesday afternoon.) 13 o>;gs. Only a limited number of settings. great deal with rheumatism and other T°rat°, without doing the first produc- COATS. -At Saratoga Springs, N. Y., the wife I oLIN?OP,
t�a �� Rf LoaNE C. Toon. Mr, John V. Coa a daughter,
�1 of
954-tt miseries, probably nervous troubles five act, may draw from industry a
Clinton I'XO. fortune yearly, while the owner of the Fall Wheat 0 72 to 0 7t}
arising from want of sleep, fiat near) IVIF.NNEL -In Clinton, on Feb. 26, the wife of I Barley .......................... 0 i30 to 0 4D'
" —the reliable— Y Parm at the outer margin of settle Mr' Geo; Mennel, of a daughter.
all the rheumatism is gone with the oats .................. ........... 0 16 to 0 1$
UPHDLS]ERER AND MATTRESS asthma," menta mint toil like a slays for a __ Peas .............................. 0 36 to; 0 sS
During the conversation Mrs. Thomp_ meagre pittance. MA ltlilAGfi'S.
11 .MAKER, Noty here tore two men, ono luxurat- H�OAx-MCKrxxorr.-At the R, C. church, Potatoes, per bush.......... U 20 to 025
a bale old lady, the mother of Butter .......................... 0 10 to 0 11 ,
x SEAFORrH, ONT. Leading dealers thirteen children, came in and after in in affiuence. the other struggling Soaferth. on the 23rd ult., by the pparish riest, Eggs per doz.............
arlor Furniture repaired Bud recovered. listening to h( -,r husband's recital of in poverty. And hour are these two James Hagan, Jr., of the township o! May t°
p K 011to012
rpeta sewed and laid = aisocleaned and ro eVei37W}jere sell men taxed. i Mies Mc mnon, daughter of Donald Mcltin• day""" •-"......•••••.•...... 8 00 to 800
u°gated at reasonable prices. these matters, she took up the theme. 'lull, Of the township of Tuckeramith. Cordwood......,..... .. 3 00 to 3 50
I never expected that anything could In answer to this question, we have MANN -WINDSOR -At Hensall on Feb. 22, 4pplea per bush ............. 0 35 to A 35
}' ®li'Orde�rs left at BROADFOOT & 'BOX'S �E��� cure Solomon," said she. " We were to call our attention to Lhis monstrous A nk B'k r Mrtnn to
store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at S SEEDS
Y Rev. W. J. Waddell, Fra
alwayn trying to find something which fact: yy' struggles nnieMaud Windsor, both ofTuc eremi , Dried Apples per lb........ 0 2 to 0 2'
S tendBdto. the farmer.who stru les in the 1 s
would give him relief, so that he would most disadvantageous location, and Ducks per 16. ,,............. , Q 05 to 006
an Do'trlektheloeeortlme,laborandgronnd who receives the least advantage from A DEATHS. . Turkeys per lb.._....._. 0 06 to 0 O7 4
bypiantingeeedeofnnkaowngnal- he able to sleep nights, but nothing g .11
Icy The marketia in11 or S envD, ever seemed to make much difference. government, the farmer who struggles Geese per ib .................. 0 05 to 0 06
- ' nnteliameaeeda. FEflaY'><8EEpS gg KYLE Hutlott, on February 'list, James
amNerayethebeat;doaotaocept At first he took one of the pills after tvtth a mortgage which he finds it im- Kyle, aged 83 years. Chickens per pair.....,...,.. 0 25 to 0 35
O�SIg>Ze�S • • • anyenbatitnto,aeedAnnoalFnl. each meal,bUt afters tiutehe increased Possible to reduce much less to pay cif Hoax. -Tu Exeter North on February21st,
D, M. FERRY & Co., i rte dose to two. We noticed he wits , who with his utmost toil TORONTO FARMERii MARIiET,
Windsor, ons the laborer, William Horn, aged 78 year•.
ss Clinton Laundry greatly improved after taking two secures but a miserable livelihood, the AIClvoR,-Ill Goderieh, on February 19tb, Wheat, white,... ., ,$ qg to $ o0
,. `" boxes and began to have hopes. Later sewing woman who succeeds in some Angus MCivor, aged 47 years and ti month do red ............... . 744 to W
ou when we saw beyond doubt that way in sustaining life on sweat -shop ,S'HEPHARD.-In Godericb, on Februaryy 19th, do g°°8e' " • • • • •+ 82t EO
' Huron Street. he was much better, I recommended wages; all these must give several da s E"cher Phoebe Shephard, wife of Mr, Jamoe Buckwheat ..... , , , , , • , , 32t to 0011
T p toil ever a directs or indirectl Y 33 to 34
the ills to a niece of mine, Aliss Da y year, y y Shephard, aged .. Years. Rye • , , , , , , , ,
o-, ppa y Y for the sap ort of Y N.- n North oxford Feb. 19th, Oats ..................... 21 to 22
whose blood hada trend turned in- P government. On William Thompson, tormerIy of the Huron Peas ............ :
our,wori. as usual is first-class ane guars°- to water and cubo had run dow,t in the other tad, in our large cities, a road, Goaecioh townehil,,aged 7o years: 40 to ll0
teed; while ,rices are lower than ever. We �� health and spirits so bad that she did man maty collect a fortune yearly from McMiTLAN.-In ColbRrne, on rho 22nd alt., Barley ..... ..... . . . 30 to S3 '
�`; mal;e.,a spec airy also of Family Washing, and &„ J OY N E:' R round rents, and never be called on to Nim KeMilllan, mother of D. McCorvie, of Hay ' ' ' • ' • • 13 00 to 14110
' call fcr.the goods and deliver them free, noL' Cata t0 live. Why, she got as yes- g
4Vdalland see how much we can do for little Have removed their Flour and Food store ' Clinton, aged 88 years and 10 months, $craw, • , , , .... , • , , , , • • , g 50 to $00
1.low as saffron, and "looked as �f she give one hours aervtCr, to a life time t° C°ANrsH.-At hie sato reaieence 832 Goor a gg +
money. from Huron street to the atom on Albert would not li ve a week. Yea Would support government oiZ to support an Street L'' s new laid ........., 14 to y,r
C. CON$IGNEY, street In occeupied by G. J. STlt- hardly believe it," said Mrs. Thompson, `hing else• Charles Cornish, brother ofa'RevbDr3Co i- $
Y Y- Ducks .................. 40 o fill
Huron St., Clinton. WART, where they will have much "butt at irI wits the healthiest and That which we lead for• nattlel lsh, Of Niagara, and formerly of Wingham, utter, Ib, rolls... , ... , , 12 .�
Oppotilts Coptmerpial hotel.. Pleasure in waiting on their old customers g P Y, aged 60 years and 9 months. do Tubs, darty...... 9 'to 12
and as many now ones as will favor them handsomest giI.1 in the neighborhood the abolution of the law that taxes a
with a call. before thrEe months had passed, and man for making improvements, has PATTI9gN.-In Clinton, on Atarch 18t, Jessie thickens ......... . . . . . . 25 to 50
r - 1 all from taking Pink Pills." Mrs. been alread ado ted ' Lily Pattison, qoun est dailghter of A. 0, Turkeys0 to 10
a Y p in a greater or Pattison, a ed 1`l Geese ..... . ......... . . 7 to g
Y.�f +uC+ D C OC Thompson Was called from the room at less degree •in the legislature of Mani- g on rsars, Il moirtha and 29 days.
�1 j Qom. this juncture to a tteiid'i o some boli ser, tuba, the North W est Provinces, 1.45tp, rat, l sharp; funcra'l at arch
lg 4th ;services at Dr 30t seas oR9:: : ; ; :: ; : ¢ 20 8 6
' & oyner,
hold duties, and Mr. Thompson resum- British Columbia, New Zealand, New tvALxER,=At the resile neo 0! her son -in• Reef, ltindquartere...... 4 00 to 550
1. and Jewelery Albert St., ed he subject of , his marvellous cure. South Wales and South Australia. law, Mr. John Shobbroo , Gravel road near do fore
., C11IltOIl. You can have no idea,"said he, "what We would thr,refore, urge that the tliontiatooJos e �valkorre' B' Walker, re�iot of I,ainb.• fluartera...... 2 50 ,to 350
ep.a Xr1ng' - it is to go through Lwent five aged 83 years and 7 8 Ft0 ,to 7 5tf
„ e y- y@ars legislataro of this Province either menthe.
Without aUod night's sleep without amend the assessment art so as to ' —�` TCiRONTO LIVE gTOCK MARftETb.`�
McLeod's pain. I can find no words to snake plain reduce the assessment of improve- Milch cows, each, ... , . 19 00 to $35 Op
� , < re throe of oar strong po.inta. to you he contrast between the com- menta, or that ermissioa be ive° to News Notes $
�F1. Oer esc4eptttifitillygood facilities forte I now enjoy and the awful life I the municipalities so to do, K Mr. W, U, Wilson, grocer, of Wood. Export cattle, per cwt...., 3.50 to ,4 25
enable us to carry out all ordere System Renovator bird for so long. I had a big family of Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 00 to $
mouths to fed and had to work when stock, committed suicide by taking a Batebers'ord.togdcattle,cwt250 to 275
quickly, skilfully and reason, ' —AND OTHER— at times I felt more like lying down to _ _ dose of prussic acid, Balis, per cwt . . .. . ...... . . 2 50 to 3�5
ably. Careful attention is Tested die. I w°old come in at ui ht com- News Notes. Stockers percwt....... ...250 to 300
given tp. the requests of cus Remedies, pletely tuckered out,- but'evgen that Premier Greenway @to establish a home and others asked. Feeders, per cwt.. ..... $ pp to4z
towers and our system precludes SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE was no guarantee of rest. There was Mr. M. K. Cameron, M. P., for South for coLsumptives in Manitoba. Sheep, per head....,....... 8 2 to 5'W
almost entite]y, the annoyance no rest Yor me. I seemed doomed to Essex, stated in Ottawa that he pro. Lambs, per cwt.,,. ....,, 4,60 to .500
For Impure Weak and Impoverlshcd Blood, torture and continual miser When posed to abolish reciprocity in wreck- Michael Delaney, the Grand Trunk Calves, per head.......... 350 to 1150
_11,11caused by mistakes. D epopsia, $leo ieesnees, Paipatation of the my folies urged me to try Dr, Williams' ing, which was of mor@ advae,tage to aectiionman who was struck by a train t7hoice Bacon haga,per cwt 4 76 to 490
CI Heart, Lives• t omplaint Nouralgiy Loss. o! Pink Pilis i thought it would be nae- Zhick fat ho
„ Send tTS _ Americans than Canadians. He also near Dundas last Monday morning, gs, cwt.........4 00 to 4.25
Memory, Bronotiltis, Co Urination" GaIIStanes, wanted an alien labor law modelled on died at Hamilton, Lightfat hogs, cwt...... , ,.8 AO' to 4?lli
Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary fittiAdaee, st. less, but I find to d° something or die the American hill. Sows per cwt ............ . .$ 60 to g25
Vitus' Dance, Female gularities a'ld Gen- soon,and hereIam as right, &9a fiddle," Mrs. Omier, wile. i� •baro®d with Stags, olxr a lairs, or inform oral DebtHty. The old man shook his head to add om- In response t° the unanimous appeal g her husband on uesday, Boas, per cwt............ 150 to 2
g nturderin
USi alta' `our messenger LABORATORY, CODER100 ONT. Phasic to his last sentence, and looked of Manitoba Conservatives, Sir Charles Feb. 10 tb, was Wednesday committed
like a man who felt joyful over a re- Tuppper said Friday that he was reluc- for trial by the Recorder at Hull, Que. .
Ill call, for them W11110Ut J. M. MoLEOD, newed lease of life, with all his old Cantly compelled t° concur lit their re- The Governor's palace, with all rho
eXtra. dhairge, . Prop, and Manufacturer. miseries removed. quest to surrender any claims he might archiver, at Canea, Island of Crete, was Mr. A. M. Williamson, collector of
Sold In Clinton b�y After congratulating our old friend have on the assistance of Mr. Hugh destroyed by fire Wednesday It issup- Customs at Kincardine, died Tbursda+y
J, H. t OMBE, and ALL & WILSON, on hie divorce from the hereditary des- John Macdonald in Parliament, so that posed to have been caused by incen- morning;, after a few weeks' illness.
. • =---�' _._ troyer of his kindred, we drove away. the latter may lead the Conservatives diaries, Deceased was a well-known and highly
At many places in the neighborhood in the provincial area. Mr. Thomas Kin a pensioner, of respected citizen, and had been a resi-
�, '', .J. 1VCw8 Notes. we opened discussions upon the case Lieut, Col. Herchmor, Commissioner Kingston has beennotified that by dent here for about thirty years. 1[n
0 Humball
At a meeyting of the Toronto Hu- •rad sound that all regarded it as a o£ the North-West Mounted Police the death of a rich relative he and 1882 he was appointed collectorf mane Society a form of ppetition was Marvellous cure. Where the Thom who is at present in Ottawa received t' his sisters have been bequeatbed Customs at this port, and he proves
approved of to be presented to the Do son family are known, no person would telegram Friday, stating that Deerfoot £10 000 and an estate in Ireland. not only an ef$cent .offlcer, but a 'very
minion Government in favor of enact* have believed for a moment that any- the once world-renowned Indian run. , popular one with the business cora-
'oho Leading JEWELER, ing legislation against the docking of thing but death would relieve him from ger, died on Thursday at Calgary, in The coroners jury which enquired muuity. Ho was also at the time toP
a CLINTON. horses, g the grip of asthma. Every word that the polive barracks, where be Was ren- into the death of James Fry, who his death mlrntcipal clerk and treasurer
is written here can o verified lr writ- fined for ari assault on another Indian murdered Mr. Shaw at Ravensworth, of Knox church, He had filled many
1";: S. bout forget our Engraving. Uhealey has put on a fee of $50 per a inn lilt: Solomon.Thompson;Dalrynt IO has returned a verdict to the effect offices of public trust with great ae-
" • , . • cigarette license. Why 1? and his wife.
1. Council COPY their example? tThisnex lance elft twenty-five a$ye r ewireaenables the quit of the Parliamentary that the murderer committed suicide, ceptance to his constituents. Hi was11
T, �.r'y y�y orbitiint fee would preyeltt,the takln writer to vouch y y At the enquiry y Tho Grand Association of the born in Ireland, and when a youngmath.
I• I! �•AL �,'�rx T N Ot1tt of a 1tCetnae and thug tit a stop to, write tt f theor facts n r M� COneniitteeIntotheJamesonraidFriday rolls of Industry passed resolutionsincame to America, and waemployed
r ' • pp P , y Col. P edea gave evidece showing favour of a reduction of freight rates in the accountant a office of the great t very
many idui§ h bit. indulging in hr, .Thompson in any statement he may
bl�bi" �TIGFH`C ONLY very injnrtoas habit. - that Preside Kruger favored G@r- dr o0
' matte, , • many against Great Britain. He ab- by Gevecnment intervention, and 3` goods houaie of A. $, 19tetvitrt, In
Monday mornin ,against Gaveitument aid to a private New 'York. ring the A'tnerleiixa
4� ,
tes acquitted Mr. arise h Uham. Du
/� A � a Brillie • lnfan4 ion.' Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure b go -y q p railway through the Chows Nest Pass, was he espngsed the cauet+rit'th' U��tiQrit,
A /� of the tate William Bright, cued at C. ing to the root of the disense. he O' Secretary of State -for the and silty actly@ seri�Ice itt isle arf7�ern• Zilliax`s, Brussels, where Mre. Bright r@neYv and build u" the blood anyy OlOnies,;af all knowledge of therevoI On Monday week last, at Exeter, arm Mr. Wtlliamso .
' .nae visiting* 8 g P d tionary movement. some dozed youn boys 'and iris a tive� n : n stirs tlonsecva-
1.- otnpEllltt e.a��+19 flew: Elie intiiveY o! tri"o g, est@ and Mrs. illiax being siren thiilfi the nerves, third driving g g p polities, a gentlemitri of"h#�?h
T46 wonderful sisters. Tho baby had been allin for disease from the system, '' Avoid imittt- peared before Iliagistrates Smell, chat• - Intelligence,a teat r-
. ;torte time with HOMO trouble. Mr: Vi7iittn@ ,leader bf the .
�i 'HE
i Y . Proven ed with violating rite villa e b -lttw whet t' ..g •seer, atTd gnii!
1 x . ,•heatli;,,Whlch dbwel6 ed into l '?, Y� tion by„Instating t�ant evet�+ lids yen g' an unaatenttttiousrsrt •aegis
V AT ; A Err. Il quItk don- 'ulchase is enclosed in a cittl UppoHltiorl• :Frlfty called the'ett'• in Indus in th a cha i
etiUtpt#ont robultiin In h1 i' Ned' pp 'taP illg to t - , r , r twit 'lE Was In f it,$,, H hit int 1X.ln of, the Gaut- p
eelsrj at bettrin ''the..ftMfrade pp rat to of the sue iHlature to the high. al ocher a that
the •stent ixttttt¢'tlhtl a the last 7fq'ntslrrc' ;the ;n i9 'bf tint incl mark: DIr. Wits q a _ g, . , t .t they pelted the house mtttltf. His lee t
J6fctls, ,u ti 10>jltettwF,►,. xrttar`•sr Nothin , . nibs fid 2kf days. ,liams ink Pi11s fnr Atli ploCeedibigs Of Mattie Wi h a Liar; , �o s . o $itteat"ciilie._atttit
k 'ndtircll ..took Pale s'e1S le. 1► to And created moth a lnaiae, ueighhorllocd will be seal feu,
liketh6m `!sfi bnlnri7a>Yadatuel"ozc :; ,: ;. i can,' uitebd 9 °feet. + y p �rltii.lflmh,.,a fibho Inli •.trice �.t a� < that h , �'..> - ....
iiod0 tri LWOt 0 Wh ;; -.-,.� ,.. ....� nffi 2 tlbg t lordytnan r arise Ie ryas a la►@taller of ba n e
y fir.. fir, i wi ht brie • tubo un coat rtntribl �etad,!of
gttfoeulnritdnf froth° 1190 till 10 ".m. ' Mite b 1ht Mr, y ibeliW a h6t, ptdb6oc7, • with tl><e oeremdn . 8e. Or er -- ;
1.p tt ed lest. Ueleiiill4 A. W. t8lbktr of lely' o 0 3` d tet ,Cxdd>?elsows, rite . Clntr
�re, , th hits, bre I t Ash tri aw pbotr *6646 tides et�h h vin . .
1 Bright, t deli t ppattited st.r i a... . ' 1 a� ct. dine tSf Order , bt Fbremterm �t d
tlK,1 ��++ ��yllff,� d t ti 1 ply ,l�'t?ifp4thioted tt+Jttt stI Uttt et of thti Peace i . a and lie t; the' l'a acib
1.AU�I Tari• �ill�bDiri;: b , 11 . u .. % #ctl?te tMRla� p11e' QOttt+r titx) raa rsrd a>. h rifle .Utrallq�
t 7aei dottbla� lyexaettvm(mtrltt, far.-- the Uopnt - .Of I"i r r , ' ., t, • a4va,tile• ot�n . Bltitek l`"t,gea tory. %6 f0h61'el �6i11' §:
u ah by the On, . CGgvernthelkt mated ,that the rha'tte7r folkk rltltrtaktxtrad. c q
1.tarso Gtaverntnt �tdvl e� rtbiali i.t ars Cnndueted, With libfaot; d of t '.
I , , r#t. .., , .) ruse ltetrtg infract#dated, .. .r l>e prOiltttble,'itOr ttte .t(i tot •• •;f ,'.�,t,• pa, >lt '.
I t p(5t1r 11ltTYlt d 61lfdl<f'I 'ti� l(Ii-,,�",;, •
�„ ,l ry r ,
w ,' t
s` r,14f