HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 4OD 7 Tb?tb arA . sensible, 'useful 4044 arnatuelataf, 94140 14 a Store J Is thebest •Pl€tce to et r, atebeso g gg_eAdloras I'oc - SJlnek, of X`ewel)ery va ted! stock evory kin cl ta, Oil ' 4 is sure to be suited, pal those j who have, seen otxr y' pi ices can a goods ancl'.; Ppi'eOA41W the gleet � in 1ue we Lad es'end Gent$ Gold�Gcld filed and Sjlver Sties r AN OI1TIiAGIEOiIIs ACT. ve- i I c ; ji G :+` $5 upwards, Wat from • Dismissal of the Postmaster at y `` Clocks, in' all de" X , Wall. Paper, Sntton West. `o signs and nd at all 1 ' IN ORDER TO IIND A PLACE FOR AN , �.. 'i 1 •+-r�'Ce�7• ACTIR PARTIZAN -FLIMSY Ex. � � ® � Jewellery of All styles, ancludin Broaches, Rings, Stick Ptne, (Jhajne WinQ�OG>�I c���,Qles1 CUBE$ BY MR. MUhocK. �`� � Charrus, Lockets, Cuff Buttons, &c: Mr. J. R. Bourchier was, until last } month, Postmaster of Sutton West, in { Silvervcrare, North York, The Inst-offl.ce there has •+ been in existence for about 70 YOM& Cold Spectacles, Mr, Bourchier',s father held the office for 46 years, and he Atook Cold and Silver I'1T • � L ,.',� Is charge of it about 25 yearss Ago. o. _ oV, Oil the 4th of January last Mr. elties• a Bouvehier received from the post -office fF /t inspector at Barrie the following corn - I Y Estate rl tlnlCatlOn:- f Pile rv� t }�',, Vii: y" " �� �' �" �-• THE OUILLOTINR. r .'u Post -Office Inspector's office Sir - "Barrie, 4th January, 1897. rfl°r Biddlecombe I am to acquaint you that at No. 2 No. 3 an early (sic) the peat -office lit Sutton Albert Street, Clinton. s k West will be transferred front your THE NEw$-RECORD in a previous ler charge to that of Mr. Henryreloar, I y room, the second flat, rt action I and have bench room for over 200 ern_ I Established 1856. Y issue made mention of the fact that room and the third and Fourth flats, and hav by order of the Hon. the Postmaster- lklessra. W, Doherty & Co. intended varnishing and stock rooms. A power General. Please govern yourself ac• greatly cubo ing and altering their I hoist with a capacity of 2000 lbs. will I lu addition to these changes in the i corclirrgly, g t •_ r "I xrn sir, very extensive plant. Since theu plans be placed ill this building. plant, a new line of cases -the most 'e'1[�`�7r� and speclficationa have been adopted I No. 2, a two.atoty building, 80x38, actions embracing tilltheIt feet and We're 4 Your obedient servant p _ „ and ft is with pleasure eve give our ALLEN JONES, will be raised two stories and the sides best improvements, aria being placed on Not readers a more definite idea, of the I . "Post -office Inspector." changes intended to be ina'de. and. roof sheeted with iron shingles, the market a•nd the increased sale of i.� o'lJ Mr. J. R. Bouchier, P. 11f,, Sutton I In the third story of this building will the Doherty Organ to 500 per month is We are fully prepared and expect West." The Above cut illustrates the plant be made cases, sharps, turnings, rstc. not at All improbable. We know it > to do the largest Wall Pciper and AN ACTIVE PARTISAN. as it now is. The new plans call for a � and in the fourth story will be kept will not be long before "W. D. & Co," Window Shade business in the his Mr Treloar is the reeve of the villagge, brick building 41x43, 4ustories hi fh, be- I stocks of organs under varnish, etc. will be again cramped for space Z�OCOr tory of our Firm. and was an active supporter of Jlln tween buildings No, and 3. t will J Machinery of the, newest. and latest its much as they are now, and then we 1Vlulock at the lust election, q}ie be so built that it will run into No, 2 design will he addeii to the machine, shall expect to see orec•ted a beautiful Sprayc e above curt dismissal was the first inti and have it fire wall at. the north end case and action departments and building 500x100 tier lung that will But if you have cold feet wbdn 1 oration Mr. Bourchier had of ally in- with sliding iron door entrances from 'Messrs. Doherty anticipate because of double even their 500 per Month citpa- t _ tender] change in the office nor was No. 3 building, The whole first floor these changes they will be able to turn city. you go to bed we can cure you, ` Is the best time to paper in officially aware of any inquiry 4r of this building will be ►n:tde a machin- out from 450 to 6W,organs per month Cooper Bros. have the contract. ConAultation flee, but we charge investigation beim on.fogt. and hand Shades. g' g ----- On the 8th January Mr Bnuchicr are made up for then} ht, to take I Cash ...... ...................$ 07,580 you one dohat.'zor the cure. We Come •' wrote the inspector for an explant -tion, gC - and received this reply:- U l�Uon10 1p and see our P Y :- into the store and place therm ust out- Special deposits......... , , , 350,000 don't mind telling ` side the door of the bedroom where the _ __ 'nobby new lines. "Post -Office Inspector's Office, contractor sleeps. The robbery was in- Total g you what it ie "Barrie, 9th January, of vestigated at the time h the authori- "' $ 457,5801 res eithrr: a H t Water Bottle either �ttl�Y Deduct the cash in band in December Y I! 4 "Dear Sir, -I have your letter of rho ties and a local Government detective. , } in a two or three quart nue all. +r, , 8th Fist. The Postmaster-Genthas Nu action was taken until the chane 1�0' from the cash in hand in Decem- , not informed me pi>rticularl why yon of Government many months after- ber, 18&>, ,and the result is as follows: "Cures talk In farsalin avor Ta cording Eo the size of your feet. are to he removed from office, but I wards, 1394, cash .................... $ 610,873 Hf Hood'sS ler mrl edi,' Thio is a a erisl lot we believe it is because you have lust the 1895, cash...... .............. 437,580for p bought confidence of the public ill your lo_ In near] three-quarters of a century cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful y cality. there has been, so far as is known, no convincin cheap ;they all haves coinbina- �' Yours 'truly, other complaint ttpainst the manage_ Disstppeared. • , , , , , , , • , , , , ,$ 173;093 g language of grateful men and , meat of the Sutton post -office. The cash balance has frtllen a ain by women, conatitate its most effective ad- tion which attached converts them ALLEN JONES, P the amount of the deficit. The year vertising, Many of these cures are mar - "P. O. Inspector." THE P. M. a.'$' SOPIiISTRY EXPOSED. 1898 commenced with a cash balance of velous. They have won the confidence of into Fountain Syringes. We are ° CgrINTON: "The Postmaster at Sutton West." The Postmaster -General thinks it $437,580. The financial transactions for the - THE PEOPLE DISGUSTED. would be unfair to ask people to testi- 1890 were : People;have yea Hood's ,Satsapa• offing you have the benefit of -- -' - - fy on so "delicate a matter." Ia there rilla thelargestsales in the world, and 1 On the surae day a petition was sent anything Expenditures ................$3,703,379 have made necessary for its maaufaoturs our folk. to the de artment from the users of y g in thin ? The same might be Receipts.. , . , .. , . , , , , • , , , , , ; , , 3,490,848 t elv .�Cvextilelltelltx, said in every judicial enquiry. wic he greatest on earth. Hood's A lady- the post:o ce, asking for a public in- q Y• y ' vest, anon. It was signed b 148 lei_ nesseb i:eldom come willingly; and the - SarsaparillaIs known b the cures it has g. b' Y P Deficit............ $ 212,707y Allen &Wilson. clergymen of obligation to give evidence is generally ""' ' made --cures of scrofula, salt rheum and r sons, including all the eller The state of the cash account at the Removed -Hill & Joyner, the village, by all rhe business people looked upon as unpleasant•, Mr. Boor- Ct ; ll� Itnpurtant-Jackson i3iros, chic, wants to lrnow if the days the end of 1898 wale as follows: eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia JAS. H. COMBS, :Sherr `Vine -Lack genned of the place except two, and in fact t,y' Star Chamber are revived ? LY the de- �' and -weak nerves cures of dyspepsia, h troubles cats,, i y Y• more t to 90 per cent. of the patrauy Gash • . , , , • ... $ 204,320liver "Wall paper -W. Cooper & Co. of the office. The request for a public po-trtment to act on rumour, and a pr}- Special deposits.... - ....... 22,500 catarrh which prove Chemist and Dvugglst. For five years -Geo. F. Emerson. inquiry was unanimous vate enquiry, or is he to he allowed to q y practically a unanimous --- � � �.. s Doctoring a wittc:h-P. B. Crews. know the paries of the complainants $ 220,820 00 --- _• System Renovator -J. - one. y ator J. bL. McLeod. and the nature of any charges, and to Less stationery ............ . 1,&17 Special March sale-Hodgens Bros. On the 16th of the same month the have the opportunity o£ Accordingto the Patrie, which is in,,. Postmaster -General sent the following PP Y given an --- Thanks to the public -Harland Bros. g answer and of allowin r g HS sj irecl by ar. Tarte, M[niatea►of Public reply to the petition :- (, that his accus: Total ....................... . $ 224,573 Works, Mr, Fltz it ' Cheese factory notice -W. B. Law- er•s are not disinterested, and may be Deduct the cash in hand ill December ■ p tricl: a mission to x ,epee. AN ABSURD REPLY Serving, ppt'sonal ends? 1896, from the cash in hand ill 'Decem� �e'�1°SarJar�' la Rolrle was to induce the Pope to send Ila Hatching eggs for sale -Lorne C. "Ottawa, January 15,1897. ber, 1895, and this is the loss:' an apostolic delegate to Canada to set- I,:'Todd. Dear Sir, -1 beg to acknowledgere- Mr. Bourchier takes issue with the Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Parifler. tie enxist.ing diff c -pities. a, Setting hens wanted-Tn[E NEn $- ce,pt of a letter of the9th Fust. of uar- department on the statement that 189.5, cash ...... ..............$ 437,600 Y there was a ]act of confidence in his 1 cash ................... 224,873 s cure liver ills; leas to Mr. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agri a RF.CORU. self and other clergymen of the village imana a _; Hood S pills take, easy to operate. 25& culture, addressed the Members of the ra Ready for business -Sheppard & of Sntton West, enclosing a petition �' m¢nt, and that the public ser - i Beacom. asking for an investigafaon before ;t vice was suffering therefrom, The rob Disappeared .... , . • ....... , , $ 212,707 Dominion Alli rice in Montreal. Re- �__... . -___ _�.__-___ -_-_ felrring to the coming plebiscite, he change of post rnasterahip in Sutton, bery took place on the 2nd January, The cash account ling fallen by the said if the temperance fro le wo • I_wouldsa 1896 but the business o£ the office in- amount of the defic;t for the year. `'I ani a free trader, says the Grit prohibitui;y lacy would e P n It y,.in. reply, the-Gtha change creased afterwards at a :treater rate Two annuity Inane have been-. made man ufacturer and the Grit farther ; liquor traffic low, and the r was not ordered without an investiga- than ever, as the following returns of during the veal's mentioned, as fol- "and I want everything to c:>me into country It was hisbem rhntictn this The-, Herron , News-Recora P belief { a` the money order business will prove:- lows: this country free except my product 1" that the temperance people would ly a Year -81.00 !n Advance. "Prior to my assuming office a very 1803, ..... ... . tmpleasant incident in connection with $ 7,184 35 18A5 ......:...................$ 171,620 When the Tories were in power it win. the Sntton 1894 ........... . ............. 7,767 00 1898...... , .....,.............. 177,730 was all outrage -in the eyes of the post -offer a had o carred. 1890 .......... . . .............. 8 237 82 LARCH 3rd, 1897. This had been investigated, and show- 1898, • . • . • • • • • • • , 11,132 89 Total ..... , . •.... - Grits -to delay the opening Of parlia- , - WEDNT`}tIDA?ti, n WOOD B PHOf3PI3pDINE. _ ed at least, very great carelesness on , 349,250 merit. But now -the delav is all right. The Great IDn --" - - the part of the postmaster. Subse_ The emoluments of the office are fleta are $349,250 acid ol..'to t�e liabili pearl gllcka Remedy. OORPORrI TION I�fPOS1TIO1Vb', quently it was brought to my notice Y $600 a Year. ties. 'At the same time cettt•�}n of the The change of government. evidently BfxPackayesrinaranteedeo " that many people in the village of Sot- Mr. Treloar has now taken charge of debenturQs'lleld by the province have hits not been the means of bettering promptly, and permanently Under the hew mantigement the ton declined to remit moneys by the the post -office, and as Mr. Bourchier been turned into cash and spent. The the condition of the country, and times a epic an forme of Nervous ixrand Trunk Railway authorities have Sntton ,post -office, so long as the for- and the residents of Sutton have been accouuts.shbw the following figures: are harder thio, they ever were. It re %Peaivteea,Emtsaions,Sperni- mer Postmaster was allowed to remain unable to get an open investigation, he 1894, drai t time for another change. „ atorrhea,rmpoteneyand a6 endeavoi'ecltocentralizetheir power p t� d• ppritures....$ 484,222 4jPeetao�drSuseorExeesaes, P in office. I accordingly instructed the makes the facto public. Itisunder- 1898, 389,385 It wits shown before the tariff tick- _:. atental worry,uveesetveuse apit.al. Town ticket offices have been inspector to ascertain how far this feel- stood that the matter will be brought, ---- ers the other clay that glucose is 6fte ofatobacco,ptumorst;mu- j �Aliolished t;i ht and left to the in of want of confidence extended $ 94,831 made in Canada, and is largely used kente,untc)reoonreadtoln- before.the House o£ Commons, Sold ........... Beforeand r. 1 inconvenience of the' general public! and be made a report which fully sats Now, jet us add the deficits or redue- in the manufacture of candy." Sure r"'{tyI'teantty,Consumattonandanearlygrave. lanes me that the public service was - - ---- f tions in the cash account, the loan's iy sugar is cheap enough nowadays to Has been proscribed over 85 years in thousands of Theseandothe: paonopoites, fostered by suffering by reason of lack of conn- g floated to meet current expenses, and be used ill even the oornmonesb caeca; is the only nariaNe and Honest hfedtotne a men of money, are. planuing ways and deice in the then postmaster. Hence $14406,000 a bear• the debentures sold and applied, to or- grades of candy, But what becomes k'1OtO7' �kdruggist for Wood'sphoephodfnelif I deemed it to But, he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, Means to hili coffers to their own Y y to direct' the --- Binary revenue, and gee what •the re- of the test. of the glucose? Is it used tncloea price in letter, and we will Bend by return g Change which has taken place, and I Of the public accounts of Ci itario it cult is : in the manufacturra of syrup or honey ? marl. Price, one package, tr; lets, its. One will pockets by compelling the public -the cannot be said that he who runs may It would be interesting p p think no further investigation is neces• 1894, deficit.. ,...... ...$ 3!39343 g to eo le who ,Dreaae,atmwittoare Pamphlotafreotoanyaddresa, traxpayers-who . brought these cor- Bary. read. AAs a matter of fact (they are 1895, eat to know about that. It is certain The woos Company, r so compLcated that be wholreaas is 189(3, 212 that no glucose reaches the consumer wiadeor,Out.,Canada. Yr �aorations into existence through "Many people in Sntton, of both most likely to be deceived. Oiit of the • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' fbo-nuses, to bow to their commands„ sides of politics, expressed themselves mass of figures, however, the facts 1895, new debt ............ . ... 171,520 under the nam of glucose. MCF -bold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada `'The servants, it seems, are becoming to the inspector that they had no con- can he gleaned, and here are acfew 18�' • • • • 177.730 � by all responsible druggists. fidence Ili the post -office as then con- 1895.8, debentures sold ....... 94,837 - wasters,. and will assert power to the P which exp]:Fin the desire of the Govern- _ ducted, and the inspector so reported ment to layon new taxes in one foriit:. last. THE Nrwp-RECORD, on behalf, to this department,' but it would be or another. $1,219,230 sof rho general public, 'regretted very quite unfair that these people should have roe years -1894, 1896 and 1898-wu w� a�1 ready for be compelled public] to testify upon The Government originallyhad it i mrtueh the abolishing of the G. T. R. Y Y P n surplus in money, and debentures of gone behind $1,219,230. The retie. � , so delicate it matter. Many of them had been $400,400a year. Mr. Harcourt and C. P. R. town ticket agencies, It stated that they remitted by express was t millions. •In December, 1893,tbis expects at deficiency of t$3UO,Ot)U for Spring y7 �y��� ;„just means so much inconvenience to' inAtead of the post -office, because of was the condition of affairs : next year. But this is regarded as too w•/�Jii iJ.ig w7 Ss alae public, the farmer bosses of these their want of confidence, and I beg to Cash in bank .. ............$ 75,016 modest an estimate by half, Various •gigantic corporations, and so' much assure you that it was with the very Spe_ial deposits .............. 926,000 expedients are proposed looking to it With fine inouey in the pockets of the Lords of utmost regret that I felt compelled, in - restoration of the balanceas a . We shall SHOE STOCK as ever came into Creation. the public interest, to make the.change Total,, , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , • $1,000,018 see ere long what form the neve taxes C1in tOlt, It is well assorted with all the new and lip t A rumor has been ih circulation for which I did. During ISM the financial 'transaction, will take." - "Your� sincere] were these : t0 -Cl I some' days that the Canadian Express Y, Political Points ate Goods that is to be found 1n any first class Ciio'tn tin is a}so to follow Fri the foot- "vV• MIILOCK Expenditure . .... , . Shoe ,5!01'@. 842 605 tsteps ofthemuch dreaded railway, „ "Postmaster -General." Revenue . ... . ................$3,453,102 Our Prices are lower than We 'aaombines, and that, the town office Rep. James Frazer, Sutton West, The Grit manufacturers now have have shown before. will .be transferred to the G, T. Ili. Ont."Deficit.......... . . . , , , $ 380,3¢3 their inning at Ottawa before the tariff r sttiti.in, frott),and to where all parcels 3IUST HAVE ROBBED HIMSELF. On December 31st, 1894, the cash was tinkers, and are all ginnaing the flood Our Store hos the reputation for selling nothing but GOOD, GOODS. It Will be conveyed by and at the ox- . „ ill this shape : old song; Tax overybody but me. ente of the individual. We trust the The unpleasant incident referred $ 288,678 From the Municipalities, the Ontario is the oldest Shoo Store is this section of the county and you may always rely P. to Ili the letter is this :-On the 9,nd Cash in banks........... tumor is without foundation. Clinton Jannary, 1898, (a year ago), 'one of the special deposits .............. 84.2,098 Government has withdrawn the pro- on us for our Shoos turning out as we say, if not, "as a Central point where a paying busi- mail bags had been cut open during _ vincial grants formerly allowed. It money always back. itess has been done for very many the night time, a registered lTotal has also taken a larger license revenue Our now line Of OX BLOOD COIN TOES are the new gears, and we are Rafe in saying, in the me, anstereetter • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • - • . • , , • $ 610,673 from the municipalities, and has re - r ,tame of our leo le that a change of containing $800 stolen. The money Now, deduct the cash in hand on De- thin for entlemen, taken belonged to Miller and Bourchier, cembor 31, 1894, from the amount in turned less than formerly for Public g this •nature would be. an imposition on of which firm the postmaster was it hand on December. 1893, and the fol• school purposes, Rere is the situation �se����narit1e�sonn�r���a the pliblid Arid xn act of the most tin- partner. The,loss d►d not fall u on the lowin result ig obtained : as it affects the County of Welling- 4+t grateful ingratitnde. Under no cir- P g ton department but tt on the firm. With It is alwa s a a y .. +cutristances would the bu Mess men p 1893, cash ....................$1,000,018 Municipal rant withdrawn...... 1 71'4 y good thing To buy from us "- g reference to thQ charge of "very great 1804 P g' $ , y ond citlzede '7tilitbrt,to such an order ,cash ........ . . . . . .. . . . . • 810,073 Additional taken from licenses.. 233;1 to buy early when the 1 of tliitt, We ho a however, there i carelessness, Mr. Bourchier says the . P ' 4• mail ba was on the occasion in oleo- Less given to public schools..., , 2,!348 assortment 1S lamer. means saving tit itr tho ratio,. �! Disappeared ................ $ 889,343; inA tion int the place where for years it had It will be observed that the cash was Total............ _-`gym ()Yj ey. be keppt. Nine mail hags are bandied • • • • • • • $8,593 •f�����n�is��r���tii�f�• Fbr 2(1 yki�r Pat Imnisters a'nd doe in the office every rttj;ht; and they have reduced t►v exactly the error of the The Government woe, in 1896, cden� " nnrr�r��sr�iriiii'ra' i •'iEort httlWe.tllt ih8ti"1.rtririns of roglatrst- to be taken to the railway station deficit. In December, 1894, the cash in pared with its relations to Wellingtart, r t rill til �#»rtli ,;,deaths°tbnd'tuarrfagee t� about half -past six oloock on this fol- Mand was $810,873. The financial $8 ahead. In other words, it com- �'e► rir� � t o fiauiiI 1pttl?.r+lerles freetif postage. lowing niorninjrr. The contractor for transactions of 1895 were thegirt peri the t8unty°to ralae this ilioney by P0` t,8 Masteg-GotterAl Mull4ck's recent darryjn the mail resides close to the Expenditure .... . .... . .. . ... . $8,758,595 direct taxes. Io . ,twent ears .the g y , fl ci(sr:isltttr �!egut'rlln� tt>;htter>1 which xrin post•o%ce. There is only a stone be Revttiu®................. ... 8;686;'602 Glev+`rniiterit' h'rce ,taken �t3U,000 ftatn . JAOKSON� ' the farthets of W6,1llnt�ton thitt other. o thlt aalgh thq tttafltr free ruts ki'if this t\viceit it and his residence. The iltot•H g prlti File bt ahci til 4utiite all to :3tra3ttion is rented by the .oatrtrRctol and "!lie* Defleft , .. • . , ....., . ,,......$ 173,083 wise wolild btilon, to'theiri, raid litill it;: >iYQnb t lk I the Laid tvi ' 114ve to three Aro pptacticallyy„ one ...buildin .. It The ash acedutit at the 'ie,cl o $1 ritpfaitYg tiro 1�ehlnd at :tTtd rtyt ' ifrf+' a 1? � lariot�► •, brie• been the pkttetide after thegba s iitooditi this wilt f 11 f ISM $1,240' •lier ftyi,,': alid tihretftego net i .:P131e ShOe a 'EIRE' gX S i irnp6>af�+I0 .r, • H � ••{.' _ -f, _-1��.s� . •.LN.•. ice. _L�.Y•a,iL���r' �_•v.'•a..z��J.-'A'�'rdi1:14<'UYI�Ia' p�4�7-� 7.� � r ' * ' '{j .�. VD fl,V�, 704r!� Al • �, ', .. I iw+,i 'gas .i M•ie..�.�..,*�-T,.,,.- .j.$. }; We havo tuie' Ott' io, the blmle voiike UAt>IAalan law, itis very easy' r. riding public h ErtolnttYity., ii6y for tlto 640 season NO iau artlttPent bi to blco4ani Samist in the Ask for a ellitre of yours patronage . U1*04 States. 'The •statutes under gur ,experfetaee: pl4m its In & better which our neighbors are •go.verned ser,, t 00106A Haan ever to supply your needs p thtit 1610,; One object bas ever beennwidely iously conflict. Divorce laws differ t't1 sue►ply the very hest wheels money in nearly all States and com- r mlild, boy, and .our pitst record is now plications of a criminal character may b6f6li? yatl readily occur. You will find second Wo tuv willing to abide by the decision of our vitOoraovs Ip, thopast'. 404 your friends if the mark iagos legal in one potation of tine States and illegal in others. And still wheelstu pobasoa front tis worn satisfactory, 'thouroinombor thak our loadiu ,osit' on ill the i. 1tus11zt9!j lra.9 tis first ohcico a��h.o Bost �iaosie I we find sotne Uttuitd'tana anxtoua to allow the rear g American people to bzi the rpariret, Tliis oar wo oiler a ohoioo of thpl;vsirex $G j)odi{o, do Clovaland and Dnyto4 gobble us up, to force its to beconle a part, of the American Union, to throw oleo;; with a, hood lino oP ohoa whoole. ` 41{3li you >�4 with ftp i,t'97. we set t�io pace. off the British freedom of Liberty for Bicycle and Music that of the American yoke of Bondage. Ill Canada we have one law for all. jJ House,'Clinton, Ji1�L 1ClIJl111f IJ OD 7 Tb?tb arA . sensible, 'useful 4044 arnatuelataf, 94140 14 a Store J Is thebest •Pl€tce to et r, atebeso g gg_eAdloras I'oc - SJlnek, of X`ewel)ery va ted! stock evory kin cl ta, Oil ' 4 is sure to be suited, pal those j who have, seen otxr y' pi ices can a goods ancl'.; Ppi'eOA41W the gleet � in 1ue we Lad es'end Gent$ Gold�Gcld filed and Sjlver Sties r AN OI1TIiAGIEOiIIs ACT. ve- i I c ; ji G :+` $5 upwards, Wat from • Dismissal of the Postmaster at y `` Clocks, in' all de" X , Wall. Paper, Sntton West. `o signs and nd at all 1 ' IN ORDER TO IIND A PLACE FOR AN , �.. 'i 1 •+-r�'Ce�7• ACTIR PARTIZAN -FLIMSY Ex. � � ® � Jewellery of All styles, ancludin Broaches, Rings, Stick Ptne, (Jhajne WinQ�OG>�I c���,Qles1 CUBE$ BY MR. MUhocK. �`� � Charrus, Lockets, Cuff Buttons, &c: Mr. J. R. Bourchier was, until last } month, Postmaster of Sutton West, in { Silvervcrare, North York, The Inst-offl.ce there has •+ been in existence for about 70 YOM& Cold Spectacles, Mr, Bourchier',s father held the office for 46 years, and he Atook Cold and Silver I'1T • � L ,.',� Is charge of it about 25 yearss Ago. o. _ oV, Oil the 4th of January last Mr. elties• a Bouvehier received from the post -office fF /t inspector at Barrie the following corn - I Y Estate rl tlnlCatlOn:- f Pile rv� t }�',, Vii: y" " �� �' �" �-• THE OUILLOTINR. r .'u Post -Office Inspector's office Sir - "Barrie, 4th January, 1897. rfl°r Biddlecombe I am to acquaint you that at No. 2 No. 3 an early (sic) the peat -office lit Sutton Albert Street, Clinton. s k West will be transferred front your THE NEw$-RECORD in a previous ler charge to that of Mr. Henryreloar, I y room, the second flat, rt action I and have bench room for over 200 ern_ I Established 1856. Y issue made mention of the fact that room and the third and Fourth flats, and hav by order of the Hon. the Postmaster- lklessra. W, Doherty & Co. intended varnishing and stock rooms. A power General. Please govern yourself ac• greatly cubo ing and altering their I hoist with a capacity of 2000 lbs. will I lu addition to these changes in the i corclirrgly, g t •_ r "I xrn sir, very extensive plant. Since theu plans be placed ill this building. plant, a new line of cases -the most 'e'1[�`�7r� and speclficationa have been adopted I No. 2, a two.atoty building, 80x38, actions embracing tilltheIt feet and We're 4 Your obedient servant p _ „ and ft is with pleasure eve give our ALLEN JONES, will be raised two stories and the sides best improvements, aria being placed on Not readers a more definite idea, of the I . "Post -office Inspector." changes intended to be ina'de. and. roof sheeted with iron shingles, the market a•nd the increased sale of i.� o'lJ Mr. J. R. Bouchier, P. 11f,, Sutton I In the third story of this building will the Doherty Organ to 500 per month is We are fully prepared and expect West." The Above cut illustrates the plant be made cases, sharps, turnings, rstc. not at All improbable. We know it > to do the largest Wall Pciper and AN ACTIVE PARTISAN. as it now is. The new plans call for a � and in the fourth story will be kept will not be long before "W. D. & Co," Window Shade business in the his Mr Treloar is the reeve of the villagge, brick building 41x43, 4ustories hi fh, be- I stocks of organs under varnish, etc. will be again cramped for space Z�OCOr tory of our Firm. and was an active supporter of Jlln tween buildings No, and 3. t will J Machinery of the, newest. and latest its much as they are now, and then we 1Vlulock at the lust election, q}ie be so built that it will run into No, 2 design will he addeii to the machine, shall expect to see orec•ted a beautiful Sprayc e above curt dismissal was the first inti and have it fire wall at. the north end case and action departments and building 500x100 tier lung that will But if you have cold feet wbdn 1 oration Mr. Bourchier had of ally in- with sliding iron door entrances from 'Messrs. Doherty anticipate because of double even their 500 per Month citpa- t _ tender] change in the office nor was No. 3 building, The whole first floor these changes they will be able to turn city. you go to bed we can cure you, ` Is the best time to paper in officially aware of any inquiry 4r of this building will be ►n:tde a machin- out from 450 to 6W,organs per month Cooper Bros. have the contract. ConAultation flee, but we charge investigation beim on.fogt. and hand Shades. g' g ----- On the 8th January Mr Bnuchicr are made up for then} ht, to take I Cash ...... ...................$ 07,580 you one dohat.'zor the cure. We Come •' wrote the inspector for an explant -tion, gC - and received this reply:- U l�Uon10 1p and see our P Y :- into the store and place therm ust out- Special deposits......... , , , 350,000 don't mind telling ` side the door of the bedroom where the _ __ 'nobby new lines. "Post -Office Inspector's Office, contractor sleeps. The robbery was in- Total g you what it ie "Barrie, 9th January, of vestigated at the time h the authori- "' $ 457,5801 res eithrr: a H t Water Bottle either �ttl�Y Deduct the cash in band in December Y I! 4 "Dear Sir, -I have your letter of rho ties and a local Government detective. , } in a two or three quart nue all. +r, , 8th Fist. The Postmaster-Genthas Nu action was taken until the chane 1�0' from the cash in hand in Decem- , not informed me pi>rticularl why yon of Government many months after- ber, 18&>, ,and the result is as follows: "Cures talk In farsalin avor Ta cording Eo the size of your feet. are to he removed from office, but I wards, 1394, cash .................... $ 610,873 Hf Hood'sS ler mrl edi,' Thio is a a erisl lot we believe it is because you have lust the 1895, cash...... .............. 437,580for p bought confidence of the public ill your lo_ In near] three-quarters of a century cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful y cality. there has been, so far as is known, no convincin cheap ;they all haves coinbina- �' Yours 'truly, other complaint ttpainst the manage_ Disstppeared. • , , , , , , , • , , , , ,$ 173;093 g language of grateful men and , meat of the Sutton post -office. The cash balance has frtllen a ain by women, conatitate its most effective ad- tion which attached converts them ALLEN JONES, P the amount of the deficit. The year vertising, Many of these cures are mar - "P. O. Inspector." THE P. M. a.'$' SOPIiISTRY EXPOSED. 1898 commenced with a cash balance of velous. They have won the confidence of into Fountain Syringes. We are ° CgrINTON: "The Postmaster at Sutton West." The Postmaster -General thinks it $437,580. The financial transactions for the - THE PEOPLE DISGUSTED. would be unfair to ask people to testi- 1890 were : People;have yea Hood's ,Satsapa• offing you have the benefit of -- -' - - fy on so "delicate a matter." Ia there rilla thelargestsales in the world, and 1 On the surae day a petition was sent anything Expenditures ................$3,703,379 have made necessary for its maaufaoturs our folk. to the de artment from the users of y g in thin ? The same might be Receipts.. , . , .. , . , , , , • , , , , , ; , , 3,490,848 t elv .�Cvextilelltelltx, said in every judicial enquiry. wic he greatest on earth. Hood's A lady- the post:o ce, asking for a public in- q Y• y ' vest, anon. It was signed b 148 lei_ nesseb i:eldom come willingly; and the - SarsaparillaIs known b the cures it has g. b' Y P Deficit............ $ 212,707y Allen &Wilson. clergymen of obligation to give evidence is generally ""' ' made --cures of scrofula, salt rheum and r sons, including all the eller The state of the cash account at the Removed -Hill & Joyner, the village, by all rhe business people looked upon as unpleasant•, Mr. Boor- Ct ; ll� Itnpurtant-Jackson i3iros, chic, wants to lrnow if the days the end of 1898 wale as follows: eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia JAS. H. COMBS, :Sherr `Vine -Lack genned of the place except two, and in fact t,y' Star Chamber are revived ? LY the de- �' and -weak nerves cures of dyspepsia, h troubles cats,, i y Y• more t to 90 per cent. of the patrauy Gash • . , , , • ... $ 204,320liver "Wall paper -W. Cooper & Co. of the office. The request for a public po-trtment to act on rumour, and a pr}- Special deposits.... - ....... 22,500 catarrh which prove Chemist and Dvugglst. For five years -Geo. F. Emerson. inquiry was unanimous vate enquiry, or is he to he allowed to q y practically a unanimous --- � � �.. s Doctoring a wittc:h-P. B. Crews. know the paries of the complainants $ 220,820 00 --- _• System Renovator -J. - one. y ator J. bL. McLeod. and the nature of any charges, and to Less stationery ............ . 1,&17 Special March sale-Hodgens Bros. On the 16th of the same month the have the opportunity o£ Accordingto the Patrie, which is in,,. Postmaster -General sent the following PP Y given an --- Thanks to the public -Harland Bros. g answer and of allowin r g HS sj irecl by ar. Tarte, M[niatea►of Public reply to the petition :- (, that his accus: Total ....................... . $ 224,573 Works, Mr, Fltz it ' Cheese factory notice -W. B. Law- er•s are not disinterested, and may be Deduct the cash in hand ill December ■ p tricl: a mission to x ,epee. AN ABSURD REPLY Serving, ppt'sonal ends? 1896, from the cash in hand ill 'Decem� �e'�1°SarJar�' la Rolrle was to induce the Pope to send Ila Hatching eggs for sale -Lorne C. "Ottawa, January 15,1897. ber, 1895, and this is the loss:' an apostolic delegate to Canada to set- I,:'Todd. Dear Sir, -1 beg to acknowledgere- Mr. Bourchier takes issue with the Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Parifler. tie enxist.ing diff c -pities. a, Setting hens wanted-Tn[E NEn $- ce,pt of a letter of the9th Fust. of uar- department on the statement that 189.5, cash ...... ..............$ 437,600 Y there was a ]act of confidence in his 1 cash ................... 224,873 s cure liver ills; leas to Mr. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agri a RF.CORU. self and other clergymen of the village imana a _; Hood S pills take, easy to operate. 25& culture, addressed the Members of the ra Ready for business -Sheppard & of Sntton West, enclosing a petition �' m¢nt, and that the public ser - i Beacom. asking for an investigafaon before ;t vice was suffering therefrom, The rob Disappeared .... , . • ....... , , $ 212,707 Dominion Alli rice in Montreal. Re- �__... . -___ _�.__-___ -_-_ felrring to the coming plebiscite, he change of post rnasterahip in Sutton, bery took place on the 2nd January, The cash account ling fallen by the said if the temperance fro le wo • I_wouldsa 1896 but the business o£ the office in- amount of the defic;t for the year. `'I ani a free trader, says the Grit prohibitui;y lacy would e P n It y,.in. reply, the-Gtha change creased afterwards at a :treater rate Two annuity Inane have been-. made man ufacturer and the Grit farther ; liquor traffic low, and the r was not ordered without an investiga- than ever, as the following returns of during the veal's mentioned, as fol- "and I want everything to c:>me into country It was hisbem rhntictn this The-, Herron , News-Recora P belief { a` the money order business will prove:- lows: this country free except my product 1" that the temperance people would ly a Year -81.00 !n Advance. "Prior to my assuming office a very 1803, ..... ... . tmpleasant incident in connection with $ 7,184 35 18A5 ......:...................$ 171,620 When the Tories were in power it win. the Sntton 1894 ........... . ............. 7,767 00 1898...... , .....,.............. 177,730 was all outrage -in the eyes of the post -offer a had o carred. 1890 .......... . . .............. 8 237 82 LARCH 3rd, 1897. This had been investigated, and show- 1898, • . • . • • • • • • • , 11,132 89 Total ..... , . •.... - Grits -to delay the opening Of parlia- , - WEDNT`}tIDA?ti, n WOOD B PHOf3PI3pDINE. _ ed at least, very great carelesness on , 349,250 merit. But now -the delav is all right. The Great IDn --" - - the part of the postmaster. Subse_ The emoluments of the office are fleta are $349,250 acid ol..'to t�e liabili pearl gllcka Remedy. OORPORrI TION I�fPOS1TIO1Vb', quently it was brought to my notice Y $600 a Year. ties. 'At the same time cettt•�}n of the The change of government. evidently BfxPackayesrinaranteedeo " that many people in the village of Sot- Mr. Treloar has now taken charge of debenturQs'lleld by the province have hits not been the means of bettering promptly, and permanently Under the hew mantigement the ton declined to remit moneys by the the post -office, and as Mr. Bourchier been turned into cash and spent. The the condition of the country, and times a epic an forme of Nervous ixrand Trunk Railway authorities have Sntton ,post -office, so long as the for- and the residents of Sutton have been accouuts.shbw the following figures: are harder thio, they ever were. It re %Peaivteea,Emtsaions,Sperni- mer Postmaster was allowed to remain unable to get an open investigation, he 1894, drai t time for another change. „ atorrhea,rmpoteneyand a6 endeavoi'ecltocentralizetheir power p t� d• ppritures....$ 484,222 4jPeetao�drSuseorExeesaes, P in office. I accordingly instructed the makes the facto public. Itisunder- 1898, 389,385 It wits shown before the tariff tick- _:. atental worry,uveesetveuse apit.al. Town ticket offices have been inspector to ascertain how far this feel- stood that the matter will be brought, ---- ers the other clay that glucose is 6fte ofatobacco,ptumorst;mu- j �Aliolished t;i ht and left to the in of want of confidence extended $ 94,831 made in Canada, and is largely used kente,untc)reoonreadtoln- before.the House o£ Commons, Sold ........... Beforeand r. 1 inconvenience of the' general public! and be made a report which fully sats Now, jet us add the deficits or redue- in the manufacture of candy." Sure r"'{tyI'teantty,Consumattonandanearlygrave. lanes me that the public service was - - ---- f tions in the cash account, the loan's iy sugar is cheap enough nowadays to Has been proscribed over 85 years in thousands of Theseandothe: paonopoites, fostered by suffering by reason of lack of conn- g floated to meet current expenses, and be used ill even the oornmonesb caeca; is the only nariaNe and Honest hfedtotne a men of money, are. planuing ways and deice in the then postmaster. Hence $14406,000 a bear• the debentures sold and applied, to or- grades of candy, But what becomes k'1OtO7' �kdruggist for Wood'sphoephodfnelif I deemed it to But, he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, Means to hili coffers to their own Y y to direct' the --- Binary revenue, and gee what •the re- of the test. of the glucose? Is it used tncloea price in letter, and we will Bend by return g Change which has taken place, and I Of the public accounts of Ci itario it cult is : in the manufacturra of syrup or honey ? marl. Price, one package, tr; lets, its. One will pockets by compelling the public -the cannot be said that he who runs may It would be interesting p p think no further investigation is neces• 1894, deficit.. ,...... ...$ 3!39343 g to eo le who ,Dreaae,atmwittoare Pamphlotafreotoanyaddresa, traxpayers-who . brought these cor- Bary. read. AAs a matter of fact (they are 1895, eat to know about that. It is certain The woos Company, r so compLcated that be wholreaas is 189(3, 212 that no glucose reaches the consumer wiadeor,Out.,Canada. Yr �aorations into existence through "Many people in Sntton, of both most likely to be deceived. Oiit of the • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' fbo-nuses, to bow to their commands„ sides of politics, expressed themselves mass of figures, however, the facts 1895, new debt ............ . ... 171,520 under the nam of glucose. MCF -bold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada `'The servants, it seems, are becoming to the inspector that they had no con- can he gleaned, and here are acfew 18�' • • • • 177.730 � by all responsible druggists. fidence Ili the post -office as then con- 1895.8, debentures sold ....... 94,837 - wasters,. and will assert power to the P which exp]:Fin the desire of the Govern- _ ducted, and the inspector so reported ment to layon new taxes in one foriit:. last. THE Nrwp-RECORD, on behalf, to this department,' but it would be or another. $1,219,230 sof rho general public, 'regretted very quite unfair that these people should have roe years -1894, 1896 and 1898-wu w� a�1 ready for be compelled public] to testify upon The Government originallyhad it i mrtueh the abolishing of the G. T. R. Y Y P n surplus in money, and debentures of gone behind $1,219,230. The retie. � , so delicate it matter. Many of them had been $400,400a year. Mr. Harcourt and C. P. R. town ticket agencies, It stated that they remitted by express was t millions. •In December, 1893,tbis expects at deficiency of t$3UO,Ot)U for Spring y7 �y��� ;„just means so much inconvenience to' inAtead of the post -office, because of was the condition of affairs : next year. But this is regarded as too w•/�Jii iJ.ig w7 Ss alae public, the farmer bosses of these their want of confidence, and I beg to Cash in bank .. ............$ 75,016 modest an estimate by half, Various •gigantic corporations, and so' much assure you that it was with the very Spe_ial deposits .............. 926,000 expedients are proposed looking to it With fine inouey in the pockets of the Lords of utmost regret that I felt compelled, in - restoration of the balanceas a . We shall SHOE STOCK as ever came into Creation. the public interest, to make the.change Total,, , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , • $1,000,018 see ere long what form the neve taxes C1in tOlt, It is well assorted with all the new and lip t A rumor has been ih circulation for which I did. During ISM the financial 'transaction, will take." - "Your� sincere] were these : t0 -Cl I some' days that the Canadian Express Y, Political Points ate Goods that is to be found 1n any first class Ciio'tn tin is a}so to follow Fri the foot- "vV• MIILOCK Expenditure . .... , . Shoe ,5!01'@. 842 605 tsteps ofthemuch dreaded railway, „ "Postmaster -General." Revenue . ... . ................$3,453,102 Our Prices are lower than We 'aaombines, and that, the town office Rep. James Frazer, Sutton West, The Grit manufacturers now have have shown before. will .be transferred to the G, T. Ili. Ont."Deficit.......... . . . , , , $ 380,3¢3 their inning at Ottawa before the tariff r sttiti.in, frott),and to where all parcels 3IUST HAVE ROBBED HIMSELF. On December 31st, 1894, the cash was tinkers, and are all ginnaing the flood Our Store hos the reputation for selling nothing but GOOD, GOODS. It Will be conveyed by and at the ox- . „ ill this shape : old song; Tax overybody but me. ente of the individual. We trust the The unpleasant incident referred $ 288,678 From the Municipalities, the Ontario is the oldest Shoo Store is this section of the county and you may always rely P. to Ili the letter is this :-On the 9,nd Cash in banks........... tumor is without foundation. Clinton Jannary, 1898, (a year ago), 'one of the special deposits .............. 84.2,098 Government has withdrawn the pro- on us for our Shoos turning out as we say, if not, "as a Central point where a paying busi- mail bags had been cut open during _ vincial grants formerly allowed. It money always back. itess has been done for very many the night time, a registered lTotal has also taken a larger license revenue Our now line Of OX BLOOD COIN TOES are the new gears, and we are Rafe in saying, in the me, anstereetter • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • - • . • , , • $ 610,673 from the municipalities, and has re - r ,tame of our leo le that a change of containing $800 stolen. The money Now, deduct the cash in hand on De- thin for entlemen, taken belonged to Miller and Bourchier, cembor 31, 1894, from the amount in turned less than formerly for Public g this •nature would be. an imposition on of which firm the postmaster was it hand on December. 1893, and the fol• school purposes, Rere is the situation �se����narit1e�sonn�r���a the pliblid Arid xn act of the most tin- partner. The,loss d►d not fall u on the lowin result ig obtained : as it affects the County of Welling- 4+t grateful ingratitnde. Under no cir- P g ton department but tt on the firm. With It is alwa s a a y .. +cutristances would the bu Mess men p 1893, cash ....................$1,000,018 Municipal rant withdrawn...... 1 71'4 y good thing To buy from us "- g reference to thQ charge of "very great 1804 P g' $ , y ond citlzede '7tilitbrt,to such an order ,cash ........ . . . . . .. . . . . • 810,073 Additional taken from licenses.. 233;1 to buy early when the 1 of tliitt, We ho a however, there i carelessness, Mr. Bourchier says the . P ' 4• mail ba was on the occasion in oleo- Less given to public schools..., , 2,!348 assortment 1S lamer. means saving tit itr tho ratio,. �! Disappeared ................ $ 889,343; inA tion int the place where for years it had It will be observed that the cash was Total............ _-`gym ()Yj ey. be keppt. Nine mail hags are bandied • • • • • • • $8,593 •f�����n�is��r���tii�f�• Fbr 2(1 yki�r Pat Imnisters a'nd doe in the office every rttj;ht; and they have reduced t►v exactly the error of the The Government woe, in 1896, cden� " nnrr�r��sr�iriiii'ra' i •'iEort httlWe.tllt ih8ti"1.rtririns of roglatrst- to be taken to the railway station deficit. In December, 1894, the cash in pared with its relations to Wellingtart, r t rill til �#»rtli ,;,deaths°tbnd'tuarrfagee t� about half -past six oloock on this fol- Mand was $810,873. The financial $8 ahead. In other words, it com- �'e► rir� � t o fiauiiI 1pttl?.r+lerles freetif postage. lowing niorninjrr. The contractor for transactions of 1895 were thegirt peri the t8unty°to ralae this ilioney by P0` t,8 Masteg-GotterAl Mull4ck's recent darryjn the mail resides close to the Expenditure .... . .... . .. . ... . $8,758,595 direct taxes. Io . ,twent ears .the g y , fl ci(sr:isltttr �!egut'rlln� tt>;htter>1 which xrin post•o%ce. There is only a stone be Revttiu®................. ... 8;686;'602 Glev+`rniiterit' h'rce ,taken �t3U,000 ftatn . JAOKSON� ' the farthets of W6,1llnt�ton thitt other. o thlt aalgh thq tttafltr free ruts ki'if this t\viceit it and his residence. The iltot•H g prlti File bt ahci til 4utiite all to :3tra3ttion is rented by the .oatrtrRctol and "!lie* Defleft , .. • . , ....., . ,,......$ 173,083 wise wolild btilon, to'theiri, raid litill it;: >iYQnb t lk I the Laid tvi ' 114ve to three Aro pptacticallyy„ one ...buildin .. It The ash acedutit at the 'ie,cl o $1 ritpfaitYg tiro 1�ehlnd at :tTtd rtyt ' ifrf+' a 1? � lariot�► •, brie• been the pkttetide after thegba s iitooditi this wilt f 11 f ISM $1,240' •lier ftyi,,': alid tihretftego net i .:P131e ShOe a 'EIRE' gX S i irnp6>af�+I0 .r, • H � ••{.' _ -f, _-1��.s� . •.LN.•. ice. _L�.Y•a,iL���r' �_•v.'•a..z��J.-'A'�'rdi1:14<'UYI�Ia' p�4�7-� 7.� � r ' * ' '{j .�.