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The Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 3
, . , !Ir, a ,i" _ ,.. e . , „ • 1. ... ` •� t , : t, r ;�►vgof t ► • ;AOR W T 1. t e %�' _� 1 + R v+ftr+� . 13 1 c,�1 Y 4 pan 1~ a Olt , t'. , . tall rme - ,�.- ., M - T -r" ^ y� uI 9 ,.,,,.•r.. ., �;bou h tender-hearted all Iucy be, losing' _ .__ __. -- --1 it 1� ++fi�rr n "� t4 pp..��y�``�t�+�+��cr�1ii�T�F. gg flesh faCl S�'dllldl+y lCf�$1•a J1�,¢ri �#• a 1r11,G,al'.Y!�7. IRs. TQ t1Ay there'ives at4►who.rt e. tt dilgMStileshtel dtaitaalS tvithc'uk th"' y,., . ciraoXoxtliwoitte�� Telegraph vice, � t allap� oP "NUQieBAIe HlilllgUYRr•" •�01n 13illt 13 C7 t lV` ,'O , { GQNQR�'1`E Q RL„AC &HMASONRY.F a count r A "SaCrllICO!, s aui4ht I t C� a flak :c:ll7 Ctilill llz' Meets ssoolrD !+loads. ofevery,t1ll?81'L t�lr0attr +� glI>ttQa, . n nc n atui tv ro the . +al�s gaogtb. Hall And A. t; q But 1 L kl d s hu U' I r Igh r + . � bloolt, viritinWbigilbxanSIV10 -___- " ""•� wrong, either Wi«'h d , .. . !� madowel"140• 5UMPS >f Doea she ,but see a little t njoiioe n r e lgcs a 111ps;trations of thv Idgw of tlta PIAn and Her se reams tire like to rFud us ; t101] 4r Tlutrlli0il. the. 09oxf�PlAV-0d:l►1 AaGo1 f!arllametit 1866. J, 1'r 8A'EPPARD. W M. • ^-^ the ArpearalnGo of 8nolt Work - A Yet -•wee bit body though she be- . 1.F. CANTELON„ TR, Seo, '1H08, 0 4AVt1M, p•:i. If jou want a tirat olsar, wall; made pump, quo the With courage that's tremendous, brain and nerves are not f4d p� �. $2,000,000 �,r�.nrr u daralgneaQ°Ifotwpill d�gnaud plena wells ane do l a Tho alaugltter'a most stupendous. ' iiisr,I,400,000 ����;al�• FORGE i'VitF: - + y Praotical DesorfPtlon of Now t11e Hen she ever lad to blttlee,er here i they Cant Work. If the'- w ` - ' the oloaosE pilose. Be also handles a asst olaR Woxk Is Doae, `ILINTON Lodge, No 80 A. F. It A. M. vests ' ' MONTREAL. V every Frlday On ar pilar the moan, visit JAMES FEROUSON many sections cement concrete 8o ane, have made her shut down blood 1S IIOt Well Suppllel , i `�' , lug broEhren oordlally invited has largely displaced expensive ma- On tales of execatlons-whose " J. 1;I,.Il.,3ipL80N, President, A.J. HOLLOWAY, W.3VI. x!108. BUM);aLL, fisc. Opposit Queou'sHotel - High 8tr°ot ullnton. sonry and revolutioni2ed the construe- Surali Loot is firmly put down It Cali t travel On its tier If, i'AGI.�E1`�N.T110DtA8,0anoralManager. 899=tt tion a! barn walls, lloars and other 'Gaivat legal m°rder-strikes out for L t� . _t . _ Clinton, Dec. 6, I8_95, _ _ farm structures during late years. The spot where there's n cut down, journey through the body,G X: ' , ti'",Qupted, Collections made; ' Drafts -• �gairr T • w� � With the use of Queenaton and other Though woman's eye diurnally J i 4,4,48", ilia and American ex- g, Oe T. M. J. (ie SITEVEN at)IV, good cements for the above purposes May scan the papers one day Wasting lS tearing down; +++� - 011iaplOfll{ht and sold. hundreds of farmers are now familiar More avidly she doth devour 1 . Kearns ToaE x0.00, ]Knights of the Maccabees of Furniture Dealer, dtC. and thoroughly satisfied. A little has Their close packed contents. Sunday Scott's IaxllulSioll #S buiidirlg ( 1f ii1T!<R # Am,owED ox DRIPOMe the World. ®1,000, 83.990 and 89,009 Polioiae. Diem• also been done in cheapening the coot "rw a "break her precious henry to mlaH _ n The "ods" for "Bargain Monday l" ,. $AVi�1G9 SANK. borehlp over 100,000. Assessment prino(ple-hoe THE �EADiNia UNDERTAKER AND of Uutlding culverts and other road -Boston Globe. up• Its first actions to ltll- ,„ Hover exaeedoJ 12 seeesamonta !a a year. Cheapest 11 structures of the sort by munietpali- t11'e8, t fl{jtayVetl O[I sll[[lS of $1 llnd tip. and safe, existence, Meets In Orangge Hall, Cun- �UNEIiAi, DIRECTOR. ties Instead of using the more expen- prove digestion, creatC an ap- Eon, aretandthiedSridayofevorymonth. slve and often unsat'sfaatory vewar TO CONSUMPTIVES. ±'-B,�a1fMM.B. — Opposite Town. Hail, Clinton, Out petite and Supply zleeded nu•- 'Yoa4ytadyanped 4o fdrinere on their own notes C�UBrS �,�O,a The undersigned, having been restored to f - , I with Aae:or more endorsers. No mortgage re- health by simple means, after suffering for trition. Book free. Is I gnitttld#eseoUrity. jl�j OTICE. 4 several Years ultlt a sotoro lung �fpertion, H. C. BREWER, Man r, FEED STORE, lv and that dread disenso Conswm bore w 11186, rtsToa, anxious to maks. kuotvn to his follow SCOTT ik BOWNE, BellcWhi, Ont. Posen sufferers the menus of. ours. To those Cllitit011. t There being come misundoretandtug with re. `' ' . who desire it, he will cheerfully sons _ - 0 Hard to wreckage, leE ib he dlstWetly understood y ree o c r o a co y the preac p- _ �e a t111 g) p oe rl �L that if any person takes possession of any kind a „ tan used; Lvhft h they will find a euro caro itis Z ��; i •t �� '. �• + a L BRAN and SHORTS in Large Or of wreckage and fails to report to me I ehali at �'• ' •'+ �� � . Cansuu,ytion, Lathaea, Cafatvh Brertchitiu � � 0 •' gg once take > t T^� and all throat and Lung hfaladiea. He hopes Ct Proceedings. Rontembor this Is the g Small Quantities. last warning i shall give. CAPT. WM. 1[ABB. al sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalu- d �1, ,' r.. eels. Thos° nothing, the pray pr ve, which Receiver of Wrecks, Go erlch, r +++"` t '`a BANKER OIL CAFEONSOuN , LINSEED MEALS podertch se o. 7th 1991. �'' 1. , _ s':,. willsostthem iiothing,audmay prove,aBloss- AT1 .1,$� STREET OLINTON. p !Y':.• •, . ,. Ing, will please address. STREET, 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for One Buehel CEMONT CONCRIDTI+1 ARCH OVER Rov. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New :M. � _ ----- Oais Thr; Mef(il/op Mutual Fire STRHAM, ESSIDX CO.. ONT. York. _�� ORN';ti RAL BANBINO BUSINESS pipes or large tiles. It Ps a nutter the ` +I'It'ANSAQI'6r'D. D. COOK. CLINTON. True 11ttaineee InalFht. municipal authorities and others would rete OmmEA , lnsural+�ce Company. certainly do well to investigate. The portly stranger having been ad- FItOEss TEa 763 tf _ The accompanying illustrations give matted to the presence of the successful IN THE WaRiDT ' Ne4e9 DlBa?tt?Iles. Draft- Itlaleetl, an idea of the plan and appearance od author, got dawn to business right FROM TH' TEA PLANT TO THE TEA Cute HILL & J OY dN E R'S Farm and Isolated Town Proper- such work. They represent a concrete away. - - - 1 ` I�ttetest Allolued Oil Depostttl. FEED STORE. ty only Insured. arch over a small stream in the "What I want," said he, "is a tt1lstn' IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. 1 : CltutgJ tera8th, 1801 668Y Township of Gosfledd, near Kingsville, ad for bakin' powder. You git me up ( ""��`��� HUIION STRN�>;;T, CLINTON. �! Ont. The work was lets out and au one that'll catch the public, an' you '• Monsoon Tea put up by the Indian Tea b -._ ovrteaae. perintended by Mr. Isaac Usher of can name yer own price," growers as a sampio of the best qualities of Indian deorge Watt. Preaidrub, Harlaclt P. O.; James Thorold, Ont,, who, we understand, is The distinguished litterateur was too Paas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the • Broadroot, Vice -Pros. Star. rth P. 0.; Nv.. J. Shoo- giving his services freely in that re- fin de slecle to ba astonished at a pro- put it iup of the Tea and res blend, that is why they non, seoy. Tteas., Seaforth P. O ; Michael blurdle, spect. Queenston cement and course position of the kind, but thought It put it up themselves and sell it only in the original , � �'� W OU N N The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all Inspector of losses, sonforth P. O. ptckugen. thereby Ili. an ng its purity and and eve gravel were used in the proportiozis of well to make some inquiries as to the Lut rip in, lb., a Ib. and g Ib. packages, and Hover ft, C.- P. rad L. R. a. s. Edinburgh. Office kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field DIRECTORS, one of the former to four oP the ]at- peculiar qualities and spedal elven- sold in bulk. g Jams Broadfoot, sentorth; Michael Mardic,Sea• ter. Mr, Usher has written us the fol- tages of the article he was to praise. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. ,-On tarl0 et►ui 4)inton. Night salla at trout door of and Garden Seeds, Incur and F°eel of all forth; George Dale, fYeaforth; George Watt, Harlock ]OW]ng deserlption tYY how the work "Oh, I don't know ; we hain't Invent- s "`"repldtmoo on Fattenbary street, opposite Presbyter- kinds. Closest living prices for Cash. SALT Thomas F.. Haye,seaforth; Alex Cardiner,LoadburS \Vas done, which will be Of service to ed it yet ; what we want's an ad that'll If your g,.cer does not keep it, tell lam to write to fan shun ci Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; Jcbn McLcan, Hipienr others: knock all these other fellers silly, the ' ' in stock and for sale. TEAR of the choicest rasETs. The foundations for bench and wing powder'll take care of itself." -Chicago • STEEL, HAVTER & CO. ' varieties and blends. Excellont value, DR. TURNBULi.. Thomas Netlara, Harlock; Robert MeltLIND,Sea• walls were excavated about three feet Tribune. .1 and 13 Front Street Cast. Toront. IIIITOII $tr68t forth Ju mea Cummingr,Egmendvii!t. below the bed aY the stream to very i:- L. '2urnbull, M, B. Toronto L'nly. ; M. D. ; HILL til JOYNER, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans• hard, solid clay, •so there is no danger ' w, :11,,Viatorfa Univ. M. C. P. ds S. Out, ; t slow Clinton act other business will be promptly attend• aP the scour of the stream undermin- rlhe blue -laird is hailed Ra n hstibin)lcr 60 VEARS" yr. of .the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Leto t ad to on application to tiny of the above oR cora ad- ing the YoundAtlonB. The Yoattngs Ear Of Spring. It is also it reminder that London, Bug., and Edinburgh hospitals Office �r�, tressedtotheh•respectivepre,cmees, bench and wing walls are four Peet a bland-puriRPr is asides to prepare48%PERIENOE. ,. Dr. Dgwsley's stand, Ratten'wry et. Night calls Central Butcher Shop • wide and about eighteen inches in the syct-Yin for the dehilitating weath• enewered at office. thickness, made of coarse lake gravel; er to eon)e. Listen and van will hear cL�/�'fi OOUGH 8c WILSON FOR TV ENTY-SEVEN YEARS mixed four parts gravel and one part the birds singing: "Take Ayer•'s Sar- ` � DRe�7tI!!19`Ea cement. This mixture was well mix- sapatillrt in March, April, Mtiy." _ 8ab cribere sorbs to notify the public that they ed before putting in any water, then • Office- street, olpo itc English havebcughtanttho butcberingLueinoee lately con• only enough water used to slightly l s darted byDlr. Jas. A. Fort, and will oauthiue the moisten then put in layers about six A Lltarary 13nteha^ uhurch, formerly occupied by )r. Applctorl. same nndefi their personal auparvteion. Orders Will DUNNS inches thick, and rammed solid with 7RACIE MARKS, have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of iron rammers. When footings founds• `,, V �r,rV,, , c " e''"`1•. DEMONS, ' Freeborn all kinds will b° .kept t° season, Bald at reasonable tarns were finished then the walls Were OOPVRICHTS ltd, Jas. it a , rates aril delivorad anywhere in town.BAKINC Paid out three Peet wide in the centre ^ r lit- — a I a ° 1f� , l— Anyone sending a sketch and des°ription may , '` ,, L g A Q, 0. P„ i., M. C� P. S. 0., &o., &o. ARTHUR OOUCH, CHAR N • \VILSON . �.•• • . " • uloklytteoertatn tree; whether fru lnventlon to of foatings and built about four and a 1) r ,� + probably patentable. f omrnu iterations strictly C1ra{<i1Gte of Sirl'9 Quecu s College of Physicians, rl 1 1Tolc. POWDERhalf feet wide to the spring line of half , - 4 oonfldentlal• Oldest ""'y foreeotui n patents rDablin Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical circle arch, then wooden centres were 1 � ( l c. t in America n have a Washington re ei Council, GronE Rritaiu. Member of aa!loge t,t Y•'��•' Patents taken tkeough Mtusn 6c Co. resolve `,xounc l , red Surgeons, MembOntario. Formerly real- C E N T R A L BUTCHER SHO 11 placed in position and coveted with A ; : •.- •special notice to the,.1 ifiei•tp:>iio Rot`anda Hoap'tal (Lytug•in and Gyo� -- - y� co®I('SBEST FRIEND two Us four inch acantlin'gs, dressed on SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, s6Togical); Dublin. Special attention to diseases of both aides iso as to be even in thick- •"i ; �trt ��� tvomen¢°dohildron. galuoandreefdenco,Rnttonbury FORD & MURPHY, LARGEsf SALE iM CANADA. Hess, edges levelled to ht neatly the \ #� L i�. I beanttfulti ulnstrated, largest olroulntion or women 0 door l Ontario et. Methodist parnonagc, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) radius of circles, so when centres were .t anyy�aslant so fie., specim n. copiesa n n Ypear; til Ul slat mOnhe' specimen. copiee'and 13ANn 820-1y r— removed ttie `instde of arch was sees ! •, & K O11 PATENTS sent free. Address .' Havingborght out the above busiaesR, wo intend -� - lutely smooth, having' a finish almost �a/tom. .._ IVIUNN lir. CO.r {� to oondaot it on the cash prinofple, end will supply Cit oVPI D. Donnelly, of ltichnlnnd as smooth as a well -plastered wall. +'ice.. G�-ai ggl Broadwnv, New York' + 4 , our oaetomore With the bust meats at the loweRE' pay The arch and wing walls were all oar- r 11 DR prices. Corners, N. B., says of Dr. Chase's rtes up together. The thickness aE :`- ---- ---- Dr. FORD &MURPHY. Cittttrrh Cure : "1 ,tin pleased I used concrete wing over the arch is fifteen Visitor -What a bcautieu] library you �' i.Bruce Sur eon Dentist. D'-'• Chase's C,ttal•rh Cure. I had it in inches wide, on each side of arch ; this have! I really envy you. "A crick in the buck," a pain 'leder a very severe fornefot•nenrlyfiveyears, was done by setting up a fifteen -inch Retired Butcher -Yes; and just look the shoulder -blades, waterbrash, bil- k, D g LIVE HOGS ��NT�D I used seventl so-called cures, brit got plank an edge each side the whole at the binding on them books. liausness, and conatipaticrn, are syutp- gFFICE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, " length aP the arch. The planks were y no relief. None of them did ale any Vlsitar-I see; they are all bound In tuilis of disordered stoinach, kidneys, 11 `Cli'pton, Out. Special attention to pre- __ good. One box of Dr Chase's Ctttitrrh firmly braced to the wooden centres calf. '' Cure completely r raced me, so the concrete could be firmly ram- Retired Butcher -Just so, and I killed liver and bowels. For all ailmeuta servation Of natural teeth. P 3 med. When the planks were filled on vrigitlating ill a derangerrtrilt of these ls, ai.-Will visit Blyth' every Monday, ttnd Eft heat Market Price Pald, — - each side, then the wing walls were all them calves myself what furnished or tens, take Ayel's Yitla. Bayfield ovory Thursday afternoon during the g built up to the same height, then the leather, -Texas Siftings. b' mer. D. CANTELON, Clinton. Easy to Fix' planks were moved on the arch anoth- --- - er fifteen inches and filled again as For Over Fifty Years The Market overstocked. R� Agnew, La De Set D. °99-tt. It before, until the structure was cam- ling. tVlNsrow's SCOTFIINU SYRtiP has Uoen D. S. w pleted, leaving the planks, in all cases, used by millions of mothers for their. children ;` I not less than half a day before mov- whilo teething. If disturbed at night and ; " DENS IST. J. E. BLACKALL, Ing them. When the arch was turned, broken of your rest by a sick child suffering 15 , Glraduate of Royal Cello a of Dental, $nr Veterinary Surgeon the wing and parapet walls on the and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at g I � - sideR were built up about one foot once and het a bottle of "bfrs. Window's Booth- fl , Graduate of Ontario, Honoa Giaduato ofTFinity and Veterinary Inspector. above the arch to retain the earth and ing SyrLLp' for Children Teething. It wail De-ro• pan I U[liversi y, Toronto. Bt y Local Anaesthetic Office on Isaac street next Now Ern office. b • • gravel over the arc». The earth sand Ilene the poor little mothers, there A no mistake . out rrZ ' far winless extraction. 01fice opposite Town Residence, Albert Sti , ClintAn. O &ravel was filled up in the centre about i cud ticur it cethere l to mistake about 'v It'll It taros biarahoea, regulates the Stomach i Fish, over Swallow's Stor :. one foot above the wing and parapet and bowels cures Wind Colic, softone the Night Bell a[swered. ML'�L+ N walla and sloped nea4ly to the edge of Gumscner�yroduaesInflnmmatton,ati givestonoand 1 and B. THOT"-`"1 ` ..O ` 1 (� - -- all -walls. Ail warlle--•were built on fhe SootintgoSt the-whole hihlron teMeihingi f loag Inside next to the earth with a frost ' Will visit Honsall of :mq Monday, sant to the a an is the prescription o one �uYich the 2nd Thursday cf each month VETERINERY SURGEON, _--- batter ; that is, sloping about one quer- or the oldest and best female physicians and Honorary Gradate of the Ontario Veterinary Col, ter aY an inch to the foot, ratsedso nurses in the United StatOR. Price twenty -flue e C _—- oge, Toronto. that the earth rests on the walls. In cants e, bottle. Bold by all druggists through- * Treats all diecae,e of Domestic Aaimnla on the no case should back of walls rest on out the world." Besure and ask for "Mat , r , -' 041, "lost modern and scientific Principles- , !r the earth ; if so, the frost will surely #VINBLow's SooT[. I SYatIP, , Dny an 1, Ni ht Calls Promptly'Anewered• destroy them. and it Is always import- . ' ;�� ({ 1. CAIdE$ON, BARIiIt3TEli, SOLICITOR, lte.ideaee—Rattenbury street. West, Clinton Ont. 1 ant that Wing walls should be made The Dry tido. l�1lL !'l+gveysocer, &e Oftice• coiner Hamilton and t Strong to protect them against the iii Ahd'towa ale., tippoaitc Colborne Hotsi, Godericb• I� thrust of the earth when frozen ; this "How dare you, Miss Blueox ?" piped Mr. Editor, that's 1. Gsoa •�•1lOw{1j�, Is an important matte[•, and is often Georgie, during a lull in the converse- poet—Eh, s I say, llU JJ JJ !!1111 lost sight tit. Bridges and cuwerts tion. a mighty small price for all the brainsL. 11C-lic X$g,,Bs;stater, 8ollettor, d c. Odlee� au�ner' HOrsefihOer and Q6neral Black- of all kinds and sizes can be built very "W why !" stammered Aiss Blueox, I put into that poem. R -ltY jL 8treot. And olle,t near . O Registry B7ofriae, oheaply where good coarse gravel can "I'm on the sunny side of thirty, Editor -Yes I know it, but calves' smith, Georgie." brains are cheap nowadays. po{�A�IHi1, Oii1., ... • I "Is that why you look so dried up, �',,lil . , to. lend at lowest rates of interest. Miss Blusox ?" queried Geos ie, inter- -� - Albert Street, North, - Clinton, g Turkey Hui personale, , Patient -Doctor, my breath is troub- a• estedly. The following personal items are J. SCOTT, lin mea t deal, ti�lI , . JOBBING A SPECIALTY. g great ,k� c4 from the Turkey II[ll correspondence j . Doctor -Oh well, we'll soon stag1. < Enemies Forever. B.cirri$ter; ti C., Woodwork Ironed end aret olnea material and brat, to the Mountatntown Gallon Pot : r (,� ,Nt4 work guaranteed; farm implements and maehinos * .tS ', Mamie- Fred proposed to me last Rud 8m1th walked out across' the 1Jt1.LI;IOTT�S BLOUIet CLINTON. rebulit and repaired, Why the Trip Was rut Off. a e > M night• field last Sunday evening. When he ; - - Clara -That accounts for what he got to the other side he turned around toned to Loan: "Ah, Professor," greeted the student•., , �� j ` ,,,tea, r,e sn,t.. said to me to -day and walked back. ('�'p t� p �r "I hear that you are about to make a a:' r Mamie -What did he say ? Zack Hendricks has had all his teeth ar, ti' - -- --- �ArCj lyl ��(f lis• trip to San' P'ranals°o•" .the Pro- s 3t * /s f { W(� Clara -Only he lost his presence of ' 'You are Frain cisco." ,sir, " pulled and now has to eat mush. E t�A14iPI0N, Q • C3 - !senor answered. "From motives of mind last night and would be rnis r- Tom Green stumped his tce last week. TO �1Y MANY PATRONS : ecanamy I have decided to postpone• able the rest of his life. A fiy,got on Arch Iiooper's nose last �Alt�iISTF,R, SULICITUR., ,tp Saturday. 1 dewire t(i: fonder my eilieere tbauke the trip anti] winter," The Flslt Llnr. Nothing happened to Abe Tucker. ^,` :^ ' IVOTdRY, cgC., "You see,,, the pedagogue escplsined, �� w '1 tar t11s very liberal patronage accord "taking advantage o4 one of the greet "Ever try one o4 these ru»her fish- We are having considerable weather - r> 1 worms ?" asked the amateur. sow. Ont. ed we in the past and to inform lila laws I expound In the natural Philo- .�,t,�" ••pnly one," said the fish liar. "They Bob Rogers had his soaks mended Gc+t>tl©rYoby p sophy class every say, I find that the ,a,a Uf "s .d,erDavla' DrngBtore Money to loan: public that I am still in t ie Carpet trip can be shortened in cold wither• ` �� . are no good. The Rah, alter he finds Tuesday. Also Sam Williams took a Weaving Baaineas on East Street., The principle involved Its that law how he has »sen taken in, dies of mor- fresh chew ns navy at 10 o'clock a.m.— O. JOHNSTON, Goderiah, next the Bieyole Factory. which. relates to the expansion and GROUND PLAN CI711iIDNx CONCRETE tifleatlon before he can be taken out." Atlanta Constitution. contraction of metals 1 find that a ARCH. -Indianapolis Journal. pftysical Phenomena. 1. 1i3AI? rSP R, • - SOLICITOR, I'era0Di11 and mail orders will as canal steel rail thirty feet in length con= be had ; and where such structures "Why didn't Johnny shave! off 'the � receive prompt attention. All Classes tracts one-quarter of an inch with the can be prop, built, with gaol ce COMMjSNIONER, ETC,, cold, At the rate of 176 rails to trit mint the are the cheapest attd best PAST YOUR PRISE wally ?" demattded M.r. Simpkins, as h� of wont a specialty, at lite lowest pox mile In a distance of 3000 miles I make + y brushed the snow off his trousers and t that can be built. They do not require C oderiieells • . - out. sible prices, and satisfaction gnaran• lust about two miles and a quarter• by Bug some Pumps of it out of his shbe- traveling in winter." skilled' labor, consequently the ouhlay perhaps not in years, bah in en s,rd- tope. ' off ei :Qpr• Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. teed • "Quite a saving, Professor," said the of money Is small•" -'London Farmers' Your health is not good, yet you hard- The poor boy's back was so lame, I W A• Ross East street student, and he walked on silently Advocate. ly know what ie the matter with you• hadn't the heart to make him lO it," �. BRYDONE., i f marvelling at the learned one's saga- Your business, too, is ou the decline. explained Mrs. Simpkins, apologztt- a GODEiCIC11. city. Fertilizintr With Electricity. People mass the old elastic spirit you daily, o+• demand j ttjg'I'�t2 • SOLICITOR. Mr. Nikola Tesla, the electrical ex- showed iu former years. The secret is Huh ! d here is hie root Considerate• all this is that sour oovstltutiol) is ed her lard and masher. 2V0'I'dltY PUBLIC, dG, pert and inventor, has recently sag- worn out and our blood is bad. Set "I don't know, I'm sure. I guess -.11 - TO THE 1~ARMERSa "you say," remarked the debonalrb Bested the possibility of using elec- Y Chime Kid -yes, that's him over there with th,r t�bLfCE EC•#vEfE ISLUCR CLINTON. Study Vour own interest go where debtor, "that I am owing more money go; i'ty a currents Prods, fertilizing uced byent Pere Hey-Ld+1both er Piht ll thOne box e use of cure you Williams boy, rolling those big balls to than anybody else that your firm have make a tort. Cincinnati Tribune. fi1I you can Ret on their books ?" ' fected electric oscillators, he says, are ]�YspepaiA, •• - -� - - - _ Rieliabe farness• yeH, sir,' refiled the collector. capable of causing the ohemtcal tom- �,hettmatistn "And that I am about the only Per- bination of the nitrogen with the Oxy- 4fyutD #a {(C, son with whom they have trouble in gen o4 the atmosphere. If this, tom- tdatarrh. Travelled Half the Glabe to i,r+d Health, I manufacture none but the Misr orBTocE. getting their money ?" bination were carried on upon an •In- 3aeadaoha, Without Success. - ^`� Beware of Allose thht Retf cheap, as they nage "That's what they told me." diis�trlal scale, 'which he thinks is pox. �yi menta peouiiar to wolneri. A 'ONLEY .to tend in large or small sums or good pot to live Aa Call and get prices, Orders "Young man, I like your looks, and I Bible, then the product could be used Scrofula IVK� mortgieges or personal security at the lowest by mail ftomplyattended to fake your manners, and I'm going to as a fertilizer, and in 'his opinion the -, TOOK TAA: ADVICE OFA FRIEND ANY] oititll�axt )rams; 1I. NALII, Ruxon et. Clinton. T L �1 be a friend to you. I hate to have ��,ta to humanity would be inealeul- S nervation. -> .1 4[>ki*N _"10 Sciatica. NOW PILnCT.AIrif9 TC FRnM TH>✓ t ! fleet debt knocking around my ac- able, q HOUBiiCOP—"SOUTH AMiIlEICAN a' •,tri money. HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLVT1i1, ONT cd+u(nta, but for your make I'll put up Boor blood. * NilILVINl k11AVItD AIX I.IFH','a ' • �' + '11(spe (!f Iepd 6ii gaOflNbbnrlly at sj sad 9 per -••--- with It. If I were to pay up, the plan one Now. =ndigestioa. ;ft .,•_- ;coot, .d fy tine. ttiDOV,T, Aibity Bt.,aUntdD, chances are ten to one, that your firm The farmer's garden is the most Livor complains, Airs. H. Stapleton, of wingbttnl, t GO TO THE would find collections sc easy that profitable piece of gro`tlnd on the farm, ]; aoss of appetite 953Ef1 ", �. . they Would discharge You, and then 1 writer: t hn�N been ve!ry hull r it it. only jyrodueeg all kinds of garden ,Sevbts kidney dissastis tr Ulibled illi Tara --since l$`i$-tvitll I �T{t711tI �jQ`Rr� Y1�OY1 should never forgive . forMot have. -,_--_-.. man. testilled to the efficacy of Chess s Kid- bec;n v*1twil 16 CIAi410% i11t'l Un lwhd I ' For first•clase Hair -Cutting sc- ••- — rieyLiver Pills. They a,re the best, so by some of tho heat, physiciang Withtlgfi + " and ahaVin 13 " 1 Who Are Interested, ono anent a it fa 11v vi d bold f ,�,,N:UA t R.Or)'E$S dl: PROVIS- g' ' The people of a community are the enit a dee,.; 2G Ceuta a box. e' t1wee r i atz d aw' a tree the best. Ono pull a doe ' , 'i' " saes vltallY tntereasted in the ruffle of pox ealo�by all dealers, or' �, '� f �. Smith a block, opptSa1tC post Office, Minton b tae flu'ee rnis ! 119 ri O to t,ii.0 Snnt111me1' >tfz�,:l1ultC> l �il�tr�• J. 1MERTON Proprietor. that e e , >G tnanao ,Bates Co.,Piromti[unity.--t and sada meiiuPaotur rix ,d u astir► t lye �+111pY itnd Y lit'Rr yilsi�llt�vO X a ,, Tororitot, , s 1 tc e fin @Vlttter. cwt i life s it tb do c In truth y G?'aS81t%t272f2tiare I Yt. • �-- fully a'Ity titlrt I, ilrivB'r1e1'ivl'il tuelr� 1'. + i'Oo a W. � 1 ono .. #I*, ob'I o'a9 V14flr;ed d �.urpentine tar bentl8t iPrc�m It ttsnir 11ri�+ tre:itilliytit I WANTiyI).-01d ostablishod or olocut oil s (�VOWIrlg pigs need nob Wy a rteher + canto uthd taro hs Mot on. induaty a h to- 891 011,60 anal lung �rovblee, Lary(e ever llllti, • I can etrtsni;ly 1'F'CokfilYlt+nI i f' ii; f '41>Lt>1t'tON4 ONT w. . . . +, i►1�I? �o is or thitl ttisctio Cao' a hYtAt- 1^otfari but a larg�i oris 1[# a�intel thatl .. _ re' • litlttil tt L, d tray ; , - l)tittle, hlriihl stiller anlall priiCo, ��+: it, ,r,91d til'{ll��i� r+ver he witllont It lriyeeif.": . + Ijig'hpat Coa11 Nfdo for Batter had 1;908 'M',=`tit,.W1,2A0 a week to start with. Dta,wbe C�ulydst004Ret Rett TAbleAndbiitry !n eutniitner, Itemembor0lig In fe6di>hg. 1-1 TA2.1y N!rV6rtb, oris" Ntl ailulfesftittidltl, N60xf• t11kttir - talcl by Wlltta dt Co. A9, l3fhi .1 I . N . . a H , r 4 ,; • w 1. , eL_irrrr :r , jd a, u>� tit iti .uE yr _ r S .A ,., a., r :a •rt r