HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-03-03, Page 14. . 11, - 1. . I t 11 I I .. . . -1 . 11..L .. I - . . I I ii I I ` ...T E I-IFRO" � . . :. NIAWS RE RID, . -, H O �oMrN . N of »-,,� — . __ -__._ __ _ ____ . - -- ',�R>i�lfil9-.iI,A6(ter Annum, 1.00 I Advauoc. - I.VDEPENDENP IN ALL THlINGS-NEUTRAL IN NOTHING ` �•= — -- 'tT.,^ r-wT7•TT A. 111 TODD, Elinor r„r1 Owuer CLINTON . HURON'' COUNTY, ONT. WEDNESDAY MARCH 3, 1897 r WHOLE N 0.954 "4` `r xxw BUSINESS 4ist In preserving shade trees and b@Gtr Sherry Deputy -Reeve Cooper asked for in- tifying the town, but was not definite Westfield, i'uekerslufth. - _ _ __ formation as to the cleaning out of the I its to the distance trees SAD DEATH. -On Monday 8 should he MO e y Miss RETURNED HOME.—Mr. Joe. Cull- A Few + j � hall orad certain required repairs, I apart because the size of trees varied. Rodgers fell Into a spring well and wits more, of Park River, Dakota, returned !l�%inee ~+��� which were left in the hands of Com- I The motion was lost on a division, 7 drowned. Particulars next week. home last wook after speeding some T mittee. to 3. time with relatives in this locality. He Ideas Couper -"Will 1VIr. Searle objilct if BUILDING OPERATIONS. Holmesville. Rpc�•aks highly of Dakota. It is some we o on and haye the work flft•eeIt e ese pp This 'Wine derives its Hattie from ed? v preform- On motion of Cooper and Taylor Mr. C. O. F. -There is to be a special and is nutvranenof the prosperous fearm� Flow you can sate some dollars lZt4 old .Moorish town of Xeres iD W. Dotterqq_7_ was granted the use in era of Park River, the town site being this Spring. It's ' Seru•1@--"I will suit myself about accordance�ivith bylaw, of Raglan and meeting of the C. O. F. on 1?'r[day, , l?Al>U. It 9 popularity extends back that." y + g March 5th. Ali the tnetrlbers are re- a ill -beat field at that time but now We call give you it pure, fancy x about four hundred years. We have Princess streets while building. quested to be present as business of numbers nearly three thousand inhab- �j 11 F3wallow said the fire brill was in a THE INDIA FAMINE. great importance is to be transacted. !tants. Worsted Suit for frog[ the celebrated house of Pmarlio, most disgraceful acondition and that x.1401, Mackenzie &, Co., and tvar• the pipes were not safe. Mr Gilroy gave a heartrending des- 0HURCH.-Rev, G. W. Andrews has TEA -MEETING. -Rev. Mr. Sawyer $18.00. o ori tion of the utter destitution, miser started a series of special'tleetin •s at 1a1IE pars wines of lino value, also Kennendy thou ht the .Propert Y b will preach anniversary sermons on g Y and death in India and moved that the Sharon. On Sunday rvening the rnem- Sundav afternoon and evening next. Ali all Worsted Hair Line Pants foe. C.a$adian Cooking Sherry at low Committee should put everything Councilgrant$50forrelief, and in do- bersoftheHolmesvilleE worth League b prigge. , right and then to keep everything to ing so we would fallow the good ex- took charge of it. p g O❑ the Monday following March 8t,h, a '4.00• proper order, g tea-meetin will be held. Tea will be arnple of Mitchell and Trenton. SICK. --Mr. H. Elford is under the served in tge lasement from 6•to 8, of Cooper said he found things neat in h Good Canada Tweed Suits to „r_ Lack Kenned R' Cooper, Kennedy, Plummer, Hoover, wtather.-Mr. Roht. Acheson has a ter, which addresses will be given by der for y, the quarters of the Cooper, Swallow and •Seltrle spoke against severe attack of la, grip, -Meister Roy Revs. Messrs, Ford and Millyard, of ;` t • being hung up and in good ordo'r. granting the hard-earned taxes of the Pickard is sick with the cold. Clinton, Muir of Brucefleld, and J. Y. $1 1 .00 Y'o1�'•00• �18 L---- T1 Liquor Store. 9tt'Allow would like to keep this fire- people for this purpose,as the Churches Westman, of Walton. A good time is -- - ----- "'�-"' men off his back,still h@ must be frank. and citizens had Already subscribed NOTES. -We Are glad to see that Air' expected as the comm'tteecare sparing For the Boys Y Jas. Alugurre is able to Ile out again.- p P' b It line of Double Breasted I3u `t: 18S? One fir@man had not attended a single liberally, and we had needy people at Misses Mellwain and Stewart, of Nile, neither time nor labor in striving to y'. r��1RCB•v j(R9T meeting during the whole year, and borne. spent a few days with friends in the make it a success, Suits with sailor collar and racncy ,Ios`',. aFgX, Afoa! TFis. M'Ea ru T,r� der, had only peen on hand fur the fire at braided for $3.50. We have cheap - 1, ey ¢r e5 6 the evlaponttor when the com an Mr. Hoover suggested a concert un- neighborhood. NOTES.-AIr. P. Vrtlely, er and denier ones tau. ''NP Y der the auspices of the Town to raise a _ f Chicago, is A woe not repair d. 'His bill tv:as for fund, but there was no action and the here being called by the illness of All., Men's Snits from $5.(1(1 up, J' fo rr r,� 18 $7.50, but only $2, was allowed, matter dropped in consequence of there � Blyth. . H. O'Brien.—Mrs. A. Seeley, of Cltn- a- A special line of Ties for 25c•. A; 16 R' 18 19 ado The Clerk explained that, the $2 being no seconder to Mr. Gilroy's ton, spent Sunday under the parental `,` ` 0,26 was for fines and went to the cont motion, Nom[ .--hlissHabkirkaudMissBent- "00f. -Miss Gertrude Lloyd is visiting •0011®000 2� do �� rw&.-,r Mo- wo,.r patty. Ley are attending the millinery open- friends in this vicinity A load of the au Its no TAXES. ings in Toronto this week, -Miss M. ' youth from the East End spent a very A. J. HOLLOWAY WHAT'S THK DY -LAW P Mr, R. McLennan, who was burned Bell and Miss McConnell are attending pileasant evening at the residence of � �. The appointment of Hremen was dis out some time a!Illgo, asked for three the millinery openings this week in 1Yly. S, Johns during the past week.- CLINTON. Brie1P Town To ICs. cussed at length Sone of the mem• months' extension of time to pay his London. -Quite it number of our citi• Rev Mr. Sawyer spent a coople of __ ,� >' P bens believed there were no by-law,, tuxes, which was granted. zens are sufferin with a slight attack Y �"¢” -- . while others disagreed, ,, days last,week at his home in \Vottd- ' Miss Ratl]3ey, who is the gguest of THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AGAIN. of lit grip. — 1he members of the bion.—Miss Elsie Fowler is visiting (78pIt:e1 PueriNiiurent. "' Dr. and Mrs. Bruce, sang a. solo in the Mt•. Searle said he had once been Knights of Maccabees intend holding a ffiends in F ulondt'ille.-Rev, Air-, ___ r; The Little England are electric light c R Millyard, g Rattenbllry St. Methodist church last told there was no by- law, hit ferret- concert under their, iwspices in Indus. Y d, of Ulintou delivered An ex- They ra.y that Bresnan, the ; . Sunnay evening, entitled "The Star ing out the matter he found Due which was again brought up, on [riution of try hall on the evening of the 9th,-it' l auie niurdei- Kennedy and Plummer that the Com- cellent missionary address oil Sunday er, is Sorry his sentence iriconunuted to irnprin- Cf Bethtehern, which thoroughly applied• tuittee be requested to examine the Rev. T. E. Higley officiated In St. afternoon l;tst.-Mr. Geo. Turner is on,nentforlife. Well, NO 111-0 the public, so an Mr. Wilmott, of Loudon, tvho some The Clerk still there war@ two by- ]ocat:on for the proposed light near the Johns church, Brussels, on Sunday.- arouud again after a slight attack of this point thcreisrtgrcement. IPthelroven„neat Inwa coven” On Sunda Mt. Doherty, a student of infiatutnutiuO•-Alt. H. O'Brien is ver raft"�� to retain public cont!dercem thrsnlattor, years ago worked in B!ddlecoutbe's R the: firemen. London Road and see if it would not Huron College, ooleia , in Trinit gn. hopes are held for y it will hereafter allow the Ia%v to take its cou•He• ,1" jewelry store here, it is said will join Cooper-IINVhy the mischief hate we answer the purpose better by placing R + y lute andsli p , his in the iliac of nti,rdcrci i .,. Clinton business circles in the. course not one by-law couplet@ ?" rhe light nether the G. T. R. station, church both morning and evening.- recovery. -Mr. Amos Townsend treat l.'clitor 1\'cux•Xccord. of a few Weeks. Gilroy ami Swallow followed in the After some discussion the motion Cllr- On Sunday three of out- fair sex pard a ed his many friends to an oyster supper ried without a division. 8yirig visit to Be)grave. On their re- on Tuesday evening last. Sin, -Tile above paragritph, purporL- Mr. D. Cantelon shipped another discussion, tt•lre.r- the report %vas filially turn journey they got upset near Ste- ing to peak the sentiu)ents of the `, cal' load . live hogs to Collingwoad adopted. HIGH SCHOOL MONEY, wart's school house; the horse, leaving thecteilor REPORT. -The following is Canadian people, is front the New Era yesterday. Tli@ price paid was about PROPERTY REPORT. The Town Treasurer said that the them behind in a heap, made for Bell's l of the pupils of S. 9. No. 4, of Jan. 22nd, 1897. Ili its implied form $4.3Q.: Jest ►>op the price has raised Chairman Cooper Y Collegiate Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Jack- livery burn at a breakneck speed. We Tuckersmith, for the mouth of Feb- it rHea tis that, it Dieter to he , p z• LO abbu,r $ ml per hundred. p t rrecei ed that au1 p runt based on attendance demeanor with the people of C; llada the• govern1 ' one tender had been received for wood sora, had by order req nested him to pay are pleased to hear that they are mane Y Mr. ;S'. Smith entertained a number R R over the $1,600 due the Collegiate. The the worse for their aliraculOus osca e, and general proficiency. -Sr. 4th- Ine'tL Intlst he less fur linrxl to deal gr. "t - t of hitt fridnds at the Hotel Clarendon and it beim tiro hi h was not accepted. p Ella Johns, Harold Fowler, Mary ly with the er ring one• and be inore Since their he had received another money, be acid, was on deposit in the but we should advise them to get a fel-' O'Brien; Jr. 4th - Norma h%urch, eager to wreak sutnulitry vengeance last Friday evening. Sapper was tender from .,Mr. Richard Baker, at Bank and if taken out now the interest low a Piece 'text time to du the driving Y:':' serve,$ and a most delightful time $2.75, wood to be delivered in June. would be lost. The request wits re- for them. -Regular meeting of our Arthur Wiltse, Alary Layton, Horace oil the unfurtnnate vict.irn of unbridled spent. One and all voted Mr. Smith a (erred to Finance Committee. town council was held i" Industry hall Wiltse; Sr. 3rd -Walter Layton, Elsie Pit ssictns• cultivate in themselves, a.nd host iP himself. Searle asked the Mayor to read the The bonds of the several officers were on Tuesday. --Our regular monthly Bennett, Mary Crich; Jr. 3rd—Martha, instil into others, a more blood -thirsty Tit ,"NEws-RECORb had a call last 48th clause of by-law to show that the presented b Finance Minister Gilro horse and cattle fair was held on lues- Fowler, Charles Forden, Essic Valely; disposition, and ahove all thinks in ❑o week :from Mr. W. C. Cooper, son of G�ummittec fled not done their duty. to the Council and accepted, when the di'Y -J. T. McKinnon returned home Sr, 2nd Christie O'Brien, Fred Wiltse, case allow nn a �portuniLy to slip tr> 1 The Mayor read it, a.nd the cost of Local Palliatnent adjourned, On Saturday from attending the High Robt. Cochrane; 7r. 2nd - Frank imbrue the blooel' of a fellow•creaturr• 'travelling W. Cooper, town, who has been towu electric light (little England) Plewes, Lulu Wiltse, Aland Plewes, when the law admits of their doing so). travelling from Winnipeg to British Court meeting of the C. O. F. At Nia. Henry O'Brien; Pttt•t 2nd -Ernest Oh, Tempora! Oh, Moses ! C:a)I such ':, Columbia in the interests of n whole- bobbed up, ` Ccio per said ever carrchHoly Communion n Trinity Brown, Lily Plewes be the sentiment of the Canadian eo - sale firm, He has since been engaged I y tnenlber knew frac Stanley. church on Sunday morning next•.-�Vut Y Part 1st -Willie by R. J. Lovell & Co., whol@sale stat• cost. much teaming is being dune the past O'Brien, Milton Wiltse. ple in this advanced stage of the nine- "„ The Mayor ex 1 L PROMOTIONS --The following is the teenthcentur e tioners of Tbrobto, and Mr. Cooper's p : ined that the reason ,report of S. S. No. 3, Stanley, for Feb -few days owing to, the snowdrifts. THos., H. BROWNLEE, Y ,, headquarters will he lit Winni a tvhy this matter had not gone before y' teacher. I am neither ignorant lir nnmin,lf"1 He left on Monday for the West. Winnipeg. rusty, based on the attendance, dili- the Committee was because the two ence and demeanor of the pupils:- r of the fact that such sentiments have Th® falcial of the late Mrs petitions had not been presented early Fifth class -Rachel Reid • Sr. 4th -A1 Dtlnaannon. their origgt" in that Jewish law which Walker, enough; that they were not in, Bina Richardson, Josie Richardson, DOTE -The concert given on Thus- blodcrlCL township. Rays: "Whose eheddeth man's blood, llirelict of the gat@ Joseph Walker. took Swallow did not believe in s littin Oliver McIlveen ; Jr. 4th -Stella Rath• DRATH,•-rhe announcement of the by inan shall his blood be, shed," But r pia to Lnndesbolo yesterday. The pp g day evening by the Public Library, death of sirs. Jas, Shephard, Godericb, [t most be borne iu mind that we err Y. lady Is Due of aur most honored hairs; figures had keen abtnined. well, Eva Reid ; Sr. 3rd -Laura Rich- { resits And a truly loyal pioneer. Hoover believed the Council n•,,$ ardson, Gertie Nicholson, Daisy was a grand suecees and the local on Feb. 20th, cast a. gloom over this not Jews. Of course we read of chose Miss Shobbrook of St. Thomas, a son supreme and that con)u)ittees could Scotchnier; Jr. 3rd -Jas. Sanderson, talent deserve credit for the able mau• community. She was welt known in I.who say they ate Jews iend are not, ,r` froth Chicago and another from Brant- not rule the Council. Effie Burnside, Mabel Nicholson ; Sr. Der in which each took their part. this section being the sistet` of Messrs. but are of the synagogue of the other `.ford, were resent. The deceased The difference, the Mayor said, was 2nd -Edith Rathwel), Emma Peck, Joh" and Geo. Xddleton, who have fellow, but who would ever imagine . 5 We are sorry to say that 111rs. John the that any of that class had ever founeL� lived t0 see fuer generations. Mrs. in the fact that the special meetin of \Vealey Peck ; Jr. 'Lod -Geo. Reid sympathy of all rn their bet•eave- P K + Glenn is not recovering as speedily as Inent. his way into the New Era office? 1. John Shobbrook and Mra. W. Cole, the Ouuncilhadbe@nc,tllec] for"general Percy Tippet, LiJy Peck rySr. Pt. 2nd- ;1Elulletl, aredanghters of the late Alrs. business." Samuel Bates, Maggie (,lark; Jr. Pt. might be expected. -Mrs. F. W. Little LEAKED. -Alt. J. T• Whitmore has No person knows better than the 'Walker. I 1 2nd-Chn,lie Rathwell, Nelson Reid, is on an extended visit to friends at rented, from Mr. John Sheppard, Editor of the N. E. thin in that meq+ - Ta nucaid Air. Searle'sternarks were ' Maime Reid ; St. Pt. 1 -Lottie Peck; Lucknow.-Mrs. Wilson has sold out the tArm formerly occupied by Mr, o Itble sermon, oil Mount 0)i vet, the . ---- _ quite uncalled far. The Street Com- Jr. Pt. 1-Allie Peck and Eva Burnside. r Catling and has taken - rilitte�hrtd--faflewire a en out their s -- --. ____- -__ her milli -eery - b t-ai.aQ-a-lo- Mrs .. G. _ posession. He Great Author and Finisher'of our faith Our Own Parliament. strnctions re wire fence on Base SAn DEATH• -A ver sad death oc- Anderson of the village, tvho inteDe a t 1 iurike a not only y - y t good tetrtnt Its he is an y re udiat.ed but ,icivall re- Litre. cut -red on the Bayfield Road south, last industrious young inau, pealed ,til this eye for air eye, and tooth A FULL MEETING ANDBOME rIOT wORDB Friday evening, when Isabella Ale- taking possession about the 1st of fora tooth code; and furthermore -MR. SEARLE V8. THE MAYOR— Searle objected and wag Din to Sa NOTES, -The many friends of Mr. + Dn R R y Piurctiie, beloved wife of John March: we wish her ilia best of success John Whitely and family met at his a subsequent occasion gave usa, brao- SHADE TREE BY-LAW TO REMAIN AS something when the Chair called him Dennison, passed to the r iu her undertaking, ttfDl Object lesson on !hitt ver '. ..' AT. PRESENT—TRE $IU,000. STILL down, but before he found his seat be c eat beyond g. Mra. Wilson in• residence on the evening of the 23rd J Y point• declared that `the Mayor was very at the early age of 42 years. The de- tendo to retire from business having ,tad spent a pleasant time. -Mr. and According to Jetvisb law, adultery HANGS FIRE—THE ARO LIGHT AGAIN yl bitral yl'+ ceased had been ill only from the conducted the millinery tJu81ne69 for MIR. Walter Weston of Porters Hill, was a Crime, Punishable with the death —COMMITTEE REPORTS. Wednesday. The immediate cause of are visitin the gaiters stents near penalty. On r InP.tnOr:ible UCCAaIun a '' The Mayor retoited that if Alr. shout twenty years,-TVIr, Geo. Sloth• B p Y "' There was a full Board at the re u_ Searle would rusks a motion he cauld death was blood -paining caused from Glaanrnis woman caught in the int was brought g premature confinement. Mrs. Denni- ere is spending a few dais visiting hie g I lar meeting of the Town Council un then speak, but neither lie or any son was It half-sister of the late Alex. P - -- - before Christ for His concurrence In • Monday evening, other member could so fla rant! via- arenas at Haeket town. -Mr. and tligllett. her execution. Had it been the New late the rules of order. flagrantly McMurcbie of Clinton. She was six Mrs, W. J. Fowler and family leaves Era inan that was appealed to, ,and he STREET REPORT. pears married and a native of Vaug- on Tuesday for their, home in North RETvaNED.- Mr. John Baile of acting on the above expressed s2nti- `" Searle replied hotly that "the Mayor Ilan, north of Toronto. The lad vvas Commissioner Plummet- reported had better Kat out of the choir I" And eery highly respected and muchys tit. Dakota. Their many friends wish Hallett, who was visiting Mr, and Mrs, meat, the Gnawer would have been, Y R. Pearson in Grey fora week, has Of course the evidence Is clear; the verbally that nothing had been done then there tvnR peace fora illus. pathy ►s expressed for her bereaved them the Deet of success in their now retained tt0rue. He was very much law must be enforced. Come on, boyo; f,` in regard to Base Line wire fence dis- FINANCE REPORT husband. The funeral took `'..cussed at last meeting; some of the place to home. -Mr. Geo. Smith, who has been pleased with that part of the country. I'll hold your coats ; now fire awny ' ('ommittee opposed it; however, moth- Finance Minister Gilroy's report $ayfield cemetery yestedl►y, engaged with Mr. Dan. Biekle, at ----+•--�.----- Such, however, was not the ver let Ing could be done this winter. A» to was aduptod as follows;- NOTES. -Mr. A, Reid is busy hauling harness snaking. having secured a situs. County Currency. Riven on that Occasion. Like those of -tile required this year he would like Street. -J. Becker, 1.80; C. Cartcr, wood for his limekiln. He is goingto Sir Oliver, it was tempered with ' $ supply some lime for the new owat tion with Mr, T. Duruin, leaves on Air. F. A. Sprung of Hullett leaves mere Neither du I condemn thea sibs Council to say; there wits not gala N. & J. Morrish, 80r.; J. Steep, $2,5U; P Y Tuesday for Nee awn. Mr. Geo. this week for his new hunt@ iu south- go ,try. sin it morn" wits the reply, is half car used last velli -nn this point N. &A. Dyrnent,unloadinggand lumber, Lake View.—Mr. Wm. McNaughton y p I,,'.' -'the Committee will report at next $177.63; freight, 15.20; Pilus. Hillock and wife, who have been visiting Paltin also leaves for Brandou,'same ern Manitoba. which if reduced tothevulgarparlance. j meeting. teaming, 20c,; charity -Thos. Hillock, friends here for the past few weeks da Ali-. Jas. Duatow of Nile is very ill at of the present day, might read "Not I y. -Mise Susan McMath has return g , FIRE AND WATER. t drawing wood, .iUC.; F. Evans, do., 11rLVe gone tD Winghan► to visit some ed home after an extended visit to the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. gul„y, but don't you do it Again ;now, Chairman Swallow reported in sub- ! $1.10; Jas. Beattie, $1; Estate ,Thos, friends there before he goes back to the Wm. Bailey, Wltwanosh. mind," Spooner, rent, 2• meals for (taut s I rltiries again. -Our Varrra friends friends in Clinton. -Miss Susan Jones G. Dawson of Auburn, had the mis- ICs an open secret it, well informed s''' of the the p $ $3,0 ave been getting.eiRns strafed. -Our is visiting at Mr. T. Allen's. stance its floc.; property -A. Welsh, wood, P fortune to get his leg crushed between circles that. Sir Oliver is and always has hall electric light, 5,80 G. T. R., rent post office has 1) L16 changed but not been lit Principle if granted, would coat the tOwn.$1,800 R y $ two Ings while working at Young'sP' P Opposed to capital of cattle pen, $1: (,lore Fire Insurance the po3t master; ther4 are no cont- mill last week. punishment, so we may reason - x;, that Our tiro appliances have in past hints a SummerUIll. proved ver etteeesefut; that the Mayor Company, premium on $2,000, 21; P against him only what is good. "�" y salnrtes-R, Reynolds; $ -Mr. Thos. Wiley of his horse badl Councillor Lockhart of Last Wawa- ruair.sinfer Minister so flctngtsticch@ till- , a posits meeting of business role" Y ; $1$: printing-• R Y 30ItooL RkPORT.-The standing of g preparations to build Inst+traces of legalized JJ to discuss the F. U. A. demander; that, THE NEWS -RECORD, 18; tire and water kicked the other day, so tie will have itis Public School for February its nosh is mrlkirr g zed ►Harders will be --fi❑PN, $2; James Beattie , to walk note, but that will be no trou- follows: -Sr. 4th class :-M. Mur h a handsome brick residence in the induced to a iuinurniun. Those niore tilew by-law coyer►ng the firemen he , t.@au to fire? bre as he is oral a Murphy, s druftea; that hose and engine are in $1+ incidental-•-J,ts. Beattie, $4. Re- only few pounds less than F. Oakes, O. Mellveen. Jr. 4th class: piing' it uxlous for gore must buns for some Good condition; that the fire hall and ceipts-"station scales, $8.45; tile. 4pc.; 4t10. I think he is the heaviest, man in -M, E. Kilt O, 'Hill J. Wright. \'khat• is it that nlan loves more than inore blood -thirsty wretch to fill his ceatetery work, $12.2b two half lots, the county, if he is .% Tot V. M. Third class: L. Butt, A. Lovett L. life; hates more that, death: the miser piles. ,llnee?ting maul ar@ in a S)thy conditon, I)ieIt is awn to Gritnsb Y - iend that proper officer be requested to $12; town scales, 11.95; rent of hall, Y y in the inter- Johnston, Second class: -M. Garvie, spends; the spendthrift saves; and each It will not be ill spent tithe for those d ''Clean them out; that pipes from stove '811' office $5; dis^.stout u't crit of plan's, est of the C. O. F. Mr. Fred. Keys is (7, U0lbotn)e, G. Hill. Sr. 2nd class:- titan Carries to his grave ? who still have a hankering for the � ' In ntoeting r4otn gre in an unsafe eon- $J'33, holding the fort while he is Tway. P, Wright, C. Butt. Jr. 2nd class:- The firm of Messrs A. G. Van 1a; Jvvvish code to examine the teAellings dition; that lleavkkli cvC:"h! I;: places: TRP'AsftER'S STATHmENT. - w -- ---a.,-- ----- I Ic., Smith, R. Kilty, NI. Hill. First mond Sons, of 8euforth, have clrgs- of Christ and His Apostles, and see fr ,, :ort tire Aliti'in. The balance on hand And receipts Saltford. class; -1. Colborne, L. Butt. olved partnershiFFt. The business will themselves just how much Aid and ell). payments, - - • ------ be continued by `V. D. Van Egi fond. couragetne"t 4hey et from that source f, �s, TI'S Mayor sitiil that some time a n amount, to $5,1830.37. the at Incests, BRIEFS. -David Burluul:an, of Mon in their cltmorin�}or human blood. he► s Coke tD Mr. Purrltn rtttaut the $1,415 9.39, leavin a balance on hand of trPal, is here on a visit. -Mrs, G. Sturdy 1Londesboro, Death lists claimed another vic•titn in x Detre, c•tc., U. A. demands., H@ said he tvonid $3+670.98• Y 1. O. G. T. -Quite a number of the the person „Ol ,\l r. John Jardine of IV CHRISTIAN. „ tad her daughter, hits. Hay, who have Howtck, tt hose sad demise took liar. ; writx: them, as he thought their de- THESTAYELY MONEY. been visiting here for the last three members of the I. O. G. T. lode of p 1lavela Ist. ritands very arbitrary, The Mayor explained that the Clerk months, left this morning for their g on Saturday, February 20th. Mr Jar- ` I home in 'Portage f.,t Yr,tirio Clinton and Auburn, visited North Star dine has been ailir, for a tun r (7Or►ncillor Hoover tvnntecl to know had eun►mu"icated with Mr. Grarrow, ,Alan. Pre- lodge No. 317 last Tuesday evening, but R g time sit -{ -- tr lit ;Dori ;1 'public meeting }t•ould who is now on dot at the Ontario I vious tD their epnrtn'ro Borne of their his death wits not t:nexpectOd• totally Currency. Y owing to the stormy night the friends dei. Legislatare in Toronto, in regard to feiendshadtaseriesufprogressiveeuchre from Blyth Summerhill and Constance John ,McMurtrie, treasurer of Jt. The Rxeter Turf Clul , The Mayor-tPTo consider the expen- the $10,%0, but owing to urgent busi- parties At which everyone enjoyed lodges did snot show up, However a Andrews Church, Kippers, a farrier, arro4 from Messrs. r 1 hruvrdAAsrd .dl Hess our member had been unable to thertiselvcs tmulensety.-Harry Mont- very pleasant evening was spent. The while assisting his son Alexander fell- the east, Side of °' ~taw & Tennant on ditnre of $1,600 and to determine as t0 scout@rtn inlet view with the Attorney- gomery "rad his wife lefthere last week itt n tree last Friday, which s tilt ane village and intend . whether we should comply with the y members of North Star bodge, No. Y J fitting Ihr, F,crne fora, glace Track, and1 demands. And if this is complied General. to go on their farm in Ooderich town- 317, have accepted an invitation to visit 191, about to fall, and caught him recreA,L!on gi ounda, with it 1s quite likely the Association CLINTON SHADE TREES, ship` -Mr, and Mrs. B. Mallon and Constance lodge on March 10th, completely crushed hits to death, Wili� 'en want as much more, Master Eddie are visiting at Blyth.- g Mr. "James McGee was in Bayfield Tit Souwas s farm on the 9th Dun, Searle and Taylor moved that the Miss Emma Campbell torts visiting here BRIEFS. -Rev Alr, Fair and ]Viabel, this week com )letein arrangements �ttel)hen tt,rR solei last \Veclneadny i , Starts s idea was not to have a Council petition tile Ontario Legisla- last week. J. T. Goldthorpe is building of St. Juhn'a, arra visiting friends for taking overlthn 13,ci field ► d weal. to Samuel Prenzeartor, $1,8011. > J)bbh'6 tutteting, but to Ret the business Lure, through Mr. Gat -row, to have the a aitch, door ►Lod blind fttetory in GOde- around here this week. --Mrs, T. Crisp forth stage Linn. This Seal contains 100 teres wit:lt only fail, b1111c1- 1011 together and ascertain if they law amended to 1111Ow tho removal of rich, --The popular councillor of Hol_ is ter 11 friends to LVtng ham. -sir, g, nrrar)Rem@rat Ings thereon. Considerlrble of the ahttiuld endorse or rti'ect the demands shade trees where too close without let township, John Lanham and his will nocesaitate the re,noval of Mr. Mc- ::'tYf t;lie AsRaci,ttton. A. Woo man returner! borne from lands is not very fertile. the business mon, compensation to the owners of lots, wife, paid our village a short visit this Niagara on Saturday.—Miss Lou Oui- Gee and family front P,lvth, which is to (;e.o. Vicke•rq, of Kirktou, who wan • �osg'ithe largest sted. t taxpayers, were the 000 (it It Hoover opposed the mo- week.-Everybodyy is getting in their mette is on the sick list this week ; we tie very much regretted. --Blyth Stan - tion, iend (3iirov wanted to knoliv wile- lett just now. We understand the hope soon to see her able to be out diad, sr.rat,tope'nitentiiuysomefouryaars ago for forging notes, was released a few }The Mayor said that the expenditure ther or not Aft. iearle tvonlc] be the brewery rnen ace laying in an extra again• -Miss Reid, of \Vingham, who Messrs. Wottt+tufer S Wilford of weeks ago, when he left for rho Sutter.. trmild not Ile $1,6W every year, but Judge as to the properdistance between Supply, Charles Chisholm and Jas. has been here visiting her cousin, Miss Blyth are busy chipping brick at pre- lie nays he would rather die than re -- 1 tllitfi'probably $1,000 'a year would be trees. Buchanan are putting in a supply for Agnew, for the past live weeks, return- sent. They have the contract for 80 OW turn to lit tri another such terns. 1 required after Clio flrr'st outlay, Mr. Searle read front by -taw No. Ci, sale. ed !tome last Friday. -The Rev. Mr. foN the new addition to the Doherty The'spirit of Mr. Win. Horn of" hx- There was copsiderabI6 discussion as 1M, which says trees shrif he nine feet • - - Fair, this of St. Johns a former pastor on organ 'factory in Clinton, and also eter, appointment and rtv from the line of the fence, and no Miss Alice iia , ern toyed lit the Methodist bete oil orf the fur .lilt. M&tthety Lockharts new Feb. 21st, at the to tag@eogreat beyond on telt lift app P yy pp t Sabbath residence it) Raf31,*WavVano3h and thea wife died in 1801. Hol loaves two sons of iibkthfteee utld'lth, Cleanliness and more than ed feet apart je leas than 1r1 Gibson House, Belleville, committed evening His many friends were new pnhite school between () r t y rand � 'Chotnrta, of ');Hetet, ravel �lf�et;y bf tlleif• tltittrte# S. He explained that his object lyse to aa- ,suicide by taking Paris green. pleased to see and hers him of;nin, Mel{illop, Whitechurch. Henryy f e 4 ' yn.� . ,.� j '. y ::�, ,t - + .. • — ...tit. �,�,;u.., , er.. ... . , .v .. ... -... ....