HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-12, Page 1VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907. . t,b,,,_.GREAT REDUCTIONS FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. 111ILEFit elk.e�ls The blg Furniture Dealers of Clinton otter special reductions to the people of Blyth and vicinity. Your erpenres pelt bnt6 ways Mud the goods delivered to your door without extra charge ue we hate our own rips lee the purpose. \\'u guerantt'e you a saving ot'2) per pont, whish means $20 on the $100 timeliest. Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sixes, from $9.50 to 540.00. U1\TDE g' '1N(Or �K We have thebest eqquipment In Western Outarlo, the beet rubber hearse outatde of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a saving of tj2O oo the euttR. Our phone number ie ed. Night or day any call will easel ve immediateIttteution, PI131.AT 4 i c -1%.N We handle the best. General repreaeutativau for the Gourley, 'Water & Leming. Your credit ie good, any terms you want. Ile sure and hunt us up when you want anything lu our line. We will make it pay you, WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. YOUIt MOSEY BAOK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED, 'Phone 28 School Children's .. Eyes A very large number of children attending the schools are In lm• mediate need of glasses, and yet pre unaware of It. Bdncetlea depends largely on the bee of the eyes. If these are deft• Went then the eller band' of learn. Ing is hampered. Too great core oennot be taken In remedying these detects, and only ee'dpticlan in whom explicit csn• Aden. foes be placed should be conenited. Oerropttelan'will give conseten• t(pus advice and recommend the Use of g)esees ouly where It will wnelderably benefit the child's vi. don. WHITECITY DRUG STORE IJr. W. J. MILNE WIXOM NEM CCLLEGE 10 Cents gets The Standard balance of year Best Situations Are available with renewal of industrial tctivities in early spring. If you de- sire one, you must enter now. Short, sharp; snappy courses for those whose time or motley; ie. limit•I, and the broad- est and meet comprehensive curricu- lum fotthose Who would attain more then ordinary. !amass.Afail'Coursesin Commercial, Steno. graphy, Telerrephy, 1.i01 Service, Matriculation, Penmanship, Etc. Write for particulars to READ the Mde. in TRE STANDARD George Spotton • Principal While Th Last . . Y Just 25 Suits and 25 Overcoats left to clear at half price. Heavy Tweed and Black Melton Suits, regular $8 to $12, got to clear them at $5 to $8. so, Black Melton and Beaver Overcoats, also a few patterned Coats, regular $8 to $t5, going at $5 to $9 and $Yo. ofHeavyweed +r A numberf used Yams regular t.z to n $ 5 $�5 your choice of these at $1.75. Don't fail to get our Suit or Overcoat Bargains this week. Full Line of Knitted Coods to per cent off for next week in Sweaters, Fancy Vests, iquftlers and Toques. Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. S. H. G}IDLEY By=Law No. 6 A. D. 1907 By -Law to repeal I3y-Law No, 8, A. D. 1904, entitled a By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor in the Town- ship of Hullett. 'WHEREAS a petition signed by et leant twentynvo per cent of the qualified elect tore ot the Township of Eiuuett, entitled to vote upon the Dy -Law under the Munl- eIpttl Act, has been presented to the Council of the said 'Township expressing their desire that such By -Law should be repealed AND WHEREAS It le desirable that the Municipal Council, of the Township of Hullatt should comply with the request of the said petition, TEHEREFORE be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Bald Township of Hullett, and 1t le hereby euuoted by the authority of the name, (1) That 13y-l.aw No. 8, 1904, which WWI paeeed by the Municipal Conteh ot the said Township of Hullett, on or about the 8th day of February, 1905, In pur nuance ot Section 141 of the 1,tquor Lit eonee sot, entitled By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor In the Township of Hullett le and snail be repealed. (2) That the vote of the Electors of the said Township or Ifullett will be taken on the HyLaw on Monday, January thh, 1908, commencing at 9 o'clock In the mora• Ing and continuing till 5 o'clock In the afternoon, et the following undermen- tioned pieces, e.:- L'lectoral Division N 1, Temperance No.em larauac Ban, Kiuburn. Electoral Division No. 2, Sehooi Hense N0, ti. Naeatoral Division No, 3, School house Nu. 2. Electoral Division No. 4, Foresters' Hall, Londoaboro. Elootor ' . ul Division e n 7v11 5, School Route No, 12, SuInluerltill, Electoral Division No. 0, 'township 11,11, Londeeboro. Etcctorel Division No. 7, School house No. 0, ell That on the 31st day of December, 1907, at the Township Clerk's office in the elid Township of Hullett at the hour of e o'clock In the afternoon the Jteet'e shall appoint hi writing elected by binneif two portions to attend at the 11na1 summing up of the vures by the Clerk mud one per, souto atteud at each polling place on be- half of the persons interested In and tie. ahem of promoting the passing of thla By-Lau and a like nu ha B , number u nt t ou lcI of 1 rho pernone interested in and desirous of oppodng the passing of thio lly-Law. (4)_ feat the Clerk of the bold Munlel- par Council of the 'Township of Hallett shell attend at his Mike at the hour et le o'clock la the forenoou on the 710 day of January, A. 1), 111)8, to sen up the num her of v0180 given for and against this By -Law. 15) This Ry-Lxw shall 001110 into opera Moe and be of full foieo end effect ou and After the not day of May next after the final passing thereof. Cannell Cne,nber, Buffett, 18th November, 1907. IS' 0TICE. Take notice that the above le a true copy of a proposed Dy -Law which etas been taken Into consideration by the tuattclpel Council of the Township of Buffett and which will be finally passed by the said Council In the event of the assent of,the electors being obtained thereto after one month from the that publleation thereof Intim Myth Steedard, the date of which publication was 'Deere - day, the twelfth day of December, 1)8)7, and et the hour, day and pieties therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held, JAMES OAMPBELL, Clerk. Subscribe for TOE STANDARD. No. 17. it3ruaaote, 11. thethanuIl is home from North Bay where he line spent several mwlthr•. 11issJoan Ale Iluehllu,oftown, wilt perform the duties of uecorupaulis( at the Sons of 140011nd (le:mort- at 1Viilg- hant on h'rida0 evening of this wcelan 0, 0, and Airs. Mated 0.0) l,in(ialo, 3, were visitors at kelvin 0000e, the home of J. and 1L8, Imel;io, 21r. end Airs, 1iu'tin were former residents of Brussels. 'Phos. Situnaers, wife and throe child- ren, of Vancouver, li. C., ore visitors at John Simmons. Aire, Sauudere iso si+ter to Alli Sfl>non'.s, '.there is n possibility that the visitors nilly 11111110 their home in ()meek) if \1r, 1nuuders finds what suits him. At tho reauhu• meeting of L0,vnl Orange Lodge, Ao, 771, Brussels, hold on Monday evening, the folloviuw hrot Mein wore elected to official posit ion for the ensltieg yen). :-D. Gerry, Wor- shipful Master; Joseph Hnntu>•, Dep, Master ; W, i), lloou0)•, Secretary : W. it,.inrks0n, Finance -Secret ry ; 11!, Al, aced ll '1'reasnre•, Committee mel, f. 11, Smith, N, 5l0Oeuley, George. Davis, It, He•rv, AVM, Boys, Lectur- ers -Wm. 11 dt and Joseph l unto•, Tylers, J, W. gimmes and Nahum Cardiff, By n vote of the Lodge don. tithing were leads to the Protestant Orphama' Hone at Piston, Oar., and the Sanitarium at Grtweuhulst, The annual meeting of the Fust Huron Libornls was held in the town hall, Brussels, Fridlty afternoon, with a large and representative attendance, President Sinclair occupied the chair, and spoke appropriate introductory words. The olliceee of the pest yens were re-elected, with the exception that F, S. Scott takes the Secretary - treasurership, owing to W. 13. Kerr, the last occupant, being the candidate for the riding for the Legislature, A program of short addresses wits given, in which 1)', 31acdotlald, ex -M, who is always welcome; Messrs. W. H. Kerr ; Lieut.•Col. Atkinson, Al, P. P., for North Norfolk ; A. [Iislop,,21 1'. P., the Liberal 11Otnin00 for the Commons, and Hon, A G, Alkelia,y leader of the Opposition, took part, 1 it the evening a public meeting was held, when the audience filled the hail; Reeve Leckie ocetpied the chair, 0111 gave a short address, Those who also gave address were : Lieut, -Cul. Atkin- son, Hon. A. G. MoeiCay and Dr. Mer. - Donald, while Arch. Hislop end W..11. Kerr, moved and 000ellded kt ho.trty vote of thanks to the speakers of the evening, The s iatprogram during the evening was well tendered, and consisted of a piano solo by Miss Mutt. jorio Strachan, solos h,y J. Leslie liner, of Blyth, and a duet by Messrs, Jones and Shield'''. Hensel!. The Reeve was in WIngham Inst week 0tteediug the Co, Comic)), Bob 3011011 has disposed of his livery business to Jim Fowler, who is now in possession. F. Ruse has teetered his resignation as precentor and Choir lender of Cala 801 eharoh, to take effect, at elle first of the year, Ho las filled the position for five years. 11iss Pearl Beek- who has been at tend. ing the Crural Lousiness College, Strat- ford, luta graduated with hole's, rellOr.t: Ina credit on her ability and apPlMation, Feed. \lawns has pi rclutsted the ton - eerie) business of Joe. Dik'3tllle, of Zurich and tool: possession. A very sad event took place in the hardware store nf T 13, 1IeA1tt r while standing talking with some other boys, Wilfred KOnghton n Ind of 18 maidenly fell over luta expired almost instantly cf heart trouble. Although sudden theevent wits 1100 entirely un- expected as about three weeks ago he had a eitnfl0, attack but rec0vm'ed. This tn0kes the third ee11er of the family whicl> hos passed away in n sh111104meaner, Auburn. '1'heexecntive committee of the An - 1 ar i, Sabbath School Assecinl ion > u Un 1u �a 1 S 1 met 011 Diomu1nv, Dee. god, to snake ur- rapgep>enisfoe their annual convention. he date 0110sei1 for tho convention in Jan. 05111 19)8. Efforts are being made f S1'l ' 1, a "'1:+ 0 several et it ll O,l 1. Iik thseltl to fst. 1 ll 101 Sunday ,School workers from at distance whish, united with local and home talent• will it is conlidcntly expected keep the Auburn Union Couvouion up to its usual high mu100 of eacellenee. Iluriu5 the proceedings the following resolution was 1110t'el by Rev, A. 1' ,lopes, Pastor of the Methodist Church, non seconded by J. Fitgutnd, Sti enp- teedeet of the I'resb,vteriau 1), 5, ;- That we hereby express our deepest regret on :moonlit of the nbseee, through fllttepoo of oto' friend 0111 broth- el, ,11'. 1). N,'Afunro, who was instru- mental in having the union formed end Itne ever since briar a feeding spirit, in the amid work that, hat: been aceol - plisl1011 by it, AVe also essnr0 Mr. Munro and hie family of our loving symputlly in their affliction, and feel that in passing this resolution we 00iett the sentiment of all the Sabbath School workers and children in the union, Leadttury. ?Noe Lilliai 1 Stofforil` fs• home front Ely 111 Whet she has been vihhtin5 dor Only i2 More Shopping Days Till Christmas And the are going to make them 12 days of Wonderful buying opportunftios for you all. Remember and ase to your own personal advantage the fact that all Furs, lieu's (.1 (('11)000 tuel Women's 0010.8 have beau reduced in prfoe. i)on't 'miss this opport unity 111 fix yonrselfout comfortehl,V for the winter, or prof ably you know 00111001,0 who would appreciate one of these as n Christmas Gift, Christmas For Housewife Chenille naiades I;hen1110'l'nbltlovers l'apeetry Cmttsins Tapestry Co els hugs Carpet Squares lilnnketh Ino Curtains Comforters Fancy Linens TOM Clothe Table Napkins Carpets For a Girl Handlterchiefs Gloves 1 t,bboos Dress Goods Grey Lau), nun Gauntlets Caps Hosiery ('nabs Coats Fancy Goods Presents for All For Ladies For a Baby (leer Skit Coate floods Gull 01'0 Mittens litanies presses Cnps :hoes Rubbers Stockings For a Boy Suits Orercoete Neckties Mefliers leek Scarfs Shills Shoes hitchers Gips Caps tdevea Mitts For Men N eoktloe lark Scarfs !vintners Gloves Umbrellas Slippers For (cellars Fur Coats lour Caps Mitts Nancy Suspenders Fancy Socks 111uulkerchlefs Cardigan Jackets Sweaters Shoes Overshoes Rubbers Shits Overcoats Underwear Guff Buttons Shirts Sleeve lfolders ,lien's Companions Shoos Fur Neck Itufik Fur Mutts Fur Coats Fenny Collars 1+'sncyy Belts llendkercblete Fanny Comps Calendars Pin Cushions Chatelaine Bags Blouses Hat Pine Coif Jackets lfenther Bull's Wool Sesrie Kid Gloves Lined Gloves Kid Mitts Stylish Cloth Coats Silk Dress Lengthe Silk Waist Lengths Silk 1Jmhre11am Fancy Wool ulcus. Inge Dress Lengths Suppers House Shoes Iloelery G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. a few weeks, Miss Mabel Stafford ie in very poor health and under the doctors care but we hope she wilt soon be nromel again. Goo. 1 -Hall, John Leeming and Solo- mon Shannon have returned front the West. The former has been doing duties on his homestead, "Phe school in section No. 9 has been closed on account of measles, Cecil lowland, the teacher, Inns been re• engaged for next year. He has given entire satisfaction and is possessed of sterling ehility and exemplary char- acter and will instill into his pupils those noble principles ns well as the other edu0111i0101 Iden,, Winghatn. 11r. 13ishop Otte disposed of Lio herd - ware business to A, li. Ilill, of Can- uingtou. The documents aro signed, but the transfer does not take place for a few weeks. Miss Etta Johnston, formerly of AV Mullein, principal of the 0horthend department of the Forest Cit' Busi- nessand Shorthand College, London, 0It0 one of the judges in the champion- ship typewriting contest held in To- ronto. Mrs, 111eKihhou, relict of the lore 1 1 iI ht passed Philip I Irl, Main, I .. 1 ne:t 011 Monday 0001. 10ou >11 last week vier x111 illness of several months, Deceased was rat craniaiaut(ly tine wnmaut, most highly er,toemed by till who enjoyed aha plc enure of her o: )ae naneo, her thr-five yearsarss1+ s been nu resi- dent of 1Vinr;ham, Jia lntsbeed died ❑bent le years Ingo. Airs. 11aKiHem was It member of \Vinuinnt 'Methodist Church, and while iiealtlt ponlitted was seldom absent from the sert!nes of the Lord's Day, She leavers one .son, J. W. Ale.liibhou, druggist, of \ViTighe nt, Exeter. Henry Smith is in Chinago judging live crock, The res!denee or John Preseeattor narrowly escaped destruction by fire 011(1 day recentl,1. A defective chim- ney n was lie not, f let.• lent le a ., tt, tt 111 I t pt le. J. C. Stanbury was in 0001nit in connection with the windieg up of a large estet0 it> Sc011nted. n, ,. 1 c Tomeli 1 a Mrs. Chas, .Lo > , ee 111 la na 11 l 10 tit peeling which some 1)001)11 hod care- lessly thrown on the sidewalk. AI - 0) 50);11 not badly Mimed Nits, 'Pout urns badly shaken up. The, trimly friends here of Dr, lioliins wilt bo pleased to learn that he has been appointed head physiden of the Asylum at drilla, to take effect in the Ur g near fniut'e. Since disposing of his practice in ,Exeter the doctor has been located at it;tymoud, Alut.. There is no doubt as to his ability to fill the now position and the 110.0A of his en- peiiitmciit lino been received here with considerable satisfaction, The death took phtc0.in Parkhill on Monday last of a former. Exeter young man, NVi1111ut1, o» I,y sett of Hiram Bee, The deceased tens li young peen of 31 years of age, had beet> tnarried only a few years and i9 survived Iv 1119 wire nod little dutighte• of 8 years, IIo had been 111> 1) it short time ago agent for the Canadian Northern Railway at Woodridge, Sian„ and it is believed that his death is largely due to over- work, which brought on a complication of internal troubles, An advertisement in .11111STANnAIOI3) pays, Your Eyes Trouble You ? Then come to London and have ■ pair of glasses made that will suit you periectly. De not trot the care of your eyes to inexperienced opticians and traveling lskire. Our specialists have made the cars of eyes their specialty for over 15 years, and every lens prescribed by then is ground is our own labors• tory, thereby insuring perfection and making mistakes impossible. Appointment by mail or phone 1877, THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. ETESZGST SPECIALISTS, 237 Nadas Street Limbo. O'P open patty 6.50 to 8.00. Open Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday sod Salurdy, 7,30 le 10.00. 111..1... ••.•...••• •...•• • •CENTRAL• BUSINESS • •• COLLEGE •;