HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 8OP9 �ooi 1 001, 1 *00000.�•AO....O.Rti...�...w..M....a.ai.. 1 0..000 10.000,00.• I !so:::* We are very anxious to clear out all 1:0:00 Winter Goods as we do not wish to 100000 60• carry any over to next season; and = we are determined to do it if low 0� prices are all inducement. This week we will give -our BARGAIN DAY PRICES on all Fancy Woolen Goods, Ladies' and Children's Vests, Ladies' and Children's Wool Hose, Men and Boys' Underwear. Ladies' and Children's White Wear. et� Millinery COrSS at 1 --AT_ P1 [_ zri Ce. BARGAIN DAY REDUCTIONS I W. H. BEESLEY & U0. The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton. MEETING. -There will lie it meeting I DEATH OF A GOOD YOUNG WoMAN.— pf the Directors of the Horticulture) Society in the Clerk's office, town hall, Thursday Last Thursday Lily, daughter of Mr. W. J. Holmes, joined the silent major A.•• --Thursday evening, 18th - ity, aged 20 years. The young lady, Ways of T'allki ng. Inst., an attractive programme will take place in the $. A. Barracks, The ributed in the near future. 'Some people talk with their months, baud will be to the front with several selections or now music. There will COMpplication of diseases resulting in j death. The funeral took place to Clin- ar'Som with their fingers. We talk g thitough our Goods. No matter how e a num also be of new songs, reclita• g an operation the hospital at Norfolk, Virginia, and that lattitrh we talk about the goods, if the tions, and ether items on ati variety of instramen�v. Captain ldtnith, the A TRAVELLING CARTOONIST, -14i,, tZP ods did not talk for themselves, all comic vocalist, also Lieut. Liston, the LONG TALKS. -The Bell Telephone 7ompany have our descriptions would fall flat. harpist, are expected to be present. i sketches hes of Hon.141 r. Footer, Sir R. No better value wits Captain Smith will conduct services will prove a great, convenience, as busi- ever offered than our on the following Saturday and Sun - int and with practice would develop Salt and Pepper day. ENTANGLED.—& Friday "Butler" Shakers COLLEGIATE BOARD MENT1No.-Tho a joint stock company has been organ- . • • statutory meeting of the Collegiate In. lios. store, took fright and became (in fivestyles) and oil r stitute Board was held in the Town are informed several Clintoniars are financially interested in it. Sjnall Flower Tubes Clerk's office last Thursday night. ront. After severing the tie and li es. Gall and see for in two shapes. There were present Chairman Dr. Shaw, Secretary H. Foster, Treasurer in the way of pa,villions, ice cream par- lora, bathrooms, yourself. The price is as odd as is d• W. Jackson, and Trustees James Scott, li ht, g the value goo I H. Plumsteel and H. B. -Combe. James ( prepared. tO cents each, Scott was eleted and H. cJacksonir ected f the very best breeds in the Domin- )n are now housed here. and the latest the Oddf(dlow's ball on the 11th Inst. The evening was very Foster and W e- elman Sec - pleasantlyy spent by the members and their fr•ientls, Two for 15 cents, and Treasurer. TheiTreasuret's criously of engaging in the profitable aising of try. His farm was spent in games of different kinds report report was read and adopted as follows: which was followed by tt progrant of music and singing, also a very interest- f Three for 20 cents, RECEIPTS. of make a specialty of poultry. Four for 25 cents. Balance on hand ............... ... .....:3 799 24 School Fees ................ ..... ...... 1,005 25 was provided in the shapeof sandwiches If you buy only one you get good County Grant ............................ 1,719 38 Government grant ...................... 984 57 Town grant ap ]pet Friday Miss Annie � y d value but note how the price windles ...................... Examination fees... ........ """' 1'� 66 ""' ""'__ when you take two, three or four. HOW SobIF TORONTO PRINTrms Do ag Sunday the young lady was taken With every Ten Cent Cash Pur- $6,435 44 calls at- teutionito their style of doing business. Chase we give you your choice of D18.fURaE1l'': a: Salaries. ....................... .........$ 4,955 79 peration would be necessary, the ( TWELVE NOVEL STAND School supplies .......................... 170 M Fuel account ........................... m 98 known classes of work they charge little BELIEF PICTURES - Repairs .... .................... 68 91 PrintinK.......... ....................... 12 25 eath, which occured yesterday morn, They areoruamentsand have been Insurance ... ................. 19 50 Examination Expenses .................' 20410 ' a leciated b those who have pP Y already secured them. A ten cent Sundries ............... ................ 29 43 Bal. on hand ........... .... 1,510 79 "''""'"' it with all her acquaintances. Her purchase in any of our departments $6,435 44 to the offices that help the town. The and ask for one. The big balance is accounted for slighter of Mr. M. Miller, of Bayfield, the latest to go to the wall, and the front the fact that the County Grant of head of the concern skipped to Chicago after collecting all the funds he ,err anal Mrs. Jsmes Ea lClin• eeon $ r seventeen hundred dollars was paid on I The W. D. Falf Coo' the last of December. The Treasurer's bonds were increased from $1,1100 to pas $3,000. Accounts were cased as fol- and Major Jordan, of Goderich, at. t 2 p, in. and proceded to the cetne- lows: -E. Herman, $2.50; VV. Oakes, try thare. The circumstances are sad CLINTON wood, $28.50; J. H. Combe, $4.38; Jas. Walkinshaw, wood, $15; Davis & Row - very unpleasant experience on the re- Agents Parker's Ave Works. land, $2.35; balance on wood. 43c. ; J. r ers and the result was that the oc• Cuninghame, express, Doc.; Wm. eupauts wele landed at Dr. Shaw's ae Diocese of Huron, greeting: Myob. Jones, latch keys, 50c.; map supply, >ct in appealing to you on the present 1.17P-Hwen News-Recora $41.12. Committees were appointed a, follows: — Property, Chairman Scott, thrown from the rig and battered. he details of its sufferings tare too Dr. Shaw and H. Foster; disci - Lmiliar to your minds to need any re- $1.28 a Yesr-41.001n Advance pline, Messrs. Plumsteel, Forrester, and not serious, and we are pleased to chronicle the fact that Goderich is our minds the sOlelntl fact that not my are thousands dying iu Botubay, Jackson; Special, Messrs. Combe, le city immediately affected, but -`-" - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1897, Plumsteel and Scott. Repairs to desks, &c., were referred with instruc - -- --- - tions to charge certain damages up to dation, sects everywhere to reign. .n appeal for their relief has now been Pork prices remain at $5.25, students, and the saine course to be Mr. A. J. Holloway was in Montreal NEWS. S. v 1`t w rr pursued in regard to mutilated exam. )ane where it will meet with it more .tV ination papers. The Board will meet the third Ftilay of - -- In and A>rgund the Uub, every month. Ad- jourued, ' a we have been by the good hand of one day last week, I There will he service in St. Joseph's %VP. the will, to afford them timely NEARLY A CUNTENARIAN. — .,The .d much-needed relief. The love of if�plUlt �ilX young may die, but the old must," is returned from Toronto last week. Highest price for butter and eggs-CANTELON a true saying•. Young and old ace pt.,siilg away from da; to day and the to revelation of the truth which of Goderich, was in town on Monday. march goes on from the cradle to the Madame Wall and her pupils, also Mr. F. W. Port. eloeutiontat, of St. Louis, March 2nd, in grave. One of the latest tojoin the silent tmajority Was Mr. Edward Twit- ;. fire town hall. (-bell, whose age was over the 92 mark. > LO same Queen, and fellow -members 'the samo Empire its ourselves, all He was a grand old man, born in Som - resistibly lead us on to afford them SINGING CLASS. -Miss McWhinney will open the singing class before mentioned at Mrs. ersetshire, England. He came to Call - ada about the year 183.4, 03 years ago, Bishop of Huron will be at St, Paul's church next. Sunday morning Worthington's this (Tuoacay) cussing at 8 o'clock. Terms $1.50 for ten one hour lessons' along with his late respected wife (who i offering to be made throughout the one each week, to be paid in advance. died Illt(tUt 10 years ago In Clinton) and Y g ) recently worth about $17,000, will Ind. Pr:•Lyin�• that God will open all one son Edward who now resides in mets toward the afflicted and t,eedy, I FOR SALE. -Well-bred Silver Laced Wyan- dette Cockerel at a bargain. -FRANK EVANa, Pennsylvania) and first settled in Little York, now called Toronto, He $` drayman,Clinton. - -- was apprenticed as a carpenter and followed his calling in this country. WAIT Fon IT. -Madame Small, with outside For several years he remained in York talent, assisted by a number of her pupils, will love a Concert in town hall onTuesdayevening, and finally removed to Kingston, and March 2nd, 1897. then to NewYork State where Ise re- mained for several years. Afterward he returned to Kingston and worked MASONIC. -Clinton Lodge NO. 84, A. for some seven years and came to F. and A. Al., meets on Friday evening Goderich where be found profitable 7, at 7.30 o'clock, employ nnent for seven years. His at- LET Us KNOW. frequently tention was directed to farming and -Quite he bought a farm on the Lake Shore gatherings of a public nature take Road in Ashfield about a mile from place in town of which the Press is not Annberley and worked it for some ;riven any notice whatever. The over- time. In the sixties he moved to sight is certainly either through neg- Clinton and retired to private life, lect or want of thought. All we desire his son Arthur remaining on is. that the Press be officially notified the farm. About sixteen yearn oaf what is to take place. Then we can since Airs. Twitchell died in be of even greater value to society and Clinton full of years and hon ar. ` the general public. The highly respected old gentleman, 11 later on, spent a few years with his INDIA FAMINE RELIEF FUND.—Ad- daughter, Mrs. Seegmiller, at Walker- slitional donations received by the ton, when he again returned to Clinton Molsobs Bank and forwarded to Ot- and spent his last days with his son taws: -Mrs. A. H. Paterson, $1; A J. James here. The family consisted of Tyndall,$1 • Blank, 50c.; W. Grigg' 25e; Miss Carol Newcombe, Mrs. R. C. six sons and two daughters, the sur - being $1; Burton, Varna, D. Robb, R. vivid members Mrs. Seegmiller Tulin $1; $5; and of California. Frank, of Phil - Douglas, $1; W. J. Biggins, $1 ; Mrs. adelphia, and James and Arthur, in ,.5 Parsons, $2; For India, 25c.; J. H. Clinton ; William and Mrs. Arnold.(the Combe, $1; Mayor Holmes, $1 ; small latter of Goderich) being deceased. sums under 25c., 700. Total to date, The funeral took place to Clinton cem. $,77.70. Intending subscribers are re- tery, the pall bearers being blesses. G. eluested to hand in their donations as Gilchrist, John Jackson, Chas. Ridout, soon as possible. Chas. Hillvar, town, Mr. McGaw, of Goderich, and T. R. Foster, of Tara. PHRENOLOGIST WELCH. -Prof. A. 11. Welch comes to Clinton very highly THE LATE Hvou MCDONALD.-It is recommended by the Press of Ontario •widleading this Province. At with dee pp regret the announce the citizens of dearth of Mr. Hugh McDonald, which Wingham and Blyth, int.hiscounty, the. Press in high sad event transpired at hN borne, speak and pronounced terms of the as a Albert street, north, last Tuesday even - ingHis gentleman phrenolo- age as 87 years. Four or gist of superior merit. The Acton Free five. years since the deceased was at Press, a t.lroroughly reliable journal, the station seeing a friend off when he a>ys of him: -"Prof. Welch is pro- narrowly escaped instant death, He ' noamced by every one examined as the phrenologist and marvel missed his footing and fell between the greatestliving moving cans and platform. One hip i. in character reading -thousands can was severely injured front which he testify to the great good he has done never fully recovered. Later he again Kf them by giving scientific advice they injured the same member by a fall on van secure nowhere else." the icy walk and had since been con -fined to the house. The late Mr. Mc- Donald was born in Inverness. Scot -MEETING. -The County Council House orf Refuge Committee met in the Clerk's in land, being a man of excellent physt con - office Clinton last Friday to determine and award grocery supplies t ycting and w riekd on thefirst railway lway built in Scotland some 71 years ago. and other business. There were pre- Kent Warden Cox, Commissioners, In 1850 he came to Canada and lived Moonsy, Hyslop, Torrance, County Clerk Lane, Inspector for a short time at Hamilton. Ili 1&51 lie eatue W Htiron and located on lot Coats and Mafia- „er Frenuh. There were four tenders for meat, that of Ford & Murphy 44, 2nd concession, Tuckersmith. A yeat. or so later, on the 1st of February h, left for Montreal, driving V. being accepted; two for bread, J. A. King's being accepted: five for general all the Iva with a horse and cutter. y There. be groceries, J. W. Irwin s accepted. The engaged in his chosen vocation, se^_lir• Ing contracts on the Quebec and Rich Rpen Committee decided to erectai the and poultry house, for whi ch mond and Trois and Pistoles railways, . County Clerk (after and in MArch 1855 t returned to Tucker - smith, driving all' the way with the plans plans and specifications are prepared) up to March 25th. Inspector• Coats same horse and rig. Here he hewed vats anrtborized to secure livery for use out a home for himself and family, remaining on the farm until about cif tiny clergyman to attend the House of Refuge on Sabbaths to hold religious 10 years ago. Iie disposed of the pro- to Mr. Turnbull vervic•es. The Insppector is to report perty and retired to Clinton and purchased the pro - { the cast of a refrigerator and if stiffs- tactory one will be purchased. Several pertywhere he died. His lereaved and respected Inner minor matters were left for the Inspec- and Manager to deal with. It was ly a Miss Bill]) was 1t,rnfPdme 11 t.or wedlock's bonds in decided to plant one and a half acres of 13.47, almost half a century itgo. There were nine orchard, and to graft the old' trees where necessary; the varieties and cost to be submitted at next meeting, of a family, two of them first seeing the light of day in England. Onlv ' three of the children survive-Wii- The Committee recommended that so fav as practicable the supply cf dry- Liam who resides in Washington Terr- ;'.. ;;nods for use of the Rouse of Refuge itory; Mrs. Thos. A:lustard, of Abi- ho secured from a wholesale house lene, Kansas (the lady and her hus- band being here now on a visit); and direct. A set of single harnes9 is to Mrs. Enos Crich of the township of he pm•ehesed at it cost of about $15. Grey. The late Mr. McDonald was The Harper & Lee Recount tv'as left &c., a man of liberal mind, precise to it de - re panels of Inspector, extras, gree, and strictly honorable in all his • to he settled by Committee. dealings. The funeral took place to ' Madame Wall and her pup;ls, March 2nd, In Nle town hall, Turner's cemetery in ZuClcersrnith on Friday. Peace to the dead pioneer. OP9 �ooi 1 001, 1 *00000.�•AO....O.Rti...�...w..M....a.ai.. 1 0..000 10.000,00.• I !so:::* We are very anxious to clear out all 1:0:00 Winter Goods as we do not wish to 100000 60• carry any over to next season; and = we are determined to do it if low 0� prices are all inducement. This week we will give -our BARGAIN DAY PRICES on all Fancy Woolen Goods, Ladies' and Children's Vests, Ladies' and Children's Wool Hose, Men and Boys' Underwear. Ladies' and Children's White Wear. et� Millinery COrSS at 1 --AT_ P1 [_ zri Ce. BARGAIN DAY REDUCTIONS I W. H. BEESLEY & U0. The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton. MEETING. -There will lie it meeting I DEATH OF A GOOD YOUNG WoMAN.— pf the Directors of the Horticulture) Society in the Clerk's office, town hall, Thursday Last Thursday Lily, daughter of Mr. W. J. Holmes, joined the silent major m evening of this week at 8 )'clock to furthur consider the - ity, aged 20 years. The young lady, varie- Lies of seeds for all members to be dis- who was very highly esteemed, had been a close studentand worked hard, ributed in the near future. which it is thought superinduced a OPERATION. — Word was received zere on Monday that lvfr. Thos. East, COMpplication of diseases resulting in j death. The funeral took place to Clin- prother-in-late of Mrs. Geo. Johnston ;own, underwent in ton cemetery on Sunday. THE NEWS I RECORD extends its sympathy an operation the hospital at Norfolk, Virginia, and that to Mr, 'Ltd Mrs, Holrues in their ntliiction. I to was doing its well as could be ex ed, He s a Son Mr. Thos. East, A TRAVELLING CARTOONIST, -14i,, tof A the brick yaid, Roberts, representing the Snowdrift LONG TALKS. -The Bell Telephone 7ompany have Spice Co. of Brantford, while in town the other day, made a number of pencil put in two long dis- ,once transmitters, one in the Central i sketches hes of Hon.141 r. Footer, Sir R. ifffce and oue on the Trunk line. They Cartwright, flon, Mr. Laurier and will prove a great, convenience, as busi- other notables. He is quite a cartoon, less -men and other people will now to enabled to talk with New York and int and with practice would develop other long distance centres. a second Bengough. ENTANGLED.—& Friday "Butler" SUMMERHOTEL OolearnFI Tourists will he pleatthat ir. G. I. {ilty's horse, a joint stock company has been organ- rhich was tied in front of Cantelon ized to build it modern summer hotel at lios. store, took fright and became Bayfleld during the present year. We ntangled in the tie line and harness are informed several Clintoniars are financially interested in it. nd threatened to penetrate the glass P g The hotel will have seventy-six bedrooms and ront. After severing the tie and every accommodation will be provided eine of the barness the animal was in the way of pa,villions, ice cream par- lora, bathrooms, rought to its feet, the damage being etc. There will be li ht, g about eight acres of ground. Plans I and specifications have already been POULTRY. -Froin prese:;t appear. ( prepared. aces Clinton will during the coming eason be a great poultry centre. Same I. O. FoRweSTERs -This popular and reliable Order held an at Horne in f the very best breeds in the Domin- )n are now housed here. and the latest the Oddf(dlow's ball on the 11th Inst. The evening was very n join the ranks is Mr. D: A. Forester, pleasantlyy spent by the members and their fr•ientls, ,,ho has one of the best locations to be aund. Mr. W. W. Farr:an is thinking also a member of visiting brethren from Bayfield. The first part of the even in criously of engaging in the profitable aising of try. His farm was spent in games of different kinds you cannot e surpassed in this .line. Poultry which was followed by tt progrant of music and singing, also a very interest- f hould only he raised for profit, and re are surprised that more farmers do ing account of Forrestry given by Bro. Cameron, of make a specialty of poultry. of Lucknow, it provincial Deputy of the Order, after which lunch here is a good profit in poultry. was provided in the shapeof sandwiches AND SUDDEN DEATA.— Two SAD'eeke and coffee. Everybody seemed to en- ap ]pet Friday Miss Annie � y Pre ed themselves its and the wish NAS eX- pressed that it would occur oftener. Tiller, of Dayfield, saute to Clinton u a visit to her sisters. The follow. HOW SobIF TORONTO PRINTrms Do ag Sunday the young lady was taken I.1'. -The failure of a few more of Porouto's job printers if late uito ill and medical assistance had to calls at- teutionito their style of doing business. e called in. It was found that tin I They have canvassers scouring the peration would be necessary, the ( country for orders, and on certain well- ause of the houble being a very known classes of work they charge little irge internal abscess. The cause of I above the cost of the material, hoping of course to eath, which occured yesterday morn, get something r else to even up -and in some cases they ng was inflammation. The young I succeed. Town merchants attunes get idy was highly respected and popu. caught, and then vow that they will it with all her acquaintances. Her "encourage home industry" and prac- tise real economy by giving their work ge was but twenty years and three to the offices that help the town. The months. She was the youngest Brough Printing Co., of Toronto, is slighter of Mr. M. Miller, of Bayfield, the latest to go to the wall, and the lid sister of Mrs, P. Keir, Mrs. H. head of the concern skipped to Chicago after collecting all the funds he ,err anal Mrs. Jsmes Ea lClin• eeon $ r could get.-Almonte Gazette. nn. rhe funeral will take place rom the residence of deceased's fath- RUNAWAY. - Mayor (Dr.) Shannon r, Bayfield, on Thursday, Feb. 181h, and Major Jordan, of Goderich, at. t 2 p, in. and proceded to the cetne- tended the funeral of the late H. W. try thare. The circumstances are sad C. Meyers from Senforth and had a i tlin extreme. I very unpleasant experience on the re- BIsHoPBALDWIN'SPLEA.-I-IisLord- f hip Bishop Baldwin has issued the turn journey, Opposite the public school here the horses asserted their Allowing plea to the members of Iplve ers and the result was that the oc• [uron Diocese: -To the members of eupauts wele landed at Dr. Shaw's ae Diocese of Huron, greeting: Myob. office for repairs, The gentlemen >ct in appealing to you on the present were nct seriously injured, although ccasion Agt.o Arouse your sympathy to- 'A•rd fain ine-and-plague stricken India• thrown from the rig and battered. he details of its sufferings tare too They trained home and the outfit was Lmiliar to your minds to need any re- sent for next day. The damage was earsal on my part. It will therefore e sufficient, if I seek to impress upon not serious, and we are pleased to chronicle the fact that Goderich is our minds the sOlelntl fact that not my are thousands dying iu Botubay, still epalerl 1 k1ap, and Major.. Tile 0111 le city immediately affected, but was Close. I nroughout the whole Presidency, - -- --- iisery and want, such as baffle des-BriefTown Topics. dation, sects everywhere to reign. .n appeal for their relief has now been Pork prices remain at $5.25, tilde to all parts of the Empire, and I in confident that to no laud benwith Mr. A. J. Holloway was in Montreal [er Majesty's sway will this appeal on business. )ane where it will meet with it more The 25 Club enjoyed a pleasant hop earty and vigorous response than in last Friday night. Lis the Dominion of Canada. Blessed Mrs• Tufts, of Belgratve, was in town a we have been by the good hand of one day last week, od, with rich anif various plenty, the ave the meads, as assuredly as we There will he service in St. Joseph's %VP. the will, to afford them timely next Sunday tit the usual hold'. .d much-needed relief. The love of Mr. T. Jackson, of Jackson Bros„ first which prompts to every effort returned from Toronto last week. r assuage the sufferings of hurt nnty; Messers. Geo. Reid and H. Mckenzie, to revelation of the truth which of Goderich, was in town on Monday. ,aches us that the afflicted of India -e bone of our bone in a common I Clinton curlers say Mr. D. A. Forr2s- .ot herhood; the undeniable and grati- ter is about to join them. in the "hog" •ingfactthatthey are fellow -sit bjectsof business. LO same Queen, and fellow -members 'the samo Empire its ourselves, all Mrs. Downs, Albert st., returned horse Saturday front an extended visit resistibly lead us on to afford them to Guelph. nmediate and substantial relief. Appoint SundCon- lent lent hearty and generous re Ouse, te I now Febvu- Bishop of Huron will be at St, Paul's church next. Sunday morning , ay, y 21st, as the daffy on which I desire and evening, i offering to be made throughout the Mr. Wm. Weir, whose father died [ocese on behalf of the Indian Relief recently worth about $17,000, will Ind. Pr:•Lyin�• that God will open all come in for a share of Live amount. mets toward the afflicted and t,eedy, I Mr. John Fisher, painter, has return - i eniain, your brother in Christ,ed AURICE S. HURON, to town and takes charge of the painting department in the foundry, , We don't pay The Editor :, Of this Paper . ' For this Space For nothing, we nee it week after week all the year4ttd4tal1t43 et+eiR since it first issued, to tell the buying public wbal we sr'a t�•pJogi :hist the beat money we spend and we get full value for it, or we i uli 49t keep it up. It is true, some people may not believe all we et►q, of we often hear people say they got fooled once and that was enough fol them, but no one eau ever say that about our weekly talk, ours Are honest and you may depend on Khat we say. We use the colurave of this paper to tell you what we ere doing. Nearly everybody who stab - scribes for this paper knows that JACKSON BROS. are in the Clothing Business but they read our "ad" because we always have something to offer that must be told in this way. Last week a welt known man in town came in and asked our clerk for one of the Speciale we adver- tised last week, and when shown the article said, 'Itain't cheap if it tain't good," thats just it, the old obsolete phrase, nothing is cheap that is not good, applies always. We defy anyone to beat our well known. Leaders, onnsidering the quality, take for instance our $2 and $3 pants, our 87 and $10 Suits, we are selling more and more every year wbich speaks for itself, and every year they are bettor. We are building for this season's trade the greatest $2 Pants and beat $7 Suit ever seen in Clinton, We got the inside track on the buying and we are enabled to give a greater Cloth than ever in all these, our celebrated Leaders, and we will have more to say later on about them. 2 Cases of. our old country Goods came in last week for our fine ordered work, and the Gentlemen of Clinton who buy from this lot are sure to be fashionably dresaed,.,and it would bo a good thing to call and seleot early and halve a good choica. Everythin.- in suit lengths, no two alike. Invoices for Hats are in and we expect a big trade in a few weeks. Everybody always wants the newest in Hale. Many from other towns come to us for them, which speaks well for our reputation. London, England, is where we buy nearly all our Ties and we have advice from Weleh, hlargetson & Co., the celebrated Furnishing Houee, that they are on the way, -----•o NEXT SATURDAY ONLY AND FOR CASH We will offer the following at prices that should clear every one of them before noon :- 9 Youths odd Tweed Coats, double breast- ed, size 34, 35, regular $7,48...........$3.49 11 Children's odd Coats, broken lines, size 22, 2.4, 25, 27, regular $3 and $4..... , . 1.19 24 Men's Hats, stiff and soft, odd siz", regular $1.50 and $2 ................... 49 For short men, 11 short ends of Trousering Tweed, our regular price $4.50 to $5.50 fd•49 0 JA IV, 4hORKS 8R08,0 The Famous Clothiers, Coats' Block, CLINTON. Kid Glove- Rn r i r� a i $1.00 Gloves for 55c. $1.25 Gloves for 69c. The other day a big Bargain in Kid Gloves was offered to us, the price was away below regular and we took the lot. There are too many of them to put into stock and sell at regular prices, so we will turn them over quick at a little profit, and last Friday we started selling good Kid Gloves at prices less than they hive ever been sold for in Clinton, at 6�c All sizes in 7 hook lacing Gloves L sold everywhere at $1.25 All sizes in 4 butto ; uiloves, at 55c sold everywUre at 90c and $1. V,very aw) from 5J to 71 in Black or Colors. At these prices they'll go like wild fire. If you want or will want Kid Gloves within the next year, it will pry you to buy NO\V, Every Day tiees New Goods opened up, New Prints, Shirtings, Dress Goods and some very nobby Veilings are among this week's arrivals, and our stock is rapidly getting into shape for spring business. What's left of the Winter Stock is being ;rustled aut at prices that are saving money for those who buy here. scar Dry -Goods and Clothing 4011 -AIX rBlo Y. 410 a ".S tom■