HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 71 dal 101SONS LANK. Incorporated by Actcf Parliament 1866. OAPITAL, - _ - $2,000,000 BEST, - $1.400,000 Read O>ffioQ. MONTRF,,AL. T J. It. R. MOL80N, President. P, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Note" discnted, ing Collections made, Drafts Issuedou, Sterland American ex• change bought and sold. INTARXST ALLOWaD ON DaPOslra p SAVINGS BANK. uterest Allowed on sums of $1 and up. F8RMB7R8- Money advanced to farmers on their own notga with one or more ondorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, December, 1806, CLINTON. G. A lffl (Taggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. Dra/Zy Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June8th, 1801 658y x edf1KY, DR. W. GUNN, R. C. P, t nd L. R. C. 8., Edinburgh. Office — Ontario strci i Clinton. Night calls at hent door of residence on Ratteubury atreet, opposite Presbyter. ian oLursh. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ, ; M. D ; �. 11 Victoria Univ. M, C. P. & S, Ont, ; t clow of tlro obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late ,f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. 'Dowsley's stand, Ratteittiury St. Night calls answered at Office. `p DR. SHAW. Oi9ce-Outario street, r,ppvite T nj liHh church, formerly occup?,,,t by Or. Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn, 1-1ID ' L. B. & Q. 0. P., I., M. J P, & S. 0., &c., &o. Gradnate of Bing's & Qamn's Collage of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Lic^otlata of the General Medical Council, Grent Rritaia, Member of College of rhysicl%la and Surgeons, Oatano, Formerly resl- depto bile Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Cycle. :ologieaq, Dahlin. Specialattention to diseases of women and elell,'ren. Office and me [dense, Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St Mothodist pirson.ge. 820-1y �>'uttl;itx0. Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Out. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Dayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. '°? rgnew, Lt D. S., D. D, Sr *F DENTIST. << Graduate of Royal College of Dental Stir• ons of On aria e t t . Houo�t Graduate of Trinit • g y w University, Toronto. Beat Lccal Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office cpposite Town Hall, over Swallow's Storz. Night Bell a1 swered. Will visit Hensall et Ty ivionday, an -d I Zurich the 2nd Thursday C each Inonttt -_ MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 80LICITOR . Conveyancer, &a, Office—corner Tlamitton anti fit. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne llottl, Goderich. 88s -t[ RC. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Offlce, corner - North Street and Sqasre, near Registry Office, Goderich, Ont. 87. SW Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, cf c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. hfonoy to Loan, E. CAMPION, Q. 0, BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., NOTARY, efe., ('.oderich, - Out. office—Over Davis' Deng Store. Money to loan. i.` �.WAT'TCO., AB. QON Ti, 0:. I."ilio. 710;CN�MISTS. & 001.100147S C1LXNT0Nt Great Northwedtern"Telegta},11 offlce, -- Alcets egtooxn Monday of every Albert Street, Clinton. EVERY WISE WOMAN SHOULD Hitt molitli. hall Sed Hat, MOR THAT SITE GILTS THIO BEST. block. Visitin)come. brethren always ""�� �� , - msd@welcome. ! 97'Rt(P PI DR, J, t3. FREEBORN, W. M. V 1►� t7 P. CANTELON. JR. Bee. J. P. SUEPPARD, D. M If you want a first olusv, well made um will ire pump, on Iha In special codon colors the Diamond g you satiefuoth,n, gaud your otder to th Des fill OXOeI U11 011ier dyes. Thest yp uudersiguod. He will dig and clean wells and do it a Y Y the closest irices. He %leo handles % first-olas special Button dy6s are recent discover /yLISTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. &A M. moots FOROE PU6i�. i0A of (l19 befit d''p C}IOnllete In ills C every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit JAMES FERGUSONp ingbrethren cordiallyinvitad iyorld,rand are rematkable for feslness A.J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. Oppoalt Quecn'dHOtel - High Street Ullnton, against OXp06ul'e to strong light and Clinton, Dec. 0,1890, sea-tf for standing any amount of washing H. 0. T. M. — �l j} } t A - with soap�eud8. Qoll't Build �ilhoul i1 Planw" Special attention is directed to Dia - Kearns Tout No. 80, Knights of the Maccabees of rl orad Dye Fast Black for Cotton and the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- lI iXed GUO borshlp over 100,000• Assessment prinoiple—has ds. This marvellous black never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest J ADES FOWLER & CO, has proven its title to Griot place as a and oafA in existence. Meets In Orange Hall, Clin- J. ton, tlrNand third Friday of every month. 41 Architects for all cotton apd mixed goods. (� Architects and Civil Engineers It excels all rivals iii every good gtlal COOK'S FLOOR Areorening a permanent office in Clinton and are ity. One package of this dye will do prepared to supply Plane, Spoclfications and details Ae much work its th18e. Of Any other for any class of work at most reasonable ratee. & FEED STORE, Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. make of d3 e, Valuations and lnspectlonscarefullymLde. The Diamond Dyes are first, best Clinton.�, xperiencein Ontario. and the cheapest to nee. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or 25 Years Ef bMail tddrose—P. O. Box 210, Clinton. Tell your merchant that you must Small Quantities. — have the Diamond OIL CARE, LINSEED MEALS Jr 0. STEVENSON, 4 Gorr ie. 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Furniture Dealer, fife. DEA•ru OF JOHN SPOTTON.-It is our Oats painful duty this week to record the THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND defit.l] of tin old aucl highly eistee.lned D. COOK, CLINTON. pioneer, in the person of Mr. John FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Spottuu, of Orange Hill, who (lied on 762 t! Opposite Toll•l Hall Clinton Ont Ttrursdavy, Fcb, 4th inat, Deceased I I --- ' , ' cable to iI01 k over thirty years ago HILLS FEED STORE NOTICE, and has resided in it contiuuall}'since. ! He unsuccessfully contested for the HURON STREET, CLINTON. office of councillor this year. The There being some misunderstanding with re, fill)@I'al un Saturday w'as very largely gard to wrecknge, let It be distinctly understood attended there being over 100 sleighs that it any person takes possession of any kind find cutters In the procession. The A. The Best Earl Seed Potatoes and all 07 wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at p Y , once take proceedings. Remember this is the O, U. W. of which he %Vas a liletnbet• kinds of first-class Clover, Timotb Field last warning 1811311 give, CAPT. Whl. BABB. attended in a body. Rev. Fisher, pas - kinds l saetver of �1 reeks, Goderich, tar of Got•t•ie Methodist C'hureh, preach - and Garden Seeds, Fleur and Feed of all Goderich, Sept. 7th ]sat. ed all impressive sermon on the occas - kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT cion. He leaves to moilrn his loss a in stoc4 and for sale. TEAS of the choicest The McKillop /Mutual Fire loving wife and four c•.hildven. We varieties and blends. Excellent value, extent} our sympathy to "he bereaved ones and may God comfort them in $ILL & JOYNER, Huron Street, nsuranee Company, this their sore bereavement. Clinton NOTES, -We see by the reports of Farm and Isolated Town Proper- the County Orange Lodge meeting of Central Butcher Shop. OIll Insured, t Ile Nort h division that Messl•S, Jno. �' t y _ Dane, Will. Greer and Henry Perkins. COUCH & WILSON OFFICHRs, of Gorrie, hold offices of trust in the society. -Jim, A. McAr•ter has sold his George watt, Preeidtut, lfarloek P. O.; Janos moulding and picture ftatne bllSlness Subsoribers desire to notify the public that they Broadtoot, Vice -Pres„ Seat, rth P. O.; 1V. J. Shan• to Mr`. J. R. Williams. If anything hw:e biught ont tb, butchering business lately con. non, Seoy. Tre,ts., Seaforth P, 0 : Michael Alurdio, Y ducted by Air, Jas. A. Ford, mud will continue the Inspeotor of loeses, Seaforth P, O. 19 needed ill that line give J. R. a call. same ander their personal suparvlaion. Orders will DtnECTOR8, --Messrs" JtIS. Perkins and Thos. Me - all kin o will b kept saso,attention. Fresh a oateof nable Jainea Broadloot, Scaforth; lUiehaol Murdie, Sea. Laughlin paid a business trip to NVing- all kiadv will er kept fn season, in t sold at reasonable forth; George Dale, Seafortb; George Watt, Irarlock hails last week.--Nessrs, Day and arise and delivered anywhere in town. g g Thomas E. RnVs,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Bennet who went to the old country ARTHUR COUCH, CRAS N. WILSON. Thomas Garbutt, Canton; Jchn McLcan, Iliprcn. CLINTOS. AOBSTS. sevtrrttl weeks ,ago with a load of ex Thomas Noilars, IIarlock; Robert McMillan, Soa• c•ellent horses have returned home. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P forth and James Cumminge,Fgmondville. They report having onjoyed their trip -_ Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. f.'reatly.-Revival set -vices will be Con - FORD & MURPHY,act other business will be promptly attend. tinued this week by evangelist Phelps. ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- They will close on Friday. NVe trust (Successors to J. W. Lansford.) droseed to their rospective PORE omeee• ! that good work twill lie nmolnplished 1 Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, "nd will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay n,; prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTEDr Highest Market Price Paid. D. ONNTELON, Clinton. v93-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinitsy Surgeon an -r't t d Vett I tt ry Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton, B. THOMLINSON, VETERiNERY SURGEON, IIonorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. 'age, Toronto, Treats all diseas,s of Domestic Animals on the moat modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Xitht Calls PromptlyAnerrered. Reeilonee—Rattenbnry Street. West, Clinton Ont. F. J., M I LII E, VETERINARY SURGEON, Has returned to Clinton and has his office at the (2ueen's hotel, Victoria Street. All calls day or night, will be promptly attended to. 042-tf Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my eincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord- ed we in the past and to inform the public that I am'still in the Carpet Weaving Business ou E96t Street, Godetich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usaal receive prompt attention. All classes of work a spocialty, at the lowest pos. sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A. Ross, East street, GOD)ERICII. TO THE -FARMERS. Study vour own interest and go where you can get Reliable 04 Harness. I manufacture none but the BssTOFSTOOK. Bewart of shopsthat aell cheap, as they have got to live gar Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to J"XXN $EIL, L, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTIi, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opppposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. (young or old) who suffer I from Nervous Debility Sexual Weakness anti the results of Self - Abuse, etc., will write us confidentially a plain statement of their case, and promise to use our Remedy according to dire ;tions, we will send prepaid by mall or express, a carefully prepared course of Two Months' treatinout, for which we will make no charge if it fails to cure. Avoid Yankee frauds and Canadian quacks. Write us at once for a Remedy wl:icli is guar nteed to cure or cost nothing. Address N. N. M, COaIPANY, Loelk Dox 329, Piston, Ontario, Canada. FOR Ti�ENTY-SIX YEARS D04 U N NYS BAKINCPOWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Cutter For Sale. Good single cutter for sale. Well ironed and good woodwork. Price reasonable. Apply at Tim NEws-RECORD office. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR•GARDENERS. In consequence of my Ape and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale nt,v splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a nalf nares iu ClintoD, some of the beet land in the county of Huron, includ. tng hot beds and other necessary requirements, There is on the promises a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The Bavfleld river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. Aa I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom metwith, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLAN80N, 844-t f. rlinton Mr. Dobell, who has returned from England, says that Canada ought, not to be in too great a hurry in getting her new Atlantic service, as a new le of steamer 19 being projected, of allow draught (with great capacity and speed, which would be admirably suited for the St. Lawrence route. For Over Fifty Years MRS. bE INSLOW'9 SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers Por their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Bufferingg and crying with pain of Cuttin Teeth sand at once find got a bottle of "Mrs. inslow's sooth- ins Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- Ileve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- ppend upon it, mothers, there is no mistako about it. It. (urcH Diaraheen, regu]atoR the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gu mH, reduces inflammation, and� jdlives tone and enorVY W the whole Rvstom. UR. WilRlOw's Soot. iing Syrup" for children teothing is plea- sant to the tanto and is the prescription of one ofthe oldest and best female physicians and nnrseH in the United States. Price twont ,flue cents a bottle. Sold by all druggigte throngh- out the world." Be sure and aslc for "MRs. WIN91AW__9 SOOTIiIrzo SYRt1P. An increase of '8 per cent oil the price of matches a.il over Canada took place Monday. The trade is controlled In Hull. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned, having been restored to health by Rimpto moans, after suffering for several years with a Revere lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, Is n.nxioliR to make known to his fellow suffererR the means of cure. -To those who desire it, he will cheerfully Rend (free of charge) a colsy of the proscrip- tion used, which they will find a euro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and art and Ltrog Maladies. Ho hopoR all Ruffercra will try MR remedy, as it is invalu- able. Those desiring the precription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- ing, will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Now York. this week. -At the annual meeting of the Springbank cheese factory held in the factory on Feb. 1st„ Hastie Bras. secured the contract of drawing the milks of the 0th and 10th concessions. -Mrs. Vittie and den rhters, are this week moving to Landon. `Ve wish thein success. -Dr. Gifford, of Nlv'ing- haru, will pretech the annual anuiVer- sary sernions of the Blethodist church on deb, lath. He will deliver his cele- hrated lecture (in the following Mon. (lav entitled "Alen who climb." THREE WEEKS IN AGONY. INFLAMMATORY R11EXUATISM SO ACITTU HE COULD NOT ATTEND TO ITIS DAILY DUTIES—LIVED THREE WREKS IN AGONIZING] PAIN WHEN THAT "GOOD SAMARITAN" OF ALL CURFS, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CTTRE, PASSED 1315 WAY -1T HELPED IN A FEW HOURS, AND SPEEDILY CURED— COST 75 CENTS. lir, L. A. Norton, a well-known citi2ens of Grimsby, Out., was severely attacked with inflammatory rhemna- tism some 20 years ago -after a title he recovered, but, five or six weeks agf) the dread disease returned an vio- lently that he had to give up work. for nearly three weeks he lay in bed suffering terrible agony. Another resident of the town who had been cured by South Ameri2an Rheumatic Cure persuaded hill) to try it, and, to his great surprise after using the medicine but one week he was so far recovered as to go about town. From the first close taken he felt marked improvement, and to -clay he is most, enthusiastic in singing its praises. No case to severe for South American Rheumatic Cure to check in six hours, and eur•epertinnontly.-Soldby Watts & Co. Messrs. Dill and Speave, of Seafortb have dissolved partnership, Mr. Dill being the retiring member, lfucli of life's misery is due to iodi- gestion ; for who CRn be happy with a pain in his stomach? As a corrective a.nd strengthener of the nilmentary organs, Ayer's Pills are invaluable, their use being always attended with marked benefit. Word was receNed at Exeter, Tnes- day,of the death In Toronto of Mrs. J.N. Hooper, at tive age of 37 years. De- ceased's Maiden narne- was Miss E. A. Pickard, only daisg ter of James Pick- ard of liNeter. It is supposed her death was due to heart failure. Think about Your Health This is the Time to Give Attention to Your Physical Condition, The warmer weather which will come with the. approaching sprin�r months should find you strong find in robust hcal�b, your blood pure and your appetite good. Other- wise you will ate in danger of serious illness. Purify and enrich your blood with hood's Sarsap- arilla and thus "prepare for spring." This medicine makes rich, red blood and gives vigor and vitality. It will guard you against danger from the changes which will soon take phice. There died at Tyner, North Dakota, the wife of Mr. Jaynes Manson. The deceased was a daogghter of Mr. John McKay, of the: 10th con. of Tacker - smith. She [lied the llth of Jan. and was aged but 47 years. Prevent sickness and slave doctors' bills at this season by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood's 3ar- saparilla. G PHOTOGRAPHiC SLAP SHOTS. Deepup hope. There aro • ` [bier News of Interest to Sotlt Amateur t thousand3 Of ca ':S v,'IjC ; c 1 :_ and Proreselonrkl' i covert' from Co! UIl �'tlf 'I A French photographer has invented an instrument Called a sensito colorl- has been COI p!,; :te. meter, for testing the color sensltive- liess of dry .plates. Of fresh air and a t', ell -;;out - To Remove silver Status. [shed body will check the, Sulphate of sodium 1-2 ounce Chloride of lime 1-4 ounce I progress of the disease. • Nu - Water h ou .ly. a,.....,,...,1 ounce tritiousfoodsarewell i. 1 Mix thoroughly and apply w1t11 a.Il 1 _...f%' iil1e1T t old tooth brush. way, but the best food of all No Ituby Light Reryulred, is Cod–liver Oil. When' Those who are away from home and who have not a ruby (tamp and yet partly' digested, as In .Scott's wish to develop plates may do so with +� s very little trouble. The best way is Emulsion, it does not dis-' to place a candle finder a table or washhand stand and develop the platesI tUl-b the stomach and th,, p on toof this. The darlLer In color the walls of the room are the better, body secures the whole bene - The Plate to be developed should be quickly placed in a dish and covered fit of the amount taken, if with the developer; the dish should then be Immediately covered with an- you want to read more about other of the same size. This may be - raised for a second or two at Intervals, -t let us send you a book - and the plate can In this way be very satisfactorily developed. Special rapid SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, out. plates developed in this way showed no tendency to fog. — ---- --- - -- _ -�_ _ Glass Photographs In Corner -Stones. A 0ERia;{.T TEFF Herr A. Fuhrmann believes that col- lodion glass plates are more durable t'a`r. ' Ml than the documents ordinarily deposit- �" %4. I ed In memorial stones. He therefore y i suggests that they should be inserted 0 N 0 In such stones, and that the doou-� q. menta it is desired to preserve there T�EA should be photographed and put in THE together with the originals with a view FINEST TEA ,to future enlargement and projection. IN THE WORLD To Prevent Frilling. F,.IOM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Dr. 'E. Vogel, writing In the MltteU- IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ungen, says that formalin is a per- fectly satisfactory preventive of such ''Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea frilling as occurs during the W&TIAngrowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian of negatives. Immediately the plate rens, Therefure they use the greatest care in the is taken from the fixing bath, and be- `selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they fore even rinsing, It Is immersed in a put it up themselves and sell it only in the origintu' mixture OP one ' pp.lekages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. g'e Rt up in jS lb., i Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never formalin and twvolume of S'Chertetenty volumes of water scld in bulk. and allowed to remain for five or ten ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. rillnutes. After this it has no tendency to frill. The formalin bath should be I If your g„ cer does not keep it, tell him to write tr kept in the dark, as light tends to . STEEL, tHAVTER & 00. , change the form!( aldehyde into in- soluble para -aldehyde, and tyle bath A and 13 Front Stre+:t East. Toronts- becomes inoperative. Municipal Control of Electric and Yater— 50 YEARS' Energy. EXPERIENCE. The Baltimore Electrical Ca)m nis-tjWTRAD�E M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR) COM JISSIONER, ETC'., Mayor favoring the construction of asystem God -cis = _ fi7nt. Oalae—Cor. Hamilton and,&. AbilrPW'a Sts. W. BRYD'OXE., owned by the city and rented to the P ' BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARYPUBLIC, port is a most elaborate one and re- GFFics BRAVER BLOCK CLINTON. fleets great credit upon the comants- 317-tf t, - ollov to gend. °s Y ONEY to tend in large or small sums or good mortgages or personal security at Ehe lowest front land Court of Appeals denying the suit rates. H. 1IALE, Huron at. Clinton. of the Baltimore Edison Company, Money. which claimed that It had a right to llonoy to tend on good security at 51 and 6 per oat. Anply to C. 11IDOU'f, Albert St., Clinton, build electrical subways without a •_ a�2 tr. franchise from the city. As the people Cantelon ,Bros, at the last election voted In favor of w ENERAI, 090CERS & PROVIS- the construction o1 an electrical stab- ION MERCHANTS. y; r7va"a way system by the city, says the En- Grockery, Glass & Clai�zav.ta�'e gineering News• the decision 19 an im- ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. portant one. _ Ilighest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs MuniciP al ownershi f 1 162.1Y �.WAT'TCO., AB. QON Ti, 0:. I."ilio. 710;CN�MISTS. & 001.100147S C1LXNT0Nt Great Northwedtern"Telegta},11 offlce, -- Alcets egtooxn Monday of every Albert Street, Clinton. EVERY WISE WOMAN SHOULD Hitt molitli. hall Sed Hat, MOR THAT SITE GILTS THIO BEST. block. Visitin)come. brethren always ""�� �� , - msd@welcome. ! 97'Rt(P PI DR, J, t3. FREEBORN, W. M. V 1►� t7 P. CANTELON. JR. Bee. J. P. SUEPPARD, D. M If you want a first olusv, well made um will ire pump, on Iha In special codon colors the Diamond g you satiefuoth,n, gaud your otder to th Des fill OXOeI U11 011ier dyes. Thest yp uudersiguod. He will dig and clean wells and do it a Y Y the closest irices. He %leo handles % first-olas special Button dy6s are recent discover /yLISTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. &A M. moots FOROE PU6i�. i0A of (l19 befit d''p C}IOnllete In ills C every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit JAMES FERGUSONp ingbrethren cordiallyinvitad iyorld,rand are rematkable for feslness A.J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. Oppoalt Quecn'dHOtel - High Street Ullnton, against OXp06ul'e to strong light and Clinton, Dec. 0,1890, sea-tf for standing any amount of washing H. 0. T. M. — �l j} } t A - with soap�eud8. Qoll't Build �ilhoul i1 Planw" Special attention is directed to Dia - Kearns Tout No. 80, Knights of the Maccabees of rl orad Dye Fast Black for Cotton and the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. Mem- lI iXed GUO borshlp over 100,000• Assessment prinoiple—has ds. This marvellous black never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest J ADES FOWLER & CO, has proven its title to Griot place as a and oafA in existence. Meets In Orange Hall, Clin- J. ton, tlrNand third Friday of every month. 41 Architects for all cotton apd mixed goods. (� Architects and Civil Engineers It excels all rivals iii every good gtlal COOK'S FLOOR Areorening a permanent office in Clinton and are ity. One package of this dye will do prepared to supply Plane, Spoclfications and details Ae much work its th18e. Of Any other for any class of work at most reasonable ratee. & FEED STORE, Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. make of d3 e, Valuations and lnspectlonscarefullymLde. The Diamond Dyes are first, best Clinton.�, xperiencein Ontario. and the cheapest to nee. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or 25 Years Ef bMail tddrose—P. O. Box 210, Clinton. Tell your merchant that you must Small Quantities. — have the Diamond OIL CARE, LINSEED MEALS Jr 0. STEVENSON, 4 Gorr ie. 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Furniture Dealer, fife. DEA•ru OF JOHN SPOTTON.-It is our Oats painful duty this week to record the THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND defit.l] of tin old aucl highly eistee.lned D. COOK, CLINTON. pioneer, in the person of Mr. John FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Spottuu, of Orange Hill, who (lied on 762 t! Opposite Toll•l Hall Clinton Ont Ttrursdavy, Fcb, 4th inat, Deceased I I --- ' , ' cable to iI01 k over thirty years ago HILLS FEED STORE NOTICE, and has resided in it contiuuall}'since. ! He unsuccessfully contested for the HURON STREET, CLINTON. office of councillor this year. The There being some misunderstanding with re, fill)@I'al un Saturday w'as very largely gard to wrecknge, let It be distinctly understood attended there being over 100 sleighs that it any person takes possession of any kind find cutters In the procession. The A. The Best Earl Seed Potatoes and all 07 wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at p Y , once take proceedings. Remember this is the O, U. W. of which he %Vas a liletnbet• kinds of first-class Clover, Timotb Field last warning 1811311 give, CAPT. Whl. BABB. attended in a body. Rev. Fisher, pas - kinds l saetver of �1 reeks, Goderich, tar of Got•t•ie Methodist C'hureh, preach - and Garden Seeds, Fleur and Feed of all Goderich, Sept. 7th ]sat. ed all impressive sermon on the occas - kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT cion. He leaves to moilrn his loss a in stoc4 and for sale. TEAS of the choicest The McKillop /Mutual Fire loving wife and four c•.hildven. We varieties and blends. Excellent value, extent} our sympathy to "he bereaved ones and may God comfort them in $ILL & JOYNER, Huron Street, nsuranee Company, this their sore bereavement. Clinton NOTES, -We see by the reports of Farm and Isolated Town Proper- the County Orange Lodge meeting of Central Butcher Shop. OIll Insured, t Ile Nort h division that Messl•S, Jno. �' t y _ Dane, Will. Greer and Henry Perkins. COUCH & WILSON OFFICHRs, of Gorrie, hold offices of trust in the society. -Jim, A. McAr•ter has sold his George watt, Preeidtut, lfarloek P. O.; Janos moulding and picture ftatne bllSlness Subsoribers desire to notify the public that they Broadtoot, Vice -Pres„ Seat, rth P. O.; 1V. J. Shan• to Mr`. J. R. Williams. If anything hw:e biught ont tb, butchering business lately con. non, Seoy. Tre,ts., Seaforth P, 0 : Michael Alurdio, Y ducted by Air, Jas. A. Ford, mud will continue the Inspeotor of loeses, Seaforth P, O. 19 needed ill that line give J. R. a call. same ander their personal suparvlaion. Orders will DtnECTOR8, --Messrs" JtIS. Perkins and Thos. Me - all kin o will b kept saso,attention. Fresh a oateof nable Jainea Broadloot, Scaforth; lUiehaol Murdie, Sea. Laughlin paid a business trip to NVing- all kiadv will er kept fn season, in t sold at reasonable forth; George Dale, Seafortb; George Watt, Irarlock hails last week.--Nessrs, Day and arise and delivered anywhere in town. g g Thomas E. RnVs,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Bennet who went to the old country ARTHUR COUCH, CRAS N. WILSON. Thomas Garbutt, Canton; Jchn McLcan, Iliprcn. CLINTOS. AOBSTS. sevtrrttl weeks ,ago with a load of ex Thomas Noilars, IIarlock; Robert McMillan, Soa• c•ellent horses have returned home. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P forth and James Cumminge,Fgmondville. They report having onjoyed their trip -_ Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. f.'reatly.-Revival set -vices will be Con - FORD & MURPHY,act other business will be promptly attend. tinued this week by evangelist Phelps. ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- They will close on Friday. NVe trust (Successors to J. W. Lansford.) droseed to their rospective PORE omeee• ! that good work twill lie nmolnplished 1 Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, "nd will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay n,; prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTEDr Highest Market Price Paid. D. ONNTELON, Clinton. v93-tf. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinitsy Surgeon an -r't t d Vett I tt ry Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton, B. THOMLINSON, VETERiNERY SURGEON, IIonorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. 'age, Toronto, Treats all diseas,s of Domestic Animals on the moat modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Xitht Calls PromptlyAnerrered. Reeilonee—Rattenbnry Street. West, Clinton Ont. F. J., M I LII E, VETERINARY SURGEON, Has returned to Clinton and has his office at the (2ueen's hotel, Victoria Street. All calls day or night, will be promptly attended to. 042-tf Geo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my eincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord- ed we in the past and to inform the public that I am'still in the Carpet Weaving Business ou E96t Street, Godetich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usaal receive prompt attention. All classes of work a spocialty, at the lowest pos. sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A. Ross, East street, GOD)ERICII. TO THE -FARMERS. Study vour own interest and go where you can get Reliable 04 Harness. I manufacture none but the BssTOFSTOOK. Bewart of shopsthat aell cheap, as they have got to live gar Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to J"XXN $EIL, L, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTIi, ONT GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opppposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. (young or old) who suffer I from Nervous Debility Sexual Weakness anti the results of Self - Abuse, etc., will write us confidentially a plain statement of their case, and promise to use our Remedy according to dire ;tions, we will send prepaid by mall or express, a carefully prepared course of Two Months' treatinout, for which we will make no charge if it fails to cure. Avoid Yankee frauds and Canadian quacks. Write us at once for a Remedy wl:icli is guar nteed to cure or cost nothing. Address N. N. M, COaIPANY, Loelk Dox 329, Piston, Ontario, Canada. FOR Ti�ENTY-SIX YEARS D04 U N NYS BAKINCPOWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Cutter For Sale. Good single cutter for sale. Well ironed and good woodwork. Price reasonable. Apply at Tim NEws-RECORD office. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR•GARDENERS. In consequence of my Ape and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale nt,v splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a nalf nares iu ClintoD, some of the beet land in the county of Huron, includ. tng hot beds and other necessary requirements, There is on the promises a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The Bavfleld river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. Aa I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom metwith, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLAN80N, 844-t f. rlinton Mr. Dobell, who has returned from England, says that Canada ought, not to be in too great a hurry in getting her new Atlantic service, as a new le of steamer 19 being projected, of allow draught (with great capacity and speed, which would be admirably suited for the St. Lawrence route. For Over Fifty Years MRS. bE INSLOW'9 SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers Por their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Bufferingg and crying with pain of Cuttin Teeth sand at once find got a bottle of "Mrs. inslow's sooth- ins Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- Ileve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- ppend upon it, mothers, there is no mistako about it. It. (urcH Diaraheen, regu]atoR the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gu mH, reduces inflammation, and� jdlives tone and enorVY W the whole Rvstom. UR. WilRlOw's Soot. iing Syrup" for children teothing is plea- sant to the tanto and is the prescription of one ofthe oldest and best female physicians and nnrseH in the United States. Price twont ,flue cents a bottle. Sold by all druggigte throngh- out the world." Be sure and aslc for "MRs. WIN91AW__9 SOOTIiIrzo SYRt1P. An increase of '8 per cent oil the price of matches a.il over Canada took place Monday. The trade is controlled In Hull. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned, having been restored to health by Rimpto moans, after suffering for several years with a Revere lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, Is n.nxioliR to make known to his fellow suffererR the means of cure. -To those who desire it, he will cheerfully Rend (free of charge) a colsy of the proscrip- tion used, which they will find a euro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and art and Ltrog Maladies. Ho hopoR all Ruffercra will try MR remedy, as it is invalu- able. Those desiring the precription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- ing, will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Now York. this week. -At the annual meeting of the Springbank cheese factory held in the factory on Feb. 1st„ Hastie Bras. secured the contract of drawing the milks of the 0th and 10th concessions. -Mrs. Vittie and den rhters, are this week moving to Landon. `Ve wish thein success. -Dr. Gifford, of Nlv'ing- haru, will pretech the annual anuiVer- sary sernions of the Blethodist church on deb, lath. He will deliver his cele- hrated lecture (in the following Mon. (lav entitled "Alen who climb." THREE WEEKS IN AGONY. INFLAMMATORY R11EXUATISM SO ACITTU HE COULD NOT ATTEND TO ITIS DAILY DUTIES—LIVED THREE WREKS IN AGONIZING] PAIN WHEN THAT "GOOD SAMARITAN" OF ALL CURFS, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CTTRE, PASSED 1315 WAY -1T HELPED IN A FEW HOURS, AND SPEEDILY CURED— COST 75 CENTS. lir, L. A. Norton, a well-known citi2ens of Grimsby, Out., was severely attacked with inflammatory rhemna- tism some 20 years ago -after a title he recovered, but, five or six weeks agf) the dread disease returned an vio- lently that he had to give up work. for nearly three weeks he lay in bed suffering terrible agony. Another resident of the town who had been cured by South Ameri2an Rheumatic Cure persuaded hill) to try it, and, to his great surprise after using the medicine but one week he was so far recovered as to go about town. From the first close taken he felt marked improvement, and to -clay he is most, enthusiastic in singing its praises. No case to severe for South American Rheumatic Cure to check in six hours, and eur•epertinnontly.-Soldby Watts & Co. Messrs. Dill and Speave, of Seafortb have dissolved partnership, Mr. Dill being the retiring member, lfucli of life's misery is due to iodi- gestion ; for who CRn be happy with a pain in his stomach? As a corrective a.nd strengthener of the nilmentary organs, Ayer's Pills are invaluable, their use being always attended with marked benefit. Word was receNed at Exeter, Tnes- day,of the death In Toronto of Mrs. J.N. Hooper, at tive age of 37 years. De- ceased's Maiden narne- was Miss E. A. Pickard, only daisg ter of James Pick- ard of liNeter. It is supposed her death was due to heart failure. Think about Your Health This is the Time to Give Attention to Your Physical Condition, The warmer weather which will come with the. approaching sprin�r months should find you strong find in robust hcal�b, your blood pure and your appetite good. Other- wise you will ate in danger of serious illness. Purify and enrich your blood with hood's Sarsap- arilla and thus "prepare for spring." This medicine makes rich, red blood and gives vigor and vitality. It will guard you against danger from the changes which will soon take phice. There died at Tyner, North Dakota, the wife of Mr. Jaynes Manson. The deceased was a daogghter of Mr. John McKay, of the: 10th con. of Tacker - smith. She [lied the llth of Jan. and was aged but 47 years. Prevent sickness and slave doctors' bills at this season by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood's 3ar- saparilla. G PHOTOGRAPHiC SLAP SHOTS. Deepup hope. There aro • ` [bier News of Interest to Sotlt Amateur t thousand3 Of ca ':S v,'IjC ; c 1 :_ and Proreselonrkl' i covert' from Co! UIl �'tlf 'I A French photographer has invented an instrument Called a sensito colorl- has been COI p!,; :te. meter, for testing the color sensltive- liess of dry .plates. Of fresh air and a t', ell -;;out - To Remove silver Status. [shed body will check the, Sulphate of sodium 1-2 ounce Chloride of lime 1-4 ounce I progress of the disease. • Nu - Water h ou .ly. a,.....,,...,1 ounce tritiousfoodsarewell i. 1 Mix thoroughly and apply w1t11 a.Il 1 _...f%' iil1e1T t old tooth brush. way, but the best food of all No Ituby Light Reryulred, is Cod–liver Oil. When' Those who are away from home and who have not a ruby (tamp and yet partly' digested, as In .Scott's wish to develop plates may do so with +� s very little trouble. The best way is Emulsion, it does not dis-' to place a candle finder a table or washhand stand and develop the platesI tUl-b the stomach and th,, p on toof this. The darlLer In color the walls of the room are the better, body secures the whole bene - The Plate to be developed should be quickly placed in a dish and covered fit of the amount taken, if with the developer; the dish should then be Immediately covered with an- you want to read more about other of the same size. This may be - raised for a second or two at Intervals, -t let us send you a book - and the plate can In this way be very satisfactorily developed. Special rapid SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, out. plates developed in this way showed no tendency to fog. — ---- --- - -- _ -�_ _ Glass Photographs In Corner -Stones. A 0ERia;{.T TEFF Herr A. Fuhrmann believes that col- lodion glass plates are more durable t'a`r. ' Ml than the documents ordinarily deposit- �" %4. I ed In memorial stones. He therefore y i suggests that they should be inserted 0 N 0 In such stones, and that the doou-� q. menta it is desired to preserve there T�EA should be photographed and put in THE together with the originals with a view FINEST TEA ,to future enlargement and projection. IN THE WORLD To Prevent Frilling. F,.IOM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Dr. 'E. Vogel, writing In the MltteU- IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ungen, says that formalin is a per- fectly satisfactory preventive of such ''Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea frilling as occurs during the W&TIAngrowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian of negatives. Immediately the plate rens, Therefure they use the greatest care in the is taken from the fixing bath, and be- `selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they fore even rinsing, It Is immersed in a put it up themselves and sell it only in the origintu' mixture OP one ' pp.lekages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. g'e Rt up in jS lb., i Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never formalin and twvolume of S'Chertetenty volumes of water scld in bulk. and allowed to remain for five or ten ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. rillnutes. After this it has no tendency to frill. The formalin bath should be I If your g„ cer does not keep it, tell him to write tr kept in the dark, as light tends to . STEEL, tHAVTER & 00. , change the form!( aldehyde into in- soluble para -aldehyde, and tyle bath A and 13 Front Stre+:t East. Toronts- becomes inoperative. Municipal Control of Electric and Yater— 50 YEARS' Energy. EXPERIENCE. The Baltimore Electrical Ca)m nis-tjWTRAD�E sion has submitted its report to the Mayor favoring the construction of asystem of electrical subways W be, owned by the city and rented to the P various electrical companies. The re- port is a most elaborate one and re- fleets great credit upon the comants- Bien and its engineer, Nicholas S. F.Illl, r COPYRIGHTS Aro. jr. Coincident with the appearance of this report is the decision of the Mary- Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is land Court of Appeals denying the suit Proatentable. Communications strictly= col. Oldest agency for securing patents of the Baltimore Edison Company, in America. We have a Washington office. which claimed that It had a right to Patents taken through Munn & Go. receive build electrical subways without a special notice in the franchise from the city. As the people SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, at the last election voted In favor of beautiful)y illustrated, largest circulation of the construction o1 an electrical stab- any Solent lflc7ournal,weekly, ternis$3.00a yoar; way system by the city, says the En- B K ON Psix ATENTS Boni, free. men Address psandliA\D gineering News• the decision 19 an im- MUNN fit CO., portant one. _ 361 Broadway, New York. MuniciP al ownershi f 1 p a e ectneal subways In Erie, a., has been recom. mended by a committee of the Select Council, and the recommendation has been adopted. The system is yet to be constructed. Municipal ownership of water works at Des Moines, Iowa, has been In con- templation for some time. The city recently offered the Des Moines Water Works Company $800,000 for its plant. The offer not having bean accepted the City Council has instructed the City Engineer and the Board of Public Works to submit plans and specifica- tions for a new plant. Municipal ownership of street rail- ways is in force at Dover, England, and that city is now advertising for bids for the material and construction of three miles of line. The work will be under the supervision of the Bor. ough Engineer. ONE OF THOUSANDS "I was a martyr to Sick and Nervous Headaches caused by Constipation, unfit for business on an average 2 days a week. "Some pills helped me, but Dr. Ag- new's Liver Pills at 20 cts. a vial carred me. "This is my own testimony and it's a fact. Now I never lose an hour or miss a meal." This is the written testimony of a well known Toronto journalist -you can have his name if you want it. 'Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, at all druggists 40 in a vial, 20cents.-Sold by Watts& Co. ITIA ERav Consvier.� The d3r5ng mans Lack tit up with a smile as his wife ushered the minister Into the chamber of death, "Your wife tells me that you are resigned to the Inevitable and look forward with joy to the life to oome," said the good man as he knelt by the bedside, and took hold of the feverish hand. Yes," assented the dying man, -'I can leave this world with an easy con- science." "You are fortunate, my friend," re- turn,ed the minister. "Few men when they come to make their peace wt'th God can say bhat they have never wronged their fellow -man," '•It was noit always so with me," ,Z-fessed the dying one. "Even up to a few days ago I could not have died happy wbth the knowledge that I owed no one and that my creditors could not take away from my family the Wee Little suTn I have stored away for ths-m." I -I don't think I quite understand you," broke in the mdnlster, after an awkward I)auEe. "It waa this way," explained the dying mean. "A few years ago I fail- ed In business, owing everybody. I made a good thing out of it, but my creditors never dreamed I .had a cent. When I first took to my bed and the doctors said there wag no hope, the one dread that overpowered me was the thought that my creditors could come down on the estate and take It all away from my family. But since Monday all that is ohang(d, and I can die In the knowlEdge that my name Is saved from stigma and my family from l l t' gat torr." "It was a noble thing to do," corn- m,anfed the minister, "and now you will die with an easy conscience for haviner settled with your creditors." "I didn't settle wltl) thcmt," cri,ed the dying ma -n with a 14ttde rhuckip. "Mon- day was the day when the last of my flehta was outlawed." - W003D'i=3 I'HOL•3PHODIN D. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness. Emissiow,Sperm- „ atorrhea, Impoteneyand all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opiumor Stimu- lants, which soon lead to In- Armity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over Sa years In thousands of cases; Is the only Reliabre and Honest Medicine known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosphodine; if he offers some worthless medicine In place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail. Price one package, 81• ala ss. One wtu please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. DW -Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Caned z by all responsible druggists. The has never been a time when grow - ere should guard against fail a with more care. There has never been a time when Ferr�'e Seeds were more essential. They aro always the best. For sale by leading deniers everywhere. Insist on having them. FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL Is full•of information for gardeners and planters. There will never be abetter time then now to send forthe 1897 edition. rree. D. M. Ferry At Ce.- W inclanr_ Ant_ The Only Way. Watts --Does your wife believe the stories you tell her to account for your being out so late? Lushforth-She does. "How in thunder do you work jt?" "I tell heT, 1 was bu-y getting drunk."—Indianapolis Journal. A Had sign. "I guess something must be preying upon Johnson's mind." "Why so?" ,"He hasn't told me a cute thing that his boy has said for three days mow."—r!tevelarul T.k"'ao"—-----..�.._-