HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 6u
, . j�„�, � _.,..n. ..-..v,�le,. T„•M1�.' p'• . __rv„ _ _ _. w1"wW,•Y•'z•- ....
me well,well,and Clod aawayl en41
+f 6ra4iting our requests..” �p
After herhusband had gone away t Pructleai Sheep Ilreedlng-•Tho Cara o1
EVER Nl l V1 . forever the San's wife cited, leaving a CIIJ
„ +a t#te tn1aR
un a a.
p y, sickly babe. "You must care �,���'
.R 0
TM- foo tate child, mother" m said the be �n the Years any there are gnly 1896
� iy
reeved husband. "I am going e never
Call- I i , + ' two-thirds as many sheep in the iV+�
AMELIA E. 4ARR WRITES ENTHUSIAS forma," nand he went. -found
never came . ,�� � United States as there were in 1893. FRUITS 1 8
TIDALLY OF MARGARET LANE, back, and Margaret found constant I Wit 'this small number of vileep to
consolation in caring for the orphans go around how can it be otherwise For Xmas and New yeat•'s 'Prado,
Of her husband's company. There w than .prices must advance, and notably, RAISINS CURRANTS, FIGS, 1 RUNTS and PEELS. Old Raisins 28 ibe
were many of them. One after another too, before those who are out and ' + '�
DUROO-JERSEY SWINE, want to get it in can be supplied. $ i
Tlor UlstlxtgulphLtq Cdaraaterratic lune u they came to her and grew to fair pP for 1.00• Headquarters for TEAS and SUGARS.
Meek and Quiet spirit, Which Gave Aornanhocd and manhood under her You must not shut lambs or sheep
care. When she was seventy she said, Sometttlaz Concerning tho Rod Hog of in a close stable, nor should you feed LIiUCKLItY, CHINA, GLA�SWAItE and LAMPS, we hays t0 molts coca#
iter lndividuulity ►'rrtuue, tYbtch "Eves since I was twenty years old I America. them all they will eat, or leave food for aur Imported Xtuas and New Year'a Goads and have to reduce our
Shone 11'reua Afar. have had a baby to call me 'i athrr.' " always in reach. The safest way to does. Call and see our Goode and get prices. Good I3ulter, Eggs an
She was then a moth -dike woman, The red hog of England is the Tam- keep a flock is in a dry, clean p
worth, nd Its nearest otingener In yard' Dried Apples taken as CASH.
All goodness is r•�la.tive, and iu riushed and faded, but full of an in- u avlth a �halY-tYpeil &Ted to run ln; ibex PP ' gg d
sele•atln• Margaret Lace as fire best nvard peace and hope. Some aP list America Is the Duroo-Jersey, says
g g will be in the ol.en air meet of the
avtrman I have ever knuwu, 1 Liu this adopted boys did rrat always do .right, George A. Martin, In American Agri- time and may need to be shut in dur- Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs, -
because fu* mune titan forty years her but she was never hopelessly vexed culturist Both breeds doubtless de- Ing stormy nights, but then the up- ��y °
faa•-shining virtues have {;rveu het an at them. "Life is all repenting and scend from the red swine which found per front end of the shed should be W Ty�■'��g 4addwiduW, ly that Time hos nut been beginning again,Terry," she said to ane subsistence in the British forests from open. Feed fattening lambs four times J. W. Irwin, ,' Clinton,
able to wither, it t,uuld be d,tlicult aolrnovledging his faults, a period earlier than the Norman can- a day and always at the same hour,
among to brilliant, nuble, sell-deuy_ Thus loving and {praying and doing quest, Though it may be traced to otherwise they are restless and fret, -- -- - --
1n,•' women that I have known during good on evemy hand, she made all her such remote ancestry, the Duroc- I which uses up flesh and tat, y �p gip
the last decades of my life to say [li.ts fresh sweet and
a 8hehlovedinCrod and am a cup
bej latest
as a recognized publt�favoris thn i �'e may ibe very sots that many a CLE�FRIN0 43I`7�6o
latest candidate for good lamb, and doubtless the ewe as
vr• that woman was the beat, torr yhe I • -����.
might be the bast only in kind Lire 1'eved in heaven, ar-d she must have this country. Red hogs which forms- We Have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Crcokery and Glarslvare
y ed the American foundation of the well, is lost by the chilling effect of this mouth as we p i j e
nry ictal womart being so many-sided, gone there, Far those who love God breed were ice water and snaw on the inside. Loss I ro ruse vin U
so apparent] 'Prank, and Y in thus life find no ddfliculty to going quite common in New Jer» 6 K p keeping !hose linea. Intending '
Y yet so real! say nearly, if not of lambs has been traced directly to I purchasers will find the prices vary IOwv as the goods trust be sold,
spRiinx-like. to Iilm when life f over, quite, a century illness of the ewes directly after drink- E, RARR. ago, In 1872 they were named "Jet-- C1oCe1'lea ciao at Close Cut Prices.
But of MargWat Lane I say at once, sey Reds." Before this, however, the Ing cold water a eating snow. Only I - Tornio, Cash or
"this woman was enlightened by her - red hogs had spread Into Other states Water from a deep well should be. J. �TEvvART.
heart and her wisdom was farmed from quperstitioun used, and given fresh three times a
the light that came th.atce." She had Just day before yesterday I was In day, and we should see that allies Age6t for the KOlona Te+t.
no doubts aP God, nor of herself, nor the waiting room of one of the big ewes get a drink; it is indibpensable'
of the world. Satence did not trouble dry goods shops, when a tired -look- to good digestion,
her; social etie conditions did not perplex Ing young woman came wit w1'th a 1 � It is vain to hick for good results 1 89 FURNITURE. J 8g7
her; she had oneness of mind single- baby In her arms. Every cthalr was from feeding if the ewes are compelled
hearted woman of sweet nature, joy- occupied, and the mother laid the S p
to slack their 'thirst with snow or ice,
sus, ardent, hopeful. j sleeping infant on the table, Instantly or lee -cold water. Think for a moment We have stat ted the Noty Year with Be fine a line of Furniture as you wish
1 was in a T,xas wilderness, and 1 a well-dressed woman sprang up and of the effect on the stomach of this I t0 see and at rriite that will astonish you for cheapness
woks up very early one mtrrnang and fairly jerked the baby off the table. tender animal. One ounce of gnaw or 1 p All our goods are
I'LI&w it was near dawn, fur'the horses, Don't you ever do that thing again," *u"' �,, a1wL ice swallowed by.a sheep will cool one I warranted to give ealiafulcUorl and we extend to you an invitation to call and
-its appruach,had ozasedfeeding' she cried to the astonished motber, v� ounce of food -no less than 42 degrees �� Ct our lars.e stock ar BED RtOUM SUITES P�RLOI? SUITES, SIDE
and were lying down, and there was a Don't you know that's a sure fore- ` " Go+ in the mere melting of It only -and RDS EX, TABLES DINING ROOM CS, CDNTRE TABLES
murmuring current muvilig the upper shadowing of the child's death? Never TYPI(;,tL DUItoe- JERSEY, DIMPLE I1, I then the food will be ice cold. It is ' �HAIR, r
leaves of the trees, and gradually de- lay It on a table 1f you want to raise and were quite extetaslvely raised in I the cooItng effect of the snow or ice , ,
Seend-ng to the branches below, And Saratoga county, N.Y. Mr. Isaac Frisk, in the melting of it more than its mere CIiATRS OF ALL FINDS, when we know we Can please you in quality and
I I sat silent on the dry, Warm grass One of m.y young girl friends was a prominent farmer o4 that state, call_ coldness that chills the animal and I prices, ��V� �� TRIAL.
I heard the no Of same one drawls graduated from the girls' school near makes the trouble. A
g ed them "Duroc" ,pigs, in compliment The breeder of early lambs will need
water, .and about one hundred yards here In June. All the graduates wrote to the great stallion of that name. In
T essays in comnetition for the annual 1883 a meeting of Duroc-Jersey swine a 'fresh cow a nurse the ill pa weaklings well
Undertaking Department
away i found in the leafy wilderness
a well, and there was a woman stand- school prize. My friend won. She told breeders was held in Elkhorn, W is., help those needing it, It will pay well Our Undertaking Department is complete in every rospect and as we purohase from first class
Ing by it. me all about it as soon as she came and an asGoeiation was organized to to do some hand work in the flock to manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its branches as we have
Nov, when a woman is sweet -tem- promoted the success of the breed, In save the eaxly larrrb, if only one comes an Undertaker and Embalmer of fifteen eats experience and any orders we ma • be favored
pered at 5 o'clook In the morning, that "I came mighty near not getting it," I 1888 the American Duroc-Jersey Swine unexpectedly, but where they are Took- with shall rocuive the very hest attention, Don't forget the old stand near Fair's MI�1.
is a great test of goodness, and Mar- she said. When I copied my essay Breeders' Association was duly inter- ! ed for one should be prepared with a B1tOADr OOT, BOX R CO„ Clinton.
gaeat met me wdth a smile that I can to send it 'in I found it had thirteen porated under the laws of Illinois, and supply of milk. As sheep's milk has P• S. Tight and Sunday calla will be attended to by calling at oto• Mr, Jno. Powell's residence
recall even as I -write; it was so bright, Pages. Of course, I knew then that I 50 per cent, more fat in it than cow's
g c now in a flourishing and prosperous mills, the cow chosen for this use
h without guile or mtscallog, She couldn't win; nobody could her. thin- I condition. The standard of charac- ( ��0���®�� �� n
diad on a narrow, ]lm calico teen for a hoodoo against her. So I, J should be a Guernsey or a Jersey, But .� �XX'/I•�f O•
P, gown, I teristtes for the breed adopted by the have a good cow of some kind when
- but her sunbonnet had fallen to her I v` ell• I just co -Pled the last page over asSoriatlon is as follows: "A Duroc-
feet, and so revealed her face, •a very again' and numbered it twelve and a ,jersey should be moderately long,
I the lambs are coming. _
lawman face, wan and faded, but show- half." -Washington Post. quite deep -bodied, not round, but broad j One of the best medicines Is santo- ( ■ �-
Ing endless diflioulties, surm,Ounted by on the back holding the width well nine, which is a preparation made from J '- endless love and 'q o.•n,•e in tr l'P:I ll)N, ������patience, Little by out to the hips and hams, The head the common rvhownoth plant, and the� ar ass � Oiex-
little I learned her hlstcry. She hada Dreams are curious things. About a shauid be small in proportion to the perl•ence has shown the value oP the��� ilum
husband whom she adored and .whom week ago a west Philadelphia girl body. The face slightly dished, nose I Preparation for all kinds Of intestinal
no one had the heart to disparage to I dreamed that she lost her watoh, and rather short. Ears medium in size, warms in sheep. Sheep will eat this
die¢,._ He was an idle, dcunging bad in the morning she looked In the place pendant and falling toward the eyes, bitter herb with avidity, doubtless In- apposite the Town .Mall.
In -
lot.' a braggadocio with a mLlitary where she always kept her timepiece, i Neck short, deep and thick. Legs I stlnctively, as an antidote to these per -
swagger and a hare's heart. The leas[' to discover that 1t rues gone. This, of ' short wide apart and well set under secutors. Yarrow is another of the
reverse, the least anxiety, the most I course, led her to believe that some tine 'body. Bone of medium fineness, I useful medicinal herbs; the common ®�'�1�1�
fitful labor, shrivelled him up; he was i ane had actually stolen it, and that arm large and flank well down. Hasps parsley Is another, and these three
nelt(her meat nom stuff in any time of she was not dreaming, but was merely broad, full and well down to the hock. should all be sawn in the pastures ( s A Splendid it17e Of Saskatchewan
trial. But he had sense eatough to i in a halt -sleep. With this dishearten- Tail large at the base and tapering, quite freely as antidotes to the numer- •
lean Oen his wife for everything and to Ing suspicion the crestfallen young p s, ous internal ,
Y g usually
scat of hair of medium fineness, parasites which hurt the t" ® RObeS—three (DROPS �iltbr])t
make a merit of the circumstance. 1 Roman told her brother of the affair, usually straight, but in some cases Rock. • 11 • and dark broil's and black --
likes to run the place," I The brother had to visit various pawn- wavy, with few if any bristles at top The flock which has been provided �i
he said, with a fine -tolerance, "and, shops and station houses, give a care- with a stock of roots, or even of cab- •
' of neck and shoulders. Color red,
by Save, she does it well enough! So ful description of the costly article, i • quality aqua] to Buffalo and
g varying from dark glossy cherry to bagel, for the winter feeding, will I
I let her have her way, and she gives I and was kept hustling around about light or yeilowis7n. An occasional fleck easily show the benefit of it when the Prices trade winnerq.
me my way.' Arid his way was to three or four days, vainly endeavoring of black (u natty on the belly and legs) cash account is figured up at the end •
ride to the nearest town and loaf on I to get a clew. But he finally abandon- is ad•missabe, but cherry red without of the season. Every flock should be • >
the hot veranda, or la ed all ho es of recovering the lost t•rea- • Goat and Galloway Lobes ail
Play poker from I P g black Is preferred, Disposition mild so Provided. Such succulent, easily , I
morning to night, while Margaret shad sure, In the evening of the very day and gentle. Art nine mortice old should digested and really nutritious food is sizes and prices. j
her way in the corn field and the gar- that her brother discontinued the dress 250 to 300 pounds and when dully I worth two prices, one for itself and j
den, in cooking,and washing, in Olean- I search the fair loser of the timteiplece matured 400 to 700 pounds. They are one'for the good result !,t has on the Our special make of SINGLE HARNESS has gained a superior reputation
Ing, in serwtng for .her children, and had another dream. This time she quite prolific, the sows breeding when the digestion of other food, thus adding for neatness, durability and lowness Of price. Team Harness Always in stock
amid her hundred other obligations, In dreamed that before retiring she had eight months old, and when fully in to the value of all the fodder and grain Or made to order.
teaching them to -read and write and I hidden her watch in'a shoe in the bot- tore farrowing from ten to Fourteen ted, to the extent that these are better ,
to use their flue senses. I tom of a closet. After risingnext fe est HORSE. 13LANKEATS, COLLARS, BELLS COMBS, BRUSHES .
pigs. The special characteristic of the digested ed. -American Sheep Breeder, , �r ,y4 [d8
She ..had five children, The three eld- morning, merely out of curiosity, she TRUNKS and VALISES.
pork is a plentiful proportion of lean
est "Were boys, and they worked with v, -'ant t4 the place designated in her meat and no excess o4' fat. •^
their mother and for her. It was turf- I dream, and to her amazement there Compared' with the small white and THE TUB SILO.OUR GOODS ARE BARGAINS AT OUR PRICES
Ions -to note how little account they beheld the innocent timepiece,-Phila- some other breeds, the Duroe-Jersey
made of -their father's help. He was deiphia Record. I is rather coarse, but is vigorous, hardy, Practical Instruetions For staking One
some one to be shielded and tamed for, I a good grazer and peculiarly exempt Under a Shed �� T O
because mother loved him and wished The rwomate0 n who
from disease. The general appearance ®.&..�.i., ��
it so, But for direction or advice it .Even the woman who cannot afford of the Jersey-Duroe is quite accurately The tub silo is becoming more papu- Q ��T�'�`�"�'�
was always "mrthar" they looked to. them is interested in knowing what shown in the accompanying portrait lar every day, says L. A. Clinton in (��(� ARMOUR.
Why not? Year alter year Ethe had the jewelers and china manufacturers of the sow Dimple II„ 8664 N, owned i..
brooded over these ,child•ren. Site had have combined to make for the tables by Edward L. Clarkson of Tivoli, N.Y.
Sed them with cher milk and reused of the rich. Here are some of the She Is i famous prize winner, having
them in In growth
s and watched every latest extravagances: Silver trays, taken first and sweepstakes al the a�� SUPPLIES,
day's growth with incalculable joy and with sugar bowl, cream pitcher,after- Iowa state fair in 1894, and made a
love acid prid'� pruning anva.y their dinnrr coffee pats and a tiny Dresden show ring history of continual sue-
f+aults and sN efly kissing thel,r vlrtues china bell; with silver handle. cess ever since. •••••••••O•••••• `s
to perfection. Like a bird, feverishly, Sliver butter -spreaders, with handle i Last year at the agricultural college
irasslonateSy, tearfully -hoveringover I of COalport. t
of Michigan a feeding test was made
them. Delft trays, panels, boxes and bowls, i with two Puroc-Jersey swine, and two i t I it Y
The tun girls lied from he a special I Poubonniers In gold, with jewels in- each of other breeds. The test lasted 1 ; • I I I
tenderness: "The first calamity is Co laid. 168 days, The first named made an
bP born a woman; all others can fol- Cordial sets -tray, decanter and average gain of 36.25
pounds every t
low it," she ,gof sadly, And when i gold encircling
glass, with Pramnwork of two weeps, or 2.59 pounds per da r I
they both died of yellow fever she gold encircling them. 'secured at a. cost of 4.65 pounds of ( I ; ,I
comforted -herself with the thought Liquor flasks of leather, with cup of grain for every pound 4. gain on live Stationery Department
that being now daughters Of Godthe silver. weight, This Y rf
y great! exceeded the
cosuperior stock of Pens su a Carries Mild never love end be ]owed by Mite I gain made by the pigs of the other � ' 1 " I Carri? Pencils, Pads, Writing,Papers, En
Apni.•s a� F,•od• breeds. A similar test is now going on p i ,
sons of mien. "The most sorratvfut g g I'I� vela es, Writing Pads Mourning .Writing Paper an Envelopes,
thing in life is loving," she sa'd'
"it By a careful analysis it has been At the Michigan experiment station, i r' ]Memoriam ]Folders, Programme Folders, Wedditrg Stationery; also
is anxiety without cpawing, and yet found that apples contain •a larger I and so far the red hags are In the lead. scribblers, Inks, &c„ &c. No better Goods or value is Offered its the
woman must love or die." amount of p'hozphorus or brain food I' ! I County of Hnron.
And when I recall her wards I al- than any other frult or vegetable; and I 81-1, P"d .w Oa a I' I ; ••••A••••••••••• �, o
ways recall them with the lines writ- on this account they are very {mmort- I did not so distinctly note all the THEN �� S••
ten by another scrrawful, laving wo- ant to Sedentary men, who work their I indications of corn -fed sheepas I did I RECORD Clinton.
man, to the same text; brains rather than their muscles. They afterward by comparison of these with 1
"Do I not know also contain the acids which are need- flocks fed an oats. The contrast was
The Life od' women is full of woeq ed especially for sedentary men, the remarkable. The oat -fed lanr'bs stretch-
Toiling oa, -ami on, and an, action of whose liver Is sluggish, to ed out, they were rangy, free and �.tt�nd
eliminate the effete matters, which, Lf graceful in their action, cleared the I" U
With breaking Heart, and tearful eyes, g �', .t, ,r nt l,, r r.;
And silent HIPS; and in the soul retained In the system, produce in- ' sill with an elastic bound, Their skins
The secret Ion that arJse, action of the brain, and, indeed of the were rosy -red; there was an almost TTTB STbO UNDER A SHED,
Which this world never satisfies." Whole system, causing jaundice, sleep- entim. absence of blockiness In the
mess, scurvy and troublesome diseases fleeces, which were dense, but elastic, the Rural New Yorker, I have ex -
Just when her youngest son ap- of the skin,-Agass{z. that one could grasp In great voluml:,- amined several, and they all seem to
preached manhood the,whearthar came. It --- I sue handfuls, almost as even on the be doing excellent work. The farm
was on every Texan hearthsitone before 1i', ills or the nay, ti -Ps as thee fleeces of two -year --olds. ars who are using the -twb silos are,,
it -reached the battlefield. But at this Some of the granny muffs are made 1 Oats make muscle and good red blood; in every case, so far as I can learn,
-crisis a phase of Margaret's nature, even larger by frills of satin at the I corn creates fat. But young animals well pleased with them. They can Du.f toll S
not suspected', came to the front. "In- openings. must make growth, and the corn -fed be built at half the expense of the
side the -louse door," -she said, spreaA- The old-fashioned "rat" is now used bloat of early fall was deceptive; It square or restangu•lar silo, and they
ing out her arms, as if to embrace her to produce the new-fashloned pompa- was not growth, but mostly adipose ; commend themselves In every way to
home, "I will have no quarrelling. dour coiffure. tissue, which had no adequate frame the small farmer and dairyman. They
Each of you boys shall chose his own A gown, which for extravagance can- of bone and muscle to be placed upon, I can be constructed of 2x6 scantling, Great
side; neither father nor I will think not he excelled, is a silk -lined velvet, so that the lambs became pudgy ("pot- i but they should be beveled, not groov- �
for you; and if you quarrel among trimmed with real lace, sable and 'bellied," in farmer's venacular), and ed or tongued, The reason for bevel -
yourselves, 'think how soon words genuine diamond buttons, long before spring they collapsed, so Ing is this: If put up otherwise, they
come to shots; and know, -too, that if Long sleeves for evening wear come to speak, having no longer either mus- come In contact only at the interior
a ball touches any of you It goes with buttons, by which they are at- cle or fat as they ought to have them. edge. Should there be a knothole, or f
through my heart also." tainnd to the shoulder of the gown, -S. Powers, In Country Gentleman. an irregularity In the scantling, ar
The two eldest boys went with the thus actually forming a sleeve of kid. - — should it by shrinking became slightly
Confederacy. They raised a company Saltine Stock, warped there, it would be almost {m- ale 9 0
and got their swaggering, boastful Maintaininc it Iteputation. Salt should be (rept where it is ac- possible to make it air -tight. Have
father elected captain. The youngest The dairyman who has built up aoessi'ble to live stock at all times. A the scantling beveled at the mlil. Tell
son was loyal to the Union and went steady demand for his butter must box arranged as shown In cut will be I the sawyer what .sized silo you purpose -0vP^Qct `41,
Into hiding, and, for his mothers sake, work just about as hard to keep that
found' useful for this purpose, as to build, and he will bevel them so
no one knew Ws whereabouts. In those demand In a healthy condition as he I s quantity can be placed in Lt at once, that they wall exactly fit. The ad -
"ye love and pride and grief filled did to secure it in the flrst place. If I and as r t supplied with an whenever
ditlottal expense will be less than that Blariketsand
M•axgT2ret's heart; but she kept her by solme misfortune a batch of butter
tvc sever it can be palled up whenever I w attempting to stop up the o stop Yarns,
Ba,oe of horpe always turned to Tar dear is inferior to that usually made, it ""'`e°� �:'�lltshriking do not
ones, though she had no •hope. For should never be semi to regular cus- all hr wish the silo to swell some to
this simple creature got right under �tomers. Sell It on the market without ed,
every situation. When I asked her calling attention to the name of the _ aid In making tighter joints; and then,
'Show• she knew the south would fail," ! person who made it. Let It bring what when empty, we want it to shrink so
s'he answered only, "Out here In the It Is worth. that moisture cannot collect between ,� ,�� • ��
wilderness one learns to think," But J the staves -and rot them out. The
on one exquisite April morning she sent Both hinds.coating of coal tar on the inside, ap-
plied after the hoc p
her husband and sons away with "I want er tranafet-," said Far SALT LICIT FOR STOCK, hoops are drawn u Albert St.
smiles. The birds were singing as 1E �' tight, 1s entirely sufficient.
g Haysede, as he climbed Into a street convenient, The cover, Is hinged and Hot tar Is very penetrating, and will
they never would grow old, and shx ear, bringing a pound or two of mud
has a block Halted on top to prevent find Its way into every crevice, thor-
let no shadow of fear or grief dark- on each boot. CLINTON.
en their gay de'p•artUre. •There would "Yes, and so do I -areal estate one splitting, and also to cause the cover Oughly excluding the air. Whether it S C. be time enough to weep when they ]`smacked the smart conductor. 'g> to fall back Into .position, The front will last longer, or be more effective
end of box is cut away exposing the than when thinned with gasoline, I
were but of t1ght. step outside and wipe your feet,
Hitherto her,Rfe had been set to two please. ,Detroit Free Press. salt, and cattle readily learn to raise cannot state. There can now be pur-
wools, Trove! .Service! Now sbe was to the cover when salt hungry. -Practical chased in the market tar paint ready
learn the rneantnlg of that worship Farmer. for application. In our experience with Au Touches the spot''" -
which Waits. Alas'. It was for a tra- Turd to Explain. -- this, the man who was painting the
gine eluding. Her daring youngest boy, "Pa, has Ice-cream got a lap?" Tile Queeuts Christmas Stocic, Interior was twice overcome by the
In trying to make his way to Banks' "No -no --•Dickie; what a silly ques- Our Gracious Queen Is quite a breeder noxious gases, and was compelled to aeLeod s Systeme Renovator
army, was Caught and hung as a spy, tion," of live stock, taking a good many leave the silo. Gas tar may be pur- 0000000000000000A601 4•��•m••tA10•A••�•••••�••••r•
Tier second son Was IdIled art Shiloh; "Weil, you said Ice-cr*am wuz a prizes one year with another. At one chased very cheaply, and when heat-
her husband came back to her It dying Luxury, an' then I heard ma say she of her Windsor Parma an auction sale ed slightly, makes a very efldetent -- ---rOR
man, and her .eldest son, u ten the war wwz brung up In the tap o' luxury, an, was held just before Christmas, the Paint. Trinidad aaphalt may be pur- 7
was over, br is home with nam, r. I jes' want to know how It Is.-, Catalog comprising 35 cattle, 420 sheep chased for about $3 It barrel. This, if Weak and, Impure blood
frOtttul, adcklY, jg"Li1' Whom he had Ytlar•_ and 110 hogs, alt of which had been used alone, is so brittle upon becoin- p ,
vied. But saheb' lin these hard 'Ciroturt- Th' Inch• led upon the royal estate. Devon bul- ing hard, that it soon cracks and is
stalicsG+h Mari3aie't 44irnd comfort. "My Pantry Pete frowned heavily. teaks sold at $13,Q to $210 each, and worthless. Mixed In the -proportion of Liver and.Kidnep Diseases,
h -us' 4fid Amd T shad •a good year at the "See here, tenderfoot," ,he mid, 'hel•ters at $105 to $120; Hereford heifers nine parts Trinidad asphalt to one paxt �•-y
la*t;" she ®old'. "He wah almobt like "that brogue of yours Is too rich, It')] $98, Shorthorn steers $185 4o $200; of gas tar, and 'heated, it mattes a Female:Complaints Fete.
my ctrilfl. He loved me best do the get you Into trouble. Our people are Ha npshinedown wethers $17 to $32; valuayble application for roofs, stable r I .
Valley at DeatJti. > had artkexi tlo often pow6rilully down on plutoot'acy."-,IDe- Southdown wethern $13 to $16; Berk- floors or silos. Tl']g. 5 shows a tub silo
that ire mlg'ht Dome to irn'aw and ,Loge ` tro4t Journal, share fat hogs $17 to $111 with shed eovertng. Ask Druggist Or write direct to J. M. MAC)LrCOdr GloDslzIaH, Ont.
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