HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 5. There avo a 0 4 But two 1•ewedies only do we recoulmond to farmers for killing the lice which at this tiwtl of year so seriously pre- ' . vgnt their stock from thirv- Ing. Either use Insect Powder or Instant Lousekillerl The firs; If pure is`suie. The second is sure, no if attach- ed. Customers tell us that our Insect Powder does its workThat's sufficient. We sell ii for 50c. a lb. Others a ala say that the Louse - killer is the very thing they have been looking for. it is instant in action as well tie in name. In o:le pound packages, sprinkle tole, Me., from us only. A Condition Powder . . You can depend upon is what we offer you in our own pow- •_ der put up in 1 pound 25c, or 5 pounds $1.00. If you don't ' like ityou ma have your money _Back. a are safe in mukrng such an • offer be- cause are knots you will be satisfied. DRUGGISTS Allen W I111S011l OPTICIANS CLINTON, Ask for Dr. Hess' Stockbook, free. MORTGAGE SALE —OF VALUABLE— FARM LANDS lit the Township of Goderich.— Under and by virtue of the power of sale ,+ contained in certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, there will be sold at `- ppublio auction, by David Dickinson, Auc- i tioneer, at the $ Commercial hotel, Clinton, —on— SATURDAY, THE27TH FEB,, 1897, at 2 o'clock pp.� in., the following pro cry, viz: - ,. The South Half of Lot number 23 in the Fifth .` Concession of the township of Goderich in the County of Huron containing 40 acres, more or less. TERMS :-10 per cent. of the purchage ^'> ' money down on the day of sale and the balance ,in 30 days thereafter, without interest. The r, propertwill be put up subject to a reserved price. rther terms, particulars and condi- +.; tions made known at the sale or upon applica- tion to the undersigned. JAMES SCOTT) ` Vendor's Solicitor. D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton, Feb. 2nd, 1897. r WM. N. WALKER, —the reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. I Carpeta sewed and laid • also cleaned and re !t` novated at reasonable prices. ]]]•"Orders left at BROADFOOT & BOX'S •. store, Clinton or Seaforth, will be promptly at tended to, ' We -Clio not Too much when we say that we can' Repair Watches Right. We guarantee our work or no ^` charge, and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. Also our Engraver does beautiful -- , work-. - You can have your' Engraving done F While you wait. DONT FORGET US. J. B. Rumball, } JEWELER and TELEPHONE Office, CLINTON. Clinton Laundr y Huron Street. y4; •. i Our work as usual is first class and guaran• teed, while prices are lower than ever. We make a specialty also of Family Washing, and '- • call for the goods and deliver them free. &Call and see how muchy we can do for little mone • C. CONSIGNEY, Huron St., Clinton, Opposite Commercial Hotel. A GREAT OFFER. r, Those who sufCor from Catarrh can try the t most successful remedy. in the world without i pa yin ono cent in advance. Cali on our repre- sentative in Clinton and you will be given a Germicide Inhaler. Give it a fair trial at your home and if successful you can pay $3 for same, it not, no obarge whatever will be made. This grand remedy a prompt pleasant and german. ont and oures Catarrh where all else fails. For remedy on aboge liberal terms call at Combe's Drug Store, Clinton, SATFEDAY, FEB. 20th • 'wand you will be given the remedy on trial with - ut having to pay anything In advance. Rem. ember the date Those who cannot call, ad - dregs Medical Inhalation Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Tht cattle dealors of Buffalo and ;vi- cinity.are jubilant over the abrogation of the quarantine of Canadian cattle, and large importations are being made. it J ,Two roars" At the most is the longest period a Watvh should run without being cleaned. During that time it's astonishing the amount of dirt that works its way into the watch. It stands to reason that this dirt mixing with the oil, clogging and wearing the dell- cate mechanism of the watch, must if allowed to remain and accumulate, eventually ruirt the time keeping qualities of your watch. Longer it may run with- out you noticing any appreciable difference in that respect blit eventually the breakdown will come if neglected. WE ARE EXPERT WATCH CLEAKERS, EXPERT WATCH REPAIRERS we are all round Jewellers, but Watch Repairing is our Specialty.. . Drop in and let as examine your watch. If it doeen't require cleaning you will know it. We will toll you so. If it does and you wish to leave it in our care we will guarantee to fix it up right at a moderate price. 'ct►'ov'o�' P. B. Crews. Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer. ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE! EN7f Q � - STRATFORD, ONT. A largo, eleggaantlyy equipped commercial school -NONE BNTTI'R IN CANADA, Students may enter at any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Prof. Welch Who has been lecturing in the 'TOWN HALL for 2 nights back, we are pleased to state has had full houses. To-niikht, (Wednesday) he lectures on - Love, Courtshipp and Marriage. It will only be 10 cep for you to bear this amusing and instructive lecture, don't miss it. The Prof. has his rooms off the parlor at the Rattenbury Hoose, where he gives private readings from 10 a. in, till 10 P. m. None should fail to have an ex- amination by him and find out for what they are best adapted, and how to enjoy life and live long. He leaves in a few days. East Wawanosh. PERSONALS. -Mr. David Dow, of Hibbert, was the guest of his brother Jautes Dow last week. -Miss Erosey, of Gorrie, is the quest of her friend Miss Perdue, of • the 10th con. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Rath of the 7th con. were "at home" to it number of their friends on Friday evening. -Mrs. Paul, of Whitechureb, visited her friend Mrs. E. Worden last week. -Mr. W. C. Steen and daughter Ada of Carberry, Man , after visiting friends on the 10th for several weeks left on Monday last for their home in the Prairie Province. MARRIED. -A pleasant event occurr- ed on Tuesday Feb. 9th at the residence of Mr; Jas. Mustin of the western boundary when nis fourth daughter Maggio was united in marriage to Mr. McGill of Howick, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. McNabb, of Wbitechurch, In the presence of about ninety guests. The bride looked handsome in a costume of white cash. mere trimmedwith lace and pe+aris and was supported by her sister Mics M Wy, attired in -steel colored cashmere, while Mr. Gibson of Winnipeg performed similar duties for the groom. After all had partaken of a sumptuous wedding breakfast the remainder of the evening was spent in music, danc- ing, etc. The bride received many use- ful and costly presents which testify to her popularity amongst her many friends all of whom join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Mcuill a long and happy life. Belgraye. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MLrin,ma.-Un• der the auspices of the East Huron Farmers' Institute three sessions will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Bel- grave; on Thursday, 25th inst., beginn- ing at 10 a, m., 1 and 7,30 p. m. A. rnong the topics to be discussed will be the following :-''Profits on the farm,'' by John C, Morrison; "Why we should underdrain," James McEwing; Main. twining the fertility of the farm," L. Patton, `,Ethics of the market," L Burrill; "Necessity of systematic anc thorough work," Jas. McEwing; "But ter making, on the farm," L. Patton "Superstitions of the farm," L. Burrill A good musical program will also be given at the evening session. Ever3 farmer thould be present. NOTES. -Jas. F. Brandon, of Hamioa til, Man., is here at present visiting friends and relatives. He will returt in a couple of weeks to his home in th+ in the Northwest. -The P. O. in. vestigation has apparently faller through, at least for the present, thi J. P. who made the complaint not hav ing the weight with the Governmen which be was supposed to have. They will be wise in their day and genera tion to estimate him at has true value like his neighbors do. Poor old Bob.— R. J. Tufts is again in our midst ane will remain several days.—Thos. Me Lean, from Lucknow, bouFbt a large mumber of cattle in this vicinity las week.—Robert Stonehouse, of alai burr, took unto himself a life partne. in the person of Miss Jamison, of Mar nock on Jan 29tb. They will reside it the Louse formerly occupied by tb, late Mr.e Forbes. -A large number o our young people drove over to Wm Burnetts ,one evening; last week am spent a very pleasant time in dancing and other amusements. -Misses Belh and Annie Scott and Master D. C. at rived home on Monday from a month' visit among friends in Halton county RICH 0010 MIN111 Camp McKinney, B. C., and 11ti Famous Cariboo. ifigures of the Output of British Colum- bia Ores-Jauuary Was a Record. Drealcer-Tho Production Now at the Bate of $8,000,000 Per Annum. -The Minneballa the Extension of the Carlboo. The modest little mining boom that began in British Columbia nine months ago has now assumed such gigantic proportions as to attract world-wide at- tention. That there is a solid basis for this boom the rapid increase in the output zf ore from ICootenay gives ample evidence. Official figures ars hard facts that cannot be denied. The tutal value of ore and ore -bearing matte sent out of this djstrict in Janu- ary of this year was $,506, or at the date of over $8,000,000 per annum. Although the output is so large, still at the present time there are only two mining camps in the whole of British Columbia that can boast of divldend- I?aying gold mines. The one is Ross - land, in Tiall Creek district, with its dividend -paying Le Rol and War Eagle ; the other is Camp McKinney, with its equally prolific and wonderful Cariboo. Wh'lst the name of Rossland is on every tongue, and that place is growing up as if it were by magic in- to a modern city, still very little Is heard of Camp McKinney. The charac- ter of the ore has much to do with this. In Rossland the ore has to be smelted, requiring a large expenditure of labor in transportation and otherwise, whilst u Cariboo tha rock is free -milling and "an be stamped and turned into gold on the spot. Camp McKinney is situated about 60 miles due west from Rossland ani about the same distance north of the international boundary line. In Mc- 'arney Is located the Cariboo mine, h'ch pays dividends, and should not ice confounded with scores of other Cariboo mines. This mine has had a wonderful record, and the dividends to date, including one of two cents per -I -are declared this month, amount to '140,964 76 since the summer of 1894, Then a ten -stamp mill was erected on (tie property. This ten -stamp mill cer. tnlnly has a record to be proud of. There Is not another mill of Its capa- olty on the Paclfle coast that has pro- duced more bullion. A Toronto syndi- cate has been fortunate enough to se- ,'ure the Minnehaha claim, which Is the southern extension of the Cariboo 'edge. Before placing the property on 'ho n:arket In the east a shaft was put clown on the Minnehaha 43 feet, when the vein was found to be about four 'eet wide and the ore, which was as - at 'Vancouver and at the Schooi )f Practical Science in Toronto, gave essays running from $20 to $260 in golrl. Thcre Is no gold to be seen In the rook with the naked eye, as It is all dissemi- natecl In flne particles through the quartz. In sinking the shaft 35 tons of this ore was taken out. The property is one of great promise and the stock w•as placed on the east- ern market by Messrs. Campbell, Cur- rie & Co., brokers, Toronto, at the low figure of ten cents per share. In three Gays 46,000 shares were rnld. The price of the stock will doubtless be advanced between the 20th and 25th of this month, possibly to 13 or 15 cents, as the company do not wish to sell too much of their treasury stock at a low f'zrnrc. The oilirrrs of the Company are re- nrsentative eastern men, and are as llw:r:-Prrr•ldent, Prof. Henry Monl- _cn-ery of Trinity University, Toron- to, M.A., B.Sc., Ph,B., F.A.S.A., former - !y Professor of Mineralogy and Geo - 119y and head of the Mining Depart- mpnt in the State University of ITtah ; Vice-Presl.;ent, Capt, J. F. Ramsay, %VII0lc•sile ruere'hant, Toronto • Second rice -president, Alexander K. Roy, f,su., merchant, Toronto; Manager, kIt'Jor Ainsley Megraw, Camp McKin- B1y, B.C.; Secretary -Treasurer, Hiram fCitel Y. Esq•, broker, Toronto ; Direc- tors : Prof, H. Montgomery, Toronto; J. I1'. Bamsay, Toronto ; Alexan- Ier IC. Roy, Esq., Toronto ; *�. G. Detehori, Esq., whole- sale chemist, Toronto ; Walter Wells, EPq., dentist, Waterloo ; Capt. J. A. Currie, broker, Toronto : W, R. Barnett, Esq., merchant, Paisley ; A. G. Seaman, Esq., lumberman, Wlarton; J� L. Ballantyne, Esq„ merchant,Tiver- ton ; G. K. Mills, B.A., Stratford ; Bar- thelemi Verret, Esq.', wholesale mer- chant, Quebec. All the stock of the owners and pro- moters is pooled and cannot be sold In competition with the treasury stock until the mine is on a paying basin. The treasury stock is 250,000 shares out of a capital of 1,000,000 shares, par value $1 each, with an additional 50,000 shares reserved for the treasury in case there is not sufficient money real- ized from the first block in the treas- ury to place the mine on a paying foot - Ing. Messrs. Campbell, Currie & Co, have peen kept busy issuing prospec- tuses to Inquirers all over the country from Halifax to Vancouver. They will be pleased to send a prospectus and Particulars of the property to anyone desirous of obtaining information. Saltford. OUR SicK.—Mr. R. R. Syymonds ie still on the sick list. -Mr. Wm. Putti is also on the sick list. -Mr. B. Mason is laid up with a sore foot. SUCCESS TO Him. --Mr. Peter Me Ewan got a patent out some time agc to make salt. He has now got every thing ready to try the second part of its. He will likely start this next week, We hope it will be a success, A REPORT. -There is talk going tht rounds that Mr. Dan. McCormack, of Godericb, has bought the brewers here. SAW Loos. -Mr. Jos. Goldthorpe it getting in loge, so that we will have a saw mill here again. Tuckersmith. CONTRACT LICT.-Conn. Thos A Walker has the contract for the stone work of the barn on the farm o Samuel Noticy, London Road. Mr Fred. Tomlinson; who has the fare rented, is an excellent tenant and gave the contract to a superior workman Mr. Walker can be relied upon toyer form a satisfactory and first-class ob NOTES. -Rev. Mr. Sawyer exchange( V1itshere last Sabbath with Rev Ford, of Clinton. The latta preached a most profitable sermon All were delighted witb it; it si bristled with fatebithatthe congregatiol will long remember Mr. Ford's sount Christian advice. -Mr. and Ml's. A. M Todd, of Clinton, spent Sunday wit] Mrs. Layton and family bore and ar welcome to the political lion sphere and this is no reflection whatever upol their political opponents. ltutgll :lx�i4 otyed dealth of ' �tsa 11+f;lller In t7estv>rlay morning oal,le forth tlfiixolrs4l, Xe ret, The funeral will take Ppince to"BaXIIId cemetery tomorrow at,2 o'clock p. W. Ashfield. SJ5RIOUSLY II.L.-WO are sorry to learn that Mr. Smith, of the 12th con., 'Vest Wawanosh, who was seriously injured by being thrown out of it rig in Bay City, Mich., lies seriously ill. -----�....► 4MN -.. Holmesville. ACCIDENTS. -On Sunday ruornitlg, I while Mr, J. Marquis wets back- ing his borne out of the church yard,'I he ran Into another cutter, the shaft of which struck him breaking one of his ribs and otherwise injuring him. His friends hope to bear of his speedy re- covery. -What might have been a ser- ious accident occurred on Mondaq morning when Miss Fanny Blackwell youngest daughter of the shoemaker, fainted and fell onto the stove burning her hands and face severely, We hope it will not prove serious. NOTES. -Messrs. Hall and Lane and their wives, of Lucknow, spent a few days with friends here. -Mr, Young, of Al mer, is visiting friends in the neighborbood.-A. Bean, of Clinton, spent a few days here. -Mr. Geo. Ache- son, of Goderich, paid a flying visit to friends here. -Mr.A.Couslns was called to Colborne on account of the serious illness of his father. -W. Stanley, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, is recovering. -Rev. Mr. Mulholland, of Iowa, is visiting his parents here. He preached two very enjoyable sermons on Friday and Sun- day evening, -Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Miss Lily Holmes, in Clinton. -Miss Sarah Turner, of Clinton, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Susie Acheson. County Currency. Mr. Harry Cowan, of Seafortb, has purchased and taken possession of a drug business in Mount Forest. Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, formerly of Blyth, hits rented a house in Seafotth, where he intends to practice, Sarftb, the beloved wife of John W. Walker, of Turnberry, died on Wed- nesday in her 67th year, of la grippe. Mr. Alex. Kerr, of McKillop, has purchased the farm of Mr. Ritchie Common, north of Seaforth for $5,900. M. Y. McLean, M. P. P„ left Sea - forth last Tuesday for Toronto where) he was present at the opening of the Legislature on Wednesday. A petition is being circulated in Sea - forth to be forwarded to' John Mc- Millan, M. P., for presentation to the Postmaster General, asking that a new post office be erected in Seatorth by the Dominion Government. PArs. David Duncan, formerly of Egntoodville, died at the residence of her son George, in Seaforth, on Satur- day week last, at the age of 87 years. Mrs. T. F. Coleman, of Seaforth, was seriously injured on the rink there last Friday night week by being run into by a yonng man being careless. The Estate of T. T. Coleman, Sea - forth, ate having an electric work- man's time detector system placed through their works. It will be nec- essary for each workman to insert a key in the detector on going to woi k, and by this system his time will be registered in the office. Mr. Robert Beattie has leased the Grieve farm on the 10th con. McKillop. Mr. Henry Cooper its former occu- pant having purchased a farm near' Clinton. The following novel advertisement appeared in the Toronto News hast week :-Gentleman, 25, wealthy, wishes acquaintance of a widow or young lady, object, matrimony. James aack, Auburn, Ontario. It is said that scores of letters await him. There died at the family residence, Exeter North, Maria Green, beloved wife of Mr. George Ford, at the age of 42 ryears, 6 months. Deceased had been ailing for several months of lung trouble. She leaves to mourn her demise a husband and five small child- ren. Mr. Jahn Davidson, drayman, Wing - ham, met with a painful accident last week. He was unloading baled hay, when he ma.ie a grab ata bundle with the book, stumbled and fell off the load, attiking his head on the tongue, inflicting a severe gash. Miss Clara Hambly, of Lucknow, who went to Kincardine last Friday week to spend it few days with her friend, Mise Sadie Brown, died there the following Sunday evening at Mr. Brown's residence. Miss Hambly was an expert and enthusiastic skater, and spent an hour or two at the rink Sat- urdav evening in the enjoyment of her favorite pastime,aferwards going home with her friend. She retired in apparently good health, but awakened during the night suffering great pain, which continued all day, with the above result. Her death Is attributed to perforation of the stomach. While taking a flash light picture at the residence of John Hill in Grey, Mr. H. R. Brewer met with a painful acci- dent which cost him his Index finger of the left hand. The compound used to cause the light is highly explosive and very dangerous to handle. On this occasion it exploded in the nickle vessel which Mr. Brewer held in his left hand and besides shattering the index finger a nasty gash was made on his thumb, besides a piece (of the metal striking him behind the car. - Brussels Hearld. News Notes. Fred, Westhover and two Indiana were frozen to death at Lake Winni- pegoosis during the storm of Thursday, )January 28th. The Dominion Type Foundry Com- pany of Montreal has gone into liqui- dation. Albert Hess, of Ipswich, Mass., dis- appeared with $7,000 of other people's money. He sent his wife word to re- turn to her parents in Toronto, In the United States Senate Wednes. day Mr. Morgan, in a dramatic manner, declared that the construction of the Nicaragua canal was prevented by Great Britain's intriguing. Lindsay won tho Ontario Curlinp Tankard in Toronto, defeating the Hamilton Victories. the runners -tip, by 47 shote to 31. W,,-� r, ,..... GURS, I GUNS I GU, M! We are practical Uachinists with a filly equipped Uepwlr Sll . . W V#4, repair and clean (SUN$ and BE WING MACHINES of all kind, 1 w,*w t%it and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can malceas, We grind, sharpen and polish all kinds of Ii:NIVES,S01"Q1�$4 SKATES, &c., and retemper if required. ' Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machilnet T. Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like natut' Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee sadufac tion. Huy your shells from us ---glen are tie best. The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. A, Snap �For Consumers. O. OLSON is giving 24 lbs Redpath's Granulated Sugar for $1 tO every purchaser of $1 worth of Groceries, in- cluding 1 lb, of 25c, 40c or 50c Tea. We also have other Bargains, 11 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 25c. FLOUR of choice quality $2,15 per cwt., Oil which we give a premium as well as a low price. Come to us for your Bran and Shorts. .= Good, Clean Grain Wanted. O. OLSON, Victoria Street, Clinton. B'g Sacrifice And Clearing Sale.. As we are about leaving town and all goods must be sold before the last of March, we have marked our Goods to less than Wholesale Price. Watch for our Advertisement next week. A. C. DUFTON, Woolen Mill Store, �CLZNTON. New Canned Goods--s"*r PEAS, CORN and TOMATOES; PINEAPPLES, PEACHES, PEARS. PLUMS, CHERRIES, STRAWBERRIES. our. DeliciousMONS Puts Extilaordinary Value in Teas. Ceylon Tea, slao our250 TEA. ,_..o. -Special drives in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets.�- Gl'�•0.0.0� �'�•0^�Y(p�0�0� N. Robson, Albert St., Clinton. MARKET REPOR'T'S. BIR,TIiS R (Corrected every Tuesday afterneen.) TAMAN.-In East Wawanosb, on February 6th; the wife of Mr. Henry Taman, Jr., of -s, GLINTON. Fall Wheat ................... 0 73 to 0 75 0 s0 tis 0 40 BAttGE.-In Clinten, on the 13th inst., the wife Mr. Alf. Barge, of a daughter. Barley..... .......... Uats ............................. 0 16 to 0 18 Peas .............................. 0 36 tc 0 0 MARRIAGES. Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25 GOLLEY-CASSELS.-At the residence of Jos. Butter ......................... 0 10 to 0 11 Golfey V. S., Wingham, brother of the 'brides, 10, by Rev. wnL Eggs per doz................. 0 11 to 0 12 on Wednesday, February Lowe, Isabella Golley, o Morris, to Thomas day.. 8 00 to B 00 Cassels of East Wawanosh. Cordwood ...................•.. 3 00 to 3 50 DI11-01APMAN.-In Hensal1,� on the loth D. Dick, fipples per bush ............. 0 35 to 0 35 Dried A les er lb........ 0 2 to 0 2lj NP P inst. by Rev. W. E. Kerr, Mr. ;lllhn of T{Iornbury, formerly of Hay, to Mise Carrie, daughter Wm. Chapman, Hay. Ducks per lb................ , (] 05 t0 0 06 of Mr. of BRYDONE—HAMILTON.-At the residence of Turkeys per lb.... ......... . 0 06 to 0 07 the bride's parents on the 10th inet., by the Rev. Ezrti A. Fear, fdr James Br done of Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 .Mii- Mies Mary Haaailton, of Morniagtoar Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35 townshito F• TORONTO FARMURB MARKET. -_ Wheat, white.... .....$ 818 to $ 0700 DEATHS. do red ................ do goose .............. 641 to 00 8-Ta years. mr Feb. 10th, Hugh McD old, aged McDonald, aged 87 years. �i� Buckwheat ............. 32J to 00 Rye ......... ........... 33 to 34 23 to 231 HENDERSON,—At Wellborn, on Feb. 3ra, James Henderson, sr, aged 85 years 6 mdutbs Hugh $.oss, Cilia Oats ..................... and 26 days, father of Mrs. - Peas .................... 42 to 00 tow Barley ................. 28 to 30 Hay , 1150 to 1400 TwITCHELL.-In Clinton, on Feb. 11th, VA - ward Twitchell, aged 02 years and throe Straw, bundled......... 675 to 750 14 s new laid.......... l4 to 15 Eggs, months - HOLMEs.-In Clinton, on Feb, 11th Lily Holraies, eldest daughter of Mr, W. J, Holmes. Ducks .................. 40 to 60 aged 20 years. Butter, lb. rolls......... 12 to K do Tubs, dairy...... , 9 to 12 M$YER.-In CalBgarYY, N. W.. T. on Friday. Feb. 5th, Ron ry W. C. Moyer, 4. 41. The fan - Chickens ............... 26 to 50 eral took place from the Seaforth station to the Harpurhey cemetery on Thursday, Feb. 11th. Turkeys ................. 8 to 9 6 to 7 SNELL.-In Exeter, on the 7th inst., TvMrca Geese .... . ............ . 25 to 40 Irene, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EN Snell, 6 months. Potatoes ....... ... .... Dressed hogs ........... 450 to 5 60 aged FORD. -In Exeter North, on Fob. 10th, Maria .beef, hindquarters...... 400 to 5 50 2 50 to 3 50 Green, beloved wife of Mr, Geo. Ford, aged32 years, 5 months, 27 days, do forequarters, ..... Lamb . .... • • • 6 50 to 750 Cox. -In Goderich, on Sunday, Feb. 7th, Goo. .. ..... . . . Mutton 400 to 0 00 Cox, aged 71 years. ................. Monnisa.-In Colborne, on Tuesday, Annie TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Stevens, beloved wife of Thos. Morrish, oT Boswvain, Man, Milch cows, each ...... $20 00 to $35 00 Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 60 to 420 Flossie � � RGoder ch youngest on Feb. daughter Mr. John odic, aged 2 years 4 months and Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 3 00 to 3 25 days. Butchers'ord.togdcattle,cwM 25 to 275 250 to 350 HAMBLY.-In Kineardino, Feb. 6th, Clara Bulls, per cwt ........... • Stockers & Feede's perewt 2 50 to 3 00 Sophia, second daughter of Mr. Edward Ham - bly, Lucknow, aged 21 years and three months Shipping'Sheep, per cwt... 3 25 to 3 50 Butchhers 8heep,per head.. 2 50 to 3 00 MILLER. --In Clinton, on the 16th Inst. Ann youngest daughter of Mr. M. Miller, Instil ayflelQ, Lambs, per cwt., .. ...... 4 25 to 4 75 aged 20 years and 3 months. Calves, per head......... 4 00 to 600 hoga,p.er cwt 4 40 to 4 50 Veter- Choice Bacon Thick fat hogs, cwt ........ .3 50 to 3 60 Candidates for the officers of -nary Inspectors under the new quai� in Ligbtfat hogs, cwt ......... 3 60 to 3 65 - regulations will be examined at Sows per cwt ............ ..2 75 to 3 00 2 00 to 225 London, on February 19th, Toronto Stage, per cwt ............ g Boars, per cwt............ 1 25 to 1 75 20th, Kingston 22nd. Sir Chat lea and Lady Tupper arrived at Halifax Monday from England on ills drove A convict in the Kingston peniten- mail steamer Mongolian. They to the residence of Hon. W. tiary named Troy, who is serving a term, has made confer- at once Parker, Dartmouth, where they will twenty years' Bion that in tSeptomber, 1893, be shot be guests for a few days, before leav-. and killed Angus McLeod, of Napanee, ing for Ottawa.